Week/Date: 9/8-9/12 Sunshine State Standards/Common Core Standards: See: Section 2 Monday Grade/Subject Tuesday LESSON PLANS 7th CIVICS Prepared by: EVANS Teacher’s Goals and Objectives: SW evaluate legislation, determine effectiveness, utilize mass media to figure out community problems, determine public policy solutions and categorize the levels of gov’t involved. Wednesday Thursday Friday Bell Ringer Procedure http://media.townhall.com/Townhal l/Car/b/gv112111dAPC201111210 14550.jpg http://cdn.cagle.com/working/1104 06/cagle00.jpg http://usbacklash.org/wpcontent/uploads/2011/06/obamamilking-us-economy-dry.cow_.jpg http://sheikyermami.com/wpcontent/uploads/2014/06/rsz_1colusasara biagunswomanturne.jpg http://img.timeinc.net/time/photoessays/2 011/cartoons_1216/cartoons_03.jpg Interactive module (in pairs pick 3 items from module and answer questions) Video: become an informed citizen “What’s the story” assignment (may have to finish for HW) In groups rate your stories from 1-5 “link the problem” worksheet -On large paper write a 3 word summary and level of gov’t involved. -Gallery walk to judge whether classmates agree -Video: how to do more -Interactive model “where to go with a problem” - Work in groups of 3-4 to complete public policy worksheet -Use “link the problem” sheet to complete back of handout INTERACTIVE MODULE: http://centeroncongress.org/elearning-module-the-impactcongress RUBRIC “WHATS THE STORY” ASSIGNMENT (ANALYZE PROBLEM IN NEWS) “LINK THE PROBLE” USING NEWS STORY DISCUSS PUBLIC POLICY, DETERMINE DIFFERENCE BTWN COMMUNITY SERVICE AND PUBLIC POLICY RUBRIC SW identify a specific problem in their community through mass media SW determine which level of society a problem is directly related to. (HW—create your own political cartoon, due Mon 9/22) EDITED: Exit Slip Learning Goal COMPLETED DBQ RUBRIC SW identify how gov’t is involved in their daily lives Essential Question What problems are in our community and how can public policy, legislation and community service help? RUBRIC public policy, mass media RUBRIC SW determine which level of society a problem is directly related to. SW distinguish which level of gov’t solves various scenarios. Week/Date: 9/15-9/19 Sunshine State Standards/Common Core Standards: See: Section 2 Grade/Subject LESSON PLANS 7th CIVICS Prepared by: EVANS Teacher’s Goals and Objectives: SW evaluate legislation, determine effectiveness, utilize mass media to figure out community problems, determine public policy solutions and categorize the levels of gov’t involved. Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday http://contestwatchers.com/wpcontent/uploads/2014/02/RickMcKee-Obama-Promises-UNRanan-Lurie-Political-CartoonAward-2013-Winner.jpg https://7e8c.https.cdn.softlayer. net/807E8C/origin.theweek.co m/img/dir_0076/38381_cartoo n_main/the-old-ball-andchain.jpg?206 Work in groups of 3-4 to complete public policy worksheet iCivics game: Activate Did it pass PP Did it pass WS 4 groups (2 “saggy pants” 2 “scarlet” stories) -evaluate the legislation in Section 1 -combine into 2 groups, complete section 2, present to class Con’t: 4 groups (2 “saggy pants” 2 “scarlet” stories) -evaluate the legislation in Section 1 -combine into 2 groups, complete section 2, present to class Bell Ringer Procedure http://www.gastongazette.com/opini on/cartoons/daily-political-cartoon11-20-12-1.52411 Use “link the problem” sheet to complete back of handout http://www.cagle.com/working/10061 1/zyglis.jpg http://danieljmitchell.files.wordpress. com/2012/05/bloated-governmentcartoon.jpg EDITED: GO OVER PUBLIC POLICY WORKSHEET “WHERE TO GO WITH A PROBLEM” MODULE: http://centeroncongress.org/e -learning-module-theimportance-civicparticipation CONSTITUTION DAY: PREAMBLE ACTIVITY Pg 148-152 CIVICS BOOK CORNELL NOTE ON BILL BECOMING LAWS Pg 148-152 CIVICS BOOK CORNELL NOTE ON BILL BECOMING LAWS CON’T Exit Slip Learning Goal RUBRIC SW develop solutions to community problems through public policy and community service. RUBRIC SW play a game incorporating all benchmarks for this section to reinforce knowledge RUBRIC SW discuss FL legislation and examine multiple perspectives on issues RUBRIC SW evaluate purpose, fairness and effectiveness of proposed legislation RUBRIC SW evaluate purpose, fairness and effectiveness of proposed legislation Essential Question What problems are in our community and how can public policy, legislation and community service help? Vocab: Community service, Amend, constitutional, enforce Week/Date: 9/15-9/19 Sunshine State Standards/Common Core Standards: See: Section 2 Grade/Subject Monday Tuesday http://contestwatchers.com/wpcontent/uploads/2014/02/RickMcKee-Obama-Promises-UNRanan-Lurie-Political-CartoonAward-2013-Winner.jpg https://7e8c.https.cdn.softlayer. net/807E8C/origin.theweek.co m/img/dir_0076/38381_cartoo n_main/the-old-ball-andchain.jpg?206 LESSON PLANS 7th CIVICS Prepared by: EVANS Teacher’s Goals and Objectives: SW evaluate legislation, determine effectiveness, utilize mass media to figure out community problems, determine public policy solutions and categorize the levels of gov’t involved. Wednesday Thursday Friday Bell Ringer http://www.gastongazette.com/opini on/cartoons/daily-political-cartoon11-20-12-1.52411 http://www.cagle.com/working/10061 1/zyglis.jpg http://danieljmitchell.files.wordpress. com/2012/05/bloated-governmentcartoon.jpg Procedure EDITED: Con’t: 4 groups (2 “saggy pants” 2 “scarlet” stories) -evaluate the legislation in Section 1 -combine into 2 groups, complete section 2, present to class Exit Slip Learning Goal RUBRIC SW develop solutions to community problems through public policy and community service. 4 groups (2 “saggy pants” 2 “scarlet” stories) -evaluate the legislation in Section 1 -combine into 2 groups, complete section 2, present to class RUBRIC SW play a game incorporating all benchmarks for this section to reinforce knowledge Essential Question What problems are in our community and how can public policy, legislation and community service help? RUBRIC SW discuss FL legislation and examine multiple perspectives on issues Vocab: RUBRIC SW evaluate purpose, fairness and effectiveness of proposed legislation RUBRIC SW evaluate purpose, fairness and effectiveness of proposed legislation