by Jahnzeb

Jahnzeb Akhtar
Warm Weather
 Warmer winter than North America & Europe
(25°C) – Summers are hot but not uncomfortably
hot (28°C)
 8 Hours of sunshine per day on average
 Attractive scenery – Volcanic mountains covered in
forest or Coral islands with sandy beaches
Sea & Wildlife
 Warm, clear blue seas great for swimming & water based
 Much varied wildlife – plants, birds, fish and animals
Unique places
 There are many cultural and historic places and resorts
 Natural environment attracts tourists who bring
money which goes towards the countries income
 Income from toursim usually greater than income
from exportation of raw materials
 Tourism creates much domestic employment through
work in hotels, as guides, in entertainment and more –
These are also labour intensive areas
Foreign Investment
 Overseas investors invest in facilities such as airports,
roads and hotels
 All these things that can bring in money via tourism,
their profit helps towards local housing, schools,
hospitals, electricity and water supplies – also helps
towards raising standard of living
 Excessive amount of hotels, airports and roads can
spoil visual appearance and create both noise and air
pollution along with much litter
Money leaving country
 Large amounts of the money raised through tourism
often leaves the country with usually only about 1020% of the money recieved staying in the country –
foreign owned corporations making profits have
money go right back to their own nation
Tourist facilities not affordable
 Many of the tourist facilites aren’t affordable to the
general native public
Debt Increase
 Money borrowed from foreign countries to promote
tourism also creates a large increase in national debt
Local Culture and Tradition Ruined
 Social problems also arise, such as prostitution, crime,
drugs – tourists also often have lack of respect for local
customs and religious and cultural belief
 Also tourists expect to be able to walk around like it is
their own home and their influence can affect local
Summary –
-Unique places
Summary – Advantages & Disadvantages
 Income
 Pollution
 Jobs
 Money leaving country
 Foreign Investment
 Facilites not affordable for
 Debt increase
 Local Culture and Tradition
Jahnzeb Akhtar
The syllabus says
Case study of a national tourist industry
 Examine the economic, social and environmental
impacts of tourism.
Largely unexplored tourism
About Trinidad and Tobago: The island state in the
Caribbean is beside the Caribbean beaches and the
sea known for its rich fauna and flora. The two
islands have several festivals and events, where the
carnival and the jazz festival are the biggest events.
New tourism projects are however in the making, like
Waterfront in the capital Port of Spain, which is to
make the islands competitive with regards to meetings
and conferences.
Trinidad and
Tobago is known
for its
Carnival and is
the birthplace of
calypso, soca,
and limbo.
Carnival, a two day explosion of colour
and drama, is the ultimate showcase for
the rich artistic and cultural expressions
of the island.
Calypso is a style of Afro-Caribbean
music which originated in Trinidad
and Tobago.
Global benefits may include:
Improved economic
interdependence through the
inclusion of less developed
countries into the world
economy. The stimulus to
economic take-off in some
LEDCs - link to the Rostow
Model. Improved cultural
exchange and understanding.
Global problems may include:
The spread of disease.
Atmospheric pollution through
increased travel. Cultural
antagonism and the growth of
nationalism. TNC domination.
Local benefits may include:
Employment. New language and
IT skills. The local multiplier effect.
Local problems may include:
Cultural dilution and moral
degradation. The creation of
homogenous landscapes and the
disappearance of local
distinctiveness. Environmental
pollution where the number of
visitors exceeds carrying capacity.
Domination of the tourist business
by foreign-owned TNCs leading to
economic leakage.
Provides direct employment in hotels, bars,
shops. Also provides indirect employment e.g.
souvenir makers, builders etc. Provides a much
needed input of foreign currency. Attracts
foreign investment in hotels and bars. Improves
the infrastructure (roads, hospitals, ports etc).
The tourists can pollute and damage the
environment. People that work in the tourism
trade benefit but people who don't can be
worse off - decline in traditional
employment. Building up the infrastructure can
be very costly. Breaks down the traditional
culture. Much of the profit goes overseas to
MEDCs. Tourism tends to be limited to certain
areas. Country can rely on tourism too much
and fail to develop other industries.
Positive effects of tourism on the economy
One of the main reasons for the huge growth in tourism is the positive effect it can have on the
economy of an area. The nature of the industry means that it provides many jobs and generates
substantial revenue. This can be particularly important for less developing countries as it provides
a valuable source of foreign revenue. To evaluate the success of tourism you need to look at
where the money generated goes. If it is invested locally on new services such as infrastructure,
schools and local projects, then any money generated by tourism is having a positive effect on
the local economy and society. The jobs generated should also go to the locals so that the
economy will benefit from the multiplier effect.
Tobago's economy is tightly linked with Trinidad,
and is based on natural gas, petrochemicals, and
The principal economic forces specific to Tobago
are tourism and government spending.
Negative effects of tourism on the economy
The negative effects of tourism for an economy are determined by the distribution of the money
generated and the allocation of jobs. We use the term 'leakage' to help explain this. Leakage is
the amount of money that escapes (whether directly or indirectly) from the local economy. For
example, if a British tour company owns an overseas hotel it is possible that: The management of
the resort are British so a percentage of their wages will be leakage - especially if they are on a
fixed contract for maybe a year or two. British staff are employed to run the hotel on a seasonal
basis. Therefore a large percentage of their income will eventually be spent in the British
economy. Some tour operators export food to their hotels so suppliers in the UK benefit instead
of the local suppliers.
There is a situation in Goa where one company owns the hotel, coach and airline. So the holiday
is booked in Germany (travel agent takes a cut), the tourists fly on a German airline, are met by
that company's employee, taken on the company's bus to the company's hotel. It is clear to see
how little of the money spent by the tourists will get into the Goan economy!
The tourism in Trinidad and Tobago
can start off a multiplier effect allowing
many of the locals to benefit from this
industry, in their own area of expertise.
The money does not mostly go to the
natives, but to the major tourist
companies such as Hotel Inn. This
means that the locals can still suffer
from poverty.
The tourism can bring more money into
the country thus enabling it to pay off
more of foreign debt. (The country has
a public debt of 26.7% (est. 2009).
Because much of the money does not go
to the locals then they cannot get out of
their own personal debts with local
The country has a GDP (PPP) of $24,748 Multinationals hire locals but for the
per capita (est. 2008). Tourism boosts
majority of them their salaries will be
the GDP.
Tobago: Conventional beach and water-sports tourism is
largely focused in the south-west around the airport and
the coastal strip; however, ecotourism is growing in
significance, and much of it is focused on the large area of
protected forest in the centre and north of the main island
and on Little Tobago, a small island off the north east tip of
the main island = enclave tourism.
Society and culture
Positive effects of tourism on culture
It is inevitable that tourism will have a major effect on the culture and society of an area. By
promoting tourism you are encouraging contact between different cultures. Indeed many people
deliberately choose to experience a culture very different to their own. Here follows a list of five
positive effects of tourism.
1. For many, the experience of different cultures is seen as an enriching and educating one. The
benefits can be felt by the hosts and the visitors.
2. The breaking down of prejudices as people experience other cultures and societies. This is
directly linked to the fact that most prejudice is a consequence of ignorance.
3. The strengthening of a culture as that culture becomes supported by tourism.
4. Reduction in the dilution of culture as locals don't have to migrate to find work.
5. The emancipation of women in the receiving culture as they witness the lives of women from
western society.
Negative effects of tourism on culture
Unfortunately, tourism can have a very negative effect on culture and society.
This occurs as one culture fails to treat the other with the respect it deserves.
Five negative effects are:
Cultural erosion as traditional ceremonies are performed for tourists their cultural or religious
importance is diminished.
Traditional industry that is very important to the culture can be forced to close as they are seen
as detrimental to the tourist industry.
Traditional cultures are abandoned as young people look to foreign cultures for their role models.
Cultures are destroyed as drugs, child prostitution, HIV are introduced as a side effect of tourism.
Locals can resent the tourists as they fail to pay local culture the necessary respect.
More income goes to the locals and thus Tourism might benefit some areas and
they are able to use the leisure
some locals much more than others =
amnesties that are provided for the
enclave tourism.
tourists and thus engage in the tourist’s
way of living.
Tourists get to obtain knowledge about
the surroundings of Trinidad and
People that work in the tourism trade
benefit but people who don't can be
worse off - decline in traditional
Tourism will have an affect on the environment. The extent and nature of the affect
will depend on the management of the scheme.
Positive effects of tourism on the environment
It is possible for tourism to be good for the environment. Sustainable tourism attempts
to use the resources available whilst also conserving them for the future. If
sustainable tourism can be developed, the money generated can be used to repair
and improve the natural or built environment.
Tourism can also be used to educate people and raise awareness of the importance of
environments - hopefully securing their future. One of the biggest growth areas in
tourism is eco-tourism. This is where the package has a definite environmental focus.
Tobago is once again the world´s leading green destination at the
World Travel Awards
Tobago Main Ridge Rain Forest has on the sixth year in a row won the
prestigous eco-price of the The World Travel Award.
Tobago Main Ridge Rain Forest is the oldest tropical rainforest in the
western hemisphere and was declared a protected area as early as in
1776. The rainforest is home to more than 210 different species of
Tobago´s Main Ridge
Reserve claims to be
the oldest protected
forest in the Western
world. It was
designated as a
protected Crown
reserve in 1776.
It has remained a
protected area ever
Negative effects of tourism on the
If mismanaged, tourism can have negative effects
on the built or natural environment. This occurs
when the volume of tourists exceed the
environment's carrying capacity. The carrying
capacity of an environment is the number of
visitors that environment can receive without
causing damage to that environment. The
carrying capacity is difficult to define, as it is
dependant on value judgment. Who decides
when the number of tourists has a direct link to
the annihilation of the very thing that they have
come to visit?
Negative effects of tourism on the environment
include footpath erosion. Tourism can also have
more serious effects on the environment. The
arrival of package tourism can destroy local water
supplies, led to the removal of mangrove swamps
and pollute the seas.
Trinidad and Tobago specific: Coral reefs have
been damaged recently by silt and mud runoff
during construction of roads. There are many
Tourists are educated about the local
Building the hotels has ruined some of
the beautiful landscape = visual
Tourism finances conservation like the
protection of the Tobago Main Ridge
Rain Forest.
The building of hotels and
infrastructure threatens species
through loss of habitat.
Coral reefs might be damaged due to
construction of hotels, roads etc.
Divers can damage corals.
Boat anchors can damage corals.
Tourism income can be used on
Increased pollution from planes and