Proposals for rule changes – to be considered by the Management Committee on 21 August a. Incorporation of the Laws of Chess governing quickplay finishes (proposed by the Rules subCommittee): Article 10 and Appendix D, see p. 39 of the current Handbook, have been combined into a new Appendix G. There is a new option, G4, which can be opted-out of. However, the Rules Committee is concerned that even with the few matches played with digital clocks where an arbiter is present, there is not sufficient expertise to carry out, quickly and accurately, the necessary clock adjustments required by this rule. The Rules Committee therefore proposes that Article 10 and Appendix D be deleted and replaced by FIDE Laws of Chess “Appendix G. Quickplay Finishes” excluding Article G4. If a majority are not in favour of excluding G4 then Appendix G must be implemented in full. The designated arbiter described in Appendix G6(b) is the BDCL Rules Committee. b. Mobile phones (proposed by the Rules sub-Committee): Article 11.3b prevents the bringing of mobile phones into the venue, not something that most people would want. In addition the Rules Committee are in favour of maintaining the loss of the game if a player’s phone makes a sound during a game. The Rules Committee therefore proposes that Rule 8.10 be amended. Delete “In accordance with Article 12.3b of the Laws of Chess” and substitute “With reference to Article 11.3b of the Laws of Chess”. At the end of the rule, add the following: “If a player’s mobile phone emits any noise during a game then that player loses his game. c. Quickplay finishes (proposed by Olton CC): Insert new rule 8.7 and renumber as necessary Games in matches between teams when one or both has indicated their preference for conclusion by adjournment shall normally be completed by an adjourned session as described in Rule 10. However, if both players in any individual game in such a match agree at the start of play, their game may be concluded by a Quickplay finish. The time limits for such shall be as described in Rule 8.6. d. Rates of play (proposed by Olton CC): Replace Rule 8.5 as below In all matches or Individual Tournament games the default rate of play shall be 36 moves in 90 minutes and a further 24 moves in the next 60 minutes registered on a player’s clock. However, the first session may, by agreement between the teams, play to 30 moves in 75 minutes and the time control will be at the end of the session. (On reaching the second time control at 54 or 60 moves see Rule 12.1e). e. Length of playing sessions (proposed by Olton CC): The first session of all games in any match shall be played in the home team’s club-room on the date and at the time appointed therefore and shall be of a continuous period of at least 3 hours (unless an time limit of 30 moves in 75 minutes is agreed when it shall be a continuous period of at least 2½ hours). f. Quickplay finishes (proposed by Wolverhampton CC): 5.4 The Management Committee shall arrange the fixtures in the Knock-Out Competitions and shall conduct all draws for the various rounds subject to the following conditions:(a) The first round of the Terrill and Townshend Competitions shall be played in the last week of September which shall be kept free of other fixtures. In the Homer and Barrington Competitions the necessary number of byes shall be drawn in the first round. In the Terrill and Townshend Competitions there shall be no more than one bye in the first round. (b) Six weeks shall be allotted for completion of the first round and five weeks for subsequent rounds. First adjournments must be played within 21 days. (c) In the week allotted for the second round of the Terrill and Townshend Competitions the first round of the Homer and Barrington Competitions shall be played and that week shall be kept free of other fixtures. Any necessary byes in the Terrill and Townshend Competitions shall be drawn in the second round. The draw shall be made so that, as far as possible, no team which received a bye, or won a match by walk-over, in the first round shall receive a bye in the second round. (d) In the third and subsequent rounds, League matches coinciding must be re-arranged forthwith. (e) The first drawn team in each pairing shall be the home team in all rounds except the finals, which shall be at neutral venues arranged by the Records Secretary. (f) Clubs are instructed to contact one another to confirm the playing arrangements. (g) The weeks occupied by Christmas and New Year's Day will not be considered as playing time. 7.2 Before the start of each match the opposing captains shall list their players in descending order of strength on a match card to be supplied by the League (or a suitable facsimile thereof). They shall then exchange cards and list their teams on the opposition’s card, then returning this card to the opposition. If a captain be aware that any player in his list will be defaulting, the word DEFAULT shall be entered for the name on the lowest possible board and that game immediately recorded as lost by default. Players in the away team shall notify their opponents of the time limit to be used for the match, and this should be noted by both captains on their respective match cards. 7.4 Odd numbered boards in the home team and even numbered boards in the away team shall have the white pieces in all matches, each player playing one game with that player in the opposing team having the same number as himself. In matches played at a neutral venue, the home and away team shall be determined by lot. 8.2 In all matches in the League's competitions play shall commence and white players' clocks shall be started at the home club's declared start time. However, the captains in any match may mutually agree to vary the starting time of any match provided that the amount of playing time required by 8.5 shall not be shortened. 8.3 The first session of all games in any match shall be played in the home team's club-room on the date and at the time appointed. 8.4 Clocks shall be provided for all matches in the League's competitions, and they shall be started at all boards at the time fixed for the commencement of play. If the clocks are not started at the due time, any elapsed time must be deducted from the time allowance of the home players. 8.5 Games must be played at one of the following time limits: a) A one-session option, for which the time control shall be 30 moves in 75 minutes, followed by a 15-minute quickplay finish. b) A two-session option, for which the time control shall be 30 moves in 75 minutes, followed by 24 moves in 60 minutes, followed by a 15-minute quickplay finish. 8.6 In any match in either the All-Play-All Championships or the Knock-Out Competitions, the time control for the match will be either 8.5a or 8.5b, as determined by the away player’s preference. The away player must commit to one of the options before the point at which he has made his move in accordance with Article 4.7 of the Laws of Chess. If the away player has not declared his preference as prescribed, then the game will be played in accordance with the time limit in 8.5a). 8.7 By agreement between two opposing players in a game, the initial period of 30 moves in 75 minutes in either time limit specified in 8.5 may be amended to 36 moves in 90 minutes. 8.7 to 8.10 inclusive renumbered to 8.8 to 8.11. 12.1 On the resumption of play in any adjourned game the following procedure shall be adopted:a) the playing session shall be arranged to permit sufficient time for completion of the game. b) at the time of resumption endorsed on the sealed move envelope the position shall be set up and clocks shall be adjusted as prescribed by the Laws of Chess. c) if the player who is to reply to the sealed move be absent his opponent shall start the absent player's clock, but shall not disclose his sealed move until his opponent's arrival. d) if the player who has made the sealed move be absent his clock shall be started and shall run until he shall arrive or exceed the time limit, whichever event shall first occur. 18.4 The first drawn player in each pairing shall be the home player for the game. It shall be the duty of the first drawn player in any game to communicate with his opponent offering alternative dates. His opponent, the away player, will have the choice of time limits in 8.5. g. Quickplay finishes (proposed by West Bromwich CC): 8.2. In all matches in the League’s competitions, play shall commence and the white players’ clocks shall be started at the home club’s declared start time. However, the captains in any match may mutually agree to vary the start time. 8.3. All games in any match shall be played in the home team’s club-room on the date and at the time appointed. 8.5.(a) In all matches or Individual Tournament games, except as provided in Rules 8.5(b) or 8.6, the time control shall be 30 moves in 75 minutes followed by a 15-minute quickplay finish in accordance with Article 10 of the Laws of Chess. (b) By agreement between the teams, the time control of 36 moves in 90 minutes followed by a 15-minute quickplay finish may be used. 8.6.(a) At the time of submission of their initial registrations (as specified in rule 4.2), any team may indicate their preference for concluding their matches by adjournment. Thereafter, any match between two teams who have so opted shall be played at a time control of 30 moves in the first 75 minutes, followed by a further 24 moves in the next 60 minutes on a player’s clock, followed by a 15-minute quickplay finish in accordance with Article 10 of the Laws of Chess. (b) The first period of the time control may, by agreement between the teams, play to 34 moves in 85 minutes, or 36 moves in 90 minutes, or 42 moves in 105 minutes. (c) A player may only adjourn his game once the first period of the time control has been reached. 10.1. If a player wishes to adjourn his game in accordance with Rule 8.6(c), it shall be adjourned upon the following terms:10.2. The game shall be completed within 21 days after any adjournment on a date to be agreed between the players (provided that Rule 5.1 is not thereby breached), but in special circumstances the Honorary Records Secretary shall be empowered to extend this period at his discretion. 12.1(a) the playing session shall be arranged to permit sufficient time for completion of the game in accordance with Rule 8.6(a). 12.1(e) deleted. 13.2(c) for any failure in respect of that game to comply with the requirements of Rules 8.5, 8.6, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 and 12.1 hereof.