MIS Esay Exams Two

Chapter 4
1. What is the difference between an image editor and an illustration
An image editor is a program used to modify or edit bitmap (raster)
image files which use thousands of dots to represent an image.
While an illustrator program is used to modify or edit vector images
which use geometric shapes or objects to represent images.
2.Discuss Video and Audio software and how can they be used in
professional production.
In professional production video editing software can be used to
enhance digital video footage, reorganize footage and add effects while
audio editing software can be used to create and edit audio clips and can
add audio effects like filters to tracks.
3. What are web authoring programs? Please elaborate.
Web authoring programs are used to create sophisticated commercial
websites without the knowledge of HTML.
4. What are the four steps to create an interactivity multimedia
1) Plan and analyze: determine the objective of the project
2) Design: create a storyboard for the project
A Storyboard is a design tool used to record the intended overall logic,
flow, and structure of a multimedia presentation
3) Create: use an authoring tool to create interactive multimedia
4) Support: evaluate effectiveness, identify errors, and revise the project
as needed
5. What is Artificial Intelligence? What main types are there? What are
they used for?
Artificial intelligence is a field in computer science that attempts to
develop computers that can mimic or simulate human senses, thought
processes and actions.
The three main types are:
1) Virtual Reality: is used to navigate a virtual world.
2) Knowledge based (expert) systems: are used to provide assistance to
users through the use of a database that contains facts, rules to relate
these facts, and user input to formulate recommendations and
3) Robotics: which is the study of robots and is used in factories,
manufacturing, home security, the military, and many other fields of
human endeavor and there are three types:
1) Perception System Robots: imitate some of the human senses
2) Industrial Robots: perform tasks in factories, etc.
3) Mobile Robots: can move about and perform tasks
6. Think of a profession and discuss how concepts of this Chapter can
help in this profession.
Desktop publishers use computers to format and create publicationready material using specialized software to design page layouts, import
text and manipulate graphics.
Chapter 5
7. What is an operating system? Discuss operation system functions
and features.
An operating system is a collection of programs that handle many of the
technical details related to using a computer.
Some functions include:
1) Managing resources: This coordinates all the computers resources
including memory, processing, storage and devices.
2) Providing user interface: this provides users with a graphical with
graphical elements such as icons and windows.
3) Running applications: operating systems let you load and run
application and most operating systems supports multitasking which is
the ability to switch between programs stored in the memory.
Features include:
1) Icons: graphic representations for a program or function.
2) Dialog Boxes: provides information or request input.
3) Menus: provides a list of options or commands.
8. Explain the differences and similarities between Windows, Mac OS,
and Linux?
9. Discuss utilities. What are the five most essential utilities? What is a
utility suite?
Utilities are special programs used to making computing easier
The five most essential utilities are:
1) Troubleshooting or diagnostic programs
2) Antivirus programs
3) Uninstall programs
4) Backup programs
5) File compression programs
A utility suite is a group of several utility programs bundled for sale
and the main advantage is the price
10. What is a device driver? Explain its role.
Device drivers: are programs that work with the operating system to
allow communication between device(s) and the rest of the physical
11. Describe system software. What are the four types of system
System software is not a single program but is a collection of programs
that handles hundreds of technical details
The four types of system software are:
1) Operating system
2) Utilities
3) Device drivers
4) Language translators
12. What are the three basic operating system categories? Give
Examples on each category.
1) embedded operating systems; like hand-held
2) Network operating systems; like linked computers
3) Stand-alone operating systems; like desktop
Chapter 12
13. What are the two different views of data, and who should be
concerned with each?
1) Physical view: actual format and location
Specialized computer professionals are concerned with the physical view
2) Logical view: focuses on the meaning and content of the data
End users and most computer professionals are concerned with this
14. What are the six Components of Data? Explain an example of each.
15. Discuss four main advantages of using databases.
1) Sharing – in organizations, information in one department can readily
be shared with others
2) Security – Users are given passwords or access only to the kind of
information they need
3) Less data redundancy – decrease of unnecessary duplication of data
(or data redundancy) when several departments use the same database
of information
4)Increased data integrity - Reduced likelihood of inconsistent,
incomplete, or inaccurate data – data lacking integrity
16. Using examples, explain the differences between Hierarchical;
Network; and Relational databases.
17. Explain the different types of Databases in terms of functionalities.
1) Individual: Integrated file collection for one person usually under the
person’s direct control
2) Company or shared: May be stored on a mainframe and managed by
a database administrator and Provides access to users throughout a
company and there are two types:
1) Common operational database: contains details about the
operations of a company and data that describes the day-to-day
operations of the organization
2) Common user database: contains selected information both from
the common operational database and from outside private
3) Distributed: Database is located in a place or places other than where
users are located. Typically database servers on a client/server network
provide the link between users and the distant data
4) Proprietary: Generally an enormous database developed by an
organization to cover particular subjects and access is offered to the
public or selected outside individuals for a fee
5) Web: Web databases incorporate special interface programs that
create input forms, accept input, and send the data to the Web database