Students and Leisure Reading

Teens Reading Adult Books
Jessica E. Moyer
December 3, 2008
CI 8400 Galda
Research Questions
Teens read plenty of adult fiction, especially older teens
Which books are best for teen readers?
How can teachers and librarians know which to suggest?
What makes a book published for adults resonate with
What types of adult books most often appeal to teen
Do adult books for teens need to be like YA books or is this
a separate type of reading all together?
how do teachers select adult books for high school reading?
Which books are suggested for high school classes?
What resources are available?
Literary Analysis Framework
Appeal Factors of Leisure Reading
From, Readers’ Advisory Services in the Public Library by Joyce
Saricks, ALA Editions, 2005, 3rd ed. 40-73
Frame and tone
Used in reviews in most library journals that cater to leisure
readers – Booklist, Library Journal, etc.
Used when teaching librarians how to talk with readers and
when teaching how to understand and analyze leisure
leisure reading materials
First articulated and published in 1st ed of Readers’ Advisory
Service in the Public Library, 1987
Appeal Factors: Pacing
How quickly are character/plot revealed?
Dialogue v. Description – how much white space
is on each page? Which drives the story?
Short or long sentences, short or long
paragraphs, short or long chapters?
Multiple plotlines, flashbacks, different points of
view, straight line plot?
Is the ending open or closed?
Is it part of a series?
Appeal Factors: Characterization
Are characters developed or are they one
dimensional stereotypes?
Is focus on a single character or several who
Is characterization most important aspect of
Is character developed during the series or in
one book?
Are there memorable or important secondary
Would readers know the characters from
previous reading or viewing?
Appeal Factors: Storyline
Does the story emphasize people or situations
and events?
Is the focus of the plot interior/psychological or
exterior/action? Is there more thinking and
reflection or more car chases and shoot outs?
What is the author’s intent? Serious or light?
Comedy or drama?
Appeal Factors: Frame
Is the background detailed or minimal?
How much of the text describes the setting? Is
there a map?
Does the setting play a major role?
Is a special background integral to the story?
What reader knowledge might be assumed?
Should readers already know about the world or
it is introduced fully?
Literary Analysis
Ender’s Game
Coldest Winter Ever
Wheel of Time
Name of the Wind
Star Wars series books
Water for Elephants
Secret Life of Bees*
When the Wind Blows
Child Called It
Glass Castle
Kite Runner*
The Road *
19 Minutes, My Sister’s
Dean Koontz
Stephen King
The Host
Nicholas Sparks
Literary Analysis: Paired Texts
Eragon (YA)
Wheel of Time (Adult)
Naomi Novik (Adult)
Ender’s Game (Adult)
Zoe’s Tale (new adult)
Little Brother (YA)
Sabriel (YA)
Poison Study (Adult)
Hero and the Crown
(classic YA)