Required Tasks for Speciation Island

Speciation Island
Welcome to Speciation Island!
While you are on this island, your objectives are to
Interpret a branching tree (cladogram)
Create a branching tree/cladogram)
Explain how new species form
Use charts and graphs to help you deepen your ideas and understand evidence scientists
use to support the theory of evolution
Explain how similarities in DNA are used to explain relationships between species
Key Terms: species, branching tree, cladogram, variation
At Home Tasks
Read Text pages 152-153
Do Q 2a 2b on page 153
Required Tasks
Task 1: Discuss phylogeny
Task 2: Lab “Cladograms”
Task 3: Read the “Nuts and Bolts of Evolution”
Speciation Island
Required Tasks for Speciation Island
Task 1: Discuss Phylogeny
1. With a partner, interpret the branching tree diagram at the top of page 152. Are giant
pandas more closely related to lesser pandas or bears? How do you know?
2. Watch the video “How To Build a Cladogram” at
3. Read and discuss in your groups the worksheet “Understanding Phylogenies”
Task 2: Interpreting “Cladograms”
1. Do the Cladogram Analysis worksheet with a partner. Use the insect books to read more
about the insects and to determine types of mouthparts etc.
2. Use the back of the Cladogram Analysis worksheet to construct a Cladogram to show the
relationship between human, snake, monkey, and mouse
A. Compare your cladogram to Diagram A.
a. What do you notice?
b. What are some conclusions you can draw about Diagram A?
c. Record a reflection in your journal
B. Examine Diagram B. Is it correct to say that humans evolved from chimpanzees?
Support your answer with facts from what you know about cladograms. Record in
your journal.
Speciation Island
Optional Tasks for Speciation Island
Task 1: Technology Activity
Learn about Human Origins
Watch The Human Journey - In Search Of Human Origins at
Summarize the changes that happened in hominids over time
Task 2: Technology Activity
Watch “The Game-Changing Amniotic Egg”
Watch the video at
Explain how did the development of the egg is an example of evolution
Explain how the development of the egg led to an increase in species
Draw a cladogram showing the organisms that evolved from the first tetrapod
Task 3: Interpreting Diagrams
Beetle Diversity
Examine the picture of the beetles. What is the scientific order of beetles?
Do some research to find out why they have been so successful as a species. Hint: type in
“why are there so many species of beetles?” into the google search bar
Look at the beetle section in an insect guide. What are their distinguishing features?
Find a beetle (outside!) to observe
Task 4: Technology Activity
Explore the Museum of Natural History’s “Human Origins”
Task 5: Reading
Read “Bonobos Join Chimps as Closest Human Relatives” at or get a
handout at Speciation Island. Explain the science used to determine the relationship of bonobos
to humans.
Speciation Island