CETS Setting Goals Plan

CETS Setting Goals/Planning
Teaching Focus:
1. To introduce CETS consultants to the basics of “Setting Goals and Planning”
2. To encourage CETS consultants to explore and share ideas about short and long-term goals
for their students and for themselves.
1. Setting Goals/Planning PowerPoint
5 minutes – Intro
1. Greeting and Announcements
2. The importance of setting goals: Demystifying the writing process (slide 1), Instilling a
sense of empowerment (slide 2), Making a commitment to success (slide 3)
3. The difficulty of setting goals for students: Understanding your student, Addressing the
unique needs of each student (slide 4)
4. The basics of Setting Goals and Planning
10 minutes (total: 15) – The Characteristics of Effective Goals
5. Ask CETS consultants to spend 5 minutes in small groups discussing the most important
characteristics of short and long term goals. (slide 5)
6. Generate a list of “The Characteristics of Effective Goals” from the suggestions of CETS
consultants. Add the following characteristics if any of them are missing from the list:
Realistic, Clearly Stated, Measurable, Flexible, Not Subject To/Dependent On Outside
Influences, Personally Relevant
7. Ask CETS consultants to debate and critique the merits of the characteristics on the list.
15 minutes (total: 30) – Short and Long Term Goals for students
8. Our students: Ask CETS consultants to think about “The Characteristics of Effective
Goals” in relation to the very specific needs of Yonsei University students (slide 6)
9. Ask CETS consultants to spend 10 minutes in small groups discussing what they
consider to be appropriate short and long term goals for a number of different “types” of
students. Ask them to share goals they have set for/with actual students. (slide 7)
10. Ask the consultants to share their experiences with other groups.
15 minutes (total: 45) – Managing the Tutoring Session
11. Theory Vs. Practice: Working within the limitations of the standard CETS tutoring
session. (slide 8)
12. Ask CETS consultants share their feelings and experiences or attempting to address short
and long-term goals for students within circumstances that are often less than ideal. Ask
them to generate possible solutions to the challenge of helping students clarify goals
within a single tutoring session. (slide 9)
15 minutes (total: 60) – What’s Good for the Goose . . .
13. Ask CETS consultants to share and record their short and long-term goals as tutors. (slide
14. Ask CETS consultants to spend some time in their groups defining and short and long
term goals for the tutoring service as a whole. (slide 11)