Mayor the City 2013 "__" ______ addition order № ___ No ___ Job

Mayor the City
2013 "__" _________
addition order № ___ No ___
Job Description
head education department the city of Turkestan A.Jaksıbek
1. General provisions
· head education department the city of Turkestan (hereinafter "Head department") the
Constitution Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic Kazakhstan, " President Republic Kazakhstan"
On, "and status its deputies Parliament Republic Kazakhstan" On, " Government Republic
Kazakhstan" On Constitutional laws, Republic Kazakhstan "on Civil Service", " fight against
· "," Administrative Procedures "," On normative legal acts "," On order consideration physical
and legal entities "Laws regulating relations spheres corresponding to the specialization concrete
post this category normative legal acts Republic Kazakhstan," Kazakhstan2050 "Strategy:
formed new political strategy is guided by direction state.
· Section under the head of his department heads, will subordinate to the specialists.
· Head department of temporary disability, when next vacation or business this replaces deputy
head of the department.
Head Section 2. Rights
· course of its authority make recommendations on how improve management public services;
· Other organizations obtain information necessary to exercise its powers;
· Be focused the implementation of the tasks of division subordinate employees;
· Subordinate employees shall to require compliance internal procedures department.
3. duties of the head department
· Evening (shift) form of education provided through organization and Internet in the form of
general secondary education including primary, secondary and secondary education;
· implementation relevant legislation area of education and coordinates work on development
secondary education;
· Implementing programs field education;
· Organize the participation of national testing students;
· Accounting preschool and schoolage children, organizes training before their compulsory
secondary education;
· Licensing of educational activities, as as pre-school education and training, elementary middle
and secondary education, general education programs, as as implementing educational programs
for children with additional organizes the state certification legal entities; :
· Territorial organization oversees development of education
· Primary, secondary and secondary education general education curriculums public education
carried out material and technical support;
· Pre training, elementary middle and secondary education general educational institutions
implementing educational programs for purchase textbooks and teaching materials and organize
· Provide additional education for children;
· school organizes contests within city;
· Orphans and children deprived parental care is provided accordance established by the State
placed children homes and boarding ;
· Organizes medical and educational support for children with disabilities;
· Families preschool education and training organizations in Republic and necessary
methodological and technical assistance;
· Monitoring Education and the Department of Education to provide information in case single
· According content educational process, management city accordance requirements state
educational standard educational organizations organize and maintain quality education;
· Training personnel accordance normative-legal acts field education and qualify for the
certification only categories awarded;
· To improve the skills teaching staff, technical support, reorganize;
· Supervises work his division and will responsible for the implementation.
4. responsibility Head department
· objectives head department, will responsible effective and efficient execution of the activities
· responsibility Head Section shall accordance with laws Republic Kazakhstan.
met Instruction:
________________________________ Mr. Zhaksybek Beisenbekovich
"____" ________________ 2013.
met Instruction:
________________________________ Jabaş Mr. Maratovich
"____" ________________ 2013.
Job guide
Deputy Head Department of the Education city Turkestan N.Jabaş
1. General Provisions
1.1. Department of the Education city Turkestan;
1.2. Department head, deputy head of task, and subject to the orders;
Deputy Head Section 1.3 N.Jabaş of temporary disability and replaces chief specialist
A.Kasımbek when traveling;
Deputy Head Section 2. Rights
(position title)
2.1.Öz within competence of department educational institutions receive necessary information,
as as to carry their tasks;
2.2.Joğarğı bodies jobs, to remove the deficiencies identified, they fail see measures on causes
and conditions of head ;
2.3. Coordinates work Department of Education and its institutions;
2.4.Sala monitors compliance requirements law;
3. duties of deputy head department
(position title)
3.1.Mektepter, preschool and outschool children educational work of expert, conducted
comprehensive analysis of the work, concludes;
3.2.QR laws, provisions decree of the President, Government, Department secondary and
vocational education solutions to problems arising content their city in ıñğaylastırıp, documents
are prepared;
3.3.Qala training administration of consideration of relevant issues;
3.4.Bilim department prepares report work done each quarter;
3.5.Joğarğı and special education students schools to recognize work of practitioners;
3.6.Bilim quzırlandıradı orders related work department, other trains on the issue;
3.7.Jeke person shall provide timely responses requests;
3.8.Qızmettik involved complaints received accordance objectives of the investigation;
3.9.Xalıqqa service center will sign letters on implementation tasks;
3.10.Bilim staff of the institutions to carry qualitative analysis and billing;
3.11.Bilim all of input, output, sign financial documents.
3.12.Bölimde of personal reception of citizens.
3.13.Qazaqstan Republic "On Licensing" includes management and execution of Law;
Republic 3.14.Qazaqstan "on fight against corruption," the implementation of measures in
supervision implementation Law;
3.15.Qazaqstan of "education" includes implementation Law;
3.16.Qazaqstan of "Public Service" includes implementation Law;
Republic 3.17.Qazaqstan "Labour Code" includes implementation guided;
3.18.Qazaqstan of "honor" includes management and execution of Law;
4. responsibility Deputy Head of the department
(position title)
Chief Specialist is responsible for following:
4.1.Öziniñ official duties (improper performance); for offenses committed the course of his
career; for causing financial loss extent determined labor legislation in force Republic
4.2.Onıñ law, the statutes, other outside powers set in the regulations for the consequences
4.3.Käsiporınnıñ property and funds their benefit or for use interest contrary interests the
founders unresponsive.
