Chapter 2: The English Arrive in America

Chapter 2: The English
Arrive in America
Are there any core values that most Americans
Do you think that the colonists helped shape
these values?
•The Impact of the early colonial period:
•Religious conflicts in Europe influenced the colonists’ ideas
of religious tolerance.
•The northern United States is still more urban than much of
the South.
•The United States remains a nation made up of immigrants
from many countries.
Section 1: England’s First Colonies
Major changes in England caused the English to
establish colonies on the Eastern Coast of
North America.
Types of changes:
England Takes Interest in America
• In 1497, John Cabot had sailed to present day
Nova Scotia, searching for a sea route through
North America to China. (Northwest Passage)
-For next 80 years, English made no effort to
-Little money
-No wealth found
-Spanish had already claimed it.
-Major religious, economic and political
changes would take place
Religious Changes and the Interest in America
Turning Point: The Reformation
– Martin Luther’s attack against the Catholic Church
• Ninety-Five Theses-1517
• Marked beginning of the Protestant Reformation
• Led to break within the Catholic Church and the creation of the Protestant
– Reformation in England
• 1527: King Henry VIII broke with the Catholic Church
• Pope refused to grant annulment between Henry and his wife Catherine.
• Henry declared himself the head of the Church of England and arranged his
own divorce.
• The new Anglican Church was Protestant even though its organization and
rituals were mostly Catholic.
– Puritans
• wanted to purify the Anglican church of remaining Catholic elements
• Hated that monarchs and bishops controlled the church
• Believed every congregation should elect its own ministers
• When James I became king in 1603, he refused to tolerate Puritan ideas and
many became interested in leaving England.
Economic Changes and the Interest in America
• Revolution in trade and agriculture was changing English society
– Traditionally, nobles owned large estates and rented land to
tenant farmers.
– Enclosure Movement
• Nobles began fencing off their land to turn convert their
estates into sheep farms-thousands of tenant farmers were
• Continued economic problems encouraged many to come to
• Joint-Stock companies-pooled money to support big projects
• -They could afford to trade with and colonize other parts of
the world.
• Mercantilism: Emphasized establishing a colonies for a favorable
balance of trade for the mother country. (Desire for gold, silver, and
other resources)
England Returns to America
The quest for new markets convinced English merchants to resume the search for a
northern water route to Asia.
Growing Rivalry with Spain
• England became the leading Protestant power; Spain the leading Catholic
• Queen Elizabeth aided the Protestant Dutch against the Spanish.
– She needed a base of operations to allow attacks on Spanish ships-she
sought them in America.
• After two unsuccessful attempts to create a colony, Walter Raleigh sent two
ships to scout the coastline.
– Found an island along the banks of modern North Carolina.
– Native Americans called it Roanoke.
– Queen Elizabeth knighted Raleigh and he named the land Virginia, in
honor of her. WHY??
• Raleigh sent settlers to Roanoke Island twice.
– The first group returned to England.
– The second group disappeared.
– The colony vanished after war between England and Spain kept supplies
from reaching them. (“The Lost Colony”)
Jamestown is Founded
• In 1606, King James I allowed English investors of the Virginia
Company to place colonies in Virginia.
• Three small ships and 144 men arrived in May 1607 at a settlement
they named Jamestown.
– Troubles
• Poor location
– Too close to sea
– Swampy land and malaria-carrying mosquitoes.
• Most were townspeople who knew little
• Upper class “gentlemen” refused to do manual labor
o Jamestown’s governing council argued and couldn’t make
• Led to lawlessness, sickness and food shortages
• 190 more arrived in 1608, by the end of the year only 53
were alive.
Jamestown, continued...
• Captain John Smith was Jamestown’s only strong leader.
• In 1607, with winter approaching, he explored the region and
began trading goods for food with Native American group
called the Powhatan Confederacy, led by Chief Powhatan.
• 400 new settlers came in August 1609 after the VA Company
offered free land to anyone who worked the colony for seven
– Newcomers caused a major food shortage.
