biblical precedents for spiritual mapping

- Rev. Moses O. Aransiola, Ph.D.
When the Psalmist declares (God) trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle
(Psa. 144:1), the emphasis is on preparation and precision. Power alone is not
enough to win the victory. Any modern air force jet fighter pilot will tell you the
same thing. Divorced from accurate targeting coordinates, supersonic fighter
aircrafts and laser-guided missiles are merely expensive toys. It is the quality of
intelligence, not raw horsepower, which ultimately determines a battle or
mission’s impact. God has not left us to fight blind spiritually. That’s why a
warfare concept called spiritual mapping is of great importance in effective
spiritual warfare.
Spiritual mapping can be defined as:
An attempt to display some spiritually discerned information of a particular
geographical area such as community, city, or nation through research, on a
piece of paper or tile for strategic use.
An attempt at exposing the locations, identity, influence and strategies of
the kingdom of darkness in a given geographical area such as land, water
and the heavens through research and the presentation of such information
and finding on a map, for strategic level spiritual warfare.
An attempt at using physical structures, which appear natural to expose
what is happening in the spiritual realm. Although some of them may look
harmless, yet they have deep spiritual implication – Peter Wagner.
Spiritual mapping for human deliverance ministrations is what we do when
we fill deliverance questionnaires that inquire about our ancestors, birth
conditions, dream state, peculiar experiences, names, etc. - Moses
Spiritual mappers are like the intelligence unit of an army. Through the
process of spiritual mapping they go behind the enemy’s lines to understand
the enemy’s plans and fortifications – they carry out spiritual espionage.
In conventional warfare, no nation should go to war without adequate study and
understanding of the strength of the enemy’s troops and his armoury.
The “90 minutes” raid by Israeli forces in 1973 to free her citizens taken captive
by General Idi-Amin and the terrorists at Entebbe Airport in Uganda would have
been a disaster if the Israelis had not had very vital information concerning that
operation. They succeeded in that endeavour because they had very vital
information. They obtained the architectural map of the entire airport from the
company that built it. Then they located where the captives were being kept and
the location of the guards keeping them. Their attack was with pin-point accuracy.
In a few minutes of gun fire almost all the terrorists were dead.
Again, the first Gulf War ended on a victory note for the Allied Forces, not
because Saddam Hussein of Iraq was not properly equipped, but the superior
military strategy and intelligence of the allied forces gave them the victory.
Saddam had the advantage of being in his own territory, but he lost the war not
only to superior weapons and military planning, but also to information. The truth
is that the allied forces were well informed through their study of the geographical
area and their knowledge of the character of the Saddam’s army. Through the
knowledge of the strength of their enemy, they adopted a more superior strategy
than that of Saddam.
The best army in the world may not be the one with the most up-to-date
sophisticated weaponry. It is a known military fact that victory in war does not
entirely rest on military capability, but on the ability to strategize and correctly
read the situation and the ability to make the right move.
Information is a powerful weapon in spiritual or conventional warfare. Spiritual
mapping is an information-based well strategy. Anyone, who intends to have a
meaningful and successful spiritual warfare, under God, in any given geographical
area, must be well acquainted with spiritual mapping. This is more so for
individual, family and community deliverance.
When we know a place very well through spiritual mapping, we will be properly
equipped to pray well targeted prayers. This targeted prayer will bring
deliverance from satanic oppression to such places or such people. Spiritual
mapping and the revelations derived from it, takes one beyond just the physical
dimension of a thing, it also exposes one to what is happening in the spirit realm.
The challenge for an average Christian in the world of today is to be strategic and
knowledgeable. If he wants to fight on the side of the Lord in the ongoing battle,
he must know what is called strategic and targeted prayers. This is what will give
him positive results.
The time and season we find ourselves demand that we must of necessity find out
in our immediate environments such as market place, cities, neighbourhood and
communities the following:
The various idol altars and to what spirits they are dedicated.
Try to find out when these altars were set up and for what purpose.
iii. How the altars were set up and the type of rituals that were performed.
The type of activities that are still being carried out in the place.
And whether those altars are still active in terms of people going there for
consultations and sacrifices or worship.
Peculiar names, behavioural patterns and strange occurrences.
vii. Anything or anybody or group of people or spirits constituting an obstacle
to the Gospel or even socio-economic development of the place.
Any investigation of the spiritual dynamics at work in a needy or oppressed
community must consider these three fundamental questions as well:
What is wrong with the community?
Where did the problem come from?
What can be done to change things?
To know how to pray and fight properly for a community, location or territory, we
have to know the principles of RSA (Research, Strategy and Attack). Compare the
examples of Joshua 6 and Joshua 7 – Jericho and Ai.
The first example of spiritual mapping is found in Numbers 13 where
Moses, at God’s order, dispatched spies into Canaan to “see what the land
is like” (vs. 18). The expedition lasted 40 days and included a detailed
research agenda. The fact that God was already well acquainted with
Canaan’s challenges testifies to the importance He places on human
interaction with spiritual strongholds. In this case, there were implications
for an entire nation.
Give out from among you three men for each tribe: and I will
send them, and they shall rise, and go through the land, and
describe it according to the inheritance of them; and they shall
come again to me (Joshua 18:4)
We see in Joshua 18, that as the men left to map out the land, Joshua
instructed them to “write its description on a scroll, town by town, in seven
parts” (vs. 8-9). On the basis of this thorough research, the land of
inheritance was fought for, conquered and was divided among seven
Israelite tribes.
Spiritual mapping was also undertaken in Jericho when Joshua
commissioned two spies to go “look over the land”
And Joshua the son of Nun sent out of Shittim two men to
spy secretly, saying, Go view the land, even Jericho. And they
went, and came into an harlot's house, named Rahab, and
lodged there (Joshua. 2:1).
Mapping was also done in Jerusalem when Nehemiah conducted three days
of research prior to restoring the city’s walls:
And I arose in the night, I and some few men with me;
neither told I any man what my God had put in my heart to
do at Jerusalem: neither was there any beast with me, save
the beast that I rode upon. And I went out by night by the
gate of the valley, even before the dragon well, and to the
dung port, and viewed the walls of Jerusalem, which were
broken down, and the gates thereof were consumed with fire.
Then I went on to the gate of the fountain, and to the king's
pool: but there was no place for the beast that was under me
to pass. Then went I up in the night by the brook, and viewed
the wall, and turned back, and entered by the gate of the
valley, and so returned (Nehemiah 2:12-15).
In Acts17:16 we run into spiritual mapping again, this time in connection
with Paul’s sojourn in Athens. While waiting for Timothy and Silas to join
him, the apostle was greatly distressed to see that the city was full of idols.
Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said, Ye men
of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too
superstitious. For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions,
I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN
GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I
unto you (Acts 17:22-23)
Now Paul, being a man of prayer (Acts 21:5; Rom. 1:9-10), he addressed
them with the wisdom of God “Men of Athens, I perceive that in all things
you are very religious… and by addressing them like that he had their
attention and could speak freely. He didn’t criticize them by mentioning
their idols, but focused upon their religiosity. Paul first saw their
environment, then he started speaking with power.
