RPAQ SOLUTIONS, INC OFFERS SEVERAL RESOURCES TO GUIDE YOUR PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL ALIGNMENT QUEST AN ESSENTIAL SELF-ASSESSMENT The Personal & Professional Alignment Questionnaire (PAQ) by Laura Morgan Roberts, Ph.D. Free (for a limited time) online assessment available at www.lauramorganroberts.com/paq.htm A SELF-GUIDED DEVELOPMENTAL EXPERIENCE The Alignment Quest Guide by Laura Morgan Roberts, Ph.D. Available for purchase at www.lauramorganroberts.com/alignmentquest.htm A VIRTUAL COMMUNITY The Alignment Quest Community Sponsored by RPAQ Solutions, Inc. & knowledgecrush.com Free membership, tools, and interactive discussion forum Join here: http://www.knowledgecrush.groupsite.com/main/summary A POWERFUL 360-DEGREE ASSESSMENT The Reflected Best Self Exercise Administration & coaching with expert developer Laura Morgan Roberts, Ph.D. For more information, visit www.lauramorganroberts.com/gemstoshare.htm A SUMMARY OF EMPIRICAL SUPPORT FOR THE PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL ALIGNMENT QUEST Reflected Best Self Engagement at Work: Positive Identity, Alignment, and the Pursuit of Vitality and Value-Creation by Laura Morgan Roberts, Ph.D. Available for download in The Alignment Quest Community www.knowledgecrush.groupsite.com/group/becomingextraordinary VIDEO LECTURES Free videos are available on the “Becoming Extraordinary” channel on vimeo.com with Laura Morgan Roberts, Ph.D. STAYING CONNECTED The Alignment Quest page on facebook.com Follow alignmentquest on twitter with Laura Morgan Roberts, Ph.D. 1 ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDED READINGS AND EXERCISES TO GUIDE YOUR PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL ALIGNMENT QUEST RESOURCES TO HELP YOU INCREASE YOUR PURPOSEFUL ENGAGEMENT IN WORK: Job Crafting Exercise. This exercise will direct you in transforming your work activities in ways that will yield greater satisfaction and contribution. http://www.bus.umich.edu/Positive/CPOS/Teaching/job-crafting.html For additional information on Job Crafting, read: o Caplan, J. Hate your job? Here's how to reshape it. www.time.com Dec. 4, 2009. o Wrzesniewski, A., Berg, J.M., & Dutton, J.E. (2010). Turn the Job You Have into the Job You Want. Harvard Business Review, 88, 114-117. Additional Reading Materials: o Ibarra, H. (2003). Working identity: Unconventional strategies for reinventing your career. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press. o Shapiro, M., Ingols, C., & Blake-Beard, S. (2007). Optioning in versus ‘Opting out’: Women using flexible work arrangements for career success. Center for Gender in Organizations Insight #25, Simmons School of Management. o Hackman, J.R., Oldham, G., Janson, R., & Purdy, K. (1975). A new strategy for job enrichment. California Management Review, 17, 57-71. o Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990). Flow: The psychology of optimal experience. New York: Harper & Row. o Palmer, P.J. (2000). Let your life speak. By San Francisco, CA: Jossey- Bass. o Quinn, R.E. & Quinn, G.T. (2002). Letters to Garrett. By San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. 2 RESOURCES TO HELP YOU PUT YOUR STRENGTHS TO WORK: Reflected Best-Self Exercise The Reflected Best Self exercise provides you with feedback about who you are when you are at your best. Participants request positive feedback from significant people in their lives, which they then synthesize into a cumulative portrait of their “best self.” The exercise can be used as a tool for personal development because it provides valuable insights into the ways a person adds value and makes a contribution. R-PAQ Solutions, LLC can provide you with facilitated administration. Contact laura@lauramorganroberts.com for more information. To find out more about the exercise, visit the Center for Positive Organizational Scholarship website at http://www.bus.umich.edu/Positive/CPOS/Teaching/rbse.html The Gallup Institute, Tom Rath and Marcus Buckingham together and separately provide a range of resources around the StrengthFinder self-assessment. For an entrée, read Now, discover your strengths. By M. Buckingham & Clifton, D. 2001. New York: The Free Press. The Centre for Applied Positive Psychology provides several resources for examining your strengths and how you fully utilize them. For more information, visit www.strengths2020.com/resources.htm RESOURCES TO HELP YOU BRING YOUR WHOLE SELF TO WORK: Discover your signature character strengths by taking the VIA Survey of Character. http://www.viacharacter.org/ Additional Reading Materials: o Bell, E. L., & Nkomo, S. (2001). Our separate ways: Black and white women and the struggle for professional identity. By Boston: Harvard Business School Press. o Meyerson, D.E. (2001). Radical change, the quiet way. Harvard Business Review. o Meyerson, D. (2001). Tempered radicals: How people use difference to inspire change at work. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. o Thomas, D., & Ely, R. (1996). Making differences matter: A new paradigm for managing diversity. Harvard Business Review, 74(5): 79–90. o Dutton, J.E., Roberts, L. Morgan, & Bednar, J. (2010). Pathways for positive identity construction at work: Four types of positive identity and the building of social resources. Academy of Management Review. 3 RESOURCES TO HELP YOU CULTIVATE AFFIRMING RELATIONSHIPS: Dutton, J.E. (2003). Energizing your workplace: Building and sustaining high quality relationships at work. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dutton, J.E. & Heaphy, E.D. (2003). The Power of high quality connections at work. In K. Cameron, J. Dutton and R.E. Quinn (Eds.), Positive organizational scholarship: Foundations of a new discipline. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Fredrickson, B. L. (2009). Positivity: Groundbreaking research reveals how to embrace the hidden strength of positive emotions, overcome negativity, and thrive. New York: Crown. Gottman, J. (1994). Why marriages succeed or fail... and how you can make yours last. New York: Simon & Schuster, Inc. Thomas, D., & Gabarro, J. J. (1999). Breaking through: The making of minority executives in corporate America. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. NOTE - Seek professional assistance from a licensed counselor, coach or therapist if you are experiencing considerable misalignment or you wish to enlist support in generating greater alignment between your personal and professional life. R-PAQ Solutions is happy to provide you with referrals. Please contact us at laura@lauramorganroberts.com. 4 RELATED PUBLICATIONS on the ALIGNMENT QUEST Authored by Laura Morgan Roberts, Ph.D. Assessment: The Personal & Professional Alignment Questionnaire. R-PAQ Solutions, LLC. Available at www.lauramorganroberts.com Increasing Purposeful Engagement in Work Morgan, L.M. & Feldman, D.C. (1999). Underemployed human resources: Revealing the secret dilemma of untapped potential. In R. Quinn, R. O’Neill, and L. St. Clair (Eds.), The Pressing Problems of Modern Organizations (pp. 77-95). New York, NY: Amacom. Bringing your Whole Self to Work Roberts, L. Morgan, Cha, S., Hewlin, P. & Settles, I. (2009). Bringing the inside out: Enhancing authenticity and positive identity in organizations. In L.M. Roberts & J.E. Dutton (Eds.), Exploring Positive Identities and Organizations: Building a Theoretical and Research Foundation. Routledge Press, New York. Roberts, L. Morgan (2005). Creating a positive professional image. Harvard Business School Working Knowledge, June 20th newsletter. Roberts, L. Morgan. (2005). Changing faces: Professional image construction in diverse organizational settings. Academy of Management Review, 30: 685-711. Roberts, L. Morgan (2007). Bringing your whole self to work: Lessons in authentic engagement from women leaders. In B. Kellerman & D. Rhode (Eds.), Women and Leadership: The State of Play and Strategies for Change. Jossey Bass. Roberts, L. Morgan, Settles, I.H., & Jellison, W.A. (2008). Predicting the strategic identity management of gender and race. Identity, 8: 269-306. Roberts, L. Morgan & Roberts, D. (2007). The business, legal, and ethical ramifications of cultural profiling at work. Duke Journal of Gender Law and Policy, 14: 369-405. Blake-Beard, S. & Roberts, L. Morgan. (2004). Releasing the double bind of visibility in the workplace. CGO Commentaries Series. Boston, MA: Center for Gender in Organizations, Simmons College. Roberts, D., Roberts, L. Morgan, O’Neill, R., & Blake-Beard, S. (2008). The Invisible work of managing visibility for social change: Insights from the leadership of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Business and Society, 47: 425-456. Cote, S. & Morgan, L.M. (2002). A longitudinal analysis of the association between emotion regulation, job satisfaction, and intentions to quit. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23: 947-962. 5 Putting Your Strengths to Work Roberts, L. Morgan, Spreitzer, G., Dutton, J., Quinn, R., Heaphy, E. & Barker, B. (2005). How to play to your strengths. Harvard Business Review, 83(1): 75-80. Roberts, L. Morgan, Dutton, J., Spreitzer, G. & Seusse, J. (2006). Bringing my Reflected BestSelf to Life: How to use Reflected Best-Self Feedback for Personal and Career Development. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Publishing. Roberts, L. Morgan, Dutton, J.E., Spreitzer, G., Heaphy, E., & Quinn, R. (2005). Composing the reflected best-self portrait: Building pathways to becoming extraordinary in work organizations. Academy of Management Review, 30: 712-736. Roberts, L. Morgan (2006). Shifting the lens on organizational life: The added value of positive scholarship. Academy of Management Review, 31: 241-260. Roberts, L. Morgan & Wooten, L.P. (2008). Exploring Black Greek Letter Organizations through a positive organizing lens. In G. Parks (Ed.), Our Fight Has Just Begun: The Relevance of Black Greek Fraternities and Sororities in the 21st Century. The University of Kentucky Press. Cultivating Affirming Relationships Roberts, L. Morgan (2006). From proving to becoming: How positive relationships create a context for self-discovery and self-actualization. In J. Dutton and B. Rose Ragins (Eds.), Exploring Positive Relationships at Work: Building a Theoretical and Research Foundation. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Dutton, J.E., Roberts, L. Morgan, & Bednar, J. (2010). Pathways for positive identity construction at work: Four types of positive identity and the building of social resources. Academy of Management Review. Ely, R. & Roberts, L. Morgan (2008). Shifting frames in team-diversity research: From difference to relationships. In A.P. Brief (Ed.), Diversity at Work, pp. 175-201. Cambridge University Press. Examples of Social Architects Roberts, L. Morgan & Winston, V. (2005). Bennie Wiley at The Partnership, Inc. Harvard Business School, Case 406-012. Roberts, L. Morgan & Kanji, A. (2005). Jeanette Clough at Mount Auburn Hospital. Harvard Business School, Case 406-068. Thomas, D.A., Roberts, L. Morgan, & Creary, S.J. (2009). The rise of President Barack Hussein Obama. Harvard Business School Case 409-115. Groysberg, B. & Roberts, L. Morgan (2004). Leading the Josie Esquivel franchise. Harvard Business School, Case 404-054. 6