Dick Cheney? Didn’t He Shoot Somebody? Measuring Political Knowledge in the 2008 American National Election Study Michael D. Martinez Stephen C. Craig Department of Political Science University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611-7325 Abstract: While many scholars have illustrated the importance of political knowledge in shaping public opinion and vote choice, the measurement of political knowledge is still being refined. Office recognition questions are a common component of general political knowledge measures, and have appeared regularly in the American National Election Study time series. The 2008 ANES included redacted verbatim responses to the recognition questions, which allows us to determine the extent of “partial knowledge” about some public officials. Our coding of these responses reveals evidence of considerable “partial recognition,” which is positively associated with other measures of political knowledge but not with higher levels of issue voting. Prepared for presentation at the Annual Meetings of the American Political Science Association (Washington, DC), September 2-5, 2010. © American Political Science Association. We are grateful to Will Hicks for his research assistance on this project. While many scholars have illustrated the importance that political knowledge plays in shaping public opinion (Althaus 1996, 1998; Brewer 2003; Gibson and Caldeira 2009; Gilens 2001; Krosnick and Brannon 1993; Kuklinski et al. 2000; Sturgis 2003) and vote choice (Bartels 1996; Basinger and Lavine 2005; Goren 1997), the measurement of this key concept is still being refined. Since Delli Carpini and Keeter’s (1996) analyses of the levels and correlates of political knowledge in the American public, office recognition questions have been a common component of general knowledge measures. These questions, which are intended to elicit basic awareness of people in government, simply ask respondents if they know “what job or political office” is now held by a few prominent leaders of the day. Questions similar to these that have appeared regularly in the American National Election Study time series since 1986 show variation in recognition rates across time and between political figures, but correct responses typically scale well both with one another and with other measures of political knowledge (Delli Carpini and Keeter 1993). Nevertheless, these measures are not without criticism. Some scholars wonder whether knowledge of officeholders and constitutional provisions is essential for citizens to effectively discharge their democratic duties (Lupia 2006), or whether the “pop quiz” items embedded in the ANES and other omnibus surveys truly reflect how knowledgeable citizens would appear to be if given sufficient time and motivation to retrieve basic political facts stored in memory (Prior and Lupia 2008). Others argue that open-ended recall questions pose very demanding tasks for survey respondents, who often do much better at picking the names of prominent government officials out of a lineup in a closed-ended format (Gibson and Caldeira 2009; Mondak 2001; Mondak and Davis 2001) or at recognizing names that are supplied on a list or ballot (Parker 1981; Tedin and Murray 1979). Noting both (1) the possibility that many people may have partial knowledge about some officeholders and (2) systematic variations in the propensity to venture a guess, Mondak has strongly urged replacing open-ended questions with closed-ended formats and discouraging (or at least not encouraging) “don’t know” responses. Alternatively, defenders of the standard format maintain that the evidence establishing that “don’t knows” conceal partial knowledge is weak and caution researchers that, if it “ain’t broke, don’t fix it” (Sturgis, Allum, and Smith 2008, 100). However, the coding of answers to these questions appears to be problematic as well. Prompted by Gibson and Caldiera’s report of relatively higher awareness of William Rehnquist in their own national survey, the ANES Principal Investigators and staff discovered a number of issues that may have reduced the reliability and validity of the office recognition questions as indicators of political knowledge. Their investigation revealed • • • subtle differences between the instructions given to coders in 2000 and those given in 2004, with no record of any instructions prior to 2000; many interviewers did not follow instructions in 2004 to transcribe responses that they deemed either incorrect or only partially correct; and the codes used did not reflect answers that might be deemed correct but incomplete. On this latter point, for example, responses in 2000 that identified Rehnquist as “Chief Justice of the Supreme Court” were coded as correct – but nine people who said that he was “the Supreme Court justice in charge” (or used similar language, omitting the words “Chief Justice”), along with nearly 400 others who named him as a justice of the Supreme Court (without reference to his role as Chief) or simply as a judge, were all coded as being no better informed than those who might have identified Rehnquist (hypothetically) as Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Mayor of Phoenix, or Canadian Prime Minister. Counting the “justice” answers