French 2 Curriculum: Modified January, 2015 1 North Arlington Public Schools Curriculum Guide Content Area: World Language Course Title: French 2 Grade Level: 10-12 Unit 1: Review of some previous key units + Airport and plane 6 Weeks Unit 2: Train station & Train 6 Weeks Unit 3: Sports 6 Weeks Unit 4: Summer & Winter 6 Weeks Unit 5: Daily routine & Cultural leisure activities 6 Weeks Unit 6: Health & Medicine 6 Weeks Board Approved on: August 29, 2012 2 Unit 1 Content Area – World Language Unit Title – Review of some previous key units + Airport and plane Target Course/Grade Level – French 2: Grades 10-12 Unit Summary/Rationale – During this unit, students be reinforcing previously learned skills through review sessions. The review will focus on three key units related to friends & school, family, and courses. Following this revision, students will learn to talk about traveling by air, including departing, boarding, and traveling on board. They will also learn to use several important ir verbs, to ask and answer questions using the forms of quel and tout, and to use irregular verbs such as partir. Interdisciplinary Connections – Physical sciences (Weather & climate) Technology Integration – PowerPoint, French Online, Overhead Transparencies, CD-ROM 21st Century Themes – Civic Literacy, Environmental Literacy 21st Century Skills – Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Communication and Collaboration Learning Targets Standard(s) – 7.1 World Languages: All students will be able to use a world language in addition to English to engage in meaningful conversation, to understand and interpret spoken and written language, and to present information, concepts, and ideas, while also gaining an understanding of the perspectives of other cultures. Through language study, they will make connections with other content areas, compare the language and culture studied with their own, and participate in home and global communities. Strand(s) – A. Interpretive Mode Proficiency Level- Novice-High Content Statement(s) – Linguistic: The Novice-High language learner has progressed from understanding and communicating at the word level to understanding and communicating at the sentence level and can use words, lists, and simple sentences independently to: o Identify the main idea and some supporting details when reading. o Understand the gist and some supporting details of conversations dealing with everyday life. o Infer the meaning of some unfamiliar words when used in familiar contexts. Cultural: o Immigration changes both the community of origin and the new community. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current and past immigration patterns, the impact of immigration on society, and related issues.) 3 o o o o o o o o The study of another language and culture deepens understanding of where and how people live and why events occur. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: history, science, economics, and geography.) Due to globalization and advances in technology, the products and practices of a culture change over time, and these changes may impact cultural perspectives. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: science, technology, history, social sciences, the visual and performing arts, and world literature.) Human and animal migration is often related to the availability of resources and the ability to adapt to the environment. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: habitats, animals, weather, science, geography, social sciences, and distribution of resources.) Personal preferences and skills are key factors to consider when making decisions about postsecondary plans. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: personal likes/dislikes, subject-area preferences, academic record, and career awareness, exploration, and preparation.) The amount of leisure time available and how it is spent varies among cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: likes/dislikes, pastimes, schedules, and travel.) Wellness practices may vary across cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: sports and physical fitness activities and common health conditions/problems and remedies.) Online newspapers, magazines, blogs, wikis, podcasts, videos, and government websites provide current information on perspectives of the target culture on local, national, and global problems/issues. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current events and contemporary and emerging global issues, problems, and challenges [e.g., population growth and migration; environmental degradation and protection; discrimination and other conflicts; and the allocation of scarce resources].) Current trends and issues influence popular culture. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: fashion, style, popular music, art, and pastimes.) Cumulative Progress Indicator(s) (CPI) 7.1. NH.A.1: Recognize familiar words and phrases, understand the main idea, and infer the meaning of some highly contextualized, unfamiliar spoken or written words contained in culturally authentic materials using electronic information sources related to targeted themes. 7.1. NH.A.2: Demonstrate comprehension of a series of oral and written directions, commands, and requests through appropriate physical response. 7.1. NH.A.3: Recognize some common gestures and cultural practices associated with target culture(s). 7.1. NH.A.4: Identify people, places, objects, and activities in daily life based on oral or written descriptions. 7.1. NH.A.5: Demonstrate comprehension of short conversations and brief written messages on familiar topics. 7.1. NH.A.6: Identify the main idea and other significant ideas in readings from age- and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials. 4 Strand- B. Interpersonal Mode Proficiency Level- Novice-High Content Statement(s) – Linguistic: The Novice-High language learner has progressed from understanding and communicating at the word level to understanding and communicating at the sentence level and can use words, lists, and simple sentences independently to: o Ask and answer questions related to everyday life. o Handle simple transactions related to everyday life: Initiate, maintain, and end a conversation. Ask for and give permission. Express needs. Give reasons. Request, suggest, and make arrangements. Extend, accept, and decline an invitation. Express an opinion and preference. Cultural: o Immigration changes both the community of origin and the new community. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current and past immigration patterns, the impact of immigration on society, and related issues.) o The study of another language and culture deepens understanding of where and how people live and why events occur. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: history, science, economics, and geography.) o Due to globalization and advances in technology, the products and practices of a culture change over time, and these changes may impact cultural perspectives. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: science, technology, history, social sciences, the visual and performing arts, and world literature.) o Human and animal migration is often related to the availability of resources and the ability to adapt to the environment. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: habitats, animals, weather, science, geography, social sciences, and distribution of resources.) o Personal preferences and skills are key factors to consider when making decisions about postsecondary plans. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: personal likes/dislikes, subject-area preferences, academic record, and career awareness, exploration, and preparation.) o The amount of leisure time available and how it is spent varies among cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: likes/dislikes, pastimes, schedules, and travel.) o Wellness practices may vary across cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: sports and physical fitness activities and common health conditions/problems and remedies.) o Online newspapers, magazines, blogs, wikis, podcasts, videos, and government websites provide current information on perspectives of the target culture on local, national, and global problems/issues. (Topics 5 o that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current events and contemporary and emerging global issues, problems, and challenges [e.g., population growth and migration; environmental degradation and protection; discrimination and other conflicts; and the allocation of scarce resources].) Current trends and issues influence popular culture. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: fashion, style, popular music, art, and pastimes.) Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) 7.1. NH.B.1: Use digital tools to exchange basic information by recombining memorized words, phrases, and sentences on topics related to self and targeted themes. 7.1. NH.B.2: Give and follow a series of oral and written directions, commands, and requests for participating in age- and level- appropriate classroom and cultural activities. 7.1. NH.B.3: Imitate appropriate gestures, intonation, and common idiomatic expressions of the target culture(s)/language during daily interactions. 7.1. NH.B.4: Ask and respond to questions, make requests, and express preferences in various social situations. Converse on a variety of familiar topics and/or topics studied in other content areas. Strand- C. Presentational Mode Proficiency Level- Novice-High Content Statement(s) – Linguistic: The Novice-High language learner has progressed from understanding and communicating at the word level to understanding and communicating at the sentence level and can use words, lists, and simple sentences independently to: o Handle simple transactions related to everyday life: Express needs. Give reasons. Express an opinion and preference. Request and suggest. Cultural: o Immigration changes both the community of origin and the new community. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current and past immigration patterns, the impact of immigration on society, and related issues.) o The study of another language and culture deepens understanding of where and how people live and why events occur. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: history, science, economics, and geography.) o Due to globalization and advances in technology, the products and practices of a culture change over time, and these changes may impact cultural perspectives. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: science, technology, history, social sciences, the visual and performing arts, and world literature.) o Human and animal migration is often related to the availability of resources and the ability to adapt to the environment. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: habitats, animals, weather, science, geography, social sciences, and distribution of resources.) 6 o o o o o Personal preferences and skills are key factors to consider when making decisions about postsecondary plans. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: personal likes/dislikes, subject-area preferences, academic record, and career awareness, exploration, and preparation.) The amount of leisure time available and how it is spent varies among cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: likes/dislikes, pastimes, schedules, and travel.) Wellness practices may vary across cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: sports and physical fitness activities and common health conditions/problems and remedies.) Online newspapers, magazines, blogs, wikis, podcasts, videos, and government websites provide current information on perspectives of the target culture on local, national, and global problems/issues. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current events and contemporary and emerging global issues, problems, and challenges [e.g., population growth and migration; environmental degradation and protection; discrimination and other conflicts; and the allocation of scarce resources].) Current trends and issues influence popular culture. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: fashion, style, popular music, art, and pastimes.) Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) 7.1. NH.C.1: Recombine basic information at the word and sentence level related to self and targeted themes to create a multimedia-rich presentation to be shared virtually with a target language audience. 7.1. NH.C.2: Create and present brief messages, poems, rhymes, songs, short plays, or role-plays using familiar vocabulary orally or in writing. 7.1. NH.C.3: Describe in writing people and things from the home and school environment. 7.1. NH.C.4: Tell or retell stories from age- and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials orally or in writing. 7.1. NH.C.5: Tell or write about cultural products associated with the target culture(s), and simulate common cultural practices. Reading Standards for Literacy: ACTFL guidelines: Reading--Novice Novice-High -Has sufficient control of the writing system to interpret written language in areas of practical need. Where vocabulary has been learned, can read for instructional and directional purposes, standardized messages, phrases, or expressions, such as some items on menus, schedules, timetables, maps, and signs. At times, but not on a consistent basis, the Novice-High level reader may be able to derive meaning from material at a slightly higher level where context and/or extra linguistic background knowledge are supportive. Writing Standards for Literacy: Novice-High Able to write simple, fixed expressions and limited memorized material and some recombination thereof. Can supply information on simple forms and documents. Can write names, numbers, dates, own nationality, and other simple autobiographical information, as well as some short phrases and 7 simple lists. Can write all the symbols in an alphabetic or syllabic system or 50-100 characters or compounds in a character writing system. Spelling and representation of symbols (letters, syllables, characters) may be partially correct. ACTFL Home Address: ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines: WritingIntermed.htm Unit Essential Questions How do I describe an air flight trip? What do I need to make a trip abroad? How do I learn and identify the vocabulary related to plan and air flight personal? What is it like living in a time zone different from United States? Unit Enduring Understandings Planning a trip by plane in a target language helps to avoid unnecessary problems. Terminology: PowerPoint, French Online, Overhead Transparencies, CD-ROM Goals/Objectives Students will be able to Check in for a flight Talk about some services aboard the plane Talk about more activities Make requests on board Ask more questions Talk about people and things as a group Learning Activities/Instructional Strategies Evidence of Learning (Formative & Summative) Teacher’s presentation Students repeat after teacher Oral/Aural drills Directed dialogue or conversation among students Overhead transparencies workbook exercises Interactive DVD Reading: Actualité culturelle: Cooperative learning groups Cues, questions & advance organizers Feedback: frequent & systematic Positive reinforcement & recognition of student effort Similarities & differences In Accordance with the Three Modes of Communication: Quizzes Tests Role-Play Portfolio Interviews Dialogues Web quest Aural/Oral Quizzes Writing (Rédaction) Homework Oral presentation Projects Discuss air travel in France 8 Diverse Learners (ELL, Special Ed, Gifted & Talented)- Differentiation strategies may include, but are not limited to, learning centers and cooperative learning activities in either heterogeneous or homogeneous groups, depending on the learning objectives and the number of students who need further support and scaffolding, versus those who need more challenge and enrichment. Modifications may also be made as they relate to the special needs of students in accordance with their Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504 plans, or English Language Learners (ELL). These may include, but are not limited to, extended time, copies of class notes, refocusing strategies, preferred seating, study guides, and/or suggestions from special education or ELL teachers. Resources - Textbook, Workbook, Online tools, PowerPoint, Transparencies, Handouts, Exam View Pro, Teacher’s Resource Binder Textbook currently in use: Bon Voyage Glencoe French 1, McGraw Hill Glencoe, and from which most of the objectives and rationale are taken from. 9 Unit 2 Content Area – World Language Unit Title – Train station & Train Target Course/Grade Level – French 2: Grades 10-12 Unit Summary/Rationale – During this unit, students will learn to communicate when traveling by train in a French-speaking country. In order to do this they will learn vocabulary related to the train station and train travel. They will learn the present tense of re-verbs, the demonstrative adjectives, and the verbs dire, écrire, and lire. Interdisciplinary Connections – Math (Conversion/timetable) Technology Integration – PowerPoint, French Online, Overhead Transparencies, CD-ROM 21st Century Themes – Global Awareness, Financial, Economic 21st Century Skills – Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Communication and Collaboration Learning Targets Standard(s) –7.1 World Languages: All students will be able to use a world language in addition to English to engage in meaningful conversation, to understand and interpret spoken and written language, and to present information, concepts, and ideas, while also gaining an understanding of the perspectives of other cultures. Through language study, they will make connections with other content areas, compare the language and culture studied with their own, and participate in home and global communities. Strand- A. Interpretive Mode Proficiency Level- Novice-High Content Statement(s) – Linguistic: The Novice-High language learner has progressed from understanding and communicating at the word level to understanding and communicating at the sentence level and can use words, lists, and simple sentences independently to: o Identify the main idea and some supporting details when reading. o Understand the gist and some supporting details of conversations dealing with everyday life. o Infer the meaning of some unfamiliar words when used in familiar contexts. Cultural: o Immigration changes both the community of origin and the new community. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current and past immigration patterns, the impact of immigration on society, and related issues.) o The study of another language and culture deepens understanding of where and how people live and why events occur. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are 10 o o o o o o o not limited to: history, science, economics, and geography.) Due to globalization and advances in technology, the products and practices of a culture change over time, and these changes may impact cultural perspectives. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: science, technology, history, social sciences, the visual and performing arts, and world literature.) Human and animal migration is often related to the availability of resources and the ability to adapt to the environment. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: habitats, animals, weather, science, geography, social sciences, and distribution of resources.) Personal preferences and skills are key factors to consider when making decisions about postsecondary plans. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: personal likes/dislikes, subject-area preferences, academic record, and career awareness, exploration, and preparation.) The amount of leisure time available and how it is spent varies among cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: likes/dislikes, pastimes, schedules, and travel.) Wellness practices may vary across cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: sports and physical fitness activities and common health conditions/problems and remedies.) Online newspapers, magazines, blogs, wikis, podcasts, videos, and government websites provide current information on perspectives of the target culture on local, national, and global problems/issues. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current events and contemporary and emerging global issues, problems, and challenges [e.g., population growth and migration; environmental degradation and protection; discrimination and other conflicts; and the allocation of scarce resources].) Current trends and issues influence popular culture. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: fashion, style, popular music, art, and pastimes.) Cumulative Progress Indicator(s) (CPI) 7.1. NH.A.1: Recognize familiar words and phrases, understand the main idea, and infer the meaning of some highly contextualized, unfamiliar spoken or written words contained in culturally authentic materials using electronic information sources related to targeted themes. 7.1. NH.A.2: Demonstrate comprehension of a series of oral and written directions, commands, and requests through appropriate physical response. 7.1. NH.A.3: Recognize some common gestures and cultural practices associated with target culture(s). 7.1. NH.A.4: Identify people, places, objects, and activities in daily life based on oral or written descriptions. 7.1. NH.A.5: Demonstrate comprehension of short conversations and brief written messages on familiar topics. 7.1. NH.A.6: Identify the main idea and other significant ideas in readings from age- and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials. Strand- B. Interpersonal Mode Proficiency Level- Novice-High Content Statement(s) – Linguistic: 11 The Novice-High language learner has progressed from understanding and communicating at the word level to understanding and communicating at the sentence level and can use words, lists, and simple sentences independently to: o Ask and answer questions related to everyday life. o Handle simple transactions related to everyday life: Initiate, maintain, and end a conversation. Ask for and give permission. Express needs. Give reasons. Request, suggest, and make arrangements. Extend, accept, and decline an invitation. Express an opinion and preference. Cultural: o Immigration changes both the community of origin and the new community. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current and past immigration patterns, the impact of immigration on society, and related issues.) o The study of another language and culture deepens understanding of where and how people live and why events occur. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: history, science, economics, and geography.) o Due to globalization and advances in technology, the products and practices of a culture change over time, and these changes may impact cultural perspectives. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: science, technology, history, social sciences, the visual and performing arts, and world literature.) o Human and animal migration is often related to the availability of resources and the ability to adapt to the environment. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: habitats, animals, weather, science, geography, social sciences, and distribution of resources.) o Personal preferences and skills are key factors to consider when making decisions about postsecondary plans. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: personal likes/dislikes, subject-area preferences, academic record, and career awareness, exploration, and preparation.) o The amount of leisure time available and how it is spent varies among cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: likes/dislikes, pastimes, schedules, and travel.) o Wellness practices may vary across cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: sports and physical fitness activities and common health conditions/problems and remedies.) o Online newspapers, magazines, blogs, wikis, podcasts, videos, and government websites provide current information on perspectives of the target culture on local, national, and global problems/issues. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current events and contemporary and emerging global issues, problems, and challenges [e.g., population growth and migration; environmental degradation and protection; discrimination and other conflicts; and the allocation of scarce resources].) o Current trends and issues influence popular culture. (Topics that assist in the development of this 12 understanding should include, but are not limited to: fashion, style, popular music, art, and pastimes.) Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) 7.1. NH.B.1: Use digital tools to exchange basic information by recombining memorized words, phrases, and sentences on topics related to self and targeted themes. 7.1. NH.B.2: Give and follow a series of oral and written directions, commands, and requests for participating in age- and level- appropriate classroom and cultural activities. 7.1. NH.B.3: Imitate appropriate gestures, intonation, and common idiomatic expressions of the target culture(s)/language during daily interactions. 7.1. NH.B.4: Ask and respond to questions, make requests, and express preferences in various social situations. Converse on a variety of familiar topics and/or topics studied in other content areas. Strand- C. Presentational Mode Proficiency Level- Novice-High Content Statement(s) – Linguistic: The Novice-High language learner has progressed from understanding and communicating at the word level to understanding and communicating at the sentence level and can use words, lists, and simple sentences independently to: o Handle simple transactions related to everyday life: Express needs. Give reasons. Express an opinion and preference. Request and suggest. Cultural: o Immigration changes both the community of origin and the new community. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current and past immigration patterns, the impact of immigration on society, and related issues.) o The study of another language and culture deepens understanding of where and how people live and why events occur. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: history, science, economics, and geography.) o Due to globalization and advances in technology, the products and practices of a culture change over time, and these changes may impact cultural perspectives. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: science, technology, history, social sciences, the visual and performing arts, and world literature.) o Human and animal migration is often related to the availability of resources and the ability to adapt to the environment. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: habitats, animals, weather, science, geography, social sciences, and distribution of resources.) o Personal preferences and skills are key factors to consider when making decisions about postsecondary plans. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: personal likes/dislikes, subject-area preferences, academic record, and career awareness, exploration, and preparation.) o The amount of leisure time available and how it is spent varies among cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: likes/dislikes, pastimes, 13 o o o schedules, and travel.) Wellness practices may vary across cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: sports and physical fitness activities and common health conditions/problems and remedies.) Online newspapers, magazines, blogs, wikis, podcasts, videos, and government websites provide current information on perspectives of the target culture on local, national, and global problems/issues. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current events and contemporary and emerging global issues, problems, and challenges [e.g., population growth and migration; environmental degradation and protection; discrimination and other conflicts; and the allocation of scarce resources].) Current trends and issues influence popular culture. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: fashion, style, popular music, art, and pastimes.) Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) 7.1. NH.C.1: Recombine basic information at the word and sentence level related to self and targeted themes to create a multimedia-rich presentation to be shared virtually with a target language audience. 7.1. NH.C.2: Create and present brief messages, poems, rhymes, songs, short plays, or role-plays using familiar vocabulary orally or in writing. 7.1. NH.C.3: Describe in writing people and things from the home and school environment. 7.1. NH.C.4: Tell or retell stories from age- and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials orally or in writing. 7.1. NH.C.5: Tell or write about cultural products associated with the target culture(s), and simulate common cultural practices. Reading Standards for Literacy: ACTFL guidelines: Reading--Novice Novice-High -Has sufficient control of the writing system to interpret written language in areas of practical need. Where vocabulary has been learned, can read for instructional and directional purposes, standardized messages, phrases, or expressions, such as some items on menus, schedules, timetables, maps, and signs. At times, but not on a consistent basis, the Novice-High level reader may be able to derive meaning from material at a slightly higher level where context and/or extra linguistic background knowledge are supportive. Writing Standards for Literacy: Novice-High -Able to write simple, fixed expressions and limited memorized material and some recombination thereof. Can supply information on simple forms and documents. Can write names, numbers, dates, own nationality, and other simple autobiographical information, as well as some short phrases and simple lists. Can write all the symbols in an alphabetic or syllabic system or 50-100 characters or compounds in a character writing system. Spelling and representation of symbols (letters, syllables, characters) may be partially correct. 14 ACTFL Home Address: ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines: WritingIntermed.htm Unit Essential Questions How do I describe a train trip? What do I need to make a train trip? How do I learn and identify the vocabulary related to train and air train personal? What are the advantages and disadvantages of a trip by train versus a trip by plane? Unit Enduring Understandings Planning a trip by train in the target language allows for unnecessary problems. Terminology: le train, voyager en train, billet de train, á la gare, dans le train, au guichet, le conducteur, le contrôleur, les horaires, la salle d’attente, faire la queue, assis, debout, les voyageurs, les passagers, le quai, la voie, à l’heure, en retard, etc. Goals/Objectives Students will be able to - Learning Activities/Instructional Strategies Evidence of Learning (Formative & Summative) Purchase a train ticket and Teacher’s presentation request information about Students repeat after teacher arrival and departure Oral/Aural drills Directed dialogue or conversation among Use expressions related to students train travel Overhead transparencies workbook exercises Interactive DVD Talk about people’s Reading: Actualité culturelle: activities Cooperative learning groups Cues, questions & advance organizers Point out people’s or Feedback: frequent & systematic things Positive reinforcement & recognition of student effort Similarities & differences Discuss an interesting In Accordance with the Three Modes of Communication: Quizzes Tests Role-Play Portfolio Interviews Dialogues Webquest Aural/Oral Quizzes Writing (Rédaction) Homework Oral presentation Projects 15 train trip in Frenchspeaking Africa Diverse Learners (ELL, Special Ed, Gifted & Talented)- Differentiation strategies may include, but are not limited to, learning centers and cooperative learning activities in either heterogeneous or homogeneous groups, depending on the learning objectives and the number of students who need further support and scaffolding, versus those who need more challenge and enrichment. Modifications may also be made as they relate to the special needs of students in accordance with their Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504 plans, or English Language Learners (ELL). These may include, but are not limited to, extended time, copies of class notes, refocusing strategies, preferred seating, study guides, and/or suggestions from special education or ELL teachers. Resources - Textbook, Workbook, Online tools, PowerPoint, Transparencies, Handouts, Exam View Pro, Teacher’s Resource Binder Textbook currently in use: Bon Voyage Glencoe French 1, McGraw Hill Glencoe, and from which most of the objectives and rationale are taken from. 16 Unit 3 Content Area – World Language Unit Title – Sports Target Course/Grade Level – French 2: Grades 10-12 Unit Summary/Rationale – This unit will give an opportunity to students to discuss and describe sports and other physical activities. To do this, they will learn basic vocabulary related to soccer, baseball, volleyball, cycling, and running. They will also learn the passé composé of regular verbs, review question words, and learn the present tense of the verbs boire, devoir, and recevoir. Interdisciplinary Connections - Biology (Anatomy) Technology Integration – 21st Century Themes – Global Awareness, Civic Literacy, Health Literacy and Environmental Literacy 21st Century Skills – Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Communication and Collaboration Learning Targets Standard(s) –7.1 World Languages: All students will be able to use a world language in addition to English to engage in meaningful conversation, to understand and interpret spoken and written language, and to present information, concepts, and ideas, while also gaining an understanding of the perspectives of other cultures. Through language study, they will make connections with other content areas, compare the language and culture studied with their own, and participate in home and global communities. Standard- A. Interpretive Mode Proficiency Level- Novice-High Content Statement(s) – Linguistic: The Novice-High language learner has progressed from understanding and communicating at the word level to understanding and communicating at the sentence level and can use words, lists, and simple sentences independently to: o Identify the main idea and some supporting details when reading. o Understand the gist and some supporting details of conversations dealing with everyday life. o Infer the meaning of some unfamiliar words when used in familiar contexts. Cultural: o Immigration changes both the community of origin and the new community. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current and past immigration patterns, the impact of immigration on society, and related issues.) o The study of another language and culture deepens understanding of where and how people live and why events occur. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are 17 o o o o o o o not limited to: history, science, economics, and geography.) Due to globalization and advances in technology, the products and practices of a culture change over time, and these changes may impact cultural perspectives. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: science, technology, history, social sciences, the visual and performing arts, and world literature.) Human and animal migration is often related to the availability of resources and the ability to adapt to the environment. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: habitats, animals, weather, science, geography, social sciences, and distribution of resources.) Personal preferences and skills are key factors to consider when making decisions about postsecondary plans. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: personal likes/dislikes, subject-area preferences, academic record, and career awareness, exploration, and preparation.) The amount of leisure time available and how it is spent varies among cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: likes/dislikes, pastimes, schedules, and travel.) Wellness practices may vary across cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: sports and physical fitness activities and common health conditions/problems and remedies.) Online newspapers, magazines, blogs, wikis, podcasts, videos, and government websites provide current information on perspectives of the target culture on local, national, and global problems/issues. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current events and contemporary and emerging global issues, problems, and challenges [e.g., population growth and migration; environmental degradation and protection; discrimination and other conflicts; and the allocation of scarce resources].) Current trends and issues influence popular culture. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: fashion, style, popular music, art, and pastimes.) Cumulative Progress Indicator(s) (CPI) 7.1. NH.A.1: Recognize familiar words and phrases, understand the main idea, and infer the meaning of some highly contextualized, unfamiliar spoken or written words contained in culturally authentic materials using electronic information sources related to targeted themes. 7.1. NH.A.2: Demonstrate comprehension of a series of oral and written directions, commands, and requests through appropriate physical response. 7.1. NH.A.3: Recognize some common gestures and cultural practices associated with target culture(s). 7.1. NH.A.4: Identify people, places, objects, and activities in daily life based on oral or written descriptions. 7.1. NH.A.5: Demonstrate comprehension of short conversations and brief written messages on familiar topics. 7.1. NH.A.6: Identify the main idea and other significant ideas in readings from age- and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials. Strand- B. Interpersonal Mode Proficiency Level- Novice-High Content Statement(s) – Linguistic: 18 The Novice-High language learner has progressed from understanding and communicating at the word level to understanding and communicating at the sentence level and can use words, lists, and simple sentences independently to: o Ask and answer questions related to everyday life. o Handle simple transactions related to everyday life: Initiate, maintain, and end a conversation. Ask for and give permission. Express needs. Give reasons. Request, suggest, and make arrangements. Extend, accept, and decline an invitation. Express an opinion and preference. Cultural: o Immigration changes both the community of origin and the new community. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current and past immigration patterns, the impact of immigration on society, and related issues.) o The study of another language and culture deepens understanding of where and how people live and why events occur. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: history, science, economics, and geography.) o Due to globalization and advances in technology, the products and practices of a culture change over time, and these changes may impact cultural perspectives. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: science, technology, history, social sciences, the visual and performing arts, and world literature.) o Human and animal migration is often related to the availability of resources and the ability to adapt to the environment. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: habitats, animals, weather, science, geography, social sciences, and distribution of resources.) o Personal preferences and skills are key factors to consider when making decisions about postsecondary plans. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: personal likes/dislikes, subject-area preferences, academic record, and career awareness, exploration, and preparation.) o The amount of leisure time available and how it is spent varies among cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: likes/dislikes, pastimes, schedules, and travel.) o Wellness practices may vary across cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: sports and physical fitness activities and common health conditions/problems and remedies.) o Online newspapers, magazines, blogs, wikis, podcasts, videos, and government websites provide current information on perspectives of the target culture on local, national, and global problems/issues. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current events and contemporary and emerging global issues, problems, and challenges [e.g., population growth and migration; environmental degradation and protection; discrimination and other conflicts; and the allocation of scarce resources].) o Current trends and issues influence popular culture. (Topics that assist in the development of this 19 understanding should include, but are not limited to: fashion, style, popular music, art, and pastimes.) Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) 7.1. NH.B.1: Use digital tools to exchange basic information by recombining memorized words, phrases, and sentences on topics related to self and targeted themes. 7.1. NH.B.2: Give and follow a series of oral and written directions, commands, and requests for participating in age- and level- appropriate classroom and cultural activities. 7.1. NH.B.3: Imitate appropriate gestures, intonation, and common idiomatic expressions of the target culture(s)/language during daily interactions. 7.1. NH.B.4: Ask and respond to questions, make requests, and express preferences in various social situations. Converse on a variety of familiar topics and/or topics studied in other content areas. Strand- C. Presentational Mode Proficiency Level- Novice-High Content Statement(s) – Linguistic: The Novice-High language learner has progressed from understanding and communicating at the word level to understanding and communicating at the sentence level and can use words, lists, and simple sentences independently to: o Handle simple transactions related to everyday life: Express needs. Give reasons. Express an opinion and preference. Request and suggest. Cultural: o Immigration changes both the community of origin and the new community. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current and past immigration patterns, the impact of immigration on society, and related issues.) o The study of another language and culture deepens understanding of where and how people live and why events occur. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: history, science, economics, and geography.) o Due to globalization and advances in technology, the products and practices of a culture change over time, and these changes may impact cultural perspectives. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: science, technology, history, social sciences, the visual and performing arts, and world literature.) o Human and animal migration is often related to the availability of resources and the ability to adapt to the environment. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: habitats, animals, weather, science, geography, social sciences, and distribution of resources.) o Personal preferences and skills are key factors to consider when making decisions about postsecondary plans. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: personal likes/dislikes, subject-area preferences, academic record, and career awareness, exploration, and preparation.) o The amount of leisure time available and how it is spent varies among cultures. (Topics that assist in the 20 o o o development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: likes/dislikes, pastimes, schedules, and travel.) Wellness practices may vary across cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: sports and physical fitness activities and common health conditions/problems and remedies.) Online newspapers, magazines, blogs, wikis, podcasts, videos, and government websites provide current information on perspectives of the target culture on local, national, and global problems/issues. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current events and contemporary and emerging global issues, problems, and challenges [e.g., population growth and migration; environmental degradation and protection; discrimination and other conflicts; and the allocation of scarce resources].) Current trends and issues influence popular culture. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: fashion, style, popular music, art, and pastimes.) Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) 7.1. NH.C.1: Recombine basic information at the word and sentence level related to self and targeted themes to create a multimedia-rich presentation to be shared virtually with a target language audience. 7.1. NH.C.2: Create and present brief messages, poems, rhymes, songs, short plays, or role-plays using familiar vocabulary orally or in writing. 7.1. NH.C.3: Describe in writing people and things from the home and school environment. 7.1. NH.C.4: Tell or retell stories from age- and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials orally or in writing. 7.1. NH.C.5: Tell or write about cultural products associated with the target culture(s), and simulate common cultural practices Reading Standards for Literacy: ACTFL guidelines: Reading--Novice Novice-High -Has sufficient control of the writing system to interpret written language in areas of practical need. Where vocabulary has been learned, can read for instructional and directional purposes, standardized messages, phrases, or expressions, such as some items on menus, schedules, timetables, maps, and signs. At times, but not on a consistent basis, the Novice-High level reader may be able to derive meaning from material at a slightly higher level where context and/or extra linguistic background knowledge are supportive. Writing Standards for Literacy: Novice-High -Able to write simple, fixed expressions and limited memorized material and some recombination thereof. Can supply information on simple forms and documents. Can write names, numbers, dates, own nationality, and other simple autobiographical information, as well as some short phrases and simple lists. Can write all the symbols in an alphabetic or syllabic system or 50-100 characters or compounds in a character writing system. Spelling and representation of symbols (letters, syllables, 21 characters) may be partially correct. ACTFL Home Address: ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines: WritingIntermed.htm Unit Essential Questions What sports and leisure activities are popular in the French-speaking countries What do I need to learn and appreciate other sports and leisure activities? What sport and leisure activities do I like to do? Unit Enduring Understandings People play and do different leisure activities to relax and stay in good shape in other cultures Terminology: le foot(ball), le hockey, le basket-ball, le tennis, le volley-ball, ballon, le but, gardien de but, arrêter, bloquer, un joueur, équipe, le stade, gradins, camps, terrain, spectateur, l’arbitre, le score, égaliser, marquer un but, siffler, places, panier, dribbler, servir, renvoyer, le sol, coureur, la course, gagnant, le filet, par-dessus, toucher, lancer, une piste, etc. Goals/Objectives Students will be able to Talk about team sports and other physical activities Describe past actions and events Ask people questions Discuss sports in Canada and in French-speaking Africa Learning Activities/Instructional Strategies Evidence of Learning (Formative & Summative) Teacher’s presentation Students repeat after teacher Oral/Aural drills Directed dialogue or conversation among students Overhead transparencies workbook exercises Interactive DVD Reading: Actualité culturelle: Cooperative learning groups Cues, questions & advance organizers Feedback: frequent & systematic Positive reinforcement & recognition of student effort Similarities & differences In Accordance with the Three Modes of Communication: Quizzes Tests Role-Play Portfolio Interviews Dialogues Webquest Aural/Oral Quizzes Writing (Rédaction) Homework Oral presentation Projects 22 Diverse Learners (ELL, Special Ed, Gifted & Talented)- Differentiation strategies may include, but are not limited to, learning centers and cooperative learning activities in either heterogeneous or homogeneous groups, depending on the learning objectives and the number of students who need further support and scaffolding, versus those who need more challenge and enrichment. Modifications may also be made as they relate to the special needs of students in accordance with their Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504 plans, or English Language Learners (ELL). These may include, but are not limited to, extended time, copies of class notes, refocusing strategies, preferred seating, study guides, and/or suggestions from special education or ELL teachers. Resources - Textbook, Workbook, Online tools, PowerPoint, Transparencies, Handouts, Exam View Pro, Teacher’s Resource Binder Textbook currently in use: Bon Voyage Glencoe French 1, McGraw Hill Glencoe, and from which most of the objectives and rationale are taken from. 23 Unit 4 Content Area – World Language Unit Title – Summer & Winter Target Course/Grade Level – French 2: Grades 10-12 Unit Summary/Rationale – During this unit, students will learn to discuss and describe winter and summer sports. They will learn to talk about the clothing and the equipment needed for these activities. They will also learn to describe the weather during the four seasons of the year. They will learn the passé composé of irregular verbs that are conjugated with avoir and the passé composé of the verbs that are conjugated with être. They will also learn negative expressions. Interdisciplinary Connections - Arts (Painting) Technology Integration – PowerPoint, French Online, Overhead Transparencies, CD-ROM 21st Century Themes – Awareness, Financial, Economic, Civic Literacy, Environmental Literacy 21st Century Skills – Creativity/Innovation, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Communication and Collaboration Learning Targets Standard(s) –7.1 World Languages: All students will be able to use a world language in addition to English to engage in meaningful conversation, to understand and interpret spoken and written language, and to present information, concepts, and ideas, while also gaining an understanding of the perspectives of other cultures. Through language study, they will make connections with other content areas, compare the language and culture studied with their own, and participate in home and global communities. Standard- A. Interpretive Mode Proficiency Level- Novice-High Content Statement(s) – Linguistic: The Novice-High language learner has progressed from understanding and communicating at the word level to understanding and communicating at the sentence level and can use words, lists, and simple sentences independently to: o Identify the main idea and some supporting details when reading. o Understand the gist and some supporting details of conversations dealing with everyday life. o Infer the meaning of some unfamiliar words when used in familiar contexts. Cultural: o Immigration changes both the community of origin and the new community. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current and past immigration patterns, the impact of immigration on society, and related issues.) o The study of another language and culture deepens understanding of where and how people live and why events occur. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: history, science, economics, and geography.) 24 o o o o o o o Due to globalization and advances in technology, the products and practices of a culture change over time, and these changes may impact cultural perspectives. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: science, technology, history, social sciences, the visual and performing arts, and world literature.) Human and animal migration is often related to the availability of resources and the ability to adapt to the environment. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: habitats, animals, weather, science, geography, social sciences, and distribution of resources.) Personal preferences and skills are key factors to consider when making decisions about postsecondary plans. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: personal likes/dislikes, subject-area preferences, academic record, and career awareness, exploration, and preparation.) The amount of leisure time available and how it is spent varies among cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: likes/dislikes, pastimes, schedules, and travel.) Wellness practices may vary across cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: sports and physical fitness activities and common health conditions/problems and remedies.) Online newspapers, magazines, blogs, wikis, podcasts, videos, and government websites provide current information on perspectives of the target culture on local, national, and global problems/issues. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current events and contemporary and emerging global issues, problems, and challenges [e.g., population growth and migration; environmental degradation and protection; discrimination and other conflicts; and the allocation of scarce resources].) Current trends and issues influence popular culture. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: fashion, style, popular music, art, and pastimes.) Cumulative Progress Indicator(s) (CPI) 7.1. NH.A.1: Recognize familiar words and phrases, understand the main idea, and infer the meaning of some highly contextualized, unfamiliar spoken or written words contained in culturally authentic materials using electronic information sources related to targeted themes. 7.1. NH.A.2: Demonstrate comprehension of a series of oral and written directions, commands, and requests through appropriate physical response. 7.1. NH.A.3: Recognize some common gestures and cultural practices associated with target culture(s). 7.1. NH.A.4: Identify people, places, objects, and activities in daily life based on oral or written descriptions. 7.1. NH.A.5: Demonstrate comprehension of short conversations and brief written messages on familiar topics. 7.1. NH.A.6: Identify the main idea and other significant ideas in readings from age- and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials. Strand- B. Interpersonal Mode Proficiency Level- Novice-High Content Statement(s) – Linguistic: The Novice-High language learner has progressed from understanding and communicating at the word level to understanding and communicating at the sentence level and can use words, lists, and simple sentences 25 independently to: o Ask and answer questions related to everyday life. o Handle simple transactions related to everyday life: Initiate, maintain, and end a conversation. Ask for and give permission. Express needs. Give reasons. Request, suggest, and make arrangements. Extend, accept, and decline an invitation. Express an opinion and preference. Cultural: o Immigration changes both the community of origin and the new community. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current and past immigration patterns, the impact of immigration on society, and related issues.) o The study of another language and culture deepens understanding of where and how people live and why events occur. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: history, science, economics, and geography.) o Due to globalization and advances in technology, the products and practices of a culture change over time, and these changes may impact cultural perspectives. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: science, technology, history, social sciences, the visual and performing arts, and world literature.) o Human and animal migration is often related to the availability of resources and the ability to adapt to the environment. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: habitats, animals, weather, science, geography, social sciences, and distribution of resources.) o Personal preferences and skills are key factors to consider when making decisions about postsecondary plans. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: personal likes/dislikes, subject-area preferences, academic record, and career awareness, exploration, and preparation.) o The amount of leisure time available and how it is spent varies among cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: likes/dislikes, pastimes, schedules, and travel.) o Wellness practices may vary across cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: sports and physical fitness activities and common health conditions/problems and remedies.) o Online newspapers, magazines, blogs, wikis, podcasts, videos, and government websites provide current information on perspectives of the target culture on local, national, and global problems/issues. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current events and contemporary and emerging global issues, problems, and challenges [e.g., population growth and migration; environmental degradation and protection; discrimination and other conflicts; and the allocation of scarce resources].) o Current trends and issues influence popular culture. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: fashion, style, popular music, art, and pastimes.) 26 Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) 7.1. NH.B.1: Use digital tools to exchange basic information by recombining memorized words, phrases, and sentences on topics related to self and targeted themes. 7.1. NH.B.2: Give and follow a series of oral and written directions, commands, and requests for participating in age- and level- appropriate classroom and cultural activities. 7.1. NH.B.3: Imitate appropriate gestures, intonation, and common idiomatic expressions of the target culture(s)/language during daily interactions. 7.1. NH.B.4: Ask and respond to questions, make requests, and express preferences in various social situations. Converse on a variety of familiar topics and/or topics studied in other content areas. Strand- C. Presentational Mode Proficiency Level- Novice-High Content Statement(s) – Linguistic: The Novice-High language learner has progressed from understanding and communicating at the word level to understanding and communicating at the sentence level and can use words, lists, and simple sentences independently to: o Handle simple transactions related to everyday life: Express needs. Give reasons. Express an opinion and preference. Request and suggest. Cultural: o Immigration changes both the community of origin and the new community. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current and past immigration patterns, the impact of immigration on society, and related issues.) o The study of another language and culture deepens understanding of where and how people live and why events occur. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: history, science, economics, and geography.) o Due to globalization and advances in technology, the products and practices of a culture change over time, and these changes may impact cultural perspectives. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: science, technology, history, social sciences, the visual and performing arts, and world literature.) o Human and animal migration is often related to the availability of resources and the ability to adapt to the environment. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: habitats, animals, weather, science, geography, social sciences, and distribution of resources.) o Personal preferences and skills are key factors to consider when making decisions about postsecondary plans. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: personal likes/dislikes, subject-area preferences, academic record, and career awareness, exploration, and preparation.) o The amount of leisure time available and how it is spent varies among cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: likes/dislikes, pastimes, schedules, and travel.) o Wellness practices may vary across cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding 27 o o should include, but are not limited to: sports and physical fitness activities and common health conditions/problems and remedies.) Online newspapers, magazines, blogs, wikis, podcasts, videos, and government websites provide current information on perspectives of the target culture on local, national, and global problems/issues. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current events and contemporary and emerging global issues, problems, and challenges [e.g., population growth and migration; environmental degradation and protection; discrimination and other conflicts; and the allocation of scarce resources].) Current trends and issues influence popular culture. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: fashion, style, popular music, art, and pastimes.) Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) 7.1. NH.C.1: Recombine basic information at the word and sentence level related to self and targeted themes to create a multimedia-rich presentation to be shared virtually with a target language audience. 7.1. NH.C.2: Create and present brief messages, poems, rhymes, songs, short plays, or role-plays using familiar vocabulary orally or in writing. 7.1. NH.C.3: Describe in writing people and things from the home and school environment. 7.1. NH.C.4: Tell or retell stories from age- and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials orally or in writing. 7.1. NH.C.5: Tell or write about cultural products associated with the target culture(s), and simulate common cultural practices. Reading Standards for Literacy: ACTFL guidelines: Reading--Novice Novice-High -Has sufficient control of the writing system to interpret written language in areas of practical need. Where vocabulary has been learned, can read for instructional and directional purposes, standardized messages, phrases, or expressions, such as some items on menus, schedules, timetables, maps, and signs. At times, but not on a consistent basis, the Novice-High level reader may be able to derive meaning from material at a slightly higher level where context and/or extra linguistic background knowledge are supportive. Writing Standards for Literacy: Novice-High -Able to write simple, fixed expressions and limited memorized material and some recombination thereof. Can supply information on simple forms and documents. Can write names, numbers, dates, own nationality, and other simple autobiographical information, as well as some short phrases and simple lists. Can write all the symbols in an alphabetic or syllabic system or 50-100 characters or compounds in a character writing system. Spelling and representation of symbols (letters, syllables, characters) may be partially correct. 