Bridges to College Coaching Small Group Modules, General Studies, Cohort 14 July 22, 2014– December 17, 2014 WEEK TOPICS CORE SKILLS Last Revision 08/11/2014 Week 1 07/28 – 07 31 Organization, Scheduling, Computer, Research, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Soft Skills 10 minute Ice Breaker Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Do Attendance Scheduling Confirm e-mail and phone #, distribute business card Computer Discuss e-mail and phone and office appointments’ etiquette Soft Skills Pass out and review: Coaching Syllabus, Calendar of Events, Student Release, Organization CJP Photo Release, Photo Release - if did not sign during orientation Introduce College Tours, Cultural Sharing, ASA Presentation, Teachers’ Loan Introduction, IDA, Job Search Presentation, Scholarship Assistance, Jerry Rubin’s Visit, Semester Planning, Start Smart, and Graduation Students “like” JVS Bridges to College on Face book on computer during class Distribute first organizer folder (1st folder “Administrative” bring to coaching class every week) 1. Remind Conversation Group begins Wednesday, 08/20 or Wednesday, 08/27 (tentative – if finds tutor), 2:30 – 3:30, Room #??? TBD 2. Discuss why executive staff and funders will be visiting academic classrooms during program Week 2 08/4 08-7 What is BTC coaching? Discussion: Ask students - What is the value of coaching? How can it help them reach their goals? Inform H.S. Diploma translations, CED, and CLEP (selective service, parents’ documented income for dependents, immunizations, and confirm ss# correct/no changes/problems) Review students’ intended career and three reasons they have selected this Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Scheduling Soft Skills 1 career path Make individual appointments during the career planning exercise (Remind students to bring remaining documents to coaching class and/or during individual appointments) Review missing documents to apply to college in client folders 1. Discuss Healthcare (Allied Health, Medical Imaging/Nursing) Information Sessions 2. Reminder to utilize BHCC Language & Math Lab for extra tutoring services: Room #E174 for Tutoring & Academic Support in English; Room #226 the Language Lab for English; Room E142 the Writing Place; Room #103, the Math Space Room in “M” Building 3. Remind ASA Presentation and Ben’s and Korynn’s Loan Presentation, Tuesday, 08/12 (ASA 11 – 12) Week 3 08/11 08/14 Introduce Financial Aid: (Debrief ASA visit) F.A. necessary documentation to apply for F.A., inform IRS tax retrieval tool process, steps & preparation necessary to satisfy verification form requirements and to ensure financial aid awarded, i.e. selective service, parents’ documented income for dependents, immunizations, filing taxes early, etc.) Introduce Scholarships Discuss Loans Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Organization Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Organization 1. Inform Transfer Advisor Drop In Workshops Offered 2. Remind IDA Presentation, Wednesday, 08/20 3. Remind math group tutoring begins Monday, 08/18, 12:30 – 2:00, Room 302 Week 4 08/18 – 08/21 Continue Financial Aid: F.A. necessary documentation to apply for F.A., inform IRS tax retrieval tool process, steps & preparation necessary to satisfy verification form requirements and to ensure financial aid awarded, i.e. 2 Week 5 08/25 – 08/28 selective service, parents’ documented income for dependents, immunizations, filing taxes early, etc.) Introduce Scholarships Discuss Loans Prepare individualized questions for ASA financial aid presentation 1. Remind Friday, 09/05 collect financial aid confirmation & CED from students a. When students go to ASA, apply for college application fee waiver 4. Remind Sharon and Brian at ASA the week of Sept 1std! Inform coaches will be available to go to ASA with students: a. Brian: Tuesday 09/02, from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. b. Sharon: Thursday 09/04, from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. c. Cindy: Wednesday, 08/27, from 1:30 – 4:00 p.m. and Wednesday, 09/03, from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. 