Strategy, research and development STEP: the emergence of a new market Marco Laganá Taormina, 20 April 2007 Marco Laganà April 2007 - 1- Strategy, research and development Agenda STEP and the main features for smooth functioning financial markets Safety Accessibility Transparency Prospects Liquidity EU market growth STEP market growth Conclusion … Marco Laganà April 2007 - 2- Strategy, research and development Features for smooth functioning markets Prospects Conclusion Safety-accessibility-transparency-adaptability-special The STEP Governance Structure ACI Euribor ACI Agreement or MoU Euribor EBF EBF STEP Market Convention STEP Market Committee STEP Secretariat STEP features provide additional investors’ safeguards Marco Laganà April 2007 ECB/ESCB - 3- Strategy, research and development Features for smooth functioning markets Prospects Conclusion Safety-accessibility-transparency-adaptability-special Accessibility: - Non discriminatory access - Standardisation STEP features can favour a more open and accessible market Marco Laganà April 2007 - 4- Strategy, research and development Features for smooth functioning markets Prospects Conclusion Safety-accessibility-transparency-adaptability-special Transparency is taken as unimpeded access to information on: 1) the market’s rules of procedure and operation, 2) the financial features of the assets, 3) the price formation mechanism, and 4) the relevant prices and quantities (quotes, interest rates, trading volumes, outstanding amounts, etc.). STEP features enhance market transparency Marco Laganà April 2007 - 5- Strategy, research and development Features for smooth functioning markets Prospects Conclusion Safety-accessibility-transparency-adaptability-special STEP yield curve - total issuance - 4apr07 STEP yield curves and rate times series 4.3 4.2 4.1 4 Breakdown by issuer group and rating levels are available 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.6 0-3 days 4-9 10-40 41-100 101-200 201-366 STEP rates time series- 10-40 days 4 STEP times series 3.95 3.9 3.85 New price discovery tools Source: ECB Marco Laganà 3.8 3.75 26-Mar 27-Mar 28-Mar 29-Mar 30-Mar 31-Mar 01-Apr 02-Apr 03-Apr 04-Apr 05-Apr April 2007 - 6- Strategy, research and development Features for smooth functioning markets Prospects Conclusion Safety-accessibility-transparency-adaptability-special - UCITS directive and STEP - Eligibility of STEP papers as ECB collateral - STEP and financial integration STEP features are “institutionally” valuable Marco Laganà April 2007 - 7- Strategy, research and development Features for smooth functioning markets Prospects Conclusion Liquidity-EU market growth-STEP market growth Prospects • Liquidity • EU market growth • STEP market growth Marco Laganà April 2007 - 8- Strategy, research and development Features for smooth functioning markets Prospects Conclusion Liquidity-EU market growth-STEP market growth Liquidity in money markets 25000 EUR bln 20000 Electronic trading in unsecured markets 1999 – 2006: e-MID 15000 10000 5000 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 overnight small deals 2003 2004 2005 2006 overnight large deals Electronic trading in secured markets 2002 – 2006 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% Increase in electronic trading 20% 10% 0% 2002 2003 Source: ECB Euro MMS 2006 Marco Laganà Direct April 2007 2004 Voice broker 2005 Electronic trading 2006 18 - 9- Strategy, research and development Features for smooth functioning markets Prospects Conclusion Liquidity-EU market growth-STEP market growth Government Issues Bank Issues Non-Bank Issues Liquidity in money markets 200 180 Short-term securities’ evolution of secondary market turnover 2000 - 2006 160 140 120 100 80 60 Source: ECB Euro MMS 2006, 2002=100 40 20 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 GROSS ISSUES (primary market) Euro-denominated short-term debt securities by issuer sector EU bln 800 In short-term securities, liquidity refers mostly to primary markets Increase in MFI primary market activity MFI 700 non financial corporations 600 Non monetary financial corporations (including ABCP) 500 400 300 200 100 0 Source: ECB securities database Marco Laganà Dec-99 Dec-00 April 2007 Dec-01 Dec-02 Dec-03 Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 22 - 10- Strategy, research and development Features for smooth functioning markets Prospects Conclusion Liquidity-EU market growth-STEP market growth Cross-market segment analysis: trading structure 2005 - 2006 Unsecured