A. Group presentation a. Groups of 4 students (8 groups) b. Poems to analyze: (1) Remember (Christina Rosseti): M. Fitrah (2) London (William Blake): Neltji Steffany N (3) To Helen (Edgar Allan Poe):Khalidiyah M (4) The Negro’s tragedy (Claude McKay): Diah Ayu P (5) Solitaire (Amy Lowell): Lia Nawang Sari (6) If (Rudyard Kipling): Rasis Bhakti P (7) Because I could not stop for death (Emily Dickinson): Ali Usman (8) The world is too much with us (William Wordsworth): Theresia Febianna b. Format: (1) Handouts for teacher and classmates: the poem and summary points of analysis (2) 10-15 mins of presentation + 5-10 mins of QA session (3) coverage/content: - intro: general intro of the poem, poem summary, main theme as the Thesis Statement - Discussion: (a) basic versification, (b) figurative language analysis, (c) biographical/historical background, AND how (a), (b), and (c) support the theme - Closing: conclusion (including the message of the poem), & reference list Oral presentation assessment: see the rubric (2) full paper (submitted on the final exam): see the format c. Schedule: 1) Draft consultation: 3 June 2014 in class 2) Presentation (all groups): 7 June 2014 starting @ 8 am (approximately 3.5 hrs), Room: FIB 7.2 PRESENTATION PAPER (Poetry Class G) Type : group work Submission : on the Poetry final exam Format : < 10 pages, computerized, on A4-sized paper, standard margins and font Contents : Note: Your paper may not use headings & sub headings like the followings, but the contents of the paper must cover these points. For example, you can write an essay that consists of introduction (ending with the Thesis Statement), body paragraphs (discussion), and concluding paragraph (analysis summary and moral message of the poem). Quote your references properly and list them in the References. Use the APA citation format. I. Introduction a. Background info and/or summary of the poem b. Thesis statement (the poem’s major theme) II. Discussion a. Basic versification 1) Stanzaic form, rhyme and rhythm 2) If it has any relationships with the meaning/theme, explain HOW the stanzaic form, rhyme and rhythm help to establish the theme. Explain the evidence from the poem. b. Diction and figurative language 1) Identification of figurative language 2) Explanation on HOW the figurative language and diction help to establish the theme. Explain the evidence from the poem. c. Biographical/Historical background (if relevant) 1) Biographical info (THE AUTHOR’S SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE(S)) OR Historical info 2) Explain HOW the biographical/historical information helps to establish the theme (HOW it relates to the poem’s meaning). Explain the evidence from the poem. III. Conclusion a. Summary of analysis b. Moral value/message IV. References The list of all the works cited in the paper http://ed.fnal.gov/lincon/w01/projects/library/rubrics/presrubric.htm Presentation Rubric 1 Audience cannot understand Organization presentation & time because there is no management sequence of information. 2 Audience has difficulty following presentation because student jumps around. 3 Student presents information in logical sequence which audience can follow. 4 Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow. Student demonstrates Student is Student does not Student is at ease full knowledge uncomfortable have grasp of and answers most (more than Subject with information and information; questions with required) by Knowledge & is able to answer student cannot explanations and answering all originality only basic/simple answer questions some class questions questions, but fails about subject. elaboration. with to elaborate. explanations and elaboration. Visual Aids Student Student uses occasionally uses Student's visual superfluous visual visual aids that aids relate to the aids or no visual rarely support the presentation. aids. presentation. Student's visual aids explain and reinforce the presentation. Mechanics Student's presentation has four or more spelling errors and/or grammatical errors. Presentation has three misspellings and/or grammatical errors. Presentation has no more than two misspellings and/or grammatical errors. Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors. Eye Contact Student makes no eye contact and only reads from notes. Student occasionally uses eye contact, but still reads mostly from notes. Student maintains eye contact most of the time but frequently returns to notes. Student maintains eye contact with audience, seldom returning to notes. Verbal Techniques Student mumbles, incorrectly pronounces terms, and speaks too quietly for audience in the back of class to hear. Student's voice is low. Student incorrectly pronounces terms. Audience members have difficulty hearing presentation. Student's voice is clear. Student pronounces most words correctly. Most audience members can hear presentation. Student uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms so that all audience members can hear presentation. Group Work Cannot work with others in most situations. Cannot share decisions or responsibilities. Works with others, but has difficulty sharing decisions and responsibilities. Works well with others. Takes part in most decisions and shares in the responsibilities. Works very well with others. Assumes a clear role in decision making and responsibilities. D= 19-20 F= 0-18 Grade: A= 26-28 B= 24-25 C= 21-23