RADIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION OF THE SKELETAL SYSTEM DEPARTMENT OF ONCOLOGY AND RADIOLOGY PREPARED BY I.M.LESKIV • The skeletal system provides structural support and protection to the human body and its internal organs, serves as primary home for blood-forming tissues, and stores several vital minerals, above all, calcium. This lecture focuses on alterations of the bony (structural support) part of the skeletal system. METODS OF EXAMINATION Radiographic examination (X-Ray) is the key to the diagnosis of many skeletal abnormalities. It is essential that each bone be examined in its entirety, including the cortex, medullary canal (cancellous bone or spongiosa), and articular ends. The position and alignment of joints are determined. In children, the epiphysis and epiphyseal line or physis must be observed. The adjacent soft tissues are examined. Obliteration of normal soft-tissue lines and the presence of a joint effusion are of particular importance. When disease is present, it is important to determine whether the process is limited to a single bone or joint or whether multiple bones or joints are involved. The distribution of disease is also a consideration. The presence and type of bone destruction and bone production, the appearance of the edges or borders of the lesion, and the presence or absence of cortical expansion and periosteal reaction are also noted. The radiographic findings are then correlated with the clinical history and the age and sex of the patient to arrive at a logical diagnosis. The diagnosis may be firm in some instances; in other cases, a differential diagnosis is offered since the exact diagnosis ;cannot be determined. METODS OF EXAMINATION • COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY (PLAIN FILM RADIOGRAPHY, FLUOROSKOPY): Computed tomography (CT) is advantageous in the evaluation of the skeletal system. It allows visualization of adjacent soft-tissue structures and also the marrow in the medullary cavity. The position of surrounding vascular structures can be determined by the use of contrast media. CT has the added advantage of being more sensitive to the detection of bone destruction than plain film radiography or standard tomography. CT images are displayed in the axial or horizontal plane, and even sagittal and coronal planes, with image reconstruction. Unfortunately, image reconstruction degrades the image. Images are displayed with both bone and soft-tissue windows. The soft-tissue window setting allows visualization of surrounding soft tissue but is suboptimal for the bony skeleton. The bone window setting maximizes the visualization of cortical and medullary bone . METODS OF EXAMINATION • MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING: Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is of great value in the evaluation of the skeletal system, particularly in the detection and evaluation of tumors, infection, bone infarction, and ischemic necrosis. Because the image is dependent on the presence of hydrogen, which is abundant in marrow fat, MR imaging visualizes the bone marrow exquisitely. However, the hydrogen content of cortical bone is very low, and MR imaging therefore is not as sensitive as CT for the evaluation of cortical bone. MR imaging has the added advantage of displaying the anatomy in any plane, including the coronal and sagittal planes, which are distinctly advantageous in the demonstration or visualization of abnormalities within bone and their relationship to surrounding soft tissue. Discrimination between and differentiation of various soft tissues and pathologic processes may be enhanced by varying the technical parameters used for the examination. Full the armore, vascular structures are demonstrated and are clearly visualized without the necessity of contrast media injection. METODS OF EXAMINATION • SKELETAL SCINTIGRAPHY: Skeletal scintigraphy or bone scanning is a valuable adjunct to standard film radiography. Bone-seeking radionuclides are taken up in areas of increased bone turnover. This occurs normally at the growth plate in children and at abnormal sites in tumors, infections, and fractures; in sites of reactive bone formation in arthritis; and in periostitis regardless of the etiology. Technetium-99m-labeled polyphosphates are the most common radiopharmaceuticals used, particularly technetium-99m methyldiphosphonate ("mTc-MDP). Fifteen to 20 millicuries (mCi) is injected intravenously, and a scan is obtained two hours later. The radiation-absorbed dose is very low, since the total body dose is 0.009 rad/mCi. The agent is excreted in the kidneys and collects in the bladder. The target organ—that is, the organ receiving the highest dose— is the wall of the bladder, exposed to approximately 0.275 rad/mCi. Bone scanning is more sensitive to areas of bone turnover and destruction than plain film radiography or tomography. The bone scan may be positive in the presence of a normal radiograph, well before the radiograph becomes abnormal. However, the bone scan is less specific than the radiograph. Areas of increased activity are detected, but the cause of the increase often cannot be stated with certainty, and correlation with plain film radiographs or computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging is necessary to establish a correct diagnosis. SKELETAL GROWTH AND MATURATION • OSSIFICATION OF THE SKELETON • The process of bone formation in cartilage is known as endochondral ossification, which causes bones to grow in length. Some bones are formed in membrane, known as membranous bone formation. The bones of the cranial vault are the principal example. Ossification occurs in both cartilage and membrane in the mandible and clavicle. The tubular bones grow in their transverse diameters by bone formation within the osteogenic cells of the inner layer of the periosteum. This could be considered a form of membranous bone formation. • At birth, the shafts of the long tubular bones are ossified, but both ends (epiphyses), with a few exceptions, consist of masses of cartilage. Cartilage is relatively radiolucent as compared with bone, having the same density as soft tissue on a conventional radiograph. Thus, at birth the ends of the bones are separated by radiolucent spaces representing the cartilaginous epiphyses. At variable times after birth, one or more ossification centers appear in the epiphyses (the epiphyseal ossification centers). Exceptions occur at the distal femur and proximal tibia epiphyses, where ossification centers appear during the last 1 or 2 months of intrauterine life. The short tubular bones are similar to the long bones except that they have an epiphysis at only one end. SKELETAL GROWTH AND MATURATION • The distal femur and proximal tibia epiphyseal ossification centers can be used as indicators of fetal maturity. Formerly, radiographs of the mother's abdomen were obtained to visualize these centers as evidence of fetal maturity during the last month of gestation prior to induced labor or cesarean section. Fetal maturity is now determined by ultrasonographic examination, which is highly advantageous. Because it does not use ionizing radiation, it can be employed throughout pregnancy and is safe, accurate, and free of side effects. The times of appearance of the various epiphyseal ossification centers are good indicators of skeletal age during infancy and early childhood. • The flared end of bone is known as the metaphysis, and the tubular midportion of the shaft the diaphysis. Between the metaphysis and epiphysis lies the physis or cartilaginous growth plate consisting of four distinct zones— the resting zone, the proliferating zone, the hypertrophic zone, and the zone of provisional calcification. In the zone of provisional calcification, mineral salts are temporarily deposited around the degenerating cartilage cells. Blood vessels subsequently grow into the lacunae left by the degenerated cartilage cells, bringing with them osteoblasts, specialized connective tissue cells whose main function is the production of osteoid. Osteoid is the organic matrix in which mineral salts are deposited to make bone. Osteoid is relatively radiolucent and, when present in large amounts, will cause bone to appear more radiolucent than normal. As osteoid