Secured FX swaps FRA OIS IRS Xccy swaps Short-term securities 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Direct via Voice Broker via Electronic Broker Source: ECB Euro MMS 2006 STEP features are designed to favour a) financial integration, b) standardisation, and c) a broadening of the investor base. Similarly to what has occurred for the secured and unsecured markets, this should result in higher liquidity, especially in terms of electronic activity. Marco Laganà April 2007 26 - 11- Strategy, research and development Features for smooth functioning markets Prospects Conclusion Liquidity-EU market growth-STEP market growth 330 Asset-backed (left scale) Financial (left scale) Nonfinancial (right scale) 1000 900 290 Outstanding amounts of US short term securities (USD bln) 250 800 210 700 170 600 130 500 2001 90 2002 2003 2004 600 MFI 500 non financial corporations 400 Non monetary financial corporations (including ABCP) 2005 2006 Outstanding amounts of eurodenominated short term securities (EUR bln, world residents) 300 200 MFI-driven growth 100 0 Dec-99 Marco Laganà Dec-00 Dec-01 Dec-02 Dec-03 Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 April 2007 Source: ECB Euro MMS 2006, Fed, ECB securities issues database - 12- Strategy, research and development Features for smooth functioning markets Prospects Conclusion Liquidity-EU market growth-STEP market growth US ABCP is 10 times larger than the European ABCP segment! Outstanding amounts end October 2006 (EUR billion) ABCP CDs CPs 1600 The European ABCP is seen as the segment with the major growth potential 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 European domestic and ECP issuance in euro ABCP segment to be monitored Domestic USCP issued in USD Source: ECB Euro MMS 2006 Marco Laganà April 2007 - 13- Strategy, research and development Features for smooth functioning markets Prospects Conclusion Liquidity-EU market growth-STEP market growth EUR billions 250 40 outstanding amounts (LHS) STEP growth number of programmes (RHS) 200 32 150 24 100 16 50 8 ~ 80% eurodenominated 0 0 Jul.06 Aug.06 Sept.06 Oct.06 Nov.06 Dec.06 Jan.07 Feb.07 Mar.07 A potential total of EUR 417 bln of programmes is STEP labelled… The STEP markets is rapidly growing Source: ECB, STEP secretariat Marco Laganà April 2007 - 14- Strategy, research and development Features for smooth functioning markets Prospects Conclusion Liquidity-EU market growth-STEP market growth STEP growth EUR bln 440 Potential and effective growth of the STEP market 400 Max potential amount than can be issued 360 320 280 240 Actual outstanding 200 160 120 80 40 0 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06 Jan-07 Feb-07 Mar-07 The STEP market has further potential to grow Source: ECB and STEP Secretariat Marco Laganà April 2007 - 15- Strategy, research and development Features for smooth functioning markets Prospects Conclusion Liquidity-EU market growth-STEP market growth STEP growth EUR bln 700 600 Comparing the total outstanding with the STEP potential and effective growth Outstanding euro denominated short term issues (non-govt sectors, world residents) Actual STEP outstanding 500 400 300 200 100 0 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06 Jan-07 Feb-07 Mar-07 Max potential STEP amount that can be issued The STEP market has already a large share of the STS market Source: ECB and STEP market secretariat Marco Laganà April 2007 - 16- Strategy, research and development Features for smooth functioning markets Prospects Conclusion Conclusion 1) STEP features promote safety, accessibility, transparency and adaptability for the short term securities’ segment. Positive news for smooth functioning 2) STEP features are designed to favour a) financial integration, b) standardisation, and c) a broadening of the investor base. This should result in higher liquidity. 3) The STEP market faces a rapid growth and shows further potential, especially for ABCP Marco Laganà April 2007 - 17- Strategy, research and development Features for smooth functioning markets Prospects Conclusion Thank you Marco Laganà April 2007 - 18- Strategy, research and development Features for smooth functioning markets Prospects Conclusion Annexed material Marco Laganà April 2007 - 19- Strategy, research and development Features for smooth functioning markets Prospects Conclusion Safety-accessibility-transparency-adaptability-special Safety - 1) Organizational requirements and Governance structure - 2) The STEP Legal Documentation - 3) The labeling cycle (admission to trading) STEP features provide additional investors’ safeguards Marco Laganà April 2007 - 20- Strategy, research and development Features for smooth functioning markets Prospects Conclusion Safety-accessibility-transparency-adaptability-special The STEP legal documentation Euribor ACI Agreement or MoU Euribor EBF STEP Market Convention Provision of data for the production of STEP statistics Static data Dynamic data Agreement between the ECB, and Euribor FBE, Euribor ACI (STEP Secretariat) Technical assistance for the management of the STEP label (for 2 years) Standard Agreement between the ECB and Eligible Data Providers Agreement between 9 NCBs, ECB and Euribor FBE, Euribor ACI (STEP Secretariat) Annex: ECB Reporting Instructions Annex: Manual of Procedures on labelling The ECB/Eurosystem is involved Marco Laganà April 2007 - 21- Strategy, research and development Features for smooth functioning markets Prospects Conclusion Safety-accessibility-transparency-adaptability--special The STEP labelling cycle Issuer/arranger STEP Secretariat Eurosystem 1. 2. 3. application form information memorandum declaration of adherence to Convention 1. 2. 3. 4. application form information memorandum declaration of adherence to Convention STEP identifier Assessment of compliance with STEP standards STEP Secretariat Info memo NOT STEP-compliant STEP Secretariat Info memo STEP-compliant STEP Secretariat Message on causes of non-compliance Issuer/arranger, relevant NCB, ECB 1. 2. Declaration of STEP-compliance info memo on STEP Market website If all information is provided, the STEP label is granted in a few days Marco Laganà April 2007 - 22- Strategy, research and development Features for smooth functioning markets Prospects Conclusion Safety-accessibility-transparency-adaptability-special Number of “active” banks per year and per segment 2000 / 2001 2001 / 2002 2002 / 2003 2003 / 2004 2004 / 2005 2005 / 2006 UNSECURED 97 114 119 120 120 153 REPO 81 86 90 94 96 97 OIS 90 71 82 88 88 88 FX SWAP 88 86 100 108 108 141 41 65 71 71 59 FRA IRS 86 85 97 101 101 109 XCCY SWAPS 80 54 56 60 60 62 SHORT TERM SECURITIES 87 71 79 78 78 85 Signs that Banks’ participation in the STS‘ market is slowly growing… 4 Source: ECB survey and Euro Money Market Study (MMS) 2006 Marco Laganà April 2007 - 23- Strategy, research and development Features for smooth functioning markets Prospects Conclusion Safety-accessibility-transparency-adaptability-special Money market concentration FRAs FX swaps Xccy ShortTerm Security issuance STS trading Unsecured Secured OIS Other IRS Top 5 banks 21.7% 36.8% 43.4% 51.8% 62.7% 52.6% 51.2% 76.2% 51.9% Top 10 banks 35.6% 56.6% 67.8% 71.8% 82.9% 66.8% 70.3% 89.7% 73.0% Top 20 banks 55.1% 77.9% 87.8% 86.5% 93.9% 84.3% 89.4% 95.6% 91.9% …however the market is currently quite concentrated Source: ECB euro money market survey 2006, Concentration % in Q2 2006 Marco Laganà April 2007 24 - 24- Strategy, research and development Features for smooth functioning markets Prospects Conclusion Safety-accessibility-transparency-adaptability-special Number of issuers whose programmes received the STEP label General Government, 1 Other financial intermediarie s (ABCP), 3 Non financial corporation, 7 Supranational, 1 Monetary Financial Institutions, 23 …the financial features of individual programmes are available Market transparency enhanced Marco Laganà April 2007 - 25- Strategy, research and development Features for smooth functioning markets Prospects Conclusion Safety-accessibility-transparency-adaptability-special STEP yeald spreads vs eonia STEP spreads 0.006 0.004 0.002 0 26-Mar 27-Mar 28-Mar 29-Mar 30-Mar 31-Mar 01-Apr 02-Apr 03-Apr 04-Apr 05-Apr -0.002 Breakdown by issuer group and rating levels is available -0.004 -0.006 -0.008 New price setting and discovery tools Source: ECB Marco Laganà April 2007 - 26- Strategy, research and development Features for smooth functioning markets Prospects Conclusion Safety-accessibility-transparency-adaptability-special Adaptability to structural developments and innovation The STEP Market Committee: • Shall monitor market developments. • Shall establish and review the standards on which the STEP label is based. • May amend the provisions of the STEP Market Convention… • Shall provide guidance on the appropriate and consistent interpretation of the STEP Market Convention’s provisions. STEP features are adapted to a predominantly OTC wholesale market Source: STEP market convention Marco Laganà April 2007 - 27-