
If You Think Training Is Expensive
Try Ignorance
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Revision #38 1/2/2002
C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Why do we have the
Some Fundamentals
Test-70% min passing
closed book test
No Exceptionswaiting period min 3
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Let’s Get Started
It just won’t work without class
participation-we facilitate
Speak up, voice your opinion, ask your
We’re all going to be working together in
the future, lets loosen up and get started!
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Fundamental Rules of
1. The FAA specifies that only CASE sustaining
member airlines may use the Register to satisfy
the requirement to perform an on-site audit in
accordance with FAR’s and Continuing Analysis
and Surveillance. [FAR 121.373, 135.431]
The FAA regards any contract maintenance as
an extension of the Air Carrier’s maintenance
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Fundamental Rules of
2. Auditing is a function of management.
The audit will review a facility for
regulatory compliance based on sampling
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Fundamentals Continued
3. The persons performing the audits must be
qualified to accomplish the task. It is not
necessary that the person be totally
qualified in every area audited.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Fundamentals Continued
4. Audits must be performed against defined
standards. Audits should also ensure that
the organization stays in compliance as
standards are changed.
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Fundamentals Continued
5. Any conclusions drawn from an audit
must be based on FACT. The professional
auditor removes any opinions from
findings during the audit process.
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What do we audit
1. Policies and Procedures
Policy- A defined set of rules.
Procedures-The method of
accomplishing defined tasks.
2. Quality Systems
Work Processes
3. Facilities
Tooling and Equipment
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Program
Technical Data Program
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equipment
Calibration Program
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Control
Tech Data Control
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equip
Calibration Program
Housing and Facilities
Safety, Security, and
Fire Protection
Work Processing
Scraped Parts
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Control
Tech Data Control
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equip
Calibration Program
Housing and Facilities
Work Processing
Scrapped Parts
Revision #38 1/2/2002
A This standard is intended to be a
supplement to applicable FARs. It is
not meant to be a restatement or
replacement for the FARs.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
General Cont’d
B This standard, in conjunction with applicable
FARs, describes the minimum requirements for a
component repair/overhaul vendor's quality
program. It is designed to aid surveillance of a
vendor who performs maintenance, preventive
maintenance or alteration on aircraft, engines,
propellers, or component parts thereof. This
standard may be used to determine the adequacy
of the vendor's quality program [CASE].
Revision #38 1/2/2002
General Cont’d
C Compliance with this standard does not
necessarily accept a vendor for entry into
the CASE Register. Vendors that are
accepted for listing in the CASE register
must continue to meet the requirements of
this standard. Vendors listed in the CASE
register may not advertise their CASE status
or use the CASE logo. Refer to
Revision #38 1/2/2002
 Turn to the appropriate appendix in your
P&P for a sample of this form.
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General Cont’d
D. Vendors are subject to a technical audit at any
time during normal working hours. The audit
may be conducted by the customer or by another
CASE member. The audit may encompass the
entire technical portion of the vendor's operation
or any part thereof.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
General Cont’d
D cont’d
Normally, the auditor will notify the vendor
and arrange the audit so as to cause minimal
interference with the vendor's operation.
However, should circumstances dictate, the
auditor may arrive unannounced. [CASE]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
General Cont’d
E In addition to complying with this
standard, all activities shall be
accomplished in accordance with applicable
portions of Federal Aviation Regulations
Parts 43, 145, 121 Subpart L, 135 Subpart J,
and regulations referenced therein. [145.2,
145.53 145.57]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
General Cont’d
F The Original Equipment Manufacturer
(OEM) may modify or rebuild parts
manufactured under the manufacturer's
authorization (PMA, PC, TSO, etc.), but
must have a repair station certificate or be a
Manufacturers Maintenance Facility (MMF)
to overhaul or repair a part it manufactures.
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General Cont’d
F cont,d
An MMF must meet all the requirements
of the 1A standard (regardless of the
exemptions in FAR 145) in order to be
considered for update or addition to the
CASE register. [145.1, 43.2, 43.3]
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General Cont’d
G An acceptable audit result does not relieve
the vendor of its responsibility to provide
an acceptable product. [CASE]
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General Cont’d
H All CASE listed vendors shall maintain for a
period of three years, audit findings and corrective
actions resulting from a 1A Standard Audit. This
file shall be accessible to any CASE authorized
auditor on request. [CASE]
Review the file for repeat findings, proper
corrective action, and implementation of root
cause analysis procedures.
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General Cont’d
I Definitions: [FAR 1.1]
(1) Maintenance - Means inspection, overhaul,
repair, preservation, and the replacement of parts,
but excludes preventive maintenance.
(2) Person - Means an individual, firm, partnership,
corporation, company, association, joint-stock
association, or governmental entity. It includes a
trustee, receiver, assignee, or similar representative
of any of them.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
General Cont’d
J Any license or certification required by Federal
Aviation Regulations of any individual,
equipment, or facility shall be kept current and
shall be available for inspection. [145.39,
145.103, 145.17]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
General Cont’d
K Vendors that deal in non-aircraft parts, materials,
or maintenance activities shall segregate the
aircraft function from other functions to preclude
getting unapproved parts or materials on an
aircraft unit. [145.35]
What are some examples of segregation methods?
Revision #38 1/2/2002
General Cont’d
 Examples
Bar Coding
Id Tags
Physical Separation
Floor Markings
Shelf Identification
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General Cont’d
L The vendor shall display its Air Agency
Certificate and ratings at a place in the repair
station that is normally accessible to the public
and is not obscured. [145.19]
 Ensure ROV is working to its Operation Specifications
and in the case of a Limited Rating, the limited
capability list is approved by the FAA and documented
on the Ops Spec.
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General Cont’d
The U.S. Domestic repair stations shall have an active,
FAA approved anti-drug & alcohol testing plan that
complies with FAR 121, appendix I and J. The plan
may be the vendor's plan, a consortium plan to which
the vendor subscribes, or an air carrier customer's
plan. The Anti-Drug/AMPP program should include
the following:
Revision #38 1/2/2002
General Cont’d
M Cont’d
1. Program Manager
Has program knowledge and is still employed by the
Copy of the program certification letter
reflecting the following:
FAA acceptance
Number of covered employees
Identification of Medical Review
Officer (MRO)
Plan Number
ROV name and certificate number
Revision #38 1/2/2002
General Cont’d
M cont’d
The vendor shall provide proof of
membership in the plan and FAA
acceptance of the plan. Letters of
acceptance or exemption must be from the
Drug Abatement Branch, Office of Aviation
Medicine, Washington, DC. not from
regional offices.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
General Cont’d
M. The US. domestic repair stations shall have an active,
FAA approved anti-drug & alcohol testing plan that
complies with FAR 121, Appendix I. The plan may be
the vendor's plan, a consortium plan to which the vendor
subscribes, or an air carrier customer's plan. The vendor
shall provide proof of membership in the plan and FAA
acceptance of the plan. Letters of acceptance or
exemption must be from the Drug Abatement Branch
Office of Aviation Medicine, Washington, DC, not from
regional offices
Revision #38 1/2/2002
General Cont’d
 All programs (e.g. shelf life, technical data, tool
calibration, and scrap parts) that require a person
by title, to be responsible for the effectiveness of
the program must have a back-up person, by title,
to ensure the programs continuity during the
primary individual’s absence. [CASE]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
General Cont’d
Each certificate holder (or person performing
maintenance or preventive maintenance
functions for it) shall relieve each person
performing such work from duty for a period
of at least twenty-four consecutive hours
during any seven consecutive days, or the
equivalent thereof within any one calendar
month. [121.377]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
General Cont’d
CACS-20 or ARSS-20 is the CASE
checklist associated with this standard.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Control
Tech Data Control
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equip
Calibration Program
Housing and Facilities
Safety, Security, and
Fire Protection
Work Processing
Scrap Parts
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Quality Control Program
A. The vendor shall have an established
quality control program adequate to
assure a quality product or service that
complies with customer specifications
and applicable Federal Aviation
Regulations. [145.2, 145.45]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Quality Control Program
B. The quality control program, including
procedures and operations, shall be described
in detail in a quality control manual or other
appropriate document. The document shall
include, but shall not be limited to, a detailed
description of: [145.45]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Quality Control Program
 1) The Quality Control Department, including an
organizational chart showing the relationship of
quality control to the rest of the organization.
 Confirm by reviewing Organizational Chart/Duties
and Responsibilities.
 2) Duties, responsibilities and reporting relationship of
the inspectors. [121.365, 145.45, CASE]
 Confirm by reviewing Organizational Chart/Duties
and Responsibilities.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Quality Control Program
Manuals and other technical data distribution
and revision control system. [145.57]
Confirm Technical Data is current and ROV
has a procedure to maintain currency.
Examples of Technical Data:
CMMs, Wiring Diagrams, Drawings,
Air Carrier Specifications, or any other
data used to return an aircraft or aircraft
component to service.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Quality Control Program
 4) Return-to-service procedure, documents, and signature
requirements. [43.5, 43.9, 145.59, 145.61]
Signature roster
 Stamp Control
 8130-3 or equivalent
 5) Record keeping system and retention times. [43.5,
43.9, 145.61, 121.380]
Two years
 Stated in ROV’s IPM
 Files are stored to prevent loss or damaged
 Electronic Format
– Back-up Procedure
– Accepted by the FAA
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Quality Control Program
6) Personnel training requirements and records.
[121.375, 145.39, 145.45, 145.59]
 Documentation
 Record
7) Shelf life control program. [43.13]
 Documentation
 Record
8) Procedure/control of rejected and/or scrapped
parts. [145.35]
 Documentation
 Record
 Return and/or mutilation procedure
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Quality Control Program
9) Receiving inspection procedures.
 Documentation
 Record
 Approved vendor list Access
 Training and authorization for Inspectors
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Quality Control Program
10) A system for identifying customer materials
parts and units throughout the repair/overhaul
process. [CASE]
11) Tool and test equipment, calibration
program. [145.47]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Quality Control Program
 12) Housing and storage facilities. [145.35]
 Description
 Adequate
for work performed
 13) Facility environmental controls, as appropriate for work
performed. [145.35]
NOTE: If forms are used in the accomplishment of any of these
programs – they must be included in the IPM with
instructions for completion and revision control to
include date and form number.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Quality Control Program
C. The Quality Control manual or
shall be kept current and be readily available to
employees and to the customer's auditor or
designee. [145.45]
 It
must be given to all supervisors and inspection
• There must be distribution list by title.
D. The vendor shall have an internal audit and
surveillance function that: [CASE, 145.57]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Quality Control Program
1) Periodically reviews its programs to
assure that the programs have
procedures in place that assure
compliance with customer
specifications, regulatory
requirements, and good industry
– Review ROV checklist and audit schedule
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Quality Control Program
2) Verifies that operations are being conducted in
accordance with these programs.
 Review
recently completed audit files
3) Verifies that work performed by a subcontractor is a quality product that meets
customer specifications and legal
requirements. The vendor shall be
responsible for any work performed by a
 Verify
procedures for receiving parts from non-FAA
certified sources. (use approved vendor list)
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Quality Control Program
E. The vendors' internal audit and
surveillance function shall contain
provisions to assure that appropriate
corrective action is taken promptly to:
1) Correct the discrepancies reported.
2) Locate and correct similar discrepancies,
if they exist, in areas not audited
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Quality Control Program
3) Correct the root cause of the
problem evidenced by the
NOTE: Root cause is not to be a restatement of the corrective action.
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Quality Control Program
F. For vendors that perform Required
Inspections Items (RII) as defined in FAR
121, the vendor's company structure shall
be organized such that the inspection function
shall be separate from the maintenance
repair and overhaul function. The separation
shall be below the level of administrative
control at which overall responsibility for the
inspection function and maintenance, repair,
and overhaul function is exercised. [145.2,
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Quality Control Program
G. The ROV shall maintain a list of its
sub-contracted maintenance providers. In
addition, the ROV must identify in its IPM those
providers that are non-certificated. [145.11,
 Sample
certificated sub-contractor files, for proof of
Air Agency Certificate and Operations
 Sub-Contractor list shall include:
– Function (work performed)
– Form
– Repair Station Number
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Quality Control Program
H. Records of sub-contracted work must
show: [145.47]
1) Proof that the sub-contractor is a
certificated repair station or,
2) If the sub-contractor is not a certificated
repair station, the vendor himself shall
determine the airworthiness of the article
involved by inspection or test.
 Sample
sub-contractor work package for:
– Appropriate support and control
– Tooling, Test Equipment, and Tech Data
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Quality Control Program
I. The vendor shall have a documented
procedure in effect to report defects and
unairworthy conditions to the customer
and the FAA. [121.703, 145.63]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Control
Tech Data Control
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equip
Calibration Program
Housing and Facilities
Safety, Security, and
Fire Protection
Work Processing
Scrap Parts
Revision #38 1/2/2002
A. Each person performing required
inspections must be appropriately
certificated, properly trained, and
authorized to do so. [145.39,
145.43, 145.45, 121.371]
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B. Inspection personnel must be
thoroughly familiar with the
inspection methods, techniques, and
equipment used in their specialty to
determine the quality of
airworthiness of the article being
repaired or overhauled. They must:
[145.45, 145.59]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
1) Maintain proficiency in those skills,
2) Have available and understand all
applicable and current tolerances and
procedures, and
3) Be able to properly identify defects.
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C. The vendor shall maintain an up-todate roster of supervisory and
inspection personnel. The roster shall
include: [145.43, CASE]
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1) Its supervisory personnel, including names
of officials that are responsible for its
management and the names of technical
supervisors, such as foreman and crew
2) Its inspection personnel, including the
names of the chief inspector and those
inspectors who make final airworthiness
determinations before releasing an article
to service.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
3) The names of all personnel authorized
by the repair station for return to service
of aircraft, engines, propellers or
components thereof.
4) The inspections for which they are
authorized, including RII, if
Revision #38 1/2/2002
5) Repairman's or mechanic's certificate
numbers, if applicable.
6) Current examples of inspector's
signatures, initials and/or ID stamp,
as applicable.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
D. The station shall provide a summary
of employment for all personnel listed
on the repair station roster. It shall
include: [145.43]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
1) The persons present title,
2) Their total years of experience in the
type of work he/she is doing,
3) Their past employment record with
names of places and term of
employment by month and year,
Revision #38 1/2/2002
4) The scope of their present
employment, and
5) The type and number of the
mechanic or repairman certificate
that he/she holds and the ratings on
that certificate.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
E. The vendor shall have a satisfactory
method of assuring that: [145.45]
1) Incoming parts and materials comply
with specifications.
2) The part is free of defects or
malfunctions, and
3) The part is in a good state of
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The vendor shall maintain a record of
inspections and tests used to make this
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F. The vendor shall have a system for
controlling inspection stamps, and
production stamps if applicable, that
includes the following: [CASE]
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1) A facsimile of each stamp type,
2) A means of identifying who stamps
are issued to,
3) A policy for stamps that are lost or
4) And a requirement that no stamp will
be reissued within a six month period
to two different employees.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions From Section 3:
A. Are RII inspectors properly trained
and certified? (3A, B)
B. Is there proper separation of
maintenance and inspection
responsibilities for vendors that
perform required inspections? (2F)
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions From Section 3:
C. Does ROV maintain a list of RII items each
inspector is authorized to inspect? [3C(4)]
D. Does ROV perform any required
inspections (RII) for any customers?
E. Does repair station roster identify all
supervisory and inspection personnel?
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions From Section 3:
F. Does the roster identify all personnel
authorized for return to service? (3C)
G. Does the repair station have an
employment summary for all personnel
listed on the repair station roster? (3D)
H. Does the ROV have an acceptable
receiving inspection system? (3E)
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions From Section 3:
I. Does the ROV have an acceptable
procedure to identify customers parts?
[2B(10), 11C]
J. Does ROV maintain traceability certification
on all parts and raw materials?[2B(9), 3E,
K. Are acceptable sampling procedures
adequate to ensure quality? (3E)
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions From Section 3:
L. Does the vendor have an acceptable
system for controlling stamps, for
both inspection and production
personnel? (3F)
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Control
Tech Data Control
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equip
Calibration Program
Housing and Facilities
Safety, Security, and
Fire Protection
Work Processing
Scrap Parts
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Technical Data Control
A. All maintenance actions shall be
accomplished in accordance with
customer's manuals. This shall
include: [145.2]
1) Technical data originating with or
provided by the customer
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Technical Data Control
2) OEM data as modified by the
customer, or
3) Unmodified OEM data if so specified
by the customer.
4) Technical data developed by the vendor
which is approved by the customer
prior to use.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Technical Data Control
NOTE: "Manuals" in this context include
any technical data required to perform the
required maintenance action, e.g.....
drawings, wiring diagrams, test specs., etc...
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Technical Data Control
B. The vendor shall have a documented
system to assure that: [145.57]
1) All technical data is kept current and
there is a record of revisions
received and filed,
2) Only the latest technical data is
available to persons performing
maintenance actions, and,
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Technical Data Control
3) The technical data used by persons
performing maintenance actions is
appropriate for the work being done,
readily available, in good condition,
and in adequate quantity.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Technical Data Control
C. If the vendor maintains a master copy
of each "manual" in addition to the
working copies used for maintenance
actions, the working copies shall be
revised at the same time as the
masters. [145.57]
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Technical Data Control
D. Technical data shall be properly
identified as to applicability and stored
in a manner that will protect it from
dirt and damage. [145.57]
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Technical Data Control
E. Where technical data is on microfilm,
microfiche, or electronic device, an
appropriate viewing device must be
provided. It shall be: [145.53, CASE]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Technical Data Control
1) Maintained in good working order,
2) Protected from dust, dirt, water and
damage, and,
3) Available and convenient to the
persons performing maintenance
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Technical Data Control
F. Specific individual(s), by title, shall
be named as responsible for: [CASE]
1) Maintaining an adequate quantity of
the appropriate technical data up-todate and properly distributed.
2) Maintaining the technical data in an
environment that will protect it from
loss or damage.
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Technical Data Control
3) Maintaining viewing devices, if
required, in good working order and
protected from damage.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Technical Data Control
G. Should the vendor deviate from OEM
data via their SFAR-36 authority, the
vendor shall have a system for
approval (including customer's) and
control of these revisions.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions From Section 4:
Technical Data Control
NOTE: "Manuals" in this context includes
any technical data, i.e... drawings, wiring
diagrams, test specs., necessary to perform
the required service.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Tech Data Cont’d
A. Does the ROV have the required shop
manuals and specifications to perform
the repair/overhaul in accordance with
customer requirements? (4A)
B. Are there established approved
procedures controlling revisions in
manuals deviating from OEM
specifications? e.g..... EO or EA. (4A)
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Tech Data Cont’d
C. Does the ROV have a system to ensure
technical data is current? (4B)
D. Does ROV have records of manual
revisions? [4B(1)]
E. Are manual revisions up to date?
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Tech Data Cont’d
F. Are component overhaul manuals
properly identified and available to
mechanics? (4B)
G. Does ROV have a system to control working
copies of manuals to ensure they are revised
with the masters? (4C)
H. Is technical data stored in a manner that
will protect it from dirt and damage?(4D)
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Tech Data Cont’d
I. Are adequate viewing devices in good
condition available for viewing the
technical data? (4E)
J. Is a specific individual, by title,
responsible for the Technical Data
Program? (4F)
K. If the ROV has SFAR 36 authority, does
he have a system for receiving customer
approval prior to use of the data? (4G)
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Tech Data Cont’d
L. Does the ROV have an approved SFAR
36 manual and roster? (4G)
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Control
Tech Data Control
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equip
Calibration Program
Housing and Facilities
Safety, Security, and
Fire Protection
Work Processing
Scrap Parts
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Shelf Life Program
5. SHELF LIFE PROGRAM [43.13, 145.45,
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Shelf Life Program
A. If the vendor uses materials that have a
shelf life he shall describe in his manual a
program, procedures, and a detailed listing of
parts and materials that are subject to shelf
life. The listing may be maintained as a
document separate from the manual but the
manual must describe the listing or reference it
and identify the person, by title, responsible
for maintaining it.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Shelf Life Program
B. The program shall identify a
particular individual, by title, that is
responsible for assuring an effective
C. The program shall include a means
of identifying the expiration date of
each shelf life limited item.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Shelf Life Program
D. Any part or material that is past its
expiration date shall not be used in
the maintenance action of a
customer's unit or any spare unit that
may be used on an aircraft.
E. The program shall specify a system
that will assure that no expired
material or part will be issued.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions From Section 5:
Shelf Life Program
A. Does ROV have a documented shelf
life program? [2B(7), 5A]
B. Does the program list parts and
materials that have self life limits?
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Shelf Life Cont’d
C. Does the program assign program
responsibility to a specific person by
title? (5B)
D. Does each shelf life item have the shelf
life expiration limit displayed? (5C)
E. Is there an adequate system to assure
that no item will be issued or used past
its expiration date? [5D, 5E]
F. Were items sampled for shelf life within
limits? [5D, E]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Control
Tech Data Control
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equip
Calibration Program
Housing and Facilities
Safety, Security, and
Fire Protection
Work Processing
Scrap Parts
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Tool/test Equip Calibration
A. Tools and test equipment used to
comply with or verify specifications
must be calibrated periodically to
assure their accuracy.
B. The program shall identify the
individual(s) responsible, by title, for the
operation of the calibration program.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Tool/test Equip Calibration
C. The calibration program shall include
identification of the tools and test
equipment in the program, the frequency of
calibration, and the applicable tolerance or
D. Standards used in calibration shall be traceable
to the controlling government agency or to a
standard provided by the equipment
manufacturer, e.g. (N.I.S.T).
