The Fish Body

Name _____________________________
The Fish Body (p. 746 – 757)
I. Key Characteristics Of Modern Fishes
1. List three characteristics shared by all fish species.
1. _____________________ 2. _____________________ 3. _____________________
II. Gills
1. The main respiratory organ of a fish is the _______________.
2. Differentiate between gill filaments and gill slits.
Gill Filaments : __________________________________________________________
Gill Slits : _______________________________________________________________
3. Define the term countercurrent flow.
Countercurrent Flow –
III. Circulation Of Blood
1. What type of heart does a fish possess? _________________-___________ ____________
2. Match each heart term with the correct definitions.
1. ________ Sinus Venosus
A. Large chamber with thin, muscular walls.
2. ________ Atrium
B. Thick-walled pump; sends blood to rest of body.
3. ________ Ventricle
C. Pump that smoothes pulsations & adds force.
4. ________ Conus Arteriosus
D. Collection chamber; reduces blood flow to heart.
3. What type of circulation do fishes have?
Circle One :
Double-Loop Circulation
Single-Loop Circulation
IV. Kidneys
1. What is a key evolutionary challenge facing all vertebrates?
2. What does each type of fish need to do maintain a proper salt (ion) and water balance?
Saltwater Fish : __________________________________________________________
Freshwater Fish : _________________________________________________________
3. What two organs play a major role in maintaining a salt / water balance.
1. _______________________
4. Define the term nephrons.
Nephrons -
2. _______________________
Name _____________________________
V. Reproduction
1. Where does reproduction generally occur in fish species?
Circle One :
External Fertilization
Internal Fertilization
2. Describe the process of spawning.
VI. Today’s Fishes (p. 751 – 757)
1. Complete the compare-and-contrast table of groups of fishes.
Scaleless, eel-like bodies;
Multiple gill slits;
Unpaired fins; Keep
notochord as adults
Jawless Fishes
(Class Agnatha)
Sharks, Rays, Skates,
Sawfish, Chimaeras
Cartilaginous Fishes
(Class _________________)
Ray-finned fishes (flounder,
angelfish); Flying fish;
Lobe-finned fishes (lungfish,
(Class Osteichthyes)
2. Match each term with the correct definitions.
1. ________ Lateral Line
A. Gas sac that regulates buoyancy.
2. ________ Operculum
B. Sensory system; extends along sides of bony fish.
3. ________ Swim Bladder C. Fish with mobile fins, thin scales, & symmetrical tails.
4. ________ Teleosts
D. Hard plate; covers the gills on sides of the head.
3. Match each type of fish with the correct characteristics.
1. ________ Hagfishes
A. Parasite; uses suction-cup structures to attach to hosts.
2. ________ Lampreys
B. Flat, kite-shaped fish with venomous barbs.
3. ________ Sharks
C. Bony, marine, lobe-finned fish.
4. ________ Rays
D. Bony, freshwater, ray-finned fish.
5. ________ Skates
E. Scavengers of dead animals on the ocean floor.
6. ________ Yellow Perch F. Smaller, flat, triangular-shaped fish without barbs.
7. ________ Coelacanth
G. Possesses 6 to 10 rows of razor-sharp teeth.
4. About 95% of all living fish species are teleosts.
Circle One :