EDCO Annual Report 2015 EDCO’s Vision For Ontario Enhance and develop an economically viable and environmentally responsible Ontario. EDCO’s Mission Statement EDCO will provide leadership to enhance the professional development of its members; advance economic development as a profession and support our municipalities in fostering economic prosperity in the province of Ontario. EDCO’s Key Strategies 1. Increase awareness of EDCO as the lead economic development organization in Ontario on the part of government and other key economic development stakeholders. 2. EDCO will pursue stronger communications with members, partners and stakeholders with the priority given to the EDCO website. 3. EDCO will be known as a leading professional economic development organization with a strong, relevant voice for economic development both in the economic development community and related audiences. 4. Support the role and function of the Economic development Officer through enhanced training and education and a strengthening of their position within local government. Code of Ethics Be it known to all persons by these present that members of the Council are dedicated to: Conform to the highest ethical standard in all business, promotional and competitive activities while being respectful of the efforts of others in promoting Ontario as an investment location Avoid all actions which might give the appearance of using their position to secure a personal tangible benefit Uphold and maintain the dignity and prestige associated with Council membership Co-operate with fellow members in informal exchange of information and ideas reflecting practices, trends and policy pertaining to economic development Give careful thought and unprejudiced consideration to problems affecting the Provincial and Federal field of Economic Development if and when requested by the Council. Accept personal responsibility for furthering the Council’s programme when called upon Table of Contents Page EDCO’s Vision for Ontario………………………………………….. 1 EDCO’s Mission Statement………………………………………….. 1 EDCO’s Key Strategies………………………………………………. 1 EDCO’s Code of Ethics………………………………………………. 2 President’s Report – Robert Lamb, Ec.D. CEcD……………………. 3/4 2015 EDCO Board of Directors………………………………………. 5 2015 Annual General Meeting Agenda………………………………. 6 2014 Annual General Meeting Minutes ……………………………… 7/8 EDCO Annual Conference Report, Paul Finley, Delia Reiche Co-Chairs .. 9/10 EDCO Marketing Committee Report – Christina Kakaflikas ………….. 11/12 EDCO Professional Development Report – Alison Newton …………. 13/14 EDCO Membership Committee – Eleethea Savage…………………… 15 EDCO Young Professional Report – Pranab Shah …………………… 16 Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Employment/Ministry … of Research and Innovation, – Brian Love/Debbie Walker 17/18 Ministry of Agriculture and Food/Ministry of Rural Affairs – Doug Reddick 19-21 Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport – James Lynn …………………. 22/23 Ministry of Northern Development and Mines – Claude Rivet …………… 24-29 Past President’s Report – Paul Finley……………….......................... 30/31 EDCO Past Presidents Listing ……………………………………………. 32-34 EDCO Honourary Life Member Listing ………………………………….. 35 *Note EDCO 2015 EDCO Financial Statements are available under separate cover. 2016 Presidents Report This past year EDCO reached a major milestone in the size and strength of your organization. In 2015, with the new membership initiative and the work of the EDCO YPN (Young Professional Network) EDCO not only surpassed the 1,000 membership level but by December also officially went over the 1,100 members mark as well, making EDCO the largest Economic Development organization in Canada. With the launch of our new EDCO website, eblasts and various social media posts our communications efforts with our membership has never been stronger. That doesn’t mean we aren’t committed to finding new and effective ways to communicate with our membership. The Marketing Committee is always looking at new and effective ways of keep you updated on the latest trends and opportunities in Economic Development in Ontario and around the world. This past year EDCO launched our first ever Elected Officials Training with great success. I would like to thank David Cash for putting together this great training session that was run on 3 occasions in front of over 70 elected officials. EDCO also ran its first Women in Economic Development session in Toronto which hopefully will grow to become an annual event. In 2015 we did an analysis of our membership base and found that 47% of our profession is now made up of women. The same held true for your 2015 Board in which 6 of the 11 elected members were female. Equality statistics as a professional association and a profession that we should be all proud of. In 2015 we also partnered with the Province (OMAFRA) in delivering three Foundations of Regional Economic Analysis session across the province and the Canada Ontario Export Forum to deliver an Export Seminar in Toronto. We also partnered with the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport to deliver two “Are You Ready for the Tourism Investment Dragons which prepared EDCO members for their investment opportunities pitches during the second Tourism Investment Dragon session. The EDCO Investment Alliance also worked with and helped coordinate many of our local municipalities on their trade mission to MIPIM and Corenet. Your Board has worked hard to make sure we are always working for, and in, the best interest of our membership. Our professional partnerships with EDAC and IEDC, our many other corporate and association agreements helps to keep EDCO as strong organization for our members. And moving forward, a revised Strategic plan along with a new exciting event, our Spring Symposium, that you will hear more about at the AGM mean there is even more and exciting things ahead in 2016. It has been a pleasure to serve as your President in 2015. In closing I would like to thank the entire 2015 Board of Directors and our CEO Heather Lalonde for all their hard work and support. Thank you Robert Lamb, Ec.D., CEcD 2015 EDCO President 2014/2015 EDCO Board of Directors President Robert J. Lamb, Ec.D. CEcD, CAO – Township of Tay First Vice President John Regan, Ec.D. (F) CEcD – Town of French River Second Vice President Kerri King, Ec.D., CEcD – Region of Durham Secretary Treasurer Christina Kakaflikas, Ec.D, CEcD – City of Markham Past President Paul Finley – Sturgeon Falls Directors Alistair Baird – County of Renfrew Tom Dodds – Sault Ste. Marie Economic Development Corporation Kapil Lahkotia – London Economic Development Corporation Alison Newton – Town of Oakville Delia Reiche Eleethea Savage – City of Greater Sudbury Liaison Directors Claude Rivet – MNDM Debbie Walker - MCIIT Doug Reddick – OMAFRA Pranab Shah - YPN James Lynn – MTCS Brian Love – MEDEI/RI Annual General Meeting Agenda Wednesday, February 3, 2016 – 8:00 a.m. Toronto Marriot Eaton Centre Hotel 525 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario 1.OFFICIAL OPENING: Annual Meeting – 2015 President Robert Lamb, Ec.D, CEcD. 2. (A) MINUTES – February 11, 2015 – Motion required. (B) BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 3.COMMITTEE REPORTS PRESENTATION – President Robert Lamb, Ec.D., CEcD. Movement of reports by President Robert Lamb, Ec.D., CEcD. Motion to retain Auditors - President Robert Lamb, Ec.D., CEcD Introduction of 2016 - President Robert Lamb, Ec.D., CEcD Motion to destroy Board election ballots - President Robert Lamb, Ec.D., CEcD 4. PRESENTATIONS (A) RETIRING DIRECTOR’S GIFTS – President Robert Lamb, Ec.D., CEcD 5. NEW BUSINESS EDCO Scholarships EDAC Greetings – Greg Borduas, Ec.D. IEDC Greetings – Jeff Finkle, CEcD. 6. 2015 PRESIDENT’S PRESENTATION AND ADJOURNMENT – John Regan, Ec.D, CEcD. 7. 2016 PRESIDENT’S COMMENTS 8. ADJOURNMENT Annual General Meeting Minutes Wednesday, February 11, 2015 – 8:00 a.m. Hamilton Convention Centre, Room Chedoke B/C 1 Summers Lane, Hamilton, Ontario 1. OFFICIAL OPENING: Annual Meeting – 2014 President Paul Finley welcomed distinguished guests and EDCO members to the EDCO Annual General Meeting and provided a brief look back at what was accomplished in 2014. 2. (A) MINUTES – February 5, 2014 – Motion 01:02:15 AGM: Moved by Jennifer Patterson, seconded by Robert Lamb to approve the minutes as presented. (B) BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES There is no business arising from the minutes. 3. COMMITTEE REPORTS PRESENTATION – Secretary Treasurer, Kerri King presented an overview of the audited statements. Motion 02:02:15 AGM: Moved by Kim Wingrove, seconded by Cheryl Peters to approve the audited statements as presented. APPROVED Motion 03:02:15 AGM: Moved by Cheryl Peters, seconded by Tom Dodds to increase membership dues by 5%. APPROVED Motion 04:02:15 AGM: Moved by Aileen Murray, seconded by Bruce Strapp to approve BDO as the auditors for 2015 and 2016. APPROVED 2014 Past President Jennifer Patterson introduced the 2015 Executive and Board of Directors Motion 05:02:15 AGM: Moved by Robert Brindley, seconded by John Regan to destroy the Board election results. APPROVED 4. Paul Finley presented retiring directors with an award of appreciation for their contributions. 5. NEW BUSINESS John Regan, Chair of the Professional Development Committee, announced that EDCO is pleased to launch a scholarship program for 2015. Members will be able to submit applications to the program in the coming months. Greetings were delivered to attendees by EDAC representative Aileen Murray. 6. 2015 PRESIDENT’S PRESENTATION Paul Finley provided a brief presentation on the Board’s priorities for 2015. 8. ADJOURNMENT Motion 06:02:15 AGM: Moved by Paul Finley to adjourn the meeting. 2016 Annual Conference Report The 59th Annual EDCO Conference and Showcase comes at a time when Ontario communities are being challenged within an increasingly competitive global business environment. Entitled Ontario’s Transformation: Economy by Design, this year’s Conference provides members and attendees with an opportunity to participate in keynotes, seminars and workshops facilitated by some of industry’s top leaders. The Conference Committee has specifically designed a program which provides you the space to imagine, create and network with your peers and to participate in team work which will ignite your competitive spirit. This year’s Conference program features keynote presentations by distinguished industry experts and business, institutional and community leaders who who will share their knowledge, experiences and ideas regarding new and innovative strategies and approaches to improving your community’s capacity and ability to perform more effectively in the business, trade and investment marketplace. Keynotes include: Bonnie Brooks, Vice-Chairman, Hudson's Bay Company who will speak about how she brought sweeping and transformative changes to HBC leading to its repositioning in Canada and respective mergers and takeovers of Lord and Taylor USA and Sachs Fifth Avenue. Louise Watson of Adura Strategy / Performance Management Blueprint who will talk about the struggles people and organizations have in implementing performance management and how to identify and to root out “bad habits” in order to bring about transformational change. Roger Brooks, President and CEO of Roger Brooks International who will walk delegates through the seven steps required to recruit investment and increase the tax base of communities. There will also be a series of informative sessions regarding a host of topics including: How to foster innovation within your community; Maximizing opportunities for regional collaboration; Non-traditional approaches to recruitment & training; Collaboration between First Nations and neighboring communities; How businesses can attract top grads to their communities; Perceptions of U.S. executives regarding Canada’s business climate; and Challenges facing development of local food entrepreneurship programs. There is also a special field trip to the Archives of Ontario and its research, special exhibits and preservation facilities. The Conference is being preceded by a pre-conference session at the Ontario Investment and Trade Centre offered in partnership with EDAC and the University of Waterloo entitled Investment Readiness for Communities and Regions, where participants will learn about what global investors are looking for and what communities need to know and do to capture their attention. This year’s Opening Reception is being held at Ripley’s Aquarium where delegates have an opportunity to network with their professional colleagues within the environment of Toronto’s newest, world-class tourism attraction. Also new this year is the Scavenger Hunt, a digital team event which will promote competitive spirit and further promote comradery amongst conference attendees. The Conference will wind up with a series of Town Hall discussions providing delegates with an opportunity share their respective concerns and views on issues affecting their communities. As always, the Conference will conclude with the President’s Dinner and annual Ontario Economic Development Awards presided over by Ontario’s Lieutenant Governor, the Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell. At this time, we wish to take the opportunity to thank our Conference and Awards sponsors who so graciously support the activities of EDCO and the economic development profession throughout Ontario. We also wish to acknowledge the members of this year’s Conference Planning Committee which include Meredith Bowers, Becky Breedon, Murray Clarke, Mike Florio, Fiaz Jadoon, James Lynn, Michelle Madden, Amy Malyon, Ann Matyas, Laura Pearce and Belinda Wick, who have contributed their knowledge and energy to ensure this year’s program meets your professional needs. We also wish to offer a special thanks to our Conference Coordination team of Cindy Hick of HPB Management, Samantha Reynolds-Tubman of Next Wave Events and Heather Lalonde, EDCO’s Chief Executive Officer for their leadership, commitment and work “above and beyond” to ensure that the EDCO Conference remains Canada’s premier economic development conference. Thank you all! Delia Reiche, Co-Chair Paul Finley, Co-Chair EDCO Marketing Committee Report In 2015, the Marketing Committee focused on implementing the recommendations of the EDCO Content Strategy which aimed to further improve our online presence by establishing a structured, strategic and systematic approach to planned communications with our stakeholders including members, prospective members, and others. Some of our achievements include: streamlining our email communications by eliminating the “In the Loop” format and focusing on the EDCO Exchange as the main email communication channel to our members; moving to a new association software management program and redesigning our website to allow for more control over updates and changes, thereby reducing our costs and increasing efficiencies; improving communication to prospective members and partners by starting a quarterly outreach campaign to this specific group; launching a new LinkedIn strategy with the creation of new EDCO LinkedIn page to engage our members and followers. Thanks to the collective efforts of the Board and to our EDCO members, we have seen a substantial increase in our online engagement. EDCO Online Metrics 2013 Website visits 3068 Twitter Followers 799 LinkedIn members 727 YPN LinkedIn members 136 Facebook Likes 165 2014 3089 1180 858 201 226 2015 3,704 1,473 955 240 420 I would like to take the opportunity to thank the Marketing Committee members for their contribution including Nina Gesa, Kerri King; Paul Finley; Robert Lamb; Raj Sian, and Alastair Baird. A special thank you goes to Heather Lalonde, CEO and Amy Malyon, Marketing/Admin Coordinator for their support and initiative. It has been a pleasure to serve as Chair of the Marketing Committee. I encourage you to consider actively participating on the Committee in 2016. We invite members to: submit news, participate in social media and write articles for EDCO help us by identifying content of existing, shareable information including staff reports, whitepapers, and academic papers volunteer on our Committees consider running in the next Board Elections I look forward to our collaboration in 2016 as we continue to serve our members, build on our achievements, and raise the profile of EDCO and of our members as leaders in economic development. Respectfully submitted, Christina Kakaflikas, MAES, Ec.D, CEcD Chair, Marketing Committee EDCO Board of Directors Professional Development Committee The Professional Development Committee largely maintained its members in 2015 with a dynamic and energetic group that brought forward an enormous amount of creativity and passion to the committee. Early in the year, it became apparent that the training session we had planned were struggling with poor registration levels despite our efforts to match sessions with interest expressed through our survey. It was felt that the frequency of the events was putting a financial and human resource constraint on the EDO’s. Following much discussion, the committee chose to take a two-pronged approach going forward. Through our various partners, including IEDC, University of Waterloo and YFactor, more webinars will be available as course options for our members. Webinars mitigate geographical contraints and allow for greater flexibility. Secondly, a number of topics will be rolled up and bundled into our first ever Spring Symposium. An RFP was issued in the fall and Sault Ste. Marie was chosen as the host venue. The symposium will offer attendees a highly interactive event with a dedicated networking reception highlighting local culture and culinary tourism. The format will also allow members to earn points for attendance. Watch your packages at the 2016 EDCO Conference for further details. Following the new scholarship program launched last year which was a great success, the committee continued the program in 2015. The program provides assistance to EDO’s from the North and South, including a young professional component. The three recipients for 2016 scholarships will be announced at the Annual Conference in February. I would like to acknowledge the tremendous time and effort put into this initiative by John Regan, Gord Knowles and Jonathan Condratto. 2015 Professional Development Committee Members Alison Newton (Chair) John Regan Gord Knowles Jonathan Condratto Myles Buck Mislat Balogun Kelly Stahl Deb Mountenay Development Town of Oakville Municipality of French River Atikokan Economic Development Corporation City of St. Charles OMAFRA City of Vaughan City of Brampton Elgin Middlesex Oxford Workforce Planning & Eric McSweeney Mark Steffler Carlos Delgado McSweeney & Associates Consulting Inc. Burlington Economic Development Corporation Regional Municipality of Durham It has been an honour serving as Chair of the Professional Development Committee, and I am excited to see the opportunities that will be developed as the momentum builds. Respectfully Submitted, Alison Newton, MBA, Ec.D., CEcD Director MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE This year the Membership Committee accomplished a great deal of foundational work first starting with a clear terms of reference. The purpose of this committee is to ensure EDCO’s member growth and retention strategy is developed, implemented and evaluated annually. This strategy is meant to build upon three main pillars: Membership Growth, Membership Development and Retention and Membership Policies and Dues. Just as you would with a business plan, it was important for the committee to understand the market in order to recommend a target market. The committee review the current membership data with respect to: geographic area, membership level, urban versus rural, years experience and gender. As a result of this review it was interesting to note that the number of members drops down for members with over 16 years experience. This will be something worth exploring in the future and maybe addressed through professional development offerings. It is also recommended that target market profiles be developed. In effort to take specific action, the Committee recommended that the Board purchase the data base of municipalities through the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO). Using this database staff cross referenced with our existing membership in order to determine the municipalities who were not members and a letter of introduction to EDCO was sent to these non-member municipalities. This tactic proved to be successful and with more active participation from both the Board of Directors and the Membership Committee it is suggested that this approach be used again with a shared follow up plan. Although, the Membership Committee did not develop a Membership Strategy it is strongly recommended that a 12 month action plan be developed and more closely aligned with the updated strategic plan to meet the deliverables and performance outcomes articulated in the Terms of Reference. The Membership Committee is a vital committee within EDCO’s organizational structure. The health and growth of our organization is a direct reflection of our membership. Imagine for a moment if we challenged each of our members to recruit just one new member. EDCO’s 2016 Plus One Campaign. Eleethea Savage Membership Committee Chair Young Professional Network Committee 2015 Members: Pranab Shah, Chair Rebecca Mustard, Durham Region Jason Dias, MDB Insight Carlos Delgado, Durham Region Michelle Madden, University of Waterloo 1. Membership The LinkedIn Page of EDCO YPN has grown to 250 individuals. The committee continues to promote the YPN during various opportunities. 2. Mentorship program development The Mentorship Program will begin in 2016. In 2015 the committee along with EDCO conducted a survey to understand the level of interest of members as well as identify individuals interested in participating. A total of 10 matches have been made. The first meeting between the mentee and mentors will happen during the EDCO Conference. The YPN committee will also deliver a code of conduct to guide the expectations of the individuals involved. 