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Tool/test Equip Calibration
 E. The program shall provide a system
for identifying the calibration status
of each piece of equipment in the
calibration program and their
calibration due dates.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Tool/test Equip Calibration
F. Tools and test equipment that are in
the calibration program, but are out
of calibration or are past due calibration
check, shall be identified in a manner
that will prevent maintenance personnel
from using them.
G. Personal tools or equipment used in
verifying or complying with
specifications shall be included in the
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Tool/test Equip Calibration
H. Records shall:
1) Show the date the item was calibrated or
2) Show the date the next calibration is
3) Identify the individual or the vendor, if
an outside company, that
accomplished the calibration or check.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Tool/test Equip Calibration
4) Contain a certificate of calibration for
each item calibrated by an outside
agency, and
5) Record the details of any adjustment
or repair required.
6) Identify the standard, including the
part number and serial number, used
to calibrate the tool.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions From Section 6:
Tool/test Equipment
Calibration Program
A. Does ROV have a tool calibration
program? [2B (11), 6A]
B. Does the ROV have a person, by title,
responsible for the tool calibration
program? (6B)
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Tool & Test Cont’d
C. Are all tools in use listed on the tool
calibration list? (6C)
D. Are standards used to calibrate tools
traceable to the controlling government
agency, e.g..... The National Institute of
Standards and Technology? (6D)
E. Is there a system to identify each tool in
the program, its calibration frequency and
its calibration due date? (6C, 6E)
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Tool & Test Cont’d
F. Does ROV have a procedure for
controlling and/or preventing out-ofservice and due-for-calibration tools
& equipment from being used? (6F)
G. Does the ROV have a procedure to
control the calibration of personal
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Tool & Test Cont’d
H. Did a sample check of the calibrated
tooling indicate that the tooling is
within calibration? [6A]
I. Are the tools and test equipment in a
serviceable condition? [11A (2)]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Tool & Test Cont’d
K. Do records? [6H]
1. Show date calibrated?
2. Identify individual or vendor that
performed calibration or check?
3. Show calibration due date?
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Tool & Test Cont’d
4. Contain a calibration certificate for
each item calibrated by an outside
5. Record details of adjustments and
6. Show the P/N and S/N of the
standard used to perform the
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Control
Tech Data Control
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equip
Calibration Program
Housing and Facilities
Safety, Security, and
Fire Protection
Work Processing
Scrap Parts
Revision #38 1/2/2002
7. TRAINING [145.39, 145.45, 121.371,
121.375, CASE]
A. The vendor shall assure that each
employee is properly trained for the
work he/she is to perform.
B. The vendor shall document both formal
(classroom) and on-the-job (OJT)
Revision #38 1/2/2002
C. Employee training records for
mechanics, inspectors, and supervisors
shall be retained for two years after
the employee has left the company.
The records shall be available for
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions From Section 7:
A. Does ROV have a documented
training program? [2B(6), 7A, 7B]
B. Does it include all mechanics,
inspectors and technical supervisors?
C. Is formal and OJT training
documented? [7B]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Training Cont’d
D. Are training records for mechanics,
inspectors and supervisors retained
for two years after the person leaves
the company? [7C]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Control
Tech Data Control
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equip
Calibration Program
Housing and Facilities
Safety, Security, and
Fire Protection
Work Processing
Scrap Parts
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Housing and Facilities
A. The vendor shall provide suitable:
1) Housing for its necessary equipment
and material.
2) Facilities for properly storing,
segregating and protecting materials,
parts, and supplies.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Housing and Facilities
3) Facilities for properly protecting parts
and sub-assemblies during storage,
disassembly, cleaning, inspection,
repair, and assembly.
4) Filtered air or clean rooms as
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Housing and Facilities
B. The housing and facilities shall protect:
1) Parts, materials, and customers' units
from weather, dust, heat/cold, damage,
theft, fire, and contamination from other
shop activities, e.g.... Paint spraying,
grinding, and plating fumes.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Housing and Facilities
2) The workers, such that the quality of
their workmanship is not impaired by
their physical efficiency.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Housing and Facilities
C. Housing and facilities shall have
adequate space for the work to be
accomplished and adequate lighting
so that the quality of work is not
impaired. The vendor shall exercise
good housekeeping practices to
prevent loss, damage, and
contamination of customer parts and
equipment and for personnel safety.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Housing and Facilities
D. The vendor shall provide suitable
storage facilities used exclusively for
storing parts and materials. The area
must be separated from the shop and
work space and organized such that
only acceptable parts and supplies are
issued for any job.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Housing and Facilities
E. The areas for receiving and for shipping
customer units shall have adequate space,
lighting, shelving, security, and fire
protection to accommodate customers'
units in a manner that will preclude damage,
loss, and theft.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Housing and Facilities
F. There shall be an adequate and
appropriate storage area to safely
store customers' reusable shipping
containers and to protect them from
environmental damage. [CASE]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions From Section 8:
Housing And Facilities
A. Does ROV have a facility of
adequate size to house all necessary
tooling, equipment, material and parts
to perform work? [8A, 8D]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Housing &
Facilities Cont’d
B. Does the housing adequately protect
parts, materials, and customer units
from damage, theft and
contamination? (8A, 8B, 8C)
C. Is the environment appropriate to
protect workers so that the quality of
workmanship is not impaired by
physical efficiency? [8B (2)]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Housing &
Facilities Cont’d
D. Does facility have adequate lighting?
E. Are storage facilities separate from
shop and work areas? (8D)
F. Do shipping and receiving areas have
adequate space, lighting, shelving,
security and fire protection? (8E)
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Housing &
Facilities Cont’d
G. Is there adequate and appropriate
storage space to safely store
customer's shipping containers and
protect them from damage? [8F]
H. Is the work area, including supervisors'
offices, clean? [8C]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Control
Tech Data Control
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equip
Calibration Program
Housing and Facilities
Safety, Security, and
Fire Protection
Work Processing
Scrap Parts
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Safety, Security, and Fire
A. The housing and facilities shall provide
adequate security and protection from fire.
