Biology Semester 1 Final Exam review


Biology Semester 1 Final Exam Review

Next week you will have your final exam for Biology. The test will have 100 multiple choice questions and a short essay. Below are the major topics for the exam. Each question below will have at least one question associated with it. Your assignment is to answer each one of the questions below. You will also be given a grade for this review. All questions should be answered by _____________________.

Nature of Science (Chapter 1)

1) What is scientific methodology?

2) What are the steps involved in scientific methodology?

3) What 8 characteristics do all living things share?

4) How is a hypothesis different than a theory?

5) How do images appear when looked at under the microscope?

6) What is the chemical formula for glucose?

7) What happened in the mystery suspension experiment?

8) What is homeostasis?

9) What types of questions can be answered by science?

10) What is a controlled experiment?

11) What is an independent variable?

12) What is a dependent variable?

13) What is a control group?

Ecology (Chapter 3)

14) What is ecology?

15) What is an example of a primary producer?

16) What are primary consumers?

17) What are secondary consumers?

18) What is a trophic level?

19) What is a pyramid of energy?

20) What is an autotroph?

21) What is a heterotroph?

22) What is a food web?

23) How does energy get transferred in a food web?

24) What is a nutrient?

25) What is a riparian ecosystem?

26) What is the difference between abiotic and biotic factors?

Chemistry of Life (Chapter 2)

27) What is an enzyme?

28) What happened in the peroxidase experiment?

29) What is a substrate?

30) What are the 4 macromolecules we studied?

31) What is a monomer?

32) What is a polymer?

33) What are the functions of proteins?

34) In chemical reactions, what are the products and reactants?

35) What are isotopes?

36) What are the subatomic particles of an atom?

37) What makes up a water molecule?

38) What are valence electrons?

39) What is a compound?

40) What are the properties of water (adhesion, cohesion, etc)?

41) What does it mean to say water is a polar molecule?

42) What is the difference between a suspension and a solution?

43) What is the pH scale?

44) What is a chemical reaction?

Cell Organelles (Chapter 7.2)

Be able to identify (from the pictures on page 206) the following organelles: nucleus, vacuoles, lysosomes, centrioles, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, chloroplasts, mitochondria, cell wall, cell membrane

Cells and Cell Transport (Chapter 7.1 and 7.3)

45) What are the main differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells?

46) What are the main differences between plant and animal cells?

47) What is Diffusion?

48) What is the law of diffusion?

49) What is the kinetic molecular theory?

50) What is a selectively permeable membrane?

51) What were the results from the “diffusion of molecules across a membrane lab?”

52) What is osmosis?

53) What is hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic mean?

54) What happened in the experiment you did with dialysis tubing?

55) What is solute?

56) Describe what is happening to the cells and contents of the beakers in the 4 pictures below. The dots represent molecules of solute. Water is represented by the white space surrounding the dots




DNA structure (chapter 12)

57) When you extracted DNA from your cheek cells, what was the purpose of the alcohol, detergent, and meat tenderizer?

58) Draw a nucleotide showing all main components and chemical bonds.

59) What are the complementary base pairs to ATTCGATG ?

60) Where is DNA found in cells?

61) What is the relationship between DNA, a gene, and a chromosome?

62) Explain what DNA replication is and sketch the main steps (include enzymes)-

63) When does DNA replicate?

64) Where did you get your DNA from?

65) What are the monomers of DNA strands called?

66) What scientists built models to show the shape and structure of DNA?

Cell Division (chapter 10)

67) What are the stages of the cell cycle (what happens in each one)? **Remember (IPMAT) and cytokinesis

68) Label the above letters in relation to the cell cycle.

69) What happens when cells cannot control mitosis?

70) What is cell division?

71) Draw a chromosome and label the centromere and sister chromatids.

Essay Questions : Be able to answer two of the following questions using the appropriate scientific vocabulary.

1. What sorts of questions can and cannot be answered in science? Explain your answer thoroughly.

2. Explain what 8 characteristics all living organisms share.

3. How could you compare a cell to a factory or city? Pick 5 organelles to relate to a factory or city. Explain how they are similar.

4. Should we reintroduce wolves into Rocky Mountain National Park? Use Yellowstone to defend your answer.
