
Counselor Education
Midpoint Review
Objective Exam
Spring 2015
ECG 501 ASSESSMENT……………………………………………………………………….……3
ECG 506 PROFESSIONAL……………………………………………………………………….…4
ECG 523 MULTICULTURAL………………………………………………………………….……6
ECG 525 SKILLS………………………………………………………………………………………..7
ECG 526 ETHICS……………………………………………………………………………………….9
ECG 553 THEORY………………………………………………………………………………..……10
ECG 556 CAREER…………………………………………………………………………..………...12
ECG 591 GROUP………………………………………………………………………………….…..14
EPY 525 LIFESPAN………………………………………………………………………………......15
EFD 500 RESEARCH……………………………………………………………………………….….17
ECG 501 Assessment in Counseling
Discuss the role of assessment in the counseling profession.
Differentiate testing compared to assessment.
Discuss the ethical principles involved in the administration and reporting of
psychological tests.
Describe the impact of race, ethnicity and primary language on the selection and
utilization of tests.
Evaluate a test in terms of reliability, validity, test worthiness, and practicality.
Differentiate between standardized and non-standardized tests listing examples of each.
Describe the process of data interpretation.
Identify resources for obtaining and evaluating testing materials.
Provide an overview of major psychological instruments citing strengths and weaknesses
of each.
Learner Goals:
To know and understand the underlying concepts in education/psychological assessment
To apply this understanding in the administration and interpretation of a representative
sample of assessment instruments
To evaluate the technical quality and usefulness of various assessment instruments
To make informed judgments about the appropriate use of various assessment
instruments/procedures based on best-practice standards
Review the following course content:
 Norm-referenced
 Criterion-referenced
 Validity (what it means and how it is evidenced)
 Reliability (what it means and how it is evidenced)
 Properties of the normal distribution.
 Measures of central tendency
 Measures of dispersion
 Test worthiness
 Formal assessment
 Informal assessment
 Sample tests/procedures used for various purposes (achievement, behavior rating, etc.)
 Standard error of measurement, confidence band
 Standardization
 Sources for gaining information about assessment instruments and procedures and the
pros and cons of each source
 T-scores, z-scores, quartiles, percentiles
 Application of standard scores in interpreting individual results
ECG 506 Professional Orientation & Ethics
Review the following concepts, terms, and contributors to the counseling profession:
Jesse B. Davis
Frank Parsons
Clifford Beers
Carl Rogers
Alfred Binet
Significance of Sputnik
General duties of counselors in various settings (schools, agencies, and universities)
Importance of theory as a guide in counseling
Basic concepts of each major theoretical approach (role of counselor, major techniques,
goals, developer)
Basic concepts of building a counseling relationship (empathy, listening skills,
identifying goals)
Basic concepts of working in a counseling relationship (client resistance, counselor
resistance, guidelines for ending a relationship in a positive way)
Distinguish consultation from counseling
Value of group counseling
Types of groups
Basic issues in group counseling
Basics of program management
Stages of group development
Purpose of the creative arts in counseling
Describe the appropriate code of ethics and standards of practice.
Explore values with possible implications for ethical practice.
Discuss the role of profession ethics in a multicultural society.
Apply creative decision making to the interpretation of ethical dilemmas in the helping
Review the following course content:
Limitations of confidentiality
Dual relationships
Use of bartering in practice
Special legal & ethical considerations when working with children
Ethical decision making model
How thinking like a counselor is different from thinking like a lawyer
How fields of counseling and law are becoming increasingly intertwined
Hierarchy of professions-psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, substance abuse
Differences between registration, certification, and licensure
Trends in licensing of counselors and mental health professionals
Sexual harassment
Tarasoff vs. California-duties, duty to predict, and duty to warn
Difference between confidentiality and legal privilege
Under what conditions legal privilege would be waived-group counseling, intent to
commit a crime, danger to client or others
Function of National Board of Certification of Counselors, Alabama Board of Examiners,
Alabama Counseling Association, and American Counseling Association
Alternative dispute resolution as an alternative to adversary system
Acquire an understanding of how sociopolitical systems influence culturally different
 Develop a clear understanding of the nature, needs, and problems of multicultural
 Understand various counseling and assessment strategies that minimize socioeconomic or
cultural bias;
 Critique various counseling theories in relation to diverse world views and needs of a
multicultural population;
 Understand organization and systemic variables that impact individuals/families in the
delivery of multicultural counseling services;
 Name and explain essential characteristics of a “multiculturally competent” counselor
Review the following terms and concepts:
Multicultural counseling competencies
Barriers to effective multicultural counseling
Culturally appropriate techniques and strategies
o Hispanics
o Asians
o American Indians
o African-American
o Sexual Minorities
o The elderly (demographics and characteristics)
Indigenous theories of illness and methods of healing
Review the following demographic and cultural information:
Relative size of minority groups to each other and to white population.
