Brooke Stewart TEDU 566 Case Study Report Sofia is in the fourth grade in a Henrico County Public School She was recommended by her teacher to participate in the remediation sessions. This is her 5th year at this school. Sofia is 9 years and 2 months old. Her hobbies include spending time with friends, playing outside, and playing on her family’s iPad. She also likes to go to kickboxing class with her best friend. Sofia has five people in her family; four people live with her and one person does not. Sofia is a twin and she has a total of three sisters. Sofia’s percentile ranks for the Elementary Reading Attitude Survey are 35% recreational, 64% academic, leading to a score of 48% on the full-scale percentile. She enjoys reading books in her free time while at school and learning from books. She does not like to answer questions based on the readings or take reading tests. Sofia indicated that she least likes reading during the summer, reading instead of playing, answering questions about readings, taking reading tests, and reading time in class. During tutoring sessions, Sofia works efficiently and almost always completes all selected tasks for the session. She is a hard worker and is often able to self-correct mistakes while completing tasks. However, she can become discouraged when she makes mistakes when reading and this can affect her reading until she regains her confidence. Sofia can become discouraged while reading when she knows the examiner is making notes about her reading. Assessments were conducted to determine Sofia’s current reading level and to evaluate her areas of strength and areas that need support. Writing Skills Ideas & Content 4 Organization 3 Voice 2 Word Choice 3 Sentence Fluency 3 Conventions 3 Sofia was encouraged to brainstorm ideas before writing. She was given a piece of paper and pencil to brainstorm with. Sofia chose to verbally brainstorm ideas for her initial writing sample. She decided to write about playing with her friends at home because that is her favorite thing to do. Sofia verbally brainstormed ideas for three minutes and then completed her writing sample. When she was finished, she read her writing sample aloud and was satisfied with the way it sounded so she chose not to add any additional details. Her completed writing sample consisted of three sentences. She seemed interested in her writing and paused to think while completing her writing sample. The examiner used the 6+1 trait rubric to score the writing sample. For this writing sample, Sofia scored 18/36, or 50%. Areas in need of support were voice, organization, word choice, sentence fluency, and conventions. Main areas that were lacking were conventions and organization. Punctuation and appropriate sentence structure were used but confused. Her organization of ideas jumped from idea to idea and lacked a clear beginning and ending. Sofia talked about playing outside with her friend, then she began talking about going to kickboxing, and finally she went back to playing with her friend at her friend’s house. Also, Sofia frequently began sentences with the word “sometimes” and her sentence length and structure was limited. The writing sample indicated a need for spelling instruction. She misspelled “her” and separated compound words like “kickboxing” and “outside.” Word Knowledge Elementary Spelling Inventory (ESI) Feature Points: 39/62 Words Spelled Correctly: 11/25 Spelling Stage: Late Within Word Pattern Known Using but Confusing Initial and Final Consonants Short Vowels Blends Common Long Vowels Digraphs Other Vowels Inflected Endings Syllable Junctures Absent Unaccented Final Syllables Harder Suffixes Bases and Roots When assessed in the Words Their Way Elementary Spelling Inventory (ESI), information was obtained about Sofia’s orthographic knowledge. Sofia received 39 out of 62 feature points for the EDI and she spelled 11 out of 25 words correctly. Sofia shows understanding of and proficiency with initial and final consonants, short vowels, blends, and common long vowels. The assessment showed Sofia needed growth in the following areas: -sh and –ch digraphs, other vowels such as –oi, -ew, and –or, inflected endings such as –ies and –ed, and syllable junctures such as –rr, and –tt. Knowledge of unaccented final syllables like –le, -or, -en, and –or were absent. The knowledge of all harder suffixes (-ure, -ate, -ent, -ize, and –tion) and the knowledge of all bases and roots (pleas-, fortun-, confid-, civil-, and pos-) were absent. Reading Skill Qualitative Reading Inventory-5 Word List Results Level Total Correct Identified Total Number Correct Functional Level 1st Total Automatically Identified 19/20=95% 1/20=5% 20/20=100% Independent 2nd 15/20=75% 2/20=10% 17/20=85% Instructional 3rd 13/20=65% 2/20=10% 15/20=75% Instructional 4th 10/20=50% 4/20=20% 14/20=70% Instructional 5th 10/20=50% 2/20=10% 12/20=60% Frustrational Passage Results Passage Level Title Type of Text Prior Knowledge (Score/ Rating) Quality of Predictio n Oral Reading (Score/ Rating) Total Accuracy and Total Acceptability Fluency Retelling (Number of Ideas/ Rating) Comprehe nsion Overall Level Level 1: Mouse In A House N 5/9 56% Familiar 2 Accuracy: 