

Retail Management Two mark question :-

Unit I)

1) Difference between retail & retailing?

2) Who act as a connecting link between the manufacturer, wholesaler and consumer?

3) How the importance of retailing can be understood?

4) What are the consumer’s perspectives against retailing?

5) Describe two points for the wholesaler perspective against retailing?

6) Mention some important process involve in global retailing?

7) What are three modes which pushed the food retailer in the globalization level?

8) What are steps undertaken to decide the mission in retail business?

9) Why the old traditional formats are changing in to more complex and new formats in India?

10) To influence the retail organization micro and macro environment play on which elements?

11) Some of the key issues facing by the Indian retailers?

12) What are the barriers in FDI for retail industry?

13) What are the certain factors where the growth of retail industry is affected?

14) Explain some hurdles in the retail sector?

15) What is retail franchising?

16) Mention some of the Indian retail classification?

Unit II)

17) To interact with customers what retail format refers to? Place, physical & virtual.

18) What is the origin track of retail format? Through barter system.

19) Difference between organized and unorganized format?

20) What is meant by independent retailer? Who owns & operates from one outlet.

21) Describe with some reasons to the number of independent retail stores are high? Lack of regulations,low capital requirement,lack of other employment opportunities, employable skill.

22) Pl. share some advantages and disadvantages towards chain stores?

23) What are the benefits an entrepreneur gets who decide to buy a franchise? National advertising,areas of administration,inventory needs at discount prices, time or money to research or development purpose

24) What is meant by chains? 2 or more outlets under a common ownership and name is called retail chain.

25) To enhance the market share what tools is required to reach the variety of consumer?

Adversity in variety of media in a wide geographical area

26) What do you mean by franchising? Expansion in retailing. Agreement between franchiser and franchisee to conduct a business under an established name

27) What are the two types of franchising? Product franchising and business format franchising.

28) In product franchising the franchisee sells the product to whom and under what name?

Franchiser and under the franchiser name

29) In business format franchising what you want to keep most importantly between franchisor and franchisee? Interactive relationship

30) Mention in one sentence three benefits in the area of business operation for franchising?

National advertising campaign, area of administration and general operation,fill inventory needs.

31) In classifying the store base to cater mass market what type of retailers under traditional product retailers?Supermkts,discount stores,hypermkts and off price retailers

32) In the leased department the store provides the opportunity to whom and what way? To the retailer and to serve the customer.

33) The leased department from the store perspective in what it will get benefitted? Percentage of sales reduces the expences, personnel/merchandize/reordering management by lessees.

34) Which format safeguards the interest of consumers from the malpractices of retailers in terms of higher prices, inconsistent quality? Consumer co-operatives

35) “Apna Bazar”,” Sahakari Bandar” etc. are the formats of which type of retail? Consumer Cooperatives

36) Due to which policy the organized retail format has grown by 25% p.a? FDI and entry of large corporate format

37) What is the greatest advantage is having by kirana store over organized format? Proximity to its customers

38) What is meant by convenience stores in the food retail operation format? Target at customers who want to make quick purchases without having search through large stores or wait in a long check out-line.

39) Reliance fresh and food world is the classic example of which format? Supermarket

40) Which format ideally stocks 60% food items and 40 % non-food items? Hypermarket

41) Which stores are very large with usually multi tiered and stock vast range of products in separate departments? Departmental store

42) What is the concept states that the retailers starts with low margin,low price,low status operation and then later evolve with high price eventually becoming conventional retailer?

Wheel of retailing concept.

Unit III)

43) To decide the location by investigating the trade area analysis what the basic factors is to be considered? Geographical area,demographic and socio economic characteristics

44) What do you mean by parasite store? It does not have the trading area of its own and depend on people who are down to the location for other reasons.

45) What are the factors involved to evaluate the trading area? Populated size, Availability of labour, sources of supply, promotion facilities, competition.

46) To identify the desirable location how do you define the isolated store outlet? Free standing retail on a highway or a street.

47) What are factors to be considered to identify the desirable location? extent of competition, parking facilities, nearness to other retail organization.

48) How do you define unplanned business district? Two or more stores situated together as a mix of stores not refer to long range planning.

49) How do you define neighbourhood business district? Unplanned shopping area that appeals to the convenience shopping and service needs of a single residential area.

50) If a retailer decides on a isolated store in an unplanned business area what are the shopping style he can decide?Central business district, Secondary business district ,neighbour business district.

51) What do you mean by balance tendency in the planned shopping centre? To complement each other as to the quality and variety of products.

52) To choose the last option of general location what are the other process retailer has to go for? If the specific kind of store and then the placement of that particular store narrows down retailer has to choose the last option.

