Europe Looks Outward Test Please study your PowerPoint slides!

Europe Looks Outward Test
Please study your PowerPoint slides!
The format of this exam will be:
 Multiple Choice
 Document Analysis
To do well on this exam, you must study:
 Your PowerPoint
 Your class notes
To do well on this exam, you must know:
 The Magna Carta
 The definition of legislature
 “Power of the purse”
 The English Bill of Rights
 Trial by Jury
 habeas Corpus
 Freedom of the Press
 Mercantilism
 Imports and Exports
 The social classes in English colonies
 The Middle Passage
 Gullah
 Yankees
 The triangle trade route
 The effects of the Middle Passage
 Slave codes
 The definition of racism
 Apprentice
 Dame schools
 The characteristics of the Enlightenment
 The woman’s role in the colonies
 John lock and natural rights
 The characteristic of a colonial school
 Divine right
 The Separation of powers
 The postal system
 The Great awakening
 Inventions of Benjamin Franklin
Extra Help:
 Friday afternoons or by
appointment, see a teacher.