98.8% IND Acceptability: 100% IND 129/127 WPM/C WPM 29/44 65.9% IMP: 3/3 100% EXP: 3/3 100% TOT: 6/6 100% IND Level 2: What Can I Get For My Toy? N 3/9 33% Unfamiliar 3 Accuracy: 98.8% IND Acceptability: 100% IND 114/89 WPM/C WPM 21/38 55.2% IMP: 2/4 50% EXP: 4/4 100% TOT: 6/8 75% IND/INS Level 3: The Trip To The Zoo N 10/12 83% Familiar 3 Accuracy: 99.4% IND Acceptability: 98.7% IND 161/158 WPM/C WPM 30/55 54.5% IMP: 3/4 75% EXP: 4/4 100% TOT: 7/8 87.5% IND/INS Level 4: Johnny Appleseed N 6/12 50% Unfamiliar 3 Accuracy: 99.4% IND Acceptability: 98.7% IND 80/79 WPM/C WPM 11/44 23.4% IMP: 3/4 75% EXP: 2/4 50% TOT: 5/8 62.5% IND/FR Overall Instructional Level: Level 3 Word List On the level one word list, Sofia identified 19 out of 20 words automatically with the percentage of 95% level of automatic accuracy. She identified 1 out of 20 correctly to make a total of 20 out of 20 (100%) and scored at the independent level for the level one word list. She identified 15 out of 20 words automatically with a 75% automatic identification and 2 out of 20 (10%) identified correctly to reach 85% total correct on the level two list. Sofia scored at the instructional level for the second list. She reached 65% automatic identification and 75% total identification on the third level list, scoring at instructional level. The fourth level list shoed 10 out of 20 automatically identified and 4 out of 40 correctly identified, creating a total number identified of 14 out of 20 (70%). Sofia scored at the instructional level for the fourth list. On the fifth word list, Sofia automatically identified 10 out of 20 words (50%) and 2 out of 20 were correctly identified (10%) to make a total of 12 out of 20 total words identified. Sofia scored 60% and at the frustration level on the fifth list. She performs well when identifying words in isolation on the QRI word lists as well as when reading words in context. No differences were noted in her ability to identify words in isolation and in context. Reading Passages Sofia was asked to read four narrative passages spanning level one to level four. She read the level one passage, “Mouse In A House” to examine her reading level. She read the passage with 98.8% total accuracy and 100% total acceptability. She recalled 65.9% (29 out of 44) ideas and scored 3 on explicit and 3 on implicit questions. She scored 100% comprehension on the level one passage. Her prediction quality received a score of 2 because of her limited connection to the title and to her background knowledge. The passage was scored as 55.6% familiar based off of her concept questions’ scores. On the level one passage, Sofia’s reading rate was 129 WPM. Then, Sofia read a level two narrative passage entitled, “What Can I Get For My Toy?” She read with 98.8% total accuracy and 100% total acceptability. Her prediction score was 3 with being able to connect the title and drawing on her limited background knowledge. She was able to retell 55.2% (21 out of 38) of ideas from the passage. She answered 2 implicit and 4 explicit questions correctly. Her level of comprehension for the level two text was 75%, leading to an instructional level. Her reading rate for this passage was 114WPM. Next, Sofia read a level three passage, “The Trip To The Zoo.” She scored 99.4% total accuracy and 98.7% total acceptability. Her prediction score for the level three passage was a 3 because of her background knowledge and connection to the passage’s title. Sofia was able to recall 30 out of 55 ideas from the passage (54.5%). This passage was 83.3% familiar, as determined by her scores on the concept questions. She read the passage at 161 WPM and answered 4 explicit and 3 implicit questions correctly for a percentage of 87.5%. Sofia reached instructional level for the level three passage. For the final passage, the level four passage, “Johnny Appleseed,” Sofia scored 99.4% total accuracy and 98.7% total acceptability. Her prediction score was 3 for her connection to the title of the passage and concept questions. She was able to recall 11 out of 47 ideas from the passage (23.4%) and read at a rate of 80.3WPM. Sofia answered 2 explicit questions and 3 implicit questions correctly, for a total score of 62.5%. Sofia scored at frustration level for this passage. Sofia reads an average of 113.4 CWPM between the four passages; according to the Hasbrouck & Tindal Oral Reading Fluency Data (2006), her reading rate is higher than the average fourth grader’s reading rate. Sofia’s total accuracy while reading is at the independent level across all four passages. When considering the comprehension portion of the assessment, she has difficulty recalling ideas and answering implicit and explicit questions. There is no pattern with her familiarity with a passage and overall comprehension of the passage. For example, she scored 33.3% unfamiliar on the level two passage and answers 6 out of 8 questions correctly, therefore she scored at instructional level for the passage. Although Sofia recalled an average of 49.75% of ideas from the passages, she was about to read each passage, with the exception of the level four passage, with out difficulty. She had difficulty recalling ideas from the