5. Remind students an intern will be available mid-late September to assist with researching, identifying, and applying for scholarships; prepare for IDA 6. Remind applying to college week of 09/08 to adjust schedules and plan ahead for submission of documents, on Thursday, 09/11 and Friday, 09/12, 12:30 – 2:00 7. Advanced math tutoring begins on Monday, Aug 25, in Room 301, 10 – 11:30, then will be every Wednesday, in Room 329, 10 – 11:30 beginning Sept 3 O Net On-line and MASSCIS Career Exploration Review career plan including required skills, courses, program length and labor market trends for chosen career on O Net, My Next Move, and MASSCIS Identify & print career matches Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Research Computer Critical Thinking/Problem Solving 1. Remind JVS closed, Monday, Sept 1st, Labor Day 2. Remind again Friday, 09/05 collect financial aid confirmation & CED from students Week 6 Continue O Net On-line and MASSCIS Career Exploration 3 09/01 – 09/04 Review career plan including required skills, courses, program length and labor market trends for chosen career on O Net, My Next Move and MASSCIS Research Computer Skills Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Computer Skills Organization Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Research Soft Skills Organization Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Computer Skills Research 1. Remind mandatory English tutoring begins Monday, 09/08, 12:30 –2:00 p.m., Room # 513 2. STUDENTS NEED TO FILL OUT WITHDRAWAL FORM IF DROP FOR 095/LCS Week 7 09/08 – 09/11 Apply to College (Deliver documents to Gretchen Lahey at BHCC with or without students during coaching class) Invite Allison Nonko to assist students with on-line college applications Week 8 09/15 – 09/18 Students begin presenting careers with supporting details to the group Invite and introduce scholarship intern and distribute flyer 1. Remind JVS closed Thursday, 09/25, Rosh Hashanah Week 9 09/22 – 09/25 Begin Developing Academic Program Plan A (Brian’s Worksheet) (If appropriate for class level first do group exercise breaking down sample academic program of study (i.e. history and government concentration) to determine pre-requisites, satisfying general education requirements, credits, co/sequential courses, electives, realistic time line for completion of certificate/degree, course descriptions, semester planning, etc.) 1. Part 1: Discuss suggestions students would recommend BTC conduct outreach 4 Week 10 09/29– 10/02 Week 11 10/06 – 10-09 Continue Developing Academic Program Plan A (Brian’s Worksheet) Begin to Develop Academic Program Plan B – Brian’s Worksheet (plan to review during individual meetings with students) Invite Barbara Fern to review IDA program in coaching classes week of 09/29 1. DID ALL STUDENTS RECEIVE ACCEPTANCE LETTER? IF NOT, COACHES SCHEDULE TO VISIT BHCC WITH STUDENTS 2. Reminder to utilize BHCC Language & Math Lab for extra tutoring services: Room #E174 for Tutoring & Academic Support in English; Room #226 the Language Lab for English; Room E142 the Writing Place; Room #103the Math Space Room in “M” Building Halfway through the program Introduce College Awareness `BHCC Table of Contents: Academic Calendar, Academic Advisors, Academic Transfer Advisors, Articulation Agreements, Grading and Notation System, etc. (Sharon’s document) Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Computer Skills Organization Research Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Organization Research Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Organization 1. Part 2: Distribute recruitment flyer to students and discuss sharing with friends, community and workplace. Discuss incentives ($100.00 to person with most referrals) and follow up with an e-mail attaching outreach flyer 2. Remind JVS closed Monday, October 13, Columbus Day 3. Remind BHCC tour with Zeida Wednesday, 10/15 and Thursday, 10/16 4. Distribute BHCC tour flyer Coaches acknowledge & congratulate students ½ way through the program achievement! Week 12 10/13– 10/16 Continue College Awareness `BHCC Table of Contents: Academic Calendar, Academic Advisors, Academic Transfer Advisors, Articulation Agreements, Grading and Notation System, etc. (Sharon’s document) 5 Introduce team worksheet exercises for Student Support Services Week 13 10/20 – 10/23 Scavenger Hunt (include