467-810 경기도 이천시 마장면 해월리 165번지 사서함 : 경기도 이천우체국 사서함 31호, 467-660 (대표) Fax : 031-630-6667 Tel : 031-630-6114 (직통) Fax : 031-630-6666 Tel : 031-630-6189 인화전문 수 신 참 조 제 목 : 제 2003-086호 : 수신처 사장 : 관련 임원 :「NCDM Summer 2003」참가 & 해외 현지 세미나 실시 안내 2003. 05. 14 현재는 CRM(Customer Relationship Management)및 마케팅의 중요성을 일찍 부터 인식, 각사별로 자사에 적합한 전략과 과제를 설정하고 지속적인 경쟁우위 확보를 위해 각고의 노력을 경주해 오고 있습니다. 그러나 한편으로는 참고할 만한 정보와 자료의 부족으로 적지 않은 어려움을 겪고 있는 것도 사실입니다. 이에 저희 인화원은 각사 CRM/마케팅 역량 강화에 일조코자 다음과 같이 해외연수를 실시합니다. 세계 최대 규모의 CRM/마케팅 Conference인「NCDM(National Centers for Database Marketing) Summer 2003」참가 및 해외 현지 세미나를 통해 선진 CRM의 현황과 기업별 적용사례를 분석하고 자사의 현위치를 진단, 평가해 볼 수 있는 좋은 계기가 되리라 생각합니다. 특히 이번 연수는 단지 Conference 참가뿐 아니라 현지 및 국내의 전문가가 참가자를 위해 준비한 2차례의 세미나와 Conference 당일 저녁의 Debriefing시간을 운영, 밀도있는 내용 으로 편성하였습니다. 아울러 철저한 사전 준비와 결과 공유를 통해 연수 효과를 극대화할 예정입니다. 여러가지 일로 바쁘시겠지만 CRM 및 마케팅부문의 핵심인력이 본 연수에 참가할 수 있도록 적극 독려해 주시면 감사하겠습니다. - 다 음 - 1. 참가목적 - 사업의 핵심인 Database Marketing/CRM에 대한 최신 정보 습득 및 Trend 파악 - 업계 최고의 Marketing Program과 귀사의 Marketing Program의 비교를 통한 마케팅의 성공요인(KSF) 파악 - LG 및 각사 사내전문가의 육성을 통한 Marketing Leadership 제고 2. 참가대상 - 현재 CRM을 추진하고 있거나 향후 추진할 계획에 있는 각사의 관련 핵심인력 - 마케팅부문 간부사원 및 사원 3. 연수개요 - 일 정 : 2003년 7월 26일(土) ~ 8월 3일(日) (8박9일) - 장 소 : Long Beach Convention Center. Long Beach, CA - 비 용 : 인당 450만원(참가비 포함) · 항공료/숙박비(2인/1실)제외(항공료 및 숙박비는 인당 250만원 수준, 추후 확정) · 식사 및 기타 개인 비용 제외 - 내 용 구 분 Pre-Meeting NCDM Conference & Exhibition 내 용 사전 Orientation 7 Tracks, 71 Sessions 으로 구성 ☞ www.ncdmsummer.com 참조 세미나 Ⅰ Total Debriefing about NCDM 세미나 Ⅱ 미국의 CRM 추세 미국의 CRM 성공/실패 사례 Review 성공 요인 분석 결론 및 토론 Follow-up Meeting 현업 적용 Idea 공유 비 진 행 박종규사장 (Xsolution Consulting) Session별 개별 참가 고 일시 : 7/10 15:00~17:00 장소 : 트윈 서관 2402호 일정 : 7/28~ 7/30 박종규 대표 7/31 13:00~18:00 Hotel Seminar Room 이상엽 Consultant 8/1 13:00∼18:00 Hotel Seminar Room 박종규 대표 일시 : 8/21 14:00~18:00 장소 : 트윈 동관 3107호 *Debriefing:코디네이터(박종규대표, 이상엽Consultant)와 당일 Conference 내용 정리 및 Discussion 4. 기타 - 참가신청은 5월 30일(금)까지 별첨 6. 참가신청서를 작성하여 e-mail이나 Fax.031-6306666로 송부해 주시기 바랍니다. - 기타 문의사항은 인화원 전문교육팀 김주원 차장 (Tel.031-630-6189,jwkim@lgacademy.com) 에게 연락주시기 바랍니다. 별첨 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 연수일정 Conference Schedule Quick Takes Schedule Sessions by Track Coordinator & 강사약력 참가신청서 “끝” (주) LG경영개발원/인화원 대표이사 부 회장 이 문 호 결 필 수신처 : 전 자매사 1 별첨 1. 연수일정 일자 시 간 정 16:00∼18:00 - Role & Responsibility W/S 08:00∼17:00 - Conference 참가 19:00∼20:30 - Debriefing 07:45∼16:30 - Conference 참가 19:00∼20:30 - Debriefing 07:45∼16:30 - Conference 참가 17:00∼19:00 - Debriefing ∼12:00 13:00∼18:00 - Break - Total Debriefing ·박종규 대표/이상엽 컨설턴트 7/28(월) 7/29(화) 7/30(수) 7/31(목) ∼12:00 13:00∼18:00 8/1(금) 8/2(토) 8/3(일) 장 소 교통편 - 인천국제공항 출발 7/26(토) 7/27(일) 일 13:30∼ ∼17:00 Hotel Long Beach Convention Ctr Hotel Long Beach Convention Ctr Hotel Long Beach Convention Ctr Hotel Hotel - Break -Seminar: •미국의 CRM 추세 •CRM 성공/실패 사례 Review •성공 요인 분석 •결론 및 토론 •강사 : 이상엽 컨설턴트 Hotel - LA 출발 - 인천공항 도착 * 서울/LA 왕복 비행 일정은 추후 확정 예정임 2 Conference Schedule 별첨 2. Monday, July 28, 2003 (Pre-Conference Intensives) 08:00 - 08:30 15:30 - 16:30 Continental Breakfast Core Competencies/Marketing Strategies/Systems and Technology. Networking Luncheon Core Competencies/Marketing Strategies/Management Challenges/Modeling and Analysis Opening Keynote Presentation 16:30 - 18:30 Grand opening reception in the Exhibit Hall 08:30 - 11:15 11:30 - 12:30 12:45 - 15:15 Tuesday, July 29, 2003 07:45 - 08:30 08:00 - 09:15 Continental Breakfast Core Competencies/B2B/CRM/Marketing Strategies 09:30 - 10:30 10:30 - 11:15 Keynote