We also know that he understood the relationship between idols and
demonic powers (I Cor. 10:19-21) and that he recognized these powers as
the focal point of our spiritual struggle (Eph. 6:12). As he made plans to
penetrate the deceptive strongholds erected by these demons, Paul implored
the church at Colosse to pray for an open door (Col. 4:2-3).
Another reference to spiritual mapping is found in Ezekiel 8. In this
memorable chapter, the prophet describes an intense and disturbing vision.
Yielding to the Spirit’s direction, he is taken to Jerusalem’s Temple court
where he is instructed to dig through a hole in the wall. Upon entering a
secret doorway on the other side, he is shocked to find the elders of Israel
engaged in idolatrous and perverse worship (vs. 7-11). After drawing
Ezekiel’s attention to this hidden abomination, God led the prophet past the
north gate of the temple where women were weeping for the Babylonian
fertility god, Tammuz. The site of this ultimate desecration proved to be the
inner court of the temple.
There, between the portico and the altar, the prophet observed 25 men
bowing down to worship the eastern sun (vs 16).
As Ezekiel carried this new understanding into passionate intercession, he
was given a series of divine instructions designed to deliver Israel from her
bondage to the worship of demons through abominable idols.
Spiritual mapping may not necessarily be to discover what the enemy has done or
is doing in a place. Because it is an information-based strategy, we can also use
the same method to find out, what perhaps, the Lord, may have said concerning a
people, which may have been either forgotten or not taken seriously. Such attitude
about the word of God for a people may have led to disobedience and subsequent
judgement and desolation. The discovery of such information could lead to a
people making the necessary atonement through repentance and subsequent
In the first year of Darius the son of Ahasuerus, of the seed of the
Medes, which was made king over the realm of the Chaldeans; in the
first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the
years, whereof the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet,
that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of
Jerusalem (Daniel 9:1-2)
Daniel was one of the captives that were taken to Babylon. The Jewish people of
his days disobeyed the word of the Lord spoken to them through Moses and the
prophets. They were idolatrous and had to bear the consequences for seventy
years as captives. The prophet Jeremiah also prophesied their incarceration in
Babylon, but despite the prophecy, the people refused to make the necessary
atonement through repentance and turning back to God. But when their cup
became full they experienced the sword of the Lord and the people were taken as
slaves to Babylon. They were there until Daniel discovered by the word of God
the number of years Israelites would be in Babylon and Jerusalem would be in
desolation. He discovered this in the book of Jerusalem (Jer. 25:11-12).
The discovery and the subsequent atonement through strategic praying and
fasting, led to the rebuilding of the walls and gates of Jerusalem by Nehemiah and
few remnants. This was made possible by the cooperation of King Cyrus who was
used of God, to release the nation Israel from Babylon (Jer. 51:20-24). One can
see the effect of the prayer of one man who understood the word of God
concerning his people.
The desolations we see everyday in families, communities or nations may in
reality not be the handiwork of Satan, but could be a result of disobedience to the
word of God. Satan and his agents may have discovered what God had said about
a particular sin and cashing in on it becomes an instrument of discipline. He
therefore accomplishes prescribe punishment for disobedience.
Mapping is also a process of discovering what the word of the Lord had said to a
people and the impetus to work towards fulfilling the tenor of it. It is also the
process of finding out the activity of the enemy in our families or environment in
other to pull it down or destroy them through spiritual warfare.
Because spiritual mapping is an information-based strategy, the mapper or
intercessor who intends to do an effective and accurate warfare with results
following would need vital information about the following we often find in our
Satanic altars (idols shrines)
Witches and wizards covens and the activities of these people
Strongmen (magicians, marabous, occult men etc.)
Criminal hideouts
Abortion centers or clinics
Evil forest and dedicated lands
Places where human parts are sold
Ancient slave ports and markets
10. Tricksters and hard drug sellers joints
11. Prostitutes brothels and red light zones or districts.
12. Police stations
13. Occult centers
14. Syncretic churches, especially white garment churches that draw power
from water spirits.
15. Sacred trees and groves (forests)
16. Notorious schools
17. Water front and places where the queen of heaven is worshiped
18. Obelisks
19. Museums containing ritual artifacts
20. Sea ports from where slaves were exported
21. City gates and ancient gates
22. Mosques
23. Sacred mountains or hills
24. The thrones of the area
25. The taboos of the community
26. Festivals, feasts and ceremonies of the area
27. Names of streets, rivers and compounds
28. Monuments and statues
29. All anti-Christ religions in the area
30. The economic problems of the area
31. Common problems or disasters in the area
32. Peculiar attitudes of the inhabitants of the area.
The list is not exhaustive, efforts must still be made to locate all the gates, (altars)
and where nakedness and ungodliness are still being practiced. Research must also
include dens of iniquity, hideouts for drug pushers, pimps, armed robbers and
A brother gave this amazing report: “In the city where we applied this principle
we discovered to our amazement, that witches were meeting in a certain school
and that some pupils in that primary school were members of that coven. Because
of their presence, strange birds like vultures visit the place from time to time
during school hours.
When this was revealed to one of the sister’s teaching in that school, there was
serious intercession about it. Later, a pupil confessed of his membership of that
witches coven. He later testified that the strange vulture that visited the school
during school hours, was coming for their regular meetings with the children. He
also confessed initiating other children into the cult”.
In another city, in the same state, a girl’s secondary school was discovered to have
a very strong water spirit altar. Most of the girls in the school confessed to being
initiated into a cult. When the place was dealt with, the mermaid spirit was
lamenting for the loss of her children (Isa. 47:8-9). On further investigation, it was
discovered that the contact point with this spirit was a pool of water that formed
on the football field after each rain.
Some intercessors in the east of Nigeria reported some of their findings some
years ago. They stated “During one of our researches, we discovered that some of
the clinics and maternity homes and hospitals in particular places were strategic
points of blood and human sacrifices to the spirit of Molech (Jer. 32:35). Some
specialized in abortion while others had a very high record of death, of either the
babies or their mother or both. Most of the deaths recorded in such places were
under very mysterious circumstances. On investigation, it was discovered that
occult men who were not medical practitioner built most of these clinics and
maternity homes. They were using such spots as centres for ritual sacrifices. By
this process their vows and covenant with Satan was being serviced and
Some hospitals now specialize in attracting young girls who get pregnant out of
wedlock and are asked to give the foetus or their new born babies for occult rituals
at a price.
The market places are generally described as the synagogues of Satan. Most of
them have satanic altars raised in them at either the center of the market or at the
corner of the market. Some of these altars have serving priest that minister at
those altars on the market days, with sacrifices to the spirits. The altars can easily
be identified either by certain trees or groves or little huts built at certain points.
Most of these markets were commissioned in the olden days with human sacrifice.
In many parts of the world and more openly in Asia, idols and altars are visible in
shops, places of business and markets images of Buddha, Ganesh and other deities
are very visible. It is also discovered that many of the ancient markets in Africa
particularly among black Africans were founded by burying alive or by slaughter
three to seven heavily pregnant women, or a number of hunch-back people.
This was done to make the markets full of merchandizing people on the market
days. Subsequently, market priests are supposed to regularly service these altars
and renew the covenants establishing them. This accounts for the reason why
fetish objects are often regularly found in many markets, including the so-called
modern ones.
And where because of ignorance, modernity or through omission, or commission,
these sacrifices or tokens are not presented to the market demons at the altars, they
get infuriated and deal with the markets and their traders. This accounts for the
mysterious periodic or regular fire outbreaks in many of our markets. Typical
examples are regular fires at the Ariara market in Aba, fire at Onitsha market, fire
at Tejuosho market in Lagos and periodic fires at the Aleshinloye market in
Evil Trees
There are trees at some road junctions and in some of our village square and gates,
which have been revealed to be the gateways into the kingdom of darkness. Some
of them are known to harbor demon spirits. Some others have been observed to
be used as evil warehouses where captives of Satan and their properties are kept.
When you see a tree on land wrapped round with either a white or red cloth, it is
simply a water spirit altar on dry land. It is an evil tree.
Spiritual mapping is designed to investigate and expose all this for our collective
Although spiritual mapping is of great benefit to both God and man, however the
ultimate temporal benefit from the result of spiritual mapping is man. But then we
still have people that I term strategic end users or benefactors from spiritual
mapping. These include among others:
The community as a whole
Church planters and pastors
Business people
Missionaries and evangelists
An enlightened government
Developers and industrialists
School proprietors
Tourist and new visitors to an area
Academic and theological researchers.
Prophetic praying is the most effective way of carrying out prayer warfare because
it gets quick and outstanding results.
Prophetic prayers are divine words of prayer birthed into one’s spirit by the
Holy Spirit in the place of waiting on God. They are like divinely coded
words programmed into one’s heart by the Holy Spirit as one waits upon
God in prayer for specific direction and instruction for spiritual battle.
These divine words are usually previously unknown or unpremeditated.
They become prophetic praying when such words held in one’s spirit are
spoken or released into situations and circumstances or locations, or
released upon persons, places or things.
Many of the prophets in the Old Testament made use of this kind of prayer.
In actual fact, most of their utterances were prophetic prayers.
We should know that prophetic praying is not intercession because it is
neither begging nor pleading with God to do something. It is higher than
intercession and all the other kinds of prayers. It rather looks like a
combination of prayers of intercession and authoritative prayer (binding and
loosing). While intercession depicts standing in the gap between God and a
situation or person, and prayer of authority or command is an exercise of
spiritual authority of a believer standing in his God-given position and
power over a situation, prophetic praying speaks or acts as God would
speak or act in a given situation.
Prophetic praying is also praying with the word of God, under the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit, touching every facet of creation, with intent
to exercising dominion. Throughout history, Satan has tried to stop the
Church and the individual believer from understanding and working in the
enormous power and authority made available to us through Jesus Christ.
So while unbelieving people have total blindness to the mysteries of
godliness, (2 Cor. 4:3-4); believers may have blindness in part. When we do
not know all we need to know, then we may not walk in complete victory.
It is mind-blowing when we begin to understand the enormity of the power
and authority we have in Christ, and the massive responsibility to exercise
dominion over the whole creation – not just over our little corner on earth.
It will help if we look at how God exercises dominion.
Say unto God, How terrible art thou in thy works! through the
greatness of thy power shall thine enemies submit themselves unto
thee (Psa. 66:3)
He ruleth by his power for ever; his eyes behold the nations: let not
the rebellious exalt themselves (Psa. 66:7)
God rules by the manifestation of His power – we cannot expect to do any
less. He keeps His eyes over the nations and does not allow the rebellious
exalt themselves. In releasing power at creation, God spoke into being what
He wanted to see. In exercising dominion over creation and in preventing
the rebellious from exalting themselves, God speaks and it is done. No
wonder God has magnified His word even above His name (Psa. 138:2).
His word is primarily His power. For instance, if God wants to heal and
deliver people from destruction, He sends His word (Psa. 107:20). If He
wants to control the stormy wind, He commands (Psa. 107:25); and it is
Every believer who would be able to manifest the power of God must catch a
revelation of himself or herself as a king enthroned by God Himself. The Bible
says that “Where the word of a king is, there is power” (Eccl. 8:4). It is with this
basic understanding that one can effectively be involved in prophetic praying.
These are the days of God’s power and He is seeking for volunteers who can
manifest His power. “Your people shall be volunteers in the day of your power”
(Psa. 110:3). One sure way of being a volunteer and manifest God’s power is
through prophetic praying.
One picture that summarises our expectation in prophetic praying is Isaiah 40:3-5:
The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the
LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall
be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked
shall be made straight, and the rough places plain: and the glory of the
LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of
the LORD hath spoken it (Isa. 40:3-5).
Thus in warfare through prophetic praying we seek to:
Prepare a way for our Lord
Fill up the valleys
Bring down mountains and hills
Make straight the crooked paths
Make rough places smooth
Reveal the glory of the Lord
In prophetic praying we prepare the way for God’s will and purposes to be
done on earth, while dealing with any obstacles; with a grand objective of
establishing things that will give God glory. Thus in prophetic praying, we
call those things which be not, (but which are desirable), as if they were
(Rom. 4:17). We employ different scriptural weapons in pulling down
strongholds and casting down every high thing that exalts itself against the
knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the
obedience of Christ, while punishing every disobedience (2 Cor. 10:3-6).
In prophetic praying we rightly see ourselves as enthroned over nations to
root out, destroy and throw down satanic princes/enclaves, ungodly rulers
and unfavourable things and institutions, while building and planting
people, things and systems that promote the righteousness of God (Jer.
In prophetic praying we enforce the will of God, and counter anything in
opposition, at every level of creation – in the heavens, air, land, under the
land and the waters. (It should be noted that Satan causes perversion at all
these level, opposing the work of God and attacking Christians from
different levels of creation). We must have at the back of our minds that all
things in creation – living and non-living – as well as inanimate things, hear
in the spirit realm. Thus we can speak to them, order or instruct them to
work for us.
Thus we prophesy on them to produce the results we desire – in line with
God’s will. God Himself often asked His servants to speak to, or prophesy
to living and non-living things. Consequently, we can speak to, or instruct
the heaven or the earth (Isa. 1:2; Jer. 6:19, 22:29-30); nations (Jer. 6:18);
cities (Matt. 23:37); birds (Ezek. 39:17-20); rock (Num. 20:3); storm (Mark
4:39) and dead men (John 11:23). We must understand that it is not
blasphemy to say that God has elevated us to the position of co-workers
with Him (2 Cor. 6:1) – to speak like Him and to speak for Him! Unless we
have this understanding and our words would not carry the required power
to get things done. Jesus Christ Himself spoke this word “For assuredly, I
say to you, whoever says to this mountain, be removed and be cast into the
sea; and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says
will come to pass, he will have whatever he says” (Mk. 11:23).
The scripture of Mark 11:23, underscores the importance of speaking the
word in prophetic praying. The word ‘says’ occurs three times: person that
says and believes that he would see what he says, would have whatever he
says. Prophetic praying has no place for silent praying – the mouth, and the
power of speech, are very important. Writing under the caption: ‘prophetic
sound dynamics’ Bishop David Oyedepo made a striking statement.