3. Networking and social program A Mentor Meet Up event in Waterloo during EDAC Year 1. Similar events for Haldimand County and Eastern Ontario were cancelled due to a lack of attendees. Committee members presented to a group of urban planning students at Ryerson University. A similar presentation was also done to a York University regional studies program. A Young Professional Networking event was hosted by the University of Waterloo’s LED program during which several committee members were in attendance. 4. Support of EDCO programs The YPN committee and members will continue to participate in various EDCO programs include the Board of Directors, Professional Development Committee and Annual Conference Committee. 2015 Year in Review Ministry of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure The Ministry of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure is committed to accelerating Ontario’s economic growth. Throughout 2015, much has been accomplished in Ontario to help businesses harness innovation more rapidly, compete in global markets, adopt the latest technologies, and employ and retain high-skilled talent. At a time of fundamental economic change, the ministry is focusing on improving the competitiveness of today’s existing economy and encouraging a shift to the emerging knowledge-based economy. Supporting a Dynamic and Innovative Business Climate Ontario is continuing to foster a more dynamic environment for businesses to grow and succeed by helping innovative small businesses access capital, reducing the cost of doing business, leveraging strategic investments and promoting global export opportunities. Accelerating Ontario’s Economic Growth Ontario launched a new Business Growth Initiative to help grow the economy and create jobs by promoting an innovation-based economy, helping small companies scale-up and modernizing regulations for businesses. Priority areas include: o Modernizing the regulatory system — lowering business costs through regulations that are outcome-focused and evidence-based. o Scaling up — helping to catapult more Ontario firms into global leaders that export to key markets, including a focus on service exports. o Driving innovation — accelerating the development, commercialization and adoption of advanced technologies. Leveraging Business Investment through Strategic Partnerships The province launched the Jobs and Prosperity Fund to stimulate a globally competitive business climate. The fund is providing $2.7 billion over 10 years to enhance productivity, bolster innovation and grow Ontario's exports. Since its launch in January 2015, project commitments to date will support the creation and retention of more than 14,000 jobs, attracting business investment of more than $900 million to the province. Reducing the Cost of Doing Business Ontario is well ahead of its annual targets for reducing regulatory burden on business. Ontario’s first annual report on reducing red tape for business, released in June, showed savings of $50 million and 2.4 million hours for businesses in the last four years. Promoting Global Exports and Attracting Foreign Investment The ministry promoted Ontario globally through business missions to the U.S., Asia and Europe. These missions highlighted some of Ontario’s advantages in ICT, research and development, clean energy and auto manufacturing. For the second straight year, fDi Intelligence named Ontario the North American leader in attracting foreign capital investment — surpassing regions with much larger economies like California and Texas. Investment Ready: Certified Site Program provides investors with more certainty when looking for development opportunities. So far, there are 12 certified sites, including one that has been conditionally sold for development. Investing in Infrastructure Ontario has committed to making the largest investment in public infrastructure in its history. This investment, with more than $134 billion over 10 years in priorities such as roads, bridges and public transit, will support more than 110,000 jobs on average per year. Progress includes: Announcing support for more than 200 projects that will keep people and goods moving, connect communities and improve quality of life. Passing the Infrastructure for Jobs and Prosperity Act to advance long-term infrastructure planning. Undertaking stakeholder/public consultations in 16 communities outside the GTHA to help design initiatives that are part of Moving Ontario Forward. Enhancing Employment Opportunities for all Ontarians The government introduced The Path to 2025: Ontario's Accessibility Action Plan to ensure Ontarians of all abilities can reach their full potential. Working with partner ministries, the ministry implemented an additional $250 million over two years to the Youth Jobs Strategy to provide employment and skills development opportunities for up to 150,000 youth. Looking Ahead Ontario is at a pivotal stage in its economic development. The government is taking action through our bold, new plan — Business Growth Initiative — to win the race for capital, customers and talent. In 2016, we will focus on achieving a collective vision — one that addresses the competitive challenges of today’s economy and pivots to the economy of the future. OMAFRA’s Economic Development Update – January 2016 OMAFRA’s Economic Development Division (EDD) has been very active in providing resources and tools that help economic development practitioners and communities across the province work collaboratively to seek new opportunities, create jobs and attract investments. 2015 Highlights Business Development Branch Business Development Branch (BDB) has a single vision: to support investment and job creation in Ontario. The Branch’s business development team facilitates foreign and domestic investment in the province’s food, beverage and bio-products manufacturing sectors. The team provides investment partners with fast, one-window access to knowledge, connections and resources. In 2014 –15, BDB was instrumental in influencing the investment of $328 million in Ontario’s food and beverage manufacturing sector and creating or retaining 2,218 jobs in the province. During 2015, BDB’s comprehensive range of business development attraction, retention and expansion support services contributed significantly to key food and beverage sector investments, including investments by: Frulact, Lassonde Beverages, P & H Foods, ,Super-Pufft, and PepsiCo Foods. Regional Economic Development Branch Regional Economic Development Branch’s (REDB) core purpose is to develop and deliver leading edge economic development resources that support thriving rural, agricultural and food economies. To meet the demand for regional economic analysis training, REDB once again partnered with the Economic Developers Council of Ontario (EDCO) to deliver the Foundations for Regional Economic Analysis Training program. This training has helped update and improve Ontario economic development practitioners’ understanding of the advantages of using data and analysis to support economic development, key data resources; and tools and techniques for understanding and describing local and regional economies for regional planning purposes. Four sessions were delivered in Brownsville, Kingston, North Bay, and Simcoe County. 