as partially correct, which they arguably were, would likely result in a more flattering characterization of the public’s awareness about the Supreme Court and politics in general (Krosnick et al. 2008). Prior to 2008, the codes released by ANES to the scholarly community indicated only whether a given response was judged by the research staff to be a correct identification of the office held, an incorrect identification, don’t know, or refused to answer. In early releases of the 2008 study, ANES did not provide codes for the office recognition variables but instead supplied redacted transcriptions of actual responses to the open-ended questions regarding what offices were held by Nancy Pelosi, Dick Cheney, Gordon Brown, and John Roberts. Thus, we can now determine whether some “incorrect” responses might be concealing hints of political knowledge that were previously hidden in the ANES staff coding. In this paper, we report our own coding and analysis of those responses, show the extent of “partial knowledge” captured in them, and assess whether “partial knowledge” answers are associated with other indicators and correlates of political knowledge. Coding We begin with a typology of responses to the office recognition questions included in the 2008 American National Election Study. While any social science research methods text will note that the virtue of open-ended survey questions is in allowing respondents to voice what they think or know in their own words, that also presents a challenge for coding those responses into categories that are amenable to comparisons and analysis. Coding schemes are based on the judgment of the researchers and, as we have been reminded in this process, decisions about how to classify particular cases are sometimes close calls. There is no doubt that our coding decisions are subject to debate and criticism, just as much as those of ANES staff who labored to code the office recognition (and other open-ended) questions in previous surveys. Nevertheless, we hope that readers will find the explanation of our coding scheme to be clear enough to meet the intersubjectivity standard and, further, that our publication of the codes for individual responses will invite other scholars to replicate and improve upon our classification. 1 Post-election respondents were asked “what job or political office” was held by Nancy Pelosi, Dick Cheney, Gordon Brown, and John Roberts, in that order. Those who confessed that they didn’t know in response to any of identification questions were probed with “Well, what’s your best guess?” We coded each response into one of the following categories: Clearly correct: These responses identify the exact leadership position held by the person, though they may also include some additional extraneous correct or incorrect information about him or her. Responses that identified Pelosi as Speaker of the U.S. House, Cheney as Vice President, Brown as Prime Minister of Britain (or the United Kingdom or England), and Roberts as Chief Justice were coded as clearly correct, even if the respondent provided other comments that might slightly misplace the figure in the political spectrum. These included handfuls of responses along the lines of Pelosi was “Speaker of the House over 2 the Senate,” Cheney was “supposed to be Vice President but he's really the President,” and Brown likely held a position in “England, Tony Blair’s position – PM?” Leadership: These responses do not cite the specific office held by the political figure, but identify her or him as a political leader in the appropriate branch of government or as a party leader. Examples include Pelosi as the person who “controls the floor of the House of Representatives,” “Majority Leader of the House,” or “Chairman of the House”; Cheney as “Second in Command,” “behind the President,” or “No. 2 Man”; Brown as “Head guy in England,” “Head of government in the British Isles,” or “Prime Minister of London”; and Roberts as “Head Supreme Court justice,” “Head of the Supreme Court,” or “Chief of Staff of the Supreme Court.” In each of these cases, the respondent did not use the formal title of the office, but conveyed some understanding of the figure’s role or place as a political leader. Accurate: These responses identify the branch or locale of the officeholder, but fail to specifically note his or her leadership role. Examples include answers that pegged Pelosi as a “Representative from California,” a “Democratic Congresswoman,” or “in Congress or the Senate”; vaguely recalled Cheney (“didn't he shoot somebody? He's in the White House”); noted that Brown was “Algo del parlamento (something in Parliament)” or a “British elected official”; and noted that Roberts was a “Supreme Court guy” or “Supreme Court judge.” All of these responses are technically accurate, but could be regarded as incomplete in that they do not convey a sense that the person is a leading figure in government. Party only: These responses only name the party the figure belongs to or, in a few cases, mention a political ally of the figure without any reference to an office that the person holds. This category includes answers that identify Pelosi only as a “Democrat” or indicate that “Right now I don't know, but she was working for