passages she read. Sofia reached frustration level on the level four passage, indicating she is instructional at the level three passage. Listening Vocabulary Knowledge Score Summary Student’s Chronological Age 9 years 1 month 18 days Raw Score 140 Standard Score 95 Confidence Interval- 90% 89-102 Percentile 37 Normal Curve Equivalent NCE 43 Stanine 4 Age Equivalent 5:9 Grade Equivalent K.1 Description Low Average According to the PPVT’s criteria, Sofia’s chronological age is 9 years 1 month. Her birthday is September 8, 2006 and the test date was October 26, 2015. Her raw score is 140 and her percentile ranking is 37. Sofia scored 43 for the Normal Curve Equivalent and her stanine score was determined to be 4. Her age equivalent is 5:9 and grade equivalent is K.1. Sofia’s basal set was established at age 9 and she was able to complete all sets up to item 156. Her ceiling set was scored at ages 17-18. Her PPVT-4 score put her at the low average placement for her graphical profile. Her standard score was 95. Summary of Assessments Although the writing sample is not very long, it provides information about the areas Sofia needs extra support in. She wrote about what she likes to do with her friends at home since that is her favorite thing to do at home. There is a lack of organization when considering a clear beginning, middle, and end. She made errors with conventions like grammar and punctuation, which hinder the writing sample’s readability. Also, there was a capitalization error by capitalizing the proper noun, Veda. The ideas in the writing sample fit the topic she decided to write about, but the ideas are choppy and jump from idea to idea without transitions. For example, she wrote, “I like to do is play outside go kick boxsing with veda.” She jumped from talking about playing outside to going kickboxing without supporting details. After, she mentioned playing at Veda’s house. Sofia needs more instruction on writing organization, conventions, and, sentence fluency. When considering the Elementary Spelling Inventory (ESI) from Words Their Way, Sofia scored in the Late Within Word Pattern stage. She has a firm grasp on initial and final consonants, short vowels, blends, and common long vowels. She is able to use, but still confuses, digraphs (-sh and –ch), other vowels (-oi, -ew, and –or), inflected endings (-ies and –ed) and syllable junctures (-rr and –tt). All unaccented and final syllables but –er were absent and all features from the harder suffixes and bases or roots categories were absent. She spelled a total of 11 out of 25 words correctly and received 39 out of 62 feature points. Sofia accurately identified the majority of the words in levels 1 to 5 in word recognition. There was no notable difference in her scores when identifying words in isolation and in words in context. She was able to automatically identify 95% of words on the first list. When she was not able to correctly identify the word on her first attempt, the word she said was visually similar to the word on the list, for example, she said “thought” instead of “though” on the second list and “previous” instead of “precious” on the fourth passage. She was able to self-correct herself six times across the five lists. Her average reading rate of 113.4 is above the fourth grade average. However, Sofia recalled an average of 49.75% of the details from the passages. She was able to recall general information or main ideas from the passages. Sofia is at an instructional level for the level two and three passages. When the QRI concept questions and familiarity were considered, Sofia scored higher on implicit and explicit questions when the passage was familiar. The higher her familiarity percentage, the higher she scored on the implicit and explicit questions. Look backs were not utilized for the narrative passages. When Sofia made predictions about the passages, she used a combination of the concept questions and the title of the passage for the level two, three, and four passages. For the level one text, Sofia used the concept questions to make a prediction about the passage. Sofia mentioned she used her background knowledge of a previous field trip to the zoo when recalling ideas from the level three passage, “The Trip To The Zoo.” She made connections to the passage based off of the field trip she went on. Sofia scored at a low average for the PPVT-4. Her basal set was established at age 9 and her ceiling set was at ages 17-18. She was not tested above her ceiling set. As the age level increased during the assessment, she made more errors. The biggest jump in errors made occurred between the age 13 set where she made 0 errors and the ages 14-16 set where she made 5 errors. During the assessment, she second-guessed herself three times, which resulted in her choosing the incorrect answer. Additionally, she indicated at multiple points during the assessment that she was unsure of the answer. When she was instructed to choose the best answer, she would look at the four options again before selecting an answer. Sofia also mentioned she knew she had heard or learned about a word before but was not able to remember exactly what the word was or meant. Overall, Sofia