PROJECT OVERVIEW Name of Project: Subject/Course: Health Teenage Pregnancy- How can we reduce the teenage pregnancy rates in the Green Bay Public Schools? Teacher(s): Riley Woldt Duration: 6 weeks Grade Level: 9-12 Other subject areas to be included, if any: Child Development (Prenatal-3), T.A.P.P (Teen Age Parenting Program) Project Idea There is an increasing amount of pregnant teenagers and teen parents walking the hallways of the Green Bay Public Schools. We can actually see these students because they are either taking the initiative to get an education or are court ordered to attend school. In addition, we also know that there are a number of pregnant teens and teen parents who no longer attend school for variety of reasons, but are still living in our community. Regardless, I can’t imagine anyone involved, the child, the teen parents and their families are prepared for the life they will be living. Summary of the issue, challenge, investigation, scenario, or problem: So, what’s going on today with teens, relationships and sex? Why are we seeing more and more pregnant teenagers in our schools and our community? Do teenagers really understand the consequences of having sex? How do teens establish and maintain healthy social and intimate relationships with others? What types of influences, friends, families, culture, media, etc., are affecting our teens in regards to relationships, dating and sex? Is the public school system failing to educate and support our teenage students in regards to relationships, dating and sex? If so, what should the public school system be doing to help curb the teenage pregnancy rates? Are parents and families at fault? How can the public schools better educate and involve parents in not only educating, but communicating and supporting their teenage children? We can imagine the consequences and effects of having a baby at such a young age has on the baby and teen parents, but what type of effect does teenage pregnancy have on the community? And, what does the community do to help educate and support our teenagers in regards to relationships, dating and sex? Driving/Essential Questions How can we reduce the teenage pregnancy rates in the Green Bay Public Schools? How do teens establish and maintain healthy relationships with others? How do the values that we have impact our relationships, dating and sex? How can we get parents to become more involved in educating their children about sex and the consequences of having sex? How should the public school system educate middle and high school students about birth control methods? How does family systems and culture impact teenage relationships, dating and sex? Content and Technology Standards to be addressed: Write number and standard. Technology Standards A.12.1 Use common media and technology terminology and equipment A.12.3 Use a computer and productivity software to organize and create information A.12.4 Use a computer and communications software to access and transmit information A.12.5 Use media and technology to create and present information B.12.2 Develop information-seeking strategies © 2008 Buck Institute for Education 1 B.12.4 Evaluate and select information from a variety of print, nonprint, and electronic formats B.12.6 Interpret and use information to solve the problem or answer the question B.12.7 Communicate the results of research and inquiry in an appropriate format C.12.4 Demonstrate self-motivation and increasing responsibility for their learning D.12.1 Participate productively in workgroups or other collaborative learning environments D.12.2 Use information, media, and technology in a responsible manner Health Standards A.12.6 Analyze how the family, peers, and community influence the health of individuals B.12.1 Analyze the role of individual responsibility for enhancing health B.12.3 Analyze the short-term and long-term consequences of various behaviors B.12.4 Demonstrate strategies to improve and maintain personal, family, and community health C.12.2 Apply knowledge of individual, family, and community influences to decision making processes D.12.2 Demonstrate the ability to evaluate resources from home, school, and community that provide valid health information E.12.2 Evaluate the effect of media and other factors on personal, family, and community health F.12.1 Demonstrate skills to communicate effectively with family, peers, and others T+A 21st Century Skills to be explicitly taught and assessed (T+A) or that will be encouraged (E) by project work, but not taught or assessed: Collaboration X Presentation X Critical Thinking: X E T+A E Other: Presentation Audience: Group: Culminating Products and Performances Individual: In class discussions, debate on birth control or pregnancy options, group research checklists and charts, informative community wall (school display case and/or four walls of the health rooms) for healthy relationships or birth control, PSA-birth control or STDs, surveys about relationships and sex for 9, 10, 11, 12th graders with mini presentations, field trip with empathy belly or baby think it over with short video and oral presentation, practice presentations, group reflections/assessment, presentation to a real audience Journal entries (check thought process), reflection cards (post activity), in class discussion, individual research techniques and practice, video projects and mini presentations Class: x School: x Community: x Experts: x Web: Other: Principals, Social Workers, TAPP © 2008 Buck Institute for Education 2 teacher and district coordinator, outside agency reps – Family Services, Marion House, Brown County human Services PROJECT OVERVIEW Entry event to launch inquiry, engage students: 1. Pregnancy Dice Game – Each student is given a cup with a dice, roll dice six times and record the number that appears. Teacher explains each roll represents number of times you chose to have unprotected sex. Teacher explains every time someone chooses to have unprotected sex there is a 1:6 chance of getting pregnant. Teacher asks all students who rolled a six to stand. Those students represent getting pregnant or getting someone else pregnant. Teacher asks how they feel about becoming a teen parent. Teacher then asks all students who rolled a 6 on the first attempt to stand. Teacher explains that the first time they chose to have sex they got pregnant or got someone pregnant. This is a great time to discuss the myth that most teenagers believe-you can’t get pregnant the first time. Then, teacher asks all students who rolled multiple 6s to stand. Ask students how they feel about getting pregnant multiple times or getting someone else pregnant. At this point, can also go into STDs and do the same with the number 5. Finally, teacher asks all students who didn’t roll a 6 (and 5) if they would like to take a chance and roll again. If they choose to roll and do not roll a 6 (and 5), provide them with a $1 bill. Teacher will do this until student stops or they roll a 6 (or 5) then they lose. Oftentimes, classmates start pressuring student to take the risk and roll, continue to roll. Process the influences of peer pressure regarding sex and sexual behaviors with class. Bottom line, the person taking the risk eventually loses while the classmates lose nothing. Assessments Quizzes/Tests Formative Assessments (During Project) Summative Journal/Learning Log Practice Presentations x Notes x Preliminary Plans/Outlines/Prototypes Checklists Rough Drafts Concept Maps Online Tests/Exams Other: Multimedia presentations, oral presentations, individual and group task assessments Written Product(s), with rubric: Other Product(s) or Performance(s), with rubric: Multimedia presentation __________________________________________________ x x __________________________________________________ © 2008 Buck Institute for Education 3 Assessments x Peer Evaluation x Multiple Choice/Short Answer Test Self-Evaluation x Essay Test Other: Oral Presentation, with rubric (End of Project) . Resources Needed Reflection Methods On-site people, facilities: School Board Member, Quadrant Leader, Principal(s), Guidance Counselors, Janine Krajnik-Social Worker, Ann Reiser-TAPP, Computer Lab Equipment: Classroom set of mini laptops, headphones, microphones, presentation equipment Materials: Wiki – online resources, hard copy notes and brochures Community resources: Stacy Lewis-Golden House, Brown County Human Services-Jenny Hoffman, Brown County Health Dept.-Erin Tisch, Marion House-Beth Davis (Individual, Group, and/or Whole Class) Journal/Learning Log x Focus Group x Whole-Class Discussion x Fishbowl Discussion x Survey x Other: © 2008 Buck Institute for Education 4 PROJECT TEACHING AND LEARNING GUIDE Project: Reducing Teen Pregnancy in Green Bay Public Schools Course/Semester: Health/6 weeks at the end of each semester Knowledge and Skills Needed by Students (Learning Targets) to successfully complete culminating products and performances, and do well on summative assessments Students will need to know how to think critically and express themselves both in written and oral form. Scaffolding / Materials / Lessons to be Provided by the project teacher, other teachers, experts, mentors, community members Students will need to know how to collaborate. Students will need to know how to search and research important, relevant information, cite sources and reflect, summarize what they learned. Provide “critical thinking and lively discussion” (CTLD) format (see procedure above) on a consistent basis, small group projects throughout the PBL and final presentation at the end of the unit. Provide multiple research and reflection days using resources that I provide via classroom Wiki and others that they find. Interview an expert project to brainstorm and explain 10 solutions to how teen establish and maintain healthy relationships with others. Using Survey Monkey, brainstorm and compile questions, create a survey to distribute to target audience Students will need to know how to interview people. Students will have to create, distribute and compile information retrieved from surveys I will teach, model and have the students practice through what I call our “critical thinking and lively discussion” (CTLD) format: 1. Pose question(s) and students journal (rubric provided), 2. Students test their thoughts/theories in small group discussions (progress checklist), 3. Come back to report out and whole group discussion. Sometime afterwards, students will reflect on what they’ve learned. This will be one of our primary modes of learning and will happen a number of times throughout the PBL. © 2008 Buck Institute for Education 5 and present findings. Students will create a multimedia presentation Multiple multimedia presentation include PPT, Photo Story, Movie Maker, Brochures, PSA throughout and up to the final. Students will give oral presentations Through community wall presentations, small multimedia presentations throughout and the final presentation. Students will be able to debate with others and support opinion with facts Through article research, students will be able to collaborate and express themselves of their opinions on how schools should teach sex ed (abstinence vs. birth control in public education). Students will need to know how to access online resources, especially my Wiki Reading and research activities throughout PBL. © 2008 Buck Institute for Education 6 P R O J E C T Project: Reducing the rate of teenage pregnancy in the GBPS M O N D A Y T U E S D A Y C A L E N D A R Start Date: 6 weeks prior to end of the semester Class Period (Length): 52 minutes W E D N E S D A Y T H U R S D A Y F R I D A Y PROJECT WEEK ONE Day 1 Objective: Introduce essential question and brainstorm potential solutions, introduce and practice “critical thinking and lively discussion” (CTLD) format. Day 2 Obj: Teach students how to read and research relevant information related to teenage pregnancy, cite sources and reflect on learning. Day 3 Obj: Brainstorm and explain a minimum of 10 solutions to how teens establish and maintain healthy relationshipsActivity. Day 4 Obj: Brainstorm and explain a minimum of 10 solutions to how teens establish and maintain healthy relationshipsVideo. Day 5 Obj: Brainstorm and explain a minimum of 10 solutions to how teens establish and maintain healthy relationshipsGuest Speaker. Activities: see below Day 1 Act: see below – Day 2 Act: see below – Day 3 Act: see below – Day 4 Act: see below – Day 5 Assessment: Journal entry (rubric), progress checklist Assessment: Journal entry, progress checklist, reflection (rubric) Assessment: Journal entry, progress checklist, reflection Assessment: Reflection Assessment: Reflection PROJECT WEEK TWO Day 6 Obj: Brainstorm and explain a minimum of 10 solutions to how teens establish and maintain healthy relationshipsResearch. Day 7 Obj: Brainstorm and explain a minimum of 10 solutions to how teens establish and maintain healthy relationshipsInterview. Act: Research articles on Wiki-Healthy Relation. & Dating, CTLD, Create classroom grid Act: Introduce interview skills (tips on Wiki), demo and role play with partner, CTLD-interview questions for experts, assign interviews (due 3 days) Assess: Progress checklist Day 8 Obj: Explain what types of influences and how each effect a teen’s decision to engage in sexual activity. Act: show video-Truth About Sex, journal entry: first experiences talking about sex (bird & bees talk w/ parent), what has school taught you and when, how does media, peers influence teens, Day 9 Obj: Explain what types of influences and how each effect a teen’s decision to engage in sexual activity and define, label reproductive anatomy. Day 10 Obj: Brainstorm and explain a minimum of 10 solutions to how teens establish and maintain healthy relationshipsInterview. Act: Fishbowl w/journal entry, physical intimacyhow does it all work; reproductive anatomy pre knowledge act, reproductive anatomy notes, post knowledge act Act: small group discussions with interview groups, report out finding, whole class collaboration to compile and display final list of 10 solutions to DQ Assess: Journal entry © 2008 Buck Institute for Education 7 Assess: Progress checklist Assess: Progress checklist Assess: progress checklist PROJECT WEEK THREE Day 11 Obj: Compile a list of questions for peer groups regarding dating and sex. Day 12 Obj: Create a short PPT. presentation on findings from surveys. Act: CTLD-how often do teens talk about sex? Intro-survey monkey (link on Wiki, small groups: identify target group, brainstorm 5 questions, create survey and distribute 8 surveys Act: small group collaboration on findings of target group, compile a short PPT presentation on findings: questions, data, possible chart, etc., present Assess: progress checklist Assess: multimedia presentation Day 13 Obj: Identify what values, where they came from and evaluate how they play a role in relationships, dating and sex. Day 14 Obj: Identify what values, where they came from and evaluate how they play a role in relationships, dating and sex. Day 15 Obj: Identify what values, where they came from and evaluate how they play a role in relationships, dating and sex. Act: journal questions and short whole class discussion: what values do you have, where do you get them from, how do your values influence your decisions about relationships, dating and sex? Bring in photos Act: intro, demo Photo Story, work day: create Values Photo Story (see “Values Photo Story’”) below Act: Model presentation, Presentations, Reflectionwhat did you learn about yourself Assess: progress checklist Assess: Multimedia rubric, reflection Day 19 Obj: whole class collaboration to create one community wall in school display caseBuilding Healthy Relationships Day 20 Obj: whole class collaboration to create one community wall in school display caseBuilding Healthy Relationships Act: whole class selection of material, distribution of roles/responsibilities, creation Act: finishing touches, reflection-collaboration, journal-brainstorm and write questions for TAPP panel Assess: progress checklist Day 16 Obj: In groups, create a community wall detailing how teens establish and maintain healthy relationships with others. Day 17 Obj: In groups, create a community wall detailing how teens establish and maintain healthy relationships with others Act: small group brainstorm what goes on in class community wall, how to organize, delegate roles and responsibilities, work time Act: In class community wall work day Assess: progress checklist Assess: progress checklist Day 18 Obj: Present in class community wall Act: Present in class community wall, invite: Principal(s), Guidance Counselor(s) and Social Worker, complete group collaboration rubric Assess: Group Collaboration rubric, oral presentation rubric Assess: progress checklist Assess: reflection © 2008 Buck Institute for Education 8 Day 21 Obj: Identify consequences of sex both now and in the future. Day 22 Obj: Identify consequences of sex both now and in the future. Day 23 Obj: Identify consequences of sex both now and in the future. Day 24 Obj: Identify consequences of sex both now and in the future. Day 25 Obj: Identify consequences of sex both now and in the future. Act: TAPP guest speakers: relationships to now, dating sex, etc., anxieties, life change?, future? Support? Advice? Act: Field trip with TAPP class, Child Dev. Class: Group 1: equip with empathy belly, video recorder and task list, Group 2: equip with Baby Think it Over, video recorder and task listidentify roles Act: small group collaboration-reflection: what did you learn, put together a multimedia video using Animoto or Movie Maker Act: show videos, show birth videos: clips of Look who’s talking, From conception to birth, journal entry: birth Act: Assign individual with STD to research (resources on Wiki), small group collaboration on common STD, fishbowl, record for a complete list (eventually put in Moodle) Assess: reflection Assess: journal entry Assess: progress checklist, Multimedia presentation Assess: progress checklist Assess: progress checklist Day 26 Obj: Identify consequences of sex both now and in the future. Act: finish collaboration, fishbowl with recorder, reflection-how does choosing to become sexually active in/out of relationships effect selfesteem, behaviors and relationships? (eventually put in Moodle-discussion question) Day 27 Obj: Identify, debate and evaluate the best way for public schools to educate youth on birth control methods. Day 28 Obj: Identify, debate and evaluate the best way for public schools to educate youth on birth control methods. Day 29 Obj: Identify, debate and evaluate the best way for public schools to educate youth on birth control methods. Act: provide info (from Wiki) 2010 national survey result, pick a side, read article for opinions/data (on WikiBirth Control), CTLD-how should public schools best educate teens about birth control and why? Act: in class debate, reflection-good, bad, frustrating, what did you learn? Act: Preview PSA (on Wiki), hard copy of brochure, small groups choose PSA or brochure about STDs or Birth control Assess: Reflection Assess: PSA and Brochure rubrics Assess: research rubric, reflection card (eventual discussion rubric) Assess: Journal entry, progress checklist Day 31 Obj: Collaborate and create final presentation Day 32 Obj: Collaborate and create final presentation Day 33 Obj: Collaborate and create final presentation Act: final video for inspiration: clips MTV’s 16 Act: work day Act: work day Day 34 Obj: practice final presentation, peer reviews Day 30 Obj: Review of work and creating final presentation Act: listen to PSA, show brochures, go back to Essential Question and review possible solutions, review what we’ve learned and projects we’ve accomplished, add to the grid from what we know now? Present final presentation and provide rubric, small group brainstorming, organization, roles and responsibilities Assess: progress checklist Day 35 Obj: Collaborate and create final presentation Act: work day Act: practice presentation, © 2008 Buck Institute for Education 9 and Pregnant, resource to review from Wiki (Teenage pregnancy sites), work time Assess: progress checklist Assess: progress checklist peer review Assess: progress checklist Assess: Peer reviews for presentation using final project rubric Assess: Progress checklist Day 36 Obj: Present final project to real audience Act: Presentation with real audience Assess: final presentation rubric, individual task and group task rubric NOTES: future? Additional? In place of? Dating philosophy paper, Get this on Moodle or at least parts on Moodle (discussion, reflections), work with Video Productions class Day 1 Objective: Hook students, Introduce essential question and brainstorm potential solutions, introduce and practice “critical thinking and lively discussion” format. Activities: 1. Entry activity-dice game 2. Short whole class discussion with teen pregnancy questions like: do you know people who are teen parents or pregnant, imagine what their lives might be like, describe what your life would be like if you were pregnant or got someone pregnant or are a teen parent, explain how this would also affect/change your future 3. Read aloud Green Bay Press Gazette article about teen pregnancy stats for Brown County (possible? Have skype session with superintendant or invite principal to class to present essential question-PBL) 4. Present essential question and teach, model and practice “critical thinking and lively discussion” (CTLD) format: 1. Pose the individual journal question(s) to provoke deeper level of thinking, 2. Test individual thoughts/theories in small group discussions, 3. Come back to report out and have whole group discussion, have a recorder write potential solutions to essential question on large display chart (to be left in room throughout PBL and eventually typed, printed and pasted into individual journals-constant visuals for focus) 5. Parking lot questions posted on the board for future reference and guidance © 2008 Buck Institute for Education 10 6. Assignment-have a discussion with at least one other person about essential question and be ready to discuss/report on tomorrow Assessment: Journal entry, progress checklist Day 2 Objective: Teach students how to access my Wiki for resources, teach students how to read and research relevant information related to teenage pregnancy, cite sources and reflect on learning. Activities: 1. Whole Class discussion on who they had conversations with and what information is relevant for our essential question. Add to our classroom grid if needed. 2. Provide and paste mini copies of grid in journals (or next day activity). 3. Teach students how to access my Wiki for resources (, Health class). 4. Assign students an article to read in Wiki under Teenage Pregnancy. 5. CTLD format – What are the issues related to teenage pregnancy? What types of solutions do the articles offer? 6. Assign: reflection card (with rubric) – summarize what you’ve learned today. Assessment: Journal entry, Progress checklist, Reflection card Day 3 Objective: Brainstorm and explain a minimum of 10 solutions to how teens establish and maintain healthy relationships. Activities: 1. Lots of Fish in the Sea Activity 2. CTLD format: What do people look people look for in others when dating, Why do people stay in relationships that have issues, What types of problems does this type of relationship lead to, What are they missing, DQ-how do teens establish and maintain healthy relationships with others 3. Reflection Card 4. Assign: Create a Date Activity Assessment: Journal entry, progress checklist, reflection card © 2008 Buck Institute for Education 11 Day 4: Objective: Brainstorm and explain a minimum of 10 solutions to how teens establish and maintain healthy relationships. Activities: 1. Share Create a Date 2. Whole class collaboration on creating a list on the wall of “Ideas for Dates by Teens.” 3. Introduce Community Wall idea, assign groups to a wall in the classroom 4. Show short video, Intimate Teen Relationships 5. Define Intimacy: physical, cognitive and emotional 6. Reflection card-add to our DQ. Assessment: Reflection card Day 5: Objective: Brainstorm and explain a minimum of 10 solutions to how teens establish and maintain healthy relationships. Activities: 1. Guest Speaker: Stacy Lewis, Golden House, Green Bay. Topic-Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships 2. Reflection card-summarize what you learned today and what you could add to DQ. Assessment: Reflection card Values Photo Story (Mulitmedia Rubric will also be provided) Example: Slide 1-Introduce yourself 2-What values do you hold 3-8 – Where did you get your values from, be specific 9-How do you manage the “pressures” as a teen 10-What are your struggles 11-How do your values influence your decisions about relationships, dating and sex © 2008 Buck Institute for Education 12 Progress Checklist Student Contribution Period: Comprehension Date: Comments © 2008 Buck Institute for Education 13