Predictions of future trends in population growth
Marriage, cohabitation, divorce, single parent trends
Gender identity, roles, sexual orientation demographics
Five different cultures: Universal, Ecological, National, Regional, Racio-Ethnic
Social class
Cultural pluralism
Prejudice, racism, ethnocentrism
Cultural encapsulation
Worldview: emic, etic
The importance of “systems theory” or “network” counseling
Culture-bound, Class-bound, and Language variables
Minority Identity Development Model
Disabilities: PL 94-142 and IDEA, Mainstreaming, Inclusion
 Demonstrate an understanding of the intentional interviewing and counseling process and
its application with a multicultural client population.
 Note differences between interviewing, counseling, and psychotherapy
 Apply appropriate code of ethics and standards of practice associated with intentional
interviewing and counseling.
 Explore the role of counseling theory in the intentional interviewing process.
 Utilize creative decision making in addressing various counseling scenarios
 Conceptualize a counseling scenario in which one would
o Demonstrate a high level of attending, observing, and listening in counseling
o Respond to content, feeling, and meaning in counseling
o Establish a counseling relationship with clients and demonstrate the skills of
focusing and challenging
o Communicate empathy, both basic and additive
o Initiate and/or take the appropriate steps to aid clients in the goal setting
process in a counseling session
o Develop and individualize programs and prepare action steps to aid clients to
achieve established goals
Review the following course content:
Ingredients of an effective relationship
Communication skills: attending, listening, empathy, probing confrontation reflection of
feeling and meaning, encouragers, paraphrases, summaries
Stages and steps of the helping model
Goal setting
Commitment to goals
Strategies for restory and action
Selecting and evaluating strategies
Evaluating outcomes
Termination/ Action
Self disclosure
Review the following terms, and concepts related to the clinical experiences in
Goal of interview
Appropriate helper self disclosure
Stages of interview
Challenging discrepancies
Attending skills VVVB
Immediacy Leverage
Informed Consent
Speaking concretely aboutEmpathy basic, subtractive, additive
thinking, feeling, behavior,
Importance of empathy
Brainstorming possibilities
Goal setting
Muscle Relaxation
Know the concept behind ACA Code of Ethics.
Why do counselors have an ethical code?
Know the difference between confidentiality and privileged communication.
Know the knowledge of duty to warn and Tarasoff vs. The Board of Regents, University
Understand the concept behind boundary violation.
Understand the concept behind competence.
Key Terms:
Vicarious Liability
Social Justice
Ethical Principles:
Other Topics:
Mandatory Reporting
Standard of Care
Demonstrate knowledge of the various counseling theories/techniques that provide
support for the counseling process by analyzing counseling theory,
comparing/contrasting counseling theory, and applying counseling theory to a specific
case. This experience will provide counselors in training the opportunity to begin
making decisions regarding his/her theoretical orientation within professional
Demonstrate knowledge of the various family/systems theories of counseling utilized
within professional counseling.
Demonstrate knowledge of evaluating the contributions and limitations of individual –
family/systems counseling theories as they apply to various client populations so as to
develop multicultural competencies as a professional counselor.
Demonstrate knowledge of ethical issues that confront professional counselors in
practice and the ethical standards established by professional associations, legislation,
and court decisions.
Study Materials:
Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy
Gerald Corey
Manual for Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy
Gerald Corey
Case Approach to Counseling and Psychotherapy
Gerald Corey
Exam Study Focus:
Manual for Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy
The twenty-five true-false/multiple choice questions for each of the key theory covered in
the course.
Key Theories:
Psychoanalytic Therapy
Adlerian Therapy
Behavior Therapy
Multimodal Therapy
Reality Therapy
Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy
Existential Therapy
Person-Centered Therapy
Gestalt Therapy
Other Topics:
Ethical/Legal Issues in Professional Counseling
Multicultural Considerations in Counseling
Family Systems Therapy
Brief Therapy
The Case of Ruth
The Counselor: As a Person and as a Professional
Demonstrate knowledge of the various theories/techniques that provide support for the
career counseling process by analyzing and comparing/contrasting various career
theories. This experience will provide counselors in training the opportunity to begin
making decisions regarding his/her theoretical orientation within career counseling.
Demonstrate knowledge of assessment instruments, computer assisted information
systems, and auxiliary technologies (i.e. world-wide web sites, etc.) utilized within
career counseling.
Demonstrate knowledge of educational, occupational, and labor market information
(global economy) and the interrelationship among/between life-style, life-roles, gender,
and multicultural diversity when examining career development across the lifespan.
Demonstrate knowledge of ethical issues that confront career counselors and the ethical
standards established by professional associations, legislation, and court decisions.
Study Materials:
Career Information, Career Counseling, and Career Development
Duane Brown
Career Study Guide Packet
Provided to students through blackboard when registered for the course
Exam Study Focus:
Career Study Guide Packet
The multiple choice questions for each of the chapters covered in the course.
