Dual Credit US History Syllabus (Unit 2) Chapters 6, 7, and 8 Readings: The American Pageant, The Last Best Hope, and in class documents Objectives: Understand why France and Great Britain engaged in a contest for North America. Explain how the French and Indian War affected British subjects. Analyze deeply rooted historical factors that moved America toward independence from Britain. Describe the theory of mercantilism. Describe the major British effort to impose taxes and tighten control of the colonies. Understand salutary neglect. Describe how America moved from engaging military hostility with Britain even while proclaiming loyalty to the king. Explain specific principles of the Declaration of Independence. Analyze the ideas of Thomas Paine. Understand the military obstacles of each side during the war. Analyze the reasons for American victory in the Revolutionary war. Day One: Quiz over Chapter 6 (American Pageant) Class Discussion Questions and Presentation: “French and Indian War” Activity: Albany Plan of Union Homework: Read pages 123-138 (American Pageant) Day Two: Quiz over reading Discuss salutary neglect (Watch Andy Griffith Show) In class identifications with a group: (Create a chart of reasons for Revolution) Discuss charts and complete it for homework. Day Three: Reasons for Revolution chart due today. In class debate: “Parliament vs Colonial Legislatures” Homework: Read pages 140-152 and complete identifications Day Four: In class reading: Declaration of Independence and Common Sense Complete questions and discuss. Homework: Read pages 152-161 and complete identifications Day Five Patriots v Loyalists activity and debate. Revolutionary War Battle chart. Homework: Finish activity and chart. Day Six Stamp Act Newspaper Activity in lab Homework: Study for Unit 2 Exam Day Seven Unit 2 Exam Identifications due