Jabaş Mr. Maratovich ______________________________________
Mother-Tölepulı olds me ________________________________
( civil servant last , name, middle name, signature, date)
Job guide
N.Oşantaeva chief specialist Department Education city Turkestan
1. General Provisions
1.1. Department of the Education city Turkestan;
1.2. head the chief specialist of job, and is subject to the orders;
1.3 Chief N.Oşantaeva temporarily disabled when business trip and replaces chief specialist
lawyer M.Kasımov;
2. General's Rights
(position title)
2.1. Your review decisions concerning activities administration of its projects.
2.2. This guide provided by the management to submit proposals to improve work related tasks.
2.3. Heads of departments and specialists information and documents on matters within its
2.4. To specialists structural units for the tasks assigned it (if provisions of this subdivision, if
provided permission chief executive officer).
$ 13. General's objectives
(position title)
3.1.Kadr all issues (placement of personnel, executives of report, necessary requests personnel
training, human for all forms of city administration, statistics center, to submit reports
Department Education);
3.2. Public service delivery in report to appropriate authorities;
3.3.Muğalimder organize and assessment of educators, teachers prepare documents in the
category, regional delivery Department Education;
3.4.Memlekettik coordinates the certification staff, is responsible keeping documents;
3.5. Collection documents from higher authorities, they ıñğaylastırıp, ortırw preparing
3.6. Schools collect tender documents vacant post of organization;
3.7. "Space" to contribute to fair;
3.8. Labour laws, rules, regulations and orders head of the institution in accordance with the
admission, transfer and dismissal timely clearance of personnel, accounting, personnel and
provide information about ways of the past, books on health and population and staff working
out the documentation, as also organizes preparation materials for motivating and encouraging.
3.9.Bilim personal documents of organizations responsible conducting compliance jïnaktaydı;
3.10.Bilim carried in Department of the personnel documents, is responsible for keeping;
3.11.Mektepke to participate in expansion network pre-school institutions oversees work
preparation reports prepared for work; provides preschool education programs;
Oversees work 3.12.Balabaqşalar, kindergartens participate in the work of permit;
3.13.Äskerï commissariat, to compare records military tasks, armor liable to social conditions
research and assistance take higher authorities consider that the information on side;
3.14.Tabeldik accounting, scheduling and execution rest, in the section on status labor discipline
and internal control compliance labor regulations;
3.15.Bilim institutions in charge of doing clerical ;
3.16.Qızmettik involved complaints received accordance objectives of the investigation;
Republic 3.17.Qazaqstan "on fight against corruption," the implementation of measures in
supervision implementation Law;
3.18.Qazaqstan of "education" includes implementation Law;
3.19.Qazaqstan of "public service" includes implementation Law;
Republic 3.20.Qazaqstan "Labour Code" includes implementation guided;
3.21.Qazaqstan of "honor" includes management and execution of Law;
3.22.Qızmettik involved complaints received accordance objectives of the investigation;
3.23.Keşki school and talented oversees work school.
4. General's responsibility
(position title)
Chief Specialist is responsible for following:
4.1. the performance official duties provided job description (inadequate performance) to work
within the limits defined legislation in force Republic Kazakhstan.
4.2. In the course of implementation of law in force Republic Kazakhstan to the commission of
offense administrative, criminal and civil within defined by the legislation.
4.3. Causing material damage to Republic Kazakhstan existing administrative, criminal and civil
within defined by the legislation.
Oşantaeva Nurzhamal Malikovna ________________________________
Marat Alakbarwlı accepted ____________________________________
( civil servant last , name, middle name, signature, date)
Job guide
G.Malbaeva chief specialist Department Education city Turkestan
1. General Provisions
1.1. Department of the Education city Turkestan;
1.2. head the chief specialist of job, and is subject to the orders;
Section 1.3 of specialist G.Malbaeva temporary disability and replaces chief specialist
Ş.Kwlenov when traveling;
2. General's Rights
(position title)
2.1.Öz within competence of department educational institutions receive necessary information,
as as they offer;
2.2.Oqw control quality of education;
2.3.Bilim monitor the implementation of standard;
$ 13. General's objectives
(position title)
3.1.QR educational institutions to ensure implementation comprehensive educational program
3.2. "State symbols the" coordinate work to ensure implementation framework;
3.3.Qazaqstan of implementation of the program for fight against drug addiction and drug ;
3.4. "Crime and crime prevention" will oversee implementation the program;
3.5.Qoğamdıq order prevent violations of procedure and its prevention program is carried in
schools students who are working hard organize and present reports on the work done;
3.6.Işki with youth under inspection department of suicide, measures prevent violations the right
to organize;
happens grayed 3.7.Oqwşılarmen documents, regional education office;
3.8.Oqwşılardıñ organize summer holidays;
3.9.Jolda to go, oversees work fire to ensure fulfillment provisions;
3.10.Mektepten institutions, education prepares variety information;
3.11.Mektep oversees work deputy director of educational work;
In amount 3.12.Qala cultural activities involved in arranging;
3.13.Mektepterdegi "Last Call", "first call" organization work for the holidays;
3.14.Mektepten guidance for institutions outside work;
3.15.Patrïottıq educational work, of organization of events;
3.16.SPÏD, drug works;
3.17.Qalalıq "the class teacher year" contests;
Guidance heads 3.18.Sınıp work;
3.19.Qızmettik involved complaints received accordance objectives of the investigation;
Republic 3.20.Qazaqstan "on fight against corruption," the implementation of measures in
supervision implementation Law;
3.21.Qazaqstan of "education" includes implementation Law;
3.22.Qazaqstan of "public service" includes implementation Law;
Republic 3.23.Qazaqstan "Labour Code" includes implementation guided;
3.24.Qazaqstan of "honor" includes management and execution of Law;
3.25.Saz, art schools, oversees work Center children and teenagers;
4. General's responsibility
(position title)
Chief Specialist is responsible for following:
4.1.Öziniñ official duties (improper performance); for offenses committed the course of his
career; for causing financial loss extent determined labor legislation in force Republic