Cross-Linguistic Projects

Cross-Linguistic Modules of
Discovering and Comparing
A case study from Germany
Helmut Johannes Vollmer
(University of Osnabrück)
Amsterdam, January 31, 2008
Structure of Presentation
1. L2 as the basis for plurilingual education
2. The critical role of L1 for plurilingual education
3. Didactic approaches to plurilingual education
4. Cross-linguistic modules of discovering and
comparing languages (a case study from
5. Selected practical examples from the case study
6. Curricular relevance and embedding
1. L2 as the basis for Plurilingual
Education ?
• Human beings are potentially plurilingual (by nature)
• (Second) Language Acquistion Theory does not focus on
the ONE mother-tongue and its relation to the ONE foreign
language any more; rather it looks at the specific role(s) of
different MTs and different foreign /second languages in the
biography of an individual
• It is generally agreed that the FIRST FOREIGN
LANGUAGE learned (L2) is very influential for L3...Ln
• It is right to assume that any additional (foreign) language
(L3….Ln) is learned differently than L2.
• The assumption of an innate Lang. Acquistion Device as a
motor for SLA is questionable (even for L1)?
English as L2
• If the second language is so influential as a model for
additional/future language learning, we have to acknowledge and
analyse its model character and make its influences more explicit
• And if this second language is English, we have to positively deal
with the potentials of „English before another language (see the
presentation of Neuner) as a base for plurilingualism
• Independent of that, the acquisition of another L2 (e.g. French)
before English seems to be much more effecient and economical:
English will more or less take care of itself!
• The acquistion/ use of English as L2/or as a lingua franca often
leeds to a „self-sufficient “ (closed) mind towards plurilingualism
Degrees of language proficiency
• The concept of learning a language maximally (= mastering
it completely, like a native speaker) has to be replaced by
acknowledging and describing different levels and
functions from a user‘s/learner‘s point of view
• Goal 1: Activating, topicalising and certifying whatever
language experiences there are which are developed either
inside the classromm or can be used/brought into it
• Goal 2: Developing foreign languages as means of comm.
• Goal 3: Receptive/functional skills in many languages
2. The role of L1/School Language
• It is an unresolved issue whether the MT/L1 occupies an
area of its own in the brain of a human being
• The role of L1 seems to be equally prominent as L2, if not
more crucial: Do learners reserve separate areas in their
neural system for the L1 as opposed to L2 and other
foreign languages? Why do they not transfer?
• We would like to think that the L1/school language forms
the basis for all future language learning
• Any approach for plurilingual education postulates this
relationship and the possibilities of linking/transfering
Compound vs Coordinate Minds
• From research into bilingualism we distinguish between
compound (integrated) and coordinate (separated)
neurolinguistic structures in the minds of human
• Compound structures are based on one identical concept
codified in different languages; coordinate ones store
different languages related to different ideas and
(semantic) concepts.
• Plurilingual approaches normally assume
„compoundedness“, e.g the possibilities and likehood of
linking knowledge, processes, techniques and awareness
between all languages.
Awareness and Transfer
• Room for „playing“ with language forms+sounds
• Helping to activate prior knowledge and
experience in discovering and explaining (new)
lexical items, (new) grammatical constructions,
new texts/text types and unknown content
• Putting more active demands on and more responsibility into the hands of learners themselves
• Training transfer activities and capacities/skills
3. Didactic Approaches to
Plurilingual Education
(1.) L3 after L2 (Hufeisen/Neuner: DaFnE)
(see the presentation by Gerd Neuner)
(2.) EuroCom-Projects (F.-J. Meißner): Quick
development of text comprehension within languages of
the same family (Romance, Slavic, Germanic or
subgroups: Scandinavian)
(3). Whole school language education planning (based on
explicit competence definitions+transfers)
(4.) Cross-linguistic modules of discovering, comparing
and transferring: A case study in Thuringia (Germany)
In the following, I will focus on approach No 4 as case study
4. Cross-linguistic modules of
discovering and comparing
A case study from Thuringia
Develop synergies between L1/LS + FLs
Sensitise for cross-linguistic language learning
Perceive existing ling,sociocult+strategic knowl
Reflect on it and make use of it for understand. +
being understood in new lang.learn.contexts
• Offer practical steps towards these goals
• Support discovery learning + reflective action
• Initiate cooperation among language teachers
• Perceiving + reflecting on the relationship and the
neighbourhood between languages and cultures
• Discovering functionalities of grammatical and
morphological features
• Constructing meaning based on comparisons
• Gaining insights into linguistic and non-lingustic
ways of expression and of sociocultural rituals
• Developing and applying transfer strategies
Content and Structure
• Sequence of tasks and exercises/modules
• Apart from any text book or course materials
• Focussing simultaneously on 5 languages:
German, English, French, Russian and Latin
• Designed contrastively: cross-ling comparison
• Sub-units with internal cohesion+progression
• Selective usage + enlargements possible: incl.
other lang./heritage lang., comprehen. projects
Comparing as a cognitive activity
Initiating/Activating students mentally by
Observing, Identifying, Analysing
Distinguishing, Ordering, Contrasting
Inferencing, feature-based guessing
Forming analogies, reflecting, speculating
All this in relation to several phenomena with a
changing focus, on diff. levels, in diff. social forms
Evaluation / (Self-)Control
Piloted for 2 years in 16 schools / Thuringia
Minimal teacher in-service training necess.
Answering keys added at end of material
Suggestions for (self-)control and tests
Including a sugg. point system (weighing)
Strongly knowledge-based, no qualitative evaluat.
Commentaries of teachers + alternatives included
5. Selected Practical Examples
Creating your own dictionary - Internationalisms
Lexis (Word Fields, Semantic networks, Morphology)
Common European Fairy Tales (Comparing/Sounds)
Speech acts and linguistic means of realisation
Grammar: Word Classes + Positioning/Constituents
Socioculturarl Insights Names and Terms of Address
Strategies: Inferring word meaning (interlingually)
Reading/understanding unknown texts
• Reference/Copyright: Behr, U. (ed.), Sprachen entdecken –
Sprachen vergleichen. Kopiervorlagen. Berlin: Cornelsen Verlag.
6. Curricular Relevance
• Focus on year 1 and 2 of third lang. programs, but
also in LS (lang. as a subject) and in L2 lesson
• Examples related to this age group (12-13)
• Independent of school type or form/track
• Primarily geared to the development of language
awareness and language learning awareness
• Also: reflective observation + consideration
• Increase understanding in the functioning of lang.
• First experience of poss. transfer in lang. learning
Curricular Embedding
Resource material for teachers - for copying
Necessary focus on several languages
Decision: in-/exclusion of lang. not „learned“
Experience so far: students like „new“ lang.s
Using it in L3: linking it back to L1/LS+L2
Using it in L2: English as (first) foreign lang.
Using it in L1: German as a subject/school lang.
NO time limits / recommendations so far
• LS (German) as the necessary working language
• Contributions from students learning different L3s
• Extensions into cross-curricular projects of different scope and nature (lang. day/ lang. projects)
• Requires cooperation + agreement between lang.
teachers, consent+support of head/administration
• Beginning of a profile/ whole school lang. policy
• (Low key: also usable in „substitute“ lessons).
Dank u wel