Goods and Services

Goods and Services Lesson Agenda
Behavior Expectations
Trojan Gold Behavior
SS3E1 The student will describe the four types of
productive resources:
d. Entrepreneurship (used to create goods and
SS3E2 The student will explain that governments
provide certain types of goods and services in a
market economy, and pay for these through taxes and
will describe services such as schools, libraries,
roads, police/fire protection, and military.
SS3E3 The student will give examples of
interdependence and trade and will explain how
voluntary exchange benefits both parties.
Describe the interdependence of consumers
and producers of goods and services.
Essential Questions
What are some examples of goods and services?
What are Taxes, and what do they pay for?
How do Consumers and Producers depend on each
Goods and Services
Producer and Consumers
Teacher Education Candidate
Tara Harris
School Carrollton Elementary
Block No. 4
Supervising Teacher
Mrs. Walker
UWG Supervisor
Mrs. Calhoun
Date of Implemented Lesson Plan: March 23, 2011
Subject: Goods and Services
Grade Level: 3rd
Teaching Skills Focus for This Lesson: Instructional Clarity, Questioning and Responding to Students, Providing Feedback
and Reinforcement
Stage 1 The Desired Results
SS3E1 The student will describe the four types of productive
d. Entrepreneurship (used to create goods and services)
SS3E2 The student will explain that governments provide certain
types of goods and services in a market economy, and pay for these
through taxes and will describe services such as schools, libraries,
roads, police/fire protection, and military.
SS3E3 The student will give examples of interdependence and trade
and will explain how voluntary exchange benefits both parties.
a. Describe the interdependence of consumers and producers of goods
and services.
Specific Learning Objective(s)
Assessment Instrument
(Ex. Test, Poster, Presentation,
Picture, etc.)
Evaluation (Grading) Instrument
(Ex. Point System, Rubric,
Checklist, etc.)
The students will be able to identify what a goods and services are, what taxes are
used for, who provides services, and tell how consumers and producers depend on
one another.
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Bingo Game
Check list
Stage 3 Learning Plans
Goods and services power point, bingo cards, word bank of goods and services, card
markers for bingo game
Sequence of Teacher Actions
*The teacher will call the students to the rug.
*Introduction lesson.
*Tie to Previous Learning
*Significant Actions to Introduce
and Guide Lesson
*The teacher will call the students to the rug. The teacher will go over the behavior
expectations, essential questions, the standards and the agenda. The teacher will the
go over the power point. During the power point, the teacher will ask the students to
give examples of goods, services, consumers, producers, and how consumers and
producers are dependent on one another. The teacher will then go back over the
essential questions. The teacher will then tell the students that they are going to play
a bingo game. The teacher will then go over the behavior expectations and explain
the bingo game. The teacher will then lead the students in playing bingo.
Sequence of Student Actions
*Explain How Students Are
Engaged During Lesson
*The students are engaged in coming up with examples during the power point. The
students are also engaged as they answer the essential questions. The students are
engaged in the bingo activity
* Explain How Students Discuss
or Present Results of What
They Did During the Lesson
Teacher’s Lesson Closure/WrapUp/Transition
Adaptations for Exceptional
Students (Anyone who requires
modifications for their needs)
Related Activities/Extensions
(What can students do who need
more than is in the lesson? Should
be related to lesson.)
*The students will present if they understood the lesson in being able to recognize
the goods and services in the bingo game.
Connections to Other Disciplines
*The teacher will go over the essential questions
*The teacher will work one on one and re-teach or further explain the content if
*The students could create a poster of how consumers and producers are dependent
on each other.