the Obama campaign”; Cheney only as a “Republican”; or Roberts as a “Republican” or “connected with the Republican Party with Bush,” or “on the White House staff? advisor or some such thing?” Note that the latter response contained some incorrect placements of Justice Roberts, but correctly noted his connection to the Republican president who appointed him. There were no respondents who identified Brown only by his association with the British Labour Party. Ballpark: Answers here indicate some leadership role or policy with which the figure is associated, but the specific office is lacking or misplaced and the response is technically inaccurate. For example, responses that point to Pelosi as “Senate Majority Leader,” “President of Congress,” “the leader of Congress,” “the Democratic head of something,” or say that “she opposed the president (Bush) in just about everything, but cannot think of what she did” might convey some recognition of her role, even if the details are inaccurate. Similarly, in our judgment, individuals who recognized Cheney as playing some role in foreign or defense policy (“Secretary of State,” “Secretary of Defense,” “oversees the military,” “Cabinet”) without naming him as Vice President might have been conveying at least a vague awareness of the role Cheney actually did play in the Bush administration; and those who noted that Brown was “President of Great Britain,” “Parliament president,” 3 or “some kind of deal with another country?” might have some awareness of the British Prime Minister. Ballpark recognitions of John Roberts fell into three subcategories. The first of these consisted of responses that identified Roberts as a judge, but not specifically as a Justice on the Supreme Court (“maybe in the courts,” “District Judge,” “he is a federal Justice”). The second set of answers identified him as being in the legal profession, but not as serving on the bench (“lawyer,” “Attorney General”). The third set identified John Roberts as the television journalist who shares the same name as the Chief Justice (“CNN reporter,” “newscaster,” “TV guy,” “CBS news”). This third set of answers, of course, could be regarded as correct and a reflection of poor question wording, though it is an empirical question as to whether people who recognize John Roberts, the reporter, are as politically aware on other measures as those who recognize John Roberts, the Chief Justice. Incorrect: These responses clearly misidentify the office, geographic origin, or party of the target figure without providing any additional correct or ballpark information. Examples are identifications of Pelosi as “in the Senate,” “Secretary of State,” “Federal Reserve,” “Governor of Alaska,” or “Republican”; Cheney as “Congressman,” “House Speaker,” “Democrat,” “lobbyist,” or “military man”; Gordon Brown as “head of FEMA,” “Attorney General,” “Supreme Court Judge,” or “Republican Senator, Oregon”; and John Roberts as “Oral Roberts’ son,” “Governor,” “Prime Minister of Australia,” or “Evangelist”. 2 Don’t Know: These included stated “don’t know” responses, as well as non-specific references (“big wig,” “someone important,” “politician,” “assistant to somebody,” “public speaker”) unless other correct or incorrect information was also provided. Refused and Missing: ANES interviewers noted that a few respondents were assisted by another person present during the interview, which we regarded as “missing” because there is no way for us to know whether or how the respondent might have responded without the other person’s assistance. Wild codes 3 in the ANES data are also coded as missing. Recognition rates Not surprisingly, and consistent with prior studies, recognition rates vary by office, personality, and tenure. Table 1 shows that the sitting Vice President was much more widely identifiable than the other political leaders, with nearly three-fourths (73.4 percent) of the 2008 sample identifying Dick Cheney’s position correctly; oddly, this figure is down from the 84.5 percent who correctly identified his office in 2004. 4 Only about half as many people (37.7 percent) identified Nancy Pelosi as Speaker, and Gordon Brown was virtually a non-figure for most Americans; just six percent of ANES respondents identified Brown as the British Prime Minister (or an equivalent description), over half confessed they didn’t know him at all, and another third provided some incorrect identification. Similarly, only 5.5 percent of respondents said that John Roberts was the Chief Justice, half made no guess, and nearly a third reported something that we categorized as clearly incorrect. Pelosi, who received a great deal of attention as the first woman to serve as Speaker, was much more widely recognized than her predecessor, Dennis Hastert, was in 2004, while the recently installed Chief Justice and British Prime Minister 4 were less well known than their predecessors who had just completed several years of service in their respective positions. 5 Table 1 about here Evidence of partial knowledge also varies across these four political figures. Roberts appears to be more recognizable than the 5.5 percent “correct” identification rate would suggest when we consider that 9.4 percent of respondents identified him as a member of the Supreme Court (without specifically noting his leadership role), and several others pegged him as the Court’s leader (without specifically referring to the office of Chief Justice). Thus, the total number of respondents who recalled that Roberts had some affiliation with the U.S. Supreme Court (15.4%) in 2008 was strikingly similar to the 15.1% of respondents who did so in a 2006 national survey (Gibson and Caldeira 2009, 434). A few other respondents identified Roberts as a Republican, a judge (without reference to the Supreme Court), or a lawyer, and another handful (0.8 percent) identified the television reporter by the same name. Pelosi’s overall recognition rate would be greater than 50 percent if we include the respondents who recognized her as a legislative or partisan leader (without mentioning the office of Speaker; 4.0 percent), a legislator (without reference to her role as a leader in the institution; 7.4 percent), a Democrat (0.4 percent), or in a leadership role that is in the legislative “ballpark” (1.7 percent). In contrast, taking partial knowledge into account would not do much to change the high visibility rate for Vice President Cheney, or the low recognition rate for Prime Minister Brown. Validation of “partial recognition” as “partial knowledge” Our main research question is whether this evidence of partial knowledge conveys enough information to be usable in an overall measure of political knowledge in the 2008 ANES. The approach used is to perform a series of convergent validity tests, in which we assess the degree to which the office recognition response categories correspond to other measures of political knowledge that are present in the survey. In particular, we expect that those who answer each office recognition question “correctly” will be H1: more likely to respond to that question without needing a probe. H2: more likely to answer the other office recognition questions correctly. We compute the mean number of “clearly correct” identifications of Vice President Cheney, Prime Minister Brown, and Chief Justice Roberts for each category of response to the Pelosi recognition question, and comparable figures for each category of response to the Cheney, Brown, and Roberts questions. Scores in each instance range from 0 (no other correct identifications) to 3 (correct identifications for all other figures). H3: less likely to give incorrect or “don’t know” answers, or to decline to give answers, to other office recognition questions. We compute the mean number of clearly incorrect responses, don’t knows, or refusals regarding the other three figures by each category of 5 response; this is nearly a mirror image of the variable described in H2, except that “partial” knowledge responses are not counted as either correct or incorrect. H4: more often rated as “very” or “fairly” high by interviewers in their “general level of information about politics and public affairs.” These assessments were not contaminated by the office recognition questions, as the former were obtained following the pre-election wave and the latter during the post-election interviews; H5,6: more likely to correctly identify the Democrats as the party that held a majority of seats in the House of Representatives and in the Senate prior to the 2008 election; H7: more likely to place Obama correctly relative to McCain on the liberal-conservative scale (Obama more liberal), aid to blacks (Obama more supportive of government aid), and the following “old form” issue scales: abortion (Obama more pro-choice), spendingservices (Obama more supportive), health insurance (Obama more supportive of government involvement), jobs-standard of living (Obama more supportive of government guarantee), and environment-jobs (Obama more supportive of environmental protection). This variable ranges from zero to seven based on the old form-issue scale questions asked of half the sample; 6 H8: more likely to place Obama correctly relative to McCain on liberal-conservative scale (Obama more liberal), aid to blacks (Obama more supportive of government aid), and on the following “new form” issue scales: spending-services (Obama more supportive of increases), and defense spending (Obama less supportive of increases). This variable ranges from zero to four based on the new form-issue scale questions asked of the other half of the sample. 7 We see a consistent pattern in Table 2a showing that respondents who clearly indentified Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House had the highest scores on each of the other indicators of political knowledge. They were, as predicted, most likely to answer the Pelosi identification question without a probe, most likely to correctly identify Cheney, Brown, and Roberts (and least likely to incorrectly or refuse to identify them), most likely to receive high political information ratings from ANES interviewers, most likely to identify Democrats as the majority party in both the House and Senate, and most likely to place Obama and McCain in correct relative positions on issue scales. At the other end of the spectrum, those who pleaded “don’t know” regarding Pelosi (or gave ambiguous, “someone important,” answers) generally scored the lowest on other indicators of political knowledge, even