English 3 Fall Semester Exam Review Define the terms or answer

English 3 Fall Semester Exam Review
Define the terms or answer the questions in complete sentences on your own paper. If ALL
questions/terms are completed, it will be +5 on your exam.
Literary Elements
1. Drama
2. Conflict
3. Stage
4. Character
5. Setting
6. Plot
7. Dialogue
8. Theme
9. The Puritans had their own unique community and cultural practices based on what?
10. Puritans __________________ the rituals and extravagant buildings of the major
denominations in Europe.
11. Every man, woman, and child was expected to attend the meeting on the Sabbath without
12. Puritans were required to read _________________ which showed their religious
discipline. If they did not, _______________________________________.
The Crucible
(The Crucible, Act 1)
13. What conclusion can you draw about Abigail's discharge from the Proctors'?
14. Why does Abigail accuse Tituba of conjuring the Devil?
(The Crucible, Act 2)
15. What is used as evidence against Elizabeth Proctor?
16. According to Elizabeth Proctor, what is the motivation behind Abigail's accusation against
(The Crucible, Act 3)
17. Why does Mary Warren turn against John Proctor and accuse him of being the Devil’s man?
The Age of Reason
18. Which of the Age of Reason authors was a scientist, publisher, and statesman?
19. Which of the Age of Reason authors wrote letters that campaigned for women’s rights?
20. Which of the Age of Reason authors was an American president, philosopher, and statesman?
21. What was the theme of the Enlightenment?
22. What are the three parts of the Declaration of Independence?
Speech to the Second Virginia Convention
23. What is the theme of the speech?
24. What are the choices Henry recognizes for himself as he concludes his speech?
25. When Henry uses the word “throne” to rename the King, what rhetorical device is he using?
26. At the time the speech was written, what did Henry believe Britain was preparing for?
27. allusion
28. motif
29. metonymy
30. onomatopoeia
31. juxtaposition
32. rhetorical question
33. parallel sentence structure
34. concession
35. persuasion
36. The Romantics favor ___________________ and __________________ over ____________.
37. Describe the characteristics of a Romantic Hero
38. The Romantics explore the darker facets of humanity like _______________________,
39. __________________________ and ________________________.
40. Name the 3 movements of Romanticism.
41. The Dark Romantics believe God __________________________________________________.
42. Know who wrote the following works: Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, The Scarlett
Letter, Moby Dick, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Walden, Leaves of Grass. (In your timeline)
The Devil and Tom Walker
43. What is the one condition between Tom and the devil “which need not be mentioned, being
generally understood”?
44. What does the story suggest is the wickedest occupation?
45. What motivates Tom’s wife to seek the devil?
46. Motivated by ___________________, in his old age, Tom begins to use the Bible mainly to
47. What happens to Tom’s possessions after he disappears?
48. Which part of the tree bearing Deacon Peabody’s name is rotten?
49. What are the three main themes of the story?
Propaganda and Ad Analysis You will be given an ad to analyze using these terms.
50. Ethos
51. Pathos
52. Logos
53. What is the goal of propaganda?
54. What is propaganda?
55. Glittering Generalities
56. Name Calling
57. Testimonial
58. Plain Folk
59. Transfer
60. Fear
61. Bandwagon
62. Know what the colors in advertising mean: black- , white- , yellow- , purple- , orange- ,
red- , green- , blue- , brown-