BONDING AND WATER UNIT Bonding & Water Unit Thursday, Nov 17, 2011 • Objective: Determine why an atom forms an ion and be able to predict what ion it will form. • BR: What is an ion? Why do atoms form ions? • Lesson: 1. Go over test 2. Notes on Why atoms form ions, oxidation number, etc • HW: Green Sheet and VOCAB!!! Vocabulary- copy down for BR 1. Chemical Bond 2. Ionic Bond 3. Covalent Bond 4. Metallic Bond 5. Polar molecule 6. Non-polar molecule 7. Oxidation number 8. Polyatomic ions 9. Hydrogen Bond 10.Cohesion 11.Adhesion 12.Cation 13.Anion 14.Chemical Change 15.Hydrophobic 16.Hydrophilic 17.Molecule 18.Compound 19.Element Bonding & Water Unit Friday, Nov 18, 2011 • Objective: SWBAT to explain and draw ionic bonds. • BR: What ion do you predict all the halogens will form? What ion will the Alkali Metals form? • Lesson: • IONIC BONDS • HW: finish ionic bonds wksht Bonding & Water Unit Monday, November 21, 2011 Objective: SWBAT predict if atoms will form a covalent bond and write the equation. BR- What is the “Rule of thumb” for whether atoms will form an ionic or covalent or metallic bond? LESSON 1. Go over Ionic Bonds HW 2. clicker 3. COVALENT BONDS! HW- finish Covalent WS Bonding & Water Unit Tuesday, November 22, 2011 Objective: SWBAT determine which kind of bond will form between two atoms. BR- How does a covalent bond differ from an ionic bond? Make a venn diagram to compare. LESSON 1. Polar and Nonpolar bonds 2. PREDICTING BONDS! HW- finish predicting bonds Covalent bonds •Base unit is atoms Ionic bonds •Base unit is IONS •Electrons are shared •Drawn with circles (no brackets, arrows, etc) •Between two nonmetals •Electronegativity difference is less than 1.7 •Can be polar or nonpolar • • 2/more atoms Involve valence electrons and filling the outer shell •Electrons are transferred •Drawn with a bracket and charges (+ and -) •Between a metal and a nonmetal •Electronegativity difference is equal to or greater than 1.7 •Thanksgiving Break Bonding & Water Unit Monday, November 28, 2011 Objective: SWBAT review bonding BR- What are the three main types of bonds. Which will form between a metal and a nonmetal? Are all covalent bonds the same? LESSON 1. REVIEW BONDS! (go over hw) 2. Begin Water Notes HW- Bonding & Water Unit Tuesday, November 29, 2011 Objective: SWBAT describe the properties of water and explain how they are caused by its polar covalent bonds BR1. Do you remember what a Hydrogen bond is? Please write what it is in your own words. If you can’t remember- look it up! LESSON 1. WATER NOTES and LAB! HW- VOCAB FLASHCARDS! Bonding & Water Unit Wednesday, November 30, 2011 Objective: Same as Tues BR1. Draw 2 water molecules. Where are the polar covalent bonds located? 2. Now draw H bonds using dashed lines to show how the 2 molecules would interact. LESSON 1. Bonding 2. Finish Water Lab! 3. Water Clicker! HW- Finish Water Lab Bonding & Water Unit Thursday, Dec 1, 2011 Objective: SWBAT explain how ions form acids and bases. BR1. . LESSON 1. Go over water lab 2. Water Clicker 1. Review polar covalent vs. H bonds 3. Intro the ions of acids and bases/acid base reactions HW-BRING YOUR BOOK TOMORROW!!! (and flashcards if you want them) Bonding & Water Unit Friday, Dec 2, 2011 Objective: Intro acids and bases. (Pull Out Day- Sub) BR- none (sub) LESSON 1. Acid Base Anticipation Guide 2. Work on Study Guide, Bellringers, Vocab for Test on Tuesday! 3. Read Acid Base reading and “take notes” on a separate sheet of note paper. HW- Bonding & Water Unit Monday, Dec 5, 2011 Objective: REVIEW!!! BR- Look at your study guide- pick two questions you want to ask me. LESSON 1. REVIEW! HW- Study for test! Bellringers organized! Vocab done! Unit: Cell Size and Mitosis Tuesday, December 6, 2011 TEST DAY