is consistent in all assessments. The results from the assessments are stable. Completing two QRI passages in one sitting did not affect her scores. A factor that may have affected the assessments that were conducted could be the testing environment and it’s distractions. The only noticeable distraction from the environment that was seen was during the PPVT-4 when other examiners were walking between their testing location and another group’s testing location to deliver the PPVT-4 testing materials. Recommended Instructional Plan Word Knowledge (Phonics and Vocabulary) In the spelling inventory, the examiner recommends beginning instruction at the middle of the within word pattern stage and increasing to the late within word pattern stage. Sofia needs instruction on –sh and –ch digraphs as well. The examiner suggests completing blind written sorts and writing sentences with her to improve her grasp of digraphs. Sofia needs instruction on other vowels and inflected endings in order to move into the early syllables and affixes stage. The examiner suggests introducing the –oi, -ew, and –or word features by comparing each feature to a similar feature the student already has a grasp on. For example, instruction for the –ew word feature could be compared to the –ow word feature. The examiner suggests using word sorts, blind sorts, written sorts, and word study games like Words Their Way’s racetrack game, which can be adapted for many word features. Finally, the examiner recommends incorporating word study with phonics instruction by finding patterns in words with Sofia. To improve Sofia’s vocabulary, the examiner suggests using synonym webs to study word meanings. Word ladders are another organizer that could help her see how words relate to one another. Studying synonyms will also help enrich her word choice and voice when writing. Additionally, the examiner suggests having Sofia identify words she does not know the meaning for prior to reading. Then, Sofia could check to see if there is a glossary (when reading nonfiction texts) or if she can figure out the word’s meaning by context clues. If not, the examiner suggests having Sofia use a dictionary to find the word’s meaning and selecting the best meaning for the word’s context. The examiner also suggests using the four-square graphic organizer to study new words and develop what the word is similar to, it’s definition, and non-examples. Fluency (Oral Reading) The examiner suggests poetry readings and reading familiar texts to improve Sofia’s reading fluency. Additionally, modeling fluent reading and having her hear fluent reading from others would be beneficial Sofia’s fluency skills. Echo reading, choral reading, and reading with Sofia could help her with read with correct phrasing and expression, as well as fluency. The examiner suggests doing repeated readings with partners or using reader’s theater to build fluency and practice reading with expression. Modeling how to read with expression and voice and allowing her to practice reading with expression would help Sofia’s reading. Sofia could read a poem or familiar text while being recorded and once she is finished reading, she could listen to herself reading the text. After listening to herself, Sofia could identify what she wants to work on to read more fluently the next reading. She could then practice reading more fluently by improving the area she identified as needed improvement. For example, if she plays the recording back and hears she stumbled on a specific phrase, she could practice reading the specific phrase and then incorporating it into the entire passage. Comprehension Since Sofia would benefit from comprehension growth, having her connect texts to other texts, texts to self, and texts to the world would help her relate what she is reading to herself, other things books and information she has already read, and to the world around her. Text-totext, text-to-self, and text-to-world are good strategies to use with Sofia because they will require her to consider what she has read and how she can relate what she has read to what she already knows, whether it is through another text, something she has experience, or something that is happening in the world. While reading, Sofia had various rates of reading. When she the QRI passages, she seemed more concerned with reading the words rather than comprehending what she was reading. Reminding her to slow down could help her comprehension abilities. Another way to increase comprehension could be stopping throughout the text to summarize and discuss what was read. Additionally, she could discuss questions she may have and develop questions she may want to have answered as she continues to read. This strategy would be beneficial to Sofia because it would require her to think about what she is reading and if there is any information she needs that is missing or has not been discovered yet. Graphic organizers like a tchart or story map could help Sofia retain details and important information from her readings. The use of graphic organizers would be beneficial to Sofia because they would require her to reword and write information. Writing To improve Sofia’s