#iranelection Twitter as Banal or "140 characters is a novel when you're being shot at." Semantic Network Analysis conducted using Leximancer by Steven McDermott cssem@leeds.ac.uk Hyperbole? Leadbeater and Wong have compiled a series of hyperbolic quotes from a variety of media sources at the time of the protests: • "Twitter has become a key information conduit as the authorities in Tehran have cracked down on reporting by traditional media." Chris Nuttall and Daniel Dombey, Financial Times. • "After disputed election results and massive street demonstrations in Tehran, Iran, information is flooding out of the country – on Twitter." Ashley Terry, Global News. • "This is it. The big one." Clay Shirky of NYU. • "We've been struck by the amount of video and eyewitness testimony... The days when regimes can control the flow of information are over." Jon Williams, BBC World News editor. Banal? • “Twitter, generally, and also during the Iran election crisis (June 2009 and beyond), has been described as banal. The question is, could the hundreds of thousands of tweets about the Iran election crisis be made into a comprehensible account of what has been happening on the ground as well as online? "For the ppl of Iran - #iranelection RT," is such an attempt. The project, first, is a stored collection of all the tweets that have been tagged #iranelection from the first one on 10 June up to 30 June 2009, some 650,000 in all.” (Richard Rogers, March 7, 2010) How Many Iranians Tweet? • According to sources the number is 19,235 which is equivalent to only 0.027 per cent of Iran’s population (70,049,262 according to the 2006 census.) A survey carried out by the The Centre for Public Opinion and the New American Foundation found a third of Iranians have internet access. That would mean Twitter users at the time of the revolution made up 0.082 per cent of internet users in Iran. How to Read the Semantic Maps • • • • In order to read the maps you need to read the following; Using Leximancer, the maps of the themes cluster via concept co-occurrence information so that concepts that sit next to each other have connections between them. To begin I processed all texts from start to finish of the Leximancer analysis in the default settings mode to create initial exploratory maps In the settings phase the Automatic Concept Detection is on. All maps generated were set to the following parameters; concept size 100%, theme size 30% (default setting) and degree of rotation 0%. The colours of the circles, themes and concepts are ‘heat mapped’, so the concepts that have the greater level of co-occurrence are closer to the red end of the spectrum. The brightness of a concept correlates with its frequency and so the brighter the concept the more often it appears in the text. The brightness of the links that run between concepts relates to how often the two connected concepts co-occur within the text. The proximity of two concepts indicates how often or not they appear in similar conceptual contexts. The themes are the coloured circles around clusters of concepts. The lines or pathways navigate the most likely path in conceptual space between concepts in order to aid reading the map. The connectivity score reflects the degree, (equivalent to degree score in network analysis) to which the theme is connected to the other concepts in the map (Leximancer Manual, 2009). And “yes the 11th of June 2009 is missing”. 2009-06-10 “People are singing the song of liberty and an Iran free of terrorism and dishonesty! Down with dictator!” “Looking for more comments on this poll on eve of : Should Iran be allowed to have nuclear weapons?” “Police pushed the crowd to sidewalks to open street for cars” “CIA too out of touch these days. But he does serve as a useful enemy for the US now USSR is gone” “Final tweet tonight: Prosecutor General declares unequal airtime given to candidates is against the law” 2009-06-12 “AFP: Iran began voting to elect a new president in a tight race between Mousavi and the hardliner Ahmadinejad” “Still hear bad news about wide frauds” “Is it blocked? RT @shahrzadmo SMS doesnt work in Iran. I assume it's bcs of the huge amount of rumors they spread these days.” 2009-06-13 “Clashes in Tehran after thousands protest against results; several injured and arrested, Sky News reports.” “After an afternoon of protests... Mousavi on his way to Interior Ministry,” “RT Iran is truly revolutionary: nearly 50 million votes, counted in only 7 hours? An nondigital?” “ Commission electorale coupe le micro a Mousavi pendant discours. Il lançait un avertissement contre les fraudes. ” 2009-06-14 “US MEDIA IS TREATING IRAN AS A SIDE NOTE! THEY R NOT SHOWING ALL THE RIOT FOOTAGE!” “#IranElection RT : Two high ranked clerics (Sane'i and Sobhani) are protesting against the fraudulent election. @IranRiggedElect” “CNN HLN you have got to be dry fucking me right now! You are talking about Carradine and not the #IranElection? !?CNNFail” “BBC video of Iran protests. Secret police pushed away by crowds when he ordered BBC to stop filming.” “Our crew were secretly filming the secret agents, police & the crowd. They were arrested and their tapes were taken.” “American cable news shows how much it sucks barely covering Iran riots at all Revolution will not be televised.” “I wish I knew, are we required to use twitter to learn details #iranelection ? Also, has Obama made any comments?” 2009-06-15 “confirmed Tehran protest from Enghelab to Azadi Monday, and a national strike on Tuesday.” Al Arabiya: Three protesters killed by police, Members of Mousavi campaign staff beaten. “some other voices from need more for an overall view. are those proxies working yet?” “Twitter do your 90 minutes maintenance when Iran is not in need of Twitter!” “Yes yes yes! It's not just about the election. It's about reversing the revolution of 1979. It's about freedom.” “Please do not make proxies public. You are helping Iran Government to shut them down!” “Crowd turns on Iranian secret police who tries to stop BBC from filming” 2009-06-16 “Tomorrow if army come we will greet them with roses.” “Just in,Cyrusnews rumors; 16 IRCG commanders arrested trying to persuade elements in the Army to ..” “there are rumors of students killed in dorms, from CNN can we get any confirmation on that from those in Tehran?” “Change your location on Twitter to Iran to confuse the gov. Today we are all Iranians I did, Did U?” “Tehran is running scared of the uncontrollable forces of freedom” “ iReporter told CNN that PEOPLE HAVE BEEN KILLED in UNIVERSITY dorms. On CNN!! Please RT!” "The Revolution will be Tweeted!" “he said Basij kill 15 ppl directly and quickly from the top of the root” 2009-06-17 "140 characters is a novel when you're being shot at." “Thinking about the students in jail tonight because they protested” “I think its best for me to stop tryin to "help" w the RT of info b/c I'm not sure if I'm helpin or causing peeps to b killed” “RT from Tehran: My death is irrelevant. Wht is important is that u do not forget my words. We want freedom. i will die 4that” “Man beaten to death by people in black (i guess police?)” “reliable hospital sources say that at least 8 killed in Azadi sq Monday” “RT **** All we Iranians want from the free world is to "keep your eyes on us"!” “Australian ABC news asked to leave Iran. Assuming the same goes for all foreign news orgs” 2009-06-18 “BE INFORMED: Fake Iran election Tweeters updated list! “ “RTfI: confirmed - the wife of Saeed Rajaie, a prominent Iranian wartime martyr, has been arrested while praying in Qom” “RT from Iran: Tomorrow march is in memory of those killed by Government - Mousavi will lead Sea of Green” “Redacting Confirmed No-Prayer. Please delete your tweets about it. Sorry guys, this is getting harder” “Why Obama Should Leave Iran's 'Red-State' Regime Alone” “The fallout will hopefully be a freer Iran, I really can't see these leaders regaining any control over the people” “Convinced nascent Iran revolution fomented by Israel2 recruit millions of spies to find their nukes” 2009-06-19 “16 members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard have been arrested for trying to join "the people's movement“” “RT most professors today talking about resigning if the government continues to treat university like this” “RT From Iran: hospital source severe shortage of blood supplies across ALL Iran hospitals - please donate blood” “Proof that video has power. Make effective ones!” “Twitition: Google Earth to update satellite images of Tehran” “RT Basij militia --declared Fri a day for the Iranian nation to renew its allegiance to Khamenei. CNN” “Show support for democracy in Iran add green overlay to your Twitter avatar with 1-click” “ATTENTION: Mousavi Accounts Hacked; Protest STILL ON Friday. Again, Protest STILL ON.” “FYI American Students hold Moment of Silence for Iranian Students “ 2009-06-20 “confirmed - sms text messaging is working again in Iran after 1 week of disconnecsion” “It's irresponsible in the extreme to intimate that martyrdom is in any way acceptable right now” “RT european embassies are open for injured, bring them there !!!” “Reposting: List of Iranian embassies around the world with contact infor “ “Now they have excuse to say terrorists are oprating. blast 2 wounded.” “Continuous Gunfires hearing near Imam Khomeini Hospital Near to Azadi St.” “Gunshots fired in air, batons, tear gas and water cannons. Let this be all there is against them, no more “ “according to Iran State TV a blast at shrine for Khomenie - Al Jazeera suspiscious of manipulation - 1 dead” 2009-06-21 “99% of tweets are from US backing a BLOODY revolution. People are dying. STOP destabilizing the Iranian state!” “Her name is Neda Aghasoltan. Her heart is not beating any more, but she is!! And she will be forever.” “was about time the UN started to pay some attention to the postelection violence at Iran...” RT: from Iran "I have one vote. I gave it to Moussavi. I have one life. I will give it for Freedom." “I'm afraid if the government shuts down all the internet access because of this videos posted to CNN,AlJazeera,BBC Youtube.” PLEASE RETWEET - Basij rounding up injured protesters at Hospitals. List of EMBASSIES taking in injured: “Remedy for tear gas on skin: Wipe skin exposed to chemical with a rag or gauze canola oil. Follow immediately with alcohol.” 