– John Smith returned to England due to a gunpowder burn
– They stole food from natives, leading to them being
Jamestown, continued...
• “Starving Time”-Winter of 1609 to 1610
– They ate “dogs, rats, snakes, toadstools, and horsehides.”
Some even resorted to cannibalism.
– By the spring of 1610 only 60 were alive.
• They decided to abandon Jamestown and go back to England
– On the way they met three ships carrying supplies and
150 more settlers
– They returned with the governor and his deputy.
– A harsh code of law was put into place.
– They were required to work six hours a day with the death
penalty for crimes like rape, adultery, lying, swearing, and
derision of the Bible.
Tobacco Saves Jamestown
• The production of tobacco had been controlled
by the Spanish.
• It ad become very popular in Europe in the early
• Colonist John Rolfe used tobacco seeds from
Trinidad and developed a new method for curing
• It sold for a good price and settlers soon began
planting large quantities of it.
• What is John Rolfe also famous for?
Changes in Politics and Government /Luring Settlers
• In 1618, new reforms were introduced by the Virginia Company to
attract settlers:
– Virginia was given the right to elect its own lawmaking body.
• New government included a governor, 6 councillors, and 20
• Representatives were called burgesses.
• The assembly was called the House of Burgesses.
– Settlers who bought a share in the company or paid for their
passage were given 50 acres and 50 more for each member
over 15 and servants.
– Marriage opportunities for single men
• A bachelor could purchase a bride for 120 pounds of
– Started bringing Africans as “Christian servants.”
Virginia Becomes a Royal Colony
• New policies triggered a wave of immigration
– By 1622, 4500 settlers had arrived in Virginia.
– Alarmed Native Americans who attacked Jamestown
in March 1922 and killed nearly 350 settlers.
• The Virginia Company was blamed for the attacks
and the government revoked the company’s
• It became a royal colony run by governor
appointed by the King.
Maryland is Founded
• Maryland was not founded by a joint-stock company like
• Founded by George Calvert, or Lord Baltimore.
– He was Catholic and a friend of King James and his son Charles.
– Wanted a colony where Catholics could practice religion freely.
– 1632, King Charles granted him a large area of land.
• It was the first proprietary colony (owned by an individual)
– He could run it any way he wanted.
– He died before settlers arrived
– Ended up being mostly Protestant, but government officials and
estate owners were Catholic.
• Toleration Act of 1649 granted toleration to all Christians in
the colony.
• What did it mean to be Puritan?
• How did the enclosure movement in England
encourage interest in America?
• How did John Smith help Jamestown survive?
• What crop did John Rolfe establish in
• What are the major differences in the
founding of Virginia and Maryland?
Section 2:
The New England Colonies
• This section explores the colonies
founded in New England by English
• In the 1600s, English Puritans were
fleeing religious persecution and
economic difficulties.
• They founded several colonies in
New England
• The Puritans were a group of Puritan Separatists, who
wanted to separate from the Anglican Church.
• They were influenced by John Calvin, who preached
• James I had persecuted them and many had fled to Holland
in 1608, then to America in 1617.
• September 16, 1620, 102 passengers of the Mayflower set
off for Virginia
– They had a copy of John Smith’s “Map of New England”
– Settled at “Plymouth”
– William Bradford-leader of the colony
• Built modest homes
• Plague swept through leaving only 50 settlers.
– Might not have survived without Squanto
– Taught them about their new environment
– Helped negotiate a peace treaty with Wampanoag
– Celebrated in a three day festival.
• John Winthrop and other Puritan leaders created the
colony as a refuge for Puritans escaping the persecution
from Charles I and economic recession that was
plaguing England.
• 1630, 11 ships and 900 settlers
• “The Lord will make our name a praise and glory…We
shall be like a City upon a Hill; the eyes of all people are
upon us.” (John Winthrop)
• Winthrop believed the government should support
religion and laws required everyone to attend church.
• It became a theocracy, where the government
regulated moral behavior.
• The government discouraged different religious beliefs.