writing, the examiner suggests have Sofia read sentences that have common, overused adjectives and have her replace the overused words with more descriptive, interesting adjectives. For example, if Sofia read, “It was cold outside.” She could replace “cold” with freezing, chilly, or frigid. The synonym activities mentioned in the vocabulary section will also help Sofia’s writing, specifically her word choice and voice when writing. Additionally, the examiner suggests working on writing organization with her by using graphic organizers to structure and organize information. The examiner suggests focusing on writing a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence with the Sofia. By working on organization, her writing will have structure and a clear beginning and end. Another instructional strategy that could be implemented is the use of editing and revising writing to check for appropriate sentence structure, grammar, and spelling. A strategy the examiner suggests using with Sofia is the C.O.P.S. editing and proofreading strategy. By showing her the Capitalization, Organization, Punctuation, and Spelling strategy, she will be reminded to check her writing for components that are essential to readability and communicating ideas clearly. Technology Technology will be incorporated into word study, phonics instruction, writing activities, and fluency activities when appropriate. For example, Sofia could complete a word sort for the word feature she is studying on an iPad. She could type her writing sample to experience using a computer for writing. Then, she could edit and revise her writing sample buy copying, pasting, and deleting information. Apps like the Dictionary app can be used to find definitions for words and to find synonyms to replace overused words. Therefore, the examiner suggests using the Dictionary app for assisting the student with word choice and vocabulary. TumbleBooks and Raz Kids allows students to read eBooks. This website will allow Sofia to have more reading choices and will give her the opportunity to read texts digitally. Reassessment/Accomplishments Two reassessments were conducted at the end of the semester. The Elementary Spelling Inventory and the writing sample were conducted to assess Sofia’s progress and improvement. The ESI was administered because Sofia has been working on word features from the ESI. Sofia scored 16 out of 25 words rather than 11/25 on her initial Elementary Spelling Inventory. She scored 49 out of 62 feature points, totaling 65 out of 87 points for the ESI Assessment. Sofia scored 7/7 for long vowels compared to 4/7 on her initial assessment. She scored 5/5 for inflected endings compared to her score of 3/5 on the initial ESI assessment. Sofia initially scored 3/5 for syllable junctures and 1/5 for unaccented final syllables. On the reassessment, she scored 4/5 and 2/5 on syllable junctures and unaccented final syllables respectively. Sofia still missed –tt for syllable junctures. On her initial assessment, Sofia scored 0/5 for harder suffixes. She scored 1/5 on harder suffixes by spelling the –ent word feature. However, her score for bases and roots remained the same. After this semester, Sofia improved from Late Within Word Pattern to Early-Middle Syllables and Affixes. Elementary Spelling Inventory (ESI) Feature Points: 49/62 Words Spelled Correctly: 16/25 Spelling Stage: Early to Middle Syllables and Affixes Known Using but Confusing Initial and Final Consonants Short Vowels Digraphs Blends Common Long Vowels Other Vowels Inflected Endings Syllable Junctures Unaccented Final Syllables Absent Harder Suffixes Bases and Roots Writing Sample Ideas & Content 5 Organization 5 Voice 3 Word Choice 3 Sentence Fluency 3 Conventions 3 She was provided a web template, a pen and a blank sheet of paper for her writing sample. Sofia used a web to brainstorm ideas for the writing topic she chose at the beginning of the semester: “What I like to do after school.” She was given five minutes to brainstorm ideas and fill out her web. Her writing sample consists of nine sentences. Sofia scored a 22 out of 36 using the 6+1 trait rubric. Throughout the sessions, Sofia has been working on the areas she needed improvements. After she used a graphic organizer to brainstorm her thoughts, she was able to produce a writing sample with a clear beginning, middle, and end. She constructed a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence. Sofia scored a 5/6 in Ideas & Content, as well as Organization. At the end of our semester together, Sofia worked on word choice and descriptive language. Her writing sample lacked descriptive language and deliberate word choice. For example, she wrote, “Another thing I like to do is play with my sister. When I play with my sister we play with some of are toys and play teacher.” Sofia scored 3 out of 6 for Word Choice. Additionally, Sofia repeatedly used “When I” to start sentences and varying structure was limited, therefore, she scored a 3/6 for Sentence Fluency. Achievements/Accomplishments Fluency Sofia’s reading fluency has improved through the use of familiar readings. Each session began by reading a familiar poem. She has become more confident