Development of a Framework for Provincial Tourism Statistics 45 40 35 Presentation to Provincial Tourism Coordinating Committee (PTCC) 27 October 2015 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Orientation Phase 1: Compile Secondary Data Eastern Cape Tourism Phase 2: Framework for Tourism Statistics Collection and Primary Data Phase 3: Packaging and Reporting WE ARE HERE Training Orientation Inception Report Discuss critical data gaps Compile Eastern Cape Statistics Collect and collate statistics Training manual finalised Training administered Source, Frequency, release dates and restrictions Stakeholder Liaison and Municipal Profile Identify Provincial and National Tourism Stakeholders Workshop Develop a Provincial Statistical Publication Frequency of release Municipal and institutional profile Indicators – Primary and Secondary Represent data, discussion of content, design and release report Collection of Initial Data-Case Study Case Study Tour- KZN Identify Case Studies Develop a plan for Primary Statistics Collection Identify indicators Outcomes Report Harmonise data compatibility and comparability Develop data collection tools Close Out Report Pilot Primary Data collection Training Logistics Training manual Key lessons learnt Undertake a pilot survey to test recommendations Would not be a representative sample Training Programme Implementation Plan and Statistics Framework Training Framework for tourism data collection Recommendations Implementation Plan To develop a framework for the collection and collation of tourism data at provincial, district and destination level. To promote and improve the quality and quantity of tourism data information within the province to inform planning and decision making at regional level. To standardise collection of tourism data and reporting. The objectives of the study To improve and promote monitoring of tourism sector performance. To promote alignment and consistency in reporting on tourism research with the NTSS, Provincial Strategy and SAT Statistics. To provide baseline information in areas where this is lacking. To provide training to DEDEAT/ECPTA tourism and research staff to raise capacity for maintenance and improvement of the reporting framework. Case study analysis and benchmarking Spreadsheet framework Elements of the Study Training Tourism Research Management Framework Municipal and Stakeholder consultation Why tourism research is different to other sector research 1. Tourism customers don’t buy a good 2. There is no single purchase decision a) a trip, domestic or international, daytrip or overnight is not normally one purchase decision. 3. The tourism industry includes may related industries and sales in other sectors: catering, trade, agriculture, business services, finance etc. 4. Its an intangible object Tourism Stats in the News Retrenchments a possibility – FEDHSA- Tourism Update 1 Oct 2015 Case Study STATISTICS SOUTH AFRICA INTERVIEWS CONDUCTED WITH NATIONAL ENTITIES SANParks Tourism Satellite Accounts Unit Domestic Tourism Survey Unit Tourism Marketing Research Unit SOUTH AFRICAN TOURISM (SAT) NATIONAL TOURISM RESEARCH & KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT (NTR&KM) COMMITTEE NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM KWAZULU-NATAL Tourism KwaZulu-Natal WESTERN-CAPE Wesgro Research Unit GAUTENG Gauteng Tourism Authority EThekwini Tourism INTERVIEWS CONDUCTED WITH PROVINCIAL RESEARCH ENTITIES LIMPOPO Limpopo Tourism Agency MPUMALANGA Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency NORTH-WEST PROVINCE North West Parks and Tourism Board NORTHERN CAPE Northern Cape Department of Economic Development and Tourism FREE-STATE Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs • Some provinces are more advanced with research and reporting than others- this correlates to the level of importance province has as a domestic or international destination • Part from three leading provinces in research, the majority of provinces are in the same situation as the EC Findings • Lack resources, capacity and know how • Data is national and often not relevant at provincial level • No sub-regional data • Don’t subscribe to data publications • All provinces required to report on tourism indicators to NDT • Yet data is all nationally collected • NDT has not considered developing a framework for provinces to collect research. Research is expensive –R5 million p.a. Need time to develop and phase in various elements Annual planner is crucial – every year at the same time events happen need to be ready for them Benchmark your department Case Study Recommendat ions Clear distinction between agency and the Department research activities Build good relationships with stakeholders- ACSA, Road agency, Convention Bureau and the LTOS Annual updating on databases, baseline data collection Employ staff with the right attitude, qualifications and background Know the reason for research Utilise National tourism research and knowledge management forum Presentation of findings is important Use of regional municipalities Figure 12: Bednights- Eastern Cape 2005-2013 Eastern Cape Profile Table 19: Domestic Tourism Statistics Domestic Travel Total Domestic Trips Domestic Travel Incidence- Annually Average number of trips by a South