B. Security systems shall be reviewed
periodically by vendor management or by a
qualified outside firm to assure that the
system is still adequate. [CASE]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Safety, Security, and Fire
C. Fire protection devices and systems
shall be inspected periodically. [NFPA
D. Fire fighting equipment and its locations
shall be well identified and maintained
in serviceable condition. [NFPA 10]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Safety, Security, and Fire
E. Walkways, doors, and fire
extinguishers shall be clear of
obstructions and easily accessible.
[NFPA 10]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Safety, Security, and Fire
F. Appropriate safety devices shall be
maintained in good condition and
shall be used. [CASE]
G. Operations shall be conducted in a
safe manner and in a safe environment
that will avoid personnel injury and
damage to customer property. [145.35,
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions From Section 9:
Safety/security/fire Protection
A. Does ROV provide adequate
security for customer parts in his
B. Is the security system reviewed
periodically by management or an
outside vendor?
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Safety Security &
Fire Protection Cont’d
C. Are fire protection devices inspected
D. Are fire stations identified and
extinguishers in serviceable condition?
E. Are fire lanes, doors and fire
extinguishers clear of obstruction?
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Safety Security &
Fire Protection Cont’d
F. Are safety guards in place on power
G. Are ROV shop operations conducted
in a safe manner and environment?
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Control
Tech Data Control
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equip
Calibration Program
Housing and Facilities
Safety, Security, and
Fire Protection
Work Processing
Scrap Parts
Revision #38 1/2/2002
A. Parts and materials shall be properly
identified so that only acceptable parts
and supplies will be issued for any job.
B. Serviceability status of parts and
materials shall be indicated in a manner
that readily identifies serviceable parts
and materials from the unserviceable.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
C. Rejected parts and materials, including
questionable items awaiting disposition,
shall be identified as rejected and stored
separately from usable stock to preclude
them from being issued for any job or shipped
to the customer as serviceable. [145.35]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
D. Parts and material shall be protected
in storage and during transit, until
installation, in a manner that will
prevent damage, contamination, loss, or
substitution. [145.35, 145.37]
E. Flammable, toxic or volatile materials
shall be stored in a fire proof cabinet
or facility. [145.35 & NFPA 30]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
F. Sensitive parts and equipment, e.g....
oxygen parts, "o" rings or electrostatic
sensitive devices, shall be properly
packaged, stored, identified, and
protected from contamination and
damage. [145.35]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
G. High pressure bottles must be
correctly labeled and properly stored
and secured. [CASE]
H. The vendor must maintain traceability
records for parts and raw material.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions From Section 10:
A. Are parts and material properly
identified and properly stored? (10A)
B. Does the ROV have a quarantine area
for rejected parts and materials
awaiting disposition? (10C)
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Storage Cont’d
C. Do parts in bin match part number
on bins? (10A)
D. Are parts and material properly
protected from damage and
deterioration? (10D)
E. Are flammable, toxic or volatile
materials properly identified and
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Storage Cont’d
F. Are sensitive parts and equipment
(oxygen parts, o-rings, electrostatic
sensitive devices, etc..) properly
packaged, identified and stored to
protect from damage and contamination?
G. Are oxygen and other high pressure
bottles correctly identified and stored?
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Control
Tech Data Control
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equip
Calibration Program
Housing and Facilities
Safety, Security, and
Fire Protection
Work Processing
Scrap Parts
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Work Processing
A. No vendor may perform any
maintenance action unless the person
performing that maintenance action:
[145.39, 145.41, 145.45, 145.5, 121.375]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Work Processing
1) Is properly trained, authorized, and
certificated if required.
2) Has available the appropriate tools
and test equipment in good condition
and properly calibrated, the correct
parts, and current technical data.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Work Processing
Should any of the above requirements be
lacking, the vendor shall refuse the work or
take appropriate corrective action to correct
the deficiency.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Work Processing
B. OEM/non-OEM designated equipment:
 For either OEM or non-OEM test
equipment, the vendor shall:
Have an operating manual and maintenance
manual for the equipment.
 Perform maintenance, preventive maintenance,
and servicing as required by the operating and/or
maintenance manual.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Work Processing Cont’d
Maintain records for two years of maintenance,
preventive maintenance, and servicing, if any if
 If appropriate, list the test equipment in it’s
calibration program .