lower than those who incorrectly identified the Speaker. Table 2 about here In between, there is evidence that “partially correct” responses about Pelosi do reflect “partial knowledge,” though this appears to be the case more for some manifestations of partial knowledge than for others. People who identified Pelosi as a legislative or partisan “leader,” for example, were more knowledgeable on seven of our eight indicators than were those who were in the “ballpark” or who simply identified Pelosi “accurately” as a legislator with no reference to 6 leadership; in fact, the latter group was most similar to those who offered incorrect guesses about Pelosi’s office. While there are too few “party only” identifications of Pelosi and “refusals” to support separate analysis of those categories, we may safely conclude that the ability to clearly and correctly identify Pelosi’s leadership position indicates a high level of knowledge – but that some “partially correct” answers seem to convey more knowledge than incorrect or no answers. As we saw in Table 1, a large majority of ANES respondents were able to correctly identify Dick Cheney as the incumbent Vice President, and, not surprisingly, Table 2b shows that they scored significantly higher on our other indicators of political knowledge than did those who gave incorrect or “don’t know” replies to this relatively easy question. Unlike our analysis of the Pelosi identifications, there was not much of a difference on other measures of knowledge between those who guessed wrong about Cheney’s position and those who said “don’t know.” The “don’t knows” scored higher on four of the eight indicators than did the clearly incorrect respondents, lower on three others, with one tie. There is some indication that the one subcategory of “partially correct” respondents with enough cases to analyze (“ballpark” identifications of Cheney as in the Cabinet or having something to do with defense or foreign policy) reflects some limited level of knowledge. By no means would we regard these respondents as well-informed political junkies, as they were below average on all eight of the other measures of knowledge, but the “ballpark” respondents did score higher, on average, for seven of the indicators than those who gave clearly incorrect or no responses to this simple question. Again, some “partially correct” responses seem to convey a certain amount of political information, though the particular subcategories are different for the Pelosi and Cheney variables. The Gordon Brown identification question was a difficult one in 2008, as Brown was identified as British Prime Minister by only 6.0% of the ANES respondents. Table 2c shows that people who correctly answered this difficult question were much higher than average on all other indicators of knowledge. As was the case with our analysis of responses to the Pelosi question, however, those who offered incorrect guesses about Brown’s office scored generally higher than those who said “don’t know,” though not as high as respondents who refused to answer. There were too few “partially correct” identifications of Brown to analyze separately. The John Roberts question also was relatively hard, as only 5.5% named him as “Chief Justice.” Again, not surprisingly, those respondents also scored very high on our other indicators of knowledge, as shown in Table 2d. As was the case with identifications of Brown, individuals who provided incorrect answers were generally more knowledgeable on our other measures than those who said “don’t know” or the equivalent, but not as knowledgeable as those who refused. The one “partially correct” subcategory with enough cases to analyze (9.4% of the sample) consists of respondents who identified Roberts as a member of the Supreme Court, but who failed to note his leadership position. As a group, those individuals were well above average on the other measures of political knowledge, but slightly below the people who explicitly stated that Roberts was Chief Justice. Our results thus far suggest that essentially the same manifestations of partial recognition may reflect different overall levels of knowledge; in other words, there is no consistent pattern across all categories of partial recognition that we defined for these four political figures in the 7 2008 ANES recognition battery. Knowing that Nancy Pelosi was a member of Congress, for example, while technically accurate, does not appear to connote as much knowledge as recognition of her role as a leader in Congress – nor, for that matter, as much as being able to “accurately” identify John Roberts as a Supreme Court justice (but not Chief). Keeping this inconsistency in mind, it would nonetheless be helpful to determine how valuable partial recognition might be in constructing an overall measure of political knowledge. We estimate that from a series of models in which the dependent variable is another measure of knowledge, and the three independent variables are the number of clearly correct identifications of the political figures, the number of partially correct identifications (either as leader, accurate, ballpark, or party only, and the number of incorrect identifications (all scores ranging from 0 to 4). Each coefficient reflects the knowledge level of a category relative to the excluded category of no recognition (DK, blanks, and refusals). The ratio of the partially correct coefficient to the clearly correct coefficient gives us some sense of the value of partial recognition relative to clearly correct recognition. The four equations presented in Table 3 are • • • • an ordered logit model of the interviewer’s subjective rating of political information (ranging from very low to very high); a general linear model estimate (based on poisson distribution) of the number of correct answers to which party held a majority in the U.S. House and Senate (ranging from 0 to 2); a general linear model estimate (based on poisson distribution) of the number of correct placements of Obama and McCain on the ANES scales (identified in H7 above) for the half-sample that heard the “old form” questions; and a general linear model estimate (based on poisson distribution) of the number of correct placements of Obama and McCain on the ANES scales (identified in H8 above) for the half-sample asked the “new form” questions. In each of the model estimates, both clearly correct and partially correct coefficients are significantly different than zero, indicating that clearly correct identifications and partially correct identifications are more closely associated with higher levels of political knowledge than completely absent identifications. As one would expect, the coefficients for clearly correct identifications are greater than those for the partially correct; ratios of the latter to the former vary from just over half to a little over three-fourths, centered at around 63%. Incorrect identifications imply little additional political knowledge over (but not less knowledge than) absent identifications. The associated coefficients for incorrect identifications are all positive and are significant in two of the four models, but relatively small in all four. Table 3 about here Political Knowledge and Issue Voting We also provide a construct validity test of the effects of partial recognition on issue voting. Prior research leads us to expect that people with higher levels of political knowledge will be more likely to align their vote choices with their issue preferences (Delli Carpini and Keeter 1996; Jessee 2010), so the question is whether partial knowledge about these political 8 figures contributes to higher levels of issue voting. For each respondent, an “issue score” was calculated as a principal components factor score of issue preferences, with higher values representing preferences for less government spending and services (v083105), more defense spending (v083112), greater reliance on the private sector for health insurance (v083119), less dependence on government to ensure jobs and a good standard of living (v083128), greater selfreliance by blacks to help themselves (v083137), more concern for jobs over the environment (v083154), easier access to guns (v083164), more government restrictions on abortion (v085086), and not allowing gays and lesbians to adopt children (v083213). 8 We estimate a logit model of presidential vote choice as a function of the issue score, the number of clearly correct identifications, the number of partially correct identifications, the number of incorrect identifications (scores ranging from 0 to 4 in each instance), and the interactions between issue score and the identification variables. We expect that the coefficient for the issue score variable will be positive and significant, which would show that people with conservative issue preferences were more likely to vote for McCain. Also, if recognition of the political figures connotes political knowledge that facilitates issue voting, coefficients on the interaction terms should be positive and significant as well (indicating greater issue effects for those with more recognitions). The estimated model is shown in Table 4. As predicted, (a) the issue score coefficient is positive and significant, indicating that even among people with no recognition of the four political figures, conservative issue positions were associated with a preference for McCain; and (b) the effect of issues on voter choice is magnified by the number of clearly correct identifications of Pelosi, Cheney, Brown, and Roberts, as the interaction coefficient for correct * issue score is also positive and significant. The effect of partially correct recognitions on issue voting, however, as reflected by the coefficient of that interaction term, is positive but not significant; in other words, there is no reliable evidence that partial knowledge increases the likelihood of issue voting over no recognition of these political figures. Incorrect identifications also did not contribute to higher levels of issue voting, as the coefficient for that interaction term is not reliably different than zero. Once again, the coefficient is positive but trivial; wrong identifications are not associated with either a lower or higher probability of casting an issue vote relative to no identification. Table 4 about here The relative magnitudes of these effects are better illustrated in Table 5, which shows the predicted probabilities of someone with strong but not extreme conservative preferences (an issue score of +1) voting for McCain, varying the number of clearly and partially correct identifications, and assuming no incorrect identifications. Our hypothetical conservative voter with no knowledge (partial or otherwise) of the four figures had a 67% probability of voting for the Republican candidate; that probability increases to 93% for those who are fully aware of the positions held by Pelosi, Cheney, Brown, and Roberts. The effects of partial recognition on issue voting are considerably weaker, as the probability of a McCain vote by a hypothetical conservative with no clearly correct and four partially correct identifications is only 72.7%, marginally less than the comparable probability for a conservative with only one clearly correct and no partially correct identifications (76.2%). Table 5 about here 9 Discussion Our analysis of the redacted open-ended responses to the 2008 office recognition questions suggests that the strict coding apparently used by ANES in previous years may have concealed considerable partial knowledge about some prominent political figures. In particular, fewer people said that John Roberts was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court than said he was on the Supreme Court, and a fair number of people said something accurate about Nancy Pelosi, the legislator, without specifically mentioning her title of Speaker of the House. These results suggest that the portrait of Americans’ political knowledge about their leaders could be framed a little more positively than has sometimes been the case in the past, but it is also important not to exaggerate that conclusion. Depending on the political leader, different kinds of partial identification seemed to correspond to different levels of political knowledge, but none of the partial identification categories that we examined connoted the same level of political knowledge as “correct” identifications of their formal leadership titles. In other words, not all manifestations of partial recognition of these officeholders are equal, but they all are partial. Moreover, with respect to our single construct validity test, we did not see any evidence that those who were able to provide only partial recognition of these political leaders were substantially more likely to engage in issue voting than people who couldn’t recognize the leaders at all. Correct identification of the officeholders’ formal leadership titles did correspond to statistically greater congruence between issue preferences and voter choice than did no identifications at all, but partial recognition of their political roles did not. We could imagine other construct validity tests (see, for example, Mondak 2001), but these preliminary results suggest that vague knowledge about the roles played by our political leaders does not correspond to the ability to use other kinds of information in making political evaluations and decisions in the same way that more precise knowledge does. Researchers who have previously used political knowledge scales constructed in part from only “strictly correct” identifications of political leaders can take some solace in this finding, but scholars who are interested in the development and application of political knowledge scales should begin to investigate other processes where partial knowledge may affect political choice. This analysis reminds us that looking at what respondents actually say can sensitize us to the limits of the validity of our measures. Like Art Linkletter’s kids, survey respondents can say the darnedest things, as some respondents apparently confused Nancy Pelosi with Sarah Palin, recalled that Dick Cheney shot someone (without noting that he was also Vice President), and guessed that Gordon Brown might be somehow related to the godfather of soul, James Brown. Yet we also read hundreds of responses that could have been considered correct or partially correct under a liberal coding scheme, and scores of others that we judged incorrect but may have revealed fragments of political knowledge. Our ability to do this kind of analysis rested on ANES’s decision to release the redacted texts of the actual responses to these questions, which we hope will become a precedent for the future. 10 Table 1 Percentages of Responses to Office Recognition Questions Clearly Correct Leadership Accurate Party Only Ballpark Ballpark - judge Ballpark - lawyer Ballpark - reporter Incorrect DK Refused Weighted N Nancy Pelosi 37.7 Dick Cheney 73.4 Gordon Brown 6.0 John Roberts 5.5 4.0 7.4 0.4 1.7 na na na 0.1 0.7 0.7 1.8 na na na 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.1 na na na 0.5 9.4 0.5 na 0.6 0.8 0.8 16.2 31.6 1.0 2098.4 8.2 14.7 0.3 2096.1 36.1 53.6 3.5 2096.1 29.2 49.5 3.3 2098.7 11 Table 2a Other Indicators of Political Knowledge by Pelosi Recognition others right 1.25 others wrong 1.48 73.6% 19.4% 50.8% 7.1% 1.03 0.64 1.04 0.08 341 662 20 22.2% 7.4% 68.1% 2102 43.4% Wtd N 792 No probe 83.5% Leader Accurate Ballpark Party only 84 155 37 8 Incorrect D.K./Blank Refused All cases Speaker Int rating 78.1% House maj 66.4% Senate maj 53.6% Old scales 5.39 New scales 3.00 1.72 2.25 1.77 2.39 72.5% 45.7% 64.6% 13.1% 55.6% 23.4% 31.9% 46.5% 48.8% 16.2% 33.0% 9.5% 5.20 3.02 4.72 2.17 2.85 2.28 2.77 1.00 0.65 0.50 0.55 2.23 2.43 2.36 40.9% 30.0% 20.8% 25.4% 18.7% 21.5% 26.1% 16.1% 17.7% 3.36 3.17 1.73 2.24 1.78 0.85 0.85 1.99 53.1% 40.0% 33.5% 4.12 2.41 Italicized entries are based on fewer than 30 cases. 12 Table 2b Other Indicators of Political Knowledge by Cheney Recognition 1538 No probe 83.6% others right 0.66 others wrong 2.04 Int rating 63.1% House maj 47.2% Senate maj 39.7% Old scales 4.58 New scales 2.64 Leader Accurate Ballpark Party only 2 16 38 15 100.0% 52.3% 37.3% 46.2% 0.86 0.00 0.17 0.00 2.14 2.83 2.46 2.50 86.1% 17.3% 50.6% 23.9% 86.1% 7.2% 28.2% 29.5% 0.0% 11.5% 26.8% 25.7% 5.17 2.60 3.54 4.37 NA 2.79 2.32 1.34 Incorrect D.K./Blank Refused 173 308 7 37.6% 12.3% 67.9% 0.02 0.02 0.00 2.68 2.92 2.70 22.8% 23.9% 19.7% 17.8% 20.0% 20.5% 13.6% 16.4% 9.8% 2.49 2.90 2.38 1.98 1.57 1.33 All cases 2102 67.9% 0.49 2.24 53.1% 40.0% 33.5% 4.12 2.41 Vice President Italicized entries are based on fewer than 30 cases. 13 Table 2c Other Indicators of Political Knowledge by Brown Recognition 127 No probe 79.9% others right 2.86 others wrong 0.04 Int rating 88.0% House maj 80.5% Senate maj 63.0% Old scales 6.31 New scales 3.18 Leader Accurate Ballpark Party only 7 5 2 0 55.3% 0.0% 0.0% NA 1.68 1.65 1.52 NA 0.00 0.28 0.00 NA 28.8% 50.8% 100.0% NA 89.7% 43.1% 12.3% NA 64.8% 43.1% 12.3% NA 7.00 1.69 5.70 NA 2.03 3.70 3.00 NA Incorrect D.K./Blank Refused 758 1124 74 25.4% 17.5% 85.0% 1.17 0.96 1.49 1.59 1.91 1.41 56.2% 46.3% 64.6% 39.3% 34.6% 51.1% 34.2% 28.5% 44.7% 4.28 3.80 3.85 2.58 2.16 2.71 All cases 2102 26.6% 1.17 1.65 53.0% 39.8% 33.4% 4.12 2.41 Prime Minister Italicized entries are based on fewer than 30 cases. 14 Table 2d Other Indicators of Political Knowledge by Roberts Recognition others right 2.93 others wrong 0.02 Int rating 89.1% House maj 81.5% Senate maj 68.3% Old scales 5.97 New scales 3.19 Chief Justice 115 No probe 85.3% Leader Accurate Ballpark, attorney Ballpark, judge Ballpark, reporter Party only 10 196 77.3% 75.7% 1.74 1.78 0.26 0.09 68.4% 82.1% 67.1% 72.2% 48.8% 62.8% 6.70 5.78 3.13 3.16 17 13 59.3% 73.2% 1.54 1.40 0.23 0.51 56.8% 78.5% 82.2% 52.0% 43.9% 49.1% 5.94 4.94 3.14 3.21 17 11 66.7% 35.0% 1.70 0.29 0.26 1.21 60.5% 34.5% 66.0% 28.9% 61.5% 6.5% 2.89 3.29 3.02 1.40 Incorrect D.K./Blank Refused 612 1039 69 37.6% 17.1% 84.0% 1.10 0.87 1.41 1.65 1.99 1.48 53.5% 42.2% 63.3% 37.0% 29.0% 49.9% 30.6% 24.5% 43.0% 4.22 3.55 3.57 2.45 2.09 2.69 All cases 2102 35.9% 1.17 1.54 53.0% 40.0% 33.5% 4.12 2.41 Italicized entries are based on fewer than 30 cases. 15 Table 3 Measures of Political Knowledge as functions of Office Recognition Dependent Variable Estimation Intercept Clearly correct Partially correct Incorrect Interviewer rating Ordered Logit Coefficient s.e. omitted 1.078 0.049 0.688 0.081 0.114 0.037 sig. 0.000 0.000 0.002 Congress majority GLM (poissson) Coefficient s.e. sig. -1.168 0.067 0.000 0.498 0.026 0.000 0.307 0.048 0.000 0.031 0.027 0.265 AIC Number of cases 5489.7 2068 4380.0 2083 Ratio (part | clearly) 63.9% 61.6% Dependent Variable Estimation Intercept Clearly correct Partially correct Incorrect Old scales GLM (poissson) Coefficient s.e. 0.972 0.036 0.280 0.016 0.149 0.028 0.025 0.015 sig. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.099 New scales GLM (poissson) Coefficient s.e. 0.472 0.046 0.222 0.020 0.165 0.038 0.059 0.019 AIC Number of cases 4561.9 1038 3375.0 1045 Ratio (part | clearly) 53.3% 74.2% 16 sig. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.002 Table 4 Logit Model of Voter Choice by Issue Score, Office Recognition, and Interactions Constant Issue score Clearly correct identifications Issue score * Clearly correct Partially correct identifications Issue score * Partially correct Incorrect Identifications Issue score * incorrect AIC Number of Cases Coefficient -0.416 1.123 0.006 0.453 -0.043 0.110 -0.244 0.075 755.94 760 17 std. err. 0.195 0.275 0.107 0.160 0.197 0.292 0.094 0.139 sig. 0.033 0.000 0.952 0.005 0.827 0.705 0.010 0.592 Table 5 Predicted Probabilities of a Conservative Voting for McCain Number Partially Correct 0 1 2 3 4 0 67.0% 68.5% 69.9% 71.3% 72.7% Number Clearly Correct 1 2 3 76.2% 83.6% 88.9% 77.4% 84.5% 89.6% 78.6% 85.3% NA 79.7% NA NA NA NA NA 18 4 92.7% NA NA NA NA References Althaus, Scott. 1996. 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Both “old form” and “new form” respondents were asked to place the major party candidates on the liberal-conservative scale (v083070a and v083070b) and on the aid to blacks scale (v083139a and v083139b). “Old form” respondents were also asked to place the candidates on the abortion (v085089a and v085089b), spending-services (v083107a and v083107b), health insurance (v083121a and v083121b), jobsstandard of living (v083130a and v083130b), and environment-jobs (v083156a and v083156b) scales. 7 “New form” respondents were asked to place the major party candidates on the spendingservices (v083110x and v083111x) and defense spending (v083117x and v083118x) scales. 8 The analysis here is for “old form” respondents only, as most of these questions were asked of about half the sample. Missing values were imputed using the MICE algorithm (Van Buuren and Oudshoom 1999), and the issue score is the mean factor score derived from the factor analyses of five replicate datasets. 21