53) According to the retailer which area is utmost preferred to locate the supermarket or food and grocery retail? Near the residential area

54) Why might be the reason if the high end fashion design is not successful next door to a discount variety store? Becos the nearby business should be compatible with other store.

55) What base the selection of location/site should be considered for their relative importance?

Weighing the attributes after considering the evaluation of positive and negative attributes from the location.

56) Retailers are offered to present in terms of what to occupy the position of store image?

Ambience, price, product choice, value added services.

57) What is way of successful positioning according to the retailer? Understanding the target market and the characteristics of competitor’s offerings.

58) What is the information should be gathered by positioning retail map to avail the shopper’s satisfaction? Market analysis,competitor analysis,internal analysis,consumer perception

59) What are the methods of positioning that retail store can choose it successfully? Based on attributes, based on type of product or service, Price or quality, class of consumers

60) What are the retail images which involve complex and multistep process? Creating and communicating retail images

61) To uplift the retail image what are the target market decision should be considered?

Customer needs, demographic features,attitude,purchase decision making process.

62) By giving example how you will design the strategies to firm the position? For upscale retail like spensers visiting target of customers is different from other class of customers like speciality discount stores of subhiksha.

63) What are the ways to impress the store image by providing specific factors?

Amenities,assortment,merchandize quality,support services ,value perception

64) List some points to contribute the elements for making the store image considering exterior and interior format. Exterior---Store front, Marquee,entrances, display windows,hieight of the building,congestion. Interior-----Flooring,color and lighting,fragrances and sounds,width of aisles,escalators, prices.

65) How does the retailer evaluate the quality of retail service? Comparing facilities perception with receive on expectation for customer.

66) What are the five service characteristics to evaluate the service quality?


67) What are the categories can be divided into customer expectation? Basic,expected,desired and unanticipated

68) What are following aspects should be considered to mapping the process for service quality?

Dependability,Responsiveness,authority,Tangible evidence

69) What is the difference on service known as between the customer expectation and perception? Service Gap model

70) What is the important link for the retailer so that to connect customer with the vendor who provide the merchandize? Supply chain management

71) How the retailer can improve the performance through effective supply chain management?

Since the inventory is low the total asset is also low and inventory turnover is high.

72) What is the benefit for retailer when the information is stored in the data warehouse?

Accessed by buyer,vendors,distribution centres, can be assessed by merchandize level, accessed can be time basis,360 degree of perspective situation

73) What will be one benefit the retailer gets through electronic data interchange?he can get vendor advance delivery notification.

74) How the retailer benefit by improving the inventory management through systems? Faster turnover,better profitability,faster changing customer preferences,Assortment of goods and services.

75) What are the different types of retail evolution theories? Wheel of retailing, Accordian theory,Dialectic process,natural selection

76) What do you mean by grocers in the retail management? Major business in grains,provisions,spices,edible oils.

77) In retailing concept how do the customer service approach can be referred? Create a conducive environment,listen to your customers,Direct mail,long term relationship marketing,rewards for regular customers

78) How do you term durable and non-durable goods?Durable----furniture,electrical applicancesFurniture, Electrical Appliances,Hardware, Timber, Jewelry,Automotive and

Spare Parts. Non Durable---Apparel – Cloth, Garments, Food Group – Green Grocers,

Packaged Foods, General Merchandise, Eating Places, Petrol Stations, Chemists, Stationery

79) How the retailers do marketing decision considering the price? Through target market,product mix and competition.

80) Mention some logistic goals for the retailers to maintain the SCM?Economically,place and receive the order,minimize the time,coordinate the shipments,arrange merchandize,process customer orders.

81) Why the retailers use Quick response delivery system? To reduce lead time,increase product availability,reduce logistic experience

Unit IV)

82) What is the process of merchandise management?

the right product is bought at the right prices and is available in the right place, at right time in the right amount so as to satisfy the needs of the target market.


What is integral part of merchandise planning to make the decision of quantum purchase? Sales forecasting


As a retailer what cycle should be considered to predict the product categories?

Category life cycle


What do you call when the sales generates for a relatively short period of time in the merchandise category? Fad category

86) To determine the variety and assortment what are the following factors is to be considered as a retailer? Profitability of the merchandise mix,corporate stratergy,physical stratergy of the store,expectation of the target market.

87) What do you mean by staple merchandize?

Stable merchandise system is followed in case of merchandise whose demand pattern can be identified ie the order- receiptorder cycle is predictable.


What do you mean by fashion merchandize? Fashion merchandise has a high demand for a relatively short period of time.

