11. Completed Module Descriptor






Module No. and Title:

Food and Drink Tourism


EQF Level 4


Content of the Module in


15 credits (ECTS European Credit Transfer System will not apply as this module is for VET - Vocational Education and Training level).

This module aims to:

Analyse the historical, traditional, and regional identity associated with food and tourism (Gastronomical Heritage).

Explore the causes and development of food and drink tourism experiences including political, regional and organisational influences which encourage regional development and growth through the food and drink tourism industry.

Investigate components of the tourism experience which are prime travel motivators in their own right.

Consider the multi-cultural demand on food and drink tourism and consumer behaviour.


Expected learning outcomes in Keywords


• Knowledge: Defines, Knows

• Comprehension: Explains, Interprets

• Application: Demonstrates, Prepares

• Analysis: Identifies, Outlines

• Synthesis: Explains, Rearranges

• Evaluation: Contrasts, Describes


• Perception: Describes, Identifies

• Set: Explains, States

• Guided Response: Copies, Traces

• Mechanism: Assembles, Dismantles

• Complex Overt Response: Organises, Displays

• Adaptation: Alters, Rearranges

• Origination: Arranges, Makes


• Receiving: Asks, Identifies

• Responding: Answers, Discusses

• Valuing: Completes, Explains

• Organisation: Arranges, Identifies

• Internalising Values: Practices, Serves



The content of the module is divided into Four units:

(please insert titles)

Unit No. 1: Gastronomic Heritage

Unit No. 2: Sustainable Food and Drink Tourism

Unit No. 3: Food and Culture

Unit No. 4: Drink / Wine Tourism


General Information

Unit’s number and title :

Unit No. 1: Gastronomic Heritage

Content of the unit: • To recognise the importance of regional “gastronomical heritage”.

• To analyse influences on the development of food and tourism experiences.

• To identify and evaluate components of the tourism experience which are prime travel motivators in their own right.

• To examine the business case in the application of gastronomic heritage to promote the national food.For the draft keywords are sufficient

Unit’s number and title :

Unit No. 2: Sustainable Food and Drink Tourism

Content of the unit: • To critically evaluate the impact of sustaining regional food and drink tourism.

• To evaluate the application of ethics within food and drink business environment and the issues that could influence its application.

• To examine the role of equipment suppliers and food operators to ensure that the sustainable food production units are available to hospitality businesses –

Energy Efficiency, Water Conservation and Waste Management.

• To explore the concept of sustainable food and drink management – Food

Security – Food Miles.


Unit’s number and title :

Unit No. 3: Food and Culture

Content of the unit: • Demonstrate an understanding of the multi-cultural demand on food and drink tourism and consumer behaviour.

• To develop a model that will help to place food into context within any given situation, such as STEEP (Social, Technological, Economical, Environmental and

Political). Analyse and evaluate the relationship between culture, context and trends within customer choice.

• To discuss the challenges associated with the internationalisation of the hospitality industry and examine the impact of immigration across the World on the eating habits and culture of various countries.

• Critically analyse how customer choice can be predicted from an examination of sociological and cultural influences.

Unit’s number and title :

Unit No 4: Drink / Wine Tourism

Content of the unit: • To explore the drink/wine tourism and consumer behaviour along with associated experience.

• To identify the determinants of drink/wine tourism success.

• To understand the national drink/wine tourism strategy affecting rural development and sustainability.

• To examine the future of drink/wine tourism and related issues.


Learning methodology – Please describe the way the content is presented

A. Introduction, motivating impulse:

How can learners be made interested in the topic of the unit?

Please describe a short exercise, an ice breaker, a thought-provoking impulse to start with.

If appropriate, please insert picture, diagram, statistics, cartoon etc.

Unit No. 1: Gastronomic Heritage

Examining the food and drink in your region which can be promoted internationally.

Unit No. 2: Sustainable Food and Drink Tourism

Identifying the areas in food and beverage operations highlighting good examples of sustainability.

Unit No. 3: Food and Culture

Contrasting the food habits of European and Asian culture.

Unit No. 4: Food / Wine Tourism

Experiencing a typical gastronomic meal organised for the students to highlight the criteria for a successful meal experience.

B. Learning activities and material required:

Please describe the proceeding in detail, preferably using the keywords from the Glossary

Please describe the required material with special regard to variation of media and interactive/collaborative work.

Lectures/workshops/visits/guest speakers and tutorials. Workshops will investigate practical application and practical issues with discussion of current trends, issues and influences related to Gastronomic Heritage, sustainable Food and Drink Tourism, Food and Culture and Drink / Wine Tourism.


C. Reflection and setting phase – closing of unit, assignment (optional):

This could be short summarising of content; an exercise; a short group work and/or discussion; a selfstudying exercise/homework; some questions to be answered; a test etc.

Unit No. 1: Gastronomic Heritage

In the role of a Culinary Arts practitioner you have been asked to investigate a current trend in the Food and Drink Experience industry.

You are required to prepare an individual essay of 2000 words which will be weighted at 40% of the whole module. The essay is required to evaluate the relationship between culture, context and trends within customer choice. The essay should be supported by relevant industry examples including the impact of culture and globalisation in the Food and Drink Experience industry.

