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Unit 1 Study Guide: Early Pre-Colonial and Colonial America
Chapter One: The Collision of Cultures
Bering Strait
Pre-Columbian Indian Civilizations
Mayas, Aztecs, Incas
What factors led to the rise of European exploration?
Ferdinand and Isabella
Christopher Columbus
Columbian Exchange
How did European contact impact Indian civilizations?
John Cabot-Northwest Passage
Vasco Nuñez de Balboa
Ferdinand Magellan
Hernán Cortes
Francisco Pizarro
Bartolomé de las Casas-A Brief Relation of the Destruction of the Indies (1552)
“Black Legend”
Juan Ponce de León
Hernando de Soto
Francisco Vásquez de Coronado
Juan de Oñate
Pueblo Revolt of 1680-Popé
How did the introduction of the horse affect the cultures of the Plains Indians?
How did the Protestant Reformation fuel the desire for European exploration and colonization?
John Calvin
Elizabeth II-“The Virgin Queen”
Jacques Cartier
Samuel de Champlain
What conditions in Europe encouraged Spanish, French, English, and Dutch colonization of the New World?
Sea Dogs and Sir Francis Drake
Defeat of the Spanish Armada (1588)
Sir Walter Raleigh
Roanoke-“The Lost Colony”
Possible essays: There have been no AP essays on this time period since 1972.
Chapter Two: Britain and Its Colonies
What factors influenced English exploration/colonization in the 17 th century?
The defeat of Spain
English liberties/common law
Laws of primogeniture
The enclosure movement
Surplus population
Joint stock companies
The Virginia Company of London
Powhatan Confederacy
Captain John Smith
Lord De La Warr
The “starving time”
John Rolfe
Headright system
House of Burgesses
Sir William Berkeley
Bacon’s Rebellion (1676)
What impact did Bacon’s Rebellion have on the slave trade?
Lord Baltimore
Proprietary colony
Act of Toleration (1649)
“Visible saints”
William Bradford
Mayflower Compact
Massachusetts Bay Company
John Winthrop
“We shall be as a city upon a hill”
Congregational Church
What members of the community had the most power in the Massachusetts Bay Colony?
The “Protestant ethic”
Great Migration (1630s)
Massachusetts General Court
Roger Williams
Anne Hutchinson
Thomas Hooker
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
Pequot War-1637
Metacom (King Philip)
King Philip’s War (1675-1676)
New England Confederation (1643-1686)
What was the connection between Barbados and the Carolina colony?
How did North Carolina (Albemarle) differ from South Carolina?
Examine the importance of the Indian slave trade to the economy and development of Carolina.
Tuscarora War (1713)
Charles Town
Yamasee War (1715-1716)
New Netherland
New Amsterdam
How did England come to control New Netherland?
What were the five tribes of the Iroquois League and where were they located?
The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
William Penn
Circumstances of the founding of New Jersey and Delaware
Characteristics and advantages of the Middle Colonies
What was the original purpose for the founding of Georgia?
James Oglethorpe
How did the English colonies in North American differ from those of the Spanish and French? Why did the
differences matter?
Possible essays:
1. There have been several essays asking students to compare and contrast the colonies in the different North
American regions: New England, the Middle Colonies (Mid-Atlantic), and the Chesapeake Bay or the Southern
Colonies. You will complete a DBQ on this topic as well.
2. In the 17th century, New England Puritans tried to create a model society. What were their aspirations and to
what extent were those aspirations fulfilled during the seventeenth century?
3. Analyze the cultural and economic responses of TWO of the following groups to the Indians of North America
before 1750.
British, French, Spanish
4. How did economic, geographic, and social factors encourage the growth of slavery as an important part of the
economy of the southern colonies between 1607 and 1775?
5. Analyze the extent to which religious freedom existed in the British North American colonies prior to 1700.
Chapter Three: Colonial Ways of Life
Examine the impact of the four mass migrations to North America of settlers from the British Isles.
How did English settlers differ from the Indians in the way they viewed how land should be used? How did their
land use alter the ecology of North America?
How and why did the population of the English North American colonies grow so quickly?
How did social and community relations differ between New England and the Chesapeake?
What roles and rights did women have in the English colonies?
What was the principle crop in the Chesapeake region?
What were the principle crops of the South Carolina colony?
Headright system
Indentured servitude
“freedom dues”
Why did Chesapeake farmers switch from indentured servants to slaves after the 1660s?
From what part of Africa did most slaves come?
How did the status of Africans change from the time of their initial arrival in North America to the early eighteenth
Stono Rebellion (1739)
Why was town development more common in New England than in the South? What effects did this have?
“triangular trade”
Half-Way Covenant (1662)
Salem Witch Trials (1692)
Cotton Mather
How and why were the Middle Colonies so much more diverse than their northern or southern neighbors?
What was the function of colonial cities?
John Peter Zenger
What effect did the Enlightenment have on colonial thought?
Benjamin Franklin
Examine the means and effectiveness of colonial education.
“ye olde deluder Satan” act (1647)
Great Awakening (1730s-1740s)
Jonathan Edwards
George Whitefield
What caused the Great Awakening and what were its effects?
Possible essays:
1. “Although many northerners and southerners later came to think of themselves as having separate civilizations,
the northern and southern colonies in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were in fact more similar than
different.” Assess the validity of this generalization.
2. Why did colonial masters first adopt the institution of indentured servitude rather than Indian or black slavery
to meet their labor needs? Why, also, did black slavery subsequently replace indentured servitude?
3. How did economic, geographic, and social factors encourage the growth of slavery as an important part of the
economy of the southern colonies between 1607 and 1775?
4. Compare the ways in which TWO of the following reflected tensions in colonial society.
a. Bacon’s Rebellion (1676)
b. Pueblo Revolt (1680)
c. Salem witchcraft trials (1692)
d. Stono Rebellion (1739)