is formed, the zone of provisional calcification is replaced by trabecular bone. • It is rather common to see one or more thin opaque lines crossing the shaft near its ends. These are commonly known as "growth lines" and, while there may be other causes for them, it is probable that in most cases they indicate a temporary cessation of orderly ossification brought about by one or more episodes of systemic illness. SKELETAL GROWTH AND MATURATION • • • • • • • • • • Epiphysis: The cartilaginous end of a bone. Physis: The cartilaginous zone between the epiphysis and the calcified cartilage, also known as the growth plate or the epiphyseal plate. When it becomes thin, in late adolescence, it is sometimes called the epiphyseal line. Metaphysis: The flared end of the shaft of a tubular bone. Diaphysis: The tubular shaft of a long bone. Epiphyseal ossification center: The ossified portion of an epiphysis. Zone of provisional calcification: The zone of deposition of mineral salts at the end of the shaft that serves as a framework for the deposition of osteoid. It is seen in roentgenograms as a thin white line or narrow zone. Osteoid: The organic matrix that is formed by the osteoblasts and that, when mineralized, becomes bone. Endochondral ossification: The process by which bone is formed from cartilage. Intramembranous ossification: The process by which bone is formed from membrane without a cartilaginous stage; periosteal and endosteal growth are included. Apophysis: An accessory ossification center that forms a protrusion from the end or near the end of the shaft of a long bone. Apophyses function as growth centers at nonarticular margins of bone, i.e., the greater trochanter of the femur or ischial tuberosity of the pelvis. They serve as attachments for muscles or ligaments and do not contribute to the length of a long bone. • Normal long bones in (a) child and (b) adult. Increase in length takes place at the cartilagenous epiphyseal plate. In the growing child, calcification of cartilage occurs at the interface between the radiolucent growing cartilage and the bone to give the zone of provisional calcification, which is seen as a dense white line forming the ends of the shaft and surrounding the bony epiphyses. This calcified cartilage becomes converted to bone. (If there is temporary cessation of growth then the zone of provisional calcification may persist as a thin white line, known as a 'growth line', extending across the shaft of the bone.) As the child grows older the epiphyseal plate becomes thinner until, eventually, there is bony fusion of the epiphysis with the shaft. a b • The radiological responses of bone to pathological process are limited; thus similar xray signs occur in widely different conditions. It should be noted that it takes time for the various signs to develop; for example, in adults, it takes several weeks for a periosteal reaction to be visible after trauma and, in a child with osteomyelitis, the clinical features are present from seven to ten days before the first sign is visible on the radiograph. In general, the signs take longer to develop in adults than they do in children. The signs of bone disease are : - Decrease in bone density which may be focal or generalized. Focal reduction in density is usually referred to as a lytic area' or an area of 'bone destruction'. When generalized, decrease in bone density is best referred to as 'osteopenia' until a specific diagnosis such as osteomalacia or osteoporosis can be made. - Increase in bone density (sclerosis) which may also be focal or generalized. - Periosteal reaction. The periosteum is not normally visible on a radiograph. The term 'periosteal reaction' refers to excess bone produced by the periosteum, which occurs in response to such conditions as neoplasm, inflammation or trauma. Several patterns of periosteal reaction do not correlate with specific diagnoses. At the edge of a very active periosteal reaction there may be acuff of new bone known as a Codman's triangle. Although often seen in highly malignant primary bone tumours, e.g. osteosarcoma, a Codman's triangle is also found in other aggressive conditions. Different types of periosteal reactions, (a) Smooth lamellar periosteal reaction on the radius and ulna in a case of non-accidental injury, (b) Spiculated (sunray) periosteal reaction in a case of osteogenic sarcoma (arrows), (c) Onion skin periosteal reaction in a case of Ewing's sarcoma (arrows). Here the periosteal new bone consists of several distinct layers, (d) Codman's triangle in a case of osteogenic sarcoma. At the edge of the lesion the periosteal new bone is lifted up to form a cuff (arrow). b a c d • Cortical thickening also involves the laying down of new bone by the periosteum , but here the process is very slow. The result is that the new bone, although it may be thick and irregular, shows the same homogeneous density as does the normal cortex. There are no separate lines or spicules of calcification as seen in a periosteal reaction. The causes are many, including chronic osteomyelitis, healed trauma, response to chronic stress or benign neoplasm. The feature common to all these conditions is that the process is either very slowly progressive or has healed. • Cortical thickening. Note the thickened cortex in the midshaft of the tibia from old, healed osteomyelitis. • Alteration in trabecular pattern is a complex response usually involving a reduction in the number of trabeculae with an alteration in the remaining trabeculae, e.g. in osteoporosis and Paget's disease. In osteoporosis the cortex is thin and the trabeculae that remain are more prominent than usual, whereas in Paget's disease the trabeculae are thickened and trabeculation is seen in the normal compact bone of the cortex. • Alteration in the shape of a bone is another complex response with many causes. Many cases are congenital in origin; some are acquired, e.g. acromegaly and expanding bone tumours. • Alteration in bone age. The time of appearance of the various epiphyseal centres and their time of fusion depend on the age of the child. • Alteration of trabecular pattern in Paget's disease involving the upper part of the tibia leaving the lowest part of the tibia and the fibula unaffected. Note the coarse trabeculae. The other features of Paget's disease - thickened cortex and bone expansion - are also present. Cortical thickening. Note the thickened cortex in the midshaft of the tibia from old, healed osteomyelitis. Bone Trauma. Imaging techniques. Plain bone radiographs • • • • Plain radiography in bone trauma is invaluable in order to: diagnose the presence of a fracture or dislocation; determine whether the underlying bone is normal or whether the fracture has occurred through abnormal bone (pathological fracture); show the position of bone ends before and after treatment of a fracture; assess healing and complications of fractures. Fracture Terminology • • • • • • Frequently, a fracture is very obvious but in some cases the changes are more subtle. Fractures may be recognized or suspected by the following signs: Fracture line. The fracture usually appears as a lucent line. This may be very thin and easily overlooked. Occasionally, the fracture appears as a dense line from overlap of the fragments. A step in the cortex may be the only evidence of a fracture. Interruption of bony trabeculae is of use in impacted fractures where there is no visible lucent line. This is, however, a difficult sign to evaluate. Bulging or buckling of the cortex is a particularly important sign in children, where fractures are frequently of the green-stick type. Soft tissue swelling may be a valuable guide to the presence of an underlying fracture. A joint effusion may become visible following trauma. In the elbow, where an effusion often indicates a fracture, fat pads lie adjacent to the joint capsule and, if there is an effusion, they will be displaced away from the shaft of the humerus on the lateral view. Fracture of the ulna appearing as a sclerotic line (arrow). • Fracture of forearm showing the value of two views. (a) The fractures of the radius and ulna show little displacement on the frontal projection, (b) The lateral view, however, shows a marked angulation. Dislocation • The joint surfaces no longer maintain their