You are also required individually to plan, prepare and present a presentation on your findings to your peer group. This will be weighted at 20% of the whole module and is 1000 word equivalent.

Unit No. 2: Sustainable Food and Drink Tourism

Critically analyse and evaluate contemporary issues associated with gastronomic innovation and change.

You are also required to plan, prepare and present, as a group, a range of dishes, which incorporate innovative preparation and presentation techniques. This will be weighted at 20% of the whole module.

Each person should produce NPD data for one of the dishes and consider further development.

2000 words 40% and 1000 word equivalent - Learning Outcomes 2


C. Reflection and setting phase – closing of unit, assignment (optional):

This could be short summarising of content; an exercise; a short group work and/or discussion; a selfstudying exercise/homework; some questions to be answered; a test etc.

Unit No. 3: Food and Culture

In the role of a Culinary Arts practitioner you have been asked to investigate customer preferences for the ‘experience industry’.

Critically analyse how customer food and beverage choice can be predicted from an examination of sociological, technological, economical, environmental and political context of cultural influences within the food and drink tourism industry. (2000 words)

Unit No. 4: Food / Wine Tourism

Demonstrate contemporary gastronomic study principles by applying and analysing a range of contemporary culinary techniques.

You will need to design a tasting sheet using it to evaluate the dishes. A minimum of six tasting sheets should be completed using descriptive expressions from sensory findings.

By means of an individual journal reflect upon the practical application of contemporary gastronomy to include food and drink / wine pairing. The completed tasting sheets will be used to support your findings.

3,000 words equivalent, 60% (includes 10% for summative reflection)


D. References and material recommended for further study:

Web-links: www … (if possible, give the number of the source from the Reference Material Pool)

Literature: Please follow these models of quotation:

Surname, name (year of publication): title/subtitle of publication; Edition; Place of publishing: name of Publishing house

Surname, name (year of publication): title/subtitle of publication; published in: magazine/anthology etc.; from page x–y; Place of publishing: name of Publishing house

Other material (such as films, music etc.)

Web-links: www.bbc.co.uk/food www.foodserviceworld.com






Hall, C. M. et al. (2003) Food Tourism around the World, Elsevier, Oxford

Novelli, M (2005) Niche Tourism, Contemporary, Issues, Trends and Cases, Elsevier Butterworth-

Heinemann, Oxford

Hall, C. M. & Sharples, L. (2008) Food and Wine Festivals and Events Around the World: Development,

management and markets, Butterworth-Heinemann

Sidali , K. L. Spiller , A. & Schulze , B. (Editors) (2011) Food, Agri-Culture and Tourism: Linking Local

Gastronomy and Rural Tourism: Springer

Boniface, P. (2003) Tasting Tourism: Travelling for Food and Drink, Ashgate Publishing Limited, Aldershot

Hjalager, A & Richards, G (2002) Tourism and Gastronomy, Routledge, London


E. Time needed for this unit

Please calculate the overall time needed for the student to finish the unit.

Unit No. 1: Gastronomic Heritage

4 credits for VET Level 4 will require minimum of 40 hours of class contact,

Unit No. 2: Sustainable Food and Drink Tourism

5 credits for VET Level 4 will require minimum of 50 hours of class contact,

Unit No. 3: Food and Culture

3 credits for VET Level 4 will require minimum of 30 hours of class contact,

Unit No. 4: Food / Wine Tourism

3 credits for VET Level 4 will require minimum of 30 hours of class contact,


Overall reflection – closing of module

Please describe the way in which the module is closed.

The module will be closed by students organising a food and drink festival, highlighting the importance of sustaining regional food and drink tourism.


The assignment for the module may

- possibly be the sum of assignments of the different units or

- a special assignment covering the content of the whole module

Assessment Methods:

An individual written assignment in which the student will identify and evaluate factors associated with regional “gastronomical heritage” and food and drink tourism. 2,000 words 40%.

An individual written assignment including a short presentation in which the student will analyse the influences and impacts of the development of food and drink tourism. This assignment will also incorporate an understanding of the characteristics of food and drink tourism and consumer behaviour.

3000 words equivalent of which 2000 words written and 1000 word equivalent presentation



Overall reflection – closing of module

Please describe the way in which the module is closed.

The module will be closed by students organising a food and drink festival, highlighting the importance of sustaining regional food and drink tourism.


The assignment for the module may

- possibly be the sum of assignments of the different units or

- a special assignment covering the content of the whole module

Assessment Criteria:


Ability to demonstrate a basic comprehension of food and drink tourism principles and factors and how they are influenced. Some initiative has been shown and a basic level of understanding has been achieved although there are some weaknesses in interpretation and application of the concepts required for the context.


As above, combined with an analysis which shows deep understanding of the factors which influence food and drink tourism identifying examples to support the analysis.

A good level of initiative has been shown and an effective approach to study and research has been applied.


As above, but with the ability to critically evaluate, interpret and elaborate, making realistic recommendations for further development and change. Conclusions should be drawn from recent publications and studies reflecting evidence of thorough research.