69 clients participated in the Foundations for Regional Economic Analysis Training and 69 clients participated in the Hands-On Training with Analyst. Economic development practitioners, who can search out, analyze, utilize and be on top of appropriate information give an advantage to their communities and will be better able to help the community develop compatible and realistic strategies for economic development. The Business Retention and Expansion (BR+E) Program has been undertaken by over 240 communities since 2005. In 2015, REDB released its updated program materials which included a new coordinator’s manuals, surveys and resources. There were 18 local and/or regional BR+E projects undertaken or completed which interviewed over 500 businesses across the province. Anticipated outcomes of the completed projects include identifying actions to improve the local business climate and the creation and retention of jobs. Three in-person BR+E coordinator training sessions were held in Napanee, Brantford and Orillia. In partnership with Ministry of Northern Development and Mines we successfully piloted a BR+E coordinator training via webex into seven northern communities including 44 participants. A new Strategic Planning Resource was developed for organizations. This is a step-by-step guide to facilitating strategic planning and is available on-line. This resource was used successfully in Huron County. Core teams from ten municipalities were trained to lead the economic development strategic planning process with their communities. This ‘train-the-trainer’ approach to strategic planning has been used successfully with a number of non-profit organizations in the past two years. Other tools for organizational development include on-line learning modules for board governance, volunteer management, conflict management and developing policies and procedures. Launched at the October 2015 Municipal Agriculture Economic Development Forum and using the success of the Measuring Up! performance measurement resource, REDB has developed the Performance Resources: A Guide for Agriculture and Agri-Food Organizations. This resource targets agriculture and agri-food organizations and can be used to understand, support, develop and benefit from the performance measurement process. It can be applied to new programs or projects or ones that are already up and running and employs both qualitative and quantitative measures; and can be used as a report back measure for the success of funded projects and strategic plans. Over the past nine years, the Premier’s Award for Agri-Food Innovation Excellence has awarded $3.8 million to 475 innovators. This Award recognizes the innovative contributions of producers, processors, agri-food organizations and rural communities in Ontario. Their innovations improve existing products, create new jobs and grow Ontario's economy. Award recipients have told us that being recognized under the program has helped to increase consumer confidence in their goods, created new business opportunities, and supported further business expansion. Rural Programs Branch Ontario continued its commitment to the Rural Economic Development (RED) program. Through the RED program, rural Ontario will be better positioned to attract investment and create high-value jobs as well as train and sustain a highly-skilled, knowledge-based workforce capable of succeeding in today's global economy and, to promote innovative and creative local industries that can translate ideas into products and services for a global market. In 2015, to ensure the RED program continued to support rural communities effectively, the ministry temporarily paused application intakes to conduct a program review. The renewed RED program began accepting applications on October 2, 2015 with the first intake closing on January 15, 2016. The renewed program now has two streams for applications: a Community Development Stream and a Business Development Stream. Support for municipalities and not-for-profits remains largely unchanged and fall under the Community Development Stream. The Ministry has made changes for business applicants through the Business Development Stream, which includes a cost-share of up to 20 per cent, to a maximum of $1 million per project. The RED program cost-share level now aligns with other government business support programs. The Local Food Fund (LFF) provided up to $21 million over three years to support innovative local food projects leading to increased economic activity (investment, sales and jobs), and the promotion of local food. The final LFF intake closed on January 16, 2015. The program closes on March 31, 2016. Through LFF, the province has committed up to $21 million to 159 projects over the life of the program. Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport – 2015 Year in Review Economic Development Council of Ontario (EDCO) Annual Report Ontario continues to be the top destination for visitors to Canada, with more tourists and spending than any other province or territory – a $28 billion industry supporting 347,000 jobs and 148,000 tourism-related businesses throughout the province. Ontario’s regional approach to tourism is working to support partnerships and collaboration that leverage our best offerings and enhance the impact of the sector – a key economic driver. By working together, 13 Regional Tourism Organizations and their partners are marketing and developing tourism experiences to attract more visitors, generating more economic activity and jobs. Early reports show the low Canadian dollar is helping Ontario tourism this year. U.S. border crossings were up 6.9 per cent between in the first half of 2015. We saw strong growth in travellers from other countries such as South Korea, growing by 38 per cent, the Netherlands by 30 per cent, and Mexico by 28 per cent, compared with the same period last year. By 2018, the number of visitors from China is expected to climb to 346,000, nearly three times the number in 2010. From 2014 to 2018, visits from overseas countries are forecast to increase an average of 7.5 per cent per year while spending will grow 15.3 per cent per year. Increased consumer emphasis on year-round and authentic tourism experiences is leading businesses to develop and promote unique products catering to international travellers who are increasingly seeking out new experiences, both urban and outdoors. At the same time, the Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation’s (OTMPC) emotionally-appealing brand is presenting Ontario to the world as a place that is both exciting and relaxing – attracting international visitors to a welcoming, safe and diverse province. The Toronto 2015 Pan Am/Parapan Am Games energized the entire Greater Golden Horseshoe and province as we hosted 250,000 visitors and 10,000 athletes and coaches this summer from across the Americas and the Caribbean. It was the single-largest multi-sport event ever held in Canada and a resounding success. The media exposure during the Games bodes well for tourism and return visitors in the future. The Games also helped leverage opportunities among provincial ministries and other levels of government. The City of Toronto unveiled its newly redeveloped Union Station, where OTMPC completed construction of a travel information centre in August, cost-shared with the city. We also ushered in a new Union Pearson Express train link, conveniently moving visitors between the international airport and city. Ontario is home to major international accommodation brands and successful recent attraction brands that include LEGOLAND Discovery Centre in Vaughan and Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada in Toronto. Our Tourism Investment Attraction Strategy moves forward as well-known tourism operators invested in products that included, among others, the successful Edge Walk at the CN Tower, Ridge Runner Mountain Coaster at Blue Mountain, and the first-ever NASCAR-style motor speedway in Canada, a project under development in Fort Erie with exciting tourism opportunities for the entire region. Niagara Falls remains one of the world’s premier tourism destinations. From November 1, 2013 to March 31, 2015, Niagara Parks Commission drew more than 3.5 million visitors, and tour boat operator Hornblower attracted 1.6 million. Ontario also has a thriving retail market for our visitors. The province is home to 10 of Canada’s 20 top performing malls. A 2015 global retail report by CBRE named Toronto as the leading market in North and South America for international retail expansion, surpassing cities such as Los Angeles, New York City, Mexico City and Buenos Aires. The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport helped celebrate Ontario’s heritage, commemorating 400 years of French presence in Ontario this year. We are supporting cultural programming and sport initiatives – including the highly successful Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) and major sporting events such as the 2015 and 2017 International Ice Hockey Federation World Junior Championship in Toronto, the NBA All-Star Weekend in 2016 and the North American Indigenous Games coming to the Greater Toronto Area in 2017. The Celebrate Ontario program invested in 271 festivals and events, including events with an Aboriginal focus, supporting local job creation and local economies. The permanent $10-million annual Ontario Music Fund is supporting a cultural showcase for Ontario’s talent and expertise and leading to more content production and live music performances – a boost for tourism. The revitalization of Ontario Place into a world class destination moved forward. The first step – a new urban park and trail, named the William G. Davis Trail in honour of Ontario’s former premier – is expected to open in the fall of 2016 and link to the existing waterfront trail system from Niagara to Cornwall, a tremendous asset for families and visitors. Our world class culinary and wineries in Southwest Ontario, Niagara and Prince Edward County, our excellent outdoor recreation on the provinces beaches, lakes and waterways, and our remote northern Ontario angling and hunting adventures all continue to attract visitors. We look forward to the continuation of a strong partnership with EDCO in helping to strengthen our communities and economy, creating jobs and prosperity for Ontarians. EDCO MNDM Ministry Liaison Report – Annual Report (Feb. 2016) The Ministry of Northern Development and Mines (MNDM) continues to work in collaboration it’s other Ministries to deliver services such as the Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs’ Economic Development programs and tools in the North, the Ministry of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure (MEDEI) and Ministry of Research and Innovation (MRI)’s Certified Site Selection Program, the administration of the seven Region Small Business Enterprise Centres, helping identify the innovation cluster which are emerging in the North, The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport’s Celebrate Ontario Northern application review... just to name a few. Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) From October 2003 - Present (December 17, 2015), I am pleased that the NOHFC has approved over $1 billion ($1,071,120,421.19), leveraging over $3.75 billion ($3,750,086,699.89) toward 7,082 projects in Northern Ontario. Through this 28,786 jobs have been created or retained (includes internships and co-op placements). MORE DETAILS: The NOHFC was established in 1988 with a mandate to promote and stimulate economic development initiatives in Northern Ontario by providing financial assistance to projects that stabilize, diversify and foster the economic growth and diversification of the region. The NOHFC is an agency of the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, and is governed by a Board of Directors from across the North that is appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. The Corporation provides economic development funding toward approved projects in the territorial districts of Northern Ontario, namely Algoma, Cochrane, Kenora, Manitoulin, Nipissing, Parry Sound, Rainy River, Sudbury, Thunder Bay and Timiskaming. The Growth Plan for Northern Ontario (Growth Plan) was released in March 2011. It’s the Ontario Government’s plan for building up the North. The Growth Plan is driving a globally competitive economy, supporting people and communities, renewing and expanding modern infrastructure and supporting a healthy environment. In August 2013, the NOHFC’s programs were realigned with the Growth Plan to provide investments for emerging and priority economic sectors to drive and diversify the northern economy. The NOHFC was approved for the following revised programs implemented in October 2013: Northern Business Opportunity Program, Northern Innovation Program, Northern Community Capacity Building Program, Strategic Economic Infrastructure Program, and the Northern Ontario Internship Program. NOHFC - Marque Initiatives Recognizing the value of supporting Northern Ontario’s economy the NOHFC has provided funding for initiatives that align with policy directions in the Growth Plan, in particular, the Northern Policy Institute and the Northern Ontario Multimodal Transportation Strategy. Northern Policy Institute We are making smarter decisions based on better information by investing in quality research to guide public policy development. The Northern Policy Institute (NPI, www.northernpolicy.ca), made possible by a $5 million contribution from the NOHFC, is an independent, not-for-profit organization that provides a northern perspective. Grounded in quality research it serves as a guide for public policy development and provides information to governments, municipalities, communities, First Nations, businesses and industries in Northern Ontario. Northern Ontario Multimodal Transportation Strategy We are focused on the future needs of Northern transportation in developing a ‘made in the North’ strategy for an integrated transportation system. Ontario is working with northern partners to develop a Northern Ontario Multimodal Transportation Strategy to identify policy and program and investment opportunities for a modern and sustainable transportation system in Northern Ontario. The Strategy, funded in part by a $2.2 million contribution from the NOHFC, will support economic prosperity and enhance quality of life for Northerners. To be completed in 2017, the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is leading the development of the Strategy through technical studies and engagement with stakeholders, First Nation and Métis. The technical work will provide evidence-based information to support government decision making and will include a comprehensive examination of the transportation system, the users, providers, future demand and opportunities for the next 25 years. NOHFC – Program Highlights (Fiscal 2014 – 