normal relationship to each other. An associated fracture should be carefully looked for. Fracture of neck of humerus appearing as a step in the cortex (arrow). Colles' fracture showing the bony trabeculae are interrupted across the fracture site (arrow). There is also a step in the cortex. Greenstick fracture of lower end of radius in a child. There is buckling of the cortex (arrows). SPECIFIC INJURIES Stress fracture • Stress fractures are due to repeated, often minor, trauma. They occur in athletes, particularly in the tibia and fibula. Another example is the so-called march fracture occurring in the shafts of the metatarsals. Initially, despite the presence of pain, a radiograph will show no evidence of a fracture but if a further film is taken after 10-14 days a periosteal reaction may draw attention to the fracture site, where a thin crack may be visible. A stress fracture may appear as a sclerotic band across the bone and a fracture line may not necessarily be visible. Radionuclide bone scanning can be helpful in distinguishing stress fractures from other causes of pain, because a stress fracture will appear as an area of increased uptake before any changes are visible on the radiographs. Insufficiency fracture • An insufficiency fracture results from normal activity or minimal trauma in weakened bone commonly from osteoporosis or osteomalacia. Compression fractures of the vertebral bodies are the commonest insufficiency fractures but they also characteristically occur in the sacrum, pubic rami and femoral necks though other bones may be involved. a b Stress fracture, (a) Fracture appearing as a sclerotic band (vertical arrows) Stress fracture. across the tibia accompanied by a This film was taken periosteal reaction (horizontal arrow), two weeks after the (b) In this calcaneum there is a sclerosis adjacent to the fracture onset of pain. It shows a periosteal (arrow). reaction (arrow) around the metatarsal shaft although a fracture cannot be seen. Stress fracture. Radionuclide bone scan showing increased uptake in the tibia (arrow) of this athlete with pain in the leg. The radiographs at the time of the scan were normal. SPECIFIC INJURIES Pathological fracture • A pathological fracture is one that occurs through abnormal bone. Pathological fractures may be the presenting feature of both primary and secondary bone tumours. Often, the causative lesion is obvious. Sometimes, particularly in ribs, metastases responsible for fractures are ill defined and difficult to see. In such cases the diagnosis rests on recognizing the irregularity of the margins of the fracture. If there is doubt about the diagnosis it is helpful to look elsewhere in the skeleton for other metastases. • Transverse fractures occur through abnormal bone, particularly in Paget's disease. In these instances the Paget's disease is always obvious. Pathological fracture Paget's disease showing incomplete fractures, Pathological fracture of the known as infractions, of the lateral aspect of the humerus. There are widespread femur. Note the marked thickening of the cortex lytic metastases from a carcinoma and bowing of the femur. of the breast BONE DISEASE When considering the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of bone diseases, it is convenient to divide disorders into those that: • cause solitary lytic or sclerotic lesions; • produce multiple focal lesions, i.e. several discrete lytic or sclerotic lesions in one or more bones; • cause generalized lesions where all the bones show diffuse increase or decrease in bone density; • alter the trabecular pattern; • change the shape of the bone. BONE DISEASE Solitary areas of lysis, sclerosis or a combination of the two, are usually one of the following: • bone tumours a) malignant (primary or secondary) b) benign • osteomyelitis • bone cysts, fibrous dysplasia or other non-neoplastic defects of bone • conditions of uncertain nature such as Langerhans histiocytosis and osteoid osteoma. `Primary malignant bone tumours and osteomyelitis are usually accompanied by periosteal reaction. Pathological fractures may be seen through benign and malignant bone tumours and through bone cysts. The radiological diagnosis of a localized bone lesion can be a problem. Some conditions are readily diagnosed but, in others, even establishing which broad category of disease is present can be difficult. The initial radiological decision is usually to try and decide whether the lesion is benign, i.e. stable or very slow growing, or whether it is aggressive, i.e. a malignant tumour or an infection. It is also important to know the age of the patient, since certain lesions tend to occur in a specific age range. The precise diagnosis of a bone tumour can be notoriously difficult both for the radiologist and the pathologist. Accurate histological diagnosis is essential for all malignant lesions and it is important to realize that separate portions of a tumour may show different histological appearances. In general, plain film radiography is the best imaging technique for making a diagnosis, whereas CT and/or MRI often show the full extent of a tumours to advantage. The main role for radionuclide bone scanning is to diagnose metastatic bone disease. Metastatic malignant tumours are by far the commonest bone neoplasm, outnumbering many times primary malignant tumours. BENIGN TUMOURS • Included under this heading are benign tumours such as enchondroma, certain benign conditions similar to tumours, such as fibrous dysplasia and some abnormalities which are difficult to classify, such as osteoid osteoma and Langerhans histiocytosis. Some of these lesions are discussed below. In general, benign lesions have an edge which is well demarcated from the normal bone by a sclerotic rim. They cause expansion but rarely breach the cortex. There is no soft tissue mass and a periosteal reaction is unusual unless there has been a fracture through the lesion. Radionuclide scans in benign tumours usually show little or no increase in activity, provided no fracture has occurred. CT and MRI scanning are rarely needed in the evaluation of benign tumours. • Enchondromas are seen as lytic expanding lesions most commonly in the bones of the hand . They often contain a few flecks of calcium. • Fibrous cortical defects (non-ossifying fibromas) are common chance findings in children and young adults. They produce well-defined lucent areas in the cortex of long bones . Fibrous dysplasia may affect one or several bones. It occurs most commonly in the long bones and ribs as a lucent area with a well-defined edge and may expand the bone. There may be a sclerotic rim around the lesion. • A simple bone cyst has a wall of fibrous tissue and is filled with fluid. It occurs in children and young adults, most commonly in the humerus and femur. Bone cysts form a lucency across the width of the shaft of the bone, with a well-defined edge. The cortex may be thin and the bone expanded. Often, the first clinical feature is a pathological fracture. • . BENIGN TUMOURS • Aneurysmal bone cysts are not true neoplasms, but they probably form secondarily to an underlying primary tumour. Mostly they are seen in children and young adults in the spine, long bones or pelvis. These lesions are purely lytic and cause massive expansion of the cortex, hence the name 'aneurysmal'. They may grow quickly and appear very aggressive but are nevertheless benign lesions. CT and MRI may show the blood pools within the cyst. The major differential diagnosis is from giant-cell tumour. • An osteoid osteoma is a painful condition found most commonly in the femur and tibia in young adults. It has a characteristic radiological appearance: a small lucency, sometimes with central specks of calcification, known as a nidus, surrounded by dense sclerotic rim. A periosteal reaction may also be present . CT shows these features to advantage and osteoid osteomas can also be shown by MRI. An important imaging investigation is radionuclide bone scanning which shows marked focal increased activity. Radionuclide bone scanning is particularly useful when the osteoid osteoma is difficult to see on plain film. • Eosinphil granuloma is the mildest and most frequent form of Langerhans histiocytosis (previously referred to as histiocytosis X). It occurs in children