Section 1 – Road to Revolution sharpshooters

Unit 3
Section 1 – Road to Revolution
Jeffrey Amherst
Fort Detroit
Pontiac’s War
Proclamation of 1763
• control
• angered
Section 1 – Road to Revolution
No taxation without representation!
Sons of Liberty
Section 1 – Road to Revolution
• boycott
• repealed
Charles Townshend
Section 1 – Road to Revolution
• writs of assistance
• tea
Samuel Adams
Section 1 – Road to Revolution
• printers
George Washington
Patrick Henry
Crispus Attucks
Section 1 – Road to Revolution
• Boston Massacre
John Adams
England’s King George III
Section 1 – Road to Revolution
• Tea Act
• monopoly
• smugglers
• boycott
Samuel Adams
John Hancock
Section 1 – Road to Revolution
• Boston Tea Party
(December 16, 1773)
• control
• rights
Section 1 – Road to Revolution
• Intolerable Acts
(Coercive Acts)
• shut down the port of Boston
• Quartering Act
• Amendment 1
– Freedoms of Religion, Speech, Press,
Assembly, and Petition
• Protects 5 basic rights
Added because of Intolerable Acts passed by
England for the colonies
• Amendment 3
– Lodging Troops in Private Homes
• Limits the government’s right to use private homes
to house soldiers – must have consent of the
Added because of Quartering Acts passed by
England for the colonies
Section 1 – Road to Revolution
• Quebec Act
Section 1 – Road to Revolution
• Philadelphia
• First Continental Congress
• stop exporting
• militia
• minutemen
Thomas Gage
Paul Revere
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
“Now listen my
children and you
shall hear of the
midnight ride of
Paul Revere.”
John Parker Statue
in Lexington
Lexington skirmish
Concord battleground
Section 1 – Road to Revolution
• sharpshooters
Ralph Waldo Emerson
“The shot heard
round the world.”
Example of a political cartoon about taxes in Italy.