Though he was not writing as an intercessor, but he made a profound
statement that emphasis the place of the mouth and the power of speech in
prophetic praying: “Your mouth is a weapon of authority ordained by God
to keep you in perfect dominion. It is your instrument for the exercise of
supernatural authority. You must make distinct sounds with your mouth
concerning what you desire before you can see a sign in that direction. It is
the production of sound based on the word of God revealed to you that will
compel supernatural forces to work in your favour. That is what brings
about the signs you desire. Soundless Christian are therefore signless
Let us consider the scripture of Isaiah 51:16
And I have put my words in thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the
shadow of mine hand, that I may plant the heavens, and lay the
foundations of the earth, and say unto Zion, Thou art my people (Isa.
In prophetic praying, we must align with God so that the words we speak
from our mouths shall be those He put there. Then His hand will cover us
from the counter-force that may come as a reaction to the effects of our
words. Using our words, God will control what happens in the heavenlies,
on the earth, and in the lives of people.
We must understand that when we speak the word of God in faith, it will
have the same effect as if God spoke by Himself.
Therefore thus saith the LORD God of hosts, Because ye speak this
word, behold, I will make my words in thy mouth fire, and this
people wood, and it shall devour them (Jer. 5:14).
Here again the mouth is portrayed as a weapon that releases balls of fire
upon the enemy. God “confirms the word of His servant, and performs the
counsel of His messengers” (Isa. 44:26). That is to say that God is obliged
to perform the words that are spoken confidently out of the mouth of His
servants. God always watches out for His word to perform it (Jer. 1:12).
This is why there is so much power in prophetic praying. In prophetic
praying we give voice to the word of God. It is a prayer that deals with the
root of the matter – being able to address the fundamental satanic pervasion
in creation. Many a time more conventional prayers merely cut off the
branches or at best the stem – leaving the root still intact from where new
growth can take place.
Satan actually fears prophetic prayers because it devastates his system
terribly. The secret of the enormous power that is released in prophetic
praying can be glimpsed from the scripture:
So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not
return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and
it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it (Isa. 55:11).
God is irrevocably committed to accomplishing His word. Moreover the
angels of God are programmed to respond to God’s word. Once they hear
the word of God spoken from the mouth of a knowledgeable believer they
immediately spring into action to heed the demand of the word.
Bless the LORD, you His angels, who excel in strength, who do His
word, heeding the voice of his word (Psa. 103:20).
What the angels give heed to is the voice of God’s word – not just the voice of
Knowledge of God’s Will
When prophetic praying is talked about, some people may wonder whether one
has to operate in the office of a prophet before one can pray prophetically. One
does not need to strictly be a ‘prophet’ to do prophetic praying. Any believer can
do prophetic praying. The basic requirements are a good relationship with God,
the knowledge of the word of God, faith and enablement by the Holy Spirit.
Prophetic praying are prayers said in line with the will of God, so even a believer
needs a current relationship with God to know the will of God. It is a kind of
prayer in which one makes authoritative decrees in line with the will of God, so
one needs to be acquainted with Jehovah.
Now acquaint yourself with Him, and be at peace, thereby good will
come to you. Receive, please, instructions from His mouth and lay
up His words in your heart. You will make your prayer to Him, He
will hear you, and you will pay your vows. You will also declare a
thing, and it will be established for you: so light will shine on your
ways (Job 22:21-22, 27-28).
It is those who abide in Jesus and His words abide in them, that pray and get
results (John 15:7). In other words, sustained fellowship with the Father and the
knowledge of His will is a pre-requisite for prophetic saying.
When a person is called on telephone by one who is close to him and with whom
he usually speaks, there is an immediate recognition and identification. It will not
be necessary to ask ‘who is speaking?’. The conversation just gets under way with
no time wasted in identifying the caller and recipient, or in other formalities. So it
is with anyone who maintains a good relationship with God – having a habit of
talking with God. With this in place calls to heaven get through easily. No time is
lost in identification and other formalities. The two persons at the opposite ends
know each other and are often in communication. Usual callers are priority people
– business is discussed and executed rapidly. Prophetic praying will not be easy
for occasional callers – it is not for those who pray once in a while.
Good Knowledge of the Word of God
Both from the definition and what we have said so far, prophetic praying is
prayers said using the word of God. One who must pray prophetically must learn
to reverence the word of God, study, meditate on, and treat the word of God as
God Himself.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and
the Word was God (John 1:1).
Such a person must learn to obey the Word and understand the enormous power
released by the Word. Jesus Christ who is the Word is also “the power of God and
the wisdom of God (I Cor. 1:24). Therefore the Word has ultimate power and
ultimate wisdom to accomplish all things.
God said “… He who has My word, let him speak my word faithfully. … Is not
my word like a fire? says the LORD; ‘and like a hammer that breaks the rock in
pieces?” (Jer. 23:28-29).
Prophetic Application of God’s Word
Reading the relevant word of God from the Bible over a situation is sometimes all
the prophetic praying one needs to get desired results. A spiritual warrior expert
brother gave these testimonies. “I remember an instance when the demons in a
lady began to manifest just because I read out aloud the eighteenth chapter of the
book of Revelation. At other times great results were achieved as I read out aloud
particular scriptures with adaption, adding names of people or places as applicable
in places of the names originally in scriptures – this is prophesying scriptures.
“For instance, I remember when I prophesied Isaiah 45:1-3 on a brother. In the
place of Cyrus, I put his name. As I proclaimed that scripture over him, as I was
lead by the Holy Spirit, verse one read thus: “Thus says the LORD to His
anointed, to EMMA whose right hand I have held to subdue nations before him
and loose the armor of kings, to open before him the double doors, so that the
gates will not be shut”. I went on to proclaim verses 2-3 as it is written in the
Bible. And something happened. The brother had a vision as I prophesied that
scripture. He saw a double-leaved gate open. Two angels were then posted on
each side to keep the gates continually open. Few weeks after, this brother’s
company had a contract with an oil company worth a few millions of Naira. Some
months later, another contract worth millions came through for his company, in
the same oil company. Up till now, this brother has continued to get jobs in
millions of Naira from the same oil company. Before this prayer, this brother was
seriously hindered financially and has never had any such contracts before”. At
other times, one can pray citing and quoting the relevant scriptures. Thus we
pray, often using the phrase ‘it is written’ or ‘the word of God says’ … At other
times we may pray reminding God what His word says – we bring strong reasons
before Him anchoring our submission for a desired change on His written word.
Present your case, says the LORD ‘Bring forth your strong
reasons’ says the King of Jacob (Isa. 41:21).
Put me in remembrance: let us contend together: state your case,
that you may be acquitted (Isa. 43:26).
In prophetic praying we avoid wasting prayer time by crying, murmuring,
complaining, speaking words of tradition or our own words. We maximize result
in a given prayer time by locating the appropriate word of God and speaking it
authoritatively to things/conditions we want to affect. Or we simply pray the
appropriate scriptures back to God to see desired changes.
The 5-T Formula
A believer who is serious about growing in prophetic praying should pay attention
to what I call the 5-T formula. Such a believer must make it a habit to:
TAKE in the word through regular study of the word of God
THINK on the word of God, in a regular meditation on the word of God.
TRUST in the word of God, to do what it says
TALK the word, in confidence, expecting results.
TRY out the word by acting on the word of God.
The Importance of Faith
A person who would do prophetic praying must be a believing believer. Such a
person must have a resolute faith in God.
But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he who comes
to God must believe that He is, and that he is a rewarder of those
that diligently seek Him (Heb. 11:6).