and young adults and produces lytic lesions which may be single or multiple, most frequently in the skull, pelvis, femur and ribs. Extensive lesions may be seen giving rise to the so-called 'geographic skull'. Long bone lesions show bone destruction which may be well defined or ill defined and may have a sclerotic rim. A periosteal reaction is sometimes seen A cylindrical cuff of bony cortex has been eroded by • pressure from within, although you observe the thinning best where you see cortex in tangent medially and laterally. Across the thinned segment of bone at the level of the arrows a jagged fracture has occurred and is seen on the lateral surface as a distinct interruption of the cortex Bone cyst. There is an expanding lesion crossed by strands of bone in the upper end of the humerus in a child. The lesion extends to but does not cross the epiphyseal plate. Enchondroma • Enchondroma (EC) is a benign intraosseous tumor of welldifferentiated cartilage occurring primarily in adults and adolescents. It most frequently affects small tubular bones of the hands and feet but can develop anywhere in the skeleton. The monoclonality of chondrocytes in EC suggests a benign neoplasm. EC may occur in multiplicity (enchondromatosis, Oilier disease). Rarely, EC transforms to secondary chondrosarcoma (CS). EC is usually asymptomatic except for certain "obscure" pain sensations. Incidental radiographs show well-defined radiolucent lesions with slightly pronounced bony margins and sometimes calcification. Microscopy reveals a somewhat disorganized, well-differentiated cartilage with stippled calcification. Larger lesions may undergo pseudocystic degeneration. The prognosis for small benign ECs is good, and lesions may be followed without intervention. Surgical intervention is suggested for mechanical reasons or when suspicion of malignancy arises. Osteochondroma • Osteochondroma (osteocartilaginous exostoses), which constitute approximately one third of benign bone tumors, are not tumors as such but rather developmental dysplasias of the growth plate. Osteochondroma presents as a solitary lobulated metaphyseal outgrowth, polyostotic, or rarely as a familial disorder (multiple hereditary exostosis) and consists of mature trabecular bone with a cartilaginous cap. Common locations are the proximal and distal femur, the proximal humerus and tibia, and the pelvis and scapula. Radiographic and gross changes are characteristic. Rapidly growing lesions in adults may indicate a (rare) risk of malignant transformation to secondary chondrosarcoma. These lesions must be distinguished from parosteal osteosarcoma. The prognosis of solitary exostosis is excellent, with approximately 5% recurrence after surgical removal. The cortex markedly thickened by addition of new bone from beneath the periosteum in a boy with osteoid osteoma. Note that you can follow the old cortex from below upward in the radiograph to an area about 4 centimeters in length where it has been largely destroyed. At the center of this segment of destroyed cortex and at a point which is also opposite the thickest part of the newly superimposed cortical bone, there is an oval area of radiolucency. This represented the nidus of the osteoid osteoma, seen as a reddish pulpy projection from the wedge of bone removed at surgery. Giant Cell Tumor • Giant cell tumor of bone (osteoclastoma) occurs preferentially between the ages of 20 and 40 years. Typically, the lesion is located at the epimetaphyseal junction of long bones such as the femur, the tibia, the humerus, the radius, and the fibula, presenting as a slowly growing lytic lesion causing persistent intraosseous pain, reactive effusions, and eventual fractures. Radiographs reveal large radiolucent lesions with surrounding reactive bone formation, cortical thinning, trabecularization, and bony separation. Grossly, they appear as soft, friable, reddish-brown tissue resembling a bloody sponge. There may be areas of aneurysmal cavitation. Microscopically, they show a mixedcell proliferation of stromal mononuclear cells and multinucleated (osteoclastic) giant cells in a markedly vascularized stroma and focal hemorrhages. Up to 10% (usually the incompletely removed tumors) metastasize; the neoplastic component is the mononuclear stromal cells. Treatment by curettage alone results in 50% recurrence. Giant cell tumor of the proximal end of the radius. There is destruction of the cortex for several centimeters down the shaft, but of varying degree. The tumor has not destroyed all the spongy bone within the head of the radius close to the joint surface. Giant cell tumour. Eccentric expanding lytic lesion which has thinned the cortex crossed by strands of bone. The subarticular position is characteristic of this tumour. Primary malignant tumours • • • • On plain films, primary malignant tumours usually have poorly defined margins, often with a wide zone of transition between the normal and abnormal bone. The lesion may destroy the cortex of the bone. A periosteal reaction is often present and a soft tissue mass may be seen. Radionuclide bone scans show substantially increased activity in the lesion. Although CT is no better than plain radiographs at making a diagnosis, CT scans can be used to show the extent of a tumour. Extension within the marrow cavity can be recognized by increased density of what should normally be a density close to that of fat. Extension into the soft tissues can be accurately defined, as can the relationship to important nerves and arteries. Similar information can be obtained using MRI with the advantage that images may be produced in the sagittal or coronal planes and bone marrow and soft tissue involvement is more acurately demonstrated. Magnetic resonance imaging is therefore the best imaging tool for determining the local extent of the primary tumour. Osteosarcoma (osteogenic sarcoma) occurs mainly in the 5-20-year-old age group, but is also seen in the elderly following malignant change in Paget's disease. The tumour often arises in a metaphysis, most commonly around the knee. There is usually bone destruction with new bone formation and typically a florid spiculated periosteal reaction is present, the so-called 'sunray appearance' . The tumour may elevate the periosteurr to form a Codman's triangle. Primary malignant tumours • Chondrosarcoma occurs mainly in the 30-50-year-old agt group, most commonly in the pelvic bones, scapulae humeri and femora. A chondrosarcoma produces a lytic expanding lesion containing flecks of calcium, a sign thai indicates its origin from cartilage cells. It can be difficult tc distinguish from its benign counterpart, the enchondroma, but a chondrosarcoma is usually less well defined in at least one portion of its outline and it may show a periostea! reaction. Pelvic chondrosarcomas often have large extraosseus components best seen with CT or MRI. A chondrosarcoma may arise from malignant degeneration of a benign cartilagenous rumour. • Fibrosarcoma and malignant fibrous histiocytoma are rare bone tumours with similar histological and radiological features. They most often present in young and middle-aged adults, usually around the knee. The feature on plain radiographs is an ill-defined area of lysis with periosteal reaction. Frequently the cortex is breached. There are no imaging features that distinguish these tumours from metastases or lymphoma. • Ewing's sarcoma is a highly malignant tumour, commonest in children, arising in the shaft of long bones. It produces ill-defined bone destruction with periosteal reaction that is typically 'onion skin' in type. • Giant cell tumour has features of both malignant and benign tumours. It is locally invasive but rarely metastasizes. It occurs most commonly around the knee and at the wrist after the epiphyses have fused. It is an expanding destructive lesion which is subarticular in position. The margin is fairly well defined but the cortex is thin and may in places be completely destroyed. Sarcoma of the tibia. Here the rate of growth has certainly been faster, and the entire medial cortex was destroyed before a fracture of the bone occurred. The ragged appearance of the destructive border is much more in keeping with the progress of a malignant tumor than the smooth erosion allowing time