Organizational Theory Quiz: Open Systems & Change

Burke 4th Ed
Chapter 04 Quiz
Multiple Choice
1. The most effective organization theories for understanding organization change are based on:
A) Stability
B) Political science
C) Economics and engineering
D) Life sciences
3. According to Burke, any human organization is best viewed as:
A) A closed system
B) An open system
C) Chaotic
D) None of the above
5. The open-system “input-throughput-output feedback loop” refers to:
A) A cyclical process between an organization and its environment
B) Organizational communication processes
C) How organizations review employee performance
D) None of the above
7. Importation of energy refers to:
A) One of the ten characteristics of open systems mentioned by Burke
B) Throughput
C) Output
D) Systems being cycles of events
9. Entropy, according to Katz & Kahn (1978) refers to:
A) The fact that organizations are self-sufficient
B) Steady-state and dynamic homeostasis
C) Integration and coordination
D) A universal law of nature in which all forms of organization move toward disorganization or death
11. Steady state, according to Katz & Kahn (1978) refers to:
A) Organizations that are perfectly balanced with their environment
B) A continuous flow of energy from the external environment and a continuous export of the products
of the system
C) Entropy
D) Equifinality
13. Integration and coordination are accomplished through:
A) Shared norms and values
B) Organization structure, roles and authority
C) Both A and B
D) Neither A nor B
15. In a systems sense, an organization’s success and effectiveness is based on:
A) Openness and selectivity
B) Remaining a closed system
C) Refraining from taking a systems view
D) Remaining impermeable
17. Autopoiesis refers to:
A) Synthesis
B) Dissipation of the system
C) Boundary osmosis
D) A continuous changing of a living system’s structures while preserving its patterns of organization
19. Process (as a criterion for understanding life) refers to:
A) Cognition (mental activity)
B) Information processing
C) Organizations perceiving, sorting through and selecting from the external environment for internal
D) All of the above
25. One of the ten distinguishing characteristics of open systems is “systems are cycles of events” which
means that events, rather than things, provide identity.
A) True
B) False
27. The target for change is the individual not the system.
A) True
B) False
29. The main way humans communicate is with language and chemical exchange just like ants.
A) True
B) False