Applying Mendel's Laws Key

Describe how the Mendel’s law of segregation applies to the above graphic.
The picture above shows two Labrador retrievers, a female with yellow fur and a
male with black fur. The genotype that invokes yellow fur is ee and the genotype for
black fur is Ee. E and e are the two alleles of the gene. The law of segregation states
that the alleles get separated and only one allele of each parent will be passed on to
the offspring. Which one will be inherited is random.
Describe how the Mendel’s law of independent assortment applies to the above graphic.
The picture above shows a female poodle and a male Labrador. The poodle has
white/yellow fur and curly hair. The Labrador has black and straight hair. If they
would mate, the law of independent assortment states that the curliness and the color
of the hair are inherited independently. This allows for new combinations in the
offspring. In this example it can result not only in white-curly dogs (like the female
poodle looks like) or black-straight dogs (like the male Labrador looks like) but in two
new combinations, white-straight (3rd puppy from left) and black-curly (2nd puppy from left).
What gene combinations the puppies will actually have is random