28 ACTFL Home Address: ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines: WritingIntermed.htm Unit Essential Questions Unit Enduring Understandings Learning about seasons is a universal topic. What are the four seasons? What do I know about their characteristics? Seasons change over time and vary in different regions How do I describe the seasons in the target of the world. language? Which season do I prefer the most and why? What are the months of the year and which one is my birthday in? Terminology: à la plage, la mer, une vague, au bord de la mer, une station balnéaire, de la crème solaire, une serviette, maillot de bain, faire de la planche à voile, faire du ski nautique, faire du surf, une surfeuse, faire une promenade, plonger, une piscine, un moniteur, nager, le printemps, l’été, l’hiver, l’automne, le ciel, les nuages, il fait chaud, mauvais, beau, il y a du vent, il pleut, soleil, , une station de sport d’hiver, un sommet, une montagne, une skieuse, un bonnet, une écharpe, un télésiege, une piste, une bosse, ski de fond, ski alpin, un bâton, un gant, un anorak, une patinoire, la glace, un patin, etc. Goals/Objectives Students will be able to Describe summer and winter weather Talk about summer activities and sports Talk about winter sports Discuss past actions and events Learning Activities/Instructional Strategies Teacher’s presentation Students repeat after teacher Oral/Aural drills Directed dialogue or conversation among students Overhead transparencies workbook exercises Interactive DVD Reading: Actualité culturelle: Cooperative learning groups Cues, questions & advance organizers 29 Evidence of Learning (Formative & Summative) In Accordance with the Three Modes of Communication: Quizzes Tests Role-Play Portfolio Interviews Dialogues Webquest Make negative statements Talk about a ski trip in Quebec Feedback: frequent & systematic Aural/Oral Quizzes Positive reinforcement & recognition of student Writing (Rédaction) effort Similarities & differences Homework Oral presentation Projects Diverse Learners (ELL, Special Ed, Gifted & Talented)- Differentiation strategies may include, but are not limited to, learning centers and cooperative learning activities in either heterogeneous or homogeneous groups, depending on the learning objectives and the number of students who need further support and scaffolding, versus those who need more challenge and enrichment. Modifications may also be made as they relate to the special needs of students in accordance with their Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504 plans, or English Language Learners (ELL). These may include, but are not limited to, extended time, copies of class notes, refocusing strategies, preferred seating, study guides, and/or suggestions from special education or ELL teachers. Resources - Textbook, Workbook, Online tools, PowerPoint, Transparencies, Handouts, Exam View Pro, Teacher’s Resource Binder Textbook currently in use: Bon Voyage Glencoe French 1, McGraw Hill Glencoe, and from which most of the objectives and rationale are taken from. 30 Unit 5 Content Area – World Language Unit Title – Daily routine & Cultural leisure activities Target Course/Grade Level – French 2: Grades 10-12 Unit Summary/Rationale – This unit aims at helping students to discuss, describe personal grooming habits, daily routine, family life, and cultural events and express their cultural likes and dislikes. To achieve this, they will learn the reflexive verbs in the present tense and the passé composé. They will learn vocabulary associated with films, museums, and the theater. They will also learn to use the verbs savoir and connaître and the direct object pronouns Interdisciplinary Connections – environmental sciences (ecology), Arts Technology Integration – PowerPoint, French Online, Overhead Transparencies, CD-ROM 21st Century Themes – Awareness, Financial, Civic Literacy, Health Literacy and Environmental Literacy 21st Century Skills – Creativity/Innovation, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Communication and Collaboration Learning Targets Standard(s) –7.1 World Languages: All students will be able to use a world language in addition to English to engage in meaningful conversation, to understand and interpret spoken and written language, and to present information, concepts, and ideas, while also gaining an understanding of the perspectives of other cultures. Through language study, they will make connections with other content areas, compare the language and culture studied with their own, and participate in home and global communities. Standard- A. Interpretive Mode Proficiency Level- Novice-High Content Statement(s) – Linguistic: The Novice-High language learner has progressed from understanding and communicating at the word level to understanding and communicating at the sentence level and can use words, lists, and simple sentences independently to: o Identify the main idea and some supporting details when reading. o Understand the gist and some supporting details of conversations dealing with everyday life. o Infer the meaning of some unfamiliar words when used in familiar contexts. Cultural: o Immigration changes both the community of origin and the new community. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current and past immigration patterns, the impact of immigration on society, and related issues.) o The study of another language and culture deepens understanding of where and how people live and why 31 o o o o o o o events occur. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: history, science, economics, and geography.) Due to globalization and advances in technology, the products and practices of a culture change over time, and these changes may impact cultural perspectives. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: science, technology, history, social sciences, the visual and performing arts, and world literature.) Human and animal migration is often related to the availability of resources and the ability to adapt to the environment. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: habitats, animals, weather, science, geography, social sciences, and distribution of resources.) Personal preferences and skills are key factors to consider when making decisions about postsecondary plans. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: personal likes/dislikes, subject-area preferences, academic record, and career awareness, exploration, and preparation.) The amount of leisure time available and how it is spent varies among cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: likes/dislikes, pastimes, schedules, and travel.) Wellness practices may vary across cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: sports and physical fitness activities and common health conditions/problems and remedies.) Online newspapers, magazines, blogs, wikis, podcasts, videos, and government websites provide current information on perspectives of the target culture on local, national, and global problems/issues. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current events and contemporary and emerging global issues, problems, and challenges [e.g., population growth and migration; environmental degradation and protection; discrimination and other conflicts; and the allocation of scarce resources].) Current trends and issues influence popular culture. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: fashion, style, popular music, art, and pastimes.) Cumulative Progress Indicator(s) (CPI) 7.1. NH.A.1: Recognize familiar words and phrases, understand the main idea, and infer the meaning of some highly contextualized, unfamiliar spoken or written words contained in culturally authentic materials using electronic information sources related to targeted themes. 7.1. NH.A.2: Demonstrate comprehension of a series of oral and written directions, commands, and requests through appropriate physical response. 7.1. NH.A.3: Recognize some common gestures and cultural practices associated with target culture(s). 7.1. NH.A.4: Identify people, places, objects, and activities in daily life based on oral or written descriptions. 7.1. NH.A.5: Demonstrate comprehension of short conversations and brief written messages on familiar topics. 7.1. NH.A.6: Identify the main idea and other significant ideas in readings from age- and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials. 32 Strand- B. Interpersonal Mode Proficiency Level- Novice-High Content Statement(s) – Linguistic: The Novice-High language learner has progressed from understanding and communicating at the word level to understanding and communicating at the sentence level and can use words, lists, and simple sentences independently to: o Ask and answer questions related to everyday life. o Handle simple transactions related to everyday life: Initiate, maintain, and end a conversation. Ask for and give permission. Express needs. Give reasons. Request, suggest, and make arrangements. Extend, accept, and decline an invitation. Express an opinion and preference. Cultural: o Immigration changes both the community of origin and the new community. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current and past immigration patterns, the impact of immigration on society, and related issues.) o The study of another language and culture deepens understanding of where and how people live and why events occur. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: history, science, economics, and geography.) o Due to globalization and advances in technology, the products and practices of a culture change over time, and these changes may impact cultural perspectives. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: science, technology, history, social sciences, the visual and performing arts, and world literature.) o Human and animal migration is often related to the availability of resources and the ability to adapt to the environment. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: habitats, animals, weather, science, geography, social sciences, and distribution of resources.) o Personal preferences and skills are key factors to consider when making decisions about postsecondary plans. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: personal likes/dislikes, subject-area preferences, academic record, and career awareness, exploration, and preparation.) o The amount of leisure time available and how it is spent varies among cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: likes/dislikes, pastimes, schedules, and travel.) o Wellness practices may vary across cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: sports and physical fitness activities and common health conditions/problems and remedies.) o Online newspapers, magazines, blogs, wikis, podcasts, videos, and government websites provide current 33 o information on perspectives of the target culture on local, national, and global problems/issues. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current events and contemporary and emerging global issues, problems, and challenges [e.g., population growth and migration; environmental degradation and protection; discrimination and other conflicts; and the allocation of scarce resources].) Current trends and issues influence popular culture. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: fashion, style, popular music, art, and pastimes.) Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) 7.1. NH.B.1: Use digital tools to exchange basic information by recombining memorized words, phrases, and sentences on topics related to self and targeted themes. 7.1. NH.B.2: Give and follow a series of oral and written directions, commands, and requests for participating in age- and level- appropriate classroom and cultural activities. 7.1. NH.B.3: Imitate appropriate gestures, intonation, and common idiomatic expressions of the target culture(s)/language during daily interactions. 