• Puritan intolerance led to the founding of other colonies
in New England.
• Roger Williams
– Founded Providence when he was banished
from Massachusetts Bay
– Supported separation of church and state and
individual religious freedom
• Ann Hutchinson
– Was banished from Boston
– She was charged with heresy because she
challenged the authority of ministers.
– She and her followers founded the town of
• Other towns were soon established and
joined with Providence and Portsmouth to
form Rhode Island.
• In 1663, Parliament granted a charter to the
colony that guaranteed religious freedom.
• Government of Massachusetts
allowed Reverend Thomas Hooker
and his congregation to relocate to
the Connecticut River Valley.
• First colony to adopt a Constitution,
and allowed all adult men to vote
and serve in government.
• Faced war with the Pequots in 1637.
• Created by two men who were
given a grant by the government
north of Massachusetts and they
divided the land.
• Massachusetts challenged their
claims, but the courts ruled in
favor of the men.
• N.H. became a royal colony in
1679, but Maine remained a part
of Massachusetts until 1820.
• Natives and settlers had good
relations for 40 years after Pequot
• Fur trade helped relations
• Trade began to decline and natives
felt English were destroying their way
of life.
• King Philip’s War erupted when
Plymouth executed three natives for
a murder.
• Colonists won, driving away natives
from New England.
Why did Pilgrims and Puritans
migrate to America?
What is meant by a “City on a Hill?”
In what ways were the reasons for
the founding of Massachusetts and
Rhode Island different and similar?
Section 3: Southern and Middle Colonies
This section describes factors that led to the
founding of seven Middle and Southern
The English Civil War and the Colonies
• The English Civil War began in 1642
– Between supporters of King Charles I and supporters of
– Parliament was mostly Puritan
– In 1649, Parliament won and put the King to death.
• Oliver Cromwell seized power and became a dictator in
– After Cromwell’s death, Parliament restored the
monarchy under Charles II and began colonizing again for:
– Natural resources
– Markets for English goods
New York and New Jersey
• New York
– Became an English colony through conquest
– It was originally New Netherland, belonging to the
– England had a rivalry in the fur trade with the
– King Charles II provided his brother, the Duke of
York, a fleet and he seized and renamed it.
• New Jersey
– The Duke of York granted parts of New York to
other English nobles and became New Jersey.
Pennsylvania and Delaware
• Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn, a Quaker
• King owed him a debt and granted him the land.
• Quakers:
– Believed religion was a personal experience
– No need for ministers
– Objected to political laws, like tax payment
– Objected to war
– Wanted fair treatment for natives
• Penn wanted Pennsylvania to be a refuge for all those persecuted- A
“Holy Experiment”
• Government had an elected assembly and guaranteed religious
freedom-very democratic for the time.
• Attracted many people from Europe
• Penn purchased land below Pennsylvania from the Duke of York to
give settlers access to the sea-became Delaware.
Southern Colonies
• Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South
Carolina, and Georgia.
• Charles II awarded the Carolinas (Latin for
Charles) to those who had helped during the
restoration of the English monarchy.
• It developed as two separate regions, settled
by proprietors, not joint-stock companies.
• Slavery was introduced almost immediately.
The Georgia Experiment
• Began its history as a colony for English
prisoners who could not pay their debts.
• Gave them the chance for the poor to start
• It also provided a strategic buffer to keep
Spain from expanding north.
• Named in honor of King George II.
• Had strict rules
– Banned rum, brandy, and slavery, which were
eventually lifted.
• By 1775, about 2.5 million people lived in
England’s American colonies.
• Its success would prove its undoing.
– By permitting new types of worship and government,
they had planted the seeds of rebellion.
– Colonies had developed their own unique cultures
– Typical English colonists came to the New World to
improve their economic status or to seek greater
political and religious independence.
Section 4: Colonial Ways of Life
This section explains the different
economies developed by the Southern,
New England, and Middle Colonies
Southern Society
• Based mostly on agriculture
– Tobacco-mostly in Virginia and Maryland
– South’s first successful cash crop
• Many in England became indentured servants
– Made labor contracts with colonists, agreeing to work for four
years and in return their passage, food, clothing was paid for
until the contract expired.