89) As a retailer what are the aspects is to be considered in dealing with the inventory management? Retailer task, inventory level, merchandise security, reverse logistics and inventory analysis.

90) While building brand equity what are the aspects is to be considered by the retailer?create brand hierarchy,enhance manufacture brand ,providing value addition,create multichannel shopping experience,avoid overbranding.

91) To enhance the retail promotion what is done by the retailer which persuades or reminds the target market? Communication

92) With promotion stratergy what will be the retailer gain in short term and long term objective?

it is used to create and maintain a strong, differentiated image of the retailer

and its store brands which in turn develops the customer loyalty and creates a strategic

advantage. The short term objective may be to increase the sales during a specific

period of time.

93) What are the steps involved in developing and implementing a retail promotion programme?

Determining the promotional objectives, establishing the overall promotional budget, selecting the promotional mix, implementing the promotional mix and reviewing and revising the promotional plan.

94) What are the objectives of promotion for retailer? Provide information to the consumer, change attitude, Stimulate desires

95) What type of communication is advertising? Paid and non-personal communication

96) What are the objectives should be performed by a retailer to do advertising? Creating awareness among the customers, educating the customers, increasing the short-term sales, developing the retail image, enhancing the demand.

97) What are the principles of retail advertising? Benefits to the customers,consistency,new effect, it should be different,interesting

98) What are the types of retail advertising? Media,newspaper,magazines,yellow pages,radio,television,transit

99) What are the types of sales promotion for the retailer?POP,Trading stamps,contests and sweepstakes,coupons,free samples and offers,price promotions.

100) What are the types of public relation strategy for the retailer? services to society, donation to charity, provided news covered of new branches.

101) What are the elements of retail promotion mix where the retailers can communicate? Advertising, sales promotion, public relation, personal selling, WOM

102) In retail management information system what are the reports should be considered? exception, interactive or an adhoc report.

103) What do you mean by exception, interactive or an adhoc report?.Exception-

Highlight the item and require immediate action, Interactive-enable the query information needed,Adhoc report-used to get information specific to a particular situation.

104) What are the benefits of consumer’s perspective for on-line retailing? Broad selection, convenience for comparison and price of various brands, economically personalize the consumer.

105) What are benefits of retailer’s perspective for on-line retailing? To project their presence, increase the sales volume, enhances the geographical area, they are not constrained by space utilization, tracking the shoppers and contacting them is easier.

Unit V)

106) To understand the shopper behaviour what are things to understand by the retailer?customer characteristics,needs and attitudes,personality,lifestyle and the like.

107) To influence the retail shopping behaviour what are the purchase process in a store follows ? see-touch-sense-select

108) What do you mean by blinkered mode,magpie mode,browser mode according to coonly and firth to the shopping behaviour? Blinkered mode- don’t spend much time on product or interest in logical label reading,Magpie mode-The shoppers spent time in looking

at the display of different brands.,Browser mode-The shoppers read the information on the package, compare the prices, ingredients and seek more information about product attributes

109) Name some list of common situation which may lead to complaints?

Lack of adequate parking facility, Dissatisfaction at the variety of merchandise offered, Low quality of merchandise, Unfair or too much price, Out of stock situations, Too much of crowd during peak time

110) For dissatisfying consumer what are the four categories based on their response to failures? Passive-group of customer who are likely to take any action, Voicers- actively complain , less likely to spread word of mouth or go to third parties or switch partornage,

Irates -are more likely to engage in negative word of mouth communication, Activists- are characterized by above average propensity to complain in all dimensions.

111) Mention some perception of value differs from one shopper to another? Need for the product requirement, Availability of time, Past experience with the retailers,

Competitors offerings, Personal, social, psychological and cultural factors andRisk associated with switching over to a new retail store

112) What are the ways of retailer improving inventory management through systems?Faster turnover,better profitability,fast changing consumer preferences for assortment of goods and services, better customer care.

113) What do you mean by cylical theory?

at some time in future


Begin with one state and return to that state

What do you mean by evolution theory?

Changes similar to biological evolution

115) What is the retailer concept for the customer service approach?

Create a conducive environment, Listen to your Customers, Direct mail, Relationship Marketing –

Long Term, Rewards for Regular Customers

116) Give some example of vertical retail concept?

Sale of Non-food items like newspapers, magazines with snacks, beverages

117) What are the retailers marketing decision?Target market,product differentiation stratergy,services,prices,promotion and location

118) Successful retailer should aim to satisfy both the functional and psychological needs.

What do you refer to that?

Functional needs are referred to as rational needs while the psychological needs are called as emotional


119) What do you mean by cross-shopping? The pattern of buying both premium and low-priced merchandize.
