Plan and Act Now! Freight Solutions for the London 2012 Games

Freight Solutions for
the London 2012
Chairman’s welcome and introduction
Theo de Pencier
Chief Executive, FTA
Our sponsors today are
Chairman’s welcome and introduction
Theo de Pencier
Chief Executive, FTA
Today’s programme:
Olympic games 72 days to go
Sector Workshops
Olympic Advice Surgery
Freight Solutions for
the London 2012
Peter Hendy
Commissioner, Transport for London
Freight Solutions for
the London 2012
Ian Wainwright
Head of Road Freight Management
Programme, TfL
FTA Olympics Conference – 16th May 2012
2012 Freight: The Final Push
“a summer like no other”
11 million
Olympic and
Up to 20 million more
at road events, torch relay
and other celebrations
FA Cup Final
1 million
Impact focussed at certain times and places
Nationwide publicity campaign
Detailed road ‘hotspot’ maps for each day
...and the rail “hotspots”
Road Network
Olympic Route Network (ORN)
Paralympic Route Network(PRN)
• Allows Games Family (athletes/officials/media) to get to events on time
• The ORN accounts for only 1% (109 miles) of London’s roads.
• ORN/PRN will only operate when and where they are needed
• The majority of the ORN/PRN will be open to all traffic.
- In some sections of dual carriageway, one lane will be reserved for the Games Family
- Games lanes generally operate from 6am – Midnight
- Games lanes live from 25th July
How will the ORN work?
• Proposed road changes will operate 24 hours a day unless
otherwise stated
• Parking, loading and waiting controls remain unaltered
unless otherwise stated
• Time required for installing and removing some physical
• Active Traffic Management
• Variable Message Signs – to let you know what is going on
Road Events and The AORN
• Alternative Olympic Route Network (AORN) will be used by Games family vehicles when
road events are taking place
• Alternative routes will be open to general traffic
• Limited temporary traffic changes but will include changes to traffic signal timings
• Lower impact than ORN/PRN
• The AORN may be used for unplanned
situations (in the case of an accident
occurring on the ORN, for example)
Enforcement/Compliance on the ORN
On Street Enforcement – High visibility, uniformed presence to enforce
Games Lanes and parking and loading regulations
Camera Enforcement – Enforcement of Games Lanes and other moving
traffic contraventions
Vehicle Removals – Rapid response service to clear the ORN of vehicular
Penalty charge – remains as current
Delivering Around Venues
• Local Area Traffic Management and Parking
Plans (LATMPs) around competition venues to
prevent spectator parking
• Managed by LOCOG
• Vehicle Permit Checks (VPC)
- if drivers have the appropriate ID/paperwork
they should be able to pass
Olympic Torch Relay
• The Olympic torch relay is a National Event over 70 days,
starting this Saturday
• The Torch arrives in London on the 21st of July.
• Avoid disruption, by making all possible deliveries ahead of
this time, not simply ahead of the Opening Ceremony on the
27th of July
• Check the dates and route of the torch relay to see how it
might affect your operation
Security protocols during summer 2012
For day-to-day business during the Games and passing through a LOCOG
Vehicle Permit Check (VPC) your drivers need to be in possession of:
Driver licence photo card,
Headed company note paper with letter saying that the named driver is employed by
the company, this letter must include a contact number for any queries, and
A delivery note or manifest (or PDA) with a delivery address identified.
Direct freight information
Frequently updated with latest information
- information on how to operate in
Games time
- Games Time case study examples
- Downloadable data
- Links to further information
[Insert Screen print]
Website Tools
ORN maps
Strategic and local level
Route delay information
Congestion hotspot maps
Available as Postcodes and data feed
Identify which areas impacted
Can be used with routeing software
Updated as more information becomes available
‘How to’ guide
Working with regulators
• Operator licence conditions
Apply early to Traffic Commissioners for temporary changes
• London Lorry Control Scheme
The Scheme is not being suspended during Games time
Follow London Council’s 6 Point Plan for the Games
Apply for permits via the LLCS website
Consider applying for special routeing exemption
Find out more at
Out-of-hours restrictions
Code of Practice finalised
Planning Conditions
Noise Nuisance
Alcohol licensing
Consider each location to minimise disturbance
If in doubt, talk to boroughs: Single point of
contact within Boroughs available on TfL
website now
Use the Code of Practice when making all out-of-hours deliveries
‘Roads Visualiser’ – next week
Will enable road users to see how the areas where they deliver and collect
from, work and visit will be affected
An interactive map, searchable by postcode, will highlight planned changes to
the road network
– Suspended turns;
– stopping restrictions;
– pedestrian crossing changes;
– changes to parking and loading; and
– Games Lanes.
Road race routes will also be shown
Freight Journey Planner
• Freight Journey Planner (FJP)
- Initial release next week with available
• Users input start time, date, origin and
destination of journey, with details of
their vehicles
• FJP finds appropriate route for that size
of vehicle on the time/day selected
• Shows nearest legal on-street loading
areas to any specified delivery point
Real Time Information
• Real time info is Available NOW!
- Radio broadcasts
- Highways Agency
- TfL Traffic News
Real Time Information
• Real time info is Available NOW!
- Radio broadcasts
- Highways Agency
- TfL Traffic News
Real Time Information
Real time info is Available NOW!
- Radio broadcasts
- Highways Agency
- TfL Traffic News
Games Time
- Twice daily email bulletins
- Further emails with any significant
changes to the road network that
may impact your business.
Personalise your information
The 4 Rs, the simple message
• Reduce
- pre-order, preventative maintenance
• Re-time
- out-of-hours deliveries, change delivery day
• Re-route
- change drop order or depot
• Revise mode
- collect from store, deliveries to staff
What’s right for your business?
• One size doesn’t fit all - not all of theses solutions will apply to your business
• Depends on:
– Location
– Sector
– Commodity
• Communication with your customers and suppliers is key to facilitate changes in
Plan and Act Now!
• Use the information online, including ‘how to’ Guide, data, postcodes etc.
• Work with your supply chain and your customers
– To register for Games time freight email bulletins
– For the latest up to date information and advice please visit the TfL Games
Freight Solutions for
the London 2012
Sarah Bell
Traffic Commissioner for Olympics
Traffic Commissioners for Great Britain
Sarah Bell
Traffic Commissioner for the West of
England and Lead Traffic
Commissioner for the Olympic and
Paralympic Games
Operator Licensing and the Games
• Senior Traffic Commissioner document No. 4A – Operating
Centres and Related Applications, Olympic and Paralympic
Games 2012
– Olympic planning advice letter from the Traffic Commissioners
– Olympic FAQs
– Self assurance questionnaire
Freight Solutions for
the London 2012
Don Cannon
Major Projects Interface Manager,
Olympic Delivery Authority
Freight Transport Association Conference:
Freight Solutions for the London 2012 Games
Venues Outside of London
Don Cannon
Olympic Delivery Authority
Major Projects Interface Manager
Keep London and the UK moving
London (inside M25) delivered by TfL
Outside London delivered by ODA
Ensure businesses aware of Games impact and plan
• Promote the ‘4Rs’
Reduce (the amount of material being moved)
Retime (making deliveries outside of Games Restrictions, including at
Reroute (around Games-time restrictions and/or to alternative delivery
Revise mode (including different size vehicles)
Joined-up planning between customers and suppliers
Out of London Locations
• Linked to London by ORN (except Football
• Generally, impacts reduced due to fewer
and shorter sessions
• Local Area Traffic Management & Parking
– Provides a safe environment around venues
– Keep traffic moving
– Residents and local businesses can go about
day-to-day activity as far as practicable
Eton Dorney
Olympic Rowing and Canoe Sprint 28 July – 11
Paralympic Rowing 31 August – 2 September
0930 to between 1115-1410hours
Susceptible to weather
Athletes accommodated at Royal Holloway College
Potential morning rush hour impacts on Slough Trading
Some banned turns and waiting and loading
Harvest time for farmers
Eton Dorney – LATM&P
Weymouth & Portland
• Some unique
– Local geography
– Largely unticketed
– Olympics 29 July-11
– Paralympics 1-6 Sept;
– Susceptible to weather
• But…
– Used to crowds
– Integrated by Dorset CC
Weymouth & Portland
• ORN operates 28 July - 11 Aug 0700 – 2100
• PRN operates 1 - 6 September 0700 - 2100
– Parking and loading restrictions along A354
– Access changes at A31 Merley Roundabout for
Olympics only
• Athletes Village adjacent to Sailing Centre
• Park & Ride
– 5 sites, 9,200 spaces
– Impact beneficial, but some local congestion
Weymouth & Portland LATM&P
• Operates 27 July – 12 August
Access to some roads limited
Esplanade closed to traffic 1000-2200hrs
Access to harbour area restricted
Part of Radipole Park Drive (from the tennis
courts to Swannery car park) closed to traffic
– Dedicated pedestrian routes for ‘Last Mile’
• Access to Portland maintained (via temporary
extension of one-way system)
Weymouth & Portland
• Local input from Dorset Road Freight WG
• Out of hours deliveries
– Already taking place in Weymouth
– No specific environmental constraints, but need for ‘best practice’
– Small number of planning constraints on supermarkets
• Movement of agricultural machinery
– Harvest time, combine harvesters on road
– Need to work smarter
– Real time travel information
– Journey Planner
Torch Relay
• 19 May – 27 July 2012 (70 days, last 7 in London)
• Lands End to Olympic Stadium
8,000 miles
1,018 communities
Within 10 miles of 95% of the population
Detailed route at
• Evening celebrations (2 hours)
• Smaller local events en route
• Not continuous relay
– Convoy mode in less populated areas
– ‘Rolling road block’ for Relay
• Transitory impact on freight activity
Paralympic Torch Relay
24 – 29 August 2012
UK Capitals Flame Lighting Ceremonies
National Flame Festivals
Flames reunited at Stoke Mandeville
28 August – 24 hour Torch Relay to Olympic
33 Flame Celebration events over August Bank
Holiday weekend
Transitory impact on freight activity
• Much smaller scale than London, but locally
significant, particularly Weymouth and
• Advice and information via
London 2012 will be:
• Challenging
• Business as unusual
• Dependent on joined-up and early planning
Freight Solutions for
the London 2012
Natalie Chapman
Head of Policy – London, FTA
Freight Solutions for
the London 2012