One must believe that God would do what His word says He would do.
So shall my word be that goes forth from My mouth, it shall not
return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what which I please, and
it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it (Isa. 55:11).
Prophetic praying has no place for empty confession, or pronouncement, that is
not backed up by a believing heart. The ‘voice’ of the heart must agree with the
utterance from the mouth if results must follow. For a long time, many believers
have indulged in the religion of positive confessions, irrespective of what their
hearts are ‘saying’. Many would therefore say that ‘I have confessed it but I did
not obtain it’. They fail to understand that what the heart ‘says’ is more important
to God than what the mouth says (Matt. 15:18). Let’s look more closely at some
characteristics of the word of God. This would help our faith in the word of God.
The word lives - Heb. 4:12
The word creates – Heb. 11:3
The word runs swiftly – Psa. 147:15
The word stands – Jer. 44:29
The word burns – Jer. 5:14, 23-29
The word breaks – Jer. 23:29
The word cuts – Heb. 4:12
The word pierces – Heb. 4:12
The word takes hold (i.e. it arrests) – Zech. 1;6
The word kills, (it slays) – Ezek. 11:13; Hos. 6:5
The word curses – Jer. 22:29-30
The word melts – Psa. 147:18
The word judges -; Jer. 50:1-3; Ezek. 35:1-4
The word does good – Micah 2:7
The word sanctifies – John 17:17; I Tim. 4:5
The word cleanses – John 15:3
The word heals – Psa. 107:20
The word delivers – Psa. 107:20
The word accomplishes – Isa. 55:11
The word prospers – Isa. 55:11.
Apart from having faith in God and in His word, the one doing prophetic praying
must have ‘faith’ in himself, based on his position in Christ. From the scripture of
Mark 11:23, it is the person that speaks “and does not doubt in his heart, but
believes that those things he says will come to pass” that “will have whatever he
Enablement by the Holy Spirit
As we have said, every believer can do prophetic praying, but this kind of praying
is easier for those who are filled by the Holy Spirit (i.e. baptized in the Holy Spirit
and speaking in tongues). An analogy that illustrates this difference is that a
believer not filled with the Holy Spirit but doing prophetic prying is likened to a
man driving a car with manual steering; while one filled with the Holy Spirit is
likened to a man driving a car with power steering. The Holy Spirit is the
motivator and the enabler of prophetic praying.
In Genesis chapter one, God prophetically spoke things into being because the
Holy Spirit was already hovering over the water surface (Gen. 1:2). Prophetic
utterances we make are more potent when the Holy Spirit inspires the words we
speak. Prophetic praying is the way we are partners with God in the on-going
‘creation’. Things in creation that have been damaged due to satanic pervasion are
re-created. In decreeing to establish what will augur well for God’s purposes on
earth, we also partner with God in ‘creation’ through the Holy Spirit.
You send forth Your Spirit, They are created: and you renew the
face of the earth (Psa. 104:30).
Turning a Desolate Land to a Fruitful Field
One profound example of this is the powerful prophetic praying in Ezekiel 36,
where the previously desolate land of Israel was turned to a fruitful and inhabited
land. Many times analysts have given credit to the government and people of
Israel for the transformation of the arid land of Israel to a beautiful and forested
place, sustaining a large population and a large scale agricultural production. The
beautiful oranges from Israel are well known the world over. But indeed the
miraculous transformation of the land of Israel could be seen as God’s answer to
the prophetic prayers of Ezekiel (in Ezekiel 36:1-15) over a long period of time.
Prophetic praying can therefore have a long term effect.
The scripture of Isaiah 58:12 shows a great responsibility God has given us – this
responsibility can be accomplished through prophetic praying.
Those from among you shall build the old waste places, and you
shall raise up the foundations of many generations; and you shall
be called, the Repairer of the Breach, the Restorer of streets to
dwell in.
This is exactly what Ezekiel’s prayers did for Israel.
Turning the Fruitful Land to Desolate Land
Jeremiah did a prophetic prayer against Babylon, in judgment, with the result that
the fruitful country was turned into a desolate land, which is not inhabited till
The word that the LORD spake against Babylon and against the
land of the Chaldeans by Jeremiah the prophet. Declare ye among
the nations, and publish, and set up a standard; publish, and
conceal not: say, Babylon is taken, Bel is confounded, Merodach is
broken in pieces; her idols are confounded, her images are broken
in pieces (Jer. 50:1-2).
Because of the wrath of the LORD it shall not be inhabited, but it
shall be wholly desolate: every one that goeth by Babylon shall be
astonished, and hiss at all her plagues (Jer. 50:13).
Trans-generational Curse
Through prophetic praying Joshua pronounced a curse over the city of Jericho.
Then Joshua charged them at that time, saying, ‘cursed be the man
before the LORD, who rises up and builds this city Jericho; he
shall lay its foundation with his firstborn, and with his youngest
son shall he set up its gates of it (Josh. 6:26).
Many hundreds of years later the words pronounced took effect on Hiel who tried
to rebuild Jericho.
In his days did Hiel the Bethel built Jericho. He laid its foundation
with Abiram his firstborn, and with his youngest son Segub, he set
up its gates, according to the word of the LORD, which he had
spoken by Joshua the son of Nun (I Kgs. 16:34).
This again illustrates the long term effect of prophetic prayers. The first son of
Hiel died as he laid the foundation of Jericho; and as he finished the work on the
walls and set up the gates, his last son also died, in fulfillment of Joshua’s
prophetic utterance. But prophetic praying can also have immediate results as
these last three examples illustrate.
David Versus Goliath
Because of his knowledge of God, David adopted a spiritual approach to a purely
physical battle. When he won in the spiritual realm, the victory also manifested in
the physical realm – Goliath and the Philistines were slaughtered.
David’s prophetic prayers took the form of him declaring what he wanted to see –
with the belief that “God confirms the word of His servant”. Then David said to
the Philistine, “Then said David to the Philistine, you come to me with a sword,
with a spear, and with a spear: and with a javelin. But I come to you in the
name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have
defied. This day will the LORD deliver you into my hand; and I will strike you,
and take your head from you. And this day I will give the carcases of the camp
of the Philistines to the birds of the air, and the wild beasts of the earth; that all
the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. Then all this assembly shall
know that the LORD does not save with sword and spear for the battle is the
LORD'S, and He will give you into our hands (I Sam. 17:45-47). One can locate
seven prophetic declarations made by David in the above scripture, to finish
Goliath and the Philistines.
Please note that in this battle, Goliath went spiritual first. He first made prophetic
utterances against David, hoping that his gods would confirm his words (I Sam.
17:43-44). The battle ended up being that of the gods of Goliath versus God of
David, who is Jehovah. We know who is the victor. We must never
underestimate the power of prophetic praying even when done in the negative
sense. Satanic agents, like occultists, understand and often use negative prophetic
utterances, backed up by the power of darkness, to do a lot of damage. This is
often how they can harm people from a distance. Another word for their
prophetic prayer is enchantment or incantation.
Judgement of Ananias and Sapphira
Peter’s words to Ananias might not appear as prophetic prayers, but they were
actually prophetic utterances in judgement of the man. When Peter ended his
utterance with “You have not lied to men but God”, (Acts 5:4), Ananias
immediately fell down dead, as the words slew him. Peter’s judgemental
prophetic utterance against Sapphira is more obvious.
Then Peter said to her, ‘How is it that you have agreed together to test the Spirit
of the LORD? Look, the feet of those who have buried your husband are at the
door, and they will carry you out (Acts 5:9). Immediately Sapphira fell down
Paul Versus Elymas the Sorcerer
Elymas the sorcerer withstood Paul and Barnabas in their attempt to lead Sergius
Paulus, the proconsul, to Christ. Paul’s prophetic utterance brought immediate
judgement to Elymas. “And now, indeed, the hand of the Lord is upon you, and
you shall be blind, not seeing the sun for a time. And immediately a dark mist
fell on him; and he went around seeking some to lead him by the hand” (Acts
Some brethren from a particular community in the eastern part of Nigeria
observed that every effort to preach the gospel, evangelize and initiate revival in
their village met with failure every time. They also discovered that almost all
youth of the community and many of the adults were not interested in the things
of God, rather, they all signed up to be apprentices and disciples of witchdoctors
and occult practitioners. On enquiry during sessions of serious prayers and fasting,
the Lord revealed to the burden and Christians that a particular big tree at the
centre of the village with a permanent red cloth wrapped around (water spirit altar
on land), was the evil altar negating and frustrating all their evangelistic efforts.
Of course, the villagers venerated the evil tree as all their festivals and ceremonies
began and ended under the tree each year. As the brethren pondered on what
course of action they should take to get rid of the tree (physical felling of the tree
was ruled out because of the legal implication and the repercussion from the
wicked occult people); the Holy Spirit instructed them to go the way of prophetic
prayers. On the seventh day of their prayer and fasting for definite words and
strategy, the Lord instructed them to go to the market at mid-night of a particular
day march round the tree seven times, releasing and fastening the scriptures of
Matthew 15:13 on the tree. It reads: “Every plant that my father in heaven has
not planted will be pulled out by the roots”. This they did meticulously and
discreetly within a few minutes; and left without attracting any attention or
arousing and suspicion. A few days later on, one early morning before dawn, a
gentle wind with no rain blew across the village and uprooted an ancient tree, of
several decades old, from the roots, and upturned it. The roots in the air and the
branches and leaves kissing the ground. The first villagers who heard its loud fall
and rushed there literally fled the scene for fear. From that moment, something
broke loose in the spirit realm. Almost everybody started trooping to church on a
daily basis. Evangelistic efforts began to yield amazing results and the long
awaited revival broke out in the community.
Prophetic action usually accompanies or follows prophetic praying depending on
the situation and instruction from the Lord. While prophetic praying is praying
the word of the Lord with the voice of the Lord over a given situation, prophetic
action is taking a physical or practical action according to the impulse of the Spirit
and the direction of God over a given situation.
Prophetic action is either carried out after prophetic praying or carried out
simultaneously. It is also an action or a trip taken physically, but with deep
spiritual implications to determine what will eventually manifest physically. It is
a spiritual action taken to determine the outcome of a matter physically.
Biblically, prophetic action emanates from the mind of God, that is according to
the instruction from God.
Classical Examples
It could be a prophetic match as it was done around Jericho (Joshua 6) or
A prophetic transaction as it was when Jeremiah was instructed to buy a
field in accordance with the ancient law of redemption (Leviticus. 25:25-27;
Jeremiah 32). The deed of purchase would enable him (or his heirs) to
reclaim the field at a later time.
It could also be a prophetic symbol as Ezekiel was instructed to
demonstrate the siege of Jerusalem long before it happened (Ezekiel 4).
Ahijah the prophet of Shiloh performed a prophetic action by tearing the
new garment he was weaving into twelve pieces. (I Kings. 11:26-40).
This typified the division of the nation of Israel into the northern and
southern kingdoms which eventually came to pass shortly after.
Another classical example of prophetic action in the Bible is in Genesis
13:17, when God instructed Abraham to walk through the length of the land
of Canaan in order to exercise authority of ownership over it.
Healing of Naaman
Naaman, the Syrian army commander, was healed of his leprosy when he carried
out a prophetic action as instructed by Elisha the prophet. Elisha’s instruction to
Naaman conveyed through a messenger was made clear: “Go and wash in the
Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall be restored to you, and you shall be
clean” (2 Kings 5:10). One could infer that the prophet must have received a
word of knowledge from God before passing on the instruction to Naaman.
Breaking of Curse Over Jericho
Jericho was a cursed city and the normal things that should have been war booty
were considered accursed things which must not be taken (Josh. 6:18). It would
appear that the curse on the city of Jericho persisted for hundreds of years until the
time of Elisha. The result of the curse was that “the water is bad, and the ground
barren”, as the men of Jericho reported to Elisha in 2 Kings 2:19. The prophetic
action carried out by Elisha lifted the curse from Jericho.
And he (Elisha) said, ‘Bring me a new bowl, and put salt in it’. So
they brought it to him. Then he went out to the source of the water,
and cast in the salt in there, and said, Thus says the LORD, “I have
healed these water; from it there shall be no more from thence any
more death or barren land (2 Kgs. 2:20-21).
Although occultists have corrupted the use of salt-water solution for satanic
ministrations, this case is one example of a biblical use of salt in godly
ministration. The above story is also an example where prophetic action is
combined with prophetic utterance.
Israel’s Deliverance from Syria
Elisha was sick unto death, yet God used him to guarantee Israel’s deliverance
from Syrian domination through two sets of prophetic actions. The first prophetic
action was done by Joash, the king of Israel, in partnership with Elisha, under the
prophet’s instructions.
And Elisha said unto him (Joash), ‘Take a bow and some arrows.
Put your hand on the bow’. So he put his hand on it: and Elisha put
his hands on the king's hands. And he said, ‘Open the east window’,
and he opened it. Then Elisha said, ‘shoot’, and he shot. And he
said,’ The arrow of the LORD'S deliverance, and the arrow of
deliverance from Syria; for you must strike the Syrians at Aphek till
you have destroyed them (2 Kgs. 13:15-17).
This is an example where it involved a partnership to do a prophetic action, where
a prophetic utterance was made by one person in the partnership.
The second prophetic action was done by King Joash alone, under the instruction
of Prophet Elisha.
And he said, ‘Take the arrows’, so he took them. And he said to the
king of Israel, ‘strike upon the ground’. And he struck three times
and stopped. And the man of God was angry with him, and said,
‘You should have struck five or six times; then you would have
struck Syria till you had destroyed it. But now you shall strike Syria
only three times (2 Kgs. 13:18-19)
This last example shows how unrelated the prophetic action embarked upon could
be to the desired result. How can one explain any relationship between the striking
of arrows on the ground with the defeat of enemy forces in physical warfare? How
can one explain that the number of times the arrows were struck on the ground
would determine the number of times Israel would have victory over Syria? The
ways of God are truly past finding out!!!
In prophetic action, the direction given by the Holy Spirit is sometimes
elaborate and dramatic. But sometimes it could come as a slight suggestion
from the Spirit of God, followed by a deep conviction in a person, that a
particular action would bring results which have no direct relationship to
the action embarked upon. For instance, a testimony was given by a woman
as to how God gave her a son. She had come to her Church one day to
discover that the pastor, the man of God she trusted, had left the Church.
She had always been desirous to have a male child and suddenly she had a
conviction that if she sat on the usual seat of the pastor and made a petition
to God, that she would have a son. She did, and she had a son by the next
pregnancy. This is an example of a prophetic action accompanied by
prophetic utterance, where the leading of the Holy Spirit was not elaborate.
Another woman who had been childless for 15 years in far away Irish
capital, Dublin, was frustrated year after year in her desperate attempt to sit
on Pastor E.A. Adeboye’s chair after the yearly Ireland Festival of Life
(Holy Ghost Night) programme. Others including ministers who had
stationed themselves at very close proximity to the altar area usually got
there before her. In some cases, people just disappear with the chair itself.
So one day as she cried out to God in grief, the Holy Spirit opened her eyes
to the lectern (pulpit) Daddy Adeboye usually preached from. The Spirit
made her to perceive that with the several hours Daddy Adeboye usually
spent in ministering from the lectern, it was usually soaked in anointing, but
no one had perceived it. So after the next Holy Ghost service was ended
early in the morning, she went to the lectern (as some people were cleaning
up the auditorium and others chatting), and began to rib her tummy on it,
exclaiming in prayers: “Let the anointing of the man of God on this pulpit
deliver me from barrenness and make me fruitful, in Jesus name”.
The following month, she became pregnant, carried to term without
complications and gave birth to a set of triplets. Her faith and her prophetic
action worked for her.
Our communities have a redemptive purpose, a purpose for which God established
them but most of them are not standing in this divine purpose but have been
“hijacked” by Satan who has brought a covering of darkness over the land and has
taken over many of our communities, territories, cities and nations. Idolatry,
violence, sexual perversion, murders, assassination, ritual killings, poverty,
strange deaths are a few of the manifestations of communities that have become
satanic domains which need community deliverance. The devil claims ownership
of kingdoms, nations, cities, and towns (Lk. 4:5-8).
It takes spiritual warfare to get our communities to begin to fulfill God’s purpose
(Matt. 12:29; Rev. 1:18). This is why the Bible describes the foundation of the
earth as being out of course (Psa. 82:5) whereas the foundation of God are sure
foundations (I Cor. 3:11; Isa. 2816; II Tim. 2:19).
There is a growing need to redeem our lands as Caleb proclaimed “Give me this
mountain” (Joshua 14:12). We need to redeem our lands so that God may be
glorified, the gospel of the kingdom will be preached and souls won into the
kingdom. There is also a need for the kingdoms of this world to become the
kingdom of God and of His Christ (Rev. 11:15). The purpose of spiritual warfare
over our cities is to subdue the forces of darkness, take the cities and secure them
for God by taking responsibility over our communities/cities and declaring them a
no go area for Satan.
Prayer walks are a form of corporate intercession that take the intercessors directly
to the spiritual battlefield, usually a home, neighborhood, community and strategic
locations. John Dawson speaks of battling for your neighborhood through prayer
walks in his book Taking Our Cities for God. John moved into an ethnic
neighborhood in Los Angeles full of gang violence and drugs. He says:
Several years ago my staff and I went on a prayer walk around our
neighborhood. We stood in front of every house, rebuked Satan’s work in
Jesus’ name and prayed for a revelation of Jesus in the life of each family.
We are still praying. There is a long way to go; but social, economic, and
spiritual transformation is evident. There were times when demonic
oppression almost crushed my soul. I received a death threat. My tires were
slashed. I was often depressed at the sight of boarded-up houses,
unemployed youth, and disintegrating families, but I was determined not to
run away.
Today there are at least nine Christian families in the block where I live, and there
is a definite sense of the Lord’s peace. The neighborhood is no longer
disintegrating. People are renovating their houses, and a sense of community is
being established around the Christian families.
Prayer walks are being implemented across many nations. Graham Kendricks has
had up to 150,000 people involved in marches in England. Some churches such as
the Dwelling Place in Hemet, California, have entered the Christmas parades in
their cities to witness and pass out tracts. Joshua 1:3 says, “Every place that the
sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you”. In prayer walks you work to
“take the land” for the Gospel or establish the spiritual safe borders of your city.
As you prayer walk, you are taking back land from the enemy.
Prayer walks are not limited to walking the land physically; you can also walk the
land in prayer by declaring that certain geographic regions are put under the
Lordship of Jesus Christ. This was done by a group of pastors and leaders from
the San Nicolas/Rosario area in Argentina who had gathered at Harvest
Evangelism’s Training Center in Villa Constitution:
Spiritual warfare was the subject. The realization that close to 109 towns
within 100 miles of the Training Center had no Christian witness prompted
the gathering. Preliminary studies had singled out the town of Arroyo Seco
as what appeared to be the “Seat of Satan” for that region. Years before, a
well-known warlock (occult grand master) by the name of Mr. Meregildo
operated out of that town. He was so famous and he cures so dramatic that
people from overseas would trek to Arroyo Seco. Before dying he passed on
his powers to twelve disciples. Three times a church was established in
Arroyo Seco, and three times it closed down in the face of severe spiritual
After several days of Bible study and prayer the pastors and leaders came
together in one accord and placed the entire area under Christ’s spiritual
authority. A few of them traveled to Arroyo Seco. Positioning themselves
across the street from the headquarters of Mr. Meregildo’s followers, they
served an eviction notice on the forces of evil. They announced to them that
they were defeated and that Jesus Christ would attract many to Himself
now that the church was united and pledged to proclaim Him.
Less than three years later 82 of the towns had evangelical churches in
them. An unverified report indicates that as of today all of them have a
church or a Christian witness.
Before you begin your prayer walk, it is important to dress yourself
spiritually for the battle just as you would dress appropriately for other
occasions. Stop and pray before you head out the door and clothe yourself
with the armor of God. Pray for protection for yourself, your home and your
family according to Psalm 91. Claim that you have the mind of the Lord as
you walk. You need spiritual exercise each day just as your body needs
physical exercise. These walks will actually do both: cause you to stretch
yourself in the spirit and buffet your body in the natural.
This is meant as a jumping-off point and not a rigid pattern. Trust the Holy
Spirit to guide you as you walk and pray. Start with a prayer like this:
Father, I thank You that my neighborhood has been claimed for Jesus
Christ. Today I raise that banner of the Lord, His standard, over my
neighborhood and claim it for the Kingdom of God. Like Joshua, every
place that the sole of my foot treads upon is put under the authority of
God’s Kingdom. I now place the blood of the Lamb over this neighborhood
even as the children of Israel placed the blood of the Passover lambs on the
doorposts and lintels of their houses.
Lord Jesus, please forgive the sins of my neighborhood. You say in Your
Word that “If (we) forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if (we)
retain the sins of any they are retained” (John 20:23). So I now ask You to
forgive the sins of my neighborhood. (At this time if there is any known sin
such as strife, murder, greed, love of mammon, false religions, drugs, etc.,
ask God specifically to forgive them). Lord, would You heal the people in
my neighborhood of the rejection, pain and hurts that these things produce?
Forgive them, Lord, for not following You, for any selfishness, racial
prejudice, etc. (After remitting the sins boldly proclaim the Lordship of
Jesus Christ over your neighborhood).