African Adult Trips by Purpose 2012 25.4 million 40% 2.0 2013 25.2 million 35% 2.1 Total Direct Domestic Spend R21,8 billion VFR: 70% Holiday: 11% Business: 8% R24,3 billion Growth 12% Source: SAT,2013 Accessed available Eastern Cape data Eastern Cape Profile StatsSA SAT SANParks ACSA Port Authority Analysed the data limitations, frequency, reliability etc. of each source Analysed the EC data to draw tourism profile for the province Interviewed DMs, LTOs and Metros’ and ECPTA on their tourism research activities. SAT Data Sources •SAT Departure Survey •Results in Annual / quarterly / monthly reports •Domestic Survey •Only available till 2018 StatsSA • Domestic Survey • Migration Study • Dept of Home Affairs immigration • Accommodation survey • National Tourism Satellite Accounts Other • Provincial Agency • Supply database • TGCSA • Graded accommodation • ACSA • Airport arrivals • STR • Hotel occupancy • Forward Keys • Arrivals source markets • Attraction Visitor Numbers SA Tourism’s Departure Survey is weighted using the data published by StatsSA. Should this data be incorrect, there would be a direct impact on the data released by SAT. Samples are drawn to be representative at a national level. As tourists only visit on average 2 provinces, reliability of data for other provinces diminishes. Sample size for EC is based on how many people interviewed visited the EC Limitations of Surveys Tourism Satellite Account Highly complex and expensive 2 year delay in data analysis Migration Report Differentiates between: South Africans, foreign travellers, foreign arrivals, visitors, tourists because the report is not a tourism report – it is a report on migration hence the need for precise differentiation. Delayed in the past by Dept of Home Affairs Transit visitors are now excluded StatsSA Domestic Survey Will supersede the SAT Domestic surveys and completely replace it by 2018 Categorising the Data Type Market Performance Market Intelligence Supply Performance Tourism Impacts Strategic Management Objecves Measure and monitor tourism arrivals and receipts rela ve to other areas Gain the best possible knowledge of visitor profiles, preferences and pa erns Measure and monitor the nature and growth in tourism investment and supply through the value chain Measure and monitor the total economic, environmental and social value and effects of tourism Gain an understanding of cri cal gaps and opportuni es in developing and sustaining the des na on Applicaon? 1. Demonstrate tourism growth 2. Track performance rela ve to the rest of SA Data Indicator Sources/ Methodologies Status/ gaps Real value and trends by month/year: • Arrivals(incl. MICE) • Stay/bednights • Total receipts • Occupancy levels, numbers, spend • Conferences/events a racted Real numbers 1. Extrapolate from SAT arrivals and exit survey 2. Extrapolate from Stats SA domes c hh survey 3. Deduct from StatsSA accommoda on survey 4. Possible EC online supplier panel survey 5. Conference venue reports Trends 5. Above methods + 6. Monitor visitor arrivals at key visitor points 1. and 2. For now these are best sources; Exit survey error risk due to non-stra fied and small EC sample, data and sample size does not allow municipal level applica on. StatsSA domes c improving to higher quality but not local level applica on 3. Published data only at na onal level – check 4. Need to agree with consistent suppliers panel 5. Seems feasible – need to iden fy and agree with owners/organisa ons 1. Iden fy EC target source markets segments 2. Mold marke ng/product development according to market demands 3. Address delivery gaps Visitor Origin (source markets), Demographics, Spend, Ac vi es, Mode and Entry point, Loca ons visited during and prior, Sa sfac on levels, Mo va on and booking channels, etc. 1. Extract and analyse EC responses from SAT exit survey 2. Quarterly/bi-annual visitor surveys at selected key visitor points 3. Visitor profiling through visitor books at suppliers/ a rac ons/VICs 4. Website analy cs 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. SAT data analysis currently best op on - risk of datad accuracy depending on EC response size Visitor surveys could be highly valuable but costly; consider outsourcing Visitor books are admin intensive and since no probability sampling there is no way to gauge the validity and reliability of fini ng s Website analy cs easy and affordable – training required 1. 2. 3. 4. Track product variety, ownership, spa al distribu on, quality Track supply occupancy and capacity Monitor investment value and opportuni es Number and size of tourist businesses Ocuupancy and REVPAR levels Number of graded establishments Number and size of of black owned businesses 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. Desk research and fieldwork to update provincial directory of tourism businesses Membership and/or compulsory Iegistra on systems and lis ngs Industry electronic surveys and forms with request to update Extracs from municipal business licenses data bases 1. Database outdated, need to be updated regularly Easy and seamlless registera on/membership system to be developed Need to enforce ECPTA las as regards registra on of tourism businesses. Need capacity to collect and sort informa on. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2. 3. 4. 5. Iden fy and mitgae environmental impacts Demonstrate direct and indirect economic impacts Iden fy and mi gate social impacts Contribu on to GDP, direct & indirect revenues/ taxes/ employment/, leakage MICE & event economic impacts Pollu on, water , waste, energy usage levels Resident tourism usage Satellite accounts/Inputoutput analysis Value Chain analysis Simula ng accounts using market and supply sta s cs Environmental Impact studies (full and limited) Biodiversity Reports/ SoE reports Event and conference impacts studies Resident percep on surveys No provincial satellite account Limited data available for simulated modelling – simplified model needed for impact measurement No tool in place to measure and monitor cultural, social and environmental impacts of tourism. On environmental side could make use of State of the Environment Reports Resident percep on surveys expensive – monitoring media coverage 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. Corporate/des na on strategic and spa al planning Investment promo on Securing stakeholder engagement and support Compe veness index Government targets SWOT and other des na on analysis Tourist sa sfac on, crime incidents, etc. Scope and scale of tourism investment opportuni es/ incen ves Corporate strategic plans Tourism development plans/master planning Tourism-related plans/ regula ons of other agencies/ministries Provincial applica on of global compe veness index Compiling investment database Sa sfac on surveys and complaint/sugges on channels Need to link EC tourism master plan to research outcomes Limited coordina on with other departments and levels of government and no inventory of tourism related plans, regula ons, etc. Limited capacity to coordinate research efforts and research Investment opportuni es and facilita on fragmented Framework for Tourism Data Collection There is an gap for standardised data collection methods in South Africa at provincial, district, local and destination level. There are a few provinces who have mastered collecting data at district, local and destination level those being KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng and the Western Cape. Existing situation Currently provincial, district, local and destination entities are dependent on information received from South African Tourism, StatsSA and the Tourism Satellite Accounts to formulate annual reports and performance indicators. Existing tourism information systems do not have an overall framework for the collection of tourism information. The focus is on destination demand information and performance measurements. The Eastern Cape should establish its own research programme and publish their research on their website as it is the first source of access which planners/stakeholders/tourists have with the Province and information needs to be readily available to them. Eastern Cape could negotiate a partnership with NDT and StatsSA for increasing sample sizes in the national surveys and expanding methodologies of the surveys to allow for a suitable and consistent level of statistical accuracy at provincial level and for key local destinations. Findings for a Statistical Framework Eastern Cape implement an effective statistical ‘warehouse’ system for the province where nationally extracted and locally collected data can be stored and retrieved over longer periods, with easy access to stakeholders. Setting up a regional tourism observatory in collaboration with a local university or private consulting partner as the key unit for operationalising an information system for the Eastern Cape. Where it is not viable to expand or adapt surveys to ensure validity of regional and/or local findings, statistical modelling and simulation methods should be investigated and applied for extrapolating data to local level. Consider and expand statistics beyond demand and supply measurement to the other areas such as, measuring environmental, social, cultural and economic sustainability. An Annual Research Plan is necessary for the Eastern Cape to formulate a programme to guide specific research projects that needs to be undertaken. • • Designing a Provincial Tourism Research Management System (TRMS) The focus of any research management system is to provide the right information at the right time to facilitate decision making. The design of a research management system for the tourism sector of the Eastern Cape should therefore be aimed at addressing the goals and objectives of the Tourism Master Plan. Tourism Development Goals Tourism Information objectives Tourism information and data requirements ECTMP focus Areas and measures of Performance Foreign Tourism Arrivals Economic Output Domestic Tourism • Increase in accommodation and catering sub-sector GDP • Increase share of overnight visitors • Increase direct spend of domestic visitors (including overnight and same-day visitors) to the Eastern Cape • Increase number of holiday trips to the Eastern Cape • Increase share of foreign tourists Skills Development Geographic Spread Rural Urban • Ensure that national MOU is also implemented in the Eastern Cape • Regular tourism research processes implemented at all municipalities in the province Visitor Experience • Visitor