Osteosarcoma Osteosarcoma (osteogenic sarcoma) is the most common malignant bone tumor, occurring in endosteal, cortical or parosteal juxta-cortical forms, usually during the second decade of life. Most frequent sites (75%) are metaphyseal areas adjacent to knee or shoulder (e.g., tibia, fibula, humerus), hands, feet, skull and jaws. Radiographs show localized lytic or osteoblastic lesions with fuzzy borders and prominent subperiosteal reactive bone formation (Codman triangle). The cut surface depends on the histologic variant of the tumor: it is whitish soft or bony hard, pseudocystic with focal necroses or hemorrhages and freely invades into adjacent soft tissues. Parosteal OS may resemble exostoses with welldifferentiated bone or fibrous tissue components. Histologic variants include degrees of differentiation of chondroblastic areas or of giant cell components and overtly telangiectatic or fibroblastic forms. OS readily metastasizes into the lungs and pleura, less frequently to other organs. a c Osteosarcoma (osteogenic sarcoma) Magnetic resonance imaging of bone tumours, (a) Tl-weighted scan of osteosarcoma in the lower shaft and metaphysis of the left femur. The extent of tumour (arrows) within the bone and the soft tissue extension are both very well shown. This information is not available from the plain film (b), although the plain film provides a more specific diagnosis, because the bone formation within the soft tissue extension (arrows) is obvious, (c) T2weighted scan of lymphoma in the T10 vertebral body (arrow). The very high signal of the neoplastic tissue is very evident even though there is no deformity of shape of the vertebral body. b Chondrosarcoma • Chondrosarcoma arises from cartilage rests or preexisting ECs. There are several gross variants: central, juxtacortical and peripheral (the latter arising outside the bone). CSs occur in older persons with a peak in the sixth decade of life, usually in central portions of the skeleton such as shoulder, pelvis, proximal femur and ribs. Radiographic images show a bulky osteodestructive lesion with a characteristic pattern of calcification ("salt and pepper" or "popcorn"). Gross lesions show a smooth whitish glistening cut-surface that is occasionally lobulated and focally calcified. Histologic appearances vary from well differentiated cartilaginous tumors to undifferentiated and mesenchymal forms. Welldifferentiated OS can be hard to distinguish from EC. Criteria of malignancy are the grouping and polymorphism of chondrocytes, their nuclear atypia, multinucleate cells and occasional mitoses. CSs metastasize preferentially to the lungs. Chondrosarcoma - slow-growing malignant bone tumor which characteristically shows calcification within the tumor. The illustrations on the left are show the effect on the upper femur of a chondrosarcoma which is growing principally outside the bone. The illustrations on the right are from a patient whose tumor began inside the bone and grew slowly enough to expand it. a b c d Chondrosarcoma. (a) Plain film shows a large mass containing calcification arising from the pubic ramus. (b) CT shows the large mass containing calcium. There is also displacement of the bladder (B) and rectum (R). (c) Axial MRI scan at the same level. Note that the calcification gives no signal, (d) MRI scan at a lower level showing the tumour extending into the glutei muscles Ewing Sarcoma Ewing sarcoma (ES), after OS the second most common bone tumor in children, accounts for approximately 5% of all bone tumors and has a peak incidence in the second decade of life. Although its histogenesis remains unclear, frequent genetic mutations suggest a relationship of malignant cells in ES to primitive neuroectodermal cells. Unlike other bone tumors, ES frequently presents with fever and pain simulating an inflammatory disease. The diagnosis is confirmed by biopsy and microscopic investigation. The characteristic dense small cell tumors must be distinguished from cell tumors such as neuroblastoma and malignant lymphoma. Long bones including midshaft humerus, tibia and femur are the sites most frequently affected. Grossly, the tumor impresses as osteolytic soft grayish-white masses with focal hemorrhage which may penetrate the periosteum and invade adjacent soft tissues. ES commonly metastasizes to lungs, brain and other bony sites such as the skull. Osteoblastic metastases in the wing of the ilium. Such increased density is caused by new bone formation locally. Malignant metastases from carcinoma of the prostate most frequently produce osteoblastic foci in bone. Osteolytic metastases in the upper femur. Decreased density due to destruction by growing tumor is usual in metastases from kidney, lung, and thyroid. Joints • The plain film examination remains important for imaging joint disease, but MRI is being used with increasing frequency to show meniscal and ligamentous tears in the knee, rotator cuff tears of the shoulder and avascular necrosis of the hip. Arthrography involves injecting contrast medium into the joint space directly and taking plain films or CT scans. The main use of arthrography is to demonstrate meniscal tears of the knee and occasionally rotator cuff tears of the shoulder, but it has been largely replaced by MRI. Plain film signs of joint disease • Synovial joints have articular surfaces covered by hyaline cartilage. Both articular and intraarticular cartilage (such as the menisci in the knee) are of the same radiodensity on plain films as the soft tissues and therefore are not visualized as such; only the space between the adjacent articular cortices can be appreciated . The synovium, synovial fluid and capsule also have the same radiodensity as the surrounding soft tissues and, unless outlined by a plane of fat, cannot be identified as discrete structures. The articular cortex forms a thin, well-defined line which merges smoothly with the remainder of the cortex of the bone. Signs indicating the presence of an arthritis. Joint space narrowing is due to destruction of articular cartilage. It occurs in practically all forms of joint disease, except avascular necrosis. Swelling of the soft tissues around a joint may be seen in any arthritis accompanied by a joint effusion and whenever periarticular inflammation is present. It is, therefore, a feature of inflammatory, and particularly infective, arthritis. Discrete soft tissue swelling around the joints can be seen in gout due to gouty tophi. Osteoporosis of the bones adjacent to joints occurs in many painful conditions. Underuse of the bones seems to be an important mechanism, but is not the only factor. Osteoporosis is particularly severe in rheumatoid and tuberculous arthritis. -Response to the deposition of urate crystals in gout. -Destruction caused by infection: -pyogenic arthritis. -tuberculosis. -Synovial overgrowth caused by repeated haemorrhage in haemophilia and related bleeding disorders. -Neoplastic overgrowth of synovium, e.g. Synovial sarcoma. Signs that point to the cause of an arthritis • Articular erosions • Osteophytes, subchondral sclerosis and cysts • Alteration in the shape of the joint Early rheumatoid arthritis. Small erosions are present in the articular cortex (arrows) and there is soft tissue swelling around the proximal interphalangeal joints. Advanced rheumatoid arthritis (arthritis mutilans). There is extensive destruction of the articular cortex of the metacarpophalangeal joints with ulnar deviation of the fingers. Fusion of the carpal bones and wrist joint has occurred. Osteoarthritis is the commonest form of arthritis. It is due to degenerative changes resulting from wear and tear of the articular cartilage. The hip and the knee are frequently involved but, despite being a weight-bearing joint, the ankle is infrequently affected. The wrist, joints of the hand and the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe are also frequently involved. In osteoarthritis can usually be seen: Joint space narrowing. The loss of joint space is maximal in the weight-bearing portion of the joint; for example, in the hip it is often maximal in the superior part of the joint, whereas in the knee it is the medial compartment that usually narrows the most. Even when the joint space is very narrow it is usually possible to trace out the articular cortex. Osteophytes are bony spurs, often quite large, which occur at the articular margins. Subchondral sclerosis usually occurs on both sides of the joint; it is often worse on one side. Subchondral cysts may be seen beneath the articular cortex often in association with subchondral sclerosis. Normally, the cysts are easily distinguished from an erosion as they are beneath the intact cortex and have a sclerotic rim but occasionally, if there is crumbling of the joint surfaces, the differentiation becomes difficult. Loose bodies are discrete pieces of calcified cartilage or bone lying free within the joint, most frequently seen in the knee. It is important not to call the fabella, a sesamoid bone in the gastrocnemius, a loose body in the knee joint. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the two types of arthritis most commonly encountered. METABOLIC BONE DISEASES • Metabolic bone diseases include diseases of increased bone resorption, such as osteoporosis, and of calcium metabolism, such as rickets, osteomalacia, hyperparathyroidism, and renal osteodystrophy. Primary osteoporosis is an age-related disorder preferentially affecting women that ultimately may cause a loss oi 35% to 50% of cortical or trabecular bone mass. It is related to hormonal influences (e.g., estrogen deficiency), reduced physical activity, and nutritional and genetic factors. Secondary osteoporosis follows a large variety of diseases, including malabsorption or malnutrition, endocrine disorders (e.g., hyperparathyroidism or hypoparathyroidism, hypogonadism, and type 1 diabetes) and neoplastic diseases, such as multiple myeloma and bony metastases. Disorders in calcium homeostasis cause reduced matrix mineralization with osteopenia. Primary and secondary hyperparathyroidism (with the latter related to renal insufficiency) are characterized by increased osteoclastic bone resorption with features of dissecting osteitis and osteitis fibrosa cystica (von Recklinghausen disease of the bone) INFECTIOUS DISEASES • Osteomyelitis (OM), an acute or chronic inflammation of the bone marrow cavity and bone, usually has an infectious cause. OM may originate from hematogenous spread of infectious organisms (i.e., secondary to pyemia or septicemia) or from their direct invasion through penetrating wounds (including from orthopaedic procedures) or open fractures. Despite readily available antibiotic drugs, infectious OM still constitutes a serious clinical problem for several reasons: First, OM is rarely a primary disease but more often a complication of an undiagnosed or inadequately treated infection. Second, OM responds poorly to antibiotic treatment (causative organisms may be drug resistant) and may run a chronic course with complications such as amyloidosis. Third, OM may be the source of additional hematogenous spread causing septic shock, hemorrhage, or abscesses in vital organs (brain, myocardium). Therefore, treatment must be radical, combining antibiotic and surgical intervention. NONINFECTIOUS ARTHRITIC DISEASES • Osteoarthritis (OA) is an extremely common cause of disability, especially in people aged older than 75 years, 85% of whom show clinical evidence of the disorder. Despite its ubiquity, primary OA is of unknown etiology, although it is thought to result from intrinsic defects of cartilage. Abnormal mechanical forces on the cartilage, decreased water bonding of cartilage, increased stiffness of subcartilaginous bone, and biochemical abnormalities such as decrease in proteoglycans and shortening of glucosaminoglycans have been implicated. The latter decreases cartilaginous water binding in favor of its binding by collagen fibers. Mutations of the collagen type II gene may be involved. Secondary OA occurs in patients with such underlying causes as malformations, trauma, and metabolic diseases with or without crystalline deposits. PAGET DISEASE • Excessive osteoblastic bone formation with abnormal structure and impaired stability characterize Paget disease (PD; osteitis deformans). After the age of 40 years, the disease increases in incidence to affect 4% to 10% of the population, primarily in white populations of Northern Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand, more often in men than women. It may occur in a monostotic form (in only one bony site) or in polyostotic forms (i.e., systemically). Head bones become enlarged; patients report headache, back pain, deafness, and visual disturbances; long bones (especially of the lower extremities) become tender; and deformed and fractures occur. The disease course is complicated by osteosarcoma (OS) in approximately 1% of patients. Osteoporosis Osteoporosis refers to a condition of reduced mass of mineralized bone secondary to an imbalance between catabolic (T) and anabolic (I) bone metabolism. The loss of skeletal mass can reach a state where the mechanical stability of affected parts is no longer maintained and fractures occur. There are primary and secondary forms of osteoporosis, and localized or systemic changes are identified. The most wellknown and frequent type of primary osteoporosis is old age osteoporosis (senile osteoporosis). Inactivity osteoporosis (immobilization osteoporosis) is a localized form of secondary osteoporosis Osteoporosis: Clinical Manifestations • The anatomical and clinical manifestations of osteoporosis are dependent on the maximal bone mass (peak bone mass), which is genetically determined. It is higher in men than in women and lower in white populations than in others. Therefore, a white female is at highest risk. Bone mass is commonly determined by radiographic measurement of bone density, which is highest at the ages of 25 to 35 years and decreases gradually thereafter by approximately 0.7% per year. Gross and microscopic features of osteoporosis show a diffuse rarefaction of trabecular bone and a symmetric thinning of trabecular and cortical bone. The ratio of mineralized bone to osteoid remains normal. In postmenopausal osteoporosis, disruption of trabecular bone adds significantly to the instability of the skeleton. The most common fractures resulting from primary osteoporosis are hip fractures, compression fractures of vertebral bodies (8 times more frequent in females), and fractures of the distal radius. Rickets and Osteomalacia • In rickets and osteomalacia, mineralization of osteoid is reduced while bone mass remains normal. Rickets affects the growing bones of children, and osteomalacia affects the newly formed bone matrix in adults. Responsible metabolic disturbances are vitamin D deficiency, phosphate deficiency, and mineralization defects. Growing bone is severely changed in children with rickets because inadequate mineralization of osteoid matrix leads to overgrowth and distortion of epiphyseal cartilage projecting into the medullary space, disruption of osteoid/cartilage replacement, and reactive proliferation of capillaries and fibroblasts. Loss of structural stability causes skeletal bone deformations (thoracic kyphosis, lumbar lordosis, coxa vara, genu varum). Osteocartilaginous thickening of ribs produces characteristic rachitic rosary. Adults with osteomalacia experience only mild bowing of long bones; however, stress resistance of bones is reduced, and gross or microscopic fractures Renal Osteodystrophy • Renal osteodystrophy, which is most common in patients undergoing long-term dialysis tor chronic renal failure, combines the changes of osteomalacia with focal soft tissue, bone resorption, and vascular calcifications are observed (metastatic calcification) tumorlike calcium deposits in some cases. While osteomalacic changes suggest renal tubular damage, additional focal osteoclastic bone resorption is caused by secondary hyperparathyroidism. Therapeutic planning must focus on treating the chronic renal disease, replacing 1,25(OH),-D, substituting for hypophosphatemia, and partially resecting hyperplastic parathyroid glands. Primary Hyperparathyroidism • Primary hyperparathyroidism causes generalized bone resorption by focal osteoclastic activities (as described in osteitis fibrosa cystica) combined with an increased incidence of stone formation (e.g., nephrolithiasis). Osteoclastic hyperactivity starts at subperiosteal and endosteal surfaces, cutting into the bone