CDMA 1201-04 Fall 2015 syllabus

CDMA 1201-03
Career Development and Management
Fall 2015
Instructor: Meghan Hunt, M.Ed.
Office Phone: (504) 865-5417
Office: Suite 300, GW1
Office Hours: Fridays 9 am – 11 am or by
Blackboard Site:
Class Meeting Day, Time, & Location: CDMA 1201-04: Wednesdays, 11 am – 11:50 am; Room 101
Course Description
This course is designed to assist students with career exploration and to prepare them to be competitive
candidates during the internship and job search process. Student preparation includes learning how to
write and effective resume and cover letter, researching opportunities and interview performance. The
course will also provide students with knowledge of how to transition successfully and perform well in a
professional environment. Students will develop a Career Toolkit that will serve as a resource for piloting
their career progression.
Course Prerequisites
Course Goals/Learning Objectives
 To assist students in their career development efforts and to prepare them to be competitive
candidates during their internship and job searches.
 To allow students to better understand the structure of and relationships among business,
government, and non-profit entities through career research.
 To provide students with knowledge of how to transition successfully into and perform well in a
professional environment.
 For students to develop a career toolkit that will serve as a resource while piloting their career
Course Material
Career Management Center Student Guidebook and readings provided via Blackboard
 Students will either receive a satisfactory or unsatisfactory grade at the end of the semester.
 To receive a satisfactory grade, students must earn seventy percent or more of the total points
available (the equivalent of a C-).
Homework assignments, in class activities, quizzes, and any other class-related work must be
completed at a C- level to receive credit; there is no partial credit.
Students can track their cumulative grade in Blackboard.
Assignments and due dates will be discussed in class.
Assignments, class activities, and quizzes may not be made-up or turned in late, except in
exceptional circumstances. Exceptional circumstances would include, prolonged illness verified
by a doctor’s note, documented athletic commitments, personal/family emergency, or other
similar issues determined at the discretion of the instructor.
Students seeking to make-up work for exceptional circumstances must contact the instructor
before missing the work, or if that is not feasible due to those circumstances, as soon as possible
Routine illness, activities/meetings related to other classes, extracurricular activities, car trouble,
computer problems, voting, interviews, and personal travel are not exceptional circumstances. Do
not seek make-up work under these circumstances. Students keeping up on assignments and
regularly attending class should not have difficulty passing because of an isolated absence or
missed assignment.
Class Attendance
Generally, there is no attendance policy in this course. But, quizzes and in-class activities constitute a
significant portion of the overall grade, and certain homework assignments will only be accepted in class.
Statement about Academic Integrity
This class will be conducted in full accordance with Tulane’s policies about academic integrity including,
but not limited to, the Code of Academic Integrity and the Code of Student Conduct. These can be found
at: and
Additional Statement about Academic Integrity
“Furnishing false information to any University official, instructor, or Tulane University office relating to
any academic assignment or issue” violates the Code of Academic Conduct.
There is a zero tolerance policy in this course for lying. This includes misrepresentations related to when
assignments were created or turned in and misrepresentations made in seeking to make-up missed
homework assignments, in class activities, quizzes, or other course activities. All such violations will be
reported to the Associate Dean overseeing the Honor Board without exception.
Freeman Educational Norms and Expectations
This class will be conducted in full accordance with Freeman’s Educational Norms and Expectations.
Please reread the Norms and Expectations, which can be found at
Learning Disabilities
Under the Americans with Disability Act and the Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, if you have a
disability, you may have the right to an accommodation; however, the right is contingent upon you taking
certain steps. You should review the steps that you need to take, as well as Tulane’s policy concerning
accommodations at
Any student with a disability, in need of course or examination accommodation, should request an
accommodation through the University’s Office of Disability Services (ODS) located in the Mechanical
Engineering Building. At the beginning of the semester, please provide me with a copy of your approved
ODS accommodation form. I am committed to working with ODS to ensure that I provide you with all
approved accommodations. If you do not deliver the approved accommodation form to me, I will not
know that ODS approved your accommodation and I will have no basis to provide those
For students with extended time accommodation, you are to take your exams within the Freeman
School, please take your Exam Request Form to Suite 200 at least three days before the exam and the
Office of Undergraduate Programs will schedule your exam. You must begin your exam when the class
normally would begin. For all other accommodations, please take your form to ODS and they will
schedule your exam.
Specific Course Policies
 Laptops and other electronic devices may not be used during class, unless otherwise instructed.
Expected Class Schedule
(Subject to Change – Updates Announced in Class and on Blackboard)
Week 1 – August 26
Introductions and Exploration
Homework: Test to make sure Blackboard works for you
Week 2 – September 2
Homework: Read Vault Guide in your area of interest and complete Career Planning Worksheet.
Week 3 – September 9
Resumes: Resume purpose and conventions discussion and Freeman Format
Homework: Prepare Freeman Format resume, ready to be seen by an employer.
Week 4 – September 16
Connect with the CMC: FreemankLink, Freeman Days, and Career Fairs
Week 5 – September 23
Guest Speaker, Dicky Lyons Northwestern Mutual, and beginning of Cover Letters
Homework: Complete your FreemanLink profile (need to upload a resume to complete); find a posted
job and an event of interest to discuss
Week 6 – September 30
Cover Letters: Discuss effective cover letters
Homework: Identify a posted job (may be the same one from September 21 homework) and prepare a
cover letter for it. Revise resume based on feedback. Bring laptops for class next week
Week 7 – October 7
Marketing Yourself: Learn about LinkedIn and FreemanConnect, networking, professional
Homework: Identify 10 people you want in your network and create and outreach plan. Find two leading
publications in your field of interest and read at least one article from each about a current issue in the
Week 8 – October 14
No Class!
Week 9 – October 21
Guest Speaker, Katie PWC, and Beginning of Networking
Week 10 – October 28
Networking: Discussion on informational interviews and brainstorm questions
Homework: Conduct ONE informational interview – ask questions based on the articles you read and
brainstormed. Summarize interview (due at the end of the semester).
Week 11 – November 4
Interviewing: Discuss basics of interviewing
Homework: Complete interview worksheet. Complete Interview Stream interview.
Week 12 – November 11
Elevator Pitch and bringing it All Together
Homework: NONE! Don’t forget the Informational Interviews are due by November 16th!
Important Dates:
Labor Day – September 7
Last day to drop without record – September 25
Fall Break – October 15 – 18
Midterm – October 21
Last day to drop – November 2