Best Business Schools (Ranked in 2011) 各校保有提前或延長申請截止日與變更申論題之權利,本檔案僅提供各位學員參 考,最新資訊須以各校網頁或申請表為主。(Last update: 11/01/2011) 1 Stanford University (CA) -ok ..................................................................................... 5 2 Harvard University (MA) -ok ................................................................................... 10 3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan) (MA) -ok ........................................ 13 3 University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) (PA) –ok...................................................... 15 5 Northwestern University (Kellogg) (IL) -ok............................................................. 18 5 University of Chicago (Booth) (IL) –ok ................................................................... 21 7 Dartmouth College (Tuck) (NH) –ok ....................................................................... 23 7 University of California - Berkeley (Haas) (CA) –ok .............................................. 26 9 Columbia University (NY) -ok ................................................................................. 29 10 New York University (Stern) (NY) –ok ................................................................. 33 10 Yale University (CT) -ok ........................................................................................ 38 12 Duke University (Fuqua) (NC) -ok ......................................................................... 41 13 University of Virginia (Darden) (VA) -ok .............................................................. 44 14 University of California - Los Angeles (Anderson) (CA) –ok ............................... 46 14 University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (Ross) (MI) -ok ............................................ 48 16 Cornell University (Johnson) (NY) –ok ................................................................. 50 17 University of Texas - Austin (McCombs) (TX) –ok .............................................. 52 18 Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper) (PA) -ok...................................................... 54 19 University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler) (NC) -ok .................. 57 20 Washington University in St. Louis (Olin) (MO) –ok ............................................ 61 21 University of Minnesota - Twin Cities (Carlson) (MN) –ok .................................. 62 21 University of Southern California (Marshall) (CA) –ok......................................... 64 23 Emory University (Goizueta) (GA) –ok ................................................................. 66 23 Indiana University - Bloomington (Kelley) (IN) –ok ............................................. 69 25 Georgetown University (McDonough) (DC) -ok ................................................... 71 25 Ohio State University (Fisher) (OH) –ok................................................................ 73 27 Arizona State University - Main Campus (Carey) (AZ) –ok .................................. 77 28 Georgia Institute of Technology (GA) –ok ............................................................. 79 28 University of California - Davis (CA) –ok ............................................................. 81 28 University of Wisconsin - Madison (WI) –ok ........................................................ 83 28 Vanderbilt University (Owen) (TN) –ok ................................................................ 87 32 Brigham Young University (Marriott) (UT) –ok .................................................... 89 32 Texas A&M University - College Station (Mays) (TX) -ok................................... 91 34 Boston College (Carroll) (MA) – ok ....................................................................... 92 34 Boston University (MA) –ok .................................................................................. 94 34 Rice University (Jones) (TX) –ok ........................................................................... 96 37 University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign (IL) –ok .............................................. 98 37 University of Notre Dame (Mendoza) (IN) –ok ................................................... 100 37 University of Washington (Foster) (WA) –ok ...................................................... 103 40 Pennsylvania State University - University Park (Smeal) (PA) -ok ..................... 106 40 Tulane University (Freeman) (LA) – ok ............................................................... 109 40 University of California - Irvine (Merage) (CA) –ok ........................................... 110 40 University of Iowa (Tippie) (IA) -ok .................................................................... 111 40 University of Texas - Dallas (TX) –ok ................................................................. 113 45 University of Maryland - College Park (Smith) (MD) –ok .................................. 115 45 University of Rochester (Simon) (NY) –ok .......................................................... 117 47 University of Florida (Hough) –ok ....................................................................... 119 47 Wake Forest University (Babcock) (NC) –ok ...................................................... 122 49 Michigan State University (Broad) (MI) -ok ........................................................ 124 49 Purdue University (Krannert) (IN) –ok................................................................. 126 51 University of Arkansas - Fayetteville (Walton) (AR) –ok.................................... 127 52 Babson College (Olin) (MA) –ok ......................................................................... 128 52 George Washington University (DC) –ok ............................................................ 130 54 University of Missouri - Columbia (Trulaske) (MO) –ok .................................... 131 54 University of South Carolina - Columbia (Moore) (SC) –ok ............................... 132 56 Northeastern University (MA) –ok ....................................................................... 133 57 Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick and Newark (NJ) –ok ..................................................................................................................... 135 57 Southern Methodist University (Cox) (TX) –ok ................................................... 136 57 University of Georgia (Terry) (GA) –ok .............................................................. 138 60 Baylor University (Hankamer) (TX) –ok ............................................................. 139 60 University of Massachusetts--Amherst (Isenberg) (MA) –ok .............................. 141 60 University of Tennessee--Knoxville (TN) –ok ..................................................... 142 63 Auburn University (AL) –ok ................................................................................ 143 63 Claremont Graduate University (Drucker) (CA) –ok ........................................... 144 63 Rochester Institute of Technology (Saunders) (NY) –ok ..................................... 146 63 Temple University (Fox) (PA) –ok ....................................................................... 147 63 University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa (Manderson) (AL) –ok ............................... 148 63 University of Arizona (Eller) (AZ) –ok ................................................................ 149 69 Iowa State University (IA) –ok ............................................................................. 151 69 Syracuse University (Whitman) (NY) –ok ........................................................... 153 69 University of Colorado - Boulder (Leeds) (CO) –ok ............................................ 155 69 University of Connecticut (CT) –ok ..................................................................... 157 73 Bentley University (McCallum) (MA) –ok .......................................................... 159 73 Virginia Tech (Pamplin) (VA) –ok ....................................................................... 161 75 Pepperdine University (Graziadio) (CA) –ok ....................................................... 163 75 Santa Clara University (Leavey) (CA) –ok .......................................................... 164 75 Thunderbird School of Global Management (AZ) –ok ........................................ 166 75 State University of New York - Buffalo (NY) –ok............................................... 168 75 University of Cincinnati (OH) –ok ....................................................................... 170 80 Case Western Reserve University (Weatherhead) (OH) –ok ............................... 171 80 Texas Christian University (Neeley) (TX) –ok .................................................... 173 80 University of Utah (Eccles) (UT) –ok .................................................................. 175 83 College of William and Mary (Mason) (VA) –ok ................................................ 176 83 North Carolina State University (Jenkins) (NC) –ok ............................................ 178 85 CUNY - Baruch College (Zicklin) (NY) -ok ........................................................ 179 85 University of Miami (FL) -ok ............................................................................... 181 85 University of Pittsburgh (Katz) (PA) –ok ............................................................. 183 85 Worcester Polytechnic Institute (MA) –ok ........................................................... 185 89 DePaul University (Kellstadt) (IL) –ok ................................................................ 187 89 Louisiana State University (Ourso) (LA) -ok ....................................................... 189 91 Howard University (DC) –ok................................................................................ 191 91 University of Oklahoma (Price) (OK) –ok ........................................................... 192 91 University of Oregon (Lundquist) (OR) –ok ........................................................ 193 94 Florida State University (FL) –ok ......................................................................... 195 94 Saint Louis University (Cook) (MO) –ok ............................................................. 197 94 University of Houston (Bauer) (TX) –ok.............................................................. 198 97 Fordham University (NY) –ok .............................................................................. 200 97 Miami University (Farmer) (OH) –MBA program suspended-ok ........................ 202 97 Oklahoma State University (Spears) (OK) –ok .................................................... 203 97 Pace University (Lubin) (NY) –ok ....................................................................... 204 101 Clarkson University (NY) –ok ............................................................................ 205 102 University of Denver (Daniels) (CO) –ok .......................................................... 206 102 University of Kentucky (Gatton) (KY) –ok ........................................................ 208 102 University of Mississippi (MS) –ok.................................................................... 209 105 Hofstra University (Zarb) (NY) –ok ................................................................... 210 105 University of Kansas (KS) -ok ............................................................................ 211 107 Abilene Christian University (TX) – NO MBA program-ok.............................. 212 107 Binghamton University--SUNY (NY) –ok ......................................................... 213 107 Drexel University (LeBow) (PA) –ok................................................................. 214 107 Portland State University (OR) –ok .................................................................... 215 107 Rollins College (Crummer) (FL) –deadline&essay(check) ................................ 217 107 University of Hawaii--Manoa (Shidler) (HI) –ok ............................................... 218 1 Stanford University (CA) -ok Application Deadlines It is important that you apply only when you feel your application is as strong as it can be. We offer 3 application rounds. If you are considering applying in either Round 1 or Round 2, we strongly encourage you to consider Round 1. Over the past few years, we've noticed more applicants applying in Round 2 and, as a result, this round has become bigger and a bit more competitive. You should never rush your application. But, on the margin, earlier is better. While we admit outstanding individuals in all three rounds, there are some advantages to applying in either the first or second round. The ability to receive an aid award from the Financial Aid Office prior to the date by which you must respond to your offer of admission. Ample time to complete preliminary quantitative and/or language coursework prior to arrival on campus. Access to the on-campus housing lottery and/or Schwab Residential Center housing. Sufficient time to complete the visa application process (international students). Application Deadlines for Class of 2014 (Entering Fall 2012) Application Submit your application Round by We will notify you Your reply & deposit are on due by Round 1 12 Oct 2011* 14 Dec 2011** 01 Mar 2012 Round 2 11 Jan 2012* 28 Mar 2012** 03 May 2012 Round 3 04 Apr 2012* 16 May 2012** 31 May 2012 * Applications and Letters of Reference are due by 5:00 PM, Pacific Time Decision Notification** We will post decisions to your ApplyYourself account by 5:00 PM Pacific Time on the decision date for the round in which you applied. Under no circumstances can we provide decisions earlier. Provide an email address on your application form to which you will have access through the decision date. You are given the option to report a second email address. We do not release admission decisions via telephone or in person. Essays We read your essays to get to know you as a person and to learn about the ideas and interests that motivate you. Tell us in your own words who you really are. In other parts of the application, we learn about your academic and professional accomplishments (i.e., what you have done). Through your personal essays (Essays 1 and 2), we learn more about the person behind the achievements (i.e., who you are). Because we want to discover who you are, resist the urge to "package" yourself in order to come across in a way you think Stanford wants. Such attempts simply blur our understanding of who you are and what you can accomplish. We want to hear your genuine voice throughout the essays that you write and this is the time to think carefully about your values, your passions, your hopes and dreams. In your short answer responses (Essay 3, options A, B, C, or D), we learn more about the experiences that have shaped your attitudes, behaviors, and aspirations. Truly, the most impressive essays are those that do not begin with the goal of impressing us. Essay Questions for Class of 2014 (entering Fall 2012) Tell us in your own words who you really are. Answer essay questions 1, 2, and two of the four options for essay 3. Essay 1: What matters most to you, and why? The best examples of Essay 1 reflect the process of self-examination that you have undertaken to write them. They give us a vivid and genuine image of who you are—and they also convey how you became the person you are. They do not focus merely on what you've done or accomplished. Instead, they share with us the values, experiences, and lessons that have shaped your perspectives. They are written from the heart and address not only a person, situation, or event, but also how that person, situation, or event has influenced your life. Essay 2: What do you want to do—REALLY—and why Stanford? Use this essay to explain your view of your future, not to repeat accomplishments from your past. You should address three distinct topics: your career aspirations the role of an MBA education in achieving those aspirations and your rationale for earning that MBA at Stanford, in particular. The best examples of Essay 2 express your passions or focused interests; explain why you have decided to pursue graduate education in management; and demonstrate your desire to take advantage of the opportunities that are distinctive to the Stanford MBA Program. Essay 3: Answer two of the four questions below. Tell us not only what you did but also how you did it. What was the outcome? How did people respond? Only describe experiences that have occurred during the last three years. Option A: Tell us about a time when you built or developed a team whose performance exceeded expectations. Option B: Tell us about a time when you made a lasting impact on your organization. Option C: Tell us about a time when you generated support from others for an idea or initiative. Option D: Tell us about a time when you went beyond what was defined or established. Essay Length Your answers for all of the essay questions cannot exceed 1,800 words. You have your own story to tell, so please allocate the 1,800 words among all of the essays in the way that is most effective for you. We provide some guidelines below as a starting point, but you should feel comfortable to write as much or as little as you like on any essay question, as long as you do not exceed 1,800 words total. Essay 1: 750 words Essay 2: 450 words Essay 3: 300 words each Formatting Use a 12-point font, double spaced Recommended fonts are Arial, Courier, and Times New Roman Indicate which essay question you are answering at the beginning of each essay (this does not count towards the 1800 word limit). Number all pages Upload all four essays as one document Preview the uploaded document to ensure that the formatting is true to the original Save a copy of your essays Editing Your Essays Begin work on these essays early, to give yourself time to reflect, write, and edit. Feel free to ask your friends or family members to provide constructive feedback. When you ask for feedback, ask if the essays' tone sounds like your voice. It should. Your family and friends know you better than anyone else. If they do not believe that the essays capture who you are, how you live, what you believe, and what you aspire to do, then surely the Committee on Admissions will be unable to recognize what is most distinctive about you. There is a big difference, however, between 'feedback' and 'coaching.' There are few hard and fast rules, but you cross a line when any part of the application (excluding the Letters of Reference) ceases to be exclusively yours in either thought or word. Appropriate feedback occurs when you show someone your completed application, perhaps one or two times, and are apprised of errors or omissions. In contrast, inappropriate coaching occurs when your application or your self-presentation is colored by someone else. You best serve your own interests when your personal thoughts, individual voice, and unique style remain intact at the end of your editing process. It is improper and a violation of the spirit of the Fundamental Standard and Honor Code and the terms of this application process, to have someone else write any part of your Stanford MBA Program application. Such an act will result in denial of your application or withdrawal of your offer of admission. Additional Information If there is any other information that is critical for us to know and is not captured elsewhere, please include it. Examples of pertinent additional information include: Extenuating circumstances affecting academic or work performance Explanation of why you do not have a Letter of Reference from your current direct supervisor or peer Explanation of criminal conviction, criminal charges sustained against you in a juvenile proceeding, and/or court-supervised probation Explanation of academic suspension or expulsion Any other information that you did not have sufficient space to complete in another section of the application (please begin the information in the appropriate section) Additional work experience that cannot fit into the space provided Additional information about your academic experience (e.g., independent research) not noted elsewhere Do not include essays. This section is limited to 250 kbs, or approximately 10 pages. Resume After completing the Employment History section, please upload a current copy of your resume. Recommended length is one to two pages. Recommended fonts are Arial, Courier, and Times New Roman. Awards and Honors We want to learn about your accomplishments, specifically those for which you have received recognition. We are interested in your successes inside and outside of the classroom. Please list up to five awards and/or honors and describe the basis upon which you were selected. These may include academic, civic, or professional activities for which you received recognition. List each in order of importance to you, with the most important listed first. Activities We do not expect every applicant to be involved in activities outside the classroom or workplace. If you have been involved in activities, however, this is an excellent way for us to learn more about your interests and experiences. Please report your activities in order of importance to you, with the most important listed first. A sustained depth of commitment in one or two activities may demonstrate your passion more than minimal participation in five or six organizations. Report activities during university/college separately from those after university/college. Examples of activities in which you are/have been involved may include charitable, civic, community, and professional. Please avoid using acronyms to describe your activities. Do not report internships in this section. Instead, report internships in the part-time employment section. (Some information comes from the Online Application) 2 Harvard University (MA) -ok Application Dates: The application deadlines for the MBA Class of 2014 are: Application Periods: Application submitted online by 12 noon Boston time: Notification of the MBA Admissions Board's decision: Round 1 Monday, October 3, 2011 Monday, December 19, 2011 Round 2 Tuesday, January 10, 2012 Thursday, March 29, 2012 Round 3 Tuesday, April 10, 2012 Thursday, May 17, 2012 Please note that each "round" represents a distinct period in which you may apply, not a succession of steps for your application. You may apply in one round only, one time in an application year. Given past experience, we anticipate that many candidates will submit their online application materials very close to 12 noon on submission deadline dates. To avoid heavy server traffic and potential delays, we encourage candidates to submit application materials as early as possible. Applications received after 12 noon on October 3, 2011 will be considered in Round 2. Applications received after 12 noon on January 10, 2012 will be considered in Round 3. Applications received after 12 noon on April 10, 2012 will not be considered. When Should I Apply? To avoid overwhelming server traffic generated by the high volume of applications we receive, candidates are encouraged to submit their application as early as possible prior to the deadline of each round. We encourage applicants to apply in the first or second round, as space in the class may be limited by the third round. In addition, applying in the earlier rounds will give candidates more time to address the following: International candidates needing visas will find that applying in Round 3 makes the timing of their visa application stressful. International candidates admitted in Rounds 1 and 2 find that it's helpful to have the additional time to work on English proficiency. Some candidates may be required to complete preliminary course work prior to their enrollment. Many deadlines for outside (non-Harvard Business School) fellowships are in early spring. Only students who have been accepted are eligible for these fellowships. Financial aid is available regardless of when students are admitted. However, since admitted students may apply for financial aid only after they are admitted Round 3 admits have less time to prepare their application. Harvard Business School residence halls and Harvard University-affiliated apartments are assigned by lottery. Deadlines for both of these housing options precede Round 3 notification, and you must be admitted to HBS before you can enter these lotteries. Essays for the Class of 2014 As an opportunity to present your distinctive qualities, your essays are an important part of your MBA application. You will be asked to submit your essays online with the rest of your application materials. Essays should be single-spaced. Please limit your response to the length indicated. All applicants must submit answers to four essay questions listed below. Joint program applicants for the Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Harvard Law School, and Harvard Kennedy School must provide an additional essay. First, compose your responses to the essays in a word processing document. Please abide by the following instructions: Limit your responses to the lengths indicated. Single-space your essays. Please use Times New Roman font type and 12 pt font size. Write the question at the top of each essay. Refrain from using images and/or any other nonstandard English characters in your essays. They may prevent the system from processing your application. The four questions below are required of all applicants. If applying to a joint degree program, please upload an additional essay in the Joint Degree candidates section below. Please note: Do not send an extra copy of your essays to our office, as this will complicate the processing of your application. 1. Tell us about three of your accomplishments. (600 words) 2. Tell us three setbacks you have faced. (600 words) 3. Why do you want an MBA? (400 words) 4. Answer a question you wish we had asked. (400 words) Joint Degree candidates: How do you expect the joint degree experience to benefit you on both a professional and a personal level? (400-word limit) Your response to this essay, along with your application status at HBS, may be shared with the partner school. (Some information comes from the Online Application) Resume Upload a copy of your most recent resume. Please limit your resume to 2 pages maximum. Refrain from using images and/or any other nonstandard English characters in your resume. They may prevent the system from processing your application. Short Answers - For applicants required to take an English language test, please answer the following: In what context are you currently reading, writing, and speaking English? Reading: (250 characters only - do not use carriage returns, bullets or unnecessary spacing) Writing: (250 characters only - do not use carriage returns, bullets or unnecessary spacing) Speaking: (250 characters only - do not use carriage returns, bullets or unnecessary spacing) Additional Information Use this section to include any additional information that you believe is important for the MBA Admissions Board to have in evaluating your application, but that you were unable to include because of the constraints of the online application. Please limit your additional information to the space in this section. Do not send HBS any additional materials (e.g., additional recommendations, work portfolios, etc.), as they will not be considered in your application and will delay processing of your application. Response length limited to 500 characters - do not use carriage returns, bullets or unnecessary spacing, as this may truncate your answers and prevent them from being viewed by the Admissions Board. (Information comes from the Online Application) 3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan) (MA) -ok Application Deadlines & Decision Schedule We give each application the fullest possible review in the time allowed. For this reason, please understand that you will not hear from us about our decision before the deadlines listed here. Please also note that in the interests of confidentiality and efficiency, we will not deliver decisions via phone or fax. The online application for entry in August 2012 will be available in July. Please check back then for next year’s deadlines. MBA Program Deadlines - For August 2012 entry MBA Round I* Application Received By 12 noon MBA Round II Tuesday, Oct 25, 2011 Tuesday, Jan 10, 2012 Pacific Standard Time (2000 GMT) Decisions Released By** Monday, Feb 6, 2012 Monday, Apr 2, 2012 Reply By Friday, Mar 23, 2012 Friday, May 25, 2012 * Re-applicants must submit their application by the Round I deadline. LGO re-applicants must submit their reapplication by the LGO deadline. **Decisions will be released early for some candidates who will be denied admission without an interview. Resume Please prepare a business resume that includes your employment history in reverse chronological order, with titles, dates, and whether you worked part-time or full-time. Your educational record should also be in reverse chronological order and should indicate dates of attendance and degree(s) earned. Other information appropriate to a business resume is welcomed and encouraged. The resume should not be more than one page in length (up to 50 lines). Cover Letter Prepare a cover letter (up to 500 words) seeking a place in the MIT Sloan MBA Program. Describe your accomplishments and include an example of how you had an impact on a group or organization. Your letter should conform to standard business correspondence and be addressed to Mr. Rod Garcia, Director of MBA Admissions. Essays We are interested in learning more about you and how you work, think, and act. For each essay, please provide a brief overview of the situation followed by a detailed description of your response. Please limit the experiences you discuss in the three essays below to those which have occurred in the past three years. In each of the essays please describe in detail what you thought, felt, said, and did. 1. 2. 3. Essay 1: Please describe a time when you went beyond what was defined, expected, established, or popular. (500 words or fewer, limited to one page) Essay 2: Please describe a time when you convinced an individual or group to accept one of your ideas. (500 words or fewer, limited to one page) Essay 3: Please describe a time when you had to make a decision without having all the information you needed. (500 words or fewer, limited to one page) Supplemental Information (Optional) You may use this section to address whatever else you want the Admissions Committee to know. (250 words or fewer, limited to one page) (Information from Online Application) 3 University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) (PA) –ok APPLICATION DEADLINES 2011-2012 MBA Program Application Deadline Decision Release Date Round 1 October 3, 2011 December 20, 2011 Round 2 January 4, 2012 March 30, 2012 Round 3 March 5, 2012 May 8, 2012 To be considered for a round, you must submit a complete application by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) on the day of the deadline. If you submit an application earlier in a round, which we encourage, you will be able to confirm receipt via your Wharton online account. You will also have more time in which to schedule an interview (Interviews are by invitation only). Applications received after the deadline for Round 1 or 2 are rolled to the next round. No applications for Round 3 will be accepted after the deadline. WHEN TO APPLY General guidelines on when to apply are based on your application type. First-time applicants. We strongly encourage you to apply in Round 1 or 2. The first two rounds have no significant difference in terms of level of rigor; the third round is more competitive as we will have selected a good portion of the class. However, there will be sufficient room in Round 3 for the strongest applicants. Reapplicants. We strongly encourage you to apply in Round 1 or 2. For more information, visit Reapplication Procedures. International applicants. We advise you to apply in Round 1 or 2 if you need to apply for a student visa in order to study in the U.S. For more information, please visit International Applicants. Class of 2014 Essay Questions First-time applicants and reapplicants are required to complete the same set of essay questions. REQUIRED QUESTION: What are your professional objectives? (300 words) RESPOND TO 2 OF THE FOLLOWING 3 QUESTIONS: 1. Reflect on a time when you turned down an opportunity. What was the thought process behind your decision? Would you make the same decision today? (600 words) 2. Discuss a time when you faced a challenging interpersonal experience. How did you navigate the situation and what did you learn from it? (600 words) 3. "Innovation is central to our culture at Wharton. It is a mentality that must encompass every aspect of the School - whether faculty research, teaching or alumni outreach." - Thomas S. Robertson, Dean, The Wharton School Keeping this component of our culture in mind, discuss a time when you have been innovative in your personal or professional life. (600 words) Additional Question for Reapplicants: All reapplicants to Wharton are required to complete the Optional Essay. Please use this space to explain how you have reflected on the previous decision on your application and to discuss any updates to your candidacy (e.g., changes in your professional life, additional coursework, extracurricular/volunteer engagements). You may also use this section to address any extenuating circumstances. (250 words) Optional Section for All Applicants: If you feel there are extenuating circumstances of which the Committee should be aware, please explain them here (e.g., unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, or questionable academic performance, significant weaknesses in your application). (250 words) Resume Please upload a one-page resume in Word. We are more concerned with what you have learned than in your length of time in the workplace. We consider functional job skills, breadth and depth of experience, demonstrated leadership and management skills, as well as potential for growth. Activities Please list your extracurricular activities while in and since college/university, listing your most important first. Tell us about the activity above that is most important to you and what you have learned from the experience. Please list any hobbies or related activities, not listed above, which hold special significance for you. Tell us about the activity or hobby above you have enjoyed most and why. International Experience If you have worked outside of your home country, please name the country or countries and duration. TOEFL/Additional Language Information Standardized test scores are not the only indicator of language skills, therefore, if you have submitted a TOEFL score, please use this section to describe how, when and where you are using English in your day-to-day life. This should include circumstances where you speak / read / or write in English on a regular basis. (200 words/1000 Characters) (Information from the Online Application Form) 5 Northwestern University (Kellogg) (IL) -ok Deadlines: 2012 Application Deadlines Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Application Part 1 Deadlines Part 1 must be submitted to request an off-campus interview OR to schedule an on-campus interview with the Kellogg Admissions Office. Please note the different interview deadlines. OFF-CAMPUS INTERVIEW REQUEST DEADLINES Select the off-campus Sept. 22, 2011 Dec. 14, 2011 Mar. 22, 2012 interview request box and submit Part I by Please allow up to eight weeks after submitting Part I to receive either an interview assignment in your local area or an interview waiver in areas of high demand. ON-CAMPUS INTERVIEW DEADLINES Select the on-campus interview request box and Oct. 18, 2011 Jan. 10, 2012 Apr 5, 2012 Dec. 3, 2011 Mar. 03, 2012 Apr. 27, 2012 submit Part I by THEN Contact the Kellogg Admissions Office to schedule and complete your interview by Please allow two business days after submitting Part I to schedule your interview. Chicago-area MBA applicants must request an off-campus interview unless applying to the JD-MBA program. Application Part 2 Deadlines Due by 11:59 p.m. CT Oct. 18, 2011 Jan. 10, 2012 Apr. 5, 2012 Dec 19, 2011 Mar. 26, 2012 May 14, 2012 Mar. 6, 2012 May 01, 2012 June 4, 2012 Decision Rendered by Tuition Deposit ($2,000) Received by One-Year and International Applicants We strongly recommend One-Year and international applicants apply by the Round 2 application deadline. Applicants applying in Round 3 will be at a disadvantage since the Kellogg School typically admits One-Year and international applicants during Rounds 1 and 2 to allow adequate time for relocation and visa processing. One-Year and international applicants who apply in Round 3 and request an off-campus interview may be selected to interview by invitation only Deadlines are tentative and subject to change. 012.aspx 2012 Application Essay Questions – 2Y, 1Y & MMM questions Essay #1 a) MBA Program applicants - Briefly assess your career progress to date. Elaborate on your future career plans and your motivation for pursuing an MBA. (600 word limit) b) MMM Program applicants – Briefly assess your career progress to date. How do the unique characteristics of the MMM Program meet your educational needs and career goals? (600 word limit). Essay #2 Describe your key leadership experiences and evaluate what leadership areas you hope to develop through your MBA experiences (600 word limit). Essay #3 Assume you are evaluating your application from the perspective of a student member of the Kellogg Admissions Committee. Why would you and your peers select you for admission, and what impact would you make as a member of the Kellogg community? (600 word limit). Essay #4 Complete one of the following three questions or statements. (400 word limit) Re-applicants have the option to answer a question from this grouping, but this is not required. a) Describe a time you had to inspire a reluctant individual or group. b) People may be surprised to learn that I….. c) The riskiest personal or professional decision I ever made was….. Required essay for re-applicants only Since your previous application, what steps have you taken to strengthen your candidacy? (400 word limit) Questions.aspx Additional Information If needed, use this section to briefly describe any extenuating circumstances (e.g. unexplained gap in work experience, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance, etc.) (Information comes from the Online Application) 5 University of Chicago (Booth) (IL) –ok Deadlines Round Submission Deadline Round 1 October 12, 2011 November 9, 2011 December 14, 2011 Round 2 January 4, 2012 February 15, 2012 March 21, 2012 Round 3 April 4, 2012 Mid-Decision Date April 25, 2012 Decision Notification Date May 16, 2012 Your application must be submitted by 5 p.m. (CST/Chicago time) on the day of the deadline in order to be considered for an application round. This includes receipt of all online and mailed-in materials. Applications submitted after a deadline will automatically be considered in the next round, as long as all materials are included with the application. We encourage international students to apply for admission in Rounds One or Two. An early application will allow you sufficient time to secure a student visa should you be admitted. While we recommend that international students apply in earlier rounds, there is sufficient time for students to apply for and secure a visa in Round Three. Essay Questions Below are the essay questions for the 2011 - 12 application. 1. Essay One: What are your short- and long-term goals, and how will a Chicago Booth MBA help you reach them? (600 words) 1 a) Re-applicants only: Upon reflection, how has your thinking regarding your future, Chicago Booth, and/or getting an MBA changed since the time of your last application? (300 words) 2. Essay Two: At Chicago Booth, we believe each individual has his or her own leadership style. How has your family, culture, and/or environment influenced you as a leader? (750 words) 3. Presentation: Considering what you've already included in the application, what else should we know about you? In a maximum of four slides, tell us about yourself. Question 3 Guidelines We have set forth the following guidelines: The content is completely up to you. There is no right, or even preferred, approach to this presentation. There is a strict maximum of four pages, though you can provide fewer if you choose. Acceptable formats for upload in the online application system are PowerPoint or PDF. The document will be viewed electronically, but we cannot support embedded videos, music, or motion images. Additionally, all content MUST be included in the four pages; hyperlinks will not be viewed. The file will be evaluated on the quality of content and ability to convey your ideas, not on technical expertise or presentation. 4. Optional Essay (300 Words) If there is any important information that is relevant for your candidacy that you were unable to address elsewhere in the application, please share that information here. (Information from Online Application) ntry=30 (You can click here for the Essay Question Explanation) Resume Please provide a current resume of 1 to 2 pages. For each full-time position listed, include start and end dates as well as work location. Work Experience (Optional) If you have received any significant awards or recognition for work you have done professionally, please list with a brief description of the selection criteria. Activities Chicago Booth strongly values community involvement and we know it comes in many different forms. Tell us how you have been involved in your community. Please list public service activities, extracurricular activities and college activities. Recommendations Why did you choose these two recommenders? (Information from Online Application) 7 Dartmouth College (Tuck) (NH) –ok Key Application Dates Application and Applicant-initiated CSQs* due interview complete Admissions Decision Early Action round** 10/12/11 10/31/11 12/16/11 November round** 11/9/11 11/9/11 2/10/12 January round** 1/4/12 1/31/12 3/16/12 * April round** 4/2/12 4/2/12 5/11/12 *January Round Applicants: Decisions will be available online at 5:00PM EST on Friday, March 16, 2012 Key Financial Aid Dates Application for Tuck scholarships due** 2011 Tax return and FAFSA due*** International Application for Financial Aid due Early Action round 10/19/11 3/1/12 3/1/12 November round 11/16/11 3/1/12 3/1/12 January round 1/11/12 3/23/12 3/23/12 April round 4/11/12 5/18/12 5/18/12 Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. EST * Confidential Statements of Qualifications ** Applicants who wish to be considered for scholarships must complete the Application for Tuck School of Business Scholarships by the above deadline. *** Free Application for Federal Student Aid Essay Questions The essay questions provide you with an opportunity to help the admissions committee gain greater insight about you as a potential member of the Tuck community. We do not allow substitution or replacement of essay responses after an application has been submitted. Please be clear, succinct, forthright, and thoughtful in your responses. Additionally, we ask that you share what you truly feel, as opposed to writing what you think the admissions committee would like to read. There are no right or wrong answers. Reapplicants should also complete the reapplicant essay. Tuck expects that the work contained in the essays is completely accurate and exclusively your own. Use of professional essay-writing services violates Tuck’s admissions policies. Please respond fully but concisely to the following essay questions. Compose each of your answers offline in separate document files and upload them individually in the appropriate spaces below. Although there is no restriction on the length of your response, most applicants use, on average, 500 words for each essay. There are no right or wrong answers. Please double-space your response. 1. Essay 1: Why is an MBA a critical next step toward your short- and long-term career goals? Why is Tuck the best MBA program for you? (If you are applying for a joint or dual degree, please explain how the additional degree will contribute to those goals.) 2. Essay 2: Discuss your most meaningful leadership experience. What did you learn about your own individual strengths and weaknesses through this experience? 3. Essay 3: Describe a circumstance in your life in which you faced adversity, failure or setback. What actions did you take as a result and what did you learn from this experience? 4. Essay 4: Tuck seeks candidates of various backgrounds who can bring new perspectives to our community. How will your unique personal history, values, and/or life experiences contribute to the culture at Tuck? 5. Essay 5 - Optional: Please provide any additional insight or information that you have not addressed elsewhere that may be helpful in reviewing your application (e.g., unusual choice of evaluators, weaknesses in academic performance, unexplained job gaps or changes, etc.). Complete this question only if you feel your candidacy is not fully represented by this application. 6. Essay 6 - Reapplicant Essay: (To be completed by all reapplicants) How have you strengthened your candidacy since you last applied? Please reflect on how you have grown personally and professionally. International Experience Briefly describe all experiences you have working, studying, living, or traveling outside your home country. Include the location, purpose, and length of stay. If relevant, reflect on how these experiences have shaped your world view. (Limit 250 words) (Information from the Online Application) 7 University of California - Berkeley (Haas) (CA) –ok Deadlines Round: Online application submitted by: Tests taken by: Decision posted/ emailed by: One October 12, 2011 October 12, 2011 January 12, 2012 Two December 1, 2011 December 1, 2011 March 1, 2012 Three January 18, 2012 January 18, 2012 April 12, 2012 Four March 7, 2012 March 7, 2012 May 17, 2012 In which round should I apply? How important is it to apply in Round One? Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible, provided that you do not sacrifice the quality of your application to do so. If you find that you need more time to revise your essays or to retake the GMAT, for example, you should definitely take the extra time to do so. Do note, however, that we make most of our offers of admission from Rounds 1, 2, and 3. Only a small number of Round 4 applicants are offered admission each year. Admission Essays Listed below are the supplemental questions, required essays, and optional essays for the fall 2012 application. Supplemental Information 1. If you have not provided a letter of recommendation from your current supervisor, please explain; otherwise, enter N/A. 2. List in order of importance all community and professional organizations and extracurricular activities in which you have been involved during or after university studies. Indicate the nature of the activity or organization, size of the organization, dates of involvement, offices held, and average number of hours spent per month. 3. List full-time and part-time jobs held during undergraduate or graduate studies, indicating the employer, job title, employment dates, location, and the number of hours worked per week for each position held prior to the completion of your degree. 4. Please explain all gaps in your employment since earning your university degree. 5. If you have ever been subject to academic discipline, placed on probation, suspended or required to withdraw from any college or university, please explain. If not, please enter N/A. (An affirmative response to this question does not automatically disqualify you from admission.) Essays At Berkeley-Haas, our distinctive culture is defined by four key principles — question the status quo; confidence without attitude; students always; and beyond yourself. We seek candidates from a broad range of cultures, backgrounds, and industries who demonstrate a strong cultural fit with our program and defining principles. Please use the following essays as an opportunity to reflect on and share with us the values, experiences, and accomplishments that have helped shape who you are. (Learn more about Berkeley-Haas' Defining Principles). 1. What brings you the greatest joy? How does this make you distinctive? (250 word maximum) 2. What is your most significant accomplishment? (250 word maximum) 3. Describe a time when you questioned an established practice or thought within an organization. How did your actions create positive change? (250 word maximum) 4. Describe a time when you were a student of your own failure. What specific insight from this experience has shaped your development? (250 word maximum) 5. Describe a time when you led by inspiring or motivating others toward a shared goal. (250 word maximum) 6. a. What are your post-MBA short-term and long-term career goals? How have your professional experiences prepared you to achieve these goals? b. How will an MBA from Haas help you achieve these goals? (1000 word maximum for 6a. and 6b.) Optional Essays 1. (Optional) Please feel free to provide a statement concerning any information you would like to add to your application that you haven't addressed elsewhere. (500 word maximum) 2. (Optional) If not clearly evident, please discuss ways in which you have demonstrated strong quantitative abilities, or plan to strengthen quantitative abilities. You do not need to list courses that appear on your transcript. (250 word maximum) How important is it to adhere to the word limit for the essays? The word count limits for the essays are established so we can see how well you can express your thoughts, points, and ideas concisely and effectively. Please try to stay within the word limits as much as possible. It is acceptable for an essay to be a few words over the limit. However, if an essay goes substantially over the word limit it could be detrimental to your application I am having trouble formatting my essays, what should I do? You may cut and paste formatted text into the Berkeley-Haas application. However, please note that the format of your responses may change. This happens because different web browsers and word processing applications all behave a little differently and interact adversely at times with our online application. Please consider these best practices: Type directly. When possible, type a response directly into the application and format using the online tools. Strip formatting before pasting. Do not copy and paste directly from a word processor (i.e. Word 2010, Outlook 2010) into the online application. First, copy and paste the response into Notepad (PC) or Textedit (mac) and from there into the Berkeley-Haas application. Your formatting will be removed but your text will all be preserved in the proper order. Rebuild your formatting, adding bullets, bold, etc., using the application tools. Review your answers. After you finalize and save your response, be sure to review your answers. No pictures or other media. Please do not paste pictures or other non-text media into your answers. They may cause problems in our reviewing your application. 9 Columbia University (NY) -ok Application Deadlines January 2012 Entry October 5, 2011 August 2012 Entry Early Decision: October 5, 2011 Merit Fellowship Consideration: January 4, 2012 Regular Decision: April 11, 2012 August Entry About 70 percent of Columbia MBA students begin their studies in the fall term. After mandatory orientation in the second half of August, regular classes begin in September. Most August-entry students complete a summer internship between their second and third terms. The August entry has two review periods — early decision and regular decision. Because the School uses a rolling admissions process, it is always to your advantage to apply well before the deadline. Early Decision Available for August entry applicants only Application deadline in early October Early decision applications are reviewed, and decisions rendered, before regular decision applications Candidates have decided that Columbia is their first choice and must sign the following statement of commitment within their applications: I am committed to attending Columbia Business School and will withdraw all applications and decline all offers from other schools upon admission to Columbia Business School. Applicants must submit a nonrefundable $6,000 tuition deposit within two weeks of admission Regular Decision Candidates may submit regular decision applications as soon as the application becomes available in the summer Regular decision applications are reviewed after early decision applications No statement of commitment required To be considered for merit-based fellowships, applications must be submitted by the specified merit-based fellowship deadline in early January Final application deadline in April Columbia Business School uses a rolling admissions process, which means applications are reviewed — and decisions rendered — as they are received. It is always advantageous for you to submit your application as early as possible. Essays Applicants must complete one short answer question and three essays. Short Answer Question What is your post-MBA professional goal? (200 characters maximum) Examples of possible responses “After my MBA I want to build my expertise in the energy sector and learn more about strategy and decision making by joining a consulting firm specializing in renewable energy and power companies.” “After my MBA I hope to work in business development for a media company that is expanding its market share in Asia.” “My short term goal is to work with an investment firm that utilizes public private partnerships to invest in community development projects.” Essay Questions 1. Considering your post-MBA and long term professional goals, why are you pursuing an MBA at this point in your career? Additionally, why is Columbia Business School a good fit for you? (750 words maximum) 2. Describe a life experience that has shaped you. The goal of this essay is to get a sense of who you are, rather than what you have achieved professionally. (500 words maximum) 3. For the third essay, please choose one of the following three options: Option A The annual A. Lorne Weil Outrageous Business Plan Competitionis a student initiative managed and run by the Columbia Entrepreneurs Organization (CEO). The competition encourages Columbia MBA students to explore creative, entrepreneurial ideas that are sufficiently ambitious in scope and scale to be considered “outrageous.” Students explore these ideas while learning firsthand what goes into the development and presentation of a solid business proposal. Develop your own outrageous business idea. In essay form, compose your elevator pitch. (250 words maximum) Option B Columbia deeply values its vibrant student community, the building of which begins at orientation when admitted students are assigned to clusters of 65 to 70 fellow students who take most of the first-year core classes together. During the first weeks of school, each cluster selects a cluster chair. Further strengthening the student community are the more than 100 active student organizations at Columbia Business School, ranging from cultural to professional to community service–oriented. Leadership positions within clusters and clubs offer hands-on management and networking opportunities for students as they interact with fellow students, administrators, faculty members, alumni, and practitioners. You are running for either cluster chair or a club leadership position of your choosing. Compose your campaign speech. (250 words maximum) Option C Founded nearly three decades ago, the Executives in Residence Program at Columbia Business School integrates senior executives into the life of the School. Current executives in residence include more than a dozen experts in areas ranging from media and investment banking to private equity and management. A hallmark of the program is one-on-one counseling sessions in which executives advise students about their prospective career choices. Select one of the current executives in residence with whom you would like to meet during your time at Columbia. Explain your selection and tell us how you would best utilize your half hour one-on-one session. (250 words maximum) Optional Essay An optional fourth essay will allow you to discuss any issues that do not fall within the purview of the required essays. Is there any further information that you wish to provide the Admissions Committee? Please use this space to provide an explanation of any areas of concern in your academic record or your personal history. (Maximum 500 words) Extracurricular Activities During College Your activities should include the college, community and professional activities in which you have participated that are most important to you. Do not list part-time jobs or other paid positions. Be sure to include the following information: Dates, name of organization, elected office held if applicable. List up to 3 collegiate extracurricular activities in order of importance. (400 Characters) Post College Be sure to include the following information: Dates, name of organization, elected office held if applicable. List up to 3 post-collegiate extracurricular activities in order of importance. (400 Characters) (Information comes from the Online Application) 10 New York University (Stern) (NY) –ok Application Deadlines for the Full-time MBA program Online applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time on the day of the deadline. Any mailed application material must be postmarked by the deadline date. 1st Deadline 2nd Deadline 3rd Deadline Application Due: November 15, 2011 January 15, 2012 March 15, 2012 Initial February 15, 2012 April 1, 2012 June 1, 2012 Priority consideration for merit scholarships and/or off-site interviews Provides best opportunity to attend Stern's admitted student event (Pre-View) in April Notification* By: Benefit: *You will receive one of three initial notifications: invitation to interview, waitlist offer or denial of admission. Special Notes for International Applicants: You are encouraged to apply by the November 15 deadline to facilitate visa arrangements and to have priority consideration for off-site interviews, if desired. You may also apply for the January 15 and March 15 deadlines. Incomplete Applications: If your application is not complete (for example, missing test scores, illegible scanned transcript, no essays or other items) you will be informed via email. If you do not provide a completed application by the deadline, we cannot guarantee notification by the initial notification date. rocess/index.htm Essays Our Stern essay questions give you the opportunity to more fully present yourself to the Admissions Committee and to provide insight into your experiences, goals and thought processes. Please note the following details when completing your essays for the Fall 2012 online application. Essays 1, 2 and 4 must be typed and submitted using the standard U.S. 8 1/2” x 11” format, double-spaced, in 12-point font. Please adhere to the essay word limits provided for each question. Word limits apply to the total question. For example, your response to Essay 1 should answer part (a), part (b) and part (c) with a total maximum of 750 words. Label the top of each essay with the following: Name, Date of Birth (month, day, year), Essay Number and Page Number (e.g.: Joe Applicant, January 1, 1983, Essay 1, Page 1) Your essays should be written entirely by you. An offer of admission will be revoked if you did not write your essays. Essay 1. Professional Aspirations (750 word maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font) Think about the decisions you have made in your life. Answer the following: (a) What choices have you made that led you to your current position? (b) Why pursue an MBA at this point in your life? (c) What is your career goal upon graduation from NYU Stern? What is your long-term career goal? Admissions Tips: Proofread your essays carefully. Make sure you have fully answered the essay questions. Be genuine in your essays - tell us about the real you. Follow the essay instructions, including word limits and font size. Listen to our podcast: Essays Essay 2. Your Stern Experience (500 word maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font) We take great care to shape the Stern community with individuals who possess both intellectual and interpersonal strengths. We seek individuals who are highly intelligent, collaborative and committed to flourishing as Stern leaders. Please answer the following questions: (a) What is your personal experience with the Stern community? Tell us what actions you have taken to learn about us. (b) Describe what most excites you about Stern from both an academic and extracurricular perspective. (c) How do you anticipate making your mark on the Stern community? Be specific about the roles you will take on and the impact you hope to achieve. Admissions Tip: To see if Stern is a fit for you, come visit us in New York City or meet us at one of our events around the world. Essay 3. Personal Expression (a) Please describe yourself to your MBA classmates. You may use almost any method to convey your message (e.g. words, illustrations). Feel free to be creative. If you submit a non-written piece for Essay 3 (i.e., artwork or multimedia) or if you submit Essay 3 via mail, please upload a brief description of your submission with your online application. Please note the following guidelines and restrictions: Your submission becomes the property of NYU Stern and cannot be returned for any reason. If you submit a written essay, it should be 500 words maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font. If you submit a video or audio file, it should be five minutes maximum. If you prepare a multimedia submission, you may mail a CD, DVD or USB flash drive to the Admissions Office. These are the only acceptable methods of submission. Please do not submit an internet link to any websites or to a video hosting service such as YouTube. The Admissions Committee reserves the right to request an alternate Essay 3 if we are unable to view your submission Do not submit anything perishable (e.g. food) or any item that has been worn (e.g. clothing). Mailed materials must be postmarked by the application deadline date. Please follow our mail and labeling instructions. Please note that mailed Essay 3 packages are subject to size restrictions. Submissions that exceed the stated size restrictions will not be accepted for review by the Admissions Committee. Please see the table below for the maximum package size guidelines: Packaging Type Dimensions: Metric Dimensions: Non-metric Box 36cm x 31cm x 8cm 14” x 12” x 3” Cylindrical tube 8cm x 91cm 3” x 36” Triangular tube 97cm x 16cm x 16 cm x 16 cm 38” x 6” x 6” x 6” Admissions Tip: Listen to Isser Gallogly, Assistant Dean of MBA Admissions, discuss Essay 3 on Public Radio's "Marketplace". (Please note that we have updated Essay 3 size restrictions, and multimedia submissions, including CDs, DVDs, and USB flash drives, are now accepted.) Essay 4. Additional Information (optional) Please provide any additional information that you would like to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee. This may include current or past gaps in employment, further explanation of your undergraduate record or self-reported academic transcript(s), plans to retake the GMAT, GRE and/or TOEFL or any other relevant information. If you are unable to submit a recommendation from your current supervisor, you must explain your reason in Essay 4. If you are a re-applicant from last year, please explain how your candidacy has improved since your last application. If you are applying to a dual degree program, please explain your decision to pursue a dual degree. Uploading Formats You may upload documents into the online application in the following formats: word, excel, PDF, .txt, .rft and .wpd. Résumé and Work History Please note the following details when completing your résumé and work history for the online application. Résumé Please provide us with your most up-to-date résumé, which should include educational and professional information. If any information on your résumé changes after you have applied, you must send an updated résumé Work History Provide your work history separately from your résumé. Your work history should follow the format provided below and list all positions (including promotions) you have held, including employer, starting and ending dates, salary/bonus and reason for leaving, with most recent employment at the top of the page. Any gaps in employment, including current unemployment, should be explained in Essay 4. If your employment status changes after you have applied, you must send an updated work history document and résumé Name of Employer Position/ Dates of Business Address Title Employment City, State, Postal Code (month/year Country month/year) Starting Salary/ Reason Ending Salary/ for Bonus (in U.S. leaving Dollars) Work History Form (for reference only - submit online) Uploading Formats You may upload documents into the online application in the following formats: Word, Excel, .pdf, .txt, .rft and .wpd. (You may upload your self-reported or scanned transcript(s) in the formats indicated on the online application.) Admissions Tips: Ensure that the employers and dates of employment on your résumé match those listed in your work history. Emphasize your accomplishments and contributions. Do not just list your job responsibilities. Highlight your career progression at an organization by showing changes to your title or responsibilities. Listen to our podcast: Work Experience Activities and Achievements Please note the following details when completing the Activities and Achievements section of the online application. We look for well-rounded candidates who demonstrate leadership and collaboration throughout their experiences. In the Activities section, list college and post-college extracurricular, professional, or community activities in the order of their importance to you. Include dates of involvement and any offices held (e.g., Activity - Dates of Involvement - Office Held). Limit 600 characters. In the Achievements section, list any college and post-college awards, scholarships, or other types of recognition you have received (academic - for example, Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude; military; extracurricular; professional; community). Limit 400 characters. In the Professional Certifications section, list any relevant professional certificates you have received (e.g. CFA, CPA, PMP, Series 7, etc.). Limit 100 characters. (Some information comes from the Online Application Form) 10 Yale University (CT) -ok Choose a Deadline Round Application & Supplemental Materials Admissions Decision Round 1 Oct. 6, 2011 Dec. 15, 2011 Round 2 Jan. 5, 2012 Mar. 22, 2012 Round 3 Apr. 12, 2012 May 17, 2012 In which round should I apply? You should apply when you feel you can submit your best application. If you are rushing to finish your application by the Round 1 deadline and feel you could use some extra time, apply in Round 2 instead. There is no difference between Rounds 1 and 2 in terms of selectivity. It may be more difficult to be admitted in Round 3, where space availability may become an issue. Essay Questions This year the application will continue to contain four short answer questions of 150 words each and two longer personal statements of 500 words each. Applicants must answer all four short answer questions. The personal statements contain a list of three essay topics, from which you must choose two topics and answer them in essay form. If you are a reapplicant, you must answer the reapplicant question as one of your personal statement essay responses. The questions are: Short Answers Please answer each of the four (4) questions below with a short paragraph of no more than 150 words. This is an opportunity to distill your core ideas, values, goals and motivations into a set of snapshots that help tell us who you are, where you are going professionally, and why. (600 words total) 1. What are your professional goals immediately after you receive your MBA? 2. What are your long‐term career aspirations? 3. Why are you choosing to pursue an MBA? (If you plan to use your Yale MBA to make a significant change in the nature of your career, please tell us what you have done to prepare for this transition.) 4. The intentions of our students to engage in a broad-minded business school community and to connect to an eminent and purposeful university greatly influence the Yale MBA experience. How do you plan to be involved in the Yale SOM and greater Yale communities? Personal Statements Choose two (2) of the following topics and answer them in essay form. Please indicate the topic number at the beginning of your essay. (500 words maximum) 1. At the Yale School of Management, we believe the world needs leaders who: Understand organizations, teams, networks and the complex nature of leadership; Understand markets and competition in different contexts; and Understand the diversity of economies throughout the world and the relationships between business and society. What experiences have you had that demonstrate your strength in one or more of these areas? 2. What is the most difficult feedback you have received from another person or the most significant weakness you perceive in yourself? What steps have you taken to address it and how will business school contribute to this process? 3. Imagine yourself meeting your learning team members for the first time in Orientation. What is the most important thing your teammates should know about you? 4. Required for reapplicants: What steps have you taken to improve your candidacy since your last application? Optional Essay Please provide any additional insight or information that you have not addressed elsewhere that may be helpful in reviewing your application (e.g., choice of recommender(s), academic background or performance, etc.). Complete this question only if you feel your candidacy is not otherwise fully represented by this application. (250 words maximum) Work Experience Gap (Optional) If you have had any post-baccalaureate gaps in full-time employment greater than three months (other than for graduate study), please explain them below. (250 word maximum) Activities/Professional Affiliations Instructions: List the most meaningful activities (up to five (5)) in which you participate or have participated from college to the present. For each activity, list the name of the organization and the position held (if any), the starting and ending dates of your involvement, the amount of time you have devoted to the activity, and a brief description of the nature of your involvement. (Information from the Online Application) What is the purpose of the additional information section? What do most applicants use it for? The additional information section is an optional section that should be used to communicate information you would like the Admissions Committee to know that may not fit into another part of the application. Applicants typically use it to explain issues regarding their undergraduate record or GMAT score, information about a job transition, or other information that is not apparent from the rest of the application. 12 Duke University (Fuqua) (NC) -ok Application Deadlines for 2011 - 2012 Application Deadline Early Action * Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Sept. 29, 2011 Nov. 1, 2011 Jan. 4, 2012 March 8, 2012 Dec. 16, 2011 Feb. 8, 2012 March 30, 2012 Feb. 16 - 25, 2012 (Durham, NC) April 17 - 21, 2012 (Durham, NC Interview Oct. 24, 2011 Invitations Sent By Interview Dates* Nov. 8 - 12, Jan. 19 - 21 & 2011 (Durham, 23, 2012 NC) (Durham, NC) Nov. 11 - 12, 2011 (other locations) Decision Notification Dec. 5, 2011 Tuition Deposit & Dec. 20, 2011 Official Transcript Jan. 7 - 8, Feb. 17 - 18, 2012 and/orJan. 2012 and/or 14 - 15, 2012 Feb. 24 - 25, & other locations) (other locations) 2012 (other locations) Feb. 1, 2012 March 20, 2012 May 4, 2012 May 1, 2012 May 1, 2012 ** May 15, 2012 $1,500 USD $1,500 USD Deadline Non-refundable Tuition Deposit Amount*** $3,000 USD $1,500 USD * Please be aware that invitation-only interview dates vary for Durham, North Carolina and other designated interview locations. For a more detailed listing of dates for invitation-only interview locations outside of Durham, North Carolina, please visit here. **The Duke MBA Early Action option is ideal for applicants who have completed their MBA research and have decided that The Duke MBA is the best program for them. Applicants admitted in the Early Action round must submit the non-refundable $3,000 tuition deposit along with official transcript(s) by December 20, 2011. In addition, any applications submitted to other schools must be withdrawn upon an offer of admission from The Duke MBA. ***Tuition deposits must be paid by check or money order. Credit card payments cannot be accepted. When should I apply for admission? Given the competitive applicant pool, you are encouraged to apply as early in the admission cycle as possible. International applicants should apply during Early Action, Round 1, or Round 2. Re-applicants who applied the previous year are strongly encouraged to reapply for admission during Early Action or Round 1. Resume You must electronically submit a 1-page business resume. The resume should contain employment and education background. The employment section should include locations, titles, and dates, starting with your most recent job. The education section should include dates of attendance and degrees received. Essays for Fall 2012 Entry Three essay questions must be completed before submitting your application. Prepare your essays carefully. The Admissions Committee considers your responses to the questions important in the selection process. Please respond fully and concisely using 1.5 line spacing. Your response to each question should be no more than 2 pages in length, with a font size no less than 10-point. Candidates who applied to The Duke MBA between September 2010 and May 2011 are considered re-applicants. All re-applicants are required to complete the Re-applicant Essay in addition to the Applicant Essays. All applicants have the opportunity to submit an optional essay to explain any extenuating circumstances of which the Admissions Committee should be aware. Applicant Essays: Answer all 3 essay questions. Today, companies must navigate through complex and interdependent issues. They must deal with health and security matters, environmental impact questions, and diversity and cultural concerns. Leaders need adaptability, imagination, emotional intelligence, and business acumen. Thus, Duke is in the midst of an ambitious global venture that will embed and connect us around the world, and we are seeking future leaders of consequence, who value diversity and collaborative leadership, and who aspire to impact the companies and communities of which they are a part in a lasting and positive way. In an effort to identify, engage, and foster the development of future leaders of consequence, the Admissions Committee would like to get to know our applicants in a more holistic manner. We would like to know who you are, what has shaped you into the person you are today, and how you hope to impact both Duke and the communities of which you will be a part in the future. The essays are your opportunity to convey that to us. Please be open, genuine, and passionate. Share with us what makes you a dynamic, multi-dimensional person. 1. Describe your vision for your career and your inspiration for pursuing this career path. 2. How will your background, values, and non-work activities enhance the experience of other Duke MBA students and add value to Fuqua's diverse culture? 3. Why Duke? (If you are interested in a specific concentration, joint degree, clubs or activities, please discuss how you would contribute to these in this essay.) Optional Essay (not required) If you feel there are extenuating circumstances of which the Admissions Committee should be aware, please explain them here (e.g., unexplained gaps in work, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance, significant weakness in your application). Re-applicant Essay All re-applicants are required to complete the Re-applicant Essay. Please limit your response to two pages. Write an essay describing how you are now a stronger candidate for admission compared to the application you submitted the previous year. 13 University of Virginia (Darden) (VA) -ok Application Deadlines 2011–2012 Round 1 2 3 Application Due by 11:59 PM (EST) Oct. 17, 2011 Jan. 12, 2012 Apr. 4, 2012 Interviews Begin Decisions Released Deposit Deadline Materials Charge Mid-Nov Dec. 21, 2011 Feb. 28, 2012 June 6, 2012 February Mar. 28, 2012 May 1, 2012 June 6, 2012 May 16, June 6, June 6, 2012 2012 2012 Late April Please note that interview notification can take place at any time up until the decision release date for the deadline in which you have applied. If you are offered admission, there will be several admitted student events that you can attend throughout the late winter and spring, including regional events around the country and events in Charlottesville on February 10, 2012 and April 20-21, 2012. Essays Use your best judgment in determining the appropriate length of your essays. The essay question fields are large enough for you to answer each question thoroughly. Use the essays to display your writing skills and tell us more about yourself. You will be asked to organize a persuasive argument to show us how you think about and approach business challenges. Emphasize those experiences, values and goals that are most important and meaningful to you. Be sincere and be specific. Tell us what particular experiences and expertise you will bring to the mix. The following is the essay question for the Darden MBA 2011−2012 application cycle: Share your perspective on leadership in the workplace and describe how it has been shaped by the increasing influence of globalization. (500 words maximum) ents/ estions/ Résumé Please prepare a business résumé (as opposed to an academic CV) that includes your employment history in reverse chronological order, with titles, dates and whether you worked part-time or full-time. As part of this résumé, also include a similar education history that includes dates and degrees, listed in reverse chronological order. The résumé should not be more than one page long. ents/ Short Answers At Darden, a core part of your academic experience is your participation in and contributions to your learning team. What will you contribute to your team? (150 words maximum) * If you were on an elevator with your dream company CEO or angel investor, what would you tell him/her about your professional ambitions and goals? (150 words maximum)* (Information from online application) 14 University of California - Los Angeles (Anderson) (CA) –ok Deadlines UCLA Anderson has three-rounds in which you may apply for admission. In order to apply for a given round, you must submit your application by 9:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time(PST) on the day of the deadline. All supporting materials that are not submitted online must arrive in our office by 5:00 p.m. PST of the deadline. Any applications that are incomplete on the deadline (i.e., missing information) will be moved to the following round. Rounds 1 and 2 are comparable in terms of your chances of admission. Round 3 is slightly more competitive, although there will be sufficient room for strong candidates. Apply at the time that is best for you. Round Application deadline Interview Decision released 1 26 October '11 by invitation 25 January '12 2 11 January '12 by invitation 4 April '12 3 18 April '12 by invitation 6 June '12 Essays We are interested in getting to know applicants on both a professional and personal level. We encourage you to be introspective, genuine, and succinct. Remember that we are more concerned with the content of your essays than their form or style. All responses to essays must be on double-spaced pages that are uploaded in document form. Please note the word limits indicated in parentheses below. First-time applicants -- 2 required essays: REQUIRED ESSAYS: Please be introspective and authentic in your responses. Content is more important than style of delivery. We value the opportunity to learn about your life experiences, aspirations, and goals. 1. What event or life experience has had the greatest influence in shaping your character and why? (750 words) 2. Describe your short-term and long-term career goals. What is your motivation for pursuing an MBA now and how will UCLA Anderson help you to achieve your goals? (750 words) OPTIONAL ESSAY: The following essay is optional. No preference is given in the evaluation process to applicants who submit an optional essay. 1. Are there any extenuating circumstances in your profile about which the Admissions Committee should be aware? (250 words) REAPPLICANT ESSAY QUESTIONS REQUIRED ESSAY: Reapplicants who applied for the entering Fall 2010 or 2011 class are required to complete the following essay. Please be introspective and authentic in your response. Content is more important than style of delivery. We value the opportunity to learn more about your aspirations and goals. 1. Please describe your career progress since you last applied and ways in which you have enhanced your candidacy. Include updates on short-term and long-term career goals, as well as your continued interest in UCLA Anderson. (750 words) 14 University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (Ross) (MI) -ok Dates & Deadline We encourage you to apply in the first two rounds since these applicants have a greater opportunity to be considered for scholarships. In addition, only students admitted from the first two rounds will be able to attend Go Blue Rendezvous, our admitted student weekend in April. We also recommend international students apply in Round 1 or Round 2 because of visa requirements and to ensure consideration for scholarships. Deadlines follow: Round 1 Applications due Oct. 10, 2011 Decisions mailed Jan. 13, 2012 Round 2 Applications due Jan. 4, 2012 Decisions mailed March 15, 2012 Round 3 Applications due March 1, 2012 Decisions mailed May 15, 2012 Résumé Please include a one- to two-page résumé that highlights your education, academic focus, and honors you received; work experience, responsibilities, and accomplishments (organized by company); and organizations to which you belong. Your résumé may also include specific skills such as languages, personal interests and significant activities. Please note that if admitted to the Full-time MBA program, you will be required to undergo a verification of your employment through a third party vendor. We do this to deter fraudulent applications and preserve the integrity of the Ross community. Discovery of fraudulent information will result in the revocation of admission. If you are admitted, you will be provided with instructions on how to initiate the verification process. You will also be responsible for the fee for this service. Fall 2012 Full-time MBA Essay Questions Answer the required essay questions, typed on separate sheets. Please limit yourself to the number of words noted, using a minimum of 11 point font with 1.5 line spacing. 1. Introduce yourself to your future Ross classmates in 100 words or less. 2. Describe your career goals. How will an MBA from Ross help you to achieve those goals? What is your vision for how you can make a unique contribution to 3. 4. 5. the Ross community? (500 word maximum) Describe a time in your career when you were frustrated or disappointed. What did you learn from that experience? (500 word maximum) Select one of the following questions: What are you most passionate about? (300 word maximum) Describe a personal challenge or obstacle and why you view it as such. How have you dealt with it? What have you learned from it? (300 word maximum) Optional question: Is there anything else you think the Admissions Committee should know about you to evaluate your candidacy? (500 word maximum) 16 Cornell University (Johnson) (NY) –ok Important Dates 2011-2012 Application Dates Round Application Deadline Decision Notification Deposit Deadline* Round 1 October 12, 2011 December 20, 2011 January 31, 2012 Round 2 November 30, 2011 February 28, 2012 March 20, 2012 Round 3 January 25, 2012 March 27, 2012 April 17, 2012 Round 4 March 14, 2012 April 24, 2012 May 1, 2012 Decisions: Decisions will appear on the Johnson Application page at Noon Eastern Time Deposit Deadlines: Accepted students must submit a $1,500 enrollment deposit by Noon Eastern Time on deposit date for the round. *The Two-Year MBA program requires an additional $1,500 deposit payment on June 1st. The second deposit payment is due on June 1st at Noon Eastern Time. Scholarships: Round 3 is the last round to apply for scholarship consideration. Destination Johnson: April 8 – 10, 2011 – We encourage all accepted students to attend! portant-Dates.aspx Q: Are there any advantages to applying early? A: We encourage you to apply once you feel prepared to submit a complete, thoughtful, well-prepared application. We cannot predict the quantity or quality of applications in particular rounds, but we generally recommend applying early (particularly during rounds one or two) since space and scholarship funding may become limited in later rounds. International students and those applying for scholarship consideration should apply during rounds one, two, or three. plication-Guide/Frequently-Asked-Questions.aspx Essays The essay portion of your application gives you the opportunity to candidly demonstrate your attributes and your compatibility with our rich and vibrant program. Formatting suggestions: 12 pt. font, Times New Roman, single spacing. Please observe the 400 word limit for each essay. Essays Required for All Applicants 1. What career do you plan to pursue upon completion of an MBA degree and why? (400 word limit) We are obviously looking at your career pathing and focus. The adcom wants to see that you have done your due diligence on your career trajectory and what is it about b-school (hint: why Johnson) is the right fit and time in your life. 2. What legacy would you hope to leave as a Johnson graduate? (200 word limit) The adcom wants you to really evaluate what "fit" means to you for Johnson. "Fit" is different for everyone, so we want to see how authentic and purposeful you are about applying. 3. You are the author for the book of Your Life Story. Please write the table of contents for the book. Note: Approach this essay with your unique style. We value creativity and authenticity. (Required essay) (400 word limit) We have been asking this essay question for the last two years. It is a favorite to read and to write for our applicants. Keep the creativity and personality because we enjoy learning more about who our applicants are! Essay Required for All Re-applicants How did you strengthen your application since you last applied? (400 word limit) Optional Essay Complete this essay if you would like to add additional details regarding your candidacy. For instance, if you believe one or more aspects of your application (e.g., undergraduate record or test scores) do not accurately reflect your potential for success at the Johnson School. (400 word limit) Activities Create and upload a document outlining your activities according to the instructions below. Formatting suggestions: 12 pt. font, Times New Roman, single spacing. (400 word limit) Collegiate Activities and Employment - List your extracurricular activities while in college in order of importance to you. You may include details about your positions and the time commitment, honors or awards received, and dates of participation. The list may also include part-time and summer employment held while in college. Please list your employer, job title, responsibilities, hours per week, and the dates for each position. Post-Collegiate Activities - List community activities (clubs, church, civic, etc.) and professional associations you contributed to since graduation from college. Please include the organization name, your role, hours dedicated, elected offices held, and dates of participation. Hobbies and Activities - Please describe any hobbies or activities that hold special significance for you. missions-Blog/EntryId/134/3-Essays-and-the-GRE.aspx (Information from the Online Application) 17 University of Texas - Austin (McCombs) (TX) –ok Application Deadlines - Fall 2012 October 24, 2011 Decision Notification: Week of December 19, 2011 Application Deadline: December 5, 2011 Decision Notification: Week of February 20, 2012 Application Deadline: ROUND 3 January 23, 2012 (Final deadline for international applicants) Decision Notification: Week of April 9, 2012 Application Deadline: March 26, 2012 Decision Notification: Week of May 14, 2012 ROUND 1* ROUND 2* ROUND 4 (Final deadline for domestic applicants) Application Deadline: *We strongly encourage applicants to apply in Round 1 or Round 2. Applying in these rounds is necessary for admissions scholarship consideration and accomodates attendance at our spring Preview Weekend admitted student event. FALL 2012 APPLICATION ESSAYS Required Essays 1. Where do you see yourself immediately after graduation from the Texas MBA?*: 2. 3. The maximum length for this essay is 200 characters. Describe how your professional and personal experiences have led you to pursue an MBA at this time. Please share with us your short and long term goals and why the Texas MBA at McCombs is the program best positioned to help you achieve them. Limit: 900 words At the McCombs School of Business, we are proud to have an active and diverse student community. What do you consider to be your personal strengths and how have you leveraged them in the past to enrich your work and non-work communities? Limit: 500 words Optional Essays 1. If your standardized test scores are low or if you have not had coursework in core business subjects (i.e. calculus, microeconomics, statistics, financial accounting), please tell us how you plan to prepare yourself for the quantitative rigor of the MBA curriculum. 2. Limit: 200 words Please provide any additional information to the Admissions Committee that you believe is important and/or will address any areas of concern that will be beneficial to the committee in considering your application. Limit: 350 words (Information from Online Application) 18 Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper) (PA) -ok Our timetable for the Fall 2012 entering class is: Application submitted and complete by: October 24, 2011 January 03, 2012 March 05, 2012 April 23, 2012* June 01, 2012** Notification of decision mailed to applicant on: December 19, 2011 March 16, 2012 April 30, 2012 May 25, 2012 Rolling *April 23, 2012 deadline is reserved for U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents, as well as FlexTime and FlexMode candidates. International applicants for the FullTime MBA program must apply by March 5, 2012. **June 01, 2012 deadline and after is reserved for FlexTime and FlexMode candidates only. Essay (double-spaced, 12-pt. font) 1. ESSAY A*(Required) (Suggested length - 2 double-spaced pages.) What are your short-term and long-term goals? How will a Tepper MBA help you to achieve these goals? (Please include any information regarding what steps you have taken to learn more about the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie 2. 3. 4. Mellon University.) ESSAY B*(Required) (Suggested length - 2 double-spaced pages.) The Tepper School is looking for individuals who will make an impact. Give an example of a time where you made an impact in your professional or academic life. ESSAY C*(Required) (Suggested length – 1 double-spaced page.) Please answer one of the following two questions. Please clearly specify which question you are answering. (1) Describe an obstacle you have faced in your professional or academic life. How did you overcome this obstacle and how did it foster your development? (2) Describe a time in your professional or academic life in which your ethics were challenged. How did you deal with the situation and what did you learn from it? ESSAY D*(Required) (Suggested length – 1 double-spaced page.) Please answer one of the following two questions. Please clearly specify which question you are answering. (1) Outside of my professional and/or academic life, one thing that people would be surprised to know about me is… (2) Outside of my professional and/or academic life, I am especially proud of… Additional Essay Is there anything else that you think we should know as we evaluate your application? If you believe your credentials and essays represent you fairly, you should not feel obligated to answer this question. This essay is intended to provide a place for you to add information that you think is important but is not covered elsewhere in the application. This could include clarification of your employment or academic record, choice of recommenders or provide helpful context for the admissions committee in reviewing your application. Activities and Achievements Extracurricular/Community activities. List your extracurricular/community activities listing clearly the Activity, Position held, Responsibilities and Duration. List them in order of importance to you, with most important listed first. Scholarly and/or Professional achievements. List recognitions for scholarly achievements (such as awards, honorary societies, scholarships), professional societies, articles or books published, papers presented, research inventions or any other creative work. Current Resume Include a current copy of your resume* Employment Record On separate sheets of paper, you must account for all time since high school graduation, in reverse chronological order, starting with and including your current/most recent position. This should include: All full-time positions (including Peace Corps, military services, volunteer work, etc.). For each position, you must include the information below. All part-time/summer positions requiring more than ten hours per week. For each position, you must include the following information: Dates of employment Firm/Employer's name Address Nature of firm's activities (very brief description) Your job title(s) Responsibilities Rate of pay Starting and ending rate of earnings Employment type (full-time, part-time, internship, etc.) Reason for leaving Employment history must be submitted with your online application. Please proofread uploaded documents prior to submission. You are discouraged from sending copies of your employment history by mail or email. (Information from the Online Application) 19 University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler) (NC) -ok Deadlines The Admissions Committee meets November through May and manages applications in cycles. Because of heavy demand and our small class size, early application is strongly recommended. Applicants should use the following guidelines in completing the application: Application must be received by midnight EST Decision Release Date (posted online by 5 p.m.) Deposit Deadline Oct 21 Dec 12 Jan 9 Deadline 2 Dec 2 Feb 6 Apr 23 Deadline 3 Jan 6 Mar 19 Apr 23 Deadline 4 Mar 16 Apr 30 May 14 Deadline 1 early action * Requests for admissions decisions before the decision release dates cannot be granted. You are urged to apply early and to submit the personal information and resume portion of the application. UNC Kenan-Flagler's class size is small, and admission is very competitive. The admissions office must also receive official GMAT or GRE (if applicable) and TOEFL scores by the application deadline in order to consider your application in that cycle. Decisions are also posted online by 5 p.m. on the decision mailing dates. Early Action Our first cycle, October 21, 2011, is the Early Action deadline. Early Action is an option for applicants who know for certain that they will attend UNC Kenan-Flagler if admitted. Early Action provides applicants with the certainty of learning their decision by December 12, 2011. Admitted applicants in the Early Action cycle will be required to submit a $2,500 non-refundable enrollment deposit by January 6, 2012, in order to secure a space in the class. You should not apply for Early Action if you are not prepared to commit immediately to attending UNC. Application Essays Complete all essays in separate documents and have them ready to upload. Be sure to clearly label each page of your essays with your full name and the essay number and save the essays on your hard drive using very clear file names (for example, KFessay1.docx). This will ensure that you upload the proper essay to the correct location. At the top of each page, include your full name and the number of the question you are answering. Use at least 11-point font, and 1.5 line spacing. Some applicants seek the MBA as a career enhancing tool to accelerate advancement in their current field. Career switchers want the MBA to help launch new career paths. UNC Kenan-Flagler recognizes each of these motivations as legitimate reasons to pursue the MBA, and we encourage both types of candidates to apply. UNC Kenan-Flagler encourages you to assess your known talents and potential skills, understand your personal style, and confirm your values and interests. If you do this prior to beginning your MBA studies, you will be better equipped to navigate the many options the MBA program will provide. There is not enough time to do all the activities and take all the courses that will be available to you. It is important, therefore, to make your choices based on your own development plan. Think of the UNC Kenan-Flagler MBA application as a first step toward uncovering the unique attributes and goals that will inform your development plan. Please be thoughtful and reflective in your answers. 1. Essay One (Required) What are the 2 or 3 strengths or characteristics that have driven your career success thus far? What are the other strengths that you would like to leverage in the future? (500 words maximum) 2. Essay Two (Required) Please describe your short and long term goals post-MBA. Explain how: your professional experience has shaped these goals; why this career option appeals to you; and how you arrived at the decision that now is the time and the MBA is the appropriate degree. (500 words maximum) 3. Essay Three (Required) What personal qualities or life experiences distinguish you from other applicants? How do these qualities or experiences equip you to contribute to UNC Kenan-Flagler? (500 words maximum) 4. Essay Four (Optional) If your standardized test scores are low, or if you have not had coursework in core business subjects (calculus, microeconomics, statistics, financial accounting), please tell us how you plan to prepare yourself for the quantitative rigor of the MBA curriculum. (300 words maximum) 5. Essay Five (Optional) Is there any other information you would like to share that is not presented elsewhere in the application? (300 words maximum) (Information from the Online Application) Résumé Include education history and employment history with titles and dates in reverse chronological order Employment History & Other Background Information Please prepare one file containing all of the five sections listed below. Use the format indicated for each section. Be sure that your name is at the top of each page of your document. Documents in *.doc format are preferable, but *.pdf and *.txt are accepted. 1. Full-Time Employment History - Please list all previous full-time employment beginning with your most recent position. Employer Name From Month/Year to Month/Year Location (City/State/Country) Nature of Business Job Title Number and Titles Reporting to You Starting and Ending Salary (in U.S. Dollars) Responsibilities Reason for Position/Job Change 2. Part-Time/Summer Employment - Please list all previous part-time employment beginning with your most recent position. Employer/Activity From Month/Year to Month/Year Duties 3. Honors and Awards - In order of importance to you, list honors, awards, and/or areas in which you have distinguished yourself. Indicate the date and basis for each selection. 4. Extracurricular Activities and Varsity Sports in College - Please list in order of importance to you. Activity and Years Involved Position (specify elected, appointed or member) From Month/Year to Month/Year 5. Community Leadership Activities Since College - Please list in order of importance to you. Activity Position (specify elected, appointed or member) From Month/Year to Month/Year 20 Washington University in St. Louis (Olin) (MO) –ok Full-time MBA Application Deadlines Deadline Notification on or before Round 1 October 1, 2011 December 1, 2011 Round 2 November 15, 2011 January 15, 2012 Round 3 January 4, 2012 March 31, 2012 Round 4 February 15, 2012 April 15, 2012 Round 5 April 1, 2012 June 1, 2012 Round 6* Rolling Admissions after April 1, 2012 *After April 1 we move to rolling admissions, during which we continue to accept applications on a first-come, first-served space-available basis. Incomplete applications will be shifted to the subsequent rounds until all required materials have been submitted. Essays 1. Please provide a statement of purpose that describes your decision to pursue the Olin MBA or specialized master's degree for which you are applying. 2. Your response should include a thoughtful presentation of the personal and professional experiences that have led to your decision to pursue graduate management education. It should also provide an identification of your specific short- and long-term career objectives, an explanation of your decision to pursue this degree at this point in your life, a description of your specific interest in the Olin Business School, and any other information that would help inform the Admissions Committee of your qualifications for our program. (500 – 1,000 words) Optional Essay: Please provide any additional information not previously addressed in other areas of the application that you feel would be helpful to the Admissions Committee in its assessment of your candidacy. (300 word maximum) (Information from the Online Application) 21 University of Minnesota - Twin Cities (Carlson) (MN) –ok Deadlines and Checklists All Full-Time MBA students begin the program in the fall semester. To receive full consideration for scholarships and fellowships, we encourage you to apply early. All materials must be postmarked by the deadline. We will hold incomplete applications for review in a subsequent batch. Deadlines that occur on a holiday or weekend will be extended through the next business day. Deadlines for All U.S. and International Applicants Apply by December 1 to receive a response by February 15 Apply by February 1 to receive a response by April 15 U.S. Applicants Only Apply by April 1 to receive a response by May 15 Admission is only offered for the fall semester. Early application is highly recommended in order to ensure a timely review of your application and for competitive scholarship consideration. Personal Statement We want to admit a diverse, intellectually curious, and interesting group of students who will contribute to and benefit from the Carlson MBA Program. This section of the application helps the admissions committee get to know you better as an individual, and allows the committee to evaluate the extent to which your skills, interests, values, and career goals are well suited for the program. Please write a personal statement using no more than 750 words (2 pages), that addresses the following questions: 1. Briefly describe your short-term and long-term career goals. Why are you choosing to pursue an MBA at this time in your career, and what are you hoping to accomplish by doing so? 2. Why are you interested in pursuing an MBA at the Carlson School of Management? 3. What do you feel makes you a strong candidate for the program? How will you contribute to the MBA Program overall? (Information from Online Application) Resume Please submit a current resume such as you would submit for a job application, including distinctions and certifications. (Information from Online Application) 21 University of Southern California (Marshall) (CA) –ok Application deadlines Applications can be submitted for one of the three application periods listed below. You may apply only once a year. Please note: If you are an international student, or want to be considered for a fellowship, the recommended application deadline is January 15, 2012. Application Deadlines* Test Deadlines** Interview Invitation Interview completed By Notification Dates*** Nov. 1, 2011 Nov. 1, 2011 Dec. 1, 2011 Jan. 21, 2012 Feb. 1, 2012 Jan. 15, 2012 Jan. 15, 2012 Feb. 15, 2012 Mar. 25, 2012 Apr. 1, 2012 Mar. 15, 2012 Mar. 15, 2012 Apr. 15, 2012 May 6, 2012 May 15, 2012 *We must receive your application by 11:59 p.m. PST on this day. **GMAT or GRE, TOEFL or PTE ***Notifications/Decisions: Admit, Deny, Waitlist, or you may be invited to interview Essay Questions: 1. What are your short- term and long-term post MBA goals? How will USC Marshall help you achieve these goals? (750 words) If interested in a dual-degree program, please address in this essay. 2. 3. 4. How will other USC Marshall MBA Students benefit from your background, experience, leadership and teamwork skills? (500 words) Select three from the following and describe: (250 words each) a) A challenging international experience b) A personal or professional setback c) An entrepreneur you admire d) Your family, including any ties to USC e) Your most significant accomplishment f) A situation where your professional ethics were challenged Optional Essay: Please add any additional information that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider in evaluating your application (250 words) Re-Applicants: If you applied within the past two years, please answer the following: 1. What steps have you taken to strengthen your application since your last submission? Please reiterate your short-term and long-term goals. (750 words) 2. Select two from the following and describe: (250 words each) a) A challenging international experience b) A personal or professional setback c) An entrepreneur you admire d) Your family, including any ties to USC e) Your most significant accomplishment f) A situation where your professional ethics were challenged 23 Emory University (Goizueta) (GA) –ok Applications are reviewed in rounds. We encourage candidates who have submitted their on-line application to log into OPUS to verify materials received and to check their application status. The Admissions Office cannot accommodate requests to verify materials received over the phone. 2011-12 Application Deadlines ROUND Application Deadline Interview Deadline Decision Notification Deposit Due EARLY* Sept. 16 Sept. 16 Oct. 12 Dec. 1 Round 1 Oct. 21 Oct. 21 Dec. 14 Feb. 1 Round 2** Dec. 9 Dec. 9 Feb. 8 Round 3*** Jan. 27 Jan. 27 Mar. 7 Mar. 21 (One-Yr) Apr. 4 (Two-Yr) Round 4 Mar. 9 Mar. 9 Apr. 18 Apr. 25 (One-Yr) May 2 (Two-Yr) Mar. 1 (One-Yr) Apr. 4 (Two-Yr) * The Goizueta MBA Early Decision option is ideal for applicants who have completed their MBA research and have decided that Goizueta is the best program for them. Applicants admitted in the Early Decision round must submit the non-refundable $1,000 tuition deposit along with official transcript(s) by Dec. 1, 2011. ** We strongly suggest One-Year Program and International Applicants to apply by ROUND 2. However, all applications received until March 9, 2012 wll be given complete consideration. ***All applicants who wish to be considered for scholarship must submit the application and all materials by ROUND 3 to be given complete consideration. y Résumé You must electronically submit a 1-page business résumé. The résumé should contain employment and education background. The employment section should include locations, titles, and dates, starting with your most recent job. The education section should include dates of attendance and degrees received. Essays Please address the following questions and submit all essays in one complete PDF file. Essays should be written in 12pt. font and double-spaced. On the top of each page, indicate your full name as listed on your application and the question to which you are responding. The application system requires that you convert your document into PDF format prior to uploading it to your application. Instructions and access to a software program that will convert your documents are available within the application. 2011-12 Applicant Essays Answer all essays (numbers 1 through 4), following the directions indicated in the questions. 1. Complete each of the following questions. Please limit your response to150 words each. o Why have you decided to pursue an MBA at this time? o What are your short term post MBA goals? o What are your long term professional aspirations? 2. Share one of your most significant professional accomplishments. Describe your precise role in this activity and how it has helped to shape your management skills. Please limit your response to 500 words. 3. The Business School is named for Roberto C. Goizueta, former Chairman and CEO of The Coca-Cola Company, who led the organization for 16 years, extending its global reach, quadrupling consumption, building brand responsibility, and creating unprecedented shareholder wealth. It is his legacy and the strength of his character that gives rise to our vision: Principled Leaders for Global Enterprise. We encourage you to watch this short video for inspiration in answering the question. What sort of impact do you hope to have as a Goizueta Business School student OR business leader and what attributes do you possess that will assist you in achieving this goal? Please limit your response to 300 words. The transcript of the video can be found here 4. Complete two of the following statements. Please limit your response to150 words each. I am unique because... My most memorable cross-cultural experience... I am passionate about... The most surprising thing about me is... The best piece of advice I've ever received is... Optional Essay: If you have additional information or feel there are extenuating circumstances which you would like to share with the MBA Admissions Committee (i.e. unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, academic performance issues, areas of weakness in application), please complete this optional essay in 250 words or less. Re-Applicant Essays Applicants who have applied to Goizueta Business School in the past are required to answer two questions: 1. 2. Complete each of the following questions. Please limit your response to150 words each. Why have you decided to pursue an MBA at this time? What are your short-term post-MBA goals? What are your long-term professional aspirations? Explain how you have improved your candidacy for Goizueta Business School’s MBA Program since your last application. Please limit your response to 250 words. You may also submit the optional essay if you wish. 23 Indiana University - Bloomington (Kelley) (IN) –ok Applicant Deadlines Domestic and International applicants Deadline Notification Early November 1 Mid January Priority January 5 Mid March Third March 1 Late April Final April 15 Late May Does it matter which application deadline I choose to apply for? The Kelley MBA Program offers four deadlines: November 1, January 5, March 1, and April 15. Prospective students should apply when they believe their application is at its strongest. It is better to meet a later deadline with a strong application than to rush an application to meet an early deadline. While we will have seats available through all of the deadlines, those interested in merit-based financial aid are encouraged to apply by no later than January 5 for best financial aid consideration. International applicants are also encouraged to apply by January 5 due to the additional time it takes to secure a student visa. Essay Your essays will give us an idea of your personality, perspectives, and opinions and will let us know how closely your professional objectives match the objectives of the MBA program. All applicants must answer essay number 1. You must also choose two of the next three essay questions (questions 2 through 4). Essay number 5 is optional. Please limit each essay to no more than two pages. Please include the essay number and your name at the top of each page. We encourage you to be informative, creative, and concise. Mandatory: 1. Please discuss your post-MBA short- and long-term professional goals. How will your professional experience, when combined with a Kelley MBA degree, allow you to achieve these goals? Choose two of the next three: 2. Describe an ethical dilemma that you faced in your professional career. How was it resolved and what did you learn from the experience? 3. Suppose you had to choose three people—people alive now or people from another era—to travel with you on a cross-country automobile trip. Who would you choose and why? What would you hope to learn from them? (Think carefully about the company you want on those long stretches through Nebraska or Kansas.) 4. Describe what there is about your background and your experiences that will contribute to the diversity of the entering class and enhance the educational experience of other students. Optional: Is there anything else that you think we should know as we evaluate your application? If you believe your credentials and essays represent you fairly, you shouldn't feel obligated to answer this question. f 25 Georgetown University (McDonough) (DC) -ok Admissions Deadlines 2011-2012 Application Deadline Round 1 October 15 Decision Notification December 15 Round 2 January 5 March 15 Round 3 April 1 May 15 Students wishing to be considered for merit-based scholarships should apply no later than Round 2. International students are strongly encouraged to apply by Round 2 in order to have sufficient time to secure a student visa. MEETING THE DEADLINE The online application must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on the deadline date. Any mailed credentials must be postmarked no later than the deadline date. Applications that are received after the deadline will be considered for the next admissions round. ESSAY QUESTIONS The online application has specific questions for the Full-Time MBA and Dual Degree Programs, as well as for Re-applicants. You will create your essays in a separate document and upload them into your application. Begin your essay by restating the essay question at the top of the page and answer each essay question according to the specified word limit. Also, be sure to include your name on each page of your response. 1. Essay One: Limit - 1 page, double spaced, 12 pt font State your short-term career goal immediately following graduation from the Georgetown MBA program. What skills have you developed on which you will build? What skills will you need to develop? 2. Essay Two: Limit - 1/2 page, double spaced, 12 pt font State your long-term career goal. How does the position you describe in Essay One serve as a building block for your long-term career goal? 3. Essay Three: Limit - 1 1/2 pages, double spaced, 12 pt font Describe the essence of who you are both personally and professionally. 4. Essay Four: Limit - 1/2 page, double spaced, 12 pt font Service and community engagement are a way of life at Georgetown, following the University’s tradition of women and men for others. How have you demonstrated service to others? 5. Optional Essay One: Limit - 1/2 page, double spaced, 12 pt font If you are not currently employed full-time, use this space to provide information about your current activities. 6. Optional Essay Two: Limit - 1 page, double spaced, 12 pt font Please provide any information you would like to add to your application that you have not otherwise included. 7. Optional Essay Three: Professional Achievement Essay, Limit - 1/2 page, double spaced, 12 pt font If you would like to be considered for a Georgetown MBA Professional Achievement Scholarship, address your greatest accomplishment(s) in your chosen field and explain why you should be selected for this scholarship. Include any relevant professional awards/recognition received by your employer or industry. 8. RE-APPLICANT ESSAY (REQUIRED FOR REAPPLICANTS ONLY) - Limit - 1page, double spaced, 12 pt font How have you strengthened your candidacy since your last application? We are particularly interested in hearing about how you have grown professionally and personally. In addition, please update the Admissions Committee on your short-term career goals following graduation from the Georgetown MBA program. CURRENT RÉSUMÉ Submit a current résumé in month/year format that corresponds to the information submitted in your online application. Create a separate section on your resume to highlight part-time or internship experience. 25 Ohio State University (Fisher) (OH) –ok We process applications on a rolling admissions basis, meaning that we review and evaluate applications as they are submitted to our program rather than waiting until the deadline to begin the review process. We also award merit-based funding on a rolling basis, so it is to your advantage to apply early, as the availability of specific funding opportunities declines as the application season progresses. Please use these recommended deadlines as guidelines for completing your application. Within two to four weeks of submitting a complete application, including all required supplementary materials, you will hear from the Admissions Committee regarding the outcome of its initial review. Application deadlines for 2011-2012 October 31 As a reflection of our commitment to action-learning and global experiences as part of our MBA program, individuals who apply by the October 31st deadline, are offered admission to the program and matriculate as students will receive a $1,000 grant that can be used during their time in the Fisher MBA program to support professional or academic travel, such as study abroad/global immersion and conferences. December 15 Applicants who submit by this deadline and are offered admission to the program will automatically be considered for all merit-based funding opportunities available for MBA students. Some award packages are exclusively reserved for applicants who submit by December 15th, so we encourage you to submit early if funding is a strong consideration in your selection process. January 5 March 1 April 15 Applications will be accepted after April 15 on a space-available basis. Resume A detailed resume or curriculum vitae gives the MBA Admissions Committee a snapshot of your professional and academic career and serves as an indication of how well you are able to sell yourself on paper. Since our Career Services Office is represented on the Admissions Committee, the resume also gives the Career Services team an idea of how you would present yourself to a prospective employer and helps them evaluate your potential for successful employment placement upon completion of the Fisher MBA program. Please account for the time since the beginning of your university education and include: Your contact information (full name, mailing address, phone number, and email). Employment history (with details of primary duties and accomplishments in each position held). Current salary (or most recent salary if not presently employed) in your local currency Extracurricular and/or community activities. Languages (read, spoken, and/or understood). Military record (if applicable). (Information from online application) Essays Essay questions give you the opportunity to present yourself more fully to our Admissions Committee and to provide insight into your experiences, goals, and thought processes. Required Essay Format Clearly label each essay at the top of the page with your name and the essay number (e.g., essay #1, #2, or #3) and/or essay title Double space your essays, and use a font that is easy to read (e.g. Arial). We suggest a 10-point font Number all essay pages at the bottom of the page Stay within the limit of number of words per essay Characteristics of a Good Essay Be genuine. The content and wording should reflect who you are and allow the Admissions Committee to gain insight into your personality and what motivates you. Be the sole author of your essays. While we encourage you to seek feedback from family, friends, and business colleagues to ensure that your essays capture the essence of who you are, we strongly discourage you from letting their feedback influence the core thought processes that drive this creative exercise. Provide examples. Making a general statement about who you are or citing your accomplishments is powerful only if you can provide the reader with underlying examples of actions that define your personality or activities that led you to success in a given project or work assignment. Invest time in writing your essays. Since the Admissions Committee places great emphasis on well-structured, well-written essays that allow them to get a true "feel" for you, essays play an important role in the overall evaluation of an application. Essay #1: Shaping Your Vision Every year Fisher College’s MBA program admits a select group of talented professionals with demonstrated potential to become successful business leaders in an increasingly competitive, global environment. Why do you want to earn an MBA degree in general and a Fisher College MBA in particular? How will Fisher specifically assist you in achieving your individual potential? As a part of your response, include a brief summary of your professional accomplishments to date. If you have not held a full-time job or are still in college, let us know about your leadership accomplishments in a school, internship, or extracurricular context. Maximum words: 750 Essay #2: Focusing On Leadership One of Fisher's strengths is its dedication to developing leaders. Listed below are 10 attributes that characterize great leaders. Please select the two criteria that best describe your strengths and provide us with concrete evidence to support your choices. You may submit physical objects, images, photographs or photocopies, along with brief descriptions of how the objects exemplify the leadership qualities you have chosen (i.e. you might share a picture of time spent doing volunteer work in another country, along with an explanation for how that experience has heightened your global awareness). Or, you may choose to write an essay for each of the two characteristics you select, describing situations in which you exemplified these leadership traits (each choice with a maximum of 500 words). Please be sure to title each essay with the characteristic you selected. Please note: The Fisher College of Business will not be responsible for returning physical objects to applicants. Integrity Empathy Curiosity Endurance Creativity Global awareness Passion Vision Self Awareness Communication and interpersonal skills Essay #3: Discovering You As a Fisher College MBA student, you get the best of both worlds: the up-close and personal feel of a small program combined with the resources and opportunities offered by a major research university. As an individual participant, you will play a key role in shaping our culture. Consequently, we would like to learn more about who you are and the unique characteristics you will contribute to the Fisher College community. Provide an honest description of yourself outside your professional context, stressing the personal characteristics you believe to be your strengths and weaknesses, along with the factors that have most influenced your development to date. Maximum words: 750 (Information from online application) 27 Arizona State University - Main Campus (Carey) (AZ) –ok Application Deadline: Fall 2012 The application for fall 2012 will be available starting in September 2011. To be notified of a decision by one of the dates shown below, ensure that all application items (including test scores and recommendations) are submitted by the application deadline for that round. Applications completed after a deadline may be considered on a rolling basis. Application Deadline Notification-By Date October 16, 2011 December 16, 2011 December 11, 2011 February 24, 2012 February 5, 2012 * April 6, 2012 April 1, 2012 (domestic only) June 1, 2012 * Final deadline for international applicants. Admission Decision Process All application materials must be submitted by specified deadlines to receive an admissions decision by the indicated notification date. Applications submitted prior to the posted deadlines are encouraged and will receive priority consideration. Applications will continue to be accepted and considered after published deadlines on a limited, space available basis. Admissions interviews are by invitation based on an initial review of application materials. Not all applicants will be interviewed. Applicants will be contacted via e-mail should the Admissions Committee wish to extend an invitation to interview. If application materials are not postmarked by the indicated date, the application will be sent to the Admissions Committee for review once all materials are received. Applying Early To ensure that your MBA application experience is the best possible, we suggest you apply prior to posted deadlines. Applying early: Allows you to complete your GMAT exam within your desired admissions deadline Ensures the best chance at securing your seat in the MBA program Provides time for the Office of Admissions to conduct a preliminary review of your application and recommend potential enhancements before the Admissions Committee conducts its final review. Essay Questions Applicants to the W. P. Carey MBA Program are required to complete three essays. Responses to each essay should be no more than two pages using 1.5 line spacing. During the online application process, essays will be uploaded in one document. An essay template is available. Essay No. 1: What are the two most significant decisions you have made that influenced your career path to this point and what were the results? Essay No. 2: Discuss your post-MBA professional goals, beginning with the MBA specialization you plan to pursue. How did you decide on this career path, and why do you feel these goals are realistic for you? Essay No. 3: What unique skills and/or experiences will you contribute to the W. P. Carey Full-time MBA program? Resume & Work Experience Your employment background is an integral part of your contribution to the W. P. Carey MBA experience. The Admissions Committee will incorporate your resume and work history into the review process. Resume Details Your resume must be uploaded during completion of the online application. Resumes should contain no more than two pages and should include: Job titles and positions held, key responsibilities and accomplishments for each position, and salary history Honors, awards, certificates, professional organizations, volunteer activities and community involvement Computer skills, multilingual abilities and overseas travel or work experience Academic background, including schools attended and degrees earned Work Experience At least two years of professional work experience is required for admission to the W. P. Carey MBA Program. Applicants with non-traditional work experience or who had full-time work experience while attending undergraduate studies should provide additional explanation in Essay 3. 28 Georgia Institute of Technology (GA) –ok Deadlines Graduate Assistantship Consideration & International Applicants January 15 Application and academic transcripts February 15 GMAT scores, three letters of recommendation and TOEFL scores (if applicable) Final Priority Deadline: U.S. Citizens & Permanent Residents March 15 Application and academic transcripts April 15 GMAT scores and three letters of recommendation Space-available May 1 Application and academic transcripts 30 days after application GMAT scores and three letters of recommendation submitted or as soon as possible After May 1 To submit an application, contact us for availability at 404.894.8722 or email Essays The next section of the MBA application requires you to write a short essay on three topics. Each essay should be no longer than one typed page. The first two essays are required; the third is optional. ESSAY QUESTIONS MUST BE COMPLETED ONLINE - DO NOT MAIL SEPARATELY. Essay 1: If you could host a dinner party and invite any four people, either living or dead, whom would you invite and what would the five of you discuss together? There is no right answer concerning the dinner guests; rather, we want you to be creative and thoughtful in your response. Space is limited to 4000 characters. Essay 2: Describe how your experience, both professional and personal, has led you to the decision to pursue an MBA at Georgia Tech. How does this decision relate to your future career goals? Space is limited to 4000 characters. Essay 3: (Optional) The Admissions Committee believes that the required essays address issues that are important in learning about you and in understanding your candidacy for the MBA program. However, you may provide us with any information pertinent to your admission that has not been covered in the rest of the application. Feel free to discuss any unique aspects of your candidacy or any perceived weaknesses. Space is limited to 4000 characters. (Information from the Online Application) 28 University of California - Davis (CA) –ok Application Deadlines Round 1* November 2, 2011 Round 2* January 4, 2012 Round 3 March 7, 2012 Late Round** May 16, 2012 *Priority for scholarship consideration **Applications considered on a space-available basis Your application will be reviewed in a group based on the application round in which you applied. Resume On a separate sheet, please include a copy of your current resume. Your resume should recount your work history, including each organization’s name and location; your title and dates of employment (month and year); a summary of your accomplishments and responsibilities; and reason for leaving each job. List full-time positions, military assignments, and significant part-time or summer work experience. Please account for all time that has elapsed since you started working, including gaps. Your resume should also list your educational history, including schools attended, credentials earned and subjects studied. Outside Activities, Awards and Honors On a separate sheet, list honors, awards and recognitions that you have received. Please list significant extracurricular activities during college. List other significant activities or organizations that you have joined since college. List any distinctive accomplishments or achievements. Include dates of participation, offices held and average hours spent per month. Essays Each essay should be typed, double-spaced using a 12-point font. 1. Our most successful MBA candidates have identified their professional 2. 3. aspirations and can clearly articulate them. Being as specific as possible, tell us: What career path have you identified for yourself? What experiences have helped prepare you? What relevant skills have you already acquired? (500 word maximum) The UC Davis MBA prepares innovative leaders for global impact. Give an example of a professional situation when your motivation made a difference in the outcome. (250 word maximum) We provide opportunities for you to take theory and put it into practice, what we call “Ideas into Action.” Share a recent professional example when you took an 4. 5. idea and put it into action, either successfully or unsuccessfully. Describe the impact this had on your organization. (250 word maximum) The UC Davis MBA program is interested in attracting students from diverse backgrounds who have excelled in challenging circumstances. Please share an example of a time when you excelled in challenging circumstances. (250 word maximum) Optional: Is there any other information about your background, family or experience that you would like to share with the Admissions Committee? (Information From Online Application) 28 University of Wisconsin - Madison (WI) –ok Deadline for Fall 2012 Admission Application Due November 4, 2011 For first round application deadline for all candidates second round application deadline for all candidates February 3, 2012 final deadline for Arts Administration candidates Enrollment Deposit Due Decision Date December 16 April 25 March 11 April 25 March 16, 2012 third round application deadline April 30 May 31 April 27, 2012 final round deadline for all candidates May 15 June 1 After April 27 applications will be accepted on a space available basis rolling June 15 To be Considered for: Merit-based Financial Aid Application Deadline: March 16 Note: The School of Business accepts MBA applications for fall semester only. Priority is given to candidates who apply on or before the March 16 merit aid deadline. However, merit aid will be awarded in later deadlines as funding is available. Only about 50% of the admitted candidates will received merit aid from UW-Madison. One-Page Resume One-page resume outlining your academic/personal/professional achievements and business experience. To assist you with your resume preparation, the Wisconsin MBA Career Services Office has provided materials on resume format and guidelines. You may find these resources helpful as you prepare your resume. Please note that we do not require you submit your resume in this format. Resume Template [pdf] Wisconsin MBA Resume Guide [pdf] Essays No more than six type written pages in total (single or double space acceptable, 10-12 pt font recommended) for all three required questions. Combine essays in one document, label each question clearly and include your name at the top of each page. School of Business MBA essay questions: All candidates are required to complete the general essay and the two essays which are specific to their chosen career specialization. General Essay 1. The Wisconsin MBA considers academic integrity to be the foundation of any well functioning academic community. Thus, it is imperative that we maintain high and exacting academic integrity standards if we are to succeed in building a community of business leaders of tomorrow. As the conduct of business is based first and foremost on trust, so our success depends on our ability to trust each other. Please respond to the statement above. Do you agree/disagree? How does this statement reflect in the larger business context? More specifically, how does this statement reflect in both your short and long-term career goals? The following questions are specific to your career specialization. Based on the career specialization you selected please address questions 2 and 3: Applied Security Analysis 2. Why specifically do you believe you are a good fit for a career in money management? 3. Please describe your history of interest or participation in the area of investments. Arts Administration 2. How will the MBA in Arts Administration advance your career goals in arts and cultural management? What specific skills or abilities do you hope to gain and what do you think you will bring to the program? 3. Identify and describe a key issue facing the marketing, management, development, creation, or support of arts and culture today. Explain why you think this is a critical issue to arts administrators, and provide your recommendations as to how this issue might be addressed. Include specific examples from your own experience if applicable. Brand and Product Management 2. We would like to understand why you are interested in pursuing an MBA and, more specifically, why you are interested in the Center for Brand and Product Management. As part of your explanation, please address the following areas: a. Why is this a good point in your life to pursue the MBA? What personal qualities and past experiences have most directly influenced your decision to seek a career in brand management? What challenges have you had to overcome (either professional or personal) and what have you learned from those 3. challenges, that have led you to this point in your life? b. What are your shortterm career goals (immediately following the MBA)? What are your long-term career goals (10-15 years out of the program)? What would you consider one of your “dream” product management positions (in terms of industry, company or product) to be? Give an example of a product that is marketed particularly well. Why? What is an example of a product that is not marketed well? Why and what would you do to improve it? Corporate Finance & Investment Banking 2. Explain why you are interested in pursuing your MBA at this point in your 3. life. Specifically, how will this degree impact your future career and describe your professional short term career goals. Please describe why you should be admitted to the Corporate Finance & Investment Banking (CFIB) program, and why you believe CFIB is a good fit for you Marketing Research 2. Please describe any research you conducted on graduate programs and career choices. Why did this lead you to choose the A.C. Nielsen Center for Marketing Research? What specific types of industries and marketing research responsibilities are you most interested in pursuing after graduation? 3. What do you think it takes to be successful in marketing research? Why? How does your past experience demonstrate your ability to be successful as a marketing research professional? Operations and Technology Management 2. Briefly describe three critical operations or technology management-related issues facing global businesses today (you may narrow this down to an industry with which you are familiar). Also describe why you think they are critical, and what you as a manager could do to address them. 3. Why are you, and what made you, interested in operations and/or technology management? Real Estate 2. Why are you interested in Real Estate as your area of concentration? What specific aspects of real estate most interest you, and why? 3. What specific qualities and skills do you bring to the study and practice of real estate? Given your short and long run goals (Question #1), in which qualities and skills do you think you need strengthening? How do you see your development in the next two years? Please be as specific and concrete as possible Risk Management and Insurance 2. Who are the individuals and/or what are the events in your life that have led to your specific interest in pursuing a degree in risk management and insurance? Please explain. 3. In what area of risk management and insurance are you most interested? Provide a discussion of the current key issues associated with this field and the skills you bring to efforts in addressing those issues. Be as specific as possible. Strategic Human Resources 2. In what way, or in what area of Strategic HRM, do you hope to make your biggest mark and why? In answering this question, also elaborate on your earlier discussion of your short- and long-term career goals. What type of organization would you like to work for after completing your MBA? Ideally, what roles and responsibilities would you take on? Now, jump ahead 15 to 20 years, and consider the same questions. What would you like to be doing and in what kind 3. of organization? Thinking of the plans you have described, what are your reasons for choosing to do an MBA in SHRM at the University of Wisconsin? What is it about our program that will help you achieve your goals? Given what you would like to do, what are the advantages and disadvantages of our program relative to other programs? Supply Chain Management 2. List three critical supply chain management challenges facing business today and select one to discuss in depth. Explain why the issue is important, including suggestions for how to address this challenge and examples from your own experience if applicable. 3. Successfully managing a business’ supply chain requires continuous innovation and leadership. What personal qualities and experiences will make you an effective leader in this field? What skills and experiences do you hope to gain and/or improve from the Grainger Center and MBA program? Optional Essay You may include an additional essay of which the topic is your choice. It is typically used to cover any issues you may want to address to the admissions committee that is not already covered in your application. This essay is not required. 28 Vanderbilt University (Owen) (TN) –ok Admissions Deadlines 2011-2012 Round Apply Decision Deposit 1st* October 3, 2011 November 22, 2011 December 16, 2011 2nd November 28, 2011 January 20, 2012 February 20, 2012 3rd** January 16, 2012 March 9, 2012 April 16, 2012 4th March 5, 2012 April 19, 2012 May 11, 2012 Rolling Admission*** * Early Action: Oct. 3 deadline is designed if you know that Owen is your first choice. Early Action provides you with the certainty of learning your admissions decision by Nov. 22. If you are accepted in the Early Action round, you will be required to submit a nonrefundable deposit of $2,500 by Dec. 16 in order to secure your spot in the incoming class. ** Priority consideration for Scholars' Weekend and Diversity Scholarship is given if you apply by Round 3. ***If you cannot apply by the fourth round, we still encourage you to complete an application, although scholarships may not be available /deadlines-fees.cfm Essays Respond to the two required essay questions on the application. Each one should be no more than 500 words with a font size of 10 to 12 points. 1. Explain your short-term and long-term career plans as specifically as possible. When combined with your studies at Owen, how will your background, previous experiences, interests and personal attributes enable you to pursue these goals successfully? 2. In what ways would you impact Owen as a student and as an alumnus/alumna? How would you create change within the Owen community? (Not required for Accelerator, MMHC and EMBA applicants.) Optional Essay You are strongly encouraged to provide an additional statement to clarify and explain any of the following: gaps of more than three months in full-time employment, lack of recommendation from your current or most recent supervisor, limited full-time work experience (ignore if you are a recent undergraduate), poor academic performance, weak test scores, academic misconduct, violations of the law, or anything else you think is important for the Admissions Committee to know about you that is not already addressed elsewhere in your application. Applicants reactivating a previous application submitted within the last two years should provide their additional statement here. Please provide any additional information you would like for us to consider that would strengthen your application. _2011-2012.pdf (Information from online application) Resume It should be one page in length and in the form that you would normally present to a prospective employer. /resume-work-history.cfm 32 Brigham Young University (Marriott) (UT) –ok FALL 2012 ADMISSION December 1, 2011 - Round 1 application deadline January 15, 2012 - Round 2 domestic application deadline; recommended international application submission date Application March 1, 2012 - Round 3 Deadlines 1 application deadline March 1, 2012 - Final international application deadline (based on room in program) All application materials, including test scores, must be submitted to BYU by 5:00pm MST of the appropriate deadline to be considered for each respective round. Applications are accepted beginning October 1, 2011 - Admission decisions will be released on an on-going basis beginning in early January Early application submission is strongly encouraged. May 1, 2012 - Final domestic application deadline (based on room in the program) 1 Applications are accepted beginning October 1, 2011. Completed applications are reviewed beginning November 1, 2011. Admission decisions are made on a rolling basis. Early submission is strongly encouraged. MBA Essays The full-time MBA Program Admissions Committee considers numerous factors when evaluating an applicant's qualifications for admission. Key qualities such as past academic performance, analytical reasoning capabilities, and full-time work experience are reflected in information required by other sections of this application. In addition, the committee has found that two other qualities bear heavily on a candidate's ability to contribute to the MBA program and to experience long-term professional success. Those qualities are the subject of the following two essay questions. Limit answers to the equivalent of one single-spaced type-written page per essay. 1. Much of management education requires analysis of complex business situations. Students are expected to consider all available quantitative and qualitative data, formulate and evaluate alternatives, and make recommendations. Since there are often no correct or incorrect answers, the educational value of the exercise is 2. only complete when the student receives feedback on their analysis. Ideally the student would present the work to the class and the instructor and would then benefit from the collective response. Unfortunately, there is insufficient time in class for everyone to have their work evaluated in this manner. Consequently, the education process relies heavily on students receiving feedback on their work from the study group of which they are a part. Typically, study groups include people with different backgrounds and perspectives, so the feedback can be as valuable as possible. What strengths, skills, and experiences do you have that would make you a particularly valuable member of a study group? Because the Marriott School MBA program receives substantial financial support from the tithes of the LDS Church, the faculty and administration are committed to advancing the mission of the Church as they operate a nationally recognized MBA program. Thus, the goals of the MBA program include the melding of spiritual and secular truths in your studies, as well as sharing the benefits of your education with people throughout the world. Please describe ways that the program might realize these goals and what role you might play in those efforts. Additional Information and Work Experience THIS SECTION IS OPTIONAL. You may write and upload one document in paragraph format (not a résumé) that addresses the following areas: Academic Honors and Scholarships: Describe academic honors, scholarships, publications, distinctions, or memberships in professional organizations. Extracurricular Activities: Describe extracurricular, civic, and service activities in which you have participated, including leadership positions held. Work Experience: You may describe RELEVANT work experience if you did not upload a résumé. (Information from the Online Application Form) 32 Texas A&M University - College Station (Mays) (TX) -ok Full-Time MBA Deadlines Round One - September 15, 2011 - Early Decision Round Two - November 1, 2011 Round Three - January 15, 2012 Round Four - March 1, 2012 Round Five- April 15, 2012 All Full-Time MBA admitted candidates are automatically considered for scholarship awards. Early application is strongly encouraged for any candidate who wishes to receive scholarship consideration. Priority scholarship consideration will be given to candidates who apply in Rounds One and Two. The most significant fellowship awards have very early internal deadlines (early January). (Information from online application) orrected.pdf Essay Questions Limit to two typed pages (double-spaced) per response. Please type and save each of your answers in a separate word processing document (.pdf, .doc, and .rtf formats accepted) and upload each essay below. 1. Discuss your three most significant professional accomplishments. Why do you view them as such?* 2. 3. To what personal characteristics do you attribute your professional success? What has prevented you from becoming more successful? * Optional Personal Statement: If you would like to share additional information with the Admissions Committee regarding your background or candidacy, you may add this information in an optional essay here. Professional Resume* Please upload your professional resume here. Limit your resume to two pages. You may upload your resume as an Adobe (.pdf) file or word processing format file (.doc or .rtf). Short Answer What are your career plans upon completion of your MBA degree?* (Full-Time MBA applicants only) Please limit your response to 100 words or less (Information from online application) 34 Boston College (Carroll) (MA) – ok Deadlines PROGRAM DEADLINE NOTIFICATION BY MBA Full-Time November 1, 2011 Round 1 January 15, 2012 January 15, 2012 Round 2 March 15, 2012 March 15, 2012 Round 3 May 1, 2012 April 15, 2012 Round 4 June 1, 2012 MBA Evening (Jan 2012) October 15, 2011 December 1, 2011 MBA Evening (Sep 2012) May 1, 2012 June 15, 2012 All applications submitted and complete by the deadline are guaranteed a decision by the corresponding notification date. Please see our application requirements to review what constitutes a complete application. We accept applications after the deadline(s) on a rolling basis. There is no corresponding notification date for late applications. They are reviewed in the order they are received. Current Resume Please prepare a business resume that includes your educational and professional information. Professional information should consist of employment history in reverse chronological order with titles, dates, relevant information and an indication of part-time or full-time status. Essays Two personal essays are required: 1. Please discuss how you plan to achieve your short and long term career goals. What challenges might you face in achieving these goals and how will you address those challenges? Your answer should cite the pertinent aspects of 2. 3. your professional and academic experience, personal interests, and how the Carroll School MBA will assist you in reaching your professional goals. (2 pages) Please indicate your reasons for applying to the Carroll School of Management MBA Program. Your answer should include your understanding of the culture and core values of the Carroll community and how you as a potential student and future alum will make an impact. (1 page) Optional Essay: Please introduce yourself to the BC community. Feel free to be creative in expressing your message. 34 Boston University (MA) –ok Application Deadlines Program Entry Date Completed application received by: Admission decision sent by: Two-Year MBA & August November 1 December 16 January 4 February 10 March 12 April 13 November 1 December 16 January 4 February 10 February 6 March 9 November 30 February 10 February 6 March 9 April 9 May 4 July 15 August 15 September 15 October 14 November 1 December 16 MS·MBA One-Year May International MBA MS in Mathematical August Finance (MSMF) MS in Investment Management (MSIM) January *Boston Campus Only Essay Topics for all MBA Applicants The following 3 essays are required: 1. Describe your decision to pursue an MBA degree, highlighting the following: a. Your motivation for pursuing an MBA degree at this point in your career (250 words); b. Your reason for choosing to apply to Boston University and the specific 2. 3. program that you have chosen, i.e. MS·MBA, Health Sector MBA, Public and Nonprofit MBA, or One-Year International MBA (250 words); c. Your plan to leverage your professional and academic experiences to achieve your post-MBA career goals (250 words) Tell the Admission Committee about a time when it cost you to maintain your integrity and what you learned from the experience. Would you make the same decision again if given the chance? (250 words) Answer three of the following six short answer sentences: (100 words each) a. 4. My colleagues would describe me as… b. An interesting fact about me is… c. I am most passionate about… It makes me unique because… d. The business or organizational leader I most admire is… because… e. My greatest life experience was when… f. The opportunity I most regret not taking advantage of was… (Optional) Provide any additional information, not addressed elsewhere in your application materials, which will help the Admission Committee learn more your candidacy. Please address any employment gaps, strengths or weaknesses. (500 words) MBA.pdf 34 Rice University (Jones) (TX) –ok What are the application deadlines and decision dates? All materials (including letters of recommendation, test scores, official transcripts, etc.) must be submitted by the deadline at midnight CST, in order for your application to be considered in that round. Please note that the application is on EST. If your supplemental materials are received after the deadline, your application will be considered in the subsequent round. Interviews will be scheduled on an invitation only basis, following the initial review of your application. Admission Round Application Deadline Decision Date 1 November 7, 2011 December 16, 2011 2 January 9, 2012 February 24, 2012 3 February 20, 2012 April 6, 2012 4 April 2, 2012 May 11, 2012 5 June 4, 2012* June 29, 2012 *MBA for Professionals only Applications submitted before the application deadline will be considered on a rolling basis. How many essays are required, and what are the topics? All applicants must submit 3 required essays. Re-applicants must submit a 4th required essay. All applicants may submit an optional additional essay if they choose. The essay topics are: 1. ESSAY - Post-MBA Career Goals Describe your short-term and long-term career goals, and how the MBA will help you achieve those goals. Include in your discussion: Why is now the appropriate time to pursue an MBA, and why are you interested in obtaining a Rice MBA? (Maximum 750 words) 2. ESSAY - Team Experience Describe a time when you successfully transformed an idea into action. How did your leadership and interpersonal skills contribute to this experience, and how will this experience impact your contribution as a team member at the Jones School? (Maximum 750 words) 3. ESSAY - Self-Reflection Choose one of the following three essays (Maximum 750 words): What is the best mistake you have ever made? Include its impact on you and how it altered your view of the world. Describe a defining moment or event that changed your life. What historical event would you like to have witnessed or participated in, and why? 4. Required for Re-applicants only Think about the time that has elapsed since you last applied to the Jones School. What actions have you taken to improve your candidacy? (Maximum 750 words) 5. ESSAY – Optional You may use this essay to discuss anything else that you would like the Admissions Committee to know about you, or to provide information or clarification on one or more aspects of your application. (Maximum 750 words) (Information from online application) 37 University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign (IL) –ok Application Deadlines First Round - Early admission consideration: November 15, 2011 Second Round - For domestic applicants and final deadline for anyone needing an I-20, or wanting to participate in the Scholarship Case Competition: January 15, 2012 Third Round - For domestic applicants and anyone not needing an I-20: March 1, 2012 Final Round - For domestic applicants and anyone not needing an I-20: April 1, 2012* *Even those that apply before April 1 may be waitlisted or denied based on available seats. All prospective students are encouraged to submit their applications as soon as possible. Test Deadlines GMAT/GRE taken no earlier than: August 2007 TOEFL taken no earlier than: August 2010 Personal Statement The personal statement is your opportunity to discuss why you would like to earn an MBA from Illinois. There is no set formula for what to write, but here are a few general tips: Be original-Write about how the Illinois MBA can help you achieve your professional goals by discussing your current and previous employment opportunities, life goals, etc. This is an opportunity for you to tell your story. Try to differentiate yourself from the other applicants by telling a unique story. Research the Illinois MBA and incorporate an understanding of the core values of the program into your personal statement. For example, teamwork, leadership and interpersonal skills are critical success factors at Illinois. When telling your story, try to incorporate examples of how you possess these skills into your personal statement. Spelling and grammar are very important as writing is a critical component of any MBA program. Be sure to double-check your statement prior to submission. Your personal statement should: Introduce yourself to the admissions committee; contain a description of your relevant education, work experience, and volunteer activities; outline your future professional goals; explain why you believe the ILLINOIS MBA can help you achieve your professional goals; and indicate what your personal contribution to the ILLINOIS MBA will be. If you choose to write a personal statement, it should be up to three pages double spaced. Alternatively, you are welcome to record a video personal statement. This will provide an excellent opportunity to express your creativity, and introduce yourself to the admissions committee in a more personal manner. Your personal statement should be 3 minutes or less and answer the same topics outlined above. If you choose to record a personal statement, please upload the recording to YouTube and submit the URL here. Personal Roadmap If you attend Illinois, you will have approximately 620 days to utilize the resources within the program and university to meet your personal and professional goals. In 2-3 pages, double-spaced, please explain how you plan to use this time. You may use these questions to guide your response: What resources at the College of Business and the University of Illinois will you take advantage of? What do you view as your personal responsibilities while at Illinois for ensuring you will meet your personal and professional goals? What are your expectations for faculty and staff to help with your journey? How will you leave the program better than you found it? Additional Essay If you feel there are any parts of your application that are weak or need explanation we invite you to write an additional statement addressing these issues. (Guidelines from the Online Application) 37 University of Notre Dame (Mendoza) (IN) –ok Admissions Deadlines Round 1 (Early Decision) INTERVIEWS DECISION RELEASED ON COMPLETED BEGIN OR BEFORE APPLICATION BY September 26, 2011 October 28, 2011 September 12, 2011 The Early Decision Round is designed for applicants who have completed their research about MBA programs and have decided that Notre Dame is the school that fits their needs best. Round 2 Deadline INTERVIEWS DECISION RELEASED ON COMPLETED BEGIN OR BEFORE APPLICATION BY November 14, 2011 December 22, 2011 October 31, 2011 Round 2 applicants should complete their applications by October 31, 2011. Fellowship availability will be greatest for this round. Round 3 Deadline INTERVIEWS DECISION RELEASED ON COMPLETED BEGIN OR BEFORE APPLICATION BY January 23, 2012 February 29, 2012 January 9, 2012 International applications will be accepted after this deadline, however, it is recommended that international candidates apply during this round to ensure adequate time for application review, financial aid, visa processing, and relocation. Round 4 Deadline (FINAL ONE-YEAR PROGRAM DEADLINE*) INTERVIEWS DECISION RELEASED ON COMPLETED BEGIN OR BEFORE APPLICATION BY March 12, 2012 April 13, 2012 February 27, 2012 Applications will be accepted for both the One-Year and Two-Year programs, however, this is the final application deadline to be considered for the One-Year Class of 2013. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis for this final deadline. Round 5 Deadline (FINAL APPLICATION DEADLINE*) INTERVIEWS DECISION RELEASED ON COMPLETED BEGIN OR BEFORE APPLICATION BY April 16, 2012 May 18, 2012 April 2, 2012 This is the final application deadline. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis for this final deadline, and all decisions will be communicated by May 18th, 2011, or as otherwise communicated to the applicant. *Applications completed or received after these dates will be considered on a space available basis. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY/RESUME Please list your employment history on the application. This history should be listed in reverse chronological order. Please also include a copy of your resume with your application. SLIDE PRESENTATION Effective business communication is a central skill for managers and visual presentations are an important and frequent method of communication. Demonstrate your ability to clearly, concisely and persuasively communicate important information by telling us about yourself using a short slide presentation. Click here to download a Powerpoint presentation guide created by the Eugene D. Fanning Center for Business Communications in the Mendoza College of Business. Please consider the following guidelines when creating your presentation. You are free to cover any material about yourself that you think would be of value to the Admissions Committee. Please use whatever software programs you like to develop your presentation but note that the only acceptable formats for upload in the online application system are Adobe PDF and Microsoft PowerPoint. There is a strict maximum of four slides, though you can provide fewer than four if you choose. The slides that you submit will be printed and added to your application file for review by the Admissions Committee. As a result, only text and static images will be seen. Videos, music, hyperlinks, etc will not be conveyed and should not be included. Color may be used. Your goal is to clearly, concisely and persuasively convey key information. Slides will be evaluated on these dimensions and not on graphic or presentation elements. Notes pages will not be accepted. You should plan to convey your entire message on the actual slides themselves. To assist MBA Applicants with the development of their slide presentation, please consult this PowerPoint Guide. plication.pdf ESSAYS Your response to the one required essay question is extremely important in the selection process. Your essay should be typed and double-spaced and should be no longer than 2 pages. I. What are your career plans immediately after graduation? Explain how your past experiences prepare you for your desired position. What are your long-term career aspirations? Additional Information The Notre Dame MBA Admissions Committee will accept supplemental essays from applicants who wish to provide additional information that has not been captured within other areas of the application. For example, applicants with low undergraduate GPA's may address any circumstances surrounding their performance or applicants who have been dismissed from school may want to consider addressing that issue. Ultimately, we will accept supplemental essays on any topic that you feel is important to the Committee and not contained or explained fully within other portions of the application. Please keep all submissions to one page, typed and double-spaced. (Information from online application) 37 University of Washington (Foster) (WA) –ok Deadlines Deadlines October 15 Novermber 15 January 20 - Final deadline for international applicants March 15 Apply to any of the above deadlines to be considered for Autumn 2012 admission. If you apply between deadlines, your application will be held and reviewed when the next application deadline arrives. Candidates will receive an admission decision approximately two months after the application deadline. Process.aspx Resume or Vitae Title your resume with your full legal name, mailing and email address. Include: all current and prior work experience since high school education extracurricular activities community involvement, awards, honors, certifications or other forms of recognition (academic, community, military etc. ) you have received. Essays I. Goals Statement Essay Please include the essay title, Goals Statement, and your name at the top of each page. Please provide an essay response to the following question. Applicants with a plan for the future and a good grasp of what is expected of them as MBA students are the most likely to succeed as MBA graduates. We know plans change and that people often pursue an MBA to create new career options. That said, we ask that you give us a clear statement of your current career plans. Your essay should answer all the following questions: What do you expect to do immediately after completing the MBA program? What steps have you taken to assess the viability of your post-MBA goals given your experience to date combined with your intended MBA study plans? What do you anticipate will be the primary challenges to achieving your career goals? What is your lifetime career goal? What unique aspects of the Foster MBA Program would contribute the most towards achieving your short term and long term goals? II. Plans for Involvement/Teamwork Experience Essays Please include the essay title and your name at the top of each page. Please provide an essay response to the following question(s). Observe the word limit (500 words maximum), use font size 10 and double-space. If you are applying to both programs, please upload the essays in one document and use a Page Break to separate them. Required for Full-time MBA Applicants: PLANS FOR INVOLVEMENT (500 words maximum) We consider a high level of involvement in student organizations, networking and career efforts to be a hallmark of the Foster MBA experience. Please describe your anticipated level of involvement as an MBA student beyond the MBA course requirements. In what specific organizations or activities will you participate? Where do you expect to make the greatest contribution to the overall MBA experience at the Foster School of Business? What aspects of your past or current life provide insights into your ability and willingness to consistently deliver more than the minimum effort required? Required for Evening MBA Applicants: TEAMWORK EXPERIENCE (500 words maximum) A large portion of the work you will do in an MBA will be completed in student groups. Briefly describe what you consider to be your most significant experience working in a group. Describe the task to be completed by the group, key attributes of each member of the group that impacted the final outcome of your efforts, the biggest challenges you faced and the contributions you personally made. III. Choice Essay Clearly label the essay as follows: Choice Essay Your Name: Please provide an essay response to ONE of the following question(s). Observe the word limit (500 words maximum), use font size 10 and double-space. A. Describe a situation in a work environment that either severely strained your relationship with co-workers or challenged your personal values. How did you resolve the situation? OR B. At this point in your career what do you consider your most significant professional accomplishments? How have these particular accomplishments affected the career choices you have made? IV. Optional Essay/Additional Information This essay is optional. Clearly label the essay as follows: Optional Essay/Additional Information Your Name: Please provide an essay response to the following question. Observe the word limit (250 words maximum), use font size 10 and double-space. Please include any other information that you believe would be helpful to the admissions committee in considering your application. For example, applicants have used this essay to explain a stretch of weak grades in college, an unusual job change, travel or time off not explained in the resume, or some particularly interesting or unique characteristic or experience that they were unable to discuss elsewhere in this application. (Information from online application) 40 Pennsylvania State University - University Park (Smeal) (PA) -ok Application Deadlines Deadline Submit Your Application By Expect a Decision By Early Decision November 11 January 12 All International Applicants Domestic Applicants Seeking Financial Aid January 13 April 6 April 13 May 31 Domestic Applicants Not Seeking Financial Aid All applications will be reviewed by two branches of the University: the Penn State Smeal MBA Program Admissions Office (MBA requirements and admissions criteria) and the Penn State University Graduate School (verification of educational documentation and credentials, and international visa requirements). You may be contacted by parties from either area. Admissions application reviews and decisions are made on a rolling basis following application deadlines. Essays Format: Please complete the following two essays and upload them to the application in .pdf or .rtf format. Please include both in one document. Length: Please limit your essays to the word limit provided. Academic Integrity: Please follow academic integrity guidelines regarding plagiarism - "using someone else's words or ideas without properly giving credit." To ensure academic integrity, all essays will be confirmed through Turnitin for Admissions authenticity software. Essay Questions 1. What are your short-term and long-term career goals? What is your plan for achieving these goals? Please be as specific as possible, including industry and function. How do you see your experience at Smeal fitting into this plan? (600 words) 2. Listed below are the values that embody the Penn State Smeal MBA community. Penn State Smeal MBA Values: We are Individuals of Character and Integrity. We value honesty, humility, and hard work. We value passion, commitment, and personal responsibility. We honor our obligation to each other and to the world in which we live. We are A Diverse Community built on Common Values. We value each person’s unique contributions to the Community. We value trust, mutual respect and collaboration. We share our struggles and our successes - and have fun along the way. We are Leaders focused on Learning and Individual Growth. We value intellectual curiosity, creative thinking, and a commitment to excellence. We value a curriculum that is relevant, innovative, and practical, and demanding. We take risks and reach beyond our perceived limitations. We are The Students, Faculty, Alumni, and Staff of The Penn State Smeal MBA Program. We are Penn State. We value how these principles help us develop our future leaders. Please select ONE of the following questions to show how you embody the Penn State Smeal MBA culture. (500 words) A. “We value each person’s unique contributions to the Community.” What will be your unique contribution to the Penn State Smeal MBA community? B. “We honor our obligation to each other and to the world in which we live.” What obligation do you have to the world and how are you planning to make an impact? C. “We take risks and reach beyond our perceived limitations.” Describe a time when you took a risk, and what you learned from the outcome. Video (Optional) We encourage applicants to submit a brief video (2 minutes or less). While this is not a mandatory part of the application, a video will help allow the admissions committee experience your presentation capabilities. In your video, please do the following: State your name, where you are from (city and country), and the date you are recording the video. Describe your personal value proposition. Why should you be a member of the next Penn State Smeal MBA class? (Try to include some information that we can't see anywhere else in our application.) Technical Requirements: To upload your video, click here: -4977-91f4-a413b10daf48&PennStateSmealMBAProgram 40 Tulane University (Freeman) (LA) – ok Application Calendar Round Submission Date Response Date 1 First week November First Week December 2 First week January First week February 3 First week March* First week April 4 First week May First week June After May 5 - applications are reviewed as space becomes available. All successful applications are reviewed for merit fellowship at the time of admission. There is no separate MBA fellowship application. Admitted MBA applicants will be notified of any fellowship award in the admission letter. *International students should apply in rounds 1-3 to allow adequate time to process VISAs. Essays The following essays should convey your professional aspirations and creative insights. Please complete one selection from each of the following essay sections. Please limit your responses to one, single-spaced, typed page each. 1. Essay 1*: After completing the MBA program, I will.. I am interested in attending the Freeman School because... I should be admitted to the Freeman School because... 2. Essay 2*: My life up to this point has been... If money was no object, I would... The best advice I have been given... My favorite movie or book is... 3. Essay 3: Please use this essay to share any additional information about you or your background. (Information from the Online Application Form) 40 University of California - Irvine (Merage) (CA) –ok Application Deadline Fall 2012 application will be available after September 1, 2011 Applications are submitted online and are processed on a rolling admissions basis, meaning they are evaluated as they are received. Below are target deadlines to assist you in application planning. Admissions decisions are usually made within four weeks after the interview. November 1, 2011 December 1, 2011 February 1, 2012 April 1, 2012 Note: If you are an international applicant, we encourage you to apply early to allow sufficient time to obtain your student visa. Full Time MBA Program Essays Please include your full name and the essay question at the top of each page. 1. ESSAY 1 (maximum 750 words): Please describe your short-term and long-term career goals and how your current professional experiences relate to these goals. Explain why you are pursuing an MBA degree at this point in your career. Specifically, how will the Merage MBA help you accomplish these goals? 2. ESSAY 2 (maximum 250 words): Describe a recent professional experience in which you have taken an active leadership role and the impact it has had on your organization. 3. ESSAY 3 Optional (maximum 500 words): Please provide any additional information about yourself that you have not addressed elsewhere which you believe would be helpful to the Admissions Committee. (Information from online application) 40 University of Iowa (Tippie) (IA) -ok Fall 2012 Application Deadlines Deadline Date Financial Aid Status Early Decision Deadline International Applicants January 15, 2012 Receives Priority for Financial Aid Final Deadline International Applicants April 15, 2012 Aid awarded based on availability Early Decision Deadline Domestic Applicants April 15, 2012 Receives Priority for Financial Aid Final Deadline July 30, 2012 Aid awarded based on Domestic Applicants availability Applications are reviewed and decisions are made on a rolling basis; enrollments are for fall semester only. Personal Essay These responses are your opportunity to express aspects about yourself that may not be revealed by your academic record. Prepare them carefully and limit each response to 450 words or less (1 page typed). 1. Discuss your specific career objectives and how the Tippie MBA will contribute 2. to the accomplishment of your objectives. All leaders inevitably have to deal with conflict situations. Describe a disagreement or conflict you personally had to handle. How did you manage the conflict? Resume and Additional Information Resume— Your resume should include a summary of your employment (including job titles and company names), education, extracurricular, and community activities. NOTE: Do not simply list items that are included in your application materials. Be sure your resume is complete and accurate without unexplained gaps in the chronological history (see ‘Additional Essays’ below for more information on handling gaps in your work history). Email your resume as a Word document or PDF to line: Application materials, [YOUR NAME]) or mail to Henry B. Tippie School of Management, The University of Iowa, 100 Pomerantz Center, Suite C432, Iowa City, IA 52242-7700. Additional Essays— These additional essays are your opportunity to address any areas of your application that you feel may be of concern to the admissions committee. Some example areas you may want to address include low undergrad GPA, gaps in work experience, low GMAT score, or, on the positive side, anything you’ve done that you believe reflects on your ability to perform well in the Tippie MBA program. Some example questions are listed on the online application; you may deviate from these as needed. Prepare them carefully and limit each response to 450 words (one page typed) or less. Please submit these via email to If you feel that adverse conditions have played a substantial role in your educational development and if you would like the Admissions Committee to weigh the factors involved, please describe your situation on a separate sheet of paper and give a brief explanation of its impact on your academic record. Examples of circumstances that could merit consideration are significant economic, social, physical, or cultural factors in your background. Please limit your answer to 350 words or less. a. If you believe that your score on the GMAT does not reflect your ability because you do not do well on standardized tests, indicate the scores you received on the ACT, SAT, or any other standardized test taken before entering college or graduating. b. If you believe that your undergraduate grade-point average does not accurately reflect your ability, please specify the condition (e.g., illness) or obligations (e.g., employment) that interfered with your performance and why. If employment was the cause, indicate why you worked; how many hours per week you worked each semester; the type of employment. c. Describe anything you have done since your graduation from college or graduate school that you believe reflects your ability to perform competently in the MBA program more accurately than your GMAT score and grade-point average indicate. Email to (Subject line: Application materials, [YOUR NAME]) or mail to Henry B. Tippie School of Management, The University of Iowa, 100 Pomerantz Center, Suite C432, Iowa City, IA 52242-7700. f (Some information comes from the Online Application) 40 University of Texas - Dallas (TX) –ok Cohort Full-Time MBA Program Application Timeline We have three application periods for fall entrance in a given year. After our final deadline, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Deadline Notification Early January 15 March 1 Priority March 1 April 15 Regular May 1 June 15 Applicants are encouraged to complete their application by the priority deadline of March 1st to optimize their chance for receiving scholarship money (teaching assistantships and/or tuition credits). Additionally, a late fee of $75 will be assessed for all international applications submitted after May 1 and all domestic applications submitted after July 1. Please remember, applications are considered complete and ready for review once all supporting documents have been received by our office. Required Essays You are required to submit two essays in support of your application. Essay topics are given below. Please answer the following in 350-500 words. Please answer all sub-sections of each questions. Describe in detail a situation where your actions had a profound impact on others in an organization (school, place of employment, extracurricular activity). What personal attributes were most helpful in addressing this situation? Did this experience involve any self-realization or self-actualization? Keeping in mind the ever changing landscape of the business realm, what is your strategy to ensure your personal success in this environment? Where do you see yourself in 5, 10 and 15 years from the completion of the UTD Cohort MBA Program? How will the Cohort MBA Program be instrumental in achieving your goals? Optional Essay - For Financial Aid Consideration Please answer the following in 350-500 words. You may add spreadsheets, charts and/or tables. Please answer both sections of this question. Propose a business plan with an initial investment in capital that is equivalent to the amount of scholarship you may receive based on your current qualifications. Assess the growth and profitability of your venture 5, 10, 15 years from the present date. The scholarship that may be awarded to you is an investment made in you by the Cohort MBA Program and the UTD School of Management. Describe how they will benefit from this investment. (Information from the Online Application) Professional Part-Time MBA Application and Document Deadlines Fall Semester Spring Semester Summer Semester F-1, J-1 visa holders May 1 September 1 March 1 **** All other visa holders July 1 November 1 April 1 **** Although International applicants with visa types other than F1 or J1 visas may adhere to the domestic application deadlines and dates as shown above, they will still be assessed late fees according to the F1 and J1 international deadline dates. Resume A resume detailing the applicant's employment history is required of all applicants. Essay One page essay outlining the applicant's academic interests and goals is required. This can be submitted online with your application. s.php 45 University of Maryland - College Park (Smith) (MD) –ok Deadlines Complete applications must be received or postmarked by the dates indicated below. Please allow 10 business days for delivery of the decision letter. Decisions cannot be communicated by phone or fax. Full-Time MBA Program Application Deadline Decision Mailing Date November 1, 2011 January 15, 2012 December 15, 2011 February 15, 2012 January 15, 2012 * April 15, 2012 March 1, 2012 May 1, 2012 April 30, 2012 ** June 1, 2012 *Priority deadline to be considered for all financial awards. Essays Application essays allow the admissions committee to get to know you better both professionally and personally. Additionally, the essays are used to assess writing skills, which are critical in the graduate business degree program. REQUIRED ESSAY 1 What are your specific post-graduate short-term and long-term goals? How will a graduate degree from the Robert H. Smith School of Business assist you in achieving your goals? Finally, please discuss your personal and professional motivations for pursuing a graduate degree. Please limit your response to 2 pages, double-spaced. REQUIRED ESSAY 2 Choose one of the two essays below: (Note: Enter or upload response to the selected essay here.) 1. Identify an economic crisis that needs to be addressed. If you were a leader 2. tasked to solve this crisis, what would your approach be to resolve this situation? If you could be the leader of an organization, what organization would you choose, and why? What changes would you make to enhance the organization and what current strategies would you retain? Please limit your response to 2 pages, double-spaced. OPTIONAL ESSAY Please use this essay to provide the admissions committee with additional information that will assist us in evaluating your candidacy (for example, an explanation for gaps in employment history or an undergraduate grade point average that is less than 3.0). If you are a reapplicant, you can also use this essay to highlight changes in your application from last year. (Information from the Online Application Form) 45 University of Rochester (Simon) (NY) –ok 2012 Full-Time M.B.A. Application Deadlines Program: Application Deadline: Notification Date By: October 14 Full-Time MBA - September 2012 November 15 Entry January 5 Final Application Deadlines January 14 February 15 March 31 March 15 May 15 May 15 July 15 Final Application Deadline for International Students: March 15, 2012 Final Application Deadline for U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents: May 15, 2012 ines/index.aspx Essays The Admissions Committee considers the response to the one required essay question and the requested information about the applicant's employment history to be extremely important in the selection process. Please provide a well constructed essay that answers all questions in the 500 words allotted for the essay (double spaced, 12-point font, 500 word limit). 1. Describe your post-MBA or post-MS career plans. How does your past education and experience support your career objectives? What aspects of the Simon School program make it a good choice for your graduate study? (500 word maximum) 2. (Optional) Share any information that you think is important in the evaluation of your application, including any concerns you think the Admissions Committee may have regarding your application. (500 word maximum) uctions/index.aspx (Information from the Online Application) Resume Please provide a current resume in standard format (limit 2 pages) with your employment history. For each position, include the following: Dates of employment (month and year), Employer Name and estimated number of employees, Location, Job Title, Responsibilities, Starting and ending salaries, Average number of hours worked per week, Reason for job/position change. Please explain any gaps in your employment history. Also include post-secondary educational history, nonacademic interests and activities, awards received, and examples of leadership roles. For MBA or MS applicants who lack full-time employment, please include internships and/or part-time experience. (Information from the Online Application) 47 University of Florida (Hough) –ok Traditional Programs 2-Year International** Dec 1, 2011 Domestic*** Round 1: Dec 1, 2011* Round 2: Mar 1, 2012 Class begins: Aug 20, 1-Year - Option A International** Dec 1, 2011 Domestic*** Round 1: Dec 1, 2011* Round 2: Feb 1, 2012 Class begins: May 7, 2012 1-Year - Option B International** Dec 1, 2011 Domestic*** Round 1: Dec 1, 2011* Round 2: Feb 1, 2012 Class begins: Jun 25, 2012 2012 *Scholarship Consideration Traditional MBA applications received prior to the International or Domestic Round 1 deadlines are given priority scholarship consideration during the admissions evaluation. Scholarship award decisions are based on the entire application. Candidates must show excellent academic performance, leadership promise, and a history of strong professional experience. Scholarship awards after Round 1 are limited and are provided to candidates who show exceptional performance on all levels of their application. Extended Deadlines **INTERNATIONAL CANDIDATES International applicants are strongly encouraged to apply by the recommended international deadline above to allow for the time necessary to process I-20 student visa documentation. International applications submitted after the round one deadline will be considered on a limited, space-available basis. Graduate Assistantships and scholarships are typically awarded to candidates who apply by the posted deadline. If the deadline has passed, and you plan to apply, please email us for further information. ***DOMESTIC CANDIDATES While early application is encouraged, applications will be considered after the Round 2 deadline. Please contact an admissions officer directly at 1.877.435.2622 or via email for more information about extended deadlines after the recommended deadline has passed. Employment history. Please provide a detailed history of your work experience in reverse chronological order. Following the outline below, write a brief summary for each significant position you have held, including full-time, part-time, internship and co-op experiences. Also explain any gaps in your employment. Dates of employment or employment gap (beginning and ending; month and year) Type of employment (full-time, part-time, internship or co-op) and average hours worked per week Company name and nature of business (i.e., industry, products or services, annual revenues, number of employees, etc.) If a personal or family business, please provide as much detail as possible regarding size and scope of business. Job title, responsibilities, and accomplishments (duties, number of direct reports, budget responsibility, etc.) Annual salary (beginning and ending in U.S. dollars) and reason for leaving (if applicable) Please enter this information in a word processor first, then paste below. Essays Please use a word processing unit to write your essay and then paste it into the essay box. Traditional Programs 1. Describe how you would like to see your career develop. Explain how your academic background, prior professional experience and the Florida MBA degree will help you achieve your career goals. If your career goals are international, or you are an international student, please include as part of your career plans, in what country or region you plan to seek employment following completion of the program. Limit your response to the equivalent of 2-3 2. 3. double-spaced type written pages. Describe a success that you achieved due to your self-motivation, persistence, and hard work. What motivated you? Limit your response to 1-2 pages. (Optional) Please share any additional information that you think will assist the Admissions Committee in evaluating your application to the Florida MBA Programs. Limit your response to the equivalent of no more than 1 double-spaced type written page. Short Answer Questions Please write your answers in a word processor and then paste them into each text box. (1) In order of importance to you, list significant extracurricular activities, professional associations and civic organizations in which you have participated in school, work or the community. Provide the dates of your involvement and indicate whether you were elected or appointed to any leadership positions. (2) Describe below, including dates, any significant cross-cultural experiences you have had outside of your home country, including study abroad, exchange programs, extensive international travel or residence in another country. (3) List any other interests, hobbies or recreational activities you currently pursue in your free time. (4) If you have received any academic, professional, or civic honors or awards, have received any patents or authored any books, or have any other significant accomplishments that you would like the admissions committee to consider, please describe them below. (5) Explain the primary factors that influenced your decision to apply to the Florida MBA Programs. (Information from the Online Application) 47 Wake Forest University (Babcock) (NC) –ok Rolling Admissions Process Admissions decisions are made on complete files only. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Once an application is complete, an applicant is notified in approximately four weeks of the decision through the online application system. To begin the process, we recommend scheduling an admissions consultation and accessing the online application. 2011-2012 Application Deadlines Program Application Available Scholarship Deadline* Final Application Deadline** Enrollment Begins Full-time MBA August 12 February 15 April 15 Fall (August) *Scholarship Deadline: All applications received by this date will be considered for scholarship award(s). There is no separate application for consideration. Applications submitted after the scholarship deadline will be considered for scholarship award(s) as funds are available. **Final Application Deadline: Qualified applicants are welcome to apply at any time. Applications will be accepted after this date on a space available basis. One Essay One essay is required. Exception: Done in a Day participants may forgo writing the essay in exchange for the Done in a Day panel interview. If you have registered and received confirmation for your participation in a Done in a Day event, please type "Participating in Done in a Day" in a Word document and upload this document for your essay in the online application. If you are interested in being considered for the Dingledine Scholar for Positive Social Impact award, you are still required to submit the Dingledine Scholar essay. The essay has a 500-word limit and should be typed, double-spaced, using 11 point font. This year's essay question is: Why are you interested in a graduate business degree from Wake Forest University? How will this degree help you achieve your short-term and long-term professional goals? Applicants may use the second essay (optional) to discuss anomalies that exist in your application or things that may be potential concerns to the Admissions Committee. Applicants who wish to be considered for the Dingledine Scholar for Positive Social Impact award must submit their application, including the Dingledine Scholar essay, by the February 15 scholarship deadline. The Dingledine Scholar essay follows the same word limit and spacing requirements as the above required essay. This year's Dingledine Scholar essay is: Describe your dream for a different and better world. How might you manifest your dream into reality? How are you presently working to better the lives of others in fulfillment of your dream? How will your Wake Forest MBA experience facilitate your creating this reality? The Dingledine Scholar for Positive Social Impact is awarded to a Full-time MBA student with a minimum of two years of post-graduate work experience in a not-for-profit organization or agency. Consideration is also given to candidates who demonstrate a significant commitment to their communities through volunteer work or social outreach. Please complete the following essay question if you are interested in being considered for the Dingledine Scholar Award. (500 word maximum, double-spaced) Resume A one-page resume or CV is required. A sample format is available in the Downloadable Forms section. (Some information from online application) 49 Michigan State University (Broad) (MI) -ok Entering Fall 2012 class deadlines Round Application deadline 1 November 1, 2011 December 15, 2011 2 January 9, 2012 March 29, 2012 Opens Sept. 2011 3 March 1, 2012 April 18, 2012 Opens Sept. 2011 4 April 16, 2012 May 23, 2012 Opens Sept. 2011 Decisions mailed by Notes Opens Sept. 2011 Note- Applications will be accepted on a rolling admission basis after Round 4 depending on vacancy in the program. Resume One copy of a current resume is required and should detail: Professional experiences Academic credentials and related accomplishments Pertinent biographical data The preferred resume format is a maximum of one page. Essay questions for class of 2014 1. Essay A (required) Describe why you are interested the Broad MBA degree and why you feel you are a competitive candidate to the Broad MBA program? Limit your response to 700 words or two pages. 2. Essay B (required) A Broad College Full-Time MBA student can be described as hard-working, collaborative, and a problem solver. Choose one characteristic that best fits your personality and provide examples as to how that trait can enhance the academic culture/environment at Broad. Limit your response to 375 words or one page. 3. Essay C (required) You are faced with a teammate who is repeatedly missing deadlines and is not responsive to the teams goals- as a team leader, what will you do to address this issue and maintain team morale. Limit your response to 375 words or one page. 4. Essay D (Optional) You should only answer this question if you feel your complete application for admission does not adequately represent you. What other information do you believe is necessary in the assessment of your candidacy to the Broad MBA? Limit your response to 375 words or one page. 49 Purdue University (Krannert) (IN) –ok Application Deadlines for MBA/MSHRM/MSIA Programs Domestic Applicant Deadlines: Round Deadline Notification Early November 1 After December 15 Priority January 10 After February 20 Regular March 1 After April 1 Final May 1 After May 15 International Applicant Deadlines: Round Deadline Notification Early November 1 After December 15 Final February 1* After March 20 * Please be advised that our fall 2012 application deadline for international students is February 1, 2012. Essay These essays are for applicants to the full-time MBA, MSIA, MSHRM, MSF, and MSA programs only. Applicants to other programs can select the appropriate essays from the menu on the left side of the screen. 1. 2. 3. Describe your career strategy and how a Krannert Master's degree, at this time, will assist you in achieving your career goals. Limit your response to no more than 300 words. Krannert is a global and diverse program in many dimensions; explain how you feel your past experiences would contribute to the diversity and global experience of the Krannert classroom, teamwork, and leadership experiences. Limit your response to no more than 350 words. Describe a major obstacle you have faced in your professional, academic, or personal life. How did you overcome this obstacle? How did this experience foster your personal and/or professional development? Limit your response to no more than 500 words. 4. Additional Information (Optional) Please provide any additional information that was not captured within your application. If you feel you've already provided us with sufficient information about yourself, you need not add anything here. (250 words or less) (Information from online application) 51 University of Arkansas - Fayetteville (Walton) (AR) –ok Application Deadlines Applicants who would like to take advantage of an early decision must submit an application by April 1st. Final deadline for applications to the Full-Time MBA program is September 15th. Essays You must provide thoughtful responses to the following essay questions. Please limit your responses to one or two pages each, double spaced. 1. What are your short-term and long-term career goals? How will the master's degree program you wish to complete help you achieve your goals? 2. Please share with the admissions committee any unique events, life experiences, and qualifications that you feel distinguish your candidacy and will add value to your class. Resume For applicants to the full-time programs, a copy of a current resume is required. Be certain that your resume indicates your full-time and part-time employment history, extracurricular collegiate, professional, and community activities, honors and awards, and foreign language proficiency. For applicants to the part-time programs, please submit a current work resume. This can be e-mailed to 52 Babson College (Olin) (MA) –ok Babson MBA Application Timetable Admission Application Deadline Admission Decision and Financial Aid Notification Mailed One-Year MBA May Enrollment November 1 January 15 January 15* March 15 March 1 April 15 Rolling Admission** Rolling Two-Year MBA September Enrollment November 1 January 15 January 15* March 15 March 1 April 15 April 15 May 15 * International applicants for the full time MBA programs should submit the application by the January 15th deadline. ** Rolling admissions means that we continue to accept and review applications until the program is filled to capacity. Please contact us if you are unsure about when to apply. ESSAYS All F.W Olin Graduate School of Business degree candidates (Two-Year MBA, One-Year MBA, Evening MBA, MSM with a concentration in Technological Entrepreneurship (program with Olin College) and Fast Track MBA (Babson, Portland & San Francisco)) should respond to questions 1, 2 & 3. Essay 7 is optional and essay 8 is optional for Two-Year applicants. The Master of Science in Accounting applicants should respond to questions 1, 2, & 3. The MSM with a concentration in Technological Entrepreneurship - Tecnologico de Monterrey applicants should respond to questions 1, 2, 3 & 4. The MSM with a concentration in Global Entrepreneurship applicants should respond to questions 3, 5 & 6 only. The Certificate in Advanced Management applicants should respond to questions 2 and 3. The suggested length for all essays is two double-spaced pages. Please answer these essay questions, if applicable. Required Essays (1) Please describe in detail your short (immediately after graduation from Babson) and long-term career plan in which industry would you like to work, which function or role would you ideally hold, and how do you intend to secure that position? If your plans entail a career transition, what challenges do you anticipate facing in securing your ideal position, and how will you address those challenges? Your answer should show how your past professional experiences, background, and interests combined with a Babson graduate degree will position you for success in attaining these goals.* (2) Babson defines entrepreneurship as 'thinking or acting in a manner that is opportunity obsessed, holistic in approach, and leadership balanced.' Please describe how, in your own experiences, you have met some or all of that definition. * (3) What unique contributions will you bring to the Babson community that will enhance the value of the classroom experience for your classmates?* (4) Describe the project you plan to investigate and implement during your time in the program. (5) Please describe in detail your short (immediately after graduation from Babson) and long-term career plans in which industry you would like to work, which function or role would you ideally hold, and how do you intend to secure that position? Your answer should show how your education, past experiences, background, and interests combined with a Babson graduate degree will position you for success in attaining these goals. (6) Please discuss why you are interested in pursuing a degree with a specific focus on global business and global business management and a concentration in entrepreneurship. Optional Essays (7) (Optional) Is there anything else that you think we should know as we evaluate your application? If you believe your credentials and essays represent you fairly, you should not feel obligated to answer this question. (8) Optional for Two-Year MBA Applicants Only: Frederic C. Hamilton Entrepreneurial Scholarship (a merit-based award) and Price-Babson Fellowship (a need-based award) Essay. Write a 250-word essay that answers the following questions: What are your specific entrepreneurial accomplishments, and how will these accomplishments add value to the Babson MBA? (Information from the Online Application) 52 George Washington University (DC) –ok Global MBA Deadlines Round Application Complete By Decision By Round 1 November 15, 2011 January 13, 2012 Round 2 January 15, 2012 March 16, 2012 Round 3 March 15, 2012 April 27, 2012 Only applications completed, with all materials received by the round deadline, will be considered in that round. Applications completed after all rounds are finished will receive decisions on a rolling basis. International applicants who require an F-1 student visa must submit their complete application by March 15, 2012. The final complete application deadline for all other applicants for the Fall semester is May 15, 2012. The program offers only fall admissions. Two essays (upload through online application system) 1. Discuss why you have applied for an MBA, why you have applied to GW, and how completing an MBA aligns with your short- and long-term career aspirations. (Limit to 750 words) 2. Discuss a person, event, or experience that has significantly shaped your life. (Limit to 500 words) In a separate optional addendum, you may explain any academic inconsistencies, gaps in your work history, or unique circumstances you think the admissions committee might question. There is not a word limit, but please be concise. ms/businessadministrationglobalmba 54 University of Missouri - Columbia (Trulaske) (MO) –ok Entry Dates and Application Deadlines Enter in fall (August), spring (January) or summer (June). Applicants are encouraged to apply early in the semester prior to your desired entry date, especially international students. Early Application Deadline for Spring 2012: October 1 Early Application Deadline for Summer and Fall 2012: January 15 Applications are welcome prior to early deadlines and decisions can be made earlier as well. Applications are also accepted after the final deadlines, and admission is offered if space is available. Admissions and financial awards are handled on a "rolling" basis using the deadlines above. Interviews are by invitation. Personal Statement. Introduce yourself to us! Write a 1-3 page statement addressing the following topics, and providing specific examples whenever possible: Career goals. Describe your career interests and any experience you have related to this career; please indicate if you are interested in a particular concentration or one of our dual MBA programs (BSIE, MSIE, JD, or MHA). Choose to thrive. What does this statement mean to you; in your past, present, and future? Resume. A current resume which includes the following information: Work experience (full-time, part-time, internships, co-ops, etc.). Be sure to include the number of hours worked per week, as well as the month and year for all work experience, particularly any post-graduate experiences (e.g.January 2010 – December 2010, January 2011 – Present). Leadership experience (membership/leadership roles in organizations, volunteering, etc.). Honors /awards you have received. 54 University of South Carolina - Columbia (Moore) (SC) –ok Deadlines The Darla Moore School of Business admits new students into the International Master of Business Administration (IMBA) program on a rolling basis. The program begins as a lock-step cohort in the Summer II semester (end of June) of each year. IMBA - GLOBAL & LANGUAGE TRACK ROUND I (1) ROUND II (2) ROUND III (3) Submitted Application Priority Deadlines November 15, 2011 February 15, 2012 May 1, 2012 (1) Priority deadline for admissions and financial awards consideration. All qualified students who meet the Round I deadline will be considered for fellowships. (2) Second deadline for admissions. Financial awards are still available for qualified students. (3) Final deadline for admissions. Financial awards may still be available for some qualified students. It is highly recommended to apply for Round I and Round 2. Statement of Purpose: * Give a brief statement (about 500 words) of your career objectives. Resume: Please attach a current resume. In particular, provide detailed information on work experience including positions held, names of organizations, and dates of employment. IMBA Essays Please select 3 of the 5 essay options below to answer. Responses should be approximately 200-500 words in length. 1. Why have you chosen to apply to the International MBA program? 2. What does global business mean to you? 3. Tell us how you will take part in the sustainable development and economic success of your future organization and/or industry. 4. 5. 6. Please describe an article/book that you have read in the past year that has influenced your perceptions of the world? If you were stuck on an airplane sitting between any two people in the world (past or present), who would you want them to be and why? Optional Essay If there is anything else that you would like us to know please describe below. (Information from the Online Application Form) 56 Northeastern University (MA) –ok Application Dates Below are start dates and priority application dates for our MBA and MS programs. We recommend early application for all international students and for students who want to receive early consideration for scholarships and financial aid. Graduate School of Business Administration Deadlines Programs Entry Terms Application Dates Notification Dates Full Time MBA MS in Finance/MBA (full-time) September November 30 February 1 ** March 15 January 15 March 30 April 15 April 15 May 15 November 30 February 1 ** January 15 March 30 March 15 April 15 April 15 May 15 June 15** July 15 July 15 August 15 JD/MBA (full-time only) MS in Finance (full-time) MS in International Business (full-time) September September * We have rolling admissions for all Graduate School of Business Administration programs after the final deadlines. **Final deadline for international applicants and for all candidates who wish to be considered for merit scholarships. Graduate School Of Professional Accounting Deadlines Programs Entry Terms Application Dates Notification Dates* MS in June Accounting/MBA November 15** February 1*** March 15 February 1 April 1 May 1 MS in Accounting November 15** February 1*** February 1 April 1 March 15 May 1 June *This is the latest possible date by which you will be notified. You have two-four weeks to accept or decline our offer of admission from the date of your acceptance letter. This deadline changes based on the date you submit your application. **Final deadline for international applicants; first deadline for merit scholarship consideration. ***Final deadline for domestic candidates who wish to be considered for merit scholarships. Essay Questions The Admissions Committee carefully considers responses to the following questions in evaluating candidates for Graduate Business degree programs. The work submitted must be solely your own. Please include your name and essay question on each page. Limit each essay to a maximum of two pages. Full-time MBA and Full-time MS in Finance/MBA applicants: answer Questions 1, 3, and 4. MS in International Business applicants: answer only Question 3. If you are re-applying: answer only the re-applicant essay. All other applicants: answer Questions 2, 3, and 4. 1. Essay1 Discuss in detail your short and long-term career goals. How will a Northeastern MBA, combined with your past experiences and interests, help you achieve your goals? Which Northeastern MBA career track (finance, marketing, or supply chain management) will you pursue? 2. Essay2 Discuss in detail your short and long-term career goals. How will a Northeastern degree, combined with your past experiences and interests, help you achieve your career goals? 3. Essay3 Describe in detail an accomplishment of yours from a professional or volunteer setting of which you are most proud. What steps were necessary to reach a successful conclusion? What challenges did you have to overcome? 4. Essay4 Please answer the following questions: a) What have you learned in your research on Northeastern that has motivated you to apply? b) What unique contributions will you bring to the Northeastern community as a student? c) How will you benefit personally and professionally from your experience at Northeastern? 5. For Re-Applicants Only Describe why you are re-applying to the program and detail any changes that have occurred since you last applied or new qualifications that the admissions committee should be aware of as they evaluate your application. 6. Optional Essay Please provide any additional information that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider in evaluating your application. (Information from online application) 57 Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick and Newark (NJ) –ok Application Deadline: Fall term: March 15 (Full-Time MBA international) May 1 (Full-Time MBA domestic) June 1 (Part-Time MBA) April 1 (Master of Quantitative Finance - Domestic and International) May 1 (Master of Accountancy Degrees) Spring term: November 15 (Part-Time MBA only) November 15 (Master of Accountancy Degrees) Summer term: May 1 (MBA in Professional Accounting) April 1 (Master of Accountancy Degrees) Essay(select one) You must submit an essay either a. describing an ethical dilemma you have faced and how you resolved it; b. explaining what you have learned from your experience as a member of a team whose project was not completed successfully; or c. identifying three accomplishments in your professional career and explain how they demonstrate your potential to become a successful manager. 57 Southern Methodist University (Cox) (TX) –ok Application Deadlines - Fall 2011 Entry Round 1 - November 2, 2011 Ensures the earliest possible admission decision. Round 2 - January 11, 2012 STRONGLY recommended for international candidates, those who plan to apply for the Cox Distinguished MBA Scholars program, and those who wish to receive a decision in time to attend Sneak Preview Weekend. Round 3 - March 7, 2012 Final application opportunity for those who wish to be considered for merit-based scholarship awards. Round 4 - May 2, 2012 Final regular deadline; after this deadline, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis only if space remains in the incoming class. Resume Through the online application system, you will upload a current professional resume that provides an overview of your career history as well as your educational and professional interests. Any format is accepted as long as it communicates this information clearly. Please list specific dates (i.e. June 2006) rather than simply a year (i.e. June 2006) when referencing the start or end of any experience listed. We recommend (but do not require) that those with less than 10 years of post-college work experience use a one-page resume format. Essays All applicants must answer questions 1 and 2. Please note that there are two different versions of question 3; the program you indicate you are applying to in the system will determine which question you are shown in the application system. Make sure you prepare the correct version of essay 3 to be uploaded into your application. Please read the instructions below for the supplemental question to determine if it is also required for your application. 1. How did you come to the decision to pursue a graduate business degree? Are there specific skills you wish to develop or enhance? What are your post-graduate career goals? How will a graduate degree from the Cox School of Business help you in your professional development? (2 pages maximum; double spaced; minimum 10 point font) 2. Please describe a challenge faced in the workplace and the steps you took to resolve it. Would you make the same decision again? If not, what would you do differently? (2 pages maximum; double spaced; minimum 10 point font) This question will be visible in the system for those seeking FTMBA and JDMBA entry only 3. The Cox School of Business seeks students who desire to become leaders with purpose –those who will positively influence the global business community, whether in a small way or on a large scale. What have you done thus far in your career to make a difference? (2 pages maximum; double spaced; 10 point font minimum) This question will be visible in the system for those seeking MA/MBA entry only. 3. How do you plan to make an impact on the arts/non-profit community and how specifically would your graduate education help you do so? double spaced; minimum 10 point font) (2 pages maximum; 4. SUPPLEMENTAL If you answered “yes” to the questions related to academic/disciplinary issues or criminal history you MUST submit this essay. Otherwise, please only use this space to address essential issues not covered in the rest of your application package. (2 pages maximum; double spaced; minimum 10 point font) The online application system will be ready to accept Fall 2012 applications in mid-September. 57 University of Georgia (Terry) (GA) –ok Application Deadlines Complete Application* Due Decisions Issued Round Deadline Round 1 October 17 October 17 December 1 Round 2 December 1 December 1 January 18 January 18 January 18 March 15 March 1 March 1 May 1 Round 3 Final Deadline for International Applications Round 4 Space-Available Basis Only The Terry MBA Program considers applicants in four admissions rounds. To be considered for a particular round, all application materials must be received in the admissions office by the deadline posted. If the materials are incomplete by the deadline originally intended, the applicant’s materials will be placed on hold for review in the following round. Full-Time MBA - Essays 1. Discuss your accomplishments and include examples of how you went beyond what was assigned or expected. Note: Please do not simply restate your resume here. Focus on stories significant to you regardless of whether or not these items appear on your resume. (500 words or less, double-spaced) 2. Which concentration do you plan to pursue in the Terry MBA program and why? How is this concentration relevant to your career plans? (500 words or less, double-spaced) 3. Optional Essay: Is there anything you want to tell us in regard to your application? (Information from online application) 60 Baylor University (Hankamer) (TX) –ok MBA Application Deadlines Applicants receive notification of the decision within two weeks of submitting all required materials or by the notification date that corresponds with the application deadline. Spring entrance Decision Round Application Deadline Decision Notification by: Early Decision and Scholarship Priority October 15 November 1 General Admission and Scholarship Deadline November 15 December 1 Decision Round Application Deadline Decision Notification by: Early Decision and February 15 March 1 April 15 May 1 Decision Round Application Deadline Decision Notification by: 1st Early Decision and November 15 December 1 2nd Early Decision and Scholarship Priority February 15 March 1 General Admission and Scholarship Deadline April 15 May 1 Final Admission Scholarships, if available June 15 July 1 Summer entrance Scholarship Priority General Admission and Scholarship Deadline Fall entrance Scholarship Priority Baylor Business accepts applications after the published deadlines on a case by case basis. Essays 1. Business Essay 1* It’s your first day of orientation for Business School at Baylor. Please introduce yourself and tell your new classmates what you hope to achieve during graduate studies at Baylor. (100 word limit) 2. Business Essay 2* Discuss a situation in the workplace or classroom when you had to make a difficult ethical decision or choice. What drove you to make that particular choice? (500 word limit) 3. Business Essay 3 OPTIONAL During your studies at Business School at Baylor, you will be asked to analyze complex issues, to participate in problem-solving discussions, and to develop meaningful recommendations. Use this essay as an opportunity to demonstrate how you would define, prioritize, and analyze issues in a case study. Select one of the following situations to analyze. There is not one right answer. (500 word limit) 1) You are consulting with a company that manufactures e-readers. The company is concerned about its recent decrease in quarterly revenue. What would your tactical and strategic recommendations be to this company? 2) You want to open a store to sell organic coffee and homemade pastries in Waco. Where do you locate the store and what are your forecasted first year business results? (Information from the Online Application) 60 University of Massachusetts--Amherst (Isenberg) (MA) –ok When to Apply: The application deadline is February 1st. We encourage you to apply as soon as possible. Personal Statement If you wish, please enter your Personal Statement below, otherwise you must send a copy to the Graduate Admissions Office by surface mail. Securely attach a copy of your Application Transmittal Acknowledgment Page (received at the end of the application process) as the first page of your statement or clearly print/type your name, birth date and the graduate program to which you have applied at the top of your statement. Your Personal Statement should be a brief but carefully written essay regarding: 1) the reasons you want to do graduate work in this particular field, 2) your specific interests and experiences in this field, 3) any special skills or experiences that may relate to an assistantship, and 4) your career plans. (Information from the Online Application) 60 University of Tennessee--Knoxville (TN) –ok What is the application deadline? Applications may still be submitted by domestic and international candidates. The application deadline for Fall 2012 is February 1. Can I begin classes in either the Spring or the Fall? The program begins only in the Fall. What is the required length of the essays? There is no required length for the essays. Your essays should take as much space as necessary for you to convey your message clearly and completely. Please keep in mind this may be your only communication with the Admissions Committee. Admission Essays Give careful and thoughtful consideration to your responses. Your essays provide the MBA Adimissions Committee with information critical to the success of your application. Please provide answers in the spaces below. (You may want to compose your essays as a Word document and copy/paste the text into the essay fields below. Please be detailed in your responses and provide examples.) 1. What are your career goals – both short term and long term? (Please be as 2. 3. 4. specific as possible.) What experiences have shaped this decision? Finally, in addition to the pursuit of an MBA degree, what activities/experiences will you pursue in order to achieve your career goals? What are 2 - 3 strengths or characteristics that have driven your career success thus far? How did you develop these strengths/characteristics? Please provide a specific example and how it impacted your development. Give a specific example of a situation where you were part of a team, your role, and what you contributed to the team. Describe your three most substantial accomplishments and explain why you view them as such. 4. Optional Essay: Is there anything else we should consider in our evaluation of your application? If you feel that your credentials and essays represent you fairly, you are under no obligation to write anything more. (Information from the Online Application) 63 Auburn University (AL) –ok Deadlines Priority Application Deadline: For priority consideration, fully completed applications must be received by November 1st. Application Deadline: The final application deadline is March 1st. Applications received after the March 1st Priority Application Deadline are subject to seats available when the application is submitted. pus.cfm Resume. Include: 1) Work experience with dates of employment (please distinguish between full-time 2) 3) 4) 5) and part-time and temporary employment and include descriptions of duties and responsibilities); internships; Educational institutions attended, dates of enrollment, major area(s) of study and degree(s) earned; Awards, honors and recognitions received; and Significant college, community/volunteer, leadership, and professional activities in which you have participated. Two Required MBA Essays. (Suggested length: 1 to 2 double-spaced typed pages maximum for each question.) On separate pages, please respond to the following questions: Tell us about your career goals. How do you envision an MBA from Auburn University will help you achieve these goals? Are there other reasons you are interested in pursuing an MBA at Auburn? Tell us what particular skills, talents, experiences and perspectives you will bring to the Auburn MBA Program. on.pdf 63 Claremont Graduate University (Drucker) (CA) –ok Applications are processed on a rolling admission basis. Below are the priority application deadlines for our Full-Time MBA program. Apply by the priority deadlines to receive greater fellowship consideration. Application Deadlines (Fall) November 1 - Early Action and International Priority deadline* December 1 - Round 1 February 1 - Round 2 April 1 - Round 3 The Early Action deadline is a non-binding deadline for applicants whose first choice is the Drucker MBA Program. Rounds 1 and 2 are comparable in terms of your chances of admission. Round 3 is slightly more competitive, although there will be sufficient room for strong candidates. Applicants who apply after Round 3 will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Incomplete applications (i.e. missing documents) will be moved to the following round. *International applicants are encouraged to sumbit their applications by November 1st for the opportunity to be invited for an in-person interview with a Drucker recruiter who may be travelling in your area. Personal statement Write a 3-4 page statement (maximum 4 pages) answering the following three questions: 1. Why is admission to the program important to you? 2. What special contributions do you believe you will make to the Drucker School? 3. Describe an ethical dilemma you have encountered and the process by which you resolved the situation. Resume Although work experience is not required, most incoming students have an average of four years of work experience. You have the choice of uploading your resume when you submit the online application, or you may mail it in with your additional documents. In either case, please make sure your full name, the academic department and term to which you are applying is clearly identifiable. Please submit a current resume listing the names of your employers and nature of your work. Also include awards received, association memberships, and computer literacy. MBA applicants: Please include professional experience and full- or part-time work, accounting for all post-baccalaureate time periods and including details about the nature and extent of responsibilities. (PDF information from online application) 63 Rochester Institute of Technology (Saunders) (NY) –ok What is the application deadline for the traditional full-time or part-time MBA? All application materials must be received by RIT by the dates listed below. This includes completed application, transcripts from all colleges and universities attended, official GMAT score from ETS, official TOEFL score from ETS (International students only), resume, personal statement, and Declaration of Financial Support (international students only). Quarter Domestic Student International Student Fall August 1 July 15 Winter November 1 October 15 Spring February 1 January 15 Summer May 1 April 15 We encourage you to complete your application for admission as early as possible, since your application for financial aid and/or merit scholarships will not be processed until after you are accepted to the program. PERSONAL STATEMENT: Please provide a personal statement describing your educational objectives. You may wish to address: (1) why you are applying for your chosen degree program, (2) what you hope to achieve through your education, (3) how your degree program will relate to your long-range career objectives, (4) what personal "non-academic" qualities you will contribute to the learning environment in your program, (5) what (if any) prior experiences you have with respect to your chosen program, and (6) specifically why you want to attend RIT. RESUME (WORK EXPERIENCE/PERSONAL DATA): Please list your full-time, part-time and summer employment (include military service). Briefly describe your academic honors, published works, and leadership roles. List any academic, artistic, professional, military, or community activities you consider significant to your proposed graduate study. If you prefer, you may submit your resume to provide this information. (Information from the Online Application) 63 Temple University (Fox) (PA) –ok Deadlines Application Deadlines for Fall 2012 Fox Full-Time MBA (FMBA) Admission is highly competitive. The Admissions Committee bases decisions on an applicant’s work experience, academic preparation and performance, strength of recommendations, scores on the GMAT, and the applicant’s essays. December 10th – First Round Scholarship Consideration March 1st – International Application Deadline/ Second Round Scholarship Consideration May 31st – Domestic Application Deadline June 30th – Late Deadline Essays Leadership Essay: Please describe an incident from your personal experiences that typifies your definition of leadership. Specifically address ethics, diversity, collaboration and motivation.* Statement of Goals: Describe how you would expect to change over the course of the program. What personal and professional values and skills do you hope to acquire beyond the academic content? How will obtaining the degree help you achieve your career goals?* Optional Essay: Please provide any additional information or material you would like to include, such as discussing any weaknesses or strengths that bear on your application. (Information from the Online Application) 63 University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa (Manderson) (AL) –ok Deadlines The Manderson Graduate School of Business MBA Admissions Committee is excited to begin the application process in the fall of each year. Decisions are then made on a rolling basis throughout the fall and spring semesters. Candidates are normally notified of admission and scholarship decisions within two weeks of receipt of all application materials. Due to our limited class size, applicants are encouraged to submit all application materials as early as possible. (Also, please note that entry into the MBA program occurs only in the fall semester -our program is structured such that is not possible to begin enrollment in the spring semester.) Early Admission Deadline - January 5 Provides applicants with the widest opportunities to secure financial support. Priority Admission Deadline - February 15 Candidates interested in being considered for any scholarship, fellowship, or assistantship awards should apply by this date. Regular Admission Deadline - April 15 Our regular admission deadline with limited scholarship, fellowship, and assistantship opportunities still available. We will continue to review applications submitted after this date on a space available basis. Transfer/Special Admission Deadline- July 1 Statement of Purpose The only essay required by our program is the "Statement of Purpose" essay that is required by the general Graduate School. This essay should address why you want to enter the MBA program, why you think you are a quality applicant, and what you hope to do long-term if you receive the MBA degree. These essays are usually 1-2 pages in length, but there is no required length or word count. (Information from email contact) 63 University of Arizona (Eller) (AZ) –ok Application Deadlines First Round: November 15 Second Round: January 15* Third Round: March 15 Final Round: May 1 If you are an international applicant and/or would like to be considered for a scholarship, we encourage you to apply by the first deadline. All international applicants must apply by January 15 to be considered for Fall 2012 admission. Admitted applicants will be invited to participate in the Eller MBA Preview in April 2012, in Tucson, AZ. Essays Prepare answers to the following essay questions. Please double-space, use 12-point font, and do not exceed 750 words. 1. Essay # 1 Please discuss your short-term (immediately following the MBA) and your long-term goals. How will your experience to date, combined with the Eller MBA help you achieve these goals? 2. Essay # 2 You are a VP for business development at a major mining consortia based in the US. You are charged with leading the company's efforts to diversify its product-base and gain entry into new and potentially lucrative international markets. The company's largest portfolio of products includes coal and copper, and the board of directors has been pressing the firm to expand its product line and market share for years. The board and the leadership have targeted a lucrative opportunity in a volatile south Asian country that possesses the world's largest reserve of the particular mineral you need. The country is poor with only 60% literacy and is run by a notoriously corrupt regime. Additionally, the project poses significant environmental risks to local indigenous tribes. While you don't want to be the subject of international protests and you don't feel comfortable about getting into a contract with this particular regime, you feel you have little choice and need to find a way to conduct business in the country. Your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) manager has suggested that perhaps this represents an opportunity for your firm to define a different business model for entering developing markets. How might you consider a new way of approaching this type of venture in light of the risks and opportunities? 3. Essay # 3 (Optional Scholarship Essay for Full-Time MBA Applicants) Why is the Eller MBA program the right program for you and what will you contribute to your cohort? (Information from Online Applicant) 69 Iowa State University (IA) –ok Application Deadlines: Full-time admission is granted for the fall term only. Deadlines for the full-time program are: March 1 for international students and July 1 for domestic students. Part-time admission is granted for the fall, spring or summer. Admission deadlines are July 1 for fall, December 1 for spring, and April 1 for summer. Personal Essays On separate sheets of paper, please respond to the following essay questions. Each essay should be typed and limited to one page in length. At the top of each page, please put your name and the essay question being answered. Mandatory Essays 1. Essay 1: (required) Discuss your academic and career goals. How will an MBA from Iowa State University help you reach these goals? What unique qualitites and experiences would you bring to the program? Is there any other information you believe is important to our assessment of your candidacy? 2. Essay 2: (required) Does a corporation’s focus on social responsibility enhance or diminish the bottom line? Please support your viewpoint. 3. Essay 3 (Answer one of the following): Describe a time when you had a significant impact on an individual or a group of people. What was your role in the situation? Give an example where you had to adjust to a change over which you had no control. How did you manage it? Write about a time when you experienced a setback. What did you learn from the incident? A statement of purpose is required for all degree-seeking applicants. Please submit a statement of approximately 500-700 words (1-2 pages). Primarily, explain: your purpose for starting or continuing graduate study, why you want to study at Iowa State University, your professional plans, your career goals, and your research interests, and any experience that is particularly applicable to the program for which you're applying. Secondarily, elaborate on: any irregularities or special circumstances applicable to your application, your special abilities, awards, achievements, scholarly publications, and professional history as it relates to the program of interest, and any prior contact with specific Iowa State program faculty. (You may cut and paste text.) (Information from online application) 69 Syracuse University (Whitman) (NY) –ok Application Deadlines and Review Process Complete applications* must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time on the day of the deadline to receive notification by the date below. All mailed application material must be postmarked by the deadline date. It is always beneficial to apply before the posted deadline. *A complete application includes all supplemental materials including official test score reports. Fall 2012 Application Deadline: Expect a decision after: (Decision mailing date) 1st Round: November 30 December 21 2nd Round: January 1 February 1 3rd Round: February 15 Final deadline for international applicants 4th Round: April 19 Final deadline for domestic applicants March 15 May 17 Resume Please prepare a business resume that includes your educational and professional information. Professional information should consist of employment history in reverse chronological order with titles, dates, relevant information and an indication of part-time or full-time status. A resume describing your employment history; academic honors; scholastic recognition; publications; leadership roles; and/or other academic, professional, and community activities. Essays Note to Applicant: Be sure to include your name and date of birth on any items that you upload to ensure the materials are matched with your application correctly. Please Do Not mail documents you have uploaded here to Syracuse University Please Do Not upload copies of transcripts as they would not be considered official for application purposes. Uploaded copies will be deleted. Official transcripts must be mailed to Syracuse University Essay #1 (Approximately 750 words) Choose one of the following: Tell us about a time when you tried to reach a goal or complete a task that was challenging, difficult, or frustrating. What did you learn from this experience? Describe a situation where your professional ethics were challenged and how you came to terms with the situation. What did you learn from this experience? Describe a situation in which others with whom you were working on a project disagreed with your ideas. What did you do? In retrospect, is there anything you would have done differently? Essay #2 (Approximately 750 words) Choose one of the following: How can you contribute to the Whitman community? How will the Whitman graduate program assist you in reaching your personal and professional development goals? (Information from the Online Application Form) 69 University of Colorado - Boulder (Leeds) (CO) –ok Deadlines Applications for the Leeds MBA programs at the University of Colorado at Boulder are accepted for the fall semester only. The Leeds School of Business MBA program divides the admission cycle into three rounds of applications. This breaks the process into smaller pools of applicants allowing you to stand out more in the committee's evaluation. We encourage all candidates to apply early for best consideration. Marginal candidates may be deferred to a later admission round giving them an increased chance of acceptance. Candidates who are denied admission in an early round may not reapply in a subsequent round. International Applicants should apply in the first or second round of the admission cycle for best consideration to allow sufficient time for issuance of a student visa. Admission Deadlines First Round: November 15, 2011 Second Round: January 15, 2012 Third Round: April 1, 2012 Leadership, Honors and Distinctions (optional): To give us a more comprehensive impression of your interests, please list activities that are not included on your resume, such as community service, volunteer work, professional associations you belong to, and any publications or inventions you are credited with, as well as any other relevant opportunities for leadership positions you have had since graduating from college . Essays Submit essays in response to the following three (3) questions. All three are required. 1. Essay 1: Discuss your career progression to date. Why do you want to pursue an MBA at this point in your career, and how will this degree help you to achieve your career goals? In addition, specifically discuss how the Leeds School of Business MBA program fits with your educational interests and career goals. (max. 1,000 words) 2. Essay 2: At times it is our personal failures that result in key learning opportunities that will eventually lead us toward professional successes. Discuss a significant nonacademic failure or disappointment that you experienced and how it has impacted your career progression. How did you handle the situation, and what have you learned from it? (max. 500 words) 3. Essay 3: What accomplishments/characteristics are you most proud of as an individual and a professional? How would you apply these traits and experiences in the MBA program and how would they influence your contributions to the Leeds community? (max. 500 words) Creativity Submission (Optional) Creativity is often critical in business, but is not always something that candidates have an opportunity to show in the application process. If you would like to include a sample of your personal creativity in your application, please send your submission to us at: MBA Admissions 995 Regent Drive UCB 419 Boulder, CO 80309-0419 Your submission becomes the property of the Leeds School of Business and cannot be returned to you. Please do not submit perishable items. Past samples of personal creativity have included, but are certainly not limited to, the following: Artwork (photographs, designs, drawings, paintings, etc) A business plan A marketing campaign An essay describing a creative solution to a problem A description of your sample and its relevance to your application should be included. (max. 250 words) Additional Information (Optional): Provide any additional information or insights into your application that you feel would be useful to the admission committee in evaluating your candidacy. (Information from online application) 69 University of Connecticut (CT) –ok DEADLINES Our recommended application submission date for Fall 2012 is January 31, 2012. The primary reason for early application is that we anticipate the policies and procedures surrounding issuance of student visas will be stricter and more time-consuming than in the past. Also, on-campus housing is limited. Therefore, those who apply and are accepted earlier will have a stronger chance of obtaining on-campus housing. RESUME AND ESSAYS Each applicant to the full-time MBA program must submit their resume and three essays as part of the application process. Resume Your resume should reflect your full-time work experience, as well as any relevant part-time work experience. Please also indicate the dates you were at each position, for instance January 2006 – May 2010. Please also include a brief listing of your academic and professional honors and activities. Essays Your essays are an important aspect of the admissions process. Please respond fully yet concisely to the following questions: Essay Question 1 is required of all applicants. Please limit your response to 600 words. 1. Why are you interested in pursuing your MBA degree at this stage in your life/career? What are your short-term and long-term career goals and how will the UConn MBA program help you achieve these goals? Please choose 2 other essay questions from the following four for a total of 3 essays, including question 1 above. Please limit each essay to 600 words. 2. What have been your two most significant professional accomplishments so far? 3. Give an example when you demonstrated leadership. What were the challenges 4. 5. you encountered and how did you overcome them? What leadership skills helped you achieve this success? What leadership skills do you feel you need to further develop? Describe a challenge you have faced professionally. What was the outcome and how did you learn from this experience? How have your unique personal history, values, and life experiences influenced you as an individual? Optional Essay Please provide any additional information that you would like to present to the admissions committee if you feel it is not appropriately reflected in your application and essays to better represent you. Required Essay for Re-Applicants Only Please respond to the following question if you are reapplying to the UConn MBA Program. How have you strengthened your candidacy since you last applied? How have you grown personally and professionally? The resume, listing of honors and accomplishments, and essays may either be e-mailed or mailed to our office. 73 Bentley University (McCallum) (MA) –ok Admission Deadline Candidates Spring Start Application Deadline Full-time Applicants October 1 Part-time Applicants November 1 Candidates Fall Start Application Deadline Full-time Applicants Round 1: December 1 Round 2: January 20 Round 3: March 15 Round 4: Rolling Part-time Applicants June 1 Special Notes: 1. 2. Applicants interested in beginning their studies in the summer are strongly encouraged to apply in Round 1. Applicants who wish to be considered for merit aid are encouraged to apply as early as possible. Question: Does the McCallum Graduate School of Business have a rolling admission cycle? Answer: Applicants seeking Full Time admission for the Fall Term are reviewed on a Round system. Round 1 deadline is December 1st, Round 2 is January 20th, Round 3 is March 15th. After these dates, applicants are reviewed on a rolling, space-available basis. Part Time and applicants for Spring admission are reviewed on a rolling basis. The MSHFID program currently reviews applications on a rolling basis for Full Time and Part Time applicants. International students are encouraged to apply by March 15th in order to allow sufficient time for I-20 processing. Essays Please respond fully but concisely to the following essay questions. Complete your answers off line in separate documents and upload them below. Although there is no restriction on the length of your answers, on average we would like 500 word answers for each essay. Please be sure to include on each document your name and the program to which you are applying. Be sure to click SAVE after each upload. 1. Essay 1: Describe the career that you would like to pursue after earning a graduate degree. Address issues such as whether you are entering the business world for the first time, changing fields, or advancing in a field or organization where you expect to remain. Why have you chosen this particular career? 2. Essay 2: What aspects of your intended path of study made you decide that the program at the McCallum Graduate School was the right one for you? Please be as specific as possible. (Information from the Online Application Form) 73 Virginia Tech (Pamplin) (VA) –ok Application Deadline Our office reviews applications on a structured rolling admissions basis. Under the rolling admissions process, we continue to review applications for each entering class, until the entering class is full. Please note that since the admissions office cannot guarantee when our entering classes will be filled, we encourage all applicants to apply as soon as they are fully prepared and as close to the priority deadlines as possible. If you have questions regarding these dates we encourage you to contact our offices directly. Dec 1- Early Application Deadline Feb 1- Priority Application Deadline for full-time MBA* April 1- International Student Application Deadline The early application deadline is provided for those students requiring more time to plan their transition into an MBA program. *Applications received after the early and priority deadlines will be processed and reviewed according to a rolling admissions structure, with decisions being mailed typically 2 weeks after an application is considered complete. The full-time priority application deadline is used for initial financial aid offers. All international applications must be fully completed with all supporting documentation received and interview completed by the May 1 deadline. Resume & Work Experience Work experience is an important aspect of our MBA application. We require applicants to the Virginia Tech MBA program to submit a current resume which details previous work history listing your current position, company of employment and dates in which you have been employed. Applicants without a lengthy work history may detail coop and other internship experience in their resume. Applicants are advised to focus on skills demonstrated, position responsibilities, computer experience and project management that have been developed within your work history. *Please note that our admissions committee does not "require" work experience, however we do "prefer" candidates that have some professional experience prior to entering their MBA studies. Special considerations: 1. Leadership 2. Length of Professional Experience (years worked post-undergraduate studies) 3. Management of a team or resources (budget) 4. Progression within an organization Tips from the Admissions Team: 1. Don't "hide" dates Your resume should be clear and detailed so that our application reviews get an understanding of your work history and career path 2. Avoid "industry terms" If your profession is more technical keep in mind your reviewer may not have the same background to appreciate specific terms or abbreviations used routinely in your work. Essays Answer each question, restating the question at the beginning. Please include your name with your essays. The Admissions Committee expects your essays to be composed entirely by you, without editing or review by others. Please limit your responses to no more than 500 words for each question. 1. If you had access to venture capital and could found your own company, what kind of company would it be and why? Provide a description of at least 250 words. 2. What information about you that may not be apparent elsewhere in your application will be important in the assessment of your candidacy to our MBA Program? (Information from online application) 75 Pepperdine University (Graziadio) (CA) –ok ADMISSION DEADLINES Round One: November 1 Round Two: January 1 Round Three: March 1 (International Student Deadline) Round Four: May 1 MBA Program Essays Only Please answer the following questions in four separate essays, not longer than two pages each, using a typed, double-spaced format with one-inch margins. 1. Share a goal you have set for yourself. Describe what strategies and tactics you 2. 3. 4. have used to work towards that goal. Include barriers you have faced and how you dealt with them. How will the Pepperdine MBA help you achieve your personal and professional goals? Also, what will you contribute to the richness of the program? Please, be specific. Describe the qualities of an effective leader you have known, personally. How have you demonstrated similar qualities in your work, community involvement, education, extracurricular activities, etc.? Describe the most important non-work activity or organization with which you have been involved. Include details of your involvement, results of the activity, and what you have gained from that involvement. 5. (Optional) Provide information on any international work or educational experiences you have had. 6. (Optional) Provide additional information you feel necessary, regarding academic and GMAT performance or work experience. (Information from the Online Application) 75 Santa Clara University (Leavey) (CA) –ok Admissions Calendar and Timeline The Evening MBA program admits students in to the Fall, Winter and Spring terms of each year. Once admitted to the program, candidates may defer enrollment in the program for up to two quarters (including summer quarter) beyond the quarter for which they were originally accepted. Deferral requests are granted at the discretion of the Admissions Committee. Plan to attend an Information Session designed to help you understand your options and the SCU application process. Select a date and RSVP to reserve your place. Fall International applicants are encouraged to apply early. Fall Evening MBA (includes Emerging Professionals and JD/MBA), Executive MBA, Accelerated MBA and MS in Information Systems Application Deadline – June 1 Decision mailed three-five weeks upon complete application Winter - Evening MBA and MS in Information Systems Application Deadline - November 1 Decision mailed three-five weeks upon complete application Spring - Evening MBA and MS in Information Systems Application Deadline – January 19 Decision mailed three-five weeks upon complete application Essay Questions Please compose and edit your essay responses in your preferred word processing program. When finished, copy and paste into the sections provided below. Before submitting, please review your essays carefully to insure all characters are correct. Provide essay responses to the following questions. Essays 1 and 2 should be 500-700 words each, or 1-2 pages long. MBA Essay Questions: 1. Evaluate yourself, discussing your most significant accomplishment and a professional failure. What did you learn from these experiences? What changes did you make in your work style as a result? 2. Discuss those career objectives you expect to achieve five years from graduation and how an MBA degree, particularly one from Santa Clara University, will help prepare you for those objectives. 3. (Optional): Is there any reason your college or university experience underestimates your potential for graduate work? Is there anything about your work or life experience that would particularly enhance your potential in the graduate program? Resume As part of the application for the Evening, Saturday Option and MBA PACE Opportunity, you are required to submit a current resume detailing your employment history, professional affiliations and any volunteer information you choose to include. You may use the space below or mail a hard copy along with your supplemental application materials (official transcripts, recommendations, etc.) Your resume may be longer than one page. (Information from the Online Application) 75 Thunderbird School of Global Management (AZ) –ok Deadlines for Spring 2012 First Round – June 30, 2011 Second Round – August 30, 2011 (recommended final deadline for international students) Third Round – October 30, 2011 Final Round – November 30, 2011 Deadlines for Fall 2012 Early Decision – October 31, 2011 First Round – November 30, 2011 Second Round – January 31, 2012 Third Round – March 31, 2012 (recommended final deadline for international students) Final Round – May 10, 2012 d.htm Personal Essays You are required to write two personal essays. Your admissions packet provides questions you should answer and explains how to present information about yourself. Each essay should be 500 to 1,500 words (1-3 pages). ly.htm 1. Essay A: PERSONAL PROFILE AND FUTURE ASPIRATIONS What international and cross-cultural background will you bring to Thunderbird and how will those past experiences add value to your classmates from around the world? Furthermore, what are your career aspirations immediately after graduation from Thunderbird and later in your long-term career path? How and why will a Thunderbird degree (combined with your past educational and professional experiences) enable you to achieve these objectives? (Maximum 1,000 words / 4 pages) 2. Essay B: ALIGNMENT WITH THUNDERBIRD MISSION Thunderbird's mission statement is "We educate global leaders who create sustainable prosperity worldwide". As the second half of this mission is driven by our graduates, how do you foresee yourself living out this mission after graduating from Thunderbird? Are there specific organizations or companies that serve as an example of sustainable prosperity for you? Please refer to Thunderbird's website on our mission for further guidance in your answer ( htm). (Maximum 750 words / 3 pages) 3. 4. Essay C (Optional) Is there anything that you think the Admissions Committee should know which you feel has not been covered? If your credentials and essays represent you clearly and fairly, do not feel obligated to answer this question. (Please limit response to 1,500 words.) Essay D (optional). Required essay only for those interested in being considered for scholarships Please explain why you believe that you would be a strong candidate for a Thunderbird Scholarship. If you know the name of the scholarship for which you would like to be considered, please include this in your essay. If you are unsure, Thunderbird will match your profile to scholarship funds that are available for you. Your answer MUST be under one page in length. * By completing this essay, I understand that pertinent portions of my application may be shared with third parties that help to fund scholarships to Thunderbird during the selection process. RESUME Please include on your resume: Education Work experience Activities, volunteer work and honors Languages International experience (Limit response to two (2) pages) (Information from the Online Application Form) 75 State University of New York - Buffalo (NY) –ok Critical Dates for Fall 2012 Applicants Who may apply Application due Decision notification Tuition deposit due ($500) All applicants November 17, 2011 December 16, 2011 January 27, 2012 All applicants* February 1, 2012 March 3, 2012 March 30, 2012 All applicants (International March 1, 2012 March 30, 2012 April 18, 2012 U.S. applicants only April 4, 2012 May 7, 2012 May 25, 2012 U.S. applicants only May 21, 2012 June 4, 2012 June 18, 2012 final deadline) *February 1 is the priority deadline for domestic students applying for program scholarships, assistantships and fellowships. Personal Statements Two personal statements are required as follows: 1. Describe your career objectives. Be as specific as you can concerning the types of positions and responsibility levels to which you aspire. Include long-term as well as short-term goals. Describe your expectations concerning the role of the MBA program in achieving your goals. (Approximately 700 words.) 2. Select ONE of the following three topics and submit a response of approximately 700 words: Describe a time when you were leading a group that faced a significant problem but were able to resolve it in a positive manner. Describe a time when your ethics were challenged, how you dealt with the situation and what you learned from it? Describe a time when you had a significant misunderstanding with someone from a different background or culture and how you resolved the misunderstanding. All personal statements must be uploaded to the application. Be sure to include your full name identical to that used on the application site. Résumé Submit a résumé showing relevant work experience and education. Your résumé must be uploaded on the application site. Be sure to include your full name identical to that used on the application. If you have full-time work experience please include telephone and e-mail contact information for the two most recent workplaces shown on your résumé. 75 University of Cincinnati (OH) –ok The deadline for international applicants without a visa is April 1. Essays: The following questions are to be answered on separate pages. Put your name on any separate pages you submit with your application. The admissions office would like to stress the importance of the information you provide in response to these questions. Your responses are carefully evaluated and are an important part of the admission review process. Question #1 - 500 Word Maximum What are your career aspirations, and how will an MBA degree from the University of Cincinnati help you accomplish them? Question #2 - 500 Word Maximum Please answer one of the following two questions: If your supervisor had one employee that he or she could keep after a corporate downsizing, why would he or she choose you? Suppose you could invite 3 people (past or present) to a dinner party. Who would you choose and why? (Information from the Online Application) 80 Case Western Reserve University (Weatherhead) (OH) –ok Application Deadlines Applicants are considered in several application rounds throughout the year. Application Notification Round 1 November 1, 2011 December 15, 2011 Round 2 December 1, 2011 January 15, 2012 Round 3 January 15, 2012 March 1, 2012 Round 4 March 1, 2012 April 15, 2012 Round 5 April 15, 2012 (Final Deadline for International Applicants) May 15, 2012 Essays 1. Essay 1: Please enter your response for the following essay topic. Your essay should be approximately one page in length (double-spaced), or approximately 250 words. Describe your motivation for pursuing the MBA degree. How does it fit with your long/short-term goals? How have your academic, career, or life experiences 2. prepared you for this program? What strengths will you bring, and what knowledge and insights are you hoping to develop during this learning experience? Are there any concerns about your application that you would like to address? Essay 2: For your second essay, please answer one of the four essay questions shown below. You may choose any of these questions; please be sure to indicate at the top of the response which question you are answering: * 1. Describe a situation where your academic or professional ethics were challenged and how you dealt with the situation. What did you learn from the experience? 2. What is the most difficult feedback you have received, and how did you address it? 3. Throughout our lives, we have significant experiences or "milestones" that have a lasting impact on us. Briefly describe such an event and its impact on you. 4. Describe a time when you led a response to a crisis. What critical leadership skills did you implement? What was the impact of your decisions? How many people did you lead and what would be their opinion of how you handled the situation? How would you rate your own performance? Resume Please upload your resume, ensuring that you provide the following information: a. each full-time position you have held; b. full-time summer jobs or internships held while enrolled in college c. any part-time job in which you worked more than 10 hours per week while enrolled in college. For part-time positions, include the number of hours worked per week. Your resume should also include your educational background, and any honors, extracurricular activities, volunteer work, memberships, or additional training you wish to have considered by the Admissions Committee. The Weatherhead School reserves the right to verify information submitted on the resume. (Information from the Online Application Form) 80 Texas Christian University (Neeley) (TX) –ok Fall 2012 (August) Admission Decision Round 1 For early decision and scholarship priority General admission and 2 priority scholarship Application Deadline, including supporting documents, GMAT and TOEFL Decision Mailed By Nov. 1, 2011 Dec. 15, 2011 Jan. 15, 2012 Feb. 15, 2012 March 1, 2012 April 1, 2012 deadline General admission and extended scholarship deadline. Final admission round for international applicants seeking an 3 F-1 student visa Final admission round for candidates applying to the MBA/EdD dual degree program. April 15, 2012 Extended admission and *After this date, 4 scholarship deadline applications accepted as space is available May 15, 2012 Admission Essays Want to get a head start on your essay questions? You will submit your essays as part of the online application, but you may want to work on your responses in the meantime. You will be able to copy and paste from your preferred word processing software into the space provided on the application. Please note that responses to each question should not exceed approximately 250 words. 1. Required Essay #1: What are your career goals? Why did you decide to pursue an MBA degree at this point in your career? 2. Required Essay #2: Peer learning is an integral part of the Neeley experience. As 3. you explore important business issues in classroom discussions and team projects, you will have the opportunity to learn from students with experience in other industries and functional areas. What specific contribution will you make to those discussions? Required Essay #3: Based on your professional experience, describe a situation in which conflict arose due to the competing perspectives of different components or departments within your organization. How were these divergent perspectives reconciled, or how do you believe they should have been reconciled? 4. 5. Required Essay #4: Discuss a situation in which you initiated an action that made a significant impact on an organization. Optional Essay: Is there any additional information that would clarify or enhance the information you have provided in your application? Or do you have any other information that you would like to bring to the attention to the Graduate Admissions Committee in support of your application? 80 University of Utah (Eccles) (UT) –ok Application Deadlines For Class of 2014 (entering Fall 2012) Application Round David Eccles School of Business Application Deadline Decision Notification Round one* December 15, 2011 Approximately six weeks from deadline Round two January 15, 2012 Approximately six weeks from deadline Round three March 1, 2012 Approximately six weeks from deadline *Priority scholarship consideration will be given to applications received by the deadline for round one. Late applications are considered based on space availability. -deadlines -deadlines-for-international-students Personal Essays 1. Essay 1: Please provide a Statement of Intent. The statement should: 2. 3. Explain why you are pursuing this degree at this juncture in your life. Explain how this degree would enhance your ability to achieve your personal and career ambitions. Limit your response to 1000 words. Essay 2: Optional. What other information about you is important when considering your application?(Applicants with a lower GPA, standardized test score, or work experience are specifically encouraged to use this question.) Limit your response to 500 words. Essay 3: MBA Program Essay. What matters to you most and why? Limit your response to 700 words. (Information from College’s Online Application Form) 83 College of William and Mary (Mason) (VA) –ok Application Deadlines The MBA Admissions team welcomes inquiries from and interactions with prospective students in all stages of the admissions application process. We offer a variety of venues in which you can learn more about the William & Mary MBA experience, including MBA fairs, campus visits, and in-person or telephone information sessions. Our admissions events list contains complete details. Round Application due by 11:59 PM (EST) Decision Notification Deposit Deadline 1 November 1, 2011 January 6, 2012 February 3, 2012 2 January 10, 2012 March 16, 2012 April 13, 2012 3 March 6, 2012 April 20, 2012 May 18, 2012 4 May 15, 2012 June 8, 2012 June 22, 2012 5 After May 15, 2012, applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis as space is available. Scholarship Deadline All applicants will be considered for merit-based scholarship after acceptance. Priority consideration for scholarship will be given to applicants in Rounds 1, 2, and 3. International Students Please plan to apply by March 6, 2012 (Round 3) to allow for visa processing time if admitted to the Full-time MBA. Essays We require responses to three essay questions and offer you the opportunity to submit an optional personal statement. Please follow the guidelines on the application regarding the length of each essay. At the top of each page, please put your full name and a complete statement of the question being answered. Use at least 11-point font and 1.5 spacing. 1. What motivates you to pursue an MBA and how will you utilize the opportunities at William & Mary to design an MBA experience that is right for you? (800 words) 2. Pick one essay from the following two: Describe a situation in which you felt pressured to compromise your ethics or values. (800 words) What do you consider to be a compelling current event? How has this event impacted you and have you responded? (800 words) 3. The Mason Community is made up of talented and motivated individuals who have come together to learn. What unique strengths will you contribute to your classmates' learning experience? What inspirations will you glean from your classmates? (250 words) 83 North Carolina State University (Jenkins) (NC) –ok Application Deadlines Full-Time Full-time Deadlines for Fall 2012 Round 1 October 3, 2011 Round 2 January 15, 2012 Round 3 March 1, 2012 Admission to the full-time MBA Program is granted for the fall term only. nes/ Activities Please create a document offline listing your current and/or post-collegiate community activities. Include offices held (if any), the dates you were involved, and the time required per week. Please create a document offline listing your principal extracurricular collegiate activities. Include offices held (if any), the dates you were involved, and the time required per week. Awards and Recognition Please list any distinctions, honors, and awards received during college or in your professional life. Please indicate basis of selection if award is not well known. Essays 1. Essay 1. What are your short-term and long-term professional career goals after you complete your MBA? How will an MBA from NC State’s Jenkins Graduate School help you achieve these goals? (500 word limit) 2. Essay 2. What do you see as the biggest challenges facing the global business community today? How will an MBA from NC State’s Jenkins Graduate School assist you in making a difference addressing theses challenges? (500 word limit) 3. Essay 3. Please describe a specific example of when your ethics have been challenged. How has this situation impacted your behaviors? (500 word limit) 4. Essay 4. Optional: Are there other things that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider when reviewing your application? 5. Complete this essay ONLY if you are re-applying for admission to NC State University's MBA program. What steps have you taken to improve your candidacy since the last time you applied to the MBA Program at NC State University? (500 word limit) (Information from the Online Application Form) 85 CUNY - Baruch College (Zicklin) (NY) -ok Application Deadlines Fall Semester- Classes start in August ROUND 1 ROUND 2 January 15 Decisions by March 31 April 15 Decisions by June 30 ____ ____ Part-Time MBA Accelerated Format ____ ____ April 30 May 31 Part-Time MBA Flexible Format ____ ____ April 30 May 31 Baruch/Mt. Sinai ____ ____ May 31 June 30 ____ ____ April 30 May 31 Programs Full-Time MBA International U.S./Domestic Applicants* Applicants Health Care MBA MS Degree Programs Spring 2012 Semester - Classes start in January Programs Flex-Time MBA MS Degree Programs ALL Applicants October 31 October 31 Beginning Spring 2013 Semester Full-Time MBA Program: October 15 Deadline (Decisions by December 15) Part-Time MBA Program (Flexible Format): October 31 Deadline MS Degree Programs: October 31 Deadline *International Applicants have one or more of the following characteristics: require a student (F-1) visa and/or attended a non-U.S. undergraduate and/or graduate program Applications are considered to have met the application deadline if all application forms, supporting documents, credentials and test scores are in the Admissions Office by the deadline date. Note that in order to meet the deadline your official undergraduate transcript must indicate that you have received your degree no later than the deadline date. Essays 1. ESSAY #1 (answer part i and ii) i. Explain the factors that led you to pursue a graduate business degree at this point in your life / career. (approx. 250 words) ii. List the top three criteria in your selection of business schools and why Baruch College’s Zicklin School of Business meets those expectations. (approx. 250 words) Essays must be typed, double-spaced and well-organized. Please make sure to add a 1 1/4 inches top margin. 2. ESSAY #2 (answer part i, ii and iii) i. Explain the factors that led you to choose your current/most recent job. (approx. 250 words) ii. Describe the most difficult/challenging situation you have faced professionally. (approx. 250 words) iii. What are the top three reasons you have been successful in your career thus far? (approx. 250 words) Essays must be typed, double-spaced and well-organized. Please make sure to 3. add a 1 1/4 inches top margin. ESSAY #3 i. Bernard Baruch once said, "During my eighty-seven years I have witnessed a whole succession of technological revolutions. But none of them has done away with the need for character in the individual or the ability to think." What does this statement mean to you? (approx. 500 words) Essays must be typed, double-spaced and well-organized. Please make sure to add a 1 1/4 inches top margin. Optional Essay i. Optional: Provide the Admissions Committee with any information that you would like the members to consider as they make their decision. Essays must be typed, double spaced, 500 words maximum. Please make sure to add a 1 1/4 inches top margin. Current, One-Page Resume Include a current single-page resume or curriculum vitae that includes the scope and autonomy for each position you have held up to present. (Information from the Online Application Form) 85 University of Miami (FL) -ok Two-Year MBA Application Deadlines Full-Time MBA Program - Fall 2012 Round Application Deadlines* Early Decision October 3, 2011 Round 1 ** December 1, 2011 Round 2 February 1, 2012 Round 3 April 2, 2012 Final*** June 1, 2012 * The Admission Committee will only review complete applications. Although the School of Business has deadlines as detailed above, interested candidates may apply at any time. International candidates are encouraged to apply early as the additional time required for transcript evaluation may delay the admission decision. **Candidates who express interest in award opportunities are encouraged to apply by Round 1 as awards are limited in funding. Awards are determine upon admissions and based on merit. ***All complete application received after the final deadline will be considered on a space available basis. Candidates may check the status of their application by logging into myUM. You will need your CaneID and password. ex.html Resume A current resume must be submitted with the application. Resumes should not be more than two pages in length. index.html Essay Please address the following three essay questions, which are required by all applicants. Limit answers to each question to no more than 300 words. 1. 2. 3. 4. Why have you selected to apply to the University of Miami's Graduate Business Programs and what is your motivation for pursuing this degree? How will other graduate students at UM benefit from your participation in the program? What are your short-term (post mba) and long-term goals/career plans? How will a UM graduate degree help you achieve these goals? Choose one of the following and describe: When you discovered your ability to lead 5. A significant setback in a team interaction that you were a part of Your most significant accomplishment A situation in which you took a risk The qualities that make you a team player A business leader that you admire Optional Essay: Please include any additional information that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider in evaluating your application International/Intercultural Experience List Significant International Business and/or Research Travel (include length of time and dates) Additional Cultural Experiences (include length of time and dates) (Information from the Online Application Form) 85 University of Pittsburgh (Katz) (PA) –ok MBA Admissions Dates and Deadlines Start Dates The Full-time One-year, Two-year and Joint- and Dual-Degree MBA programs begin once per year in August. For the Part-time MBA and Joint- and Dual-Degree programs, applicants can apply for one of three start dates throughout the year; August, January, or April. Full-time One-Year, Two-Year MBA and Joint- and Dual-Degree Programs The Admissions Committee reviews applications for the Full-time MBA program in four rounds between October and April. The deadline date and associated notification date define each round. To be guaranteed consideration for a given round, we must receive your application and all component parts, including official exam scores, by the following deadline dates. These dates are for August 2012 program start. The dates are: Full-Time Application Deadlines Decision Notification October 17 Deadline for both domestic and international applications and scholarship consideration December 1 December 1 Deadline for both domestic and international applications and scholarship consideration February 1 February 1 (final deadline for scholarship consideration) Recommended final deadline for international students due to the time required to process visa documents April 2 April 2 (for Domestic Applications Only) May 6 Deadlines that occur on a holiday or weekend will be extended through the next business day. Personal Essays This section contains both essay and resume information. Note: It is required that essays are submitted as part of the online application. Applications submitted without complete essays will not meet the deadline requirements. Personal Statements or autobiographies cannot be substituted for the specific essay question. Essays must be between 750 - 1,000 words, size 12 font and double-spaced. 1. Essay One* In between 750-1000 words, describe your short-term career goals immediately following the MBA program, including the industry and specific position that you will target. Discuss the actions you plan to take to leverage your current experience and Katz MBA degree to achieve this goal. 2. Essay Two* In between 750-1000 words, describe a situation where you worked on a project or assignment that you did not enjoy (perhaps due to the work assigned, the team members with whom you were assigned to work or any other related circumstance). Describe the general situation, your specific role, your actions and the outcome. 3. Optional Essay If there is specific background information that has not yet been addressed and should be considered for your application review, please use this essay to elaborate. If you are not currently employed nor enrolled in an academic program, please describe fully your present circumstances and include a description of any activities in which you are involved. Current Resume. Submit a current resume. Please list your work experience in two (2) sections. The first section should list all full-time positions held. Include the name and location of employer (including military service), your title and the dates you began and ended employment. Please also present a brief description of your job responsibilities for each entry. In the second section, please list the same information for all part-time and internship positions. (Information from the Online Application) 85 Worcester Polytechnic Institute (MA) –ok Admission Deadlines WPI School of Business graduate programs admit students for both fall (September) and spring (January) terms. Full-time and part-time admission to the MBA program is available in either term, as well as in the summer for the Cohort program. Full-time admission to the Master of Science in Information Technology program in the School of Business is available only in the fall term. Full-time admission to the Master of Science in Marketing and Technological Innovation and the Master of Science in Operations Design and Leadership programs is available in either term. Part-time students may enter any Master of Science program in either term. Full-time international applicants are not eligible for a paid, off-campus internship until they have been full-time students for nine months. Applications are evaluated on a rolling basis as soon as all required materials have been received. We advise applicants to have all documentation submitted by the following deadlines for the term of their choice: Fall admission deadlines: June 1 - International students July 1 - Domestic students * Rolling admissions thereafter Spring admission deadlines: October 1 - International students November 1 - Domestic students * Rolling admissions thereafter Applicants who anticipate having application materials and supporting documentation arrive after these dates should contact the Graduate Management Programs Office Additional Information *Students accepted into WPI's Graduate Management Program are expected to have a background in mathematics and computer usage. Two college-level calculus courses (including integral and differential calculus) or three college-level math courses satisfactorily completed are required to satisfy the mathematics requirement. At least one college computer course satisfactorily completed is required to satisfy the computer requirement. If your transcripts do not clearly demonstrate your competence in these two areas, please provide additional detailed information that will help us evaluate your background (e.g., on-the-job training in computer programming or usage, continuing education courses, etc.). List any professional publications, academic honors, fellowships or prizes, and thesis titles (including pending work). Self Evaluation *Describe your short-term and long-term career goals and how you expect the WPI Graduate Management Program to assist you in attaining them. If there is any additional information you believe would be useful to the Admissions Committee, please describe here. (Information from the Online Application Form) 89 DePaul University (Kellstadt) (IL) –ok Deadlines Students are admitted to the full-time Day MBA program in the Autumn quarter only. There are three application rounds, with deadlines of February 1, April 1, and July 1. Applicants who wish to be considered for scholarships or graduate assistantships should apply during the first two application rounds. These awards are generally not available to applicants who apply after April 1. Applicants who apply to any program after the deadlines listed above may have their applications considered if space remains available. All applicants are encouraged to apply well in advance of these deadlines. eadlines Foreign students and applicants educated outside the United States Applications must be submitted one month prior to the above deadlines. Essay Two essay questions, contained within the admission application, are required for all applicants; Accelerated Full-time MBA applicants must complete a third essay question. We strongly recommend that you develop and edit your essay responses in a word editor such as MS Word and then copy/paste your responses to the appropriate boxes below. 1. Why have you chosen to apply to the Kellstadt Graduate School of Business? What are your short and long-term career objectives? How will the program assist you in pursuing your career objectives? 4000 characters 2. In the competitive world of commerce, where profit is a top priority, one can lose sight of the importance and need for ethical decision-making and business practices. Please describe an instance in your professional career in which you were faced with or involved in an ethical dilemma. How did you choose to address the issue? Were you pleased with the end result? How do you think that the situation could have been handled differently? 4000 characters 3. Why have you chosen to apply to the Day MBA program? What factors influenced this decision? What one aspect of the program are you most looking forward to? 4000 characters (Guidelines from the Online Application) Resume/curriculum vitae Your professional resume should summarize your work experience and educational background. Please limit it to two pages. 89 Louisiana State University (Ourso) (LA) -ok FLORES MBA FULL-TIME PROGRAM APPLICATION DEADLINES Fall 2012 Class We have the largest number of seats open during the first two rounds of admission. Our greatest availability of scholarships and financial aid are available during the first two admission rounds. Applicants interested in getting fullest consideration for merit-based financial aid are encouraged to apply during the earlier rounds. Round # Flores MBA Program Application Deadline Decision Made by: 1 December 5, 2011 December 22, 2011 2 February 6, 2012 February 24, 2012 3 April 9, 2012 April 30, 2012 Our admission committees must receive completed applications and all required documentation by the application deadline. For more details of this process, please refer to our Admission Requirements. ALSO NOTE: May 15, 2012 – Final deadline to submit the online LSU Graduate School for fall 2012. An additional $25 late fee will be assessed for applications received after the May 15 deadline. After Round 3 we will move to rolling admissions. If you have any questions about admissions please contact Dana C. Hart, Assistant Director of Admissions and Student Services, by phone, 225-578-8892, or by e-mail at Writing Sample We do not require a writing sample for the MBA program; however, please feel free to use this section to describe the following: How unique life experiences might distinguish you from other applicants. How your background, values, and non work-related activities can enhance the experience of the other students and will contribute to the diverse culture we strive for in the Flores MBA Program. (4000 character maximum) One-page professional resume and personal statement You can upload your resume and personal statement directly to the Graduate Admissions application. For the personal statement, please describe the following: Your interest in the Flores MBA program and your specific program choice (full-time, Professional, or Executive). Include short- and long-term professional goals. Be sure to address any specific skill sets you wish to develop and how the Flores MBA Program can contribute to your development in this area (4000 character maximum). Personal Statement Please write a statement concerning your proposed program of graduate study. In your statement, you should address such matters as areas of interest, your plans for development, and (for applicants to research master's and doctoral programs) possible thesis or dissertation topics.* Resume Please submit a copy of your current resume or curriculum vitae (CV). While some programs require this information (currently required for all programs in Business Administration) , most departments will welcome this information for use in their evaluation of your application for graduate study. (Information from online application) 91 Howard University (DC) –ok Application Deadline Dates The Admissions Application should be received by the dates listed below: Fall Semester (Full Time and Part Time Programs) First Round Decision - November 15th*** 2nd Round Decision - February 1st 3rd Round Decision - April 1st Final Round Decision (Final Deadline) – May 15th ***International Students are strongly encouraged to apply by this date. Spring Semester (Part Time program only) - November 1st ation.pdf Personal Statement. Applicants should provide a Personal Statement that describes the uniqueness of his/her character, abilities, issues of diversity, academic history, community service activities, and professional experience. Additionally, the Statement should discuss the applicant’s interest in the Howard University MBA program (HUMBA) and how completing the HUMBA will facilitate realizing his/her dreams and aspirations. Current Resume. (A minimum of one-year relevant work experience after completion of the undergraduate degree is required.) D09-10.doc ation.pdf 91 University of Oklahoma (Price) (OK) –ok MBA ADMISSION DEADLINES Application Deadlines Program U.S. Citizen International MBA (Fall Admission Only) July 1 March 1 How long should my statement of goals be? The statement of goals is typically between one and two pages double-spaced and should address your educational and professional background, goals and why you want to pursue an MBA from the Price College of Business. 91 University of Oregon (Lundquist) (OR) –ok Deadlines Deadlines for Early Decision notification is usually 30 days after file completion Round 2 notification is usually 45 days after file completion Round 3 notification is usually 45 days after file completion Submission of November 15 complete application February 15* March 15** GMAT*** November 1 February 1 March 1 TOEFL, IELTS, PTE Academic*** October 15 January 15 February 15 * International students are encouraged to apply by February 15. **Applications completed after March 15th —including receipt of all supplemental materials—will be reviewed on a space-available basis and must be completed by June 1st. ***Suggested Deadlines txt Essays 1. Essays 1: Please answer the following question. (500 words or less; please clearly label your essay by number) Please explain how the Oregon MBA program and your preferred program track/s will build on your experiences to date and will further your career goals. Tell us not only what you hope to gain from the Oregon MBA program but also what will you bring to the program and our learning community. 2. Essays 2: Please answer ONE of the following questions. (500 words or less; please clearly label your essay by number) B1. As an aspiring business leader, how will you prevent financial manipulation, improper accounting, and fraud in your company? B2. By the standards of developing countries, wages and working conditions in factories supplying or owned by American multinationals are no worse than those in local enterprises, and often better. From the point of view of Western consumers, however, those wages and conditions are often unacceptable and provoke boycott threats and campaigns. How would you address this problem? 3. Essays 3: Please answer ONE of the following questions. (500 words or less; please clearly label your essay by number) C1. According to the stakeholder model, beyond its fiduciary responsibility to shareholders management is answerable to several other constituencies. Examine the issue of off sourcing (outsourcing abroad) in light of the stakeholder model. C2. Henry Ford once said: "For a long time people believed that the only purpose of industry was to make a profit. They are wrong. Its purpose is to serve the general welfare." Many business leaders and economists disagree, arguing instead that industry best serves the general welfare by making a profit and not deliberately trying to effect larger social change. What is the proper role of business in society? (Guidelines from the Online Application) Resume Your resume must be current and show company name, job title, job description and duties, dates of employment, beginning and ending salary for all positions held. Please also include the following: honors and awards received extracurricular, professional and community activities, leisure time activities, and language and computer proficiency. 94 Florida State University (FL) –ok Deadlines Accelerated MBA - The deadline for submission of all application materials is February 1. The program admits in the summer term only (early May). These deadlines are for receipt of all required materials. In order to meet these deadlines, you should plan to take the GMAT at least one semester prior to applying for admission. Applicants seeking financial assistance are encouraged to submit applications by Jan. 1. usiness-Administration-MBA/Admissions/Deadlines usiness-Administration-MBA/Admissions/FAQs Resume An up-to-date resume, clearly indicating work experience including dates and positions held, as well as noting full-time or part-time employment (uploaded in the online application) Do not include work experience prior to college. Statement of Purpose The applicant statement is a series of short essay questions. Answers should be limited to 250-500 words per question. To access the applicant statement essay question form, please visit /Application-Supplement 1. Describe your post-MBA plans. How will a degree from the FSU MBA program help you achieve these goals? How does your past education and experience support your career objectives? 2. Discuss three professional accomplishments that demonstrate your potential for a successful managerial career. 3. 4. What unique personal qualities or life experiences make you particularly suitable for our MBA program? Please share any information that you think would be important in the evaluation of your application, including any concerns you think the Admissions Committee may have regarding your application. (Information from Online Application) usiness-Administration-MBA/Admissions/Application-Checklist 94 Saint Louis University (Cook) (MO) –ok Deadline One-Year MBA program: The One-Year MBA program accepts students for summer semester entry only (May) Now accepting applications for the class of 2013. Part-Time MBA program upcoming start dates: September 7, 2011 (fall) Now accepting applications. We begin admission decisions in November, however, will be accepting applications probably through April 2012. We do not have a set deadline, as we admit on a rolling basis. It is to your advantage, though, to submit your application and supporting documents as soon as you can because of scholarship opportunities and graduate assistantships (where students can earn up to $1,800 in the fall semester and $1,800 in the spring semester). Merit-scholarships are based on full-time post-bachelor degree work experience and GMAT score reports. We are accepting applications now for next summer's class. (Information comes from e-mail contact) Personal Statement: The personal statement is your way to distinguish yourself to the Admissions Committee. This statement should include personal and professional goals, your reasons for pursuing the graduate degree, and any additional insights into your character or academic/employment history that will be helpful to the admissions committee. Please limit the personal statement to 500 words or less (please email to 94 University of Houston (Bauer) (TX) –ok Admission Deadline The Bauer College of Business MBA Admissions Committee strongly encourages prospective students to apply as early as possible. Please note, the admissions review process does not begin until all required documents are received. Once all the required documents have been received and the file is complete, the application is then reviewed by the Admissions Committee. Full Time MBA Program FALL April 1 (International Students Only) June 1 (Domestic Students Only) Evening MBA Program FALL April 1 (International Students Only) June 1 (Domestic Students Only) SPRING October 1 (International Students Only) November 1 (Domestic students only) Goal statement. It should be a 1-2 page discussion of the reasons you are pursuing an MBA and how this degree fits into your career aspirations, as well as why you chose the University of Houston. Please include any additional information you think the Admissions Committee might find useful. Self Appraisal Form 1. What do you consider to be your primary strengths and weaknesses? If possible, please describe specific examples which demonstrate them. 2. How would you rate yourself in the following areas? Intellectual Ability Ability to Work with Others Ability in Written Expression Ability in Oral Expression Maturity Initiative/Independence Creativity/Originality Potential for Career Advancement f_Appraisal_Form.pdf 97 Fordham University (NY) –ok Application Deadline FALL TRIMESTER DEADLINES SPRING TRIMESTER DEADLINES Program Domestic Applicants International Applicants Domestic Applicants International Applicants MBA Traditional 1-Jun 1-May 1-Nov 1-Oct Personal Statement Personal Statements are an opportunity for applicants to express themselves in areas that may not have been reflected in other portions of the application. The topics outlined in the application are purposely vague to allow for such expression. The Admissions Committee asks that applicants limit their statements to the word counts of 500 to 750 words ascribed to each question. programs/index.asp#ps 1. Essay I: Describe your professional progress to this point as well as your short‐ term and long‐term career goals. How do you expect Fordham Business to benefit your future career needs? (750‐1000 words) 2. 3. Essay II: Describe your greatest achievement to date. What effect has this achievement had on others? (500 ‐ 750 words) Essay III: Answer one of the three following questions: (500 ‐ 750 words) I. 4. Referring to personal and/or professional influences, provide your definition of leadership. II. Describe a personal or professional situation in which you faced a moral or ethical dilemma. How did you resolve this situation? III. What question do you wish the Admissions Committee would have asked? What would have been your response? Optional - What additional information do you feel the admissions committee should have when reviewing your application? (250 - 500 words) s/GBA%20Personal%20Statement-Essay%20Requirements.pdf (Information from online application) Professional Resume Resumes should be submitted in a professional format and include contact information (name, address, phone, fax, email), educational background, work experience, and skills. programs/index.asp#resume 97 Miami University (Farmer) (OH) –MBA program suspended-ok The Miami Full-Time MBA Program has been suspended following the graduation of the current class in June 2012. MBA Program Essays The MBA admission process involves a close look at the fit between the prospective student’s expectations and needs from the MBA program compared with what our Programs offer. To help us understand this critical piece of the evaluation, please focus you essay on the following: Your short and long-term career goals and how you believe an MBA, specifically from Miami University, will help you achieve those goals. Please be as specific as possible on the benefits you expect or need to receive from the MBA program as it relates to your future career progression. Your essay should be typed and double-spaced, with your name on the top of each page. The length of the essay should be no more than 800 words. tions.pdf RESUME To assist the Admissions Committee with summary evaluation of credentials, we require a one-page business resume. The resume should accompany the essay and recommendation forms and be sent directly to the MBA Program at the above address. 97 Oklahoma State University (Spears) (OK) –ok Deadlines U.S. Citizens or Applicants who reside within the U.S. Semester Application Deadline Two Applications Required Spring 2012 November 1, 2011 (1) Graduate College (2) MBA Program Fall 2012 (1) Graduate College (2) MBA Program July 1, 2012 International applicants who reside outside the U.S. Semester Application Deadline Two Applications Required Spring 2012 August 1, 2011 (1) Graduate College (2) MBA Program Fall 2012 (1) Graduate College (2) MBA Program March 1, 2012 Statement of Purpose Statement of Purpose discussing your strengths and weaknesses, and reason(s) for pursuing this degree. For a Master’s program application, what is a Statement of Purpose and what should be included in it? What is the suggested format? The Statement can be presented as a cover letter, an essay of no more than two pages, or one page of short answers (three or four sentences per question). The following topics should be addressed: Explain why you have decided to pursue a graduate business degree at OSU. Describe how your experiences, both personal and professional, have led you to pursue this degree at OSU. 2. What are your career aspirations? How will this degree aid you in achieving these goals? 3. What personal strengths will help you attain your goals? What personal weaknesses must you overcome to attain your goals? 1. Please include your name at the top of each page of the Statement. 97 Pace University (Lubin) (NY) –ok Deadlines Fall Term (September) – Domestic Students: August 1; International Students: June 1 Spring Term (January) – Domestic Students: December 1; International Students: October 1 Summer I (June) & Summer II (July) Terms – Domestic Students: May 1; International Students: March 1 /graduate-application-deadlines/ Personal Statement Send a typewritten essay explaining to the members of the Graduate Admission Committee why you would like to pursue the program of graduate study you have chosen. Additional information regarding your academic performance, as well as professional experience, may also be included in the supplement. Resume A resume or typewritten outline, describing at least the past five years of your employment history and significant community, professional, or college extracurricular activities, should be sent. Please include recognitions of achievement you have received (e.g. licenses, publications, and awards). lubin-school-of-business/ 101 Clarkson University (NY) –ok Deadlines The Clarkson MBA Program has a rolling admission deadline and you can apply any time during the year for the following fall semester. What are the deadlines for admission to the full-time MBA program? We offer a rolling admission policy. For students who would like to be considered for a 50% Tuition Waiver Scholarship, applications must be completed by December 30 for the first round or by March 15 for the second round of evaluations. Our international applicants are required to complete all application requirements by May 1 (assuming all business foundation courses are met). Essays Two Essays (when using our online application tool, you will be required to submit this along with your application) that are one page each in length, double spaced: 1. Describe your career progress to date and your future short-term and long-term career goals. How do you expect an MBA from Clarkson University to help you achieve these goals and why now? 2. Describe a personal characteristic or something in your background that will help the Graduate Admission Committee to get to know you better. OPTIONAL: If you feel there are extenuating circumstances of which the Committee should be aware, please explain them here (i.e. gaps in work experience, academic performance, choice of references, significant strengths or weaknesses to your application, etc.). 3. 102 University of Denver (Daniels) (CO) –ok Deadlines For Fall Entry (September) Priority Admission November 15 Merit-based financial assistance consideration January 15 Round Two Admission Merit-based financial assistance consideration March 15 Round Three Admission Merit-based financial assistance consideration on a funds-available basis; final deadline for international students May 15 Round Four Admission Final merit-based financial assistance consideration on a funds-available basis Merit-based financial assistance includes scholarships and graduate assistantships (non-Executive programs only). International applicants must apply by March 15 to allow time to obtain a student visa. Applications received after May 15 will be considered on a space-available basis. Executive MBA applications are reviewed in the order they are received and accepted until enrollment limits are met. Class size is limited to 40 students. Early application is encouraged. For Spring Entry (March) October 1 Priority admission Merit-based financial assistance consideration December 1 Round Two Admission Merit-based financial assistance consideration; final deadline for international students February 1 Round Three Admission Final merit-based financial assistance consideration on a funds-available basis International applicants must apply by December 1 to allow time to obtain a student visa. Applications received after February 1 will be considered on a space-available basis. NOTE: Applications for the One-year MBA are accepted for fall term only. Personal Statement The Daniels College of Business seeks to evaluate each applicant across a wide range of attributes. Your responses to the following questions help us get to know you beyond the objective information in your application and supporting materials. Questions one and two are required, but the third is optional. This is your opportunity to tell us more about yourself in your own words. 1. What contribution will you make to the Daniels learning environment? Include examples of previous experience that demonstrate your readiness for graduate school, specific to the program for which you are applying (maximum 350 words). 2. Describe an ethical dilemma that you encountered. Explain alternatives you considered and how you determined the best action to take (maximum 350 3. words). Provide any additional information you would like the admissions committee to consider concerning your professional experience, personal accomplishments or academic record (maximum 150 words). (Information from online application) 102 University of Kentucky (Gatton) (KY) –ok Q: Do you admit students in both the Fall and Spring Semesters? A: No. Both the Evening and One Year MBA Programs only admit students once per year. One Year MBA Program students begin their course of study in July, Evening students in August. Q: What are your deadlines for application submission? A: This depends on whether you are applying to the Evening or One Year MBA Program. Evening student applications must be completed by July 1 for domestic students, March 15 for international students. One Year MBA Program student applications must be completed by March 15 for international students, and June 1 for domestic students who are not seeking financial aid. Activities and Awards List any extracurricular activities you would like us to consider List any honors and awards (academic or extracurricular) and indicate how you were selected for these distinctions Describe your involvement with leadership, community, and/or civic activities, the length of time you were involved, and any awards received Personal Essays Please do not use quotes in your essay responses. You may use an apostrophe instead if necessary. We advise you to write your responses in a word editing program such as Microsoft Word and then copy and past them in the boxes below. 1. What are your reasons for pursuing the MBA at the University of Kentucky 2. What are your short-term (2-5 years) and long term (> 5 years) career goals? Explain how the MBA from the University of Kentucky will help you achieve these goals. 3. How have your previous academic, work, and extracurricular experiences prepared you for rigorous graduate study throughout our MBA program? (Information from the Online Application Form) 102 University of Mississippi (MS) –ok Application Deadlines Please note that the program is designed to begin in the summer term, however it is possible to enter in the fall and the spring. To be considered for admission for one of the three possible entry points, a completed application package (including official GMAT and TOEFL scores and all transcripts) must be received by the following deadlines: Summer Admission (starting in late May): April 1 Fall Admission (starting in August): July 1 Spring Admission (starting in January): November 1 Admission decisions are made on a rolling basis and we do encourage students to apply earlier than the stated deadlines. Ideally summer candidates should apply in January and Febuary. Applications received or completed after these deadlines will be considered for the next admission date. Statement of Purpose Often the résumé, transcripts, and GMAT scores fail to capture important characteristics that the individual offers for the program. The Statement of Purpose is a short essay in which an applicant reflects on contribution that the MBA degree will make to the applicant’s future success and the special characteristics that the applicant brings to the MBA program. We are interested in value-added experiences, both from the program to the student and from the individual student to the program. The typed Statement of Purpose (about 400 words) should address the following questions: (1) Why have you chosen to pursue the MBA? (2) How will these studies help you attain your career goals? 105 Hofstra University (Zarb) (NY) –ok The Zarb School of Business has a process of rolling admissions. However, prospective students are encouraged to submit completed applications well in advance of the August start date for the program. A personal essay or statement of professional objectives A current resume No detailed instructions for Essays or Resume. (Information from the Online Application) 105 University of Kansas (KS) -ok Fall 2012 Full-Time MBA, Part-Time MBA & MSB-Fin Macc MSB MSB - SCM Domestic Deadline June 1, 2012 March 1, 2012 August 16, 2012 Application Term November 15, 2011 - June 1, 2012 November 15, 2011 - March 1, 2012 November 15, 2011 - August 16, 2012 International May 1, 2012 February 15, 2012 November 15, 2011 - May 1, 2012 November 15, 2011 - February 15, 2011 Deadline Application Term Application Essays Please limit each essay to approximately 600 words. The first three essays may also be completed online. 1. Describe someone you admire and explain why you admire this person. How have you incorporated what you have learned from this individual in your life? 2. Describe a difficult decision that you have faced. How did you resolve the internal conflicts and the situation? What did you learn from this? 3. How do you anticipate that earning a graduate degree in business will assist you in achieving your career objectives? 4. Optional 4th Essay: What additional information would you like to share with the admissions committee? (Information from the Graduate Online Application Form) 107 Abilene Christian University (TX) – NO MBA program-ok Master of Accountancy Students are advised to complete and submit all admission materials as soon as possible. Students may apply to enter in either the fall or spring term. Purpose Statement. A two page, double spaced paper discussing why you want to pursue graduate school, why did you choose ACU, and what are your future career goals. You may send it by mail or attach it as a Word document or a PDF file through email at Those wishing to pursue masters work in English will submit a previously written writing sample along with a purpose statement. 107 Binghamton University--SUNY (NY) –ok Admission deadline (applications accepted only for fall semester for full-time programs) While applications are accepted on a rolling basis, it is recommended that all application materials be submitted by March 1 for the fall semester, and November 15 for the spring semester. Applications submitted after that time will be considered based on space availability. Approximately 10 percent of the seats are reserved for outstanding late applicants whose life or career situations prevented them from applying earlier. Fall - Mar. 1st Spring - Oct. 15th (part-time students only) -programs.html Personal Statement Your Personal Statement should describe your reasons for pursuing graduate study, your special interests within your field, and any unusual features of your background that might need explanation or be of interest to an admissions committee in your discipline. Your statement should also include your reasons for pursuing this particular degree and program, how you feel your academic preparation applies, and your career aspirations. This application requirement has a 1000 word maximum and must be typed. Applicants to some programs must address specific questions in the Personal Statement. Refer to your program's website for additional details. Resume or Curriculum Vitae Include an up-to-date copy of your resume or curriculum vitae (CV). This should include your name, contact information, educational degrees and certificates, and your work and volunteer experience listed in reverse chronological order. You are encouraged to include any information that you feel is relevant to the program for which you are applying. This includes, but is not limited to, research experience, teaching experience, published works, grants or fellowships, awards, professional associations and professional licenses. The resume or CV must be typed and no more than two pages. Both the Personal Statement and the Resume should be submitted through My Credentials Vault and designated as those particular document types. andresume.html 107 Drexel University (LeBow) (PA) –ok Program Deadlines Major Deadline Status Two-Year MBA U.S. Students: Aug. 25 Full Time International Students: June 13 One-Year MBA U.S. Students: Summer: May 24 Full Time International Students: Summer: Mar. 24 Applicants are encouraged to apply early to meet one of two early decision deadlines (October 15 or December 15). Applicants who are offered admission by these dates, and who have submitted the "Intent to Enroll" form by November 1 (for the October 15 deadline) or by January 1 (for the December 15 deadline), will receive an Alumni Award in the amount of $5,000 or $3,000, respectively. These awards have been made possible through the generosity of LeBow College of Business alumni. An essay of approximately 500 words This essay should detail your reasons for pursuing an advanced business degree, your short-term and long-term career plans, and how your background, experience, interests, and/or values, when combined with a LeBow College degree, will enable you to pursue these goals successfully. Professional Résumé Please copy and paste your résumé into the appropriate section of the online application or mail it to the Office of Graduate Admissions. line 107 Portland State University (OR) –ok Fall MBA 2012 Admissions Term The next admissions term will begin in Fall 2012. The admissions committee meets from November to June and reviews applications in cycles. Due to the large number of applications received, complete applications will be processed first. Fall MBA 2012 Application Deadlines Application Cycle Application Due Decision Date on or before First Round November 1, 2011 December 15, 2011 Second Round* February 1, 2012 April 1, 2012 Third Round May 1, 2012 July 1, 2012 * February 1st is the final deadline for scholarships & graduate assistantships. dmissions Essays Essay Format: One essay per question. Please use 12-point font, double-spaced. Indicate which essay question you are answering at the beginning of each essay. Essays are limited to one page each. Please preview the uploaded document to ensure that the formatting is true to the original. Save a copy of your essays. MBA Essays Please answer the required question below: Describe your short-and long-term career goals, the steps you have taken to prepare yourself for those goals, and the ways in which the PSU MBA program will help you achieve them. In addition, please answer one (1) of the questions below: 1. Describe the most significant position of leadership you have held to date. How did it expose skills/attributes you would consider strengths and those that need further development? 2. Both on the job and beyond the workplace, PSU graduate business alumni have long contributed to making the world a better place - not only for themselves but also for others. In your opinion, what companies or organizations have shown a strong commitment to 'making the world a better place'? How do their practices align with your personal views of ethical behavior? Other Information Please note that this is optional: If there is any other information that is critical for us to know and is not captured elsewhere on the application please feel free to include that information here. You have a limit of about 350 words, so please be concise. (Information from the Online Application Form) 107 Rollins College (Crummer) (FL) –deadline&essay(check) APPLICATION DEADLINES Admission is granted on a rolling basis for all MBA candidates, and applicants are therefore encouraged to submit their materials as early as possible. Use the following start dates as guidelines when applying to any of our programs. Applicants with questions about space availability should contact the program office directly. PROGRAM EAMBA PMBA SMBA KEMBA PROGRAM START DATES Twice a year – in August and in January Twice a year – in August and in January Once a year – in April Once a year – in August Résumé Your résumé outlines your academic and professional experiences and highlights significant accomplishments. Statement of Purpose Please write a detailed and carefully edited statement indicating your reasons for pursuing an MBA degree, your reasons for choosing the Rollins MBA, and how these two decisions will combine to assure your professional and personal success. You should incorporate details of your academic and professional background, your strengths and challenges, and any unique aspects of your candidacy you want the Admissions Committee to consider. The suggested length is between 500 and 1,000 words. The Rollins MBA Admissions Committee uses your statement of purpose to evaluate several areas of your candidacy. First, your statement of purpose demonstrates the thoroughness of your career planning and preparation. Second, your statement of purpose often reveals your strengths as well as areas of opportunity. Finally, your statement of purpose demonstrates your written communication skills. Please proofread your work for both spelling and grammar. Statements with these errors reflect a lack of attention to detail. 107 University of Hawaii--Manoa (Shidler) (HI) –ok Graduate Admissions — MBA Deadlines November 15, 2011 First Priority Deadline Full-Time MBA China International MBA Japan-focused MBA January 15, 2012 Second Priority Deadline Full-Time MBA China International MBA Japan-focused MBA Deadline For Scholarship Consideration & All International Applicants Full-Time MBA March 1, 2012 Part-Time MBA Joint Juris Doctor/MBA China International MBA Japan-focused MBA US International MBA Regular Review Deadline Full-Time MBA May 1, 2012 Part-Time MBA Joint Juris Doctor/MBA China International MBA Japan-focused MBA US International MBA NOTE: There is only a Fall intake for all new MBA students. Resume Your resume should indicate work experience, internships and related activities. Resume length should be from 1 to 2 pages. Statement of Objectives *It is important you answer all three questions provided on the Application Checklist. On average, applicants submit 1-3 typed, single spaced pages. Required Questions. Between 400-600 words for each question 1. What are the three most important values you demonstrate as a leader? Tell me a story that demonstrates each of these leadership values in practice within your workplace. 2. 3. Describe the most difficult situation that you’ve encountered and explain how you handled it. Also, what lessons did you learn from the experience? Assess your career progress to date. Elaborate on your future career plans and your motivation for pursuing a graduate degree at the Shidler College of Business. Optional. No more than 350 words If there is further information that you believe would help to the admissions committee make a more informed decision, please elaborate estions.pdf