in her reading through choral and echo readings. At the beginning of the semester, when asked if she wanted to read alone or together, Sofia would always choose together. Now, she is willing to read on her own and can read a text with fluency by herself. Throughout the semester, her fluency rate has been high, averaging 113.4 CWPM. Running records indicated that Sofia was able to read level N-O and OP passages at an independent level with fluency. While she demonstrated proficient fluency and accuracy with the passages, she needed additional support with comprehending the text. Therefore, she was kept at a level O-P level. Comprehension Initially, Sofia was identified as being instructional at level three. She was placed at a level N-O for instructional reading. This semester, Sofia has been working on comprehension strategies to help her while reading. One strategy she learned about is Self Questioning. She practiced developing questions while reading a passage from Grand Canyon Adventures. Sofia was able to ask questions she had about the passage and identify when they questions she previously asked were answered. She also completed a T-Chart by identifying the main idea and supporting details of a text. Sofia was able to identify the main idea from a chapter of Grand Canyon Adventures. She also found three supporting details in the text. Even though her fluency rate was high, comprehension was identified as a area needing growth. By the end of the semester, she was able to read at a level O-P, while comprehending the text. Vocabulary At the beginning of our sessions, Sofia had a limited understanding of vocabulary or including descriptive words to enhance her writing. Sofia has been working on descriptive vocabulary by focusing on the idea that a writer’s word choice can make the passage more interesting and exciting to read. She completed an activity of finding synonyms for commonly used adjectives like cold and pretty. Another activity she completed was rewriting sentences with commonly used verbs and adjectives. Sofia enjoyed using the Dictionary app to find synonyms for the adjectives and verbs. She was exposed to new words she had not heard before and was able to select a word that she felt made the sentence more interesting to read. By finding synonyms for adjectives and verbs, she learned about the different words writers can choose to use and how those words impact a reader. Sofia used a Four Square graphic organizer to learn about new vocabulary while reading. She was taught how to use the graphic organizer to include information such as the new term, a definition, what the term is like (or synonyms), and what the term is not like (or antonyms). Sofia liked using this organizer and vocalized that she could see herself using this graphic organizer when learning new vocabulary words. Writing Throughout the sessions, Sofia has been working on writing organization. She used graphic organizers like the BLT Paragraph Sandwich to help her organize her thoughts and ideas. She has been working on writing a clear beginning, middle, and end by having a topic sentence, supporting details, and concluding sentence. Her writing has significantly improved; using the knowledge she now has about writing organization. She utilized a graphic organizer to brainstorm and gather her thoughts. Sofia was able to use the organizer to write a nine-sentence paragraph that has a clear beginning, middle, and end. She included details and supporting evidence in her writing sample. However, she did not have descriptive word choice like she studied in her writing sample. Word Study When word study was introduced to Sofia, she was familiar with sorts and how to complete a word sort. During the tutoring sessions, Sofia was able to complete word study lists that focused on the “using, but confusing” areas: digraphs, other vowels, and inflected endings. She was given word sorts, blind sorts, and written sorts to improve her word study. Sofia also completed word sorts using the Sticky Notes app on the iPad. She has shown improvement by being able to sort words into proper headings and by being able to correctly spelling the words in sentences and during blind written sorts. Sofia’s reassessment of the Elementary Spelling Inventory showed a new understanding of word features like –oi, -ew, -or, -ies, -ed, -er, -en, and –ent. Attitude/Achievement Sofia has shown an improvement in her confidence in reading aloud and in her writing ability. Her scores and attitude during sessions show she will continue to improve in reading and writing. Through the semester, Sofia mentioned her interest in animals and becoming a veterinarian when she grows up. One the last day of tutoring, she was given a book by Mary Pope Osborne entitled Stallion at Starlight. She mentioned she enjoyed reading other books from Osborne’s Magic Treehouse series previously. She stated that she would like to read more of the books from this series and other books at home in order to learn more about animals. Sofia has shown improvement throughout the sessions and in reassessments, showing that the tutoring sessions helped her develop strategies to use when reading new texts and writing.