Key Theories:
Need/Personality Theory of Career Choice
Ann Roe
Developmental Theory of Occupational Choice
Eli Ginzberg and Associates
Developmental Self-Concept Theory of Career Choice
Donald Super
Career Typology Theory of Vocational Behavior
John Holland
Other Topics:
Career Counseling and Assessment
Career Counseling and Technology
Career Counseling: K-12, Higher Education, Adults, and Special Populations
Career Counseling and Ethical/Legal Issues
 Discuss the appropriate code of ethics and standards of practice associated with group
 Explore values with possible implications for the ethical practice of group counseling.
 Apply group theory, skills, and techniques to a diverse client population.
 Discuss the role of multiculturalism and multicultural competence in group counseling.
 Apply creative decision making as they role-play various group scenarios.
Review the following concepts, terms, and contributors to the counseling profession:
Rationale for group counseling
Goals of group counseling.
Ways to best prepare members for a group and methods of teaching members how to
profit from a group
Describe the major types of groups
Styles of group leadership
Characteristics of culturally effective group counselor
Rights of group participants
Ethics of group leaders’ actions/Ethical guidelines for groups
Basic skills and functions of group leaders (active listening, restating, clarifying,
interpreting, confronting, empathizing, goal setting, disclosing oneself, modeling, linking,
blocking, terminating)
Procedures for opening and closing a group session
Intra-personally oriented group leadership style
Interpersonal oriented group leadership style
Describe the stages of the group process
Homogeneous group/Heterogeneous group
Closed group/Open group
Screening group members
Common problems of groups in each stage
Group cohesion
Key concepts of the major theoretical approaches as they apply to group process
Specific techniques typically used with each theoretical approach
Role of the group leader in relation to each theoretical approach
Basic goals of each theoretical approach
Jacob Moreno-Psychodrama
Multicultural considerations
Know theories of individual and family development and transitions across the life span.
Know theories of learning and personality development and transitions across the life
Know the theories and models of individual, cultural, family, and community resilience.
Have an understanding of human behavior, including an understanding of developmental
crises, disability, psychopathology, and situational and environmental factors that affect
both normal and abnormal development.
Know theories for facilitating optimal development and wellness over the life span.
Know the principles and models of assessment, case conceptualization, theories of human
development, and concepts of normalcy and psychopathology leading to diagnosis and
appropriate counseling treatment plans.
Key Theories
Psychosexual Development
An Outline of Psychoanalysis (1949)
Sigmund Freud
Psychosocial Development
Childhood and Society (1964)
Erik Erikson
Cognitive Development
The Origins of Intelligence in Children (1952)
Jean Piaget
Moral Development
The Philosophy of Moral Development: Moral Stages and the Idea of Justice (1981)
Lawrence Kohlberg
Spiritual Development
Stages of Faith: The Psychology of Human Development and the Quest for Meaning
James Fowler
Dying and Death – The Final State of Development
On Death and Dying (1969)
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Other Topics
Development of Learning
Development of Personality
Development of the Individual
Development of the Family
Development – Normal
Development –Abnormal
DSM Disorders
Wellness (Spirit, Soul, Body)
Counseling Theories/Therapies
Family Systems Therapy
Ethical Issues in Professional Counseling
Multicultural Considerations in Counseling
Study Materials
Psychology and the Challenges of Life: Adjustment and Growth
by Jeffrey Nevid and Spencer Rathus
EPY525 Lifespan Development Study Guide
Analyze and demonstrate an understanding of research literature.
Analyze and demonstrate knowledge of the difference between qualitative and
quantitative research.
Analyze and identify the purpose statement and the significance of the purpose statement
in both qualitative and quantitative research.
Analyze and identify the research questions, objectives, and hypotheses in both
qualitative and quantitative research.
Analyze and identify the use of the theory in both qualitative and quantitative research.
Analyze and identify the definitions, delimitations, and significance of the research in
both qualitative and quantitative research.
Analyze and identify the components, assumptions, the research’s role, the date recording
and collection procedures, the models and research designs, and data analysis
(nonparametric and parametric statistics) procedures in both qualitative and quantitative
Distinguish between nonparametric and parametric statistics. Further distinguish
between descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.
Understand how the results of research projects apply to the knowledge of oneself as a
professional in education and apply this knowledge to the work environment.
Understand research design, methods, basic statistics, and ethical/legal considerations in
Review the following concepts, terms and contributors to the counseling profession:
Qualitative/Quantitative Research
Survey, Descriptive, Correlational Research
Casual-Comparative (ex post facto)
Experimental Design: cause and effect
Quasi-experimental Research
Internal Validity (definition of and threats to)
External Validity (definition of and threats to)
Hawthorne Effect
Experimental Group/Control Group
Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio measurement
Random sampling (also Stratified, Cluster, etc.)
Suggested Sample Sizes for different types of research
Descriptive and Inferential Statistics
Independent/Dependent Variable
Research Questions, Hypotheses, Null Hypothesis
Type I (alpha) and Type II (beta) errors
ANOVA (One-way, Factorial, Multivariate)
Statistical significance
Post hoc or multiple comparisons tests
Multiple Regression
Factor Analysis
Likert Scale
Halo Effect
Inter-rater Reliability
Blind & Double-blind
Formative and Summative evaluation
Ethical Issues in Research