expectations met in the Eastern Cape (data to be drawn from national rating system) • Increase share of foreign and domestic bednights spent in lesser visited parts of the province Tourism Awareness • Increase levels of awareness of tourism and its value within the Eastern Cape • Increase level of community participation in the sector • Increase the number of councillors and officials that have been trained in tourism • Increase the number of visitors and bednights spent in rural areas of the province Brand/ Marketing Awareness • Eastern Cape brand awareness in core markets Employment • Increase the number of people employed in the sector (direct) and maintain current jobs Seasonality • Increase share of bednights spent in low-season months BEE • Increase number of companies with BEE scorecard • Increase number of tourism companies reaching scorecard targets • Increase number of black majority-owned companies in the tourism industry Investment • Increase the ECPTA tourism budget allocation • Increase the provincial government and municipalities’ tourism budget allocation • Increase private sector investment in tourism (for new and existing projects) Stakeholders • Number of transfrontier/ trans-boundary programmes implemented • Tourism institutional framework implemented Responsible Tourism • Increase number of tourism programmes and projects led by and benefiting communities • Increase in number of tourism businesses incorporating responsible tourism management and practices in line with responsible tourism To grow tourism demand • in the Province within the competitive global and domestic environments. The goal of growing demand leads on to a number of objectives such as improved market segmentation, marketing and branding, the distribution of destination information and increased ease of access by tourists to the tourism service and facilities. Goals for Tourism Development To grow and develop the supply of appropriate quality levels of tourism products and services in the province • such as tourism infrastructure, accommodation facilities, attractions and activities that aligns to tourism behaviour patterns and related market segments identified. Policy objectives that relate to this goal deals with the spatial distribution of tourism facilities and emerging enterprises. To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of existing and new tourism value chains • taking into account the delivery of responsible and accessible tourism facilities and tourism services. Also important to this goal is the development of people skills and capacity. To establishment a sound institutional framework • within the Province, improve tourism policy and related legislation environments and to remove hindrances and blockages in the tourism system such as organisational inefficiencies. Other objective that falls within this goal are the transformation of the tourism sector; achieve; rural tourism and emerging tourism enterprise development. A Tourism Research Framework Unpacking Tourism Information Indicators Organising for Implementation – Provincial responsibility for TRMS SCENARIO A SCENARIO B SCENARIO C ECPTA ECPTA & DEDEAT DEDEAT Existing model in SA to use the DMO for research; Focus mainly on visitor profiling information • • Partnership between DEDEAT responsible ECPTA & DEDEAT for tourism ECPTA can continue development to focus on visitor Report on profiling performance DEDEAT focuses on indicators to NDT performance The focus of any research management system is to provide the right information at the right time to facilitate decision making. The design of a research management system for the tourism sector of the Eastern Cape should therefore be aimed at addressing the goals and objectives of the Tourism Master Plan holistically. Organising for Implementation – Structuring a Tourism Research Management Unit The budget estimate for the establishment and operation of an Eastern Cape Tourism Knowledge and Information Unit is estimated to be in the order of R5 to R6 million annually. Actions Required Action Plan • The framework should be taken to a broader NATIONAL AND PROVINCIAL forum for buy-in • A detailed business plan should be development for the Tourism Research Unit • An Annual Research Plan is necessary • Setting up a regional tourism observatory • Implementing an effective statistical ‘warehouse’ system • Starting with a limited number of indicators and adapting and expanding the set of indicators as the project expands • Statistical modelling and simulation methods should be investigated and applied for extrapolating data to local level • Consider and expand statistics beyond demand and supply measurement to the other areas such as, measuring environmental, social, cultural and economic sustainability • Working with NDT and StatsSA in defining suitable statistical sample plans Get broad base buy in from National, Provincial and Local levels Recommendations Preparation of Business Plan for EC TRMS The Way Forward The detail planning for and implementation of the Eastern Cape Tourism Knowledge and Information Unit should be undertaken. This also entails the planning and development of the research programmes and the design of the statistical methodologies to the implemented by the Unit. Questions