Chapter 5 Mental_Emotional Health Problems


Chapter 5

Unit 2: Mental/Emotional Health

Mental & Emotional


Ch. 5/Lesson 1



Anxiety & Depression-

2 most common mental health problems

Anxiety -the condition of feeling uneasy or worried about what may happen

Occasional anxiety is natural response to life events; once the stressful situation is over, so is the anxiety it created

• How to Cope? … use the stress management techniques from ch. 4

• Why not use substances such as alcohol or drugs to cope?

Produce a temporary false sense of relaxation & cause other physical, mental, social, and legal problems

Depression – a prolonged feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, and sadness

( sadness affects everyone, but depression usually last longer and may produce symptoms that do not go away over time)

• 15% of all Teens will display some signs of depression

• Most common mental health concerns

Types of Depression

~ Major > intense feelings; lasting weeks or months at a time

~ Mild > less severe symptoms, but can last for years

~ Adjustment Disorder > reaction to a specific life event (loss and having trouble with closure)

Warning Signs of Depression

5 or more of these symptoms must persist

 Persistent sad or irritable mood

 Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed

 Significant change in appetite or weight

 Difficulty sleeping or oversleeping

 Physical Signs of nervousness for two or more weeks before diagnosis

 Loss of energy

 Feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt

 Difficulty concentrating

 Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide eshow-depression-overview

Causes and Effects of



• physical… heredity; illness; medical condition

• psychological…surviving a traumatic life event

• social or environmental… living in poverty; abusive environment

• Emotional… harmful family situation; relationship

Effects or other (symptoms):

• changes in thinking…concentrating; decision making

• changes in feelings… apathy -lack of strong feeling, interest or concern

• changes in behavior…moody, lack of; eating more or less; sleeping; fatigued; withdrawn; and neglect basic hygiene; use of harmful substances

Getting Help

Depression is treatable

• Medications

• Changes in school or environment

• Counseling

 Focus on the positive things in your life

 Talk to a trusted friend, family member or counselor

 Get some exercise

Ch. 5 /Lesson 2

Mental Disorders

Each year 57.7 million people in the US are affected by some form of mental disorderillness of the mind that can affect thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, preventing him or her from leading a happy, healthful, and productive life.

(approx. 1 in every 6)

Stigma - a mark of shame or disapproval that results in an individual being shunned or rejected by others

Mental Disorders are medical conditions that require diagnosis and treatment and can begin as early as childhood


Anxiety disorder

*most common among children and teens

13-15% between ages 9 and 17

Impulse control disorder

Eating disorder

*more common among teen girls


Real or imagined fears are difficult to control


-Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

-Panic Disorder

-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

-General Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Can’t resist the urge to cause harm to themselves or others

-kleptomania -excessive gambling

-cutting -compulsive shopping


Discomfort with body image; controlling and perfectionistic characteristics; people pleasers

*Conduct disorder

Disorder Effects/Types

*Engage in patterns of behavior in which the rights of others or basic social rules are violated

-Stealing -Cruelty -Arson

-Lying -Violence -Vandalism

-Aggression -Truancy


*Affects 1% of population

*Mood disorder

*Personality Disorder


Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder)

*Person loses contact with reality…

Symptoms include delusions, hallucinations, and thought disorders

*Illness that involves mood extremes that interfere with everyday living (more extreme than the normal highs and lows)


-Bipolar disorder (Manic Depression)

*Unable to regulate their emotions. Cause is unknown

*common effect of severe trauma during early childhood, usually extreme, repetitive physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse. Produces a lack of connection in a person's thoughts, memories, feelings, actions, or sense of identity

Ch. 5/Lesson 3

Suicide Prevention


Suicide -The act of


intentionally taking ones own





*Graph displays % of 15

Teens with Mild to Severe




(CDC Study-2009)


Boys Girls Average

Felt Sad or





Often Felt


Most people learn to deal with stress, but for some it can cause

Alienation – feeling isolated and separated from everyone else

• Lack of a support group

• Unable to access community help

Seeking to escape the pain, they make consider suicide

*3 rd Leading cause of death for Teens 15-19

Suicide Risk Factors

1. Depression or other mental problems

2. History of alcohol or drug abuse

Other Risk Factors:

• Stressful situation or loss

• Previous attempts

• Family History of mental disorders

• Easy access to guns


Among those that do commit suicide, 90% suffer from these risk factors

Strategies to Prevent Suicide

Recognizing the Warning Signs

Signs should be taken seriously. The more signs exhibited, the more likely it is that the person is thinking about suicide

Recognizing these signs may help prevent `````````````````````a SUICIDE```````````````````````

 Direct statements “I wish I were dead”  Deterioration of schoolwork

 Indirect statements “I can’t take it…”  Substance abuse

 Unusual obsession with death  Guilt, shame, rejection, (-)self evaluation

 Giving away personal belongings  Writing songs, lyrics, poems, diary entries about death

 Dramatic changes in personality, hygiene, or appearance

 Impulsive/Unusual behaviors

 Intolerance for praise or rewards

 Withdrawal from friends

 Violent, rebellious behavior, running away

 Complaints about physical ailments

How You Can Help

• Initiate a Meaningful Conversation

(Show interest, compassion, patience, and understanding and just listen)

• Show Support and Ask Questions

(“All problems have solutions…suicide is not the answer) *Share the fact that most suicide survivors are grateful the did not die

• Try to Persuade the Person to Seek Help

(parent, counselor, trusted adult…go with them)

Ch. 5/Lesson 4

Getting Help

(Mental Health Professionals)

When is help needed?

• Feeling trapped or worried all the time

• Feelings that affect sleep, eating, schoolwork, performance, relationships

• Becoming involved with alcohol/drugs

• Being aggressive, violent, or reckless

Mental Health influences every aspect of a person’s life….get help!

Seeking help can be a hard step and you can’t do it alone!

Facts to keep in mind when you or someone is hesitant to seek help…

• Show signs of inner strength

• Serious disorder, compulsions, additions do require professional intervention

• Sharing thoughts and feeling with an objective person can be of great relief

• Financial help may be available

Mental Health Professionals

Health Care



Counselor Neurologist





Psychiatrist Psychiatric



• Counselor -handles personal/school matters

• School Psychologist assessment of learning, emotional, and behavior problems

• Psychiatrist -physician that can diagnose/treat mental disorders (prescribe meds)

• Neurologist -physician of physical disorders of brain/nervous system

• Clinical Psychologist diagnose/treat emotional and behavior disorders

• Psychiatric Social Workerprovides counseling/guidance in community (hospitals, health clinics, etc)

Methods of Treatment

Treatment Methods


Psychotherapy – on going dialogue with patient to find the cause of the problem and devise a solution

Family Therapy – helping families function more positively promote better communication and education

Behavior Therapy – focuses on changing the unwanted behavior through rewards and reinforcements

Group Therapy – treating a group of people who have similar problems

Cognitive Therapy – identify and correct distorted thinking patterns that lead to selfdestructive behaviors and feelings

Drug Therapy – the use of certain medications to treat or reduce the symptoms of the disorder