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Work Processing Cont’d
 Where non-OEM designated test equipment is
used, the vendor shall:
 Provide written certification that the equipment
adequately performs the tests required by the OEM
manual. The certification shall be signed by the
OEM of the part(s) being tested, or an outside firm
qualified to make such a determination, or an
engineer on the vendors staff qualified to make such a
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Work Processing
Show written evidence that the equipment is acceptable
to the FAA. Acceptance may be shown as follows:
• Listed in the repair station's FAA accepted
inspection procedures manual,
• Listed on the repair station’s Operations
• A letter from the FAA
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Work Processing
NOTE: This section does not apply to
standard test equipment such as volt/ohm
meters, oscilloscopes, power supplies, etc..,
that is equivalent to the equipment called
out in the component maintenance manual.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Work Processing
C. The vendor shall have a system for
identifying a specific customer's parts,
materials, or units throughout the entire
maintenance action process, including
storage before and after the repair,
overhaul, or modification. This system
shall include complete identification of the
part by nomenclature, part number, serial
number, model number, as appropriate,
and legible records of all work accomplished.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Work Processing
D. Where there is work turned over from
one shift to another, there shall be a
system of documentation that assures
continuity of the work and that the
complete bill-of-work is
accomplished. [121.369, CASE]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Work Processing
E. There shall be adequate procedures
and controls of processes, and
adequate checks, inspections, and tests
to assure a good quality product that
complies with customer specifications.
[145.45, 145.55, 145.57, 145.61]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Work Processing
F. The vendor shall prohibit smoking, eating, and
drinking or storing food and drink in any area
where parts or customer units are stored or
worked (e.g. fuel controls, hydraulic units,
instruments, or electronic components), or
have a written procedure ensuring parts or
units have adequate protection against
contamination or damage from such activity.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Work Processing
G. Fluid dispensers used in the shop
areas shall be properly marked and
stored to prevent spillage.
H. The vendor shall maintain adequate
records of all work performed
including: [145.61, 43.9]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Work Processing
1) The description of the work performed or
reference to data acceptable to the
2) The date of completion of the work
3) The name of the person performing the
4) The name of the person inspecting the
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Work Processing
5) The name of the certificated
mechanic or repairman who
performed or supervised the work.
6) The signature, certificate number,
and type of certificate of the person
returning the article to service.
NOTE: The person, as stated above, may be
one or more individuals.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Work Processing
I. The vendor shall provide a return to service
document with a component that has been made
serviceable. The document shall include the
signature (not printed name or inspection
stamp/symbol, signature) of the individual
authorized by the repair station to return the article
to service. The document must include: [43.9,
Part 43, Appendix B]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Work Processing
1) A description of the work performed
or reference to data acceptable to
the administrator.
2) The date of completion of the work
3) The name of the person performing
the work if different than the person
specified in item 4 below.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Work Processing
4) The signature, certificate number, and
kind of certificate held by the person
approving the work. The signature
constitutes the approval for return to
service only for the work performed.
5) In addition, major repairs and major
alterations shall be entered on a form in
accordance with Part 43, Appendix B.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Work Processing
NOTE: The serviceable parts tag is the
most common document used for the return
to service or maintenance release statement.
This information or release may also be
included on the work order or other
document and is acceptable. In any case, a
copy of the work order or maintenance
record must also be sent with the part.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Work Processing
J. The vendor shall retain each record
of a maintenance action for at least
two years after the work to which it
applies is done. [145.61]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions From Section 11: Work
A. Does ROV have adequate tooling and test
equipment to perform the work? (11A)
B. If ROV uses test equipment that differs
from the OEM specified equipment:
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Work Processing Cont’d
1. Is it properly certified as equivalent?
2. Does ROV have operating and
maintenance manuals?
3. Is maintenance and servicing
performed per the manual?
4. Is maintenance and servicing
recorded and records retained for
two years?
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Work Processing Cont’d
5. Is the equipment listed in the
calibration program?
6. Has the equipment been accepted
by the FAA?
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Work Processing Cont’d
C. Are mechanics, inspectors and supervisors
properly trained, authorized and certificated,
if required, for the work they perform?
[3A, 7A, 11A]
D. Are adequate tools and current manuals
available or at the mechanics' work
stations? [11A (2)]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Work Processing Cont’d
E. Are customers' parts properly
identified throughout the maintenance
actions and in storage? [11C]
F. Is there a work turnover procedure used?
G. Does the shop segregate serviceable
from unserviceable components? [2B(8),
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Work Processing Cont’d
H. Does the facility provide adequate
protection of parts in work? e.g.... filtered
air or clean room depending on type of
part. [8A]
I. Are smoking, eating and drinking forbidden
in the work area, or does the vendor have a
written program to ensure units are
protected from contamination? [11F]
J. Are fluid dispensing cans and servicing
units properly identified?[11G]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Work Processing Cont’d
K. Are ROV work records complete, in
order, and legible? [11H, 12B]
L. Do the records contain: [11H]
1. The description of the work
performed or reference to data
acceptable to the administrator?
2. The date of completion of the work
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Work Processing Cont’d
3. The name of the person performing
the work?
4. The name of the person inspecting
the work?
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Work Processing
5. The name of the certificated mechanic
or repairman who performed or
supervised the work?
6. The signature, certificate number,
and type of certificate of the person
returning the article to service?
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions: Work Processing Cont’d
M.Are all test and inspection records in
work package? [11H]
N. Does ROV record keeping system
and retention time meet FAR
requirements? [11H, 11J]
O. Does ROV's return-to-service
documents meet customer and
FAA requirements? [2B (4), 11J]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Control
Tech Data Control
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equip
Calibration Program
Housing and Facilities
Safety, Security, and
Fire Protection
Work Processing
Scrap Parts
Revision #38 1/2/2002
A. Components shall be returned to the
customer in an appropriate shipping
container or one required y the
customer. [CASE]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
B. Serial number (S/N) and part number
(P/N) or model number, including
dash numbers or letters on the
documentation for the part shall match
the identification information on the
part data plate. [CASE]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions From Section 12:
A. Are components returned in an
appropriate shipping container or as
specified by the customer?
B. Does the ROV verify that identifying
data (P.N./SN/nomenclature/mod.
no.) on the parts tag and the data plate
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Control
Tech Data Control
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equip
Calibration Program
Housing and Facilities
Safety, Security, and
Fire Protection
Work Processing
Scrap Parts
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Scrap Parts
A. The vendor shall have a documented
procedure in place to either return
scrapped parts to their owner or to mutilate
them by drilling, grinding, cutting or other
appropriate means. Parts shall be mutilated
to the extent that will preclude the
possibility of their being restored and
returned to service. [CASE]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Scrap Parts
B. The procedure shall identify by title
the individual responsible for
verifying that parts were adequately
damaged before discard. [CASE]
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Scrap Parts
C. The vendor shall maintain a record of
all life limited parts scrapped out The
record shall contain a description of the
part, its part number, and serial
number, if applicable, and the date of
the part was scrapped. The vendor
shall retain this record for at least two
(2)years. The vendor may retain the
records for a longer period if desired.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions From Section 13:
Scrapped Parts
A. Does the ROV have a documented
procedure to assure that scrapped
parts are either returned to the
customer or mutilated beyond repair?
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Questions From Section 13:
Scrapped Parts
B. Does the program identify an individual,
by title, responsible for verifying that
mutilation is accomplished?
C. Does the ROV maintain a record of life
limited parts scrapped for two years?
1) Does the record include the P/N and
S/N of the part and the date scrapped?
Revision #38 1/2/2002
1a Standard Review
Now is the time to clarify any concerns you
might have.
Ask the questions now, not after you’ve
missed it on the test.
70% min score required, if you don’t make
it now it’s 6 months before you get another
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Control
Tech Data Control
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equip
Calibration Program
Housing and Facilities
Work Processing
Scrapped Parts
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Control
Tech Data Control
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equip
Calibration Program
Housing and Facilities
Safety, Security, and
Fire Protection
Work Processing
Scrap Parts
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Control
Tech Data Control
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equip
Calibration Program
Housing and Facilities
Safety, Security, and
Fire Protection
Work Processing
Scrap Parts
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Control
Tech Data Control
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equip
Calibration Program
Housing and Facilities
Safety, Security, and
Fire Protection
Work Processing
Scrap Parts
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Control
Tech Data Control
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equip
Calibration Program
Housing and Facilities
Safety, Security, and
Fire Protection
Work Processing
Scrap Parts
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Control
Tech Data Control
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equip
Calibration Program
Housing and Facilities
Safety, Security, and
Fire Protection
Work Processing
Scrap Parts
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Control
Tech Data Control
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equip
Calibration Program
Housing and Facilities
Safety, Security, and
Fire Protection
Work Processing
Scrap Parts
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Control
Tech Data Control
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equip
Calibration Program
Housing and Facilities
Safety, Security, and
Fire Protection
Work Processing
Scrap Parts
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Control
Tech Data Control
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equip
Calibration Program
Housing and Facilities
Safety, Security, and
Fire Protection
Work Processing
Scrap Parts
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Control
Tech Data Control
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equip
Calibration Program
Housing and Facilities
Safety, Security, and
Fire Protection
Work Processing
Scrap Parts
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Control
Tech Data Control
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equip
Calibration Program
Housing and Facilities
Safety, Security, and
Fire Protection
Work Processing
Scrap Parts
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Control
Tech Data Control
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equip
Calibration Program
Housing and Facilities
Safety, Security, and
Fire Protection
Work Processing
Scrap Parts
Revision #38 1/2/2002
The C.A.S.E. 1A Standard
Quality Control
Tech Data Control
Shelf Life Program
Tool/Test Equip
Calibration Program
Housing and Facilities
Safety, Security, and
Fire Protection
Work Processing
Scrap Parts
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Let’s Talk About Some Items
That Have Caused Concerns
Within Our Operation.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Any successful audit conducted to the
CASE standard, whether assigned by the
CASE audit allocation program or not,
should be considered for addition to or
update of the Register.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
* The Data Base must be updated if the audit was
an allocated one. (ADDVEN, OTHER, UPAUD,
* Use NOACT for those allocated, not
currently listed on the register, and failing to
meet the appropriate standard.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Allocation Process:
** Member representatives shall assure onsite audits are performed on all vendors
assigned by the allocation program.
** All sustaining air carrier members
maintain a usage listing in the Data Center of all
vendors utilized by the member.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
* Each sustaining member will indicate their
willingness to audit individual vendors by
prioritizing their choices.
* When an allocated audit is perceived by the
allocated member as too large an audit for their
resources, that member may contact other user air
carriers to assist in the audit. If an insufficient
number of users agree to assist, the allocated
carrier will be absolved from the audit.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Deleting From The Register
* Violations of safety of flight requirements,
whether or not they are FAR violations.
* Intent to defraud.
* Ceasing operations or business.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
Data Base Deletions
* When the CASE Data Center receives authentic
information from any source the the listed vendor/
supplier or parts distributor has:
- Suspended operations.
- Sold out to another owner.
- Merged into another corporation.
- Moved principle operations to another location.
Deletion immediately from the Register will occur.
Revision #38 1/2/2002
It is the auditor’s decision as
to the vendor’s placement in
or removal from the CASE
Register. Whatever action is
taken, it must be done in a
professional manner with firm
backup data.
Revision #38 1/2/2002