Enterprise IT Decision Making Implementation In Action Amy Gee, Portfolio Manager, EITDM Office of the CIO April 2015 Enterprise Information Technology Decision Making* is an operational structure and process to smartly decision strategic IT investments in support of UW-Madison’s Strategic Goals. UW-Madison 2015-2019 Strategic Framework Supports our culture of transparency and participation Ensures stewardship over existing resources Maximizes financial soundness in decision making Incorporates a structured way to analyze project proposals * Acronym = EITDM 2 Over a two-year analysis period, Campus concluded the need for an Enterprise IT Decision Making Process and Governance to guide strategic IT investments for UW-Madison. Start February 2012 Start Enterprise IT Decision Making Analysis and Proposal Process Kick-Off Current August 2012 Complete Phase I – Current State Assessment What do we have now and what do we need? February 2013 Complete Phase II – Future State Proposal What should it look like? Several Higher Education Institutions have implemented a process to smartly decision IT projects and track their success when implemented. January 2014 Complete Phase III – Implementation Planning How can we do this? February 2015 New Hire in Role – Initiate Implementation Let’s begin! 3 The three-phase analysis and recommendation process included participants from across the UW-Madison campus. Steering Committee: Provost Paul DeLuca and VCFA Darrell Bazzell Participating Divisions: Administrative Process Redesign Administrative Information Management Services Colleges of Agricultural Life Sciences, Letters and Sciences, Engineering Divisions of Information Technology, Enrollment Management, International Studies Graduate School Office of Budget, Planning and Analysis Offices of the CIO and Registrar Schools of Education, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy, Medicine and Public Health Student Representation University Health Services Huron Consulting Group 4 EITDM Future State outlined 9 desired characteristics to ensure an infrastructure that will continue to facilitate innovation while simultaneously work to foster trust in the decision makers. Representative Provide for appropriate representation of various constituencies across campus Collaborative Enable “cross-talk” across and within areas and stakeholders Clear Establish clear process and entry points into the model Transparent Document and communicate decision and rationale Consistent Principles, policies and procedures are consistently applied Accountable Focus on results Agile Provide flexibility for quick response Adaptable Allow change based on evolving needs of information and information technologies Innovative Stimulate innovation as a common goal 5 The Governance Model comprises representational participation from across campus with appropriate levels for input, review and decision making. EITDM Office Information Technology Committee (ITC) Executive Board LEGEND Executive Oversight & Strategic Direction Advisory Provost Chancellor V.C. for Administration V.C. for Research V.P. Information Technology Chair of the ITC Dean of L&S Dean of Engineering Planning Board Review & Approval Committee CIO Division of Information Technology (DoIT) Research Computing Instructional Technology Administrative Technology Decision Rights Members Select Deans & Associate Deans Department Chairs V.P. Information Technology V.C. Administration Service Management Advisory Group Technical Assessment and Recommendation Research Computing Instructional Technology Administrative Technology IT Communities of Practice 6 By using the Enterprise IT Decision Making process, we as a campus work together to improve value through better project selections and more efficient use of technology. Ideation & Submission Assessment & Options Planning / Executive Committee Review Implementation Roadmap Project Execution In order to make the right decisions, it is important to understand the current list of projects and the existing IT landscape. The implementation of Enterprise IT Decision Making analyzes project proposals to determine: • Fit with the active and upcoming projects (Change the Business) • Opportunities and needs compared to the existing IT landscape (Run the Business) Strategic Objectives What are the active and upcoming projects supported by IT within Schools, Colleges, Divisions and DoIT? Change the Business EITDM Portfolio Management New Ideas Run the Business Business as Usual What is the existing technology landscape across Campus to include Schools, Colleges, Divisions and DoIT? Service Support 8 Several campus areas are participating to develop a comprehensive view of active projects, which is known as the Campus IT Portfolio. School of Education School of Medicine and Public Health UW-Madison Library Graduate School Campus IT Portfolio Administrative Process Redesign College of Letters & Sciences Office of the Registrar Division of Information Technology College of Agricultural Life Sciences 9 Importance of IT Portfolio Management Shared Accountability: Enhance transparency, accountability through joint Campus governance Agreed Prioritization: Ratify prioritization of project proposals prior to assignment Confirmed Alignment: Ensure initiatives provide the greatest benefits and contribution to strategic framework Identified Benefits: Achieve the best return from total investment Streamlined Activities: Identify and remove redundant or duplicate projects Scheduled Resources: Maximize assignment of resource: ‘right people, on the right projects at the right time’ 10 Enterprise IT Decision Making and Portfolio Management Implementation Plan Jan 2014 Feb – May 2015 June 2015 - Ongoing Complete In process In plan Finalize EITDM Proposal Socialize EITDM Approach Develop Campus IT Portfolio and Governance • Determine Campus need for EITDM • Meet with EITDM Proposal Committee • Develop categorization and tooling methodology • Explore options for Approach • Identify needs required to launch EITDM • Finalize Proposal • Share and solicit feedback on approach: • Identify user friendly groups and socialize approach to capture project details • Post and Hire Portfolio Manager position • Campus Leadership • Shared Governance Groups • Schools and Colleges • DoIT Management Team • Compile initial view of IT Portfolio • Implement Governance Structure: approve charter, roll-out decisioning and reporting process • Implement process to receive, analyze and decision new ideas. Implement Decision Making and Portfolio Reporting • Develop process for project managers to submit updates on active projects • Expand governance reporting to include portfolio delivery • Onboard additional areas of campus • Continually mature decisioning process, portfolio management practice and overarching governance 11 12