Advanced marketing Examining Marketing and Business #34- IDENTIFY COMPONENTS OF A MARKETING PLAN What is a Marketing Plan? What Plan must be done to succeed for specific period of time Based or marketing research and data Roadmap/plan for success Components of Plan I. Executive Summary II. Situation Analysis (SWOT and PEST) III. Objectives (Mission, Marketing, Financial) IV. Marketing Strategies (Position and Points of Difference, and Marketing Mix) V. Implementation (Organization, Activities/Responsibilities, and Timetables) VI. Evaluation and Control (Performance Standards, Marketing Strategies, Marketing Mix) Corrective Action Executive Summary Brief overview of company’s purpose and goals Summarizes what is to come in report One to two pages Includes: A brief description of products and services A summary of objectives A solid description of the market A high-level justification for viability (including a quick look at your competition and your competitive advantage) A snapshot of growth potential An overview of funding requirements Situation analysis Critical review of current business situation Starting point of marketing plan Clear and objective analysis Analysis includes: product information, market, opportunities, and challenges SWOT and PEST objectives Company Mission Marketing Objectives Financial Objectives Company Mission Declaration of company’s core purpose Unchanged over time Should (1) filters what is important from what is not (2) which (3) include the following markets will be served and how communicate a sense of intended direction to the entire organization. Marketing objectives What business wants to accomplish through marketing activities Use SMART approach to write objectives Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time Specific Position and Points of Difference Position- how you want customer to favorably perceive your brand Points of Difference- the basis on which you develop position Financial objectives How business will finance marketing operations Profit goals Lower costs Budget/Profit Related Marketing strategies Positioning and Points of Difference Marketing Mix Marketing mix Product Place Price Promotion implementation Organization Activities and Responsibilities Timetables Evaluation and control Identify Need quantitative elements to measure to determine how evaluate: Marketing Objectives Financial Objectives Marketing Mix Assignment Work with partner to prepare a marketing plan for The Falcons’ Nest for 2015-2016. OR Begin work on DECA project marketing plan for competition