and replacing respective splits and holes by connective tissue (dissecting osteitis). Areas of hemorrhage and microfracture may occur. Larger cystic spaces occur eventually, hemorrhage expands, and resorptive giant cell granulomas develop ("brown tumors" in osteitis fibrosa cystica). These must be distinguished from aneurysmal bone cysts (ABCs), giant cell tumor (GCT) of bone, and telangiectatic OS. Characteristic radiographic changes in hyperparathyroidism are found preferentially in the hands (radial phalanges of the second and third fingers), with signs of focal calcinosis in the spine and the cartilage of major joints Osteomyelitis • Although osteomyelitis (OM) can easily be suspected from persistent purulent secretion from deep open wounds or fistulas extending to the bone, the clinical manifestations of hematogenous OM are more difficult to identify. Obscure back pain, low-grade fever, malaise, and moderate blood leukocytosis are among uncharacteristic general symptoms. If localized signs appear, such as circumscribed bone pain, reddening and swelling of the covering skin or mucus membranes, or even fistula formation with purulent discharge, radiographic procedures and tissue biopsies may reveal the real nature of the disease. The most common organisms causing OM are Staphylococcus aureus (e.g., after longstanding infected intravenous catheters, endocarditis, or complicated wound healing), various gram-negative rods, pneumococci (in neonates), salmonellae, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Chronic Osteomyelitis • At the site of bacterial nesting in the bone, usually at wellvascularized metaphyseal sites, acute endotheliitis/vasculitis with subsequent neutrophilic exudation and necrosis of adjacent bone develops. Necrosis may follow local vascular occlusion by thrombosis, compression and hypoxemia, or both. Infection spreads through the marrow cavity and cortical bone, extending subperiosteally, transperiosteally, and through soft tissues, creating draining sinuses (fistulas). Progression to chronic OM adds focal osteoclastic bone resorption and fibrous repair mechanisms. Bony cavities may contain fragments of necrotic bone (bony sequester) surrounded by hyperostotic bone (involucrum). Persistent abscesses are surrounded by condensed sclerotic bone (Brodie abscess). Periosteal and osteal hyperostosis on radiograph may signal underlying chronic OM. Microscopic features include decreased neutrophils, persistent edematous swelling, scattered plasmacytic infiltrates, and progressive fibrosis. Infectious Arthritis • Infectious arthritis is an acute or chronic inflammation of a joint or joints, usually caused directly or indirectly by specific infectious organisms. Infectious arthritis is caused directly by seeding of such pyogenic organisms as gonococci, staphylococci, meningococci, and pneumococci. Infection results in a characteristic edematous and neutrophilic infiltration of the synovialis with hemorrhage or necrosis (according to endotoxin or exotoxin activities) and with subsequent lymphoplasmacytic infiltration, capillary proliferation, and fibrosis, depending on the duration of the process. Destruction of ( artilage and fibrous adhesions may cause final joint dysfunction and ankylosis. Tuberculous Arthritis • Tuberculous arthritis is characterized by granulomatous reaction and runs a primary chronic course. It is the consequence of hematogenous spread of organisms, usually during early or later phases of stage II tuberculosis (early or late postprimary tuberculosis). Infection usually affects only one joint, most frequently the spine, the hip, the knee, the elbow, or the ankle. The onset of symptoms is insidious; frequent local muscle spasms at night may be the first suspicious sign of the disease. Walking may be problematic if the spine is involved (Pott disease). Radiographic changes and strong positive tuberculin skin test results are helpful in establishing the diagnosis. Diagnostic proof is given by tissue biopsy and the demonstration of acid-fast bacilli in the granulomatous inflammation as well as by culture or polymerase chain amplification reaction (PCR) techniques Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common degenerative joint disease causing physical disabilities in persons aged older than 65 years. Initial changes, which become overt by the age of 20 years in 4% of the population, increase steadily to affect more than 85% of persons by the age of 75 years. Primary OA is thought to result from intrinsic defects of cartilage. Secondary OA results from conditions such as malformations, trauma, and metabolic diseases with or without crystalline deposits. Several pathogenetically important factors may contribute to the development of OA: abnormal mechanical forces on the cartilage (increased unit load), decreased water bonding of cartilage (decreased resilience), increased stiffness of subcartilaginous bone, and biochemical abnormalities such as decrease in proteoglycans and shortening of glucosaminoglycans. The latter decreases cartilaginous water binding in favor oi binding by collagen fibers. Genetic factors may favor mutations of the collagen type II gene. Osteoarthritis: ClinicalManifestations • Signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis (OA)—morning stiffness and pain, rubbing sounds (crepitus), and tenderness and swelling of sott tissues covering joints—develop gradually, most often in the knees, the hips, the lumbar and cervical spine, and the finger joints, leading eventually to muscle contracture and compromised joint mobility. Early microscopic findings are loss of cartilaginous metachromatic staining (loss of proteoglycans), loss of chondrocytes, reactive hypertrophy and grouping of residual chondrocytes, and fibrillation and splitting of the cartilage surface. Fibrillation favors infiltration by synovial fluid with further enzymatic damage, inflammation, and cartilage destruction. Granulation tissue and fibrosis replace cartilage, and erosions result in open bony surfaces. Reactive new bone formation (osteophytes) and fibrous adhesions in border zones limit movement. Circumscribed areas of destruction with fragments of cartilage, dead bone, and synovial fluid may expand into the adjacent bone, forming debrisladen subchondral cysts. Rheumatoid Arthritis • Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic chronic progressive inflammatory disease with symmetric involvement of small joints. Variants are Still disease in children (juvenile arthritis) and ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew disease) preferentially involving the vertebral column and the sacroiliacal joints. RA is representative of a group of autoimmune disorders referred to as collagen-vascular diseases, which include lupus erythematosus, primary systemic sclerosis, polymyositis, and dermatomyositis. The etiology of RA is unknown; however, its pathogenesis includes genetic factors (prevalence of HLADR4 and HLA-DR1 genes and others), autoimmune reactions (possibly postinfectious), and local factors such as mechanical stress and specifics of tissue reactivity. Rheumatoid Arthritis: Clinical Manifestations • Microscopic features of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are progressive villous hypertrophy of the synovialis secondary to fibrinous swelling, proliferation of synovial lining cells, and lymphoplasmacytic infiltration. With increasing chronicity, acute inflammatory reactions are replaced by granulation tissue and fibrosis covering and eroding the cartilaginous surface of the joints (pannus formation). Joint mobility is severely inhibited with grossly impressive deviations (subluxation) of joints. End-stage disease is characterized by complete fibrous obliteration of the joints. Adjacent soft tissues may contain focal granulomas with binucleated giant cells (Aschoff cells) surrounding soft tissue fibrinoid necrosis (rheumatic nodule). Although 25% of patients with RA may recover completely, 50% experience terminal severe incapacitation. Death usually occurs from complications such as infections, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, or cardiovascular or pulmonary involvement. Paget Disease • Paget disease (osteitis deformans) is characterized by excessive osteoblastic bone