BHCC tour) and Navigating your College Website (using classroom activity worksheet) Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Soft Skills Organization Research Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Computer Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Organization Scheduling Computer 1. Distribute Cultural Sharing flyer and discuss for Tuesday, 11/11 Week 14 10/27 – 10/30 Week 15 11/03 – 11/06 Promoting Self-Advocacy in College Environment Students role play scenarios for self advocacy in a college environment 1. Remind Jerry speaking during academic classes, on Wednesday, 11/05 2. Review potential questions to ask Jerry Rubin Semester Planning for Program of Study Begin semester planning worksheet and refer to on-line course schedule 1. Remind Cultural Sharing again, for Tuesday, 11/11 Week 16 11/10 – 11/13 Semester Planning for Program of Study Begin semester planning worksheet and introduce students to on-line course schedule for practice session 1. Remind Semester Planning with Zeida on Wednesday, 11/19 2. Inform students names of guests attending Graduation due Monday, 12/01 Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Organization Scheduling Computer Week 17 11/17 – 11/20 Conduct a Networking/Workforce Development Computer Research Project using Social Media and Internet Websites for informational interviews, to conduct job search & job interviews, and to locate internships and volunteer opportunities (Face book, Linked In, Professional Associations, Meet up, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Soft Skills Computer 6 Volunteer & Internship websites, Twitter, Yellow/White Pages) Invite Ellen for job search assistance presentation week of 11/17 Research Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Soft Skills Computer Research Scheduling Organization Computer 1. Remind JVS closed Thursday, 11/27, Thanksgiving Week 18 11/24 – 11/27 Continue Networking/Workforce Development Computer Research Project (using Brian’s classroom activity worksheet) Introduce The Work Place and review packet with orientation membership information and calendar of events Review Resume Template for College Students 1. Remind Start Smart, Monday, 12/15, 10:00 – 2:00 p.m., plan ahead and schedule in advance 2. Remind students’ names of guests for Graduation due Monday, 12/01 3. Remind post CPT, Monday, 12/08 & Tuesday, 12/09 Week 19 12/01 – 12/04 Last Coaching Class Debrief, Questions and Concerns Preparing for College Prepare for Start Smart (sign up on BHCC portal, confirm student i.d.’s & program of study for David Dow) Invite Allison to introduce herself and her role, distributes business cards 1. Make Individual appointments for 12/10, 12/11, 12/12 to finalize academic plan. 2. Remind last day of classes is Thursday, 12/04 3. Remind last week of coaching class is week of 12/01 4. Priority – Students should enroll in at least ONE college level class! 5. Inform CPT week of December 8th, Monday 12/08, Tuesday 12/09, no coaching classes for Math and RDG? 6. BHCC Start Smart, on Monday, 12/15 – (plan ahead & schedule in advance. 7. Three – Four hours at BHCC for Start Smart, bring Government issued ID and list of potential courses and note pad and pen! 8. Remind Graduation on Thursday, 12/18 (plan ahead & schedule in advance- 7 graduation at 1:00 – 3:00 pm. Family welcome. Week 20 12/08 – 12/12 No Coaching Class Only Individual Meetings Post CPT and CPT/Writing Test Identify individual CPT scores needed for programs of study, meet with students one on one, confirm signed up on BHCC portal and identify classes (including back- up plan) for spring semester. Remind students to bring the following to Start Smart: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Organization Scheduling Soft Skills 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Government Issued i.d. CPT Scores with Student i.d. written on CPT scores Evaluated College Transcripts Program of Study & list of potential classes for registration Financial Aid Award Letter, Acceptance Letter If applicable, Cash, Money Order, Credit Card, and/or open up Automatic Payment Plan, Settle Loan Application 7. Bring filled out Immunization Form 8. Go to the Library for Student I.D. Card after registering for classes 8