GoVenture EntrepreneurTest

GoVenture Entrepreneur Review
1. How can an accountant help an entrepreneur? (go to GoVenture City Video in Accountants
2. What is bookkeeping and why is it important? (go to GoVenture City Video in Accountants
3. What is advertising? (Discovery Center, Advertising Video)
4. What are the steps in planning an advertising campaign? (Discovery Center, Advertising
5. How is effective advertising considered a two-way form of communication? (Discovery
Center, Advertising Video)
6. Why should advertising be remembered to be effective? (Discovery Center, Advertising
7. Why should advertising be varied? (Discovery Center, Advertising Video)
8. In advertising, what is “CPM”, and how is it determined? (Discovery Center, Advertising
9. What are two major advantages of advertising on TV?(Discovery Center, Advertising Video)
10. What are two major disadvantages of advertising on TV?(Discovery Center, Advertising
11. What are the advantages of radio advertising?(Discovery Center, Advertising Video)
12. What are the disadvantages of radio advertising? (Discovery Center, Advertising Video)
13. What are the advantages of newspaper advertising? (Discovery Center, Advertising Video)
14. What are the disadvantages of newspaper advertising? (Discovery Center, Advertising Video)
Business Advisors
15. What types of business and professional advisement would an entrepreneur require during
the start-up phase of a new business? (Discovery Center, Selecting Business and Professional
Advisors Video)
Business Name
16. A name is just a name, or is it? I would like to start a used car lot specializing in selling late
model luxury cars, and have chosen the name “Luxury Depot.” There is a building repair
company called “Luxurious Depot” that has a questionable reputation around town but they
have said they do not mind if I use the name “Luxury Depot.” I sell luxury cars and I think
customers will know the difference. What is your advice about the name I have chosen?
(Business Profile, Business Name)
17. I would like to start an independently owned toy store called “ToysForYou.” This would
probably be a good marketing idea because some customers might confuse my business
with the international toy store chain that goes by a similar name and, as a result, purchase
items in my store without realizing the difference. What might be the danger in this
Business Plan
18. Why are business plans considered to be important documents? (Business Profile, Business
19. Assume you are a banker advising a young entrepreneur about a business plan. Explain to
your client how you would expect the business plan to be organized, and what content you
would expect to find in each section of the plan. (Business Profile, Business Plan)
20. What are the three reasons why a business plan is important? (Business Profile, Business
Business Profile
21. I love sports but I don’t like anything mechanical. I feel there is an opportunity for starting a
new car repair shop in GoVenture City, but it will require me trying to learn a lot about cars
and spending many long hours working at my business. As m business advisor, what would
be your advice to me on this opportunity? (Business Profile, Type of Business)
Dress Code
22. What has been the traditional dress code for men and women in offices? (Discovery Center,
Dress Code in the Workplace Video)
23. What is :”business casual” and where might you find it? (Discovery Center, Dress Code in the
Workplace Video)
24. What is the latest trend in workplace attire? What is the advantage of this type of dress
code? (Discovery Center, Dress Code in the Workplace Video)
Entrepreneur Profile
25. What is an entrepreneur? (Discovery Center, Entrepreneur Video)
26. What reasons might a person have for running and taking on the risk of operating a business
or enterprise? (Discovery Center, Entrepreneur Video)
27. Many entrepreneurs starting a new business tend to work long hours. What should they set
aside time for personal activities and family matters? (Discovery Center, Entrepreneur
28. Why should an entrepreneur carefully consider personal and family commitments prior to
starting a business? (Discovery Center, Entrepreneur Video)
29. What personality traits do you consider desirable for an entrepreneur to possess?
30. What personality traits do you consider undesirable for an entrepreneur?
31. Franchise share in the retail market is increasing every year. Should I seek a franchise for my
car repair shop? Please explain the advantages of owning a franchise. (Business Profile, Type
of Business)
32. Franchise share in the retail market is increasing every year. Should I seek a franchise for my
car repair shop? Please explain the disadvantages of owning a franchise.
Health and Fitness
33. What benefits might come from leisure time well spent?
34. Why is physical fitness necessary for a healthy body?
Hiring Employees
35. What process should an entrepreneur follow to hire employees? (Discovery Center, Hiring
Employees Video)
Legal Structure
36. What are the three types of legal structure for a business? (Business Profile, Legal Structure)
37. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of ownership?
Legal Topics
38. How can lawyers help an entrepreneur? (Go Venture City Video in Lawyers Office)
39. What is intellectual property?
40. Briefly describe the five types of intellectual property.
41. Your friend wants to open a new clothing store, and carry only the best quality clothes
money can buy. She wants to have different display rooms with each one having a different
theme. A large lot would be required with a sizeable building and land for a large parking
lot. Land in the main shopping districts is expensive, and not within her budget. Your friend
has found a huge parcel of land that is reasonable and affordable but the problem is that it is
located in the factory district. Please advise your friend on why you think this is or is not a
sound decision. (Business Profile, Location)
42. A friend needs to review proposed logos for their business. How would you explain a “logo”
and a “wordmark” to them?
43. What are the qualities of an entrepreneur should look for when selecting a logo for their
Personal Profile
44. What activities would you consider to be of a personal nature?
45. Whenever a person sets up a business they have hopes for what they expect to achieve in
the future: tangible and intangible rewards. What is an “intangible reward”? Please provide
five examples.
Seed Money
46. What is seed money, and do you think it is an appropriate term?
47. Define the terms, “Love Money” and “Inheritance”, and explain how they differ.
48. As a financial advisor, please advise a client on the difference between debt financing and
equity financing.
Site and Equipment
49. A client of yours wants to set up a nice restaurant in the entertainment district, and is
considering a well known but expensive franchise. Customers would recognize the name
immediately. Your client is looking at a particular site, with an abundance of character, but
not large in square footage. The kitchen facilities contain excellent equipment, but its
capacity is limited. Should your client continue with these plans/ Why or why not? Are
there any modifications you might suggest if they decide that this is the ideal location for the