15) Strategic Economic Infrastructure Program We’re supporting projects that help create jobs and build capacity in northern communities. The NOHFC provided $1.8 million in funding support to the Northern Ontario Farm Innovation Alliance (NOFIA). The funding assists with land clearing and tile drainage projects representing 34 producers and resulting in improvements to approximately 4,450 acres of agricultural land. NOFIA is a not-for-profit organization that promotes research, development and the commercialization of agricultural products, while creating economic opportunities for Northern Ontario’s agricultural industry. NOFIA plays a key role in the farming industry in the Timiskaming-Cochrane region. Community Capacity Building Program We’re growing our economy by supporting strategic municipal planning with our Northern Community Capacity Building program. The NOHFC provided $15,000 in funding support to Tourism Northern Ontario toward a Northern Ontario Tourism Summit that included workshops, information sessions, keynote speakers and a trade show for over 250 Northern Ontario tourism industry stakeholders. Northern Innovation Program By supporting development and commercialization of new technologies we’re contributing to future prosperity in Northern Ontario. The NOHFC invested $814,000 to support Lakehead University in the creation of a five-year Industrial Research Chair position in Green Chemicals and Processes. The project will focus on ways for the pulp and paper and mining industries to reduce their environmental impacts. Northern Business Opportunity Program We’re encouraging major business productivity and expansion, as well as global investment in northern communities with our Northern Ontario Business Opportunity Program. The NOHFC invested $4 million to help Rentech Inc. convert two idle wood product mills into facilities that manufacture wood pellets as a sustainable energy source. The facilities, located in Wawa and Atikokan, will turn Crown-owned wood materials that previously would not have been used or sold, into wood pellets to be used to produce electricity in local and international power production facilities. The two facilities have created over 60 jobs in Northern Ontario. Northern Ontario Internship Program We’re strengthening the North’s competitive advantage by attracting and retaining graduates through our internship program. Post-secondary graduates are gaining valuable work experience to prepare for future careers through internship placements funded by the NOHFC. In 2014-15, the NOHFC invested $10.7 million to help 401 recent graduates secure job placements with public and private sector organizations across Northern Ontario. Mining Supply and Services Export Assistance (MSSEA) Program In April 2010, MNDM completed a strategic analysis of Northern Ontario’s Mining Supply and Services (MSS) sector to better understand the scope, size, and challenges facing the sector. The study identified that the sector did not have a diversified client base and was therefore at risk and also found that firms of all sizes were over-reliant on a few clients. Regional MSS companies interviewed during the study noted that they did not have the capabilities required to effectively develop and implement an export strategy. As a result of the study findings, in November 2010, MNDM launched two programs, the Strategic Export Marketing Program (SEMP) and the Export Marketing Assistance (EMA) program. These programs were designed to help companies enter new markets in order to increase and diversify their revenue streams. To date, a total of 59 companies completed the SEMP training in phase one of the program and based on this success, a second phase was added in 2013. There are currently another 24 companies completing the program. MORE DETAILS: Since December 2013 the program has: Approved 83 Export Marketing Assistance (EMA) funding applications for 65 companies. Under this component the following has been achieved: o Disbursed $326,000 which has leveraged company spending of $740,000 o Companies have reported job creation estimates of 139 o Companies have reported job retention estimates of 453 o Companies have reported short-term sales of approximately $21.5M o Companies have reported long-term sales projections of approximately $91.3M The MSSEA program is a joint initiative delivered by the City of Greater Sudbury on behalf of Ontario’s North Economic Development Corporation (ONEDC). It has financial support from NOHFC, FedNor, ONEDC and the private sector companies. The program is comprised of two separate components. These components are described below: 1. Strategic ‘One-on-One’ Export Marketing Program (SEMP) Working directly with an international export development advisor, this program includes six months of customized one-on-one consultation whereby companies will develop a range of tools and strategies that will teach them how to diversify their client base outside of Northern Ontario. 2. Private Sector Export Marketing Assistance (EMA) Companies engaged in or who completed the Strategic 'One-on-One' Export Marketing Program (SEMP) can access up to $10,000 in export marketing financial assistance to assist with their international and inter-provincial marketing efforts including trade shows, outbound sales missions, display booths and website development. EMA applicants can access up to $10,000 or 50 per cent of total eligible costs This program provides timely financial assistance to help companies engage mining clients in an increasingly complex global market, expand their marketing reach outside of Northern Ontario and solidify revenue streams from a broader geographic customer base. RESULTS: Northern Ontario’s MSS Sector Takes Centre Stage at Northern Exports Forum The first-ever Northern Ontario Exports Forum held last week on Wednesday, June 17, was a resounding success. The event, organized by the Mining Supply and Services Export Assistance Program (MSSEA), brought together 110 participants from almost 50 different mining supply and services (MSS) companies for the purpose of sharing experiences and gathering market intelligence related to exporting mining equipment and services from Ontario. The forum featured nine breakout sessions, each one focused on a key export market for the MSS sector. MNDM staff from the Trade, Investment and Marketing (TIM) unit in the in the Transportation, Trade and Investment Branch and the Regional Economic Development Branch (REDB) played an important role in coordinating these sessions, and participated in the ones focused on Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, and Australia. The event also included presentations from key companies in the mining industry, including De Beers, Stantec, and Torex Gold, to name a few. The forum was a very poignant illustration of how global Northern Ontario’s MSS sector is becoming, and the role MNDM is playing in that transition. In addition to the many international trade initiatives being led by the TIM unit, the ministry also supports, through the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation, the MSSEA program. Deputy Minister David de Launay was on hand at the export forum to welcome the delegates and to honour the recent graduates of the MSSEA’s Strategic Export Marketing Program, which prepares small and medium sized Northern Ontario companies for making sales in foreign markets. Photo Caption: Deputy Minister David de Launay with Ricky Lemieux, President of Rock-Tech and Marc Leroux, Manager of Trade, Investment and Marketing Unit. The Deputy toured RockTech’s new facility (NOHFC supported) on June 17 as part of an Export Forum outing. In background is one of Rock-Tech’s products – a rock breaker. The Regional Economic Development Branch MNDMs’ Regional Economic Development Branch (REDB) works with businesses, economic development practitioners and agencies, and other levels of government to facilitate job creation in northern Ontario through its business and economic development initiatives. REDB serviced over 1,100 clients this year through its network of 45 Northern Development Advisor and Officers throughout the North. Services widely range from access to grants such as through the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC), FedNor, Trillium Foundation, Regional Economic Development (RED) Program, other funding assistance, Community Development through the Northern Community Investment Readiness (NCIR) Program, First Impression – Community Exchanges (FICE), Downtown and Waterfront Revitalization, business development assistance in a variety of applications such as export development, lean manufacturing, marketing, business, retention and expansion (BR+E) initiatives, social media integration, etc. 2015 EDCO Past President’s Report – Paul Finley I will attempt to make this Past-President’s report brief and to the point. Over the past several years as an EDCO participant and member of the Board, Executive or one of our many Committees, I have met countless kind, committed and hard-working individuals – all of whom share one common objective, that is to help make a difference in and help grow their communities. Now before you respond, “Well yah, you could say that about anybody or organization”, let me clarify matters. There are those that have the will and others that have the way, but there are far fewer that have both! Economic developers are different. In our jobs we are often expected to be everything to everyone – marketers, economists, psychologists, politicians (small P’s), part-time babysitters (of the big P’s) and we are even occasionally asked to turn water into wine! What are the rewards? Well the pay’s not bad (discounting unpaid overtime) and the working conditions are fair depending on whether you like working out of your car or sitting in an office doing last minute reports at midnight. However in the end, the real reward comes from landing a company or investor that no one else could - or even better, helping a small, local entrepreneur sell his first widget stateside. I could go on, but you know who you are and what you do even though some continue to ask that age-old question, “How many jobs did you create today?”. We have a number of people within our ranks, former EDO’s who have graduated from their positions and are now promoting companies and business opportunities abroad. Some have gone on to become CAO’s of small and not-so-small communities. Others have retired from their formal careers, but continue to work and serve the interests of community through mentoring young professionals or training / becoming elected officials. Who ever said that being an EDO is not a good training ground for bigger and better things? Much of this would not happen without an organization that promotes continuous improvement through professional training, organizational development and the sharing of best practises and approaches to both traditional and emerging growth challenges. Today, EDCO and its partners are working hard at building bridges and cooperative initiatives with other quasi-economic development organizations from EDAC and IEDC to EMC, BDC, CoC, EDC, CME, C2P3 and others. Recently renewed mandates with our national, international and education partners are resulting in increased professional recognition and new growth opportunities for our members both within the Province and abroad. We have partners in education, real estate, manufacturing, financial services, human resources and about every area of government where business, rural or tourism development exist. And it is because of you, Ontario’s 1,000-odd EDO’s and your counterparts in other Provinces that this profession, our Association and your communities continue to evolve and prosper. I would like to thank both past and present members of the Boards with whom I have served, our staff -largely of one (that’s you Heather) and most of all YOU, the members of this organization for making my time one of constant learning and growth, mixed in with a little bit of fun. As I join the ranks of preceding “PP’s”, I encourage you to continue your participation in and support of the activities of this most valuable body and to generously share your knowledge for the betterment of our communities. I wish you all well! Paul Paul Finley Past President, 2015 EDCO Past Presidents 2015 – EDCO Robert Lamb, Ec.D,CEcD Township of Tay 2014 – EDCO Paul Finley West Nipissing 2013-EDCO Jennifer Patterson, Ec.D., CEcD City of Hamilton 2012-EDCO Robert Brindley, Ec.D. Township of Springwater 2011-EDCO Kathy Weiss Region of Durham 2010-EDCO Lauren Millier Millier Dickinson Blais 2009- EDCO Aileen Murray, Ec.D. F Municipality of Chatham-Kent 2008 – EDCO Corporation Geoff Gillon, Ec.D.(F) Rainy River Future Development 2007- EDCO Patti Watson Fleming College 2005/06 - EDCO George Borovilos, Ec.D (F) Northumberland County 2004 – EDCO Norm Schleehahn, Ec.D. Hamilton 2003 – EDCO Robert Smith Richmond Hill 2002 – EDCO Stephen Chait, Ec.D. Markham 2001 – EDCO Alex McLeod, Ec.D. Peterborough 2000 – EDCO Patrick Olive, Ec.D. (F) Durham Region 1999 – EDCO Bruce Graham Toronto 1998 – EDCO D. Bruce Strapp Sault Ste. Marie 1997 – EDCO Greg Borduas, Ec.D. Bell Canada 1996 – EDCO David Cash, Ec.D. Kingston Area 1995 – EDCO Reninold Kosciuw Owen Sound 1994 – EDCO Paul Plant Woodstock 1993 – EDCO Frankie Liberty, Ec.D. (F) Diamond Triangle 1992 – EDCO David Amos, Ec.D. Brantford 1991 – EDCO Patrick, Olive, Ec.D. (F) Durham Region 1990 – OIDC Edward A. Hunt, Ec.D. Ingersoll 1989 – OIDC Michael Duffy (deceased) Halton Region 1988 – OIDC Gordon Johnston Mississauga 1987 – OIDC James S. Appleyard Toronto 1986 – OIDC Matthew Fischer Niagara Region 1985 – OIDC James C. Mepham Toronto 1984 – OIDC Douglas J. Heron, Ec.D. London 1983 – OIDC D.B. (Bruce) Murray, Ec.D. Guelph 1981/82-OIDC Kenneth W. Burke St. Catharines 1979/80-OIDC James G. Marshall Toronto 1977/78–OIDCThomas J. Flood, Ec.D. Toronto 1975/76-OIDC Robert G. Mullen Toronto 1973/74-OIDC James R. Moore Windsor 1972 – OIDC Kingston Cec Pare, Ec.D. (deceased) 1970/71-OIDC G.C.(Cliff) Walters Toronto 1969 – OIDC Peterborough R.P. (Ron) Williamson 1967/68-OIDC A.L. (Bert) Paterson Welland 1966 – OIDC Joseph a. Montgomery, Ec.D. (F) Niagara Falls 1965 – OIDC Ronald J. Cooksley Oakville 1964 – OIDC W. (Bill) Anderson Cornwall 1963 – OIDC C.A. Hudson Sudbury 1962 – OIDC J. Gordon Blair Burlington 1961 – OIDC Stephen Jones Kitchener 1960 – OIDC C.B. (Cutty) Cutten Guelph 1959 – OIDC Murray Elder Windsor 1958 – OIDC Thomas J. Flood Stratford 1957 – OIDC Victor McKenty Kitchener 1957 – OIDC William Gray (First HLM) Chatham EDCO Honouary Life Members John B. Blanchard Terrance Brady Ken Burke J.R. Delaney Archie Gilles Douglas J. Heron, B.Sc., Ec.D. Harry L. Learn James C. Mepham J.A. Montgomery, CID, Ec.D. R. H. Pryde Gladys Schmidt, Ec.D. Robert J. Wootton