Presentation Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall *Quick Takes(Core Competencies/B2B/CRM/Marketing Strategies/Management Challenges/Systems and Technology/ Modeling and Analysis) Luncheon in the Exhibit Hall Core Competencies/B2B/CRM/Marketing Strategies/ Management Challenges/Systems and Technology/Modeling and Analysis CRM/Marketing Strategies/Management Challenges/ Systems and Technology/Modeling and Analysis Networking reception in the Exhibit Hall 11:15 - 12:45* 12:45 - 14:00 14:15 - 15:15 15:30 - 16:30 16:30 - 18:30 Wednesday, July 30, 2003 07:45 - 08:30 08:00 - 09:15 09:30 - 10:30 10:30 - 14:00 10:30 - 11:15 11:15 - 12:45* 12:45 - 14:00 14:15 - 15:15 15:30 - 16:30 Continental Breakfast Core Competencies/B2B/CRM/Marketing Strategies/ Management Challenges/Systems and Technology/Modeling and Analysis Keynote Presentation Exhibit Hall Open Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall *Quick Takes(Core Competencies/B2B/CRM/ Marketing Strategies/Management Challenges/ Systems and Technology/Modeling and Analysis) Luncheon in the Exhibit Hall B2B/Marketing Strategies/Systems and Technology/ Modeling and Analysis Marketing Strategies/Systems and Technology/Modeling and Analysis 3 Quick Takes Schedule 별첨 3. Tuesday, July 29, 2003 • Core Competencies 11:15 Uncovering Opportunity and Increasing ROI with Customer-Centric Database Analysis • Business-to Business 11:15 From Suspects to Sales: A Case Study in Business-to-Business Demand Generation and Sales Lead Management 11:45 The Search for Valuable Small Business Customers: Linking Credit data to Marketing Success 12:15 Leveraging the Web to Target Online Businesses Like Never Before • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 11:15 Servicing Customers Effectively Across Multiple Channels in Real Time 11:45 Cross-Selling and the One-Stop Customer Experience: A Case Study • Marketing Strategies 11:15 Segmenting Your Customer Base for Greater Profits and Market Share: A Victoria’s Secret Case Study 11:45 Combining Business Demographics and Econometric Segmentation to Build relationships and Discover Market Potential 12:15 Uniting a Top Music Company’s Marketing Strategy: A Universal Music Group Case Study • Management Challenges 11:15 Privacy: Honesty if the Best Policy 11:45 Keeping Promises: How to Set and Meet Your Customer’s Expectations 12:15 Creativity in Analytics: The New Competitive Advantage • Systems and Technology 11:15 Successfully Marrying Technology and Marketing: A Key Bank Case Study 11:45 Transforming Your Software RFP Process into a Decision-Enabling Tool 12:15 Selecting Business Intelligence Tools: An American Bar Association Case Study 4 • Modeling and Analysis 11:15 From RFM to Nets and Back: Evolution of a Cataloger’s Mailing Model 11:45 A New Method of Data Mining for Catalog Response Models 12:15 Using Business Documents to Find, Reach and Keep Customers Wednesday, July 30, 2003 • Core Competencies 11:15 What Every Marketer Should Know About Building Best Customer Models • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 11:15 How Nextel Overcame the Challenges of Online Customer Relationship Marketing in a Multichannel Environment 11:45 Three Keys to Superior Marketplace Performance: Customer, Competitor and Company Orientation 12:15 From concept to Concrete: The Birth of a CRM Practice in an International Resort Corporation • Marketing Strategies 11:15 How Innovative Marketing Strategies Can Support Customer Relationships and Oneto-One Marketing 11:45 How State-of-the-Art Search and Navigation Technology Unleashes Enterprise Data to Drive Revenues 12:15 Direct Mail Campaigns: Outsourcing or In-House? • Management Challenges 11:15 Turning Contacts into Customers: A BMW Case History 11:45 Sharing Architectures, Best Practices and Standards Across the Enterprise 12:15 Delivering Real-Time “Personalized” Recommendations to Automate 1:1 Relationships • Modeling and Analysis 11:15 Linking What Customers Say to What They Do 11:45 A New Method for Maximizing Customer Lifetime Value 12:15 Ten Deadly Data Mining Errors and How to Avoid the Them 5 별첨 4. Sessions by Track Business to Business (B2B) • The Power of Scoring and Segmentation of Business-to-Business Leads • From Suspects to Sales: A Case Study in Business-to-business Demand Generation and Sales Lead Management • The Search for Valuable Small Business Customers: Linking Credit data to Marketing Success • Leveraging the Web to Target Online Businesses Like Never Before • Tracking New Leads and Sales Revenue in a B-to-B Environment • Launching a Customer Loyalty Effort in a B-to-B Environment Core Competencies (CC) • Basics to Best Practices : Database Marketing to CRM-Part I • Basics to Best Practices : Database Marketing to CRM-Part II • Executing an Effective Single-model Selection Strategy for Complex Direct Mail Programs • Uncovering Opportunity and Increasing ROI with Customer-Centric Database Analysis • New Address Hygiene Tools from the USPS: DPV & DSF(2) • How to Design and Evaluate Database Marketing Tests • What Every Marketer Should Know About Building Best Customer Models Customer Relation Management (CRM) • How-To’s for Bootstrapping Your Database to Achieve Double-Digit Response • Servicing Customers Effectively Across Multiple Channels in Real Time • Cross-Selling and the One-Stop Customer Experience: A Case Study • Increase Revenue by Integration Web, Call Center and Print • Enhanced Messaging for the integrated Direct Marketer • Integration Marketing Knowledge and Service Functions: An AT&T Case Study • Developing a Complete Customer Profile by Reconciling Online and Offline Customer Information • How Nextel Overcame the Challenges of Online Customer Relationship Marketing in a Multichannel Environment • Three Keys to Superior Marketplace Performance: Customer, Competitor and Company Orientation • From concept to Concrete: The Birth of a CRM Practice in an International Resort Corporation 6 Management Challenges (MGMT) • Integrated Marketing” Blending E-Dialog (and Management Buy-In) into Your Sales Channels to Improve Sales Productivity • Privacy: Honesty if the Best Policy • Keeping Promises: How to Set and Meet Your Customer’s Expectations • Creativity in Analytics: The New Competitive Advantage • Maximizing the Value of Vendors, Partners and Agencies • Avoiding Advertising Pitfalls: Staying on the Gook Side of the Federal Trade Commission and State Attorneys General • The Costly Misunderstanding Between Sales and Marketing Marketing Strategies (MS) • Breakthrough Marketing: 14 Steps to Success and Double-Digit Response • Inside the Customer’s Mind: A Step-by-Step Framework for Building Profitable Customer Relationships • How to Profit from Linking Your Database to the Web • Optimizing Customer Response: 10 Surefire Ways to Improve Your Direct Marketing Results • Segmenting Your Customer Base for Greater Profits and Market Share: A Victoria’s Secret Case Study • Combining Business Demographics and Econometric Segmentation to Build relationships and Discover Market Potential • Uniting a Top Music Company’s Marketing Strategy: A Universal Music Group Case Study • How to Compute Lifetime Value and Use it to Guide Your Marketing Strategy • Capturing the Customer’s True Voice Through Unstructured Data • How Catalogers Gain Greater Visibility Through Multiple Order Channels • How Innovative Marketing Strategies Can Support Customer Relationships and One-to-One Marketing • How State-of-the-Art Search and Navigation Technology Unleashes Enterprise Data to Drive Revenues • Direct Mail Campaigns: Outsourcing or In-House? • Today’s Hottest E-Mail Marketing Techniques • Building an Effective Multichannel Strategy for Retailers 7 Modeling / Analysis (MA) • A Primer on the Essentials of Modeling for Direct Marketers • From RFM to Nets and Back: Evolution of a Cataloger’s Mailing Model • A New Method of Data Mining for Catalog Response Models • Using Business Documents to Find, Reach and Keep Customers • New Data Mining Systems for Prospecting: The New York Times Experience • Assessing Model Performance: Beyond the Gains Table • A Fresh Look at Predictive Modeling: Modeling Hundreds of Campaigns Through a New Mathematical Approach • Linking What Customers Say to What They Do • A New Method for Maximizing Customer Lifetime Value • Ten Deadly Data Mining Errors and How to Avoid Them • Moving Up from Traditional RFA: A Real-World Case Study • How Database Modeling Takes the Guesswork Out of E-Marketing Systems / Technology (ST) • Customer Data Integration – The Road to Customer Profitability • Successfully Marrying Technology and Marketing: A Key Bank Case Study • Transforming Your Software RFP Process into a Decision-Enabling Tool • Selecting Business Intelligence Tools: An American Bar Association Case Study • Innovations in Marketing Automation • Beyond Data Capture: Leveraging Technology to Effectively Sustain Customer Loyalty • Technology and the Modern Agency: How Software Builds Customer Loyalty • Turning Contacts into Customers: A BMW Case History • Sharing Architectures, Best Practices and Standards Across the Enterprise • Delivering Real-Time “Personalized” Recommendations to Automate 1:1 Relationships • Building Your Own Database (from One Who’s Done It…Several Times) • Technology Best Practices for Marketing Productivity • Intelligent Data Integration: The Key to Success for Data-Driven Initiatives 8 별첨 5. Coordinator & 강사 약력 ■ 박종규 대표 - 학력 ㆍ고려대 통계학과 졸업 ㆍ한국외국어대 경영학 석사 - 경력 ㆍ한국 생산성본부 선임 컨설턴트 ㆍ한국 SAS 정보통신 사업부 ㆍ한국 오라클 기술본부 DW팀 ㆍ㈜ECMiner 부사장 ㆍ現) 엑설루션 컨설팅 대표 및 한국데이터베이스마케팅협회 학술담당이사 - 참여 Project ㆍ삼성전자, 삼성생명, 삼성화재, 동부화재, 현대백화점, 국제화재, LG 패션, Yes24 CRM 프로젝트 등 다수 ■ 이상엽 컨설턴트 - 학력 · New York University 박사학위中 Master of Science in Direct/Indirect MKTG - 경력 · KODMA-Database Marketing Agency in Korea · DaeBang Communications, Ad Agency · Benetton Korea – Marketing Team - 세미나 내용 1. 미국 CRM의 트랜드 (1) 일반 동향 (2) 전략적 측면 (3)기술적 측면 2. CRM 성공 및 실패 사례 Review (1) The corporate customer value of Fleet Bank (2) The continuity program of Gevalia 3. 성공 요인 분석 및 적용 (1) 성공 요인1: Customer Equity와 Customer Value (2) 성공요인2: Test, Test and Measure (3) 성공요인3: Customer life cycle management (4) 기타 성공 요인 4. 결론 및 토론 9 별첨 6. 참가신청서 LG인화원 (김주원 차장 : jwkim@lgacademy.com) 성명 국문 국문 직위 영문 영문 주민등록번호 여권 유( ), 무( ), 만기일( ) VISA 유( ), 무( ), 만기일( ) 회사명 회사 주소 국문 직위 영문 국문 영문 국문 영문 ZIP Code Phone Tel) PCS) Fax e-mail 7/28 (Mon) 08:30∼11:15 12:45∼15:15 08:00∼09:15 Conference Session Selection 7/29 (Tue) 11:15∼12:45 14:15∼15:15 15:30∼16:30 08:00∼09:15 7/30 (Wed) 11:15∼12:45 14:15∼15:15 15:30∼16:30 숙소 신용카드번호 Single ( ), Twin ( ) 법인/개인 : * 참가신청서는 작성후 E-mail로 송부하여 주십시요. 10