BISC 005: Biology of Health and Nutrition Fall 2010

BISC 1005: Biology of Nutrition and Health Fall 2013
Monday/Wednesday 3:55PM - 4:45PM CRN 54841
Dr. Tara Scully; Lisner Hall Rm 344; Office Hours Tuesday 4-5pm
Course Description
Explore the microscopic world behind what makes you tick. This course examines the essential
substances of life including the macromolecules of food. This discussion will continue with an
investigation of nutrition and the digestive system of humans. Why do humans have to eat food?
This question will be examined while comparing and contrasting the different successful strategies
of producers and consumers. The transfer of energy between these organisms will be explored and
what cellular processes allow organisms to survive and function. Next, the life cycle of organisms
will be surveyed with a focus on the genetics of gamete production, fertilization and Mendelian
genetics. Lastly, with the advent of many different types of biotechnology the course will study how
deficiency, disease and disorders can occur and possibly be cured by examining and manipulating the
world of reproduction and genetics. The objectives and outcomes of this course will be
accomplished through interactive lectures and laboratory activities.
Course Objectives
Learning objectives for this course are: 1. Students will evaluate the molecular composition of food,
how food is created and utilized by organisms; and 2. Students will summarize the increasing
complex cellular structures of organisms, understanding how these structures have a direct impact
on their daily lives; and 3. Students will understand the function of molecules and their role in
storing information, processing energy and influencing who we are.
Grading and Policies
Lab = 200 pts.
Lecture = 300 pts.
Exam 1-3 (total = 105 pts./exam)
14 laboratory questions and 28 lecture questions = 35 lab points/70 lecture points
 All exams are multiple choice questions.
 No makeups are given unless there is contact prior to the day and time of the scheduled
exam unless prohibited by the situation. In the case of a makeup, a note confirming the
situation such as a doctor’s note is required.
Additional points for lecture
In-class questions (total = 45 lecture pts.)
=15 pts./exam
 Clicker questions will be given during lecture to assess in-class points. You must answer all
questions during the lecture period to get credit for attending. You must attend 50% of
lectures to receive full attendance credit. 2 pts. per lecture attended will be given if there is
not 50% attendance. No excused absences will be allowed. You must register your clicker
prior to the first exam to get full credit – a deduction of 50% will be taken if it is not.
Connections (total = 30 lecture pts.)
=30 pts.
 The connections assignment is a writing assignment. The template and grading requirements
are posted on Blackboard. The objective of this assignment is to understand the purpose of
learning the topics of this semester. In this assignment you will describe 1. How one topic
relates to your life, 2. One problem humans have with that topic and 3. One potential way to
solve that topic. This assignment is posted on Blackboard and will be submitted in
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Lecture assignments (total = 15 lecture pts.) = 5 pts./exam
 Group activities will be given during lecture for each of the exams. The activities will vary –
some may be case studies, short answer questions, or outlines. These will be activities where
hand written notes may be used but no electronic devices. If a group is caught with any
electronic device the entire group will receive zero points for the assignment. These
assignments may involve topics related to assigned readings or information covered in
Additional points for laboratory
Laboratory evaluation (total = 80 lab pts.) =10 pts./lab with the lowest lab evaluation dropped
Blackboard pre-quiz =5pts./lab
o Each pre-quiz covers any information within the chapter introduction or within the
lab activities assigned that week. The quizzes are posted 24 hours prior to the start of
your lab period and close at the start of your lab period. No excuses will be accepted
for not completing these quizzes. Please do not rely on wireless connections because
if they fail then it will stop the quiz and an error will occur. If there is an error with
the prequiz then a student may have one quiz/semester reset due to a connection
problem but you must email your instructor prior to lab in order to have this done.
In Class Evaluation =5pts./lab
o The in-class evaluation will include on-time attendance of lab, attending the correct
lab section, possession of the lab manual for that day’s activities, participation during
lab activities, and completion of the manual questions for each assigned activity.
Grading of lab activity questions includes grammar, spelling, the accuracy of answers
and the use of one’s own wording. DO NOT copy answers from another student. If
answers are exactly the same for these questions, both students will receive a zero for
that assignment and be turned into the Academic Integrity Council.
Laboratory pop quiz (total = 15 lab pts.) =
5 pts. (1 quiz per exam period)
Each lab instructor will give their own pop quiz in any format they choose to test each
student’s knowledge of material covered in lab. The pop quiz will be given at the beginning
of the lab period and no more than 10 minutes will be allowed. These are designed to keep
you up-to-date on lab material in preparation for the exams.
Attendance policy for both lecture and lab and makeup labs
Students must notify your instructor/professor during the first week of each semester of planned
absences for religious observances. If you don’t do so then accommodations will not be
made to reschedule an exam or lab.
You are required to attend 50% of lectures to receive full attendance credit. No excuses will be
accepted for missing more than this amount.
You are required to attend lab. No makeup is allowed unless a student has a documented excused
absence, this includes a doctor’s note, a death notice or some other written confirmation of
absence. In this case, you can only make up a lab during the same week. If a student
with a written excuse cannot attend another lab section within the same week, then this lab
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will be there dropped lab for the semester. No student will be allowed to attend another lab
section unless they have contacted their instructor prior to missing lab and then the
instructor listed for the lab section you will attend. You are responsible for rescheduling a
lab you have missed. The schedule of other lab sections is on Blackboard. If there is a
legitimate excused absence because an emergency then the student is responsible for getting
their instructor a written confirmation of absence within one week of the absence. If it is not
received within that week then the lab will not be dropped.
Grading Policy
It is your responsibility to monitor your grades throughout the semester. Once the grades are posted
you have 1 week to contact your instructor with any concerns. If you don’t the grades will
be submitted as is and no adjustments will be made.
Required Material
Lecture Textbook: Discover Biology, 5th Edition, Singh-Cundy and Cain
iclicker (either iclicker 1 or 2 or mobile iclicker)
Lab book: Discovering Biology in the Laboratory: second edition, Scully, Norton Publishing
Only the labs covered during this semester. Please review the lab chapter names to ensure
you are purchasing the correct lab manual.
Lecture Topic
Introduction to
Nutrients and
Textbook Chapter
Laboratory Topic
Lab Orientation
Aug. 26th /Aug.
Aug. 28th, Sept. 4th
and 9th
Sept. 9th – 13th
Chapters 5 and 27
Lab Week 1:
Chemical Building Blocks and Nutrition
Activities 1, 2, and 4
Cell Structure
Chapter 6
Sept. 11th and 16th
Lab Week 2:
Exploring Life under a Microscope
Activities 3, 4, 5 and 7
Membranes and
Chapter 7
Sept. 18th and 23rd
Lab Week 3:
Molecular Movement across Membranes
Activities 2, 3 and 5
Chapter 26
Exam 1
Chapters 5-7, 26 and
Chapter 8
Energy and
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Sept. 16th – 20th
Covers Labs 1-3
Sept. 23rd – 25th
Sept. 25th and
Oct. 2nd
Oct. 7th and 9th
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Lecture Topic
Textbook Chapter
Laboratory Topic
Lab Week 4:
Energy and Enzymes
Activities 2 and 6
Oct. 7th – 11th
Chapter 9
Oct. 14th
Lab Week 5:
Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
Activities 1 and 2
Chapter 9
Oct. 16th and 21st
Lab Week 6:
Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
Activities 4, 5 and 6
Cell Cycle
Chapters 10-11
Exam 2
Chapters 8-11
Inheritance and
Chapter 12 and 13
Covers Labs 4-6
Chapter 14
Final Exam
Covers 12-16
Nov. 11th – 15th
Nov. 18th and 20th
Lab Week 9:
Forensic Science
Activities 1 and 2
Chapter 16
Nov. 4th – 8th
Nov. 11th and 13th
Chapters 15
Oct. 30th
Nov. 4th and 6th
Lab Week 8:
DNA and DNA Technology
Activities 1, 2 and 3
From DNA to
Oct. 21st-25th
Oct. 23rd and 28th
Lab Week 7:
Human Genetics
Activities 1 and 5
Gene Expression
Oct. 14th-18th
Covers labs 7-9
Nov. 18th-22nd
Nov. 25th, Dec. 2nd
and 4th
Date of the final
Keep updated with any changes to the syllabus on Blackboard, changes will be posted on
the announcements page. I won’t send out an email every time there is a change as you
receive enough emails.
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