– About half of indentured servants died in VA and MA before
earning their freedom.
– Of those who became free, less than half acquired their own
• In South Carolina, settlers turned to rice after sugarcane failed.
– Imported enslaved Africans to cultivate it.
– Became a major cash crop in South Carolina and Georgia
Disparities in Wealth
• Wealthy plantation owners (planter elite)
– enjoyed economic and political influence and had
huge estates.
• Majority of landowners were small farmers
– practiced subsistence farming (raising enough for
their families).
• Landless tenant farmers
– Many couldn’t afford the numerous costs
– Worked land they rented from the planter elite.
Bacon’s Rebellion
• 1676, violence erupted between army of Jamestown
Governor William Berkeley and a militia led by
Nathaniel Bacon.
– Over land-many tenant farmers wanted to have their own
land, but Berkeley wouldn’t expand the settlement for
fear of provoking natives.
– Also over tax exemptions planter elite were receiving.
• After Bacon’s Rebellion, more enslaved Africans
were used instead of indentured servants.
They would never need land
Less were willing to be indentured servants
England had a charter to engage in the slave trade
Slaves could be used as collateral to borrow money.
Slavery in the Colonies
• Middle Passage-voyage from Africa to America
– 8-10 million slaves reached America by 1870,
imported by the British, Spanish, French and Dutch.
– In Virginia they were at first treated like indentured
servants because English law did not recognize
ownership of humans.
– Many believed it was acceptable if they were not
– By 1660s, their status was lowered, regardless of
Life in New England
• Diverse economy
– Not suitable to cash crops and large plantations
– Farmers mostly practiced subsistence farming
– Fishing brought most prosperity
– Whaling (whale blubber used to make candles,
lamp oil)
– Thriving lumber industry
– Shipbuilding
Life in New England, Continued
Life in small communities centered around town common
-meetinghouse, or church
-discussed issues at town meetings
-developed strong belief in the right to govern
-valued religious devotion, hard work and obedience to
-Watching neighbor’s behavior was considered a religious
Section 5: A Diverse Society
This section describes the growth of the
economy, population, and spirit of
individualism that arose in the colonies.
• Mercantilists believed that to become wealthy and powerful, a
country had to accumulate gold and silver.
• They would do this by selling more goods.
• More gold and silver would flow into the country than flowed out.
• A country should be self-sufficient in raw materials, therefore they
needed colonies where raw materials were available.
– Benefit: Gave colonies a reliable market for their goods
– Negative: Prevented colonies from selling certain goods to other
• Navigation Acts-required all goods shipped to and from
colonies to be on English ships
• Specific products could only be sold to England
• Merchants bringing foreign goods had to first stop at
England and pay taxes. Increased prices for colonists.
• Encouraged colonial merchants to break laws.
Glorious Revolution of 1688
• James II was losing support in England, and he
had converted to Catholicism.
• To prevent a male heir, the English parliament
invited his daughter and her husband to claim
the throne.
• It was a bloodless change of power.
• William and Mary took the throne and signed
the English Bill of Rights
– One provision said that monarchs could not impose
taxes without parliament’s consent
– Guaranteed freedom of speech, banned excessive
bail and cruel and unusual punishments.
John Locke’s Political Theories
• The Glorious Revolution suggested that there
were times when Revolutions were necessary
• In 1690, John Locke published Two Treatises of
– Argued that a monarch’s right to rule came from
– All people were born with natural rights to life, liberty
and property
– If government does not uphold rights, people can
rebel against government.
• Struck a chord with American colonists
– Restated in Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of
Population Quiz
• There was huge population growth after 1700.
– Married young and had numerous children. Large
families were needed for farms.
– Increased immigration into the middle colonies
(especially Pennsylvania) by Germans, Scots-Irish,
and Jews
– Increased numbers of slaves added to the racial