If you know of specific areas of demonic activity, do not try to attack these
alone but ask others to go with you to pray. Make sure there is no known
sin in your life when you go to pray. Ask God to show you the specific sins
that are giving the demons the right to establish strongholds. If it is a
stronghold like witchcraft you may want to fast first, and the same goes for
New Age. Sometimes these require soaking prayers and speaking the Word
as Jesus did in the wilderness. If there is an establishment, such as a place
that sells witchcraft articles, please do not forget to pray that the blindness
will fall away from the eyes of those who own the shop and those who
come into the shop. Bind the spirit of witchcraft from operating in and
through them and claim them for the Kingdom of God. Remember that we
are fighting against principalities and powers and not against the people
who own these establishments.
Do not measure results by what you see or hear. Every prayer that you pray
is effective and is like a seed planted in the ground. Continue to water it in
prayer and it will surely produce fruit. Keep on claiming the promise that
no weapon formed against your neighborhood will prosper. Establish
borders around the houses and your house by the blood of the Lamb and
declare to Satan that it is off-limits.
Be sure to ask God for His purpose or redemptive plan for your
neighborhood. If there is a lot of wealth, speak boldly that the wealth of
sinners has been laid up for the righteous and command Satan to stop
blinding their eyes and, of course, to stop any hindrance from their being
born again. Some neighborhoods are dying and a spirit of death seems to
pervade. Plant Scriptures that will bring life, such as Psalm 1, over the
neighborhood. Break the power of death and declare that the resurrection
life of Jesus Christ is coming into your neighborhood.
Ask God for Bible verses to pray over the houses. Stretch yourself to
believe Him for a different verse for each house. Ask the Lord which blocks
you are responsible of in prayer. If elderly people live there, they are likely
lonely. Pray that God will give them peace and bless them with His
presence and love and try to visit them yourself. If your land is in rebellion,
forbid the rebellion from operating in your neighborhood. Bind the enemy
from operating through drugs or pornography or prostitution and pray that
every hidden and secret thing will be revealed. If the people are isolated,
ask God to give them love for one another. Most of all, pray for the
salvation of the people in each and every household.
God may call you to participate in a prayer watch or a prayer walk.
Remember that He has planned you, like Adam, in your neighborhood and
in your nation to tend it, water it and care for it. Under the word of God,
they will prosper and bloom.
In October, we organized a prophetic prayer action in Moscow in connection with
the 70-year celebrations of the Soviet Communist Constitution. Daniel knew that
the time had come for him to intercede for the release of his people after he
discovered the prophetic promise of release after 70 years of captivity in Babylon.
The Lord demonstrates His might by setting time limits on the evil powers. The
Lord gave us faith to believe that the same time limit had been set for the
communist oppression against persecuted Christians and Jewish refuseniks
(Russian Jews refused permission to go back to Israel). We had discerned five
prayer targets for that night in Moscow and one of them was the KGB (the
dreaded Soviet secret police) headquarters.
For this prayer action, research material about the KGB was distributed to the 12
on the team. We listened to a two-hour lecture about the organization of the
KGB. The KGB had 19,000 officers and 400,000 agents working in the Soviet
Union. All around the world, they had half a million informers. The founder was
Dzerzinsky and his statue was standing at the square in front of the Ljublanka
prison. On the map of Moscow, we pinpointed place connected with KGB where
they recruited their agents and Patrice Lumumba University where they recruited
their agents from other nations.
One minute past midnight between October 17 and 18, 1987, we started our
prayer action near the KGB headquarters. We had received two words of
knowledge from an Israeli intercessor and from a sister in Scotland, both saying
that they saw us praying in a tunnel. In front of the KGB headquarters is an
underground train station with a walking tunnel under the statue of Dzerzinsky.
The Lord had provided a place where we could pray in freedom without being
disturbed by anyone.
We entered the tunnel and no one else walked through during the entire time we
prayed. Here we proclaimed the “Mene”, “Mene”, “Tekel”, “Upharsin”, the
handwriting on the wall that had announced the downfall of the Babylonian
Empire (see Dan. 5:25). We prayed, “In the name of Jesus we bind you, power of
Pharaoh, you controlling power of Assur and we lay you under the feet of Jesus.
We proclaim that your grave has been prepared. We cut your influence from the
Follow a sudden change of government in the Soviet Union, on August 22 1991,
the statue of the founder of the KGB was removed. “The secret archives of the
KGB were opened up. Prison doors were opened and no more Christians are in
the prison. The Jewish refuseniks are returning to Israel. The Soviet Empire was
finally broken into several pieces and the spirit of communism defeated and fallen
to rise no more. Amen and Amen.
We have an area in Sweden called Bergslagen, where church membership was
decreasing and many were unemployed. A decision was made to shut down the
iron mill that had about 6000 iron workers. One Sunday evening the whole town
of Grangersberg protested by turning out all electric lights in homes, streets and
shops. The TV news showed a town in darkness. It was a demonstration of
hopelessness – people saw no future for the town. The price of property fell and it
was almost impossible to sell a house.
At that time we decided to initiate six months of warfare prayer and finish our
prayer campaign with a weekend of victory proclamations of hope for the future.
My friend Lars Widerberg, the spy in our prayer team, did the spiritual mapping
and discovered there were 15 New Age centers in the area. Every time through
history when our nation’s freedom had been threatened, the farmers from
Bergslagen became the freedom fighters who saved the country. Bergslagen was
the birthplace of industry in Sweden and now it was heading for oblivion.
The first factory in Sweden’s history was now occupied by a community
connected with the Findhorn Foundation from England, which confesses that
Lucifer is their source of power. We went into the Lucifer center and had coffee.
To outsiders we appeared as a group in pleasant conversation while we were
looking into the eyes of one another and proclaiming the Lordship of Jesus over
the community. Two months later four members of that community came to the
Lord and were filled with the Holy Spirit. The Lord gave us the spoils from our
prayer action.
Lars also discovered that in the Bergslagen area lived a spiritist medium who
claimed to be a channel for the spirit of Jambres, and Egyptian who had lived
3,000 years ago. We organized a prayer bus filled with intercessors and stopped
outside of every New Age center in the city to pray. The prayer bus also stopped
outside every town hall in the area. We prayed that the local political leadership
would receive wisdom from God to solve the problems of unemployment in the
area. We prayed that they would use public funds with wisdom and honesty. We
did spiritual warfare against the spirit of Jambres. Jambres was one of the
Egyptian magicians who withstood Moses and Aaron to hinder the Exodus from
We had a tough battle and went through a fire of opposition from the local media,
who could not understand our boldness to proclaim a new day for Bergslagen.
That evening when we directly challenged the spirit of Jambres, opposition started
and increased until the weekend when we proclaimed a new day for Bergslagen.
The opposition helped us believe that we had hit the target. Jambres may well
have been the territorial spirit over the area.
The day after the victory proclamation the government gave a grant of one billion
Swedish crowns (150 million U.S. dollars) to the whole area. Immediately prices
of property went up and unemployment went down. The iron mill closed, but all
the workers got new jobs. Our prayer action drew pastors and churches into unity
and they kept on praying together. When the media reported the changes in the
area, they used the same words we had used in our prayer proclamation, but of
course they reported no cause-and-effect relationships.
God can do it here too, if we are willing to obey and make sacrifices in prayer.