7.1. NH.B.4: Ask and respond to questions, make requests, and express preferences in various social situations. Converse on a variety of familiar topics and/or topics studied in other content areas. Strand- C. Presentational Mode Proficiency Level- Novice-High Content Statement(s) – Linguistic: The Novice-High language learner has progressed from understanding and communicating at the word level to understanding and communicating at the sentence level and can use words, lists, and simple sentences independently to: o Handle simple transactions related to everyday life: Express needs. Give reasons. Express an opinion and preference. Request and suggest. Cultural: o Immigration changes both the community of origin and the new community. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current and past immigration patterns, the impact of immigration on society, and related issues.) o The study of another language and culture deepens understanding of where and how people live and why events occur. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: history, science, economics, and geography.) o Due to globalization and advances in technology, the products and practices of a culture change over time, and these changes may impact cultural perspectives. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: science, technology, history, social sciences, the visual and performing arts, and world literature.) o Human and animal migration is often related to the availability of resources and the ability to adapt to the environment. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not 34 o o o o o limited to: habitats, animals, weather, science, geography, social sciences, and distribution of resources.) Personal preferences and skills are key factors to consider when making decisions about postsecondary plans. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: personal likes/dislikes, subject-area preferences, academic record, and career awareness, exploration, and preparation.) The amount of leisure time available and how it is spent varies among cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: likes/dislikes, pastimes, schedules, and travel.) Wellness practices may vary across cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: sports and physical fitness activities and common health conditions/problems and remedies.) Online newspapers, magazines, blogs, wikis, podcasts, videos, and government websites provide current information on perspectives of the target culture on local, national, and global problems/issues. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current events and contemporary and emerging global issues, problems, and challenges [e.g., population growth and migration; environmental degradation and protection; discrimination and other conflicts; and the allocation of scarce resources].) Current trends and issues influence popular culture. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: fashion, style, popular music, art, and pastimes.) Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) 7.1. NH.C.1: Recombine basic information at the word and sentence level related to self and targeted themes to create a multimedia-rich presentation to be shared virtually with a target language audience. 7.1. NH.C.2: Create and present brief messages, poems, rhymes, songs, short plays, or role-plays using familiar vocabulary orally or in writing. 7.1. NH.C.3: Describe in writing people and things from the home and school environment. 7.1. NH.C.4: Tell or retell stories from age- and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials orally or in writing. 7.1. NH.C.5: Tell or write about cultural products associated with the target culture(s), and simulate common cultural practices. Reading Standards for Literacy: ACTFL guidelines: Reading--Novice Novice-High -Has sufficient control of the writing system to interpret written language in areas of practical need. Where vocabulary has been learned, can read for instructional and directional purposes, standardized messages, phrases, or expressions, such as some items on menus, schedules, timetables, maps, and signs. At times, but not on a consistent basis, the Novice-High level reader may be able to derive meaning from material at a slightly higher level where context and/or extra linguistic background knowledge are supportive. Writing Standards for Literacy: Novice-High -Able to write simple, fixed expressions and limited memorized material and some recombination thereof. Can supply information on simple forms and documents. Can write names, numbers, dates, 35 own nationality, and other simple autobiographical information, as well as some short phrases and simple lists. Can write all the symbols in an alphabetic or syllabic system or 50-100 characters or compounds in a character writing system. Spelling and representation of symbols (letters, syllables, characters) may be partially correct. ACTFL Home Address: ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines: WritingIntermed.htm Unit Essential Questions What can we do and see in various locations of France? What types of music and visual art are enjoyed in France and in the U.S.? What do we learn about others through their daily routines? What do we learn about people in the Francophone world through the study of their daily routines? What role does the daily routine play in the identity of the various Francophone cultures? Unit Enduring Understandings Our daily life is made of routines and rites Our leisure activities are part of our culture Learning about other people’s daily activities brings and increases students’ awareness of perspectives within their culture and those of others Terminology: la routine quotidienne, se réveiller, se lever, se laver, se coucher, se maquiller, tôt, tard, la cuisine, chez, lave-vaisselle, Frigidaire, mettre et débarrasser la table, mettre ou éteindre la télé, une télécommande, au cinéma, guichet, écran, une salle de cinéma, un acteur, film en version originale, en double, sous-titre, une chanteuse, un danseur, une pièce de théatre, actes, scènes, un entr’acte, enregistrer, etc. Goals/Objectives Students will be able to Describe to describe their personal grooming habits Talk about their daily routine Talk about their family life Learning Activities/Instructional Strategies Teacher’s presentation Students repeat after teacher Oral/Aural drills Directed dialogue or conversation among students Overhead transparencies workbook exercises Interactive DVD Reading: Actualité culturelle: 36 Evidence of Learning (Formative & Summative) In Accordance with the Three Modes of Communication: Quizzes Tests Role-Play Portfolio Interviews Dialogues Tell some things you do for yourself Talk about daily activities in the past discuss a French family’s daily routine Cooperative learning groups Cues, questions & advance organizers Feedback: frequent & systematic Positive reinforcement & recognition of student effort Similarities & differences Webquest Aural/Oral Quizzes Writing (Rédaction) Homework Oral presentation Projects Discuss movies, plays, and museums Tell what they know and whom they know Tell what happens to them or someone else Refer to people and things already mentioned Talk about some cultural activities in Paris Diverse Learners (ELL, Special Ed, Gifted & Talented)- Differentiation strategies may include, but are not limited to, learning centers and cooperative learning activities in either heterogeneous or homogeneous groups, depending on the learning objectives and the number of students who need further support and scaffolding, versus those who need more challenge and enrichment. Modifications may also be made as they relate to the special needs of students in accordance with their Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504 plans, or English Language Learners (ELL). These may include, but are not limited to, extended time, copies of class notes, refocusing strategies, preferred seating, study guides, and/or suggestions from special education or ELL teachers. Resources - Textbook, Workbook, Online tools, PowerPoint, Transparencies, Handouts, Exam View Pro, Teacher’s Resource Binder Textbook currently in use: Bon Voyage Glencoe French 1, McGraw Hill Glencoe, and from which most of the objectives and rationale are taken from. 37 Unit 6 Content Area – World Language Unit Title – Health & Medicine Target Course/Grade Level – French 2: Grades 10-12 Unit Summary/Rationale – During this unit, students will learn to talk about routine illnesses and to describe their symptoms to a doctor. In order to do this, they will learn vocabulary associated with medical exams, prescription, and minor ailments such as colds, the flu, and headaches. Students will learn the indirect object pronouns lui and leur, the present and passé composé of verbs like ouvrir and souffrir, and the imperative forms of verbs. Interdisciplinary Connections - Health Technology Integration – PowerPoint, French Online, Overhead Transparencies, CD-ROM 21st Century Themes – Awareness, Civic Literacy, Health Literacy 21st Century Skills – Creativity/Innovation, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Communication and Collaboration Learning Targets Standard(s) –7.1 World Languages: All students will be able to use a world language in addition to English to engage in meaningful conversation, to understand and interpret spoken and written language, and to present information, concepts, and ideas, while also gaining an understanding of the perspectives of other cultures. Through language study, they will make connections with other content areas, compare the language and culture studied with their own, and participate in home and global communities. Strand- A. Interpretive Mode Proficiency Level- Novice-High Content Statement(s) – Linguistic: The Novice-High language learner has progressed from understanding and communicating at the word level to understanding and communicating at the sentence level and can use words, lists, and simple sentences independently to: o Identify the main idea and some supporting details when reading. o Understand the gist and some supporting details of conversations dealing with everyday life. o Infer the meaning of some unfamiliar words when used in familiar contexts. Cultural: o Immigration changes both the community of origin and the new community. (Topics that assist in the 38 o o o o o o o o development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current and past immigration patterns, the impact of immigration on society, and related issues.) The study of another language and culture deepens understanding of where and how people live and why events occur. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: history, science, economics, and geography.) Due to globalization and advances in technology, the products and practices of a culture change over time, and these changes may impact cultural perspectives. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: science, technology, history, social sciences, the visual and performing arts, and world literature.) Human and animal migration is often related to the availability of resources and the ability to adapt to the environment. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: habitats, animals, weather, science, geography, social sciences, and distribution of resources.) Personal preferences and skills are key factors to consider when making decisions about postsecondary plans. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: personal likes/dislikes, subject-area preferences, academic record, and career awareness, exploration, and preparation.) The amount of leisure time available and how it is spent varies among cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: likes/dislikes, pastimes, schedules, and travel.) Wellness practices may vary across cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: sports and physical fitness activities and common health conditions/problems and remedies.) Online newspapers, magazines, blogs, wikis, podcasts, videos, and government websites provide current information on perspectives of the target culture on local, national, and global problems/issues. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current events and contemporary and emerging global issues, problems, and challenges [e.g., population growth and migration; environmental degradation and protection; discrimination and other conflicts; and the allocation of scarce resources].) Current trends and issues influence popular culture. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: fashion, style, popular music, art, and pastimes.) Cumulative Progress Indicator(s) (CPI) 7.1. NH.A.1: Recognize familiar words and phrases, understand the main idea, and infer the meaning of some highly contextualized, unfamiliar spoken or written words contained in culturally authentic materials using electronic information sources related to targeted themes. 7.1. NH.A.2: Demonstrate comprehension of a series of oral and written directions, commands, and requests through appropriate physical response. 7.1. NH.A.3: Recognize some common gestures and cultural practices associated with target culture(s). 7.1. NH.A.4: Identify people, places, objects, and activities in daily life based on oral or written descriptions. 7.1. NH.A.5: Demonstrate comprehension of short conversations and brief written messages on familiar topics. 7.1. NH.A.6: Identify the main idea and other significant ideas in readings from age- and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials. Strand- B. Interpersonal Mode 39 Proficiency Level- Novice-High Content Statement(s) – Linguistic: The Novice-High language learner has progressed from understanding and communicating at the word level to understanding and communicating at the sentence level and can use words, lists, and simple sentences independently to: o Ask and answer questions related to everyday life. o Handle simple transactions related to everyday life: Initiate, maintain, and end a conversation. Ask for and give permission. Express needs. Give reasons. Request, suggest, and make arrangements. Extend, accept, and decline an invitation. Express an opinion and preference. Cultural: o Immigration changes both the community of origin and the new community. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current and past immigration patterns, the impact of immigration on society, and related issues.) o The study of another language and culture deepens understanding of where and how people live and why events occur. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: history, science, economics, and geography.) o Due to globalization and advances in technology, the products and practices of a culture change over time, and these changes may impact cultural perspectives. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: science, technology, history, social sciences, the visual and performing arts, and world literature.) o Human and animal migration is often related to the availability of resources and the ability to adapt to the environment. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: habitats, animals, weather, science, geography, social sciences, and distribution of resources.) o Personal preferences and skills are key factors to consider when making decisions about postsecondary plans. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: personal likes/dislikes, subject-area preferences, academic record, and career awareness, exploration, and preparation.) o The amount of leisure time available and how it is spent varies among cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: likes/dislikes, pastimes, schedules, and travel.) o Wellness practices may vary across cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: sports and physical fitness activities and common health conditions/problems and remedies.) o Online newspapers, magazines, blogs, wikis, podcasts, videos, and government websites provide current information on perspectives of the target culture on local, national, and global problems/issues. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current events and contemporary and emerging global issues, problems, and challenges [e.g., population growth and 40 o migration; environmental degradation and protection; discrimination and other conflicts; and the allocation of scarce resources].) Current trends and issues influence popular culture. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: fashion, style, popular music, art, and pastimes.) Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) 7.1. NH.B.1: Use digital tools to exchange basic information by recombining memorized words, phrases, and sentences on topics related to self and targeted themes. 7.1. NH.B.2: Give and follow a series of oral and written directions, commands, and requests for participating in age- and level- appropriate classroom and cultural activities. 7.1. NH.B.3: Imitate appropriate gestures, intonation, and common idiomatic expressions of the target culture(s)/language during daily interactions. 7.1. NH.B.4: Ask and respond to questions, make requests, and express preferences in various social situations. Converse on a variety of familiar topics and/or topics studied in other content areas. Strand- C. Presentational Mode Proficiency Level- Novice-High Content Statement(s) – Linguistic: The Novice-High language learner has progressed from understanding and communicating at the word level to understanding and communicating at the sentence level and can use words, lists, and simple sentences independently to: o Handle simple transactions related to everyday life: Express needs. Give reasons. Express an opinion and preference. Request and suggest. Cultural: o Immigration changes both the community of origin and the new community. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current and past immigration patterns, the impact of immigration on society, and related issues.) o The study of another language and culture deepens understanding of where and how people live and why events occur. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: history, science, economics, and geography.) o Due to globalization and advances in technology, the products and practices of a culture change over time, and these changes may impact cultural perspectives. (Content areas that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: science, technology, history, social sciences, the visual and performing arts, and world literature.) o Human and animal migration is often related to the availability of resources and the ability to adapt to the environment. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: habitats, animals, weather, science, geography, social sciences, and distribution of resources.) o Personal preferences and skills are key factors to consider when making decisions about postsecondary plans. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: 41 o o o o personal likes/dislikes, subject-area preferences, academic record, and career awareness, exploration, and preparation.) The amount of leisure time available and how it is spent varies among cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: likes/dislikes, pastimes, schedules, and travel.) Wellness practices may vary across cultures. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: sports and physical fitness activities and common health conditions/problems and remedies.) Online newspapers, magazines, blogs, wikis, podcasts, videos, and government websites provide current information on perspectives of the target culture on local, national, and global problems/issues. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: current events and contemporary and emerging global issues, problems, and challenges [e.g., population growth and migration; environmental degradation and protection; discrimination and other conflicts; and the allocation of scarce resources].) Current trends and issues influence popular culture. (Topics that assist in the development of this understanding should include, but are not limited to: fashion, style, popular music, art, and pastimes.) Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) 7.1. NH.C.1: Recombine basic information at the word and sentence level related to self and targeted themes to create a multimedia-rich presentation to be shared virtually with a target language audience. 7.1. NH.C.2: Create and present brief messages, poems, rhymes, songs, short plays, or role-plays using familiar vocabulary orally or in writing. 7.1. NH.C.3: Describe in writing people and things from the home and school environment. 7.1. NH.C.4: Tell or retell stories from age- and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials orally or in writing. 7.1. NH.C.5: Tell or write about cultural products associated with the target culture(s), and simulate common cultural practices. Reading Standards for Literacy: ACTFL guidelines: Reading--Novice Novice-High -Has sufficient control of the writing system to interpret written language in areas of practical need. Where vocabulary has been learned, can read for instructional and directional purposes, standardized messages, phrases, or expressions, such as some items on menus, schedules, timetables, maps, and signs. At times, but not on a consistent basis, the Novice-High level reader may be able to derive meaning from material at a slightly higher level where context and/or extra linguistic background knowledge are supportive. Writing Standards for Literacy: Novice-High -Able to write simple, fixed expressions and limited memorized material and some recombination thereof. Can supply information on simple forms and documents. Can write names, numbers, dates, own nationality, and other simple autobiographical information, as well as some short phrases and simple lists. Can write all the symbols in an alphabetic or syllabic system or 50-100 characters or compounds in a character writing system. Spelling and representation of symbols (letters, syllables, characters) may be partially correct. 42 ACTFL Home Address: ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines: WritingIntermed.htm Unit Essential Questions How do my decisions impact my health? How can I be more aware of healthy habits? How can I explain my illness to a doctor or someone in any French-speaking country? What should I know to be able to identify or recognize symptoms of some illnesses? Unit Enduring Understandings Health conditions can contribute to the choices people make. Our health conditions are determined by our healthy habits Terminology: malade, maladie, avoir de la fièvre, rhume, enrhumé, tousse, angine, sinusite, avoir mal, grippe, frissons, santé, bonne, mauvaise, allergique, infection, température, sirop, aspirine, antibiotique, ventre, tête, oreilles, mal aux yeux, nez, gorge, chez le médecin, ausculte, souffre, examine, ouvrez la bouche, respirez à fond, diagnostic, prescription, ordonnance, médicaments, la pharmacie, etc. Goals/Objectives Students will be able to - Learning Activities/Instructional Strategies Evidence of Learning (Formative & Summative) Explain a minor illness to a doctor Teacher’s presentation Students repeat after teacher Oral/Aural drills Directed dialogue or conversation among students Overhead transparencies workbook exercises Interactive DVD Reading: Actualité culturelle: Cooperative learning groups Cues, questions & advance organizers Feedback: frequent & systematic Positive reinforcement & recognition of student effort Similarities & differences In Accordance with the Three Modes of Communication: Quizzes Tests Role-Play Portfolio Interviews Dialogues Webquest Aural/Oral Quizzes Writing (Rédaction) Homework Oral presentation Projects Have a prescription filed at a pharmacy Tell for whom something is done Talk about some more activities Give commands Refer to people, places, 43 and things already mentioned Discuss medical services in France Diverse Learners (ELL, Special Ed, Gifted & Talented)- Differentiation strategies may include, but are not limited to, learning centers and cooperative learning activities in either heterogeneous or homogeneous groups, depending on the learning objectives and the number of students who need further support and scaffolding, versus those who need more challenge and enrichment. Modifications may also be made as they relate to the special needs of students in accordance with their Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504 plans, or English Language Learners (ELL). These may include, but are not limited to, extended time, copies of class notes, refocusing strategies, preferred seating, study guides, and/or suggestions from special education or ELL teachers. Resources - Textbook, Workbook, Online tools, PowerPoint, Transparencies, Handouts, Exam View Pro, Teacher’s Resource Binder Textbook currently in use: Bon Voyage Glencoe French 1, McGraw Hill Glencoe, and from which most of the objectives and rationale are taken from. 44