2009-06-22 2009-06-23 2009-06-24 2009-06-25 2009-06-26 2009-06-27 2009-06-28 2009-06-29 The Last Two Tweets to Appear in Farsi on the 29th of June 2009 تجمع هزاران دانشجوى دانشگاه تهران با شعار مرگ بر مرگ بر خامنهاى،ديكتاتور Accumulation of thousands of students of Tehran University chanting "dictator," Death to Khamenei دهها هزار تن از مردم تهران در خيابان شريعتى با مأموران سركوبگر درگير شدند Tens of thousands of people in Tehran Shariati Street officers were involved in suppression Acknowledgements For the ppl of Iran - #iranelection RT“ led by Richard Rogers. Programming by Erik Borra, design by Marieke van Dijk and editorial by Kimberley Spreeuwenberg and Esther Weltevrede. #iranelection RT is online athttp://www.rettiwt.net/ (request login at issuecrawler.net). All data for this presentation has been sourced from #iranelection RT. Contact for further information regarding this powerpoint – cssem@leeds.ac.uk Steven McDermott is a Doctoral Candidate and Research Assistant at the Institute of Communications Studies at the University of Leeds. Personal Website http://snacda.wordpress.com Neda’s Tweets? • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MOUSAVI HAS ASK THE WORLD TO PARTICIPATE IN SEA OF GREEN IN ALL CAPITAL CITIES THIS SUNDAY - 2009-06-18T23:09:33Z Mehdi Karoubi letter to National Security Council - shoraye negahban - 2009-06-19T16:20:37Z Mousavi - Confirmed - calls for ALL the nation to stand on balconys TONIGHT and show support with 'Allah Akbar' - 2009-06-19T16:21:39Z confirmed - 2 student activist arrested - Alirezah Khshbakht & Zahra Toheedi - 2009-06-19T16:22:04Z The CRUCIAL Demonstration on Saturday 16:00 in Tehran and all around the world, please spread this message around - 2009-06-19T17:12:34Z confirmed - IRIB.ir - HACKED - Dos Dos Dos Dos - RT RT RT - 2009-06-19T18:58:29Z Tonight in cities across iran, gun shots fired into air try to scare ppl,ppl just respond with louder chants of "God is great“ - 2009-06-19T20:23:30Z Breaking News: Text Messaging is back. Reporting at 2:5 am. The question is "Why?“- 2009-06-19T21:44:51Z Mir Hossein Mousavi is safe and well - preparing for tomorrow - Sea of Green - 2009-06-19T22:49:40Z RT Iran) PLEASE RT ALL UR Followers: STRATEGIC NONVIOLENT PROTEST MANUAL - 2009-06-20T09:08:08Z from too many sources; rally NOT cancelled. rumors of cancellation are disinfo from govt - 2009-06-20T09:30:16Z RT Iran: BBC Persia: the rally will take place from Meydane Enghelab to Meydan Azadi as planned - 2009-06-20T10:16:34Z RT from Iran: Beware of ppl on twitter trying to confuse you. Mousavi is safe and rally is going ahead. - 2009-06-20T10:22:45Z Protect against tear gas: avoid oils, lotions and detergents. Wash clothes, hair and skin beforehand in detergent-free soap - 2009-06-20T10:30:26Z Reports: Mobile networks are down around Enghelab Sq. - 2009-06-20T10:31:11Z RT: PLEASE TELL ALL PROTESTORS: CARRY QURAN: ISLAMIC LAW STATES ITS A SIN TO KILL ANYONE WITH A QURAN IN HAND - 2009-06-20T10:39:53Z We going to Azadi Square now in Tehran. Pray for us! 2day is our INDEPENDENCE DAY from all tyranny! Thank you World! - 2009-06-20T11:04:42Z RT vrtsflipflop: RT RT iranixRT: Confirmed: @giti456789 is Iranian govt agent... PLEASE RT!! - 2009-06-20T12:41:59Z First reaction of many people to bomb "it was the Government” - 2009-06-20T13:38:48Z RT shooting into unarmed crowd!! - 2009-06-20T13:53:12Z RT SOLIDARITY! Set up a Tor bridge: - 2009-06-20T14:12:15Z DONT SPLIT! RT From Iran: About 5000 Protesters pushing back Police, Bassij & Hezbollah to Azadi St - 2009-06-20T14:46:07Z RT european embassies are open for injured, bring them there !!! - 2009-06-20T15:05:45Z Continuous Gunfires hearing near Imam Khomeini Hospital Near to Azadi St. - 2009-06-20T16:09:50Z Please spread: http://bit.ly/1EFn - 2009-06-20T16:39:12Z Mousavi - confirmed - IF I AM ARRESTED THE NATION IS TO STRIKE INDEFINITELY - 2009-06-20T16:40:13Z Site listing fake/possible govt twitter accounts. View and block - 2009-06-20T16:42:02Z Call from Iran reports severe skin burns due to the unknown liquid dropped from helicopters. - 2009-06-20T19:05:12Z TRANSLATE: #Neda Salehi buried today very quickly and under high security measures - 2009-06-21T19:46:08Z RT A partial list of arrested journos/bloggers/politicians http://bit.ly/BHmc5 - 2009-06-22T06:21:32Z Karroubi will publish an announcement later today - 2009-06-22T08:47:02Z all roads and aley ways around Interior Ministry closed with concrete blocs and guards - 2009-06-22T12:11:30Z