tormation with abnormal structure and impaired stability. It occurs with increasing incidence after the age of 40 years (4-10% of the population), primarily in white populations, more often in men than in women. PD may occur in a monostotic form (one bony site) or in a systemic polyostotic form. In the initial stage, osteoclast hyperactivity with increased lacunar bone resorption is seen; the presence of respective inclusion bodies and viral transcripts (resembling paramyxovirus) suggests it is stimulated by infection with a slow virus. In the second stage, marked osteoblastic hyperactivity compensates and then overcompensates for the osteoclast function, and excessive disorderly new bone with irregular cement lines (mosaic bone) is produced. The final stage ("< old" or burnt-out phase) is characterized by marked thickening of densely mineralized bone (osteosclerotic phase) with minimal cellular activity. Paget Disease: Clinical Manifestations • Early phases of Paget disease (PD) are asymptomatic, although incidentally increased serum alkaline phosphatase levels may suggest a skeletal disorder. In more advanced cases, incidental radiographic findings may suggest the disease. Typical features are enlargement of head bones, headache, deafness and visual disturbances, deformation and tenderness of long bones (especially of the lower extremities), back pain, and fractures (vertebra, chalk-stick-type crossfractures of long bones). OS develops in approximately 1 % of patients. Fibrous Dysplasia • Fibrous dysplasia (FD) is a tumorimitating developmental abnormality of bone that consists of circumscribed mixed fibrous and osseus lesions. FD may be associated with endocrine abnormalities and skin pigmentation such as precocious puberty and cafe au lait spots (McCune-Albright syndrome), acromegaly, Cushing syndrome. Monostotic and polyostotic forms frequently occur in the proximal femur, the tibia, the ribs, and the mandible. Polyostotic forms (25%) also may involve the pelvis, the hands, or the feet. Growing lesions cause pain, deformation of bones, and pathologic fractures. Characteristic radiographic findings show a ground-glass, slightly "multivesiqular" ("soap bubble") appearance with distinct borders. Microscopy shows a dense whorled fibrous tissue containing spicules of woven bone. The prognosis of FD is good, and management should prevent complications such as fractures. Rarely, malignant sarcomas may complicate the course of FD. The localized lesion, (a) A well-defined sclerotic edge indicating a benign lesion - a fibrous cortical defect. Fibrous dysplasia. Collagen-Vascular Disease • Collagen-vascular disease (CVD) refers to a group of systemic autoimmune disorders with overlapping signs and symptoms that affect several organ systems (e.g., skin, kidneys, lungs). CVDs include systemic lupus erythematosus, RA, primary systemic sclerosis, dermatomyositis, polymyositis, and certain "overlap syndromes". Although the etiologies of CVDs are unknown, the pathogenesis is characterized by various autoimmune reactions with demonstration of respective autoantibodies, circulating immune complexes, or both. The essential pathologic features in .ill CVDs are chronic inflammatory infiltration (lymphoplasmacellular) ot connective tissue, edema, fibrinoid necroses, vasculitis, and progressive fibrosis. The extent and composition of these features vary among the different CVDs and with their type of autoimmune reaction (autoantibodies, circulating immune complexes, T-cell immune reaction). Compartment Syndrome Compartment syndrome (CS) results from increased pressure in one or more (osteo) fascial compartments. Sustained increase of tissue pressure from local edema reduces capillary perfusion below the level necessary for sustaining tissue viability; irreversible muscle and nerve damage results in a few hours. Partial burial, trauma, burns, or exercise may cause CS. Pathogenetic mechanisms are increased fluid accumulation, decreased tissue volume (compartment constriction), and restricted volume expansion secondary to external compression (e.g., casts). In conscious patients, pain is disproportionate to the obvious injury and increases with passive stretching of muscles. Loss of sensation from nerves running through affected compartments may occur. Microscopic changes are intense soft tissue edema with progressive degeneration and necrosis, hemorrhage, and, in delayed cases, slowly developing granulation tissue and fibrosis. There is high risk of superinfection, and secondary septicemia exists. SOFT TISSUE DISORDERS • Soft tissue refers to the widely distributed interstitial tissue of mesodermal origin filling spaces between ectodermal, endodermal, and skeletal structures. It includes differentiated tissues such as fibrous tissue, fat, and skeletal muscle. Although all pathologic reaction patterns are represented in diseases of soft tissue, including necrosis and degeneration, infection and inflammation, and hyperplasia and neoplasia, only a few examples can be discussed here. We focus on such important disorders as compartment syndrome, collagenvascular diseases (CVDs), and benign and malignant tumors. Benign Soft Tissue Tumors • Benign tumors of soft tissue may occur at any age and are classified according to the tissue where they arise: fibromas, lipomas, rhabdomyomas, leiomyomas, or mixtures of these, and composite tumors with additional tissue components (angiolipomas, fibrous histiocytoma, neurofibroma, myelolipoma). Subcutaneous lipomas, the most frequent benign tumors, are slowly enlarging well-circumscribed yellowish masses with a histology indistinguishable from normal fat tissue. Fibrous tumorlike lesions (nodular fasciitis, fibromatosis) are not considered real tumors, although some show locally aggressive behavior. Fibrous histiocytomas are dermal tumors of interlacing fibrous strands and collections of lipidand ironcontaining histiocytes. Benign neurofibromas occur in dermis and in part in the submucosa of the alimentary tract. They may cause bleeding or mild obstruction. Leiomyomas are common in the uterus but also are found in the gastrointestinal tract or originating from blood vessels. Malignant Soft Tissue Tumors • Sarcomas spread by hematogenous metastases rather than through lymphatic channels. They are classified according to the tissue from which they derive, or in a more descriptive way if their histogenesis is unclear. Variants include liposarcomas, fibrosarcomas, malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH), neurofibrosarcomas, rhabdomyosarcomas, leiomyosarcomas, and alveolar soft part sarcomas or epithelioid sarcomas. Fibrosarcoma, usually arising from fascia, tendons, periosteum, or scar tissue of the thigh, the knee, or the trunk, is not a common malignancy, but its "pleomorphic cousin," MFH, is the most common soft tissue sarcoma. MFH is a highly malignant tumor of deep fascia, skeletal muscle, and the retroperitoneal space, preferentially occurring in patients aged 50 to 70 years. Postradiation fibrosarcoma is classified as MFH. Prognosis depends on the degree oi atypia and the polymorphism of its cells. Approximately 50% of MFHs metastasize early to the lungs. Liposarcomas arise preferentially in the deep subcutaneous tissues Malignant Soft Tissue Tumors (continued) of the thighs, the abdomen, and the retroperitoneum of persons aged older than 50 years. There are several morphologic variants (e.g., well-differentiated, myxoid, pleomorphic, and round cell forms), some of which show mutational chromosomal abnormalities of their adipocytes. Rhabdomyosarcoma is a tumor of children and young adults. It is thought to derive from primitive mesenchyme or embryonic muscle tissue and has corresponding appearances: embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, and pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma. Well-differentiated forms contain plump cells resembling striated muscle. Leiomyosarcomas are malignant tumors of smooth muscle, occurring most commonly in the uterus and gastrointestinal tract. Neurofibrosarcoma and neurolemmal sarcoma (malignant schwannoma) are tumors of peripheral nerves that are more common in adults. Epithelioid sarcomas and alveolar soft part sarcomas are rare, highly malignant tumors of uncertain histogenesis.