FREEMAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS MKTG 4280-21 Sports Marketing Fall 2015 Instructor: Brandon Macneill Office Phone: (504) 862-8443 Cell Phone: (504) 453-8945 Office: 300 James W. Wilson, Jr. Center E-mail: Office Hours: By Appointment Blackboard Site: Class Meeting Day & Time Tue 6:30-9:15p Class Location: GWII Room 2111 Course Description: The Sports Marketing course provides students with a practical application of marketing concepts in this unique industry, with an emphasis on strategy development. The course is designed to explore how businesses and organizations market their products and services, including product decisions, distribution, pricing, and development of promotional programs. Topics include the marketing environment, segmenting audiences, building a relevant brand, communications strategies and channels, customer relationship management, delivering sports experiences, and branding. A guest speaker series and project work will be incorporated into the course to provide students with professional perspectives within the sports industry. Course Prerequisites: MKTG 3010 Course Goals: This course is designed to teach students the elements of marketing strategy and marketing management in the sports industry. The course will provide a practical and theoretical “tool kit” for analyzing marketing problems faced by both for-profit and non-profit organizations in the sports and sporting industry. In this class, students will be provided with a forum for presenting and defending their recommendations, and for critically examining and discussing the recommendations of others. Student Learning Objectives: As the result of this course students should be able to: Understand how to apply marketing tactics—product, price, place, promotions—to carry out this strategic positioning in the sports industry. Develop promotional campaigns that support the organization’s strategy. Understand the components of the internal and external marketing environments. Strategically segment audiences and create sports experiences for those target markets. 1 Understand the various external areas that is sport marketing – licensing to sponsorship to branding with ultimate goal being revenue generation. Course Material Fundamentals of Sports Marketing, 4th Edition; Brenda G. Pitts and David K. Stotlar Brands Win Championships; Jeremy Barlow Sports Business Journal Grading This course follows the faculty approved grading guidelines of a maximum class average GPA in the range of 2.700 to 3.000 for core classes and a maximum class average GPA in the range of 3.000-3.333 for business elective classes. Please note the stated average class GPA range is a maximum average range and the class average GPA range could be lower. Your final grade will be based on the following scale: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Assignments: Quizzes: Case Studies/Group Projects: Mid Term Exam: Cumulative Final Exam: Class Participation 20% 10% 20% 20% 20% 10% Class Attendance Your attendance in each class is important. With prior written approval (email acceptable), you are allowed one excused absence from class meetings. Any other missed class will subsequently result in a half letter grade penalty. Arriving late is better than not arriving at all, however, attendance will be taken at the beginning of class. Three tardies equals an absence. Learning Disabilities Under the Americans with Disability Act and the Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, if you have a disability, you may have the right to an accommodation; however, the right is contingent upon you taking certain steps. You should review the steps that you need to take, as well as Tulane’s policy concerning accommodations at Any student with a disability, in need of course or examination accommodation, should request an accommodation through the University’s Office of Disability Services (ODS) located in the Mechanical Engineering Building. At the beginning of the semester, please provide me with a copy of your approved ODS accommodation form. I am committed to working with ODS to ensure that I provide you with all approved accommodations. If you do not deliver the approved accommodation form to me, I will not know that ODS approved your accommodation and I will have no basis to provide those accommodations. For students with extended time accommodation, they are to take exams at the Freeman School. Please take your exam request form directly, at least four business days in advance, to Phylicia Richardson in Suite 200. Once Ms. Richardson receives your request form she will schedule your exam. You must begin your exam when the class normally would begin. For all other accommodations, please take your form to ODS and they will schedule your exam. 2 Specific Course Policies I. Assignments: Throughout the course, I will assign outside readings (Sports Business Journal), questions or other related problems to evaluate “real world” problems in the marketing environment. PLEASE NOTE, LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. If the assignment is not turned in during class time, a grade of “0” will be given. II. Quizzes: Quizzes can be announced or unannounced. Any quiz given may not be made up. They will be multiple choice questions, definitions, and short answers. Each quiz will be graded on a 10-point basis. III. Case Studies/Group Projects: The case study methodology will be applied throughout the course. When a case study is assigned, your group is expected to prepare a 1-2 page typed answer that thoroughly reflects your own thoughts. Please do not give the “textbook answer” without any personal conclusion. You will be expected to discuss your answers about the case in class. Often times these will be done within groups. At the end of the semester everyone will anonymously grade their group partners. There will be at least one group project presentation (groups of four) of which will be no shorter than 20 minutes in length. IV. Mid Term Exam: The mid-term exam will have a small number of multiple choice, and definitions. The majority of the exam will consist of short answers that will challenge your overall understanding of the material in the chapters and class discussions. The exam will be based on 100 points. V. Cumulative Final Exam: This is a cumulative final exam based on all of the material cover throughout the semester. Similar to other exams, it will include multiple choice, definitions and short answers, with a heavy emphasis on comprehensive essays. The final will be based on 100 points. VI. Class Participation: In addition to discussing assignments, you will be expected to communicate your thoughts and ideas. You will be graded on the entire semester; therefore I will look to see that your participation is consistent. Your comments should reflect an understanding of the material covered and should add to a discussion. You will be called on and expected to contribute. I expect that all students be prepared for class. Workload Generally, a week of preparation will consist of covering the assigned readings and the Sports Business Journal, additional research, preparing for presentations and/or answering assigned questions. Each week you should study notes in class and have a solid understanding of the readings covered for possible quizzes and class discussions. Guidelines/Comments The following list is a reminder of some of the things I expect from college level students. You will be required to follow these guidelines for the semester. Please come on time Please wait to be dismissed 3 Please participate – be respectful of others Please keep up the course assignments and be prepared Please ask questions Please turn off electronic devices Please NO EXCUSES ENJOY it – this should be a fun and entertaining subject! 4 Fall 2015 Class Schedule DATE Tues, Aug. 25 TIME 6:30 – 9:15 pm Tues, Sept 1 6:30 – 9:15 pm Tues, Sep. 8 6:30 – 9:15 pm Tues, Sep. 15 6:30 – 9:15 pm Tues, Sep. 22 6:30 – 9:15 pm Tues, Sep. 29 6:30 – 9:15 pm Tues, Oct. 6 6:30 – 9:15 pm Tues, Oct. 13 6:30 – 9:15 pm Tues, Oct. 20 6:30 – 9:15 pm Tues, Oct. 27 6:30 – 9:15 pm Tues, Nov. 3 6:30 – 9:15 pm Tues, Nov. 10 6:30 – 9:15 pm Tues, Nov. 17 6:30 – 9:15 pm Tues, Nov. 24 6:30 – 9:15 pm Tues, Dec. 1 6:30 – 9:15 pm Tues, Dec. 8 6:30 – 9:15 pm ASSIGNMENT Introductions, Review of Semester, Expectations, Intro Chapter 1: The Sport Business Industry Sports Biz Journal Chapter 2: Global Market Chapter 3: Sport Marketing Process Sports Biz Journal Discussion Chapter 4: Sport Marketing Research Chapter 5: Segmentation, Target Marketing & Positioning Sports Biz Journal Discussion Chapter 6: Marketing Information Systems Chapter 7: The Marketing Mix and the Sport Industry Chapter 8: The Product in the Sport Business Industry Sports Biz Journal Discussion Chapter 9: Price & Pricing Strategies for the Sport Business Industry Chapter 10: Place: Distribution in Channels and Decisions in Sport Business Sports Biz Journal Discussion Chapter 11: Promotion in the Sports Industry Sports Biz Journal Discussion Chapter 12: Media Relations in Sport Sports Biz Journal Discussion Sports Business Journal Discussion MID-TERM EXAM Chapter 13: Marketing Through Endorsements and Sponsorships Chapter 14: Using Licensing & Logos in the Sports Industry Sports Biz Journal Discussion Chapter 15: Social Media in Sports Marketing Sports Biz Journal Discussion Brands Win Championships: Chapter 1 Managing Your Perception, Chapter 2 Writing Your Story Sports Biz Journal Discussion Brands Win Championships: Chapter 3 Telling Your Story Sports Biz Journal Discussion Group Project Discussions Sports Biz Journal Discussion Group Projects 1-3 Sports Biz Journal Discussion Group Projects 4-6 Sports Biz Journal Discussion Group Projects 7-10 Final Exam 5