Global Interdependence in Agriculture

Global Interdependence in Agriculture
Communicating Effectively
Global Interdependence in Agriculture
To enhance the capacity of university
faculty and staff to communicate
effectively about global
interdependence, cooperation, and
National Advisory Committee:
Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College
Florida A&M University
Michigan State University
Pennsylvania State University
University of Florida
University of Minnesota
Washington State University
The Aspen Institute
Global Interdependence Initiative:
What does this mean for the university
Extension -- Teaching -- Research
How can the findings of the GII project
be adapted to meet the needs of our
institutions and clientele?
Reviewed the GII findings and the Toolkit
developed by the FrameWorks Institute
Developed a new tool:
“Global Interdependence in Agriculture: A
User’s Guide for Effective Communication”
Sharing and testing this tool
Communicating effectively...
program planning
community outreach
We want to use frames that...
Convey a sense of respect for all peoples
and cultures
Promote cooperation
Motivate people to get involved
Dispel common myths:
--the U.S. does it all
--Americans are smarter
--it’s global mayhem out there
--U.S. aid is wasted
--aid only helps our competitors
Talking Agriculture...
Exploring Frames
Moral Norms
Solving world hunger is the “right thing to do”
Making the world a better place for future
Agriculture and the environment are linked
Preserving the natural resource base for food
production (soil, water, plant and animal species)
Preserving the environment for future generations
Adapted from Frameworks
Mentoring for Autonomy (not teachers)
Americans as mentors
Farmer to farmer
Utilizing U.S. expertise to solve global problems
Working together to ensure global food security
Partnerships between universities and agricultural
and community groups
Common Groups
Farmers, agriculturists, rural, mountain, ethnic links
Adapted from FrameWorks
A new frame ….
Mutual Benefits
Solving world hunger is a “win-win”
International cooperation benefits
developing countries AND the U.S.
Association for
and Rural
50 case studies
mutual benefits
Why this frame might work...
Describes the benefits in general terms -- not
narrow self-interest
Can be used with moral norms frame
It’s okay to reap benefits as long as you’re
“doing the right thing” too.
Fits well with other positive frames -environment, partnership, mentoring
Dispels myth that aid only helps competitors
Emphasizes global interconnections
Metaphors are an important part
of frames -
Part of our everyday communications
Packed with meaning and connections
Some frames are essentially defined by
metaphors -Countries as “neighbors” in the world
What does this metaphor tell us?
Nobody likes a nosy neighbor
 Good fences make good neighbors
 Neighbors help in times of crisis
To mobilize support in a crisis situation, the
neighbor metaphor could be effective, but it
does not elicit support for long-term
Adapted from FrameWorks
Identified by Cognitive Linguist, Pamela Morgan
Competition Metaphors
Two or more competitors reaching for the same
goal; only one can win
races, combat, war, team sports, winners and
losers, predators and prey.
don’t promote cooperative or global systems
thinking; promote self-interest frame
A senior U.S. diplomat resigning his post due to
opposition to war with Iraq:
“My faith in my country and its values was the most
powerful weapon in my diplomatic arsenal.”
Cooperation Metaphors
Involve two or more entities that choose
to work together to attain the desired goal
family, friends, team players,
partnerships, community groups
promotes cooperative thinking
consider the implications of each
“It’s time for a global barn-raising”
Interconnection Metaphors
All parts are equally important and
necessary to the whole
people, animals, plants, environment,
machines, buildings, fabrics, webs,
Leads to “systems” thinking -- global
Interconnection Metaphors
Sowing the seeds of promise
Harvesting the fruits of our labors
Planting, growing, cultivating, etc.
Weaving fabric of a global society
Pieces of a quilt
Building a strong foundation
Web of life
Circles, wheels, networks
Begin with words or visuals that
highlight the global environment and
get people thinking about
interconnected systems. Segue into
your specific topic.
Message Checklist
Appeal to moral values and the desire
to make the world a better place now
and for future generations. This is a
powerful frame that can set the stage
for the discussion of specific issues.
Message Checklist
Try out the mutual benefits frame.
Explore the benefits to all parties and
draw connections between them.
Message Checklist
Pay attention to your metaphors - use
cooperation and interconnection
metaphors rather than competition
Agriculture as a global system
planting, seeds, growing, cultivating,
harvesting, fertilizing (interconnection,
living system metaphors)
Message Checklist
Define the situation:
Clearly state the problem
 Show the big picture
 Identify a solution or opportunities to
improve the situation
 Identify host country problem-solvers
 Clarify who is responsible for fixing the
Message Checklist
Focus on your role as a partner or
mentor. Avoid reinforcing the idea that
the “U.S. does it all.”
Highlight the good work of host country
communities and work groups.
The listener hears...
Whew -- the problem is solved,
end of story
Individual problem requiring an
individual response
Incompetent/uneducated mother
American saves the day
What the listener did not hear...
The big picture -- the large issue:
scope of problem --how widespread?
lack of basic health services
education issues
lack of opportunities for young women
access to clean water
impact of marketing infant formula in poor
Solutions -- what could be done on a
community level to solve the problem?
Local people helping to solve problems
Message Checklist
Talk about “global” rather than “foreign”
issues, emphasizing connections rather
than differences. Use caution with the
term “globalization” -- a very charged
Emphasize similarities -- avoid
dwelling on the exotic.
Message Checklist
Replace the unwanted frame -don’t deny it.
When you counter a perception or frame,
present your case without restating (and
reinforcing) the false perception or
unwanted frame.
“It is a common perception that helping
farmers in poor countries grow
soybeans or vegetables, results in
increased competition for American
farmers, but that isn’t necessarily
“Watching the nightly news, one gets
the impression that the world is just one
big dangerous and chaotic place, and
there is little we can do to make it better.
This just isn’t true…”
Message Checklist
Make sure visuals, titles,
reinforce positive frames.
Message Checklist
Explain numbers in terms that the
audience will understand and can relate
to situations in their everyday lives.
For approximately $7 billion we could make
basic education accessible to every child in
the world
For less than the price of what Americans
spend each year on cosmetics, we could
make basic education accessible to every
child in the world.
Nearly half of the world’s population lives
on less than $2.00/day -- the price of your
morning coffee and donut.
A $4.00 mosquito net can prevent millions
of people from contracting malaria. Yet, that
$4.00 is out of reach for most of those who
need it. To us it is a meal at McDonalds; to
them it is two full days’ wages.
Message Checklist
Tell people how they can get involved or
get more information about a particular
project, university efforts, or global
issues in general.
Global Interdependence in Agriculture: