Attachment theory * Two different lines of research - IBL


Attachment theory

– Two different lines of research

Anneli Frostell

Div. of Cognition, Development and Disability

Dept. of Behavioral Science and Learning

Linköping university

Two lines of research

The “original” approach

• Developmental psychology

• Parent – Child

• Laboratory assessments/interview

• Gold standard

• Reliability issue (interrater reliability)

• Expensive

Attachment patterns

The Romantic Attachment approach

• Social psychology

• Adult – Adult (partners)

• Self-rating questionnaires

• Validity issue - measure something else, but related

• Inexpensive

Attachment styles

Theoretical origins

John Bowlby (1969, 1973, 1980)

• Innate attachment system

Phases of the theory:

0-3 months

Non-discriminating social responsiveness

3-6 m Discriminating social responsiveness

6-36 m

(Sensitive period)

Active initiative in contact seeking and proximity maintaining

> 36 m Goal corrected partnership

Stages of separation:

Hours – 1 week Protest

Days – weeks Despair

Weeks – Detachment

• Internal working models


Mary Ainsworth

• The secure base concept

• The Strange Situation


• Balance: attachment and exploration systems

• Individual differences based on the quality of care

Mary Main

• The Adult Attachment



• Frightened/Frightening


Bretherton, I. (1992). Dev Psych, 28(5), 759-775

The “original” approach

• Focus on babies and the impact of maternal sensitivity on their emotional regulation and socioemotional development.

• Consequences of own early attachment related experiences on parental capabilities

• Methods:

The Strange Situation Procedure (SSP)

The Adult Attachment Interview (AAI)

Doll-play (M-cast)

Story stems

Strange Situation Procedure (SSP)

• 20 minute long laboratory procedure

• Elevating distress through two separations in order to activate the attachment system

• Manual based coding – extended training, interreliability

Main scales: Indices of Disorganization and Disorientation:

Proximity-/ contact-seeking behavior Sequential display of contradictory behavior patterns

Contact-maintaining behavior

Resistant behavior

Simultaneous display of contradictory behavior patterns

Undirected, Misdirected, Incomplete, and Interrupted movements

Avoidant behavior and expressions

Stereotypies, Asymmetrical movements, Mistimed movements, and

Anomalous postures

Freezing, Stilling, and Slowed movements and expressions

Direct indices of disorganization or disorientation

Behaviors and causes (SSP)

Patterns of behavior in SSP

A Avoidant: Poss. weak signs of missing. Avoid/ignore the parent upon reunion.

B Secure: Signs of missing. Active proximity seeking upon reunion and can use the parent as a safe have to calm down.

C Ambivalent/Resistant: Angry, clinging, avoidant, or passive upon reunion. Focuses on the parent but cannot calm down.

D Disorganized/Disoriented:

Disorganized or disoriented behaviors when the parent is present. No coherent strategy.

Patterns of care-giving at home

A Avoidant: Emotional distance, lack of sensitivity to child signals. Rejection. Predictable.

B Secure: Responsive. Emotional closeness, sensitivity and respect. Predictable.

C Ambivalent/Resistant:

Inconsistently available. Role reversal. Blurred boundaries.


D Disorganized/Disoriented:

Frightened/frightening or


Possibly maltreatment.

Internal Working Models (IWM)

• Appropriate responses to positive and negative emotions

 awareness of emotions and controlling behaviors

• Well-coordinated regulatory patterns contributes to self-regulation and a integrated sense of self

• 9-12 month: IWM develops to represent the emotions and expectations of early dyadic patterns of interactions

(Bowlby 1969, 1973, 1980)

• IWM: Conceptual representation of self, others, and the world, enables to predict and interpret others behaviors and plan own response.

Based on Riggs, 2010

Continuity of attachment

• The early attachment pattern becomes an essential component of the personality

(Bowlby, 1988; Ainsworth,


• Stability of classification from infancy via 6 years to adolescence and early adulthood

(Grossmann, Grossmann &

Waters, 2005)

• Lawful discontinuity depending of disruptive life events, e.g. death and maltreatment

(Allen et al, 2004)

• Theoretically, partly explained by IWMs impact on cognitive-affective processes

(Cassidy, 2000) :

- direct attention to specific stimuli

- create bias in memory encoding and retrieval

- guide expectations regarding availability of others

- influences attributions regarding ambiguous behaviors

Based on Riggs, 2010

Adult Attachment Interview (AAI)

• Captures current representations of early attachment experiences (IWMs)

• Surprising the unconscious

• Transcribed verbatim and coded on 17 9-point scales

(Scales for: Inferred Experience, States of mind regarding parent, Overall states of mind Extreme experiences and states of mind)

• Manual based – extended training, interreliability

AAI classifications

F Secure-Autonomous

Value close relations, but is relatively independent & objective concerning early close relationships.

Ds Dismissing

Lack of memory, normalizing & idealizing or derogating the parent and early relations with him/her.

E Preoccupied

Passive or angry. Long irrelevant answers. Mentally entangled or preoccupied with early close relations.

(U/d) Unresolved/Disorganized ( F, Ds or E plus U/d)

Trauma/Loss. Marked mistakes in reasoning or discourse

Attachment is transmitted over generations


Secure: F in the parent gives B in the baby


Avoidant: Ds in the parent gives A in the baby

Ambivalent: E in the parent gives C in the baby

The AAI of the mother predicts

A, B or C in the child in 75% of the cases

Ref: van IJzendoorn (1995). Psychol Bull. May;117(3):387-403. (n=661)

Selection of newer methods

• Doll-play (M-cast)

• Story stems (secure base scripts)

(Waters & Waters, Attach Hum Dev, 2006; 8(3): 185 – 197)

• MacArthur Preschool Strange Situation

(Cassidy & Marvin, 1992)

Limitations of SSP and AAI

• Long training

• Time consuming data collection and coding (plus AAI transcriptions)

• 10% of cases double coded for inter-rater reliability

Expensive research on small groups conducted by few researchers

The social psychology approach

• Hazan and Shaver (1987) - the first to explore

Bowlby's ideas in the context of romantic relationships.

• Self-rated paper and pen questionnaires

• Early: Choose one of three categories

• Now: Dimensions of avoidance and anxiety

Hazan & Shaver, 1987

A. I am somewhat uncomfortable being close to others; I find it difficult to trust them completely, difficult to allow myself to depend on them. I am nervous when anyone gets too close, and often, others want me to be more intimate than I feel comfortable being. 60%

B. I find it relatively easy to get close to others and am comfortable depending on them and having them depend on me. I don't worry about being abandoned or about someone getting too close to me. 20%

C. I find that others are reluctant to get as close as I would like. I often worry that my partner doesn't really love me or won't want to stay with me. I want to get very close to my partner, and this sometimes scares people away. 20%

Brennan, Clark, & Shaver, 1998

RSQ – model of self/others

Self Model - patterns characterized by negative self models minus patterns characterized by positive self models

(fearful + preoccupied) MINUS (secure + dismissing) higher scores will refer to more negative models of self.

Other Model - patterns characterized by positive other models minus patterns characterized by negative other models

(secure + preoccupied) MINUS (fearful + dismissing)

Examples from different instruments

Relationship Styles Questionnaire

(RSQ; Griffin & Batholomew, 1994)

Experiences of Close Relationships

(ECR-R; Fraley, Waller & Brennan,


I find it difficult to depend on other people. (Avoidant)

I am comfortable without close emotional relationships. (Avoidant)

I want to be completely emotionally intimate with others.


People are never there when you need them. (Anxiety)

I am nervous when partners get too close to me. (Avoidant)

I prefer not to show a partner how I feel deep down. (Avoidant)

I find that my partner(s) don't want to get as close as I would like.


I often worry that my partner will not want to stay with me. (Anxiety)

Two lines of research

The “original” approach

• Developmental psychology

• Parent – Child

• Laboratory assessments/interview

• Gold standard

• Reliability issue (interrater reliability)

• Expensive

Attachment patterns

The Romantic Attachment approach

• Social psychology

• Adult – Adult (partners)

• Self-rating questionnaires

• Validity issue - measure something else, but related

• Inexpensive

Attachment styles

Assignment to seminar

Seminar paper:

• Can we talk about one attachment theory? Compare the concepts of attachment styles and attachment patterns. Do they measure the same thing, related things or different things? Take a stand and argue for your position.

Questions to discuss:

• Discuss methodological strengths and weaknesses of the attachment theory.

• Try to be critical of the attachment theory. What are the weak points?

Articles to read:

Ein-Dor, T., Mikulincer, M., Doron, G. & Shaver, P. R. (2010). The Attachment Paradox: How Can So

Many of Us (the Insecure Ones) Have No Adaptive Advantages? Perspectives on Psychological

Science, 5:123-141.

Riggs, S. A. (2010). Childhood Emotional Abuse and the Attachment System Across the Life Cycle:

What Theory and Research Tell Us. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 19: 1, 5-



Bretherton, I. (1992). The origins of attachment theory: John Bowlby and

Mary Ainsworth. Dev Psych, 28(5), 759-775

Fraley, R.C ., Waller, N.G. & Brennan, K.A. (2000). An item response theory analysis of self-report measures of adult attachmnet. Journal of

Personality and Social Psychology, 78, 350-365.

Kurdek, L.A. (2002) On being insecure about the assessment of attachment styles. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships Vol. 19(6): 811–834



Recommended literature

Broberg, A., Granqvist, P., Ivarsson, T. & Risholm Mothander, P.

(2006). Anknytningsteori – Betydelsen av nära relationer.

Stockholm: Natur och Kultur

Broberg, A., Risholm Mothander, P., Granqvist, P., & Ivarsson, T.

(2008). Anknytningsteori i praktiken. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur

Cassidy, J. & Shaver, P.R. (red.). (1999/2010) Handbook of

Attachment. New York: The Guilford Press.

Goldberg, S. (2000). Attachment and Development. London: Arnold

Bowlby, J. (1994). En Trygg Bas. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur.

Leach, P. (2000). De första fem åren: En ny version för en ny

generation. Stockholm: Bonnier (